Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

I82C. Wife of the Month .11.-.13.18.-.

.55.59.62. (.63.) .64.66.-.68.71.-.73.

Venus, or an unidentified star in the eastern and/or western sky, is the wife of the Month. See the I82b motive.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Fioti [Evening Star is Wife of the Month; Morning Star is "Spy of the Month" or "False Month"]: Pechuël-Loesche 1907:136; luba (shaba) [Morning and Evening Stars are twin sisters, Wives of the Month]: Studstill 1984:71-73; luba-hemba [Month Kaiye man; having created him, Kabetya mpungu gave him two wives; the first accompanies him from the new moon; the second, the Morning Star, accompanies when he gets old and dies]: Colle 1913:715-716; tabwa [Venus Morning and Evening Venus - Two Wives of the Month]: Roberts 1991:260; Sukuma, Rundi [Venus is Wife of the Month]: Sicard 1966:57; giryama [Venus - Mukazamwezi - "Wife of the Month"]: Werner 1912:194 (=1933:76); nyamwezi [The Sun is the wife of the Month; he tries to grab his wife when he achieves his goal, the full moon comes after what lies ahead of her and her wife obediently follows behind her; spots on the moon are burns that the Sun has inflicted with its torch; sometimes Venus is considered the wife of the Month - the Evening Star is called "Wife of the Month"]: Millroth 1965:35; Congo: Laman 1962 [The month is stronger and older than the Sun, harsh and cruel, taking away the souls of humans and animals; his wife is the Morning or Evening Star; the Sun is an old hard-working woman, soft, kind to old people and everyone who loves warmth; the Sun and the Month chase each other; when they merge, men will become lizards and women will become frogs]: 64-65; Sicard 1966 [evening Venus is the first wife of the Month, Ngambe ( unidentified star) - second]: 57; Weeks 1909a [Venus is the wife of the Month]: 477 (=1914:293-294); sakata [The Month has two wives, one accompanying him at dawn, the other is the Evening Star]: Coll&# 233; n 1971:162; Songye [Sun and Month are men, Venus is the wife of the Month]: Wouters 1949:232-246 at Studstill 1984:130-131; Kuta [The Sun has few children, they die from heat and hunger; He has been married to the Evening Star for a month and has many child stars with her]: Andersson 1974:35; karanga (hungwe): Frobenius 1931 [god Maori created the Mwuetsi man at the bottom of the lake ("The Month"); he went to nothing land; God gave him a wife, Mossassi ("Morning Star"), she gave birth to plants; took her, gave birth to his wife Morongo ("Evening Star"), she gave birth to pets; the morning after copulation again, she gave birth sons and daughters, who immediately became adults; God warned against further copulation, but Mvuetsy did not listen; after the fourth copulation, the wife gave birth to predators, snakes, scorpions; then told her husband marry their adult daughters; she slept with the snake herself; Mwuetsi wanted to sleep with her, the snake was under bed, bit him, he got sick, the rain stopped; his children strangled him, burned him, and Morongo also killed, chose another ruler; (=Frobenius, Fox 1937:215-220; retelling in Abrahamsson 1951:72)]: 237-240; Beier 1966 [{source? This is a slightly different text than in Frobenius 1931; =Scheub 2000:138-139}; god Maori created a man at the bottom of the lake, Mwuetsi ("The Month"); he went to empty land; God gave him a wife, Mossassi ("The Morning Star") she gave birth to plants; two years later Maori took her to live in the sky, eight years later she married Morongo ("Evening Star") for two years; on the first day she gave birth to pets, on the second day she gave birth to wild herbivores and birds, and the third - humans; contrary to warning, the Month slept with her for the fourth time, she gave birth to predators, snakes, scorpions; the Month met with its daughters, they gave birth to many children, the Month became king big people; the Evening Star, out of jealousy, sent a snake to bite her husband, he fell ill, the rains stopped; the children killed the Month, threw them into the sea, chose another king; The Month ascended to heaven, pursues his first wife, the Morning Star, with whom he was happy]: 15-17; Como [The Evening Star is the good wife of the Month, he feeds him, he is getting fat; the Morning Star is bad, he tells me to postpone food until later, he is losing weight; The sun is more often associated with a woman, but when at its zenith it is considered a man and in the less hot months it is a woman]: Mahieu 1975:237-238; Malawi [in Nyasaland, the Evening Star Chekechani is a poor wife , She has been starving for two weeks for a month; Puikani in the morning feeds him and he gets fat again]: Werner 1933:76; silt [because Venus is often seen near the moon in the evening, she is called "Wife of the Month"]: Smith, Dale 1920:219; ndebele [evening Venus - "Asking for food" in the sense of a wife telling her month-old husband that her supplies have run out]: Sicard 1966:45-46; mambunda [on the full moon The month appears before his first Sun Wife, becomes sick from her rays, dies; his wife Nehanda (Venus) accompanies him, revives him; dies herself and revives; the Month comes out renewed; Nehanda as an evening The star is also called Marinda and Massassi as the morning star]: Jensen in Frobenius 1931:232; bafia [The Evening Star ("rich woman", lives in her own home, wife of the Month]: Tessmann 1934a: 218; lamp [stars are Chief of the Month's favorite servants; stars twinkle because they make fires; sometimes it is said that the starry sky is God's village, the stars are bonfires at the entrances to houses; Venus is the fire at the entrance to houses main wife's house doors]: Doke 1931:224; (cf. Lunda [The Sun quarreled with the Month, threw mud at it; The Month has no hands, so it cannot wash off the stains; the stars are wives of the Month]: Melland 1967:163).

West Africa. Ijo (kalabari) [no interest in stars; the brightest planet currently visible is considered the wife of the Month]: Talbot 1932:344; scrap [The evening star is considered the wife of the Month; Son of the Month is behind his main wife; the rest of the stars are their children]: Schwab 1947:413; Western Dan [Evening Star is the sweetheart of the Month]: Fischer 1967:709; mukulehe [1) The Moon is the wife of the Sun; 2) planets and stars are wives and children of the Month]: Lembezat 1950:57.

Sudan - East Africa. Mbuti Pygmies [there are two wives next to the Month; Mataligeda is bad, she is losing weight for a month, and Marubogeda is good, she is getting fat]: Dupré 1963:82; zande [month - male, star next door with him - feminine; there are two of them; the one who appears next to him in the east feeds him, and when he is in the West, he loses weight; with the sun, a month quarrels; but the zande do not know what a month is, it is like to them an animal; and the sun is not an animal, it is fire]: Lagae 1920:144-145; manja, nzakara [evening Venus is the first wife of the Month, Ngambe (unidentified star) is second]: Sicard 1966:57; gbaya [Sirius as the brightest southern star is the wife of the Month; Venus is simply an "evening star" or, apparently (the etymology is not entirely clear), "the morning star"]: Tessmann 1937:84; ngbandi [Venus is Wife of the Month]: Knappertt 1997:226

Australia. Tiwi [four planets (Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, Mars) - Wives of the Month]: Mountford 1958:173-175; Mungkan [two initiated brothers travel to create a landscape; dance, sing, they fight each other, clear the thickets with a magic boomerang; the elder cuts off the younger genitals, gives a digging stick instead of a spear; makes his wife; the boomerang is a young month, the older brother is full month, younger - Morning Star]: Waterman 1987, № 720:42 (Russian per. McConnell 1981, No. 2:33-38); wick-natara [two brothers are dancing, one is gradually becoming a woman, the other is marrying her, this is the first marriage; McConnel believes that one brother is the Month that has become by a woman - Morning Star]: McConnel, p. 466 in Frazer 1939:217

Melanesia. Marind-anim: Wirtz, Neverman 1981, No. 8 [Mundy was lazy and Ohom was returning late from the station; the men found M. sleeping, they wanted to find M. sleeping. , home late from the station; beat and eat, she ran to heaven, became the Morning Star; R. became the Evening Star; all stars are women married to the Month]: 207-208 (=Permyakov 1970, No. 5:53-54; camano, usurufa, etc. (eastern mountains) [Jugumishanta and her husband Morufonu sit under a tree whose branches form the earth; the world rests on M.'s shoulders as he moves, the ground shakes; their eldest son Months married to Vechernyaya Star]: Berndt 1965:80-81; Eastern Torres Strait Islands [The Evening Star is the Wife of the Month; they meet and copulate once a month; then they quarrel and separate]: Haddon 1908, No. 2:4; Islands The Admiralty [stars are people of the Month; the Evening Star is his wife or servant]: Thurnwald 1912:341; Nevermann 1934:371; (cf. Ye-Nan [The month is a man, the stars are his wives; stars are poorly distinguished, separate words for the Morning and Evening Stars and for the Pleiades]: Nevermann 1942:192); Loyalty Islands [Evening Venus - "Wife of the Month"]: Hadfield 1920:109

Micronesia-Polynesia. Marshall Islands (Ratik) [The Month has two wives; the one who cares for him in the east rises in the form of a full moon; the one in the west does not feed him well, there he looks like a narrow one sickle; spots on the moon are an apron (fiber apron) under which a concubine girl is hidden]: Erdland 1914:311.

Malaysia-Indonesia. Semangi [Wife of the Month - Evening Star]: Schmidt 1925:729.

The Balkans. Bulgarians [A month should have married Denitsa (Morning Star) or a girl in Grozdanka; the Hedgehog did not come because he found out that all living things would die when new suns were born]: Stoynev 2006:303; Serbs [Danica (Venus) is the sister of the Month, but there are songs in which the Month is her husband or fiance]: Janković 1951:99-100, 122.

Central Europe. Ukrainians: Golovatsky 1860 (Galicia) [The month was the husband of the star, his companions; in wedding Russian songs, they make a good month urge your kind star (dawn) to ascend at once, illuminate field and sea, make animals in the forest happy and guests on the road]: 38; Fedorovich 2009 [numerous legends say that the Sun is the wife of the Month and Venus is his mistress]: 134; Belarusians: Avilin 2015 [ wedding song: The Morning Star went around the Month and stood next to me; I will not block the Month, but will become your wife]: 110; Pyatkevich 2004 [Venera - Zarnitsa and Vecharnitsa, or Monthly Druzhina (Mesyatseva's wife) or tavaryshka (friend, girlfriend). The last name is known to the local low-native (Zatsyanka) gentry: "The star that glows so well is a friend of the Month"]: 282.

Baltoscandia. Lithuanians [A month fell in love with Ausrine (Morning Star), Perkunas cuts him with a sword]: Civyan 1988:230.

Volga - Perm. "Turks" (Bashkirs?) [Ay (Month) fell in love with the beautiful woman, she began to walk on the water; with full buckets and a rocker arm, A. took her to heaven; the faces of Ay and Zukhra merged (or Zukhra turned into Venus)]: Mansyutova 1991:186; Bashkirs : Barag 1987, No. 10 [stepmother offended Zukhra, stopped letting her into the house; sleeping Z. was kidnapped by peary, ordered to fill the bottomless barrel; Z. asked the Moon for help, she took her, put her near herself (star Zukhra-Yondoz)]: 34-35, 36; Nadrshina 1985, No. 8 [stepmother offends Zukhra, makes her carry water at night; Z. asks the Moon to take it away, the Moon turns her into a star (Venus)]: 13; Tatars [about moons - Zukhra maiden, near dawn - Chulpan maiden, on the Bear - seven maidens]: Vorobyov, Khisamutdinov 1967:315.

The coast is the Plateau. Halkomel (Lower Fraser River) [The Sun and the Month are brothers; the big star around the Month is his wife]: Boas 1895, No. III.1:20 (=2002:94).

Honduras - Panama. Sumu [bright planet {apparently Venus} is the "wife of the Month"; she was the girl who was raised by the moon god Udo by his fingers to heaven; various celestial bodies travel across the sky in boats]: Conzemius 1932 : 126.

The Northern Andes. Guajiro [Married for a month to Sun's sister Venus]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1986 (1), No. 3:27; (cf. ambera [Month had a wife and that daughter with another man; The month is always covered with ulcers, the wife went to the holidays alone; the stepdaughter took his shirt from the Month, all the tongues remained on it, and then disappeared in the sun; the month in the guise of a handsome man came to the party; his wife did not recognize him, scratched his stomach as a sign that he wanted him; at home he put his foot in her mouth, turning him into an owl; next to the Month in The star in the sky is his stepdaughter]: Wassen 1933, No. 4:110-111).

Guiana. Taulipan [Jupiter and Venus are wives of the Month, living in the east and west; one feeds him, he gets fat; the other does not feed, he is losing weight]: Koch-Grünberg 1924, No. 16:55; kalinya and/or The Caribbean Lesser Antilles [Rochefort 1665 et al.; the "mother of knowledge" gave birth to seven sons without her husband, they became Siritjo (Pleiades); she herself is morning Venus, according to Penard 1908:61, Wife of the Month]: Magaña, Jara 1982:112; Makushi [Kai-wono (Evening Star) is the wife of the Month because she is often seen next to him and brighter than the rest of the stars]: Roth 1915:260.

NW Amazon. Bara [When Venus is near the Month, she is his fiancée]: Jackson 1983:204

(Wed. Central Amazon. Moore [The moon is female for half a month and a man for the other half; the evening star is hung from the moon like a hook; souls pull the moon from west to east like fishermen pull hooked fish, so the moon appears more east every night]: Tastevin 1923:526).

Eastern Amazon. Urubu: Huxley 1956 [after the holiday, a girl spends the night with a man (different options: knowing or not knowing that he is her brother); paints his face with paint; in the morning he runs away into the forest; letting him into the sky arrows, makes a chain, rises to heaven, turns into a month; sister follows him, turns into an Evening Star]: 165-167; Ribeiro 2002 [the young man came to his sister and niece at night; found on his face was a dark spot {apparently the girls anointed him with paint}; he was lying in a hammock all day; his father told him to stand up, saw the stain, told him to show up forever only at night; he became a month; his sister can be seen next to Neem is a star near the moon; his mother is a big star in the sky {Venus?}] : 487-488; Tenetehara [The star fell in love with the Month, asked his mother for help; she warned that his wife would have to cook for the Month; the Month agreed to marry the Star; since then, the star has been seen next at night behind the moon]: Wagley, Galvão 1949, No. 9:135

Montagna - Jurua. Ashaninka (river campas) [Arooshi tried to cut off a piece of the Month; he pulled it towards him and A. is now visible on the lunar disk; the wives of the Month are Venus and Mars]: Anderson 1985:81-83; machigenga [the girl has her first period, she lives in a ritual hut; the month offers her love; she gives him clay to eat; he gives cassava, explains how to plant it and how to make kashiri; takes it as a wife; she is insulted when he first copulates with her (saying that a fish will enter her), sprinkles black juice in his face; since then, the moon's disc is stained; when the first son is born, the Month plants four trees to the cardinal points; only the east and west grow up to mark the future path of the Sun; this son is too hot, he is made the sun of another world; the second becomes the sun of our world; others are born; the latter are twins, the mother dies during childbirth; the mother-in-law blames her son-in-law for her death; the Month promises to revive the deceased in the form of two women to feed the twins, but her mother-in-law tells him to eat the corpse; now in the sky next to the Month, the star is his wife (var.: one of his sons); the Month breaks its peak on the river, makes another on the heavenly river to catch the souls of the dead; prefers children and women; watches beyond the top of Shirichanchani; he lets go of souls, tells the Month that no one was caught; in which case the patient recovers]: Pereira 1942:241-243.

Bolivia - Guaporé. Takana (cavinha) [Married to Venus for a month; one day his relative {Schwagerin} comes and calls him to drink chicha; He gets drunk for a month, falls asleep, Schwagerin smears his face with a genip; in the morning he does not can wash away stains, they are still visible]: Nordenskiöld 1924:297.

Southern Amazon. Umotina [young man Hári (Month) told the tick to find out which girl had a bigger vagina; it turned out that his sister Barukolotó had; when everyone went fishing, his mother left B. at home, telling him making cassava cakes, did not want the coloring on her body to be washed away; H. stayed, led her sister to the river separately; she saw that there was no fish on the river, and a rainbow was approaching her; that it was a brother; she began to shout at him, both went up to heaven; when the mother returned and did not find her children at home, she looked at the sky, saw that her son had become a Month, her daughter became Morning Venus]: Schultz 1962, no. m: 244- 246.

SE Brazil. Kaingang [man is sick; sees Month coming down to him with his star wife; heals him; {Star not identified-possibly Venus}]: Henry 1941:73.

Chaco. Chorote [The month is the husband of the Morning Star; also has a second wife]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1985, No. 3:18-19; chamacoco [Cordeu 1974:111-112; the young man wants to marry the Morning Star Iózle; she goes down to him, during the day he hides her in calebass; two girls open the calebass, burn I.'s nails; she explodes, kills them, then revives them, returns to heaven; I. - Cacúlco's wife of the month]: Wilbert , Simoneau 1987a, No. 27:92-93; matako [all matako groups have Sun and Month both men; when Venus approaches the Month, she is referred to as his wife]: Braunstein 1989:45; (cf. Oriental toba [Venus went down to the shaman, offered to take him to heaven; he took off, stayed with her, but her house was very cold; she sent him to get fire to Old Man; only he had fire, shaman warmed up, brought food for myself and my wife]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1989a, No. 42:67-68).

Southern Brazil. Guarani (all bands?) [The Morning Star is Koémiiá (the etymology is not clear, perhaps the "spirit (genius) of dawn"; the Evening Star is the wife of the Month]: González 1967:377.