Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

I82D. Venus is a man and a woman.

.17.21.-.25.27. (.28.) .

The morning and evening stars are opposed as a man and a woman. See motive I82a, I82b.

Western Asia. Phoenicians [man and woman]; Babylonia: Curtic 2007:113-114 [in some astrological texts, morning Venus is a female deity, evening Venus is masculine, in others morning Venus is masculine, evening - feminine; as masculine it was identified with Ningirsu], 277-278 [in the 3rd millennium BC, Venus was revered as the incarnation of Inanna, in II-I - Ishtar; there is reason to believe that already in archaic Uruk Inanna has been identified with Venus both in the morning and in the evening; since the middle of the 3rd century. (perhaps earlier) Inanna's standard glyptic symbol is an eight-pointed star with or without a circle; the morning and evening stars were interpreted as one star, perhaps already in archaic Uruk, but solid evidence - in mythological texts of the late 3rd - 2nd millennium BC]; Henninger 1954 [among the Babylonians and Assyrians, Ihar was both an evening and a morning star; morning was sometimes considered a man and was related to the war]: 108.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Mizo (best) [spouses; Morning Star is a girl].

Burma - Indochina. Vietnam [Morning wife, evening husband]: Landes 1886, No. 47:123-126.

South Asia. Condas [siblings and spouses].

Malaysia-Indonesia. Eastern Toraja [spouses]; Seram (nusavele, hatuolu, huaulu) [siblings].

Taiwan - Philippines. Sulu [siblings and spouses]; atayal [Morning man, evening woman].

The Balkans. Moldovans [When a flea shoved one leg with 99 eyes of iron, the other with 99 okami (1 ca 1200 g) became, and everything seemed not enough for her, the king had a mischievous son. He fell from a slingshot into a jug of water carried by his grandmother, who cursed him: "So that you walk around the ground and not calm down until you reach the immortal kingdom, but you will not find peace there either." The prince is melancholy; he goes to seek an immortal kingdom. He comes to his cell. The hermit does not know about such a kingdom, he sends him through the forest, animals will meet there - everyone should be greeted. Then in front of the castle, the snake will lie with its head on the doorstep - and greet him, he will be happy, turn his head - it will be possible to pass. The castle will tell you where to go next. That's what the prince does. The palace is an old man as old as the world. For saying hello to his animals, he gives a ball of gold thread. The guy goes for a ball, sits down to rest under the oak tree. The acorn asks you to get up from him, offers to live with him until he becomes a strong and lush oak tree. And when he is old, falls and swallows begin to swarm in his ashes, then the prince will end. The prince sprinkles the acorn with earth to grow, says goodbye to him, and goes on after the ball. He comes to a grape bush covered with clusters. The bush suggests burying the grape seed and staying here until the grapes grow; as long as he is alive, the prince will drink wine and eat grapes. The prince buried the seed and moves on. He wants to shoot an eagle, the Tolt asks not to kill, but to heal. If trouble happens, we need to think about it, he will come to the rescue. The prince bandages the eagle's wounds, feeds it, and moves on. The sea has receded, and on the sand lies a king of fish 12 steps long, human-tall, with silver wings, and golden scales. He asks not to eat it, but to put it in water - if you think about it, he will come to the rescue. Then the fox asks to protect it from dogs (same thing). The mosquito asks to be released from the web (same thing). He says that there will be a castle, where you have to go to the king and ask for your youngest daughter as a bride. Until he gets married, he won't take over the immortal realm. The guy comes to the gilded chambers, explains where and where he's going from. The king agrees to give his daughter if the boy can hide. Then he will live in the castle as long as the earth stands and the sun shines: from this gate the immortal kingdom begins. The guy remembers the eagle, the eagle takes it to the heavenly gate and hides it behind 9 rows of clouds. The three princesses look the same. The eldest sees the guy in the sky. The king is going to tear his head off, his daughter asks for forgiveness. The average one sees a guy in the fish's mouth (same thing). The youngest can't see only the boy's shadow. The king tells him to go out and admits that his daughter did not see him, but let him know the youngest. A mosquito sits on her nose. The guy stays in the castle with her forever. The king forbids him to go out through the gate he entered. One day, his arrow goes out the gate. Behind her, he opens the gate, sees a shiny thread from a golden ball, remembers his house, his father, and his mother. The king dissuades him, but he leaves. On a golden thread, he comes to an old and long vine, which recognizes him, but he refuses to rest. It's the same with oak. He reaches the castle, where he was given a golden ball, sees a dragon, dried up from old age, and greets him. The dragon rejoices and keeps him alive. The owner of the castle has grown a beard, half of which he puts under himself and the other is covered. The old man raises his eyelids with a crutch, looks at the guy, invites him to come back. There is a grove in the place of the hermit's cell, and ruins on the site of the castle's father. A 300-year-old man heard from his grandfathers that there was a king's castle with a son here, and that son went around the world for life without death, for youth without old age. And then everyone in the kingdom died of the plague. The prince returns, kicks a clay mortar at the ruins of the gate, and death creeps out from under it with a scythe on his shoulder: waiting for him. The prince runs away, death is his. He greets the dragon, enters the castle, the old man gives him a wool belt, tells him to die, let him wear it until he wears out so that there is no whole thread left, and only then let him come. The dragon breathes heat and tar to death, does not let him in for not saying hello. The prince gives death a belt, runs to the oak tree, the oak tells you to take an iron staff from the hollow, let him die: let him come when the staff is erased. Death sets out to erase the staff. The prince reaches the vine. She promises to be a boat and a bridge for him, and tells him to throw his sword under his feet: let him come when the soblya rust and falls to dust. The saber is rusted, death is chasing, the prince comes to the castle, opens the gate, the wife meets him, grabs his hand, and death by the leg. They're arguing. The wife proposes to turn the prince into a golden apple, throw it up: whoever catches will get the prince. He throws an apple, it turns into an evening star. The king and his people also turn the girl into a golden apple, throw it up, tell them to find the king's son and return with him to the palace - death will not be able to do anything to them. The apple becomes the morning star. Death is angry, tramples the shadows of all three, and turns the king and his two daughters into blocks of stone. Since then, there have been stars in the sky and stone pillars at the gate]: Botezatu 1981:27-37; Romanians [after a long prayer, the queen gives birth to a daughter; she is a goat during the day, a girl at night; she marries a prince; he burns goatskin; wife flies to heaven, becomes evening Venus, her husband becomes Morning]: Mladenova 2006:58; Bulgarians: Kovachev 1914 [Stana and Milo (Miho) are brother and sister who were kidnapped as a child and the Turks separated; they met and fell in love; during the wedding, the icons in the church moved, the candles went out; they turned to God and he made them Morning and Evening Venus; once a year they getting closer; if they meet, an earthquake occurs]: 25; Stoynev 2006:140-141 [Denitsa and Vechernitsa were sister and brother (Yanka and Yankul, Stana and Milo, Denitsa and Yurak); they were kidnapped by the Turks; they came back, met, did not recognize each other, got married, they have a child; their mother recognized them; for sin, through their pleas, they were understood to heaven, became stars], 141 [1) =Kovachev 1914:26; a childless woman asks God let her give birth to a snake; a snake was born, grew up, asked the royal daughter Denitsa as his wife; on her wedding night, the mother saw through the keyhole that the serpent had become a young man; St. Peter and St. Maria, and Denitsa served them; the bride became Denitsa, her fiance became the Evening Star (Yunak); 2) Zornitsa and Vechernitsa were brother and sister Milan and Militsa; more in Kovachev 1914:26]; (cf. Greeks [in the Greek versions of the ATU plot, No. 450, brother and sister are either the Morning Star (Zornitsa is brother) and the Pleiades, or Janos and Maro]: Mladenova 2006:57).

(Wed. Central Europe. B eloruses ["The Morning Star shines on the Queen, and the Evening Star shines on the Tsar"]: Avilin 2015:108).

Western Siberia. Nenets: Barmich 2014 [elderly spouses are childless; the old man suggested making a wooden idiot instead of his son, carved him out, put clothes on him; one day someone goes; old man: this is our child; guest came in, he was fed; guest: tomorrow will be a good day, it is very hot, go outside naked; they did so; suddenly there was a thunderstorm; the hair was wet; the old men ascended to heaven; the old man became the morning star of dawn, the old woman in the evening]: 622-623; Lehtisalo 1998 (tundra) [the old spouses are childless; the old woman makes herself a wooden seat instead of her son; a stranger comes, tells her to go out in the morning naked; in the morning the fire began to fall in the form of rain, the hair on the skin burned, the couple flew, the husband became the evening star]: 12-13; Nenyang 1997 (Taimyr) [childless spouses are old, old man decides to make a wooden idol instead of the child; dresses, puts it at the entrance to the plague; a stranger comes, asks who this idol is, advises him to go outside tomorrow without clothes; a fiery rain has begun, spouses freed themselves from their bodies, flew to heaven; the old man became the Morning Star, the old woman became the Evening Star]: 36-37.

Eastern Siberia. Evenki Birary: Vasilevich 1969 [evening star Cholbon is a woman, morning Eden is a man, master of all stars]: 210-211; Shirokogoroff 1935:43 in Yakhontov 1992 [Shirokogorov cites the myth of the Birar Orochons, in which evening and morning Venus are represented by two anthropomorphic deities, female and male]: 139.

Plains. Osage [grandparents]; skidi pawnee [man and woman].

California. Kitanemook [woman and man].

The Great Southwest. Teva [The Morning Star is a man, addressed on the occasion of war; the Evening Star is an Old Yellow Woman with gray braids falling on her face]: Parsons 1939 (1): 181.

Western Amazon. Napo (dep. Loreto) [brother and sister].

The Central Andes. Prov. Konchukos (dep. Ancash) [brother and sister]; Incas [man and woman].

Southern Brazil. Guarani (all bands?) [man (?) and a woman].