Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

I82i. Venus - Zahra/Zura.

The name of the night sky object (usually Venus) sounds like Zukhra, Zahra, Zura, etc.

Arabic traditions are highlighted in bold italics, according to which this There is no specific information at the moment, but using Venus's standard designation as "Zahra" is extremely likely.

Arabs of Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco, Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Palestinians, Bedouins in Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Arabs ( written tradition), Kashmiris, Malays, Ibans, Nogais, Rutulans, Lezgins, Aguls, Azerbaijanis, Persians, Shugnans, Bartangans, Rushans, Yazgulyam, Vakhans, Ishkashim, Uzbeks, Tajiks, Turkmens, Kazan Tatars, Bashkirs, Kazakhs, Uighurs, Siberian Tatars.

North Africa. The Arabs of Algeria [at the time of the prophet Esdris (Enoch) angels were outraged that people behave unworthily, but God prefers them to angels; God: if you lived on earth, you would not have escaped either temptation; Harut agreed to go down to earth to prove otherwise; there they fell in love with beautiful Zahra; she made it a condition for her favor that they would drink wine, kill a man and worship her to the gods; M. and H. decided that wine was the least evil, but in a state of intoxication they killed husband Z. because he saw them drinking; God raised Z. to heaven and made Venus; H. and M. chose punishment on earth, not on heaven so that it would not be eternal; in Babylon they were hanged by their feet above the water itself, but thirsty (or hung by their hair); one person told them that he was one of Mohammed's men; M. and H. rejoiced: once M. won, the last days are close and their torment will end]: Certeux, Carnoy 1884, No. 4:23-28; Tunisian Arabs [heard Venus several times in Tunisia being called "Zahra"; Egyptian informant also confirmed that this is the usual designation for Venus in Egypt]: A.Yu. Korovkin, personal report, November 2016.

Western Asia. Arabs (written tradition) [Ahmad ibn Majid's Book of Benefits on the Fundamentals and Rules of Marine Science, written in 1475-1490: az-Zuhara 'Venus']: Ahmad ibn Majid 1985:440; Arabs Iraq [about Sabia, a pagan community in southern Iraq near Arran, 10th century, "Fihrist" ibn al-Nadim: "On the first, second and third days of Nissan, they pray to their goddess Balsa, who is Al-Zuhra |Venera|" { it follows from the text that "Zahra" is an ordinary Iraqi name, not specifically Sabian}]: Yemelyanov 1999:173; Jordan's Bedouins [morning Venus - Zahra (no other star or planet has personal name)]: Henninger 1954:112; Yemeni Arabs [Venus is called "Zahra"]: M.A. Rodionov, Personal Communication, Nov. 2016.

South Asia. Kashmiris [zo hara 'Venus']: Grierson 1932:1219

Malaysia-Indonesia. Malays [bintang 'star'; bintang zaharat, zaharat 'Venus']: Marsden 1812:48, 155, 578

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Nogaytsy (Kuban, Erkin-Yurt village, author's recording; book: Nogai Davysy, No. 27, 1992; recorded in 1970 from a resident of the village of Erkin-Yurt, Karachay-Cherkess Autonomous Region. Abisheva Azhitotai Imamali Kyzy, storyteller, born in 1903 The legend is widely known in all areas where the Nogais live. Nogais like to say: Ay yanynda Zukhra yuldyz (Near the moon Zukhra star) /Shakyrym arym arasy (One and a half screams the distance between them)) [stepmother tyrannites stepdaughter Zukhra; after sunset, orders to bring waters from the Kuban (they do not approach the river after sunset); after collecting water, Z. asked the moon to pick it up; now Zukhra with a rocker arm and buckets is visible on the moon; when the moon decreases, you can see the star Zukhra nearby; girls born on the new moon are given the name Zukhra]: Kapaev 2012:158; Rutultsy [the star that appears first in the evening at all times of the year was called "Zukhra Khade"; morning Venus was called "Yakat Khade"; An hour before it, Karvan Kyran Hade (Caravan Slayer) comes out: a caravan, having confused it with Venus, set off ahead of time and was looted by robbers]: Bulatova 2003:222-223; Lezgins [Morning Star - Zugre (borrowed from Arabic); also female name; Evening Star - Shepherd's]: Rizvanov, Rizvanov 1990:40-41; aguly [Zugr'a 'Venus' (also used as a female name)]: Ramazanov 2010:288; Azerbaijanis [God sent Zohra to earth; Harut and Marut were supposed to protect her; both fell in love with her; she promised to marry someone who wouldn't get drunk from the water she had drawn; both lost their senses; Z. sat in a jug and returned to heaven]: Nabiev 1988, No. 10:266.

Iran - Central Asia. Persians: Nizami 2008 ("Laili and Majnun" by Nizami Ganjavi, 1188) ["Zukhra has a dish of pearls on her head to offer, /He looks at when your light will shine in the East! /The Sun, [taking] the shape of a crescent moon,/Relieved your way from hardships" (interpreters' comments: "Zukhra is the planet Venus, a heavenly musician who accompanies the choir of heavenly bodies playing changa; her orbit is third heaven. "Dish" is tobacco, a traditional metaphor for the sky; "pearls for offering" - not with ār (letters. "scattering"); when meeting a distinguished guest, the road in front of him was showered with pearls and precious stones; here, "offering pearls" means stars"); "Mirrich {Mars} with a sword and Zukhra with a bowl/ They froze to his right and left. /Zukhra brings him a bowl, /Mirrich serves as a squire"; "Or that Utharid {Mercury} looks like his bow/The arrow he fired into the sky. /Zukhra, which served as gold with the decoration of his saddle/She shone like perspiration on his forehead"; "First he looked to Zukhra/And said: "Oh, you are a pillar of happiness! /Oh bright Zukhra, illuminating the night! /Oh, thanks to you, a happy fate triumphs!"" ; "Oh, Zukhra and Mushtari are Your slaves. /The names of everything are headed by Your name"]: 107, 152, 424, 435, 437; Vámbéri 1879 [in Persia, the name for Venus is Zohra]: 155; Western Pamir (Shugnan, Bartang , Rushan, Yazgulem, etc.) [Venera - Zukhra]: Mukhiddinov 1989:16; Uzbeks, Tajiks [Venera - Zukhra, Zahra (female name in Arabic. "shining, brilliant"]: Nikonov 1980b: 298; Wakhans, Ishkashim [Garut and Marut (local: Horut and Morut) mocked people; God said that if they were human themselves, they would sin even more; sent them to earth, G. became a casian, M. mufti; Zura came to sue her husband, M. divorced them to meet her; G. also wanted her; God raised her to heaven, made her a star; G. and M. hung her in the well upside down; now they are pure spirits; you can't blow on the fire, otherwise it will smoke and fall into the eyes of G. and M.]: Bobrinsky 1908:105-107; Turkmens [Zöhre ýyldyz (zohre yildiz)]:.

Volga - Perm. Bashkirs: Nadrshina 1985, No. 6 [(zap. Mikhail Lossievsky; also in Barag 1987, No. 8:35); the girl went to fetch water, saw a huge bone washed out of sand; said that if her husband was like the Month, she would give birth to him a hero who would have the same bones; A month married a girl, she is standing there with a rocker arm and buckets (=Nadrshina 1986:19)], 7 [(=Barag 1987, No. 9:35-36; Nadrshina 2001, No. 11:184; =Khisamitdinova 2011:35); stepmother offends Zukhra, makes you carry water at night; Z. asks the Moon to pick it up, now visible there with a rocker arm], 8 [=2001, No. 12:184; stepmother offends Zukhra; sleeping Z. peri kidnappers ordered to fill the bottomless barrel; Z. turned to the moon, she raised Z. to the sky, put it not far from her, now it is Zukhra-Yoldoz]: 12, 13, 13; Rudenko [(from Lossievsky 1876); a girl who went to fetch water looks at the Month, promises to give birth to a hero if She had such a handsome husband; a month takes her as his wife, she can be seen there with a rocker arm and buckets] 1925:299-300; 1955:315; "Turks" (Bashkirs?) [Ay (Month) fell in love with the beautiful woman, she began to walk on the water; with full buckets and a rocker arm, A. took her to heaven; the faces of Ay and Zukhra merged (or Zukhra turned into Venus)]: Mansyutova 1991:186; Gilyazutdinov 2015, No. 269 [on a moonlit night, stepmother tells Zukhra to train water with a sieve; Z. begs God to raise it to the moon; finds herself on the moon], 270 [stepmother tells Zukhra to bring water to bottomless dishes; Z. humbly carries water; a star watching it takes it to the moon with a rocker arm; this star is near the moon and is called Zukhra's star]: 264-265, 265-266.

Turkestan. Kazakhs: Stremoukhov (Illustra. World", 1880, No. 7) in Potanin 1883 [the witch Zura (Morning Star) cunningly married King Solomon; demanded a kibitka with bird bone bars, bird down felt; the wise bird Baigus taught S. to lock Z. in an iron house, put wood on it, burn it; when the doors were unlocked, a snake crawled out of the house, said that it would ascend to heaven to send troubles to people; Baigus teaches S. to learn the way of Z.]: 784- 785; Potanin 1916, No. 57 [Suleimen has 40 wives, Zapuru loved the most; all the girls said how happy S.'s wives are, and the fisherman's daughter said that she would control not only these wives, but also S.; S. he bathed, took off his ring, put it on his clothes, the wind threw everything into the water, S. found his clothes, but not the ring; he himself ordered his wives to let only those who showed the ring into the palace; S. put on rags and went to wander, he stayed with that shepherd; each time three fish, according to the number of family members, fell into the net, but when S. began to live with them, the number of fish caught doubled every day; once he got into the net golden slaves, the shepherd's daughter gutted her, her face lit up with the light emanating from the ring; S. married the girl, returned to the palace; learning from magpies that S. had disappeared, to Kudus Shager (Arab al-Quds, Jerusalem) dhow came; 39 wives closed themselves in their chambers, and Z. took the dhow; when S. returned, dhow ran away, 39 wives came out with exhausted faces, and cheerful Z. said they were slander; S. asked the parrot, that's all said; S. turned Zapura into an unhappy star, doomed to hang between earth and sky; made forty for idle talk from white; much later S. promised his youngest wife (i.e. the fisherman's daughter) to fulfill her every desire; she wanted a palace of bird bones; the birds gathered, there was no remez *bai-gush); the coccyx was sent for her; bai gush replies that she was busy counting; the same with the hawk; the falcon brought bai-gush; that explains that he considered who was more alive or dead (if those who wake up morning prayers are dead, there are more of them), men or women (women, if they include men who listen to their wives ); S. let the birds go and refused to fulfill a woman's whim]: 176-179; Sidelnikov 1962 [collected by the author; var. in Turgai Gazeta 1898, No. 40; the star of Omir-Zaya (evening Venus) shone round the night; quarreled with her rival Moon, scratched her face, her scars remained; the gods condemned O. to appear in the sky for a short time in the evening when there is no Sun, Moon, or other stars]: 266; Uighurs [ Zur 'Venus', translated poet. 'heavenly musician', 'Zukhra' (female name)]: Najeep 1968:476 (cf. 396: cholpan 'Venus', translated poet. 'heavenly musician', 'Cholpan' (male name)]).

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Siberian Tatars [the evil stepmother forced the girl Zukhra to carry water into a bottomless barrel; the moon took pity and took Z. to her; Z. with a rocker arm and two buckets is visible on the moon]: Urazaleev 2007:4.