I82F. Venus is a Wolf Star .
(Evening) Venus is associated with a predatory beast, usually a she-wolf.
Germans, Slovenes, Czechs, Poles, Kashubians, Belarusians, Ukrainians (Galicia), (Russians), Lithuanians, Prussians.
Western Europe. Germans (senior) [Tier Sterne (for zodiac events)]: Avilin 2015:111.
The Balkans. Slovenes: Avilin 2015 [Zwiradnica]: 111; Matičetov 1973 [Zverínščica]: 61; (cf. Serbs [Volarica, Volarka, Voloranka]: Karpenko 1981:80).
Central Europe. Art. -famous: The menagerie, the animal is the female animal. Belarusians: Avilin 2015 [Venus - Wolf Star]: 111; Sanko 2004 [Evening Venus - Voucha Zvezda]: 195; Czechs: Vaiškūnas 1999 [Zwirednice]: 172 (=Avilin 2015:111); Potanin 1883 [Zwiretnice, Zwerenice]: 732; Poles: Abilin 2015:111 [Zwierzynka (Silesia, Lodz, Mazowsha)], 112 [Wolf Star (Western Poland)]; Gładyszowa 1960 [Evening Venus - Wolf Star]: 71 -72; Bartmiński, Niebrzegowska 1996 [evening Venus - Zwierzca Gwiazda, Zwierzyna, etc.]: 227; Kashubians [zweržowa (i.e. animal) star; identified in the source like Sirius]: Avilin 2015:111; Ukrainians: Avilin 2015 [Wolf Star]: 112; Ilkevich 1841 ["See Vovcha Star"]: 96; (cf. Russians [Venus - "The Animal Girl" "in one old Russian translation of Job; 38, 32" with reference to Afanasiev 1860:736; {Avilin 2015:111 points to Buslaev as the final source}; perhaps borrowing from Western Slavic or Baltic languages; "in modern Russian folk dialects, the name WOLF STAR has never been recorded"]: Ruth 1987:34-35).
Baltoscandia. Lithuanians: Holy 1913 [Venus - Zwerinne, from zweris - "wolf" {the name is clearly rare, not mentioned in other sources - possibly from the Belarusian borderland}]: 178; Vaiškūnas 1999 [ old Lithuanian names for Mars - "Small Animal Star", Saturn - "Big Animal Star"]: 172; Prussians ["Animal Star"]: Vaiškūnas 1999:172.