I82B. Venus is a woman. 11.-.25.27.-.
The Morning Star and/or the Evening Star is a female character.
Bantu-speaking Africa. Fioti [Evening Star is Wife of the Month; Morning Star is "Spy of the Month" or "False Month"]: Pechuël-Loesche 1907:136; luba (shaba) [Sun and Month are men; at first both stars dim; they argued who would rule the world; God decided in favor of the Month, but the Sun threw mud at it, eclipsing it; the Morning and Evening Stars are twin sisters, wives of the Month]: Studstill 1984:71-73; luba-hemba [Kaiye man month; by creating it, Kabetya mpungu gave him two wives; the first accompanies him from the new moon; the second, the Morning Star, accompanies him when he gets old and dies]: Colle 1913:715- 716; tabwa [Morning and Evening Venus - Two Wives of the Month]: Roberts 1991:260; sukuma, Rundi [Venus is Wife of the Month]: Sicard 1966:57; Nyamwezi [The Sun is the Wife of the Month; that tries to grab her wife when she achieves her goal, the full moon comes, then walks in front of her, and the wife obediently follows behind; spots on the moon are burns that the Sun has caused with its torch; sometimes Venus is considered the wife of the Month - the Evening Star is called "Wife of the Month"]: Millroth 1965:35; Congo: Laman 1962 [The month is stronger and older than the Sun, harsh and cruel, takes away the souls of humans and animals; its wife is the Morning or Evening Star; the Sun is an old hard-working woman, soft, kind to old people and everyone who loves warmth; the Sun and the Month pursue each other; when they merge, men will become lizards, and frog women]: 64-65; Sicard 1966 [evening Venus is the first wife of the Month, Ngambe (unidentified star) is second]: 57; Weeks 1909a [Venus is the wife of the Month]: 477 (=1914:293-294); uta [u The sun has few children, they die of heat and hunger; He is married to the Evening Star for a month and has many child stars with her]: Andersson 1974:35; Sakata [The Month has two wives, one accompanies him at dawn. the other is the Evening Star]: Collén 1971:162; Songye [Sun and Month are men, Venus is the wife of the Month]: Wouters 1949:232-246 at Studstill 1984:130-131; karanga (hungwe): Frobenius, Fox 1937 [god Maori created a man at the bottom of the lake, Mwuetsi ("The Month"); he went to empty land; God gave him a wife Mossassi (Morning Star), she gave birth to plants; took her, gave birth to his wife Morongo (" Evening Star"), she gave birth to pets; the morning after copulation again, she gave birth to sons and daughters, who immediately became adults; God warned against further copulation, but Mvuetsi did not listened; the wife gave birth to predators, snakes, scorpions; then told her husband to marry their adult daughters; she slept with a snake herself; Mwuetsi wanted to sleep with her, the snake was under bed, bit him, he fell ill, it rained stopped; his children strangled him, burned him, Morongo also killed, chose another ruler]: 215-220 (narrated in Abrahamsson 1951:72); Beier 1966 [{source? This is a slightly different text than in Frobenius 1931; =Scheub 2000:138-139}; god Maori created a man at the bottom of the lake, Mwuetsi ("The Month"); he went to empty land; God gave him a wife, Mossassi ("The Morning Star") she gave birth to plants; two years later Maori took her to live in the sky, eight years later she married Morongo ("Evening Star") for two years; on the first day she gave birth to pets, on the second day she gave birth to wild herbivores and birds, and the third - humans; contrary to warning, the Month slept with her for the fourth time, she gave birth to predators, snakes, scorpions; the Month met with its daughters, they gave birth to many children, the Month became king big people; the Evening Star, out of jealousy, sent a snake to bite her husband, he fell ill, the rains stopped; the children killed the Month, threw them into the sea, chose another king; The Month ascended to heaven, pursues his first wife, the Morning Star, with whom I was happy]: 15-17; Karanga [Venus (as a morning star and as an evening star) is a girl, a woman]: Sicard 1966:46, 48; como [Evening Star - The wife of the Month is good, she feeds him, he gets fat; The morning is bad, tells him to postpone eating until later, he loses weight; The sun is more often associated with a woman, but when at its zenith, it is considered a man, and in the less hot months - woman]: Mahieu 1975:237-238; Malawi [in Nyasaland Chekechani Evening Star is a poor wife, she has been starving for two weeks for a month; Puikani in the morning fattens him and he gets fat again]: Werner 1933: 76; silt [because Venus is often seen near the moon in the evening, she is called "Wife of the Month"]: Smith, Dale 1920:219; ndebele [evening Venus is "Asking for food" in the sense of a wife telling her month-old husband that her supplies have run out]: Sicard 1966:45-46; mambunda [on full moon The month appears before its first Sun Wife, becomes sick by her rays, dies; his wife Nehanda (Venus) accompanies him, revives him; dies and revives herself; The month comes out renewed; Nehanda is also called Marinda as the evening star, and Massassi as the morning star]: Jensen in Frobenius 1931:232; bafia [Evening Star ("rich woman", lives in her own home, wife of the Month]: Tessmann 1934a: 218; giryama [Venus (Mukazamwezi) - "Wife of the Month"]: Werner 1912:194; lamba [ stars are Chief of the Month's favorite servants; stars twinkle because they make fires; sometimes it is said that the starry sky is God's village, stars are bonfires at the entrances to houses; Venus is a fire at the door of the house main wife]: Doke 1931:224.
West Africa. Ijo (kalabari) [no interest in stars; the brightest planet currently visible is considered the wife of the Month]: Talbot 1932:344; scrap [The evening star is considered the wife of the Month; Son of the Month is behind his main wife; the rest of the stars are their children]: Schwab 1947:413.
Sudan-East Africa. Giryama [Venus is the wife of the Month]: Werner 1933:76; manja, nzakara [evening Venus is the first wife of the Month, Ngambe (unidentified star) is second]: Sicard 1966:57; ngbandi [Venus is Wife of the Month]: Knappertt 1997:226; (cf. the gang and their neighbors [in the Oubangui region have no names for individual stars and planets other than Venus, which the gang calls "the hour when buffaloes go to the watering place"]: Eboué 1933:30).
North Africa. The Arabs of Algeria [at the time of the prophet Esdris (Enoch) angels were outraged that people behave unworthily, but God prefers them to angels; God: if you lived on earth, you would not have escaped either temptation; Harut agreed to go down to earth to prove otherwise; there they fell in love with the beautiful Zahra; she made it a condition for her favor that they would drink wine, kill a man and worship her to the gods; M. and H. decided that wine was the least evil, but in a state of intoxication they killed husband Z. because he saw them drinking; God raised Z. to heaven and made Venus; H. and M. chose punishment on earth, not on heaven so that it would not be eternal; in Babylon they were hanged by their feet above the water itself, but thirsty (or hung by their hair); one person told them that he was one of Mohammed's men; M. and H. rejoiced: once M. won, the last times are near and their torment will end]: Certeux, Carnoy 1884, No. 4:23-28; Tunis [(written Islamic tradition); angels asked God why he would not destroy people if they they sin so much; God answered that if they angels were sent to earth, it would be the same; the angels Harut and Marut (Hârout/Horot, Mârout/Morot) came down to earth, fell in love with a peasant woman, broke ban, giving her a word to go up to heaven; she flew to heaven, but God punished her by making her a star Venus; asked H. and M. if they wanted to atone for their guilt in heaven or on earth; they chose land]: Ayadi 2008, No. 13:21-22; Tuaregs [Venus is often referred to as a "star" in feminine gender]: Bernus, AG-Sidiyene 1989:144.
Southern Europe. Latins [Venus is "a gracious night star, husband or woman" (Macrob. Sat. III 8, 3)]: Myth 1:232.
Western Europe. The Germans (East Prussia) [the husband mistreated his wife and seven children; they turned to God; God punished her husband by making him a cuckoo, turned the woman and children into stars; the wife became the Evening Star , Pleiades children; Pleiades cuckoo hides while cuckoo is cuckoo]: Dähnhardt 1910:426.
Western Asia. The Phoenicians [The Evening Star is Astarta, the Morning Star is the god Astar; little known in Phoenicia, revered by the Semites, in particular by the South Arabs]: Tsirkin 2000:78; Sumer, Babylonia: Dyakonov 1961 [Ishtar (noise. Inanna) - the goddess of the planet Venus]: 102; Kurtik 2007:113-114 [in some astrological texts, morning Venus is a female deity, evening Venus is masculine, in others morning is male, evening Venus is female; how masculine was identified with Ningirsu], 277-278 [in the 3rd millennium BC, Venus was revered as the incarnation of Inanna, in II-I - Ishtar; there is reason to believe that already in archaic Uruk, Inanna was identified with Venus, both morning and evening; since the middle of the 3rd century. (perhaps earlier) Inanna's standard glyptic symbol is an eight-pointed star with or without a circle; the morning and evening stars were interpreted as one star, perhaps already in archaic Uruk, but solid evidence - in mythological texts of the late 3rd - 2nd millennium BC]; Henninger 1954 [among the Babylonians and Assyrians, Ihar was both an evening and a morning star; morning was sometimes considered a man and was connected to the war]: 108; Iraqi Arabs [Venus - Zahra, the evil wife (co-wife)]: El-Shamy 1995:44; Sabia (a pagan community in southern Iraq near Arran, 10th century, "Fihrist" Ibn al-Nadim) ["V the first, second and third days of Nissan they pray to their goddess Balsa, who is Al-Zuhra |Venera| "]: Yemelyanov 1999:173; Jordan's Bedouins [morning Venus - Zahra (no other star or the planet has no personal name]: Henninger 1954:112; the Syrian Bedouins [Chala (Venus) sold her mother and father to cover themselves with diamonds]: Vernier 1928:200 in Henninger 1954:92.
Australia. Arunta [Ungamilia's evening star was a single woman, tied to a specific rock that the Evening Star falls into every night]: Spencer, Gillen 1938:565; Tiwi [four planets (Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, Mars) - Wives of the Month]: Mountford 1958:173-175; Mungkan [two initiated brothers travel to create a landscape; dance, sing, fight with each other they clear the thickets with a magic boomerang; the elder cuts off the younger genitals, gives a digging stick instead of a spear; makes him his wife; the boomerang is a young month, the older brother is a full month, the youngest is the Morning Star]: Waterman 1987, No. 720:42 (Russian per. McConnell 1981, No. 2:33-38); wick-natara [two brothers are dancing, one is gradually becoming a woman, the other is marrying her, this is the first marriage; McConnel believes that one brother is the Month that has become Woman - Morning Star]: McConnel, p. 466 in Frazer 1937:217.
Melanesia. Kiwai [Tagai quarreled with his sons, killed them and threw them into heaven; they turned into Antares, Vega, Altair, Ahernar, Pleiades, Orion, Koijugubu (Capella, Sirius and Canopus); turned the woman who came up into the Morning Star; the shark into the Ursa Major (when only her head remains, the turtles begin to mating; then she is not visible at all); he himself is the Southern Cross]: Landtman 1977, No. 98:269-271; marind-anim: Wirtz, Neverman 1981, No. 8 [Mundy was lazy and Ohom was returning late from the precinct; the men found M. sleeping, wanted to find M. sleeping. , home late from the station; beat and eat, she ran to heaven, became the Morning Star; R. became the Evening Star; all the stars were women married to the Month; in heaven M. began to work, took it with her scoop, cones, trenney Star; Ryto wash sago, pickaxe, mallet - they can be seen among the stars; threw her jewelry - these are heavenly birds (comets)]: 207-208 (=Permyakov 1970, No. 5:53-54; Nijhoff 1921:182- 192 in Maaβ 1933 [The Evening Star is a woman who has returned from the field who brought sago and everything she needs to make it]: 282; camano, usurufa, etc. (eastern mountains) [Jugumishanta and her husband Morufonu sit under a tree whose branches form the earth; the world rests on M.'s shoulders as he moves, the ground shakes; their eldest son Months married to Vechernyaya Star; the youngest is the Sun (aka Bird of Paradise) married to Moa'ri (red stone); the sun's rays are arrows from his bow; Jugumishanta is identified with the ground]: Berndt 1965:80-81; baruya [people in the garden they saw a giant python, killed them, cooked them with tarot and vegetables, ate the tarot in the evening, and left the meat for tomorrow; the woman who got up first found that the meat had disappeared from her bag; the others had the same; the snake found whole in the oven; he is consistently asked what he wants - shells and jewelry; tarot; salt; the snake does not move; a woman? the serpent straightened up and looked up at the sky; a decorated woman was brought to him; he gave her a sign to go first, but she invited him to go first; hid a white-hot stone in her bag; going up to heaven, they found themselves in front of a big house; the woman again invited the snake to enter the house first; pressed down the door with a stone and began to descend the column of smoke she had previously climbed; halfway through she turned into Venus (evening and morning); the serpent turned around in the house and hit a stone with its nose; burned and screamed is thunder; the snake's actions also explain the rain and the appearance of the rainbow]: Godelier 2007:154-155; Simbang (Cape King William; this is a Papua trans-New Guinean philia) [Morning Venus is the "mother of the stars"]: Hagen 1899:287; Tumleo [brother and two sisters live together; another sister in the village married; brother goes by boat to sea at night to hunt with a torch; each time he takes off his head, lowers the big fish he has caught over his neck into the stomach, puts his head in place, breaks the tip of the jail; brings only small fish to his sisters, says that the big one has broken the prison; the sisters ask the boy, the son of a married sister, to hide in his uncle's boat, as if he was playing and accidentally fell asleep there; the boy sees everything; When exposed, the fisherman climbs a tree (probably Calophyllum) before sunrise, rises into the sky, turns into the Pleiades; the older sister, then the younger sister, follows him; the eldest becomes Venus, youngest, possibly Mercury]: Schultze 1911, No. 2:43-47; Eastern Torres Strait Islands [The Evening Star is the wife of the Month; they meet and copulate once a month; then they quarrel and separate]: Haddon 1908, No. 2:4; Admiralty Islands [stars are people of the Month, Evening Star is his wife or servant]: Thurnwald 1912:341; Nevermann 1934:371.
Micronesia-Polynesia. Samoa: Polinskaya 1986, No. 35 (Savaii) [the couple has a daughter, Tapuitea; eats each subsequent child (three girls and a boy); parents flee to the forest, where the boy Toiwa is born; hides on a pandanus by the pond, T. sees its shadow on a stone, gnaws on a stone; he reproaches his sister that she is a cannibal; she says that she will now turn into a star, which is called the Red Eye in the evening, and dawn - Star of Light; (this is from Stuebel, p.62; English paraphrase in Williamson 1933 (1): 129)]: 120-121; Williamson 1933 (1) [Tapuitea married Fiji Chief, gave birth to sons Toiva and Tasi; she grew horns, she began to eat people, her sons fled to Samoa; Tasi told his brother to bury him alive; Tapuitea caught up with Toiva, said she was going up to the sky and looking at her son in the morning and evening; she did not want to go higher the tree on which the son sat]: 128-129; Rotuma [sina is the designation of a particularly beautiful woman; Evening Star (Venus) is sian asoah he ta, "evening sina"; in general, in Polynesia, Sina, or Hina, the Moon, Moon Goddess]: Churchward 1939:331; Tuamotu [Tahaki and Karihi meet blind old woman Kuhi; she shows the way to the country of Matua-uru, gives the net to catch spirits; advises to catch female stars, flying to her house at night; K. can't catch, T. catches a star named Tokurua Dawn {morning Venus?)} ; they find T.'s father named Hema, he's in a cesspool, they wash him with coconut oil, give him back the eyes that adorned the Roi-Matagotago woman's belt, kill male spirits]: Beckwith 1970:252; Tahiti [Ari'i and Tafa'i meet a blind old woman, steal her tarot, dodge her fishing hook, kill her; or Tafa'i chooses a wife from four blind Ui star daughters; it's the Morning Star, he's goes up to heaven with her]: Beckwith 1970:255-256.
Tibet is the Northeast of India. The Tanguts [the spirit of Venus is a woman with a lute in her hand; her hair is an image of a chicken, the emblem of Venus]: Kychanov 1982:493; miso (lushy) [Morning Star is a girl, the Evening Star is an elder villages; they meet at the zenith of the sky when they get married]: Hutton 1925:116.
Burma - Indochina. Burmese [the mother goes to the village for a holiday, tells her three daughters not to open it - a tiger may come {rather a tigress; gender is not specified}; the mother has not returned; the eldest daughter is the first to guard, replies to the tigress that her voice is rude and does not unlock it; then the middle daughter asks her hand to be put under the door, says that it is a paw covered with hair; the youngest unlocks it; when they see the tigress, the sisters jump out the window they climb a walnut tree; the tigress, still pretending to be the mother of girls, asks for help climbing the tree; the older sister advises to pour liquid soap on the trunk, the middle one with oil, and the tigress slides; the simple-minded youngest feels sorry for her mother, she advises making notches on the trunk with an ax; the tigress rises, the sisters ask the rain god to save them; at that time he was pulling water from the sea with a bucket and rope, threw the rope to his sisters, they went to heaven; the tigress asked her to throw it too, but under her weight, the rope broke off and she drowned; the rain god turned his older sister into the sun, the middle sister into the moon, the youngest into the moon evening star]: Coyaud 2002, No. 7:25-29;
vieta [a young woodcutter sees heavenly fairies bathing in a spring; hides one of them's clothes, she has to go with him, he She hides her clothes in a rice barn; when the child is three years old, the wife finds her clothes; leaving her comb for her son, she flies away; taking the boy, the husband comes to the spring; the fairy maids also came there for water, the boy throws his comb into their jug; the wife recognizes the comb, tells her husband to hand the handkerchief, with its help he flies to his wife; after a while she sends her husband and son to the ground tied for rope to the drum, promising to ask Buddha for permission to marry a mortal; in the middle between earth and sky, the barons began to peck at the rice grains on the drum; the fairy maids took this as a sign that those who descended reached the ground cut off the rope; father and son fell into the sea, died; as punishment, Phat Ba turned the fairy into a Morning Star; husband became an Evening Star; every year on the 15th day of the 7th For months, maids make a sacrifice, and the vórons form a chain so that the spouses and their son can get together and meet; therefore, crows have a bald head; on this day, it must be done somewhere funeral ceremony; The Morning and Evening Stars are always eager to meet]: Landes 1886, No. 47:123-126; ly [Phra Phum was once more powerful than the good god Phra In; descended to earth after being devastated by the heat of the seven suns; left only one sun, divided the year into months and days; his antagonist PI called the female spirits of seven planets {therefore Venus}, promised to marry them if they kill PP; a bow was made of PI hair, an arrow fired cut off PP's head; an elephant's head was placed on PP's body; the gods advised PI to marry seven sisters; they stayed with PP's head holding it one by one during the year]: Chesnov, 1982:354.
South Asia. Condas [a girl met a rooster, gave birth to two big eggs; they were born Begabadori and Barahasukhan; they were sent to heaven to become the Morning and Evening Stars; the rest of the stars are their children]: Elwin 1954, No. 10:62; Santals [The sun is the moon's husband, their children are stars; daughters stayed with their mother, sons with their father; they made the earth unbearably hot; Luna offered to eat the children so that it got cooler; the Sun suggested that the Moon eat her daughters first, if it did not help, he would eat his sons; Luna hid her daughters under the basket, said she ate; The sun ate hers, and at night saw stars; wanted to kill the Moon, but softened when she gave him two daughters, the Morning and Evening Stars; the Sun is still chasing the moon, cutting off pieces from it for half a month]: Bodding 1942:132-133; Kashmiris [Venera (Rati) is the wife of the god of love]: Grierson 1932:444; Sinhales: Krasnodembskaya 1982:68 [Ganesha or Shiva is associated with the Moon, Lakshmi is associated with Venus, with Saturn - Hanuman], 69 [Venus, in an ominous aspect, has a masculine image in one picture and a woman in the other].
Malaysia-Indonesia. Eastern Toraja [Morning and Evening Stars are separated spouses; but the husband wants to go back to his wife, tries to grab her]: Adriani, Kruyt 1950, No. 16:387; Solor, Alor and/or neighboring islands [there were seven men and a Pari woman, she ran away with a stranger man, they ran in pursuit; when these seven stars (obviously the Pleiades) rise, Pari (the Evening Star) comes in]: Vatter 1932 in Maaβ 1933:375; Seram (Nusavele, Hatuolu, Huaulu) [man to heaven Alahatala met Pohun, a woman earth; she gave birth to the first human couple Tomoa and Binawalu; they pushed heaven away; earth also gave birth to a Male Sun and a Woman Moon, who gave birth to a boy Evening Star and a girl called the Morning Star; Mount Hatuolo is the bosom of the Earth]: Röder 1948 in Stöhr, Zoetmulder 1965:139.
Taiwan - Philippines. Sulu [the little prince is captured by a foreign king, made his heir; his little sister was raised by a shepherd; the prince marries a shepherdess; the couple understand that they are brother and sister, they separate west and east; brother becomes Evening Star, sister becomes Morning Star]: Eugenio 1994, No. 74:141-142; Tagals [Bathala decides to visit earth; celestials come to say goodbye to him, including his daughter Tala - Morning Star; no Bighari, the goddess of flowers; Bathala tells her to stay on earth with her flowers forever; people built a rainbow arch for her so that the flowers can be seen from afar]: Eugenio 1994, No. 140b: 254-255; Tagals (? ; ethnicity is not a decree.) [The sun man Arao has a lot of sun children, the moon woman Buan has child stars; B. is afraid that her children will burn from the heat of A.'s children, agreed with him that everyone will eat their own; hid her own in the clouds; c Since then, A. has been chasing B., when she catches up, eclipses occur; at dawn, A. attacks the stars; B.'s eldest daughter, Tala (Venus, both morning and evening); B. releases her children when T. speaks to her that A. is gone]: Hill 1934:65f in Rahmann 1955:202; Tirurai [the son of the Sun and Moon fell to the ground; the cannibal wanted to eat him; he told the Morning Star woman about his adventures; his parents they quarreled, the Moon threw fire into the Sun, the Sun into the moon a gabi leaf and a comb; a leaf on her face, the Moon takes the shape of a crest from time to time]: Eugenio 1994, No. 72:138-139; pampango [Venus - daughter of the Sun and his wife Moon; the gods began to fight for her, died, she also died; fighting, they threw so many stones that they formed the earth]: Eugenio 1994, No. 20:64; atayal (village Mpaynox Buanan) [a woman met a man who did not have a tokan bag (which, among other things, wears trophy heads); she doubted that in this case he was a man; he said that if he a man can turn into a star that appears at dawn and shoots a bear {not clear}; became Morning Venus; the woman was ashamed of her words, became Evening Venus]: Yamada 2009b, No. 6:70; tsou [some stars have female names; evening Venus is "western Pagliacci", morning Venus is "eastern Apu"]: Nevsky 1935:78.
The Balkans. Moldovans [the prince breaks an old woman's jug with a stone, who tells him to go around the earth, enter the immortal kingdom, but there is no peace there either; the old man tells him to say hello to animals on the way, greeting the snake, he will let him into the castle; in the castle, another old man gives a ball and tells him to follow it; the acorn promises that the young man will die when the oak tree that grew out of this acorn decays; the same is a grape seed ( will drink wine as long as the grapes that will grow from it are alive); the eagle asks not to shoot at it, cure it; the king of fish - push it into the water; the fox - save it from dogs; the mosquito - remove it from the web; the thread ends at the castle; the bride will be given if the young man hides; the eagle hides behind the clouds (the eldest daughter finds it), the fish in the sea (the middle one finds it), the fox among the flowers (the youngest picks a flower, puts it in a basket, does not recognize); the king gives it if the young man identifies it among three (the mosquito sits on the youngest's nose); the king does not tell you to go out the gate through which the young man entered; he goes out, sees the thread of his ball, decides to go visit parents; the vine has grown, the oak is huge, the dragon is old, the father's castle has fallen apart (many years have passed); a 300-year-old hermit says that everyone once died of the plague; the young man walks back, sees a mortar, Death comes under it; the young man runs away, the old man gives him a belt, the oak gives him an iron staff, the vine gives them to Death, let him come when he wears out, when the saber rust; time comes, the young man runs to to his wife, who grabs his hand, Death by the leg; his wife turns it into a golden apple, throws it into the sky (Evening Star); sisters turn it into an apple, throw it (Morning Star); king and sisters Death turns into stone pillars]: Botezat 1981:27-37; Romanians [after a long prayer, the queen gives birth to a daughter; she is a goat during the day, a girl at night; she marries a prince; he burns a goat skin; the wife takes off to sky, becomes evening Venus, her husband becomes Morning]: Mladenova 2006:58; Bulgarians: Stoynev 2006:91 [Denitsa married the Snake (below the waist is a man above); they became stars - Morning and another in the west], 140 [Morning Venus (Denitsa, Zonitsa) and Evening are sisters, Evening are older; their brothers are the Sun and the Month; the Sun loves Denitsa more, and the Month loves Evening (=Marinov 2003:33)], 140-141 [ Denitsa and Vechernitsa were sister and brother (Yanka and Yankul, Stana and Milo, Denitsa and Jurak); they were kidnapped by the Turks; they returned, met, did not know each other, got married, they had a child; their mother recognized them; sin at their pleas, they were understood into heaven, became stars], 141 [a childless woman asks God to give birth to at least a snake; a snake was born, grew up, asked the royal daughter Denitsa as a wife; on the wedding night, a mother I saw through the keyhole that the serpent had become a young man; St. Peter and St. Maria, and Denitsa served them; the bride became Denitsa, her fiance became the Evening Star (Yunak)], 303 [A month should have married Denitsa (Morning Star) or a girl in Grozdanka; the Hedgehog did not come because found out that all living things would die when new suns were born]; Macedonians [Denitsa and Vechernitsa are two sisters (sometimes they have another sister, some star); when D. is big, V. is small, and vice versa; one day (apparently at the end of time) they will meet]: Tsenev 2004:54-59; Serbs: Janković 1951:63 [Venus (Danica, Prekhodnitsa) is a sister, less often the wife of the Sun; in the song The Sun marries a girl, she is in heaven becomes Venus; Danitsa says she is asked to go beyond the Sun, in the Months, for the Pleiades], 99-100 [Danitsa (Venus) is the sister of the Month, but there are songs in which the Month is her husband or fiance].
Central Europe. Ukrainians [numerous legends say that the Sun is the wife of the Month and Venus is his mistress]: Fedorovich 2009:134; Russians: Ivanov, Toporov 1980 [in fairy tales and conspiracies three or four dawn sisters were born in the same night; Vechorka (born in the evening) is identified with Venus - Vechernitsa]: 235; Saint 1913 (Kursk Gubernia) [Gopod sent seven devout men to preach the truth, but they were tempted; then he sent one holy virgin to watch them; when they returned to heaven, the men became the seven stars of the Ursa Major, and virgin - Venus]: 176; Belarusians [riddles: "Zara-Zaranitsa, a red maiden, walked across the sky, dropped her keys, as the sun rose and found the keys" (the keys were dew); "Peas crumbled on seven roads, no one was him neither the tsar nor the queen collects, only God's sister" (peas are stars);]: Avilin 2015:107.
Caucasus - Asia Minor. Adygi: Kokov 1980a [The Evening Star is "a girl who exchanged her father for a golden coat"]: 265; (cf. Shortanov 1982 [Arcturus is called the star who sold her mother for a golden egg]: 28; (cf. Kabardian people [say "his mother sold for a fur coat" about a bright star; there is a belief that one son sold his mother for a fur coat or for bright robes; God placed a fur coat in memory of such a crime in heaven (reported by Kabardian Khotanov)]: Potanin 1883 []: 735); Abkhazians [Tskhi-MSH loved the Morning Star, but she did not see him off for long, because she must return, scoop up heavenly water, send him to earth in the form of dew; let Ts go to the Evening Star]: Khvartsky 1994:36; Karachays: Dzhurtubayev 1991 [the girl sold her mother for a golden coat, was turned into a star as punishment]: 135; Urusbiyeva 1979:17 [ The morning star sold her mother for a golden coat; the Evening Star was a mother waiting for a hunter son], 17-19 [rose to shine on everyone who was late on the road]; 2007 [in a dream, Apsata told the hunter I say that he should get an arrow from Jekeme Cave, not hunt before; O.'s mother warned that there was no return from that cave; she waited for her son for 40 years, then became the Evening Star]: 366-367; Ossetians [Bursamdzeli lived on the top of the mountain, was married to Queen Tamara; filled the beautiful Bonvarnon (Venus); when he left, he told his wife not to let her go; she let her go, it snowed from the sky for the first time; Bursamdzeli was offended to God, went to the master of the underworld Barastyr, the top of the mountain was covered with ice; Tamara was captured by a servant, she and the servant's wife had boys at the same time; T. sent a servant to bring an image from the Mtskheta Church, made him drown on the way; ordered his son to be killed; but people kept the boy, later returned T.]: Byazirov 1971, No. 34:262-264; Ingush [Sala, daughter of Supreme God Sela, before dawn appears in the form of the Morning Star - Venus]: Dakhkilgov 2012:434; Chechens [was Yuahili's girl, clean, clean and offended her; she began to pray to God, who took her to heaven, made her an Evening Star ]: Potanin 1919a: 86; Nogais [Cholpan's girlfriend was so beautiful that Tangri took her to heaven, turning her into a star]: Kapaev 2012:34; Lezgins [Morning Star - Zugre (borrowed from Arabic); also female name; Evening Star - Shepherd's]: Rizvanov, Rizvanov 1990:40-41; Azerbaijanis [God sent Zohra to earth; Harut and Marut were supposed to protect it; both fell in love with her; she promised to marry someone who would not be intoxicated by the water she had collected; both lost their senses; Z. sat in a jug and returned to heaven]: Nabiev 1988, No. 10:266.
Iran - Central Asia. Avesta [The morning star was perceived as the hypostasis of Ardvi-Sura-Anahita; the planet Venus was Anāhitā; the names for Venus and α Vega (Spica, Spike) were also contaminated]: Bogolyubov 1989:88-91; Persians: Braginsky 1980 [part of Ardvisura Anahita's name passed into Farsi in the form of Nahid as the name of the planet Venus and its personification]: 100; Vámbéri 1879 [in Persia the name for Venus is Zohra]: 155; Western Pamir (Shugnan, Bartang, Rushan, Yazgulem, etc.) [Venera - Zukhra]: Mukhiddinov 1989:16; Uzbeks, Tajiks [Venera - Zukhra, Zahra (female name in Arabic. "shining, brilliant"]: Nikonov 1980b: 298; Wakhans, Ishkashim [Garut and Marut (local: Horut and Morut) mocked people; God said that if they were human themselves, they would sin even more; sent them to earth, G. became a casian, M. mufti; Zura came to sue her husband, M. divorced them to meet her; G. also wanted her; God raised her to heaven, made her a star; G. and M. hung her in the well upside down; now they are pure spirits; you can't blow on the fire, otherwise it will smoke and fall into the eyes of G. and M.]: Bobrinsky 1908:105-107.
Baltoscandia. Lithuanians [A month fell in love with Ausrine (Morning Star), Perkunas cuts him with a sword]: Tsivyan 1988:230; Sami (Norway) [when the storm was over, the young man saw a girl with a herd of pets deer; she is the daughter of the Sun and the Morning Star; in order for her to stay with him, he must prevent a ray of light from falling on her for three days; on the third morning he slightly lifted the bear skin with which he covered the upper a hole in the house; the girl rose into the air, telling him to hold the deer and not look back; hearing the rumble and noise behind him, the young man looks around twice; the first time a third of the herd disappeared, after the second time everything the rest; it was only very difficult to tame wild deer after that]: Simonsen 2014:55-59.
Volga - Perm. "Turks" (Bashkirs?) [Ay (Month) fell in love with the beautiful woman, she began to walk on the water; with full buckets and a rocker arm, A. took her to heaven; the faces of Ay and Zukhra merged (or Zukhra turned into Venus)]: Mansyutova 1991:186; Bashkirs : Barag 1987, No. 7 [When Allah brought Adam and Eve down to earth, two angels asked them to be brought down as well; they became mufti and kazy; the husband and wife Zukhra came to court; the angels put the husband in Zindan, and the wife justified to get along with her; Z. asked them to get the most beautiful ring; promised to surrender to whoever would drink more wine; when both were drunk, two other angels took her to heaven; now she is visible a star with her golden ring], 10 [stepmother offended Zukhra, stopped letting her into the house; sleeping Z. was kidnapped by a peary, ordered to fill the bottomless barrel; Z. asked the Moon for help, she took it, put it not far from her (star Zukhra-Yondoz)]: 34-35, 36; Nadrshina 1985, No. 7 [stepmother offends Zukhra, makes her carry water at night; Z. asks the Moon to pick it up, now visible there with a rocker arm], 8 [=2001, No. 12:184 ; stepmother offends Zukhra; sleeping Z. Peri kidnappers ordered to fill the bottomless barrel; Z. turned to the moon, she raised Z. to heaven, put it not far from her, now it is Zukhra-Yoldoz]: 13; Tatars [ near the moon - Zukhra maiden, near dawn - Chulpan Maiden, on the Bear - seven maidens]: Vorobyov, Khisamutdinov 1967:315.
Turkestan. Kazakhs: Abishev 1949 [with the shepherd star Sholpan (morning Venus) was compared by a wife or mother when mourning a deceased husband or son; Venus at dawn was Tyul Katyn, a "grumpy wife"; Mercury was called Kishi Cholpan (Malaya Sholpan)]: 15-16; Potanin 1881:124 [(Tarbagatay); ürker ajdyoly, čolpan ajdykysy (Pleiades are the son of the Moon, the Evening Star is the daughter of the Moon; quoted in Má ndoki 1963:530)], 127 [Morning Star - Cholpan Aydung kyzy (Zarnitsa is the Daughter of the Moon)]; Musaev 2006 [tul qatyn - "widow"]: 335; Stremoukhov (Illustration. World", 1880, No. 7) in Potanin 1883 [the witch Zura (Morning Star) cunningly married King Solomon; demanded a kibitka with bird bone bars, bird down felt; the wise bird Baigus taught S. to lock Z. in an iron house, put wood on it, burn it; when the doors were unlocked, a snake crawled out of the house, said that it would ascend to heaven to send troubles to people; Baigus teaches S. to learn the way of Z.]: 784- 785; Kuftin 1916 [Urkur (Pleiades) - son of the Moon, Cholpan (Venus) - daughter of the Moon]: 148; Sidelnikov 1962 [collected by the author; var. in Turgai Gazeta 1898, No. 40; the star of Omir-Zaya (evening Venus) shone round night; quarreled with her rival Moon, scratched her face, her scars remained; the gods condemned O. to appear in the sky for a short time in the evening when there is no Sun, Moon, or other stars]: 266; Kyrgyz [Cholpon is a poor girl who became the Morning Star; Khan's son Nurdin fell in love with her; the witch Aydai tried to take him for herself, Khan threw C. into the Zindan; C. went out and disgraced N.]: Bulatova 1985:437-442; Uighurs [zur' Venus', translated poet. 'heavenly musician', 'Zukhra' (female name)]: Najeep 1968:476 (cf. 396: cholpan 'Venus', translated poet. 'heavenly musician', 'Cholpan' (male name)]).
Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Mongols: Potanin 1881 [Evening Star - Hoptyg-emegyun (emegyen - "old woman")]: 127; Skorodumova 2003 [six brothers separated to study; five returned: clairvoyant, who knows what is happening in the world, able to travel to any place that becomes invisible, fulfills any wishes; found out that the sixth brother married a beautiful woman, they are threatened by snakes on the island; they the snake defeated, the brother and wife returned; everyone argues that the beautiful woman should be his; she offers to become stars, she will be Venus, the comet brothers, they will meet once a year]: 26 -28; Tuvans (Khemchik) [rich Abu Mergen went east, met, accompanied a man who fired an arrow into the sky and saw it, although others do not see it; listening to what is happening in the underworld; piercing a mountain; looking for traces of a beetle and ant 9- and 7-year-old; catching gazelles on the run; drinking the sea; AM left them at the moon-clear girl Ak Dangyna, and went on and married in a sun-clear girl Aldyn Dangyna (AD); Karaty Khan found out about her, the old woman volunteered to steal her, asked for a golden boat, sailed to AM, persuaded AD to find out what her husband's life was like; she begged her to say ; AM: in the wick of the lamp, in the bow string, in the horse's four legs; the old woman cut it all, cut it all, AM died; the old woman offered AD to board her boat, took it to K.; AD gave birth to a boy who every day grew like others in a year; AM and Ak-Dangyn's brothers noticed that the arrow left by AK was bleached, dilapidated, and went in search; the ranger found his bones, which were taken away by the mice, and Ak-Dangyn found their bones, which were taken away by the mice, and Ak-Dangyn found them folded and revived with a swipe; drank drained the sea and they all came dry to K.; defeated his army; the son of AK found his father and his companions; K. prepared an iron house; the one who perforated the mountains made dig under him with his finger; the shooter pierced K.'s neck, the runner brought the stolen blood pressure, drank the sea and flooded K.'s country with this water; now the question is who Ak-Dangyn should marry; each of the twin brothers says what he did to save AM; to stop the dispute, Ak-Dangyna suggested: seven twins would become seven stars of Ursa Major, AD with her son Morning Star (Dang Sholban), and she herself would become Evening Star a star (Ak Sholban); it happened]: Taube 1978, No. 38:206-212; (cf. Tuvans [Sholban's creature was lazy, went to bed, a jerboa ran over it at night; it moved to another place - a hare; to another - almost trampled a herd of horses; then it flew to heaven, this Venus]: Alekseev et al. 2010, No. 2:43-45); Khakas [lived two maiden heroes, one had a blue horse, the other had a brown horse; their movement swayed the moon and sun; thin turned them into a Morning Horse (Tan Solbany) and Evening (Iir Solbany) Stars]: Butanayev 1975:233 (=2003:47).
Western Siberia. Nenets: Barmich 2014 [elderly spouses are childless; the old man suggested making a wooden idiot instead of his son, carved him out, put clothes on him; one day someone goes; old man: this is our child; guest came in, he was fed; guest: tomorrow will be a good day, it is very hot, go outside naked; they did so; suddenly there was a thunderstorm; the hair was wet; the old men ascended to heaven; the old man became the morning star of dawn, the old woman in the evening]: 622-623; Lehtisalo 1998 (tundra) [the old spouses are childless; the old woman makes herself a wooden seat instead of her son; a stranger comes, tells her to go out in the morning naked; in the morning the fire began to fall in the form of rain, the hair on the skin burned, the couple flew, the husband became the evening star]: 12-13; Nenyang 1997 (Taimyr) [childless spouses are old, old man decides to make a wooden idol instead of the child; dresses, puts it at the entrance to the plague; a stranger comes, asks who this idol is, advises him to go outside tomorrow without clothes; a fiery rain has begun, spouses freed themselves from their bodies, flew to heaven; the old man became the Morning Star, the old woman became the Evening Star]: 36-37.
Eastern Siberia. The Central Yakuts [Cholbon (Venus) are the beautiful mistress of the Devil's son Jurgel (Pleiades); at first she had a tail; when they strive for each other, storms and snowstorms occur; when they merge, snow will fall on the fathom in the middle of summer, all living things will die]: Seroshevsky 1896:668; Yakuts (central and probably other groups): Seroshevsky 1896 [Venera-Cholbon ]: 470, 668; Pekarsky, Popov 1928 [Venera - Cholbon]: 4; Ergis 1974 [the brightest stars are called cholbon (plural - cholbottor); Venus is often called this way]: 133; Evenks (western?) : Vasilevich 1969 [Most Evenks called Venus Cholbon (Cholpon); see below for Evenki Birars]: 210; Jochelson 1926 [Morning Star girl lives with younger brothers Mukha and Dragonfly; Irkunmul lives in the sky in the form of an eagle, has ten wives; kills the UZ brothers; she sits on a spear, flies into the sky, dodges I.'s arrows, kills him; his head rolls into the Upper World Sea; pursues; two iron men Cholora try to kill UZ; she notices a speck of flesh on one's thumb, on the other's neck, kills both; a woman with iron claws puts I. in the cradle, his arms and legs begin to grow; UZ kills I. and the woman, burns her bodies; returns home, her brothers come to life; she asks them to drag her into the hut, dies; they wrap her in a deer the skin is hung over the fire; it comes to life, becomes stronger than before]: 289-291; Evenki birars: Vasilevich 1969 [evening star Cholbon is a woman, morning Eden is a man, owner all stars]: 210-211; Shirokogoroff 1935:43 in Yakhontov 1992 [Shirokogorov cites the myth of the Birar Orochons, in which evening and morning Venus are represented by two anthropomorphic deities, female and male]: 139; Amur Evenks [Cholbon (Venus) is a heavenly shaman, the antipode of Saveki who created the lower world]: Varlamova 2004:90; Evens [Morning Star is a shaman, a warlike maiden; after When her two younger brothers died, she flew to heaven with a quiver of arrows and a spear to fight an enemy dressed in the autumn skin of a deer who looked like an eagle; killed him, felt death was approaching, She told her revived brothers to make a fire, died; she was wrapped in deer skin, hung over a fire; in the morning her skin was ripped open - the shaman came to life stronger than she was]: Podmaskin 2013:190.
Japan. Ainu: Nevsky 1972 [the boy goes to find out why he exists in the world; he consistently sleeps with three sisters; the man at the top of the mountain explains that these are the Morning, Midnight and Evening Stars, each has already given birth to a child; the boy returns, takes the children; marries a daughter, gives another to a son; people come from these couples]: 19-20, 145-147; Kindati 1941 [in heaven, the Elder and Younger gods; the eldest is six daughters; starting with the eldest, these are the Morning Star, the Evening Star, the Midnight Star, the Moon, the Sun (the sixth is not named); the elder god tells God the Creator to make the earth; sends Princess there Chikisani (Chikisani-hime, she is an elm from which fire is made by friction); the younger god of heaven falls in love, visits her at night; this is how fire came to earth; others notice fire, they are jealous, the gods begin to fight with each other; the younger god of heaven is nicknamed the "Earth Burner"; T. gives birth to Okikurumi, the creator of Ainu culture]: 56-57.
The Arctic. Central Yupik: Blue 2007:65-75 [An orphan girl lives with her grandmother; other children ignore her; she finds a doll, puts it in the palm of her hand, asks others to notice her, sings to her; begins to rise into the sky; they hear a song, ask the girl to come back, but she turns into a Morning Star so that she can always be seen; all this was done by her grandmother to help her granddaughter; during hunger this star moves to the west and smoke is coming from it; one day shamans came to see what she was cooking; there was a fur boot in the boiling pot; so you can't throw away leftovers], 78-85 [almost the same as p. 65-75]; Meade 1996 [the girl does not understand why other children are afraid of her; she grows up, goes to fetch water, sees her reflection, her face is covered with stones; her grandmother cleans her face with a knife, tells her to go up to the roof dugouts when erenret (dawn) appears; the girl is dazzling beautiful, rises into the sky; a young man who goes out to urinate tries to grab her in vain; she merged with erenret, visible at sunrise]: 163-165.
NW Coast. Tsimshian [see motif K1; the bird father leaves Asdival a bow and arrow, a spear, snowshoes, a cape, a hat; these objects make him invisible, he easily gets food; chasing a polar bear, A. finds himself in the sky; the bear turns out to be the Evening Star, the daughter of the Sun; thanks to magical objects, A. performs difficult tasks, gets a wife]: Boas 1912 (Tsimshian texts, new series. Publ. of the Am. Ethen. Soc., 3. Leiden & New York): 71-146.
The coast is the Plateau. Quarry (western 1943) [the chief (Toeneza; "a prominent man generally known as a chief") has a 20-year-old daughter Sak-esta; she had a dream that frightened her; so twice; after that she became pregnant and gave birth to four puppies; her parents They told everyone to leave the camp and leave her daughter alone without fire; but a man named Raven hid the fire for her in an old moccasin; she began to catch rabbits, the children grew up quickly; noticed their traces in the hearth - human footprints; she left her clothes {put on a stump}, went to the house from the other side herself; grabbed the dog's skins, threw it into the fire, but one of the children remained in dog form; began to hunt together with their brothers; when they first saw a bear in a hollow, they began to hunt bears; in the spring, the Raven came to see how things were doing; the woman gave him meat and fat for his family, told others not to tell anything; the youngest child choked and a piece of fat fell into the fire; it turned out that people had returned, the woman fed her mother; and the children gave the elderly grandmother a rotten tree wrapped in skin; she cursed them: let will leave and never return; at dawn, the mother saw seven moose rise into the sky, followed by a dog and three young men; they have since been seen in spring on the eastern edge of the sky; seven moose are the Pleiades {hunters - Belt Orion?} ; mother pierced the old woman's heart with a willow skewer and threw it into the sky; told her to become a Morning Star]: Munro 1946:99-104; chilcotin [three young men hunt with two dogs; give their blind grandmother a rotten tree disguised as a caribou liver; she witches, they can no longer descend from heaven; the elder tells them to cover themselves with blankets, not to look; they begin to descend, but the youngest peeks, they turn into three stars (probably Orion's Belt); dogs and elk can also be seen among the stars; the Morning Star is their grandmother holding a torch]: Farrand 1900, No. 15:31.
The Midwest. Chippewa [Manitou's daughter and son lived together; the girl told her brother to wait for her to appear in the sky tomorrow, became the Morning Star]: Judd 1904, No. 30:168-170.
Northeast. Iroquois [the hunter drove the Sky Moose into the sky; Dawn saved the hunter from falling to the ground, ordered her house to be guarded in the east, and to guard the forests on earth, accompanying the heavenly there at night hunters; during such a journey, he saw a woman, became a hawk, took his beloved to heaven; angry Dawn turned her into a Morning Star, placing her on the hunter's forehead and holding a torch in her hands; if a hunter tries to escape, he will burn; the sun lights its fire from that torch before dawn]: Converse, p.60-63 in Miller 1997:51-52.
Plains. Mandan: Maximilian in Dorsey 1894 [The Master of Life Lives in the Sun; The Immortal Old Woman Lives on the Moon; Her Three Sons Day, Sun, Night; Three Daughters - The Morning Star, the Star at the North Star , Evening Star]: 506; Squier 1851:70 in Prentice 1986 [the moon sickle is the strap on the Moon Old Woman's forehead; her children are the same as Dorsey 1894]: 257; Will, Spinden 1906 [The Immortal Old Woman lives on the moon, she has a white a band around her head; she has three sons (Day, i.e. the first day of creation, Sun, Night) and three daughters; the eldest is the Morning Star, carrying a bunch of feathers, the middle one is a striped pumpkin (a star orbiting around Polyarnaya), the youngest is Evening Star]: 133; Osage [Sun, Morning Star, Ursa Major, North Star, Sirius - Grandfathers; Moon, Evening Star, Double Star, Pleiades, Orion Belt - grandmothers]: La Flesche 1928:74; skidy pawnee: Chamberlain 1982 [see B5A motif; The Morning Star reached the Evening Star's home, defeated her; she gave him everything she owned; both gave theirs to the other strength for the benefit of people; the power of the Morning Star is a scattering of flint, the Evening Star put flints in storms, this is how lightning turned out]: 22-26; Monroe, Williamson 1987 [at the Morning Star - Mars, Evening - Venus]: 45.
California. Karok: Kroeber, Gifford 1980, No. III38 [see motif K27; Laska lives with her grandmother, goes to exterminate monsters; marries an old man's two daughters; leaves after completing each difficult task, marries another old man's daughters; the last test is to swing on a swing; not Laska, but the Tree Rat flies to heaven; Laska sends his father-in-law to heaven, who is happy to be there for the Month; his two daughters - Morning and Evening Stars]: 255-258; Miller 1997 [when the Milky Way appears in the sky, it means that someone has died and their soul has been prepared to go to the world of the dead; when the Evening Star sings to get their lover back, other women also sing to bring back the men who have left them]: 139; yuki [The Morning Star is a young woman Coyote put in heaven to announce sunrise]: Foster 1944:207; Eastern Pomo [Morning Star - Woman of the Day, Evening Woman of the Night]: Miller 1997:144; Wappo [Sun, Month - Men, Morning Star, Evening Star - Women]: Driver 1936:195; miwok [The Pleiades and the Morning Star are two beautiful women, leaders of male stars]: Merriam 1993:68; Chumash: Blackburn 1975, No. 2 [every night The Sun and the Ogre Eagle Slo'v they play ball in the sky against the Morning Star and Shneilemun (Sky Coyote); the Moon (a single woman) is the judge; if the Sun wins, he is paid with the lives of people on earth; if S., the Sun opens the door and acorns, deer, eslay, chia, ducks, geese fall into our world; the Sun is a naked old man carrying a torch in his hand; rests three times: at ten in the morning, at noon and at three in the afternoon; at night quickly returns, going far south; he is a widow, his two daughters have aprons from explosive days; the Sun and his daughters eat people, drink blood], 9 [Morning and Evening Stars are wives of the Sun]: 91-93, 96; Kitanemuk [The Morning Star is a woman with hair to her toes; holding a rainbow with both hands, the grandmother of the Three Thunders; the Evening Star is a man]: Blackburn, Bean 1978:568.
Big Pool. Northern Pyute (Kern River, California) [Peace, Old Man, made the world; The Sun was evil, wanted to kill everyone with its deadly arrows; The month was good; Venus and Mercury were daughters Suns; twenty men killed them, but they came to life 50 days later; the rainbow is P.'s sister, her chest is covered in flowers]: Judson 1994:48-49.
The Great Southwest. Diegueño (kumeai) [The Coyote finds a bone, calls the Wild Cat for lunch, kills him, puts on his skin, takes his liver, comes to his wife, the Morning Star; she is surprised that her husband is so fast eats; understands deception, runs to heaven, drops Coyote's rope; when he is high above the ground, cuts off the rope, Coyote falls, breaks]: Olmos Aguilera 2005:134-135; maricopa [see motif K4; mother and the aunt tells the young man that his grandfather killed his father and uncle; he comes to his mother; they go to look for her brother, they don't find it; he turns into a comet, she's the Morning Star]: Spier 1933:148, 417-419; teva (San -Juan, Nambe) [Evening Star - Yellow-going old woman]: Parsons 1929b:265; pima [The Morning Star is the Sorcerer's Daughter]: Russel 1908:283-284; papago [The Morning Star is a beautiful woman]: Miller 1997:208.
Mesoamerica Tsotsil [The Morning Star is a "sweeping path" in front of the Sun; she was a black girl from Chamula]: Vogt 1969:316-318; wawe [morning Venus is maritomiš, i.e. María Tomasa , she is also a "big lazy girl" (gran pereza) because the sun catches up with her in the morning]: Lupo 1991:229.
Honduras - Panama. Sumu [bright planet {apparently Venus} is the "wife of the Month"; she was the girl who was raised by the moon god Udo by his fingers to heaven; various celestial bodies travel across the sky in boats]: Conzemius 1932 : 126.
The Northern Andes. Kogi: Preuss 1926, No. 3 [son of the Sun and Moon turned into a woman - Morning Star]: 161-162; Reichel-Dolmatoff 1985 (1) [son of the Sun and Moon turned into a woman - Morning Star]: 229; 1985 (2), № 4.2 [The sun came together with Enduksáma not knowing that it was his daughter; when he was told, he sent her away; so she rose before him], 4.8 [The Sun had a daughter from the Moon, Hába Küinduks& #225; ma, Venus; when he was walking across the sky, she brought him food; once Duginávi changed her appearance, the Sun did not recognize her, he had incest with her; she gave birth to a girl named Nurlitába (a bird with a black beak)]: 34, 35; Guajiro [Month-Married to Sun's Sister Venus]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1986 (1), No. 3:27.
Guiana. Varrau [people live in the sky; a man fires an arrow, it pierces the sky; the earth can be seen through the hole; people go down a rope; a pregnant woman gets stuck, turns into the Morning Star]: Brett 1868:389-392; Wilbert 1970, No. 101, 102, 141, 145, 146:216-220, 293-294, 307-311; Taulipan [Jupiter and Venus are wives of the Month, living in the east and west; alone feeds him, he gets fat; the other doesn't feed, he's losing weight]: Koch-Grünberg 1924, No. 16:55; carinha on Orinoco: Civrieux 1974:87-89 [two hunting brothers hide from the cannibal Tarunmio by climbing on a tree above the pond; she grimaces, one of the brothers laughs; T. causes a wind that breaks branches; one brother falls like a seed, T. eats it; the other with a frog, T. brings it home; her daughter takes it in husbands; he creates piranhas by throwing pieces of bark into the water; T. enters the water to eat fish, they devour it themselves; the head remains, it rises into the sky, turns into the Morning Star; the wife avenges the mother; the husband tells objects in the house not to chase him, forgets the spindle; the spindle and the wife catch up with him; the baby in the woman's belly wants a flower; she asks her husband to climb a tree to get a flower; at this time she cuts off his leg; he turns into Orion's Belt ("Someone without a leg"); a woman turns into a voletolo], 104-108 [the man is jealous of his wife, she leaves; he comes to her father, lies down in a hammock; his son finds him dead; tobacco grows on the grave; the young man hides the wings of doves that have arrived; doves raise him to heaven; there the old man and the old woman tell 1) to make a stone bench decorated with copies of the heads of the old man and the old woman ; 2) dry the pond; 3) make a bridge; everything is done by an assistant spirit; reports that these old man and old woman killed the young man's father; when the young man knocked down the trunk to make a bridge, the chips turned into piranha; the old man and the old woman They stepped on the bridge, he fell, they were eaten by piranhas, their heads remained; the old woman's head rose to heaven, became the Morning Star; telling her daughters to avenge her; they gave the young man a drink, lifted the sleeper high up into the tree; the eagle asks how he got here; a vine emerges from the eagle's bowel movements, a man descends on it; the eagle wanted to kill him, but he hid in the water, returned to his mother, gave her an eagle chick to raise; he grew up, began to bring deer and fish to the woman; she organized a clearing party; people came to help, one asked the eagle to bring him an old woman, the other a young woman; so the eagle began to carry people; one village was trapped, a bait girl was caught, an eagle was killed; a woman came, an avenger feather fell on her chest: all his fibers turned into diseases; the woman blew on them, they scattered around the world]; Kalinya and/or the Caribbean Lesser Antilles [Rochefort 1665 and other sources; the "mother of knowledge" gave birth to seven sons without her husband, they became Siritjo (Pleiades); she herself is morning Venus, according to Penard 1908:61, Wife of the Month]: Magaña, Jara 1982:112; Makushi [Kai-wono (Evening Star) is the wife of the Month because she is often seen next to him and brighter than the rest of the stars]: Roth 1915:260.
Western Amazon. Napo (dep. Loreto) [boy and girl rise from the fire on a column of smoke; their lazy mother follows them to heaven; they split her chest with a stone (the origin of women's breasts); she falls, turns into a small fox (Eira barbaral); children become Morning and Evening Stars]: Carpenter 1992:125 -129.
NW Amazon. Bora [The Sun and Moon are spouses, the Morning Star is their daughter]: Wavrin 1932:139; Okaina [The Morning Star is the Sun's wife he dances with]: Wavrin 1937:640; bar [if Venus seen next to the moon, it says she's the bride of the Month]: Jackson 1983:204.
Eastern Amazon. Urubu [after the holiday, the girl spends the night with a man (different options: knowing or not knowing that he is her brother); paints his face; in the morning he runs away into the forest; throwing arrows into the sky, makes a chain , rises to heaven, turns into a Month; sister follows him, turns into an Evening Star]: Huxley 1956:165-167; (cf. tenetehara [(no data on the Sun, but everyone has a dull Sun is a man); The star fell in love with the Month, asked his mother for help; she warned that his wife would have to cook for the Month; Month agreed marry a Star; since then, you can see a star following the moon at night]: Wagley, Galvão 1949, No. 9:135).
Central Andes. Dol. Lambayeque (north coast) [Iguana was a priest, fell in love with Venus, the Sun's younger sister, forgot to make a ritual dish of corn; the Sun turned him into an iguana]: Toro Montalvo 1989:641; the upper reaches of Marañon, the Conchuco district [synopsis of four versions: A (Pomabamba), B (Chavin de Huantar), C (Marañon upper reaches), D (western tributaries of Marañon); drought and frost destroyed crops; parents decide to leave their young son and daughter; realize that they heard them, tie their children in a bag, throw them into the abyss; the bag hangs on a thorny plant; The swallow is unable to free the children, Condor brings them to the valley; they dig potatoes in the Achikai field; she feeds the boy potatoes and peppers, the girl with stones and dried frog sauce; the girl sleeps with Oronkai (Mulyu-Valka ) - the daughter of an old woman; the boy is from A.; when the boy gets fat, A. strangles him, devours him; explains that he screamed when she was looking in his head; tells his daughter to push the girl into a boiling water tomorrow cauldron, cook the cauldron, telling the girl to bring water in a broken vessel; the frog turns into a woman, teaches the girl to repair the vessel, push O. herself into the cauldron, put her brother's remains in a bag, run; A. devours her daughter, she answers her from her belly; Condor hides the girl under her wing, hits A.; Skunk hides her in a hole, lets a stream into A.; Fox, Deer also help the girl; Gorlinka promises to revive the boy puts his remains in the basket, does not tell the girl to open it; she sees A. approaching, opens it, the boy turns into a white dog; Vicuna gives the girl a golden rope; the girl and the dog climb on it sky; A. Vicuna gives a rope on which the parrot sits; he cuts off the rope, A. falls down, asks her assistants to spread the blanket; her screams echo, can still be heard; her blood turns into a lake, her body turns into an echo, her blood turns into a lake, her body turns into mountain, flesh into various plants: feet and hands in cacti, blackberry nails, nettle hair, eyes in potatoes and ulyuku, teeth in corn, fingers in eye tubers and mashua; (options A and D; B names places where flesh and blood fell A.); in the sky, a white dog turns into a Pleiades or a Morning Star; a girl into an Evening Star]: Mejia Xesspe 1952:237-242; Incas: Silverblatt 1990 [same Golte 2009: 86; Pachakuti Yamqui's diagram (1950:226) contrasts two rows of creatures and objects above which there is a single Creator; one row contains the Male Sun, the Morning Star (male; chasca coyllur, achachiurur), Lord Earth, male; in another Moon woman, Evening Star (female, choque chinchay, apachi ururi), Mother Sea, female]: 33; calahuaya [three star sisters, youngest Chchasca (Venus), the middle is Ñusta Wara, or Coillor Ttalla, the eldest is Qoto (prolific); the Milky Way is Chachascañan, or Koillor mayu (mayu - river), Venus walks along it]: Oblitas Poblete 1978: 107-108.
Montagna - Jurua. Ashaninka (river campas): Anderson 1985 [Arooshi tried to cut off a piece of the Month; he pulled it towards him and A. is now visible on the lunar disk; the wives of the Month are Venus and Mars]: 81-83.
Bolivia - Guaporé. Takana: Hissink, Hahn 1961, No. 38 [see M44C motif; someone steals cotton from the field; a man is waiting for two women; they are sisters Luna and Morning Star]: 81-83; Nordenskiöld 1924:296-297 [ Luna and Venus are sisters; they steal corn, cassava, etc. from the Sun's field; he waits for them; despite the moon's warning, he takes her, not his younger sister; his penis grows, he carries it in a basket; Venus comes back to the field; the Sun lets her penis go; she cuts it for a snake; the Sun rises to heaven], 297 (cavinha) [Married to Venus for a month; one day his relative {Schwagerin arrives }, calls him to drink chicha; He gets drunk for a month, falls asleep, Schwagerin smears his face with a genip; in the morning he cannot wash off the stains, they are still visible].
Southern Amazon. Umotina [young man Hári (Month) told the tick to find out which girl had a bigger vagina; it turned out that his sister Barukolotó had; when everyone went fishing, his mother left B. at home, telling him making cassava cakes, did not want the coloring on her body to be washed away; H. stayed, led her sister to the river separately; she saw that there was no fish on the river, and a rainbow was approaching her; that it was a brother; she began to shout at him, both went up to heaven; when the mother returned and did not find her children at home, she looked at the sky, saw that her son had become a Month, her daughter became Morning Venus]: Schultz 1962, no. m: 244- 246.
Eastern Brazil. Kayapo (shikrin) [a young man looks at Venus, wants her to be married, a star comes down to him, he hides her in a calebass; his sister opens it, his mother paints it; her husband throws her into heaven with help sticks, she brings bananas, pumpkins, yams, sweet potatoes, cassava from there, people got cultivated plants]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1984a, No. 53:181-182.
Chaco. Ayoreo [Gedosná star is a woman, seen at dusk; in her absence, the first ancestors of the birds came to her house and took all the guns and other iron items; made beaks out of them; some got good axes, others just pieces of wire, so birds' beaks are not the same]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1989b, No. 188:257-258 (cf. 189 [the red star Edocaraté said to her son and granddaughters (these are woodpeckers different species) pick up her bones when she dies; they made axes for themselves from ribs and shoulder blades - beaks; all bones have turned into iron, so iron tools exist]: 258-259); Wilbert, Simoneau 1987a, No. 25 [Cordeu MS); an ugly black boy dreams of marrying Iózly, the brightest of stars (Venus); she goes down to him, he hides her in calebass; living with a star, a man and his family acquire fair skin; I. warns not to take the calebass into the forest; the husband takes it, women find it, open it, burn it with fire, the star explodes and flies to the sky, the women die; one day I. goes down to a tree, draws her husband's attention with a spit, reproaches him for inattention, flies away forever], 26 [Cordeu 1980; the young man sleeps in the plaza, dreams of the Iózle Morning Star; she goes down to him, he hides it in the nest termites; women rush it to discover; a star explodes, women die, she revives them and flies to heaven; husband turns into an iguana], 27 [Cordeu 1974:111-112; a young man wants to marry the Morning The star of Iózle; she comes down to him, during the day he hides her in calebass; two girls open the calebass, burn I.'s nails; she explodes, kills them, then revives them, returns to heaven; I. is the wife of the month Cacúlco], 28 [Frič MS; a man looks at Venus Johle, wants to be married, she goes down to him; he hides her in a calebass; women open it, she explodes, women die, I. flies to the sky; revives her husband's sister, but not other women; the husband turns into a tuyuyu stork, the dog pulled his feathers out of his tail], 29 [Frič in Metraux 1943:118; Venus (yo'hle) fell in love with an ugly young man, did handsome; a young man wore a star in a calebass sealed with wax; two girls who wanted to make love to a handsome young man decided to find out what he was hiding; melted the wax with burning smut and discovered calebasu; the half-burnt Star flew out and returned to heaven; the young man was looking for her; she returned to earth, sat on a tree; when the young man passed by, spit on him; the young man held out his hands to her, but she again flew to heaven; he became a tuyutuyu stork, followed by a dog and tore off his tail]: 84-88, 89-91, 92-93, 94-96, 97; Chamacoco: Escobar 2006:242 [the young man admires the Morning Star every night Iolé; everyone sleeps in the morning, his comrades go hunting; he wakes up in the sky in I.'s cold arms; they live together, he asks her to go down to earth with him; I. turns into a bunch of light in a maraka ( shaman's pumpkin-gorlyanka rattle) young man; he hides it in his purse; one day, when he goes hunting, he trusts his sister's secret, tells him to guard his handbag; wild boars attacked the village, the women climbed the trees, the boar trampled on his purse, I. returned to heaven, destroyed the village with a flood; the young man continued to look at the sky in the morning], 243-244 [the girl stole the shaman's feather bracelet; a fight broke out, the girl's brother killed shaman; he was sentenced to death; as a shaman himself, he rose to heaven; various stars deny the murderer asylum; in the land of the Morning Star Iolé, the shaman falls asleep; I. wakes him up, forgives, he lives with her and her three daughters; I. is in love with him, reluctantly lets him go back to earth; he is put in his eyes made of blue stones that show everything; he returns to the village with gifts from heaven, he is forgiven; it is difficult for him to live on earth, he returns to his wife; then returns to earth a few more times, finally stays in heaven forever]; chorote [Month is the husband of the Morning Star; has a second wife]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1985, No. 3:18-19; matako [all matako bands have Sun and Month both men; when Venus gets closer to the Month, she is referred to as his wife]: Braunstein 1989:45; toba : Wilbert, Simoneau 1982b, No. 1 (Argentina) [After the global fire, some people turned into stars, including two women in the Morning Stars and the Evening Stars; those who hid in underground shelters went out and turned into animals; only one man was left unturned; a woman was lowered from the sky on a rope; the rope was cut too early, the woman is ugly; if they had been cut off later, everything would be (they are descendants of that couples) would be beautiful]: 25-26; 1989a, No. 42 [a beautiful woman began to come to the shaman, it was Venus; he asked her to take him to heaven; it was cold there; only the Month had fire; the shaman warmed up, brought from the Month I eat for myself and his wife]: 67-68; poppy [wife leaves her ugly husband; he looks at the sky at night, wants Foteki Morning Star to be his wife; when hunting, she injures a deer, he turns into a woman, she says that F. is; becomes a saint, tells the man to hide him in his bag; his mother hears a woman with her son at night; his younger sister tries to look into the bag, a needle falls out, stabs her in eye; F. heals her eye, remains human; smears her husband, mother-in-law's eyes with urine, they now see fruits on the tree that they have not seen before; raises her husband to heaven to visit her father-in-law; it's cold there; Father F. - too star; for a long time F. replies to him that her husband did not copulate with her; finally he confesses; he calls his son-in-law, pierces him with sharp bones, his son-in-law dies of blood loss; after a while, his father-in-law tells him daughters step on the grave, the husband gets up; the wife combs the half-decomposed corpse, it comes to life, becomes handsome; the father-in-law visits the Sun man; the son-in-law misses the earth; the father-in-law tells the daughter that she will be able to revive her husband one more time in the same way as she has already done; the spouses return to earth; the former wife sees that he has become handsome; along with her sisters comes for him; F. and the former his wife pulls him in different directions, tears him in half; F. revives him; the next night, F. cannot revive her husband again; returning to heaven, tells her husband's family to stock up on firewood, for her father is punishment will send cold; father-in-law kills the rest of the village with cold]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1991a, No. 85:187-191; Pilaga: Wilbert, Simoneau 1989a, No. 25 [Dapitchi (Pleiades) turned a woman Wakachini in the Morning Star], 26 [beautiful Wakaciní refused to marry; took to heaven with Dapitchi but he turned her into a star; the other stars are also women but give little light; and this one the brightest, she is the Morning and Evening Star]: 42, 43-44; mokovi: Wilbert, Simoneau 1988, No. 18 [The morning star fell in love with a young man; came every night, left in the morning; he wants to get up with her, she does not advise; one day she left at midnight, warning him not to touch the coals; he is cold, he makes a fire and burns without a trace], 19 [as in (18), briefly]: 43-45.
Southern Brazil. Guarani (all bands?) [The Morning Star is Koémiiá (the etymology is not clear, perhaps the "spirit (genius) of dawn"; the Evening Star is the wife of the Month]: González 1967:377.
The Southern Cone. Tehuelche [Karro is the Evening Star, daughter of the Sun and Moon; Elal flew to her in a swan, completed difficult tasks; now the souls of the dead are coming to heaven, they are brought there by Uendeuk; they turn into stars]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1984b, No. 7:21.