Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue

Ethnicities and habitats

I82G. Venus is the Shepherd's Star. .15.16.27.-.29.33.

Venus or another star (Arcturus, Sirius, etc.) is called the Shepherd's Star (the star of Shepherd, Ovchar, Boopas, Svinar, etc.).

Portuguese, Italians, Sicilians, Catalans, French, British, Bulgarians, Romanians, Slovenes, Serbs, Montenegrins, Croats, Greeks, Poles, Luzhitans, Crimean Tatars, Lezgins, Turks , Kazakhs.

Southern Europe. Portuguese, Italians: Mladenova 2006 (north) [Shepherd's star and its variants]: 47; Volpati 1913 (Piedmont, Veneto, Romagna, Switzerland, Sicily) [stella boara]: 335-337; Catalans [Estel bovater: Venus in the morning; Estel dels boters, Estel de pastor: Venus in the evening (the time when shepherds are going to eat dinner); Estel dels bouers, Star of the Cow Shepherds, Alpha Bootes, that appears at dusk]: Amades 1930:217.

Western Europe. French people (incl. Provence) [Shepherd's Star and its variants]: Mladenova 2006:47, Sébillot 1904 [Venus is almost universally referred to as Shepherd's Star]: 33, Volpati 1913:335-337; the British [Old English Svâ ; na steorra for evening Venus]: Grimm 1875:603 in Mladenova 2006:48.

The Balkans. Bulgarians: Kovachev 1914 [Sheepdog Star - Arcturus or Sirius]: 23; Mladenova 2006 [Sheepdog Star - evening Venus, Arcturus, Sirius, etc.; Govedarska Zvezda - in one case evening Venus, not identified in the other]: 47; Romanians (Moldova only) ["Shepherd's Star" is almost always evening Venus]: Mladenova 2006:47, map 9; Slovenians [Ovčaríca - Mars]: Mladenova 2006:47; Serbs, Croats [Shepherica - Evening Venus]: Mladenova 2006:47; Bulgarians, Serbs, Croats, Greeks [Svinárkata, etc. name, related to a pig; Romanians probably have Jupiter]: Mladenova 2006:47; Montenegrins [Sheepcharitsa, Govedaritsa, Volaritsa; also Skrobaritsa from Skroba, a liquid cornmeal porridge, which shepherds ate in the evening]: Rovinsky, pp. 440-441 in Avilin 2015:107.

Central Europe. Poles [dial: Pasterka - Morning Venus (cattle are driven out when it appears)]: Bartmiński, Niebrzegowska 1996:222; Luzhitans (Lower puddles) [Pastyrska hwzda - evening Venus]: Mladenova 2006:47

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Crimean Tatars [Choban Yildizy]: Useinov 2007:586; Lezgins [Morning Star - Zugre (borrowed from Arabic); also female name; Evening Star - Pastusheskaya]: Rizvanov, Rizvanov 1990:40-41; Turks [Çobanyildizi, "Shepherd's Star"; perhaps only in European Turkey (no data on Anatolia); most likely, the common Turkic Č, distorted under Balkan influence olban]: Mladenova 2006:47-48.

Turkestan. Kazakhs [Venus {obviously evening} are Shepherd's Star; upon the rise of this planet, Kyrgyz shepherds drive sheep to the village, into the pen]: Valikhanov 1985:57.