Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

I83. Bird sky.


Birds (especially vultures and eagles) have lived or live in the sky, usually on one of the smaller tiers of the upper world.

Volga - Perm. The Udmurts [the swallow flies to the sky in autumn]: Potanin 1884:224.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Tuvans [the vulture lives in the sky near Burkhan-Bashi, descends to peck at the bodies of dead people]: Dyakonova 1976:289; Dagurs [old Kelategai has a salt stallion, old man Julajigai has a salt stallion, old man Julajigai has a salt stallion a pony as fast as birds and clouds; J. sees a vulture pecking the sheep's eyes; K. advises to catch up with him on a pony; J. catches up, gouges out his eyes; the vulture hardly reached the sky; the younger heavenly the spirit tells him to heal his wounds, promises to punish J.; sends a white wolf to bite a pony; K. advises to hide the pony for the night in the house; then the hungry wolf bit to death the horse K.; J. caught up with the wolf on the pony, ripped him off half his skin, wrapped him around his head, let him go; the heavenly spirit descends to take revenge; seeing the black cloud, K. orders him to gather cattle and property on the rock; a downpour poured in, a fireball descended to the building; the old men hit him with arrows, the ball disappeared, the rain stopped; the younger heavenly spirit complained to the elder, but he told K. and J. to be left alone]: Bender, Su Huana 1984:103-109.

Japan. Ainu: Chamberlaine 1888, No. 46 [cuckoos live in the sky; when they go down, he who takes possession of the cuckoo's nest and does not tell others is happy; but if the cuckoo sits on the windowsill, in the ice house they will get sick, and if on the roof, the house will burn down], 48 [a peacock lives in the cloudless sky, the eagles are his servants; the peacock descends to earth only to have a bird and then returns to heaven with him]:.

NW Coast. Quakiutl [big birds (Thunderbird, his younger brother, Sky Eagle, Sky Raven) have a dwelling in the sky above the clouds: Boas 1930:180.

The coast is the Plateau. Upper coquill: Jacobs 2007:275-276 [(zap. Jacobs); a man scratches himself, his blood dries up, he falls on the sand; vultures in human form come down, make a fire, prepare to cut and cook meat, wait for their leader, he is white; fits The hawk (chicken hawk), he is black, his privilege is to eat the eye; the man opens his eye, the Hawk loosens; the leader comes up, the man grabs him; he offers his daughter to marry, tells him to close his eyes, they find themselves in heaven; a person marries; he is brought down to earth to visit his parents, then he returns to heaven], 277-278 [(zap. Harrington); a man lies on the shore on the sand, pretends to be dead; the Ravens flock, their leader is snowy white; one of the Voronov says that man's eyes are open, but the leader still comes up, man catches him; the chief promises him a daughter, brings him to the village, probably in heaven; the man gets the chief's daughter; he is let down to visit his parents; then his wife helps (not sure how) he return to her to heaven; he stays there].

Plains. Crowe [see motive K27]: Lowie 1918:74-85 [The Red Woman comes to the hunter's wife; she forgets to tell her husband about her every time; the mice raise the Domestic Boy before finding him father; River Boy's sharp teeth are filed; brothers kill and burn the Red Woman; the snake crawls through the anus into the River Boy's brain, who tells the sun to shine hot, his brains boil, he pulls out the snake, makes her less dangerous, but remains brainless; Homemade puts pebbles in his skull, now his name is Rattle Head; Long arm drags Domashny to heaven; Old Coyote collects birds, but none know where did Domashny go; Rechnoy notices a hole in the sky; fires yellow, black, blue, green arrows, with the last one flies to the sky, he himself - each of these arrows; the old woman replies that Domashny they are going to eat; this is how he passes through the villages of Zhuravley, Orlov; he is told that such a poor man is unlikely to be given a piece; the Black Eagles have a Long Hand as the leader; the River kills him with an arrow, tells him to burn the corpse, tells him to burn the corpse, tells him to all birds go to live on earth; returns with his brother; mother turns into the Moon, Father into the Morning Star, Pet Boy into the last star of the Ursa Major, River Star into the Evening Star], 94-98 [ the same; the witch comes (as in pp.74-85); the River Boy gives his teeth (as in pp.85-94); the snake episode; with the Long Arm, pp.96-98: the father told the brothers not to separate, for all animals are against them; brothers they always did the opposite; Rechnoy sat alone in the steppe, the Long Hand pulled him from the sky; Domashny found a trail, saw a hole in the sky, shot, and found himself in the sky with an arrow; came to the village of Voronov, everyone there is black; the old woman, without recognizing Domashny, says that there are two brothers on earth, they are ugly, the Long Hand took out one, they will eat him in 4 days; the same in the village of Zhuravley (in 3 days ), White Hawks, Orlov (all the smoke in their village is black, their types are black and white); the last old woman agrees to take Domashny (he became small) to where Rechnoy will eat; he sees his brother, that opens his eyes; Long Hand says they will now eat both, but Domashny breaks a round potion stone with an arrow, says eagle people are weak, cuts off Long Hand's arms with a knife, he asks mercy, but Domashny cuts it into pieces, knocks the birds off their feet, says they are just birds; on the way back, all the villages are empty; the brothers return to the ground on an arrow, the hole in the sky closes].

The Great Southwest. Zunyi [a hand eagle takes a young man to heaven, turns into a girl, marries him; a young man goes to a party with dead girls, violates the ban on laughing, wakes up among skeletons; the eagle lowers it to the ground; humans have been mortal ever since]: Cushing 1901:34-53; western keres (Laguna) [the young man has a hand eagle; the young man goes to Isleta to shop; the father warns that on the road The player beats passers-by, taking their property, hearts, killing; the young man loses everything, returns home, his parents leave him; the eagle takes him to his house in the middle of the abyss; flying away, circles over the field , people regret to see that the young man is leaving them; the eagle's relatives warn that hunting is dangerous; the spider gives a potion, he blows it over a monstrous moose running from the north, kills it; in the evening goes to the west dance with the spirit girls; the eagle girls tell him not to laugh, otherwise the dead girls will take him away; he laughs, the dead lead him to his house, in the morning he sees only skeletons around him; resorts to eagles, who tell him to return to earth; his former pet eagle carries him by flying through a hole in the sky; parents are happy]: Boas 1928a: 140-146, 266 [summary]; Tiva (Picouris) [Cranes ( Sandhill Cranes) lived in the sky, drank the water of the clouds, built their nests on them; the chief offered to go down to earth, there is a lot of water; they ate fish and frogs, drank all the water from several rivers; from Rio Grande couldn't drink, stayed on its shores]: Harrington 1928:359-361.

Mesoamerica Lacandons [(by Christian Rätsch, K'ayum Ma'ax 1984:44-46); the world consists of seven disc-shaped tiers; from top to bottom: 1) "Wandering Deities" (planets); 2) the tier where Kak'och lives ("two- monkey"); Hachäkyum put the sun here, but this tier already had the sun that K. made for H., the heat of both is too strong, so the sun that illuminates our world was placed on a special tier; 3) the third tier is suspended from the second, T'uup ("Baby") lives here, an arachnid monkey, master of the sun {there is confusion in the text; apparently, this is the fourth tier - allocated for our sun}; 5) the sky vultures, suspended from the fourth tier; 6) earth; 7) the underworld where Sukunkyum is located is suspended from stone pillars on the ground]: Milbrath 1999:20; mopan [vultures kidnap the Sun's wife; he hides under deer skin, catches a vulture, rises to heaven on his back]: Thompson 1930:130-131; Kekchi: Becker-Donner 1976 [see K16 motif; Kagua Sake (Sun) and Kagua Chok (Cloud) - brothers; CS marries Kan Po (Moon); she does not have a vagina; a mountain ram cannot, a deer makes a vagina with a hoof; the aroma is very strong, the COP is afraid that people will fight because of it; tells the rat to write there; KC and KP fall in love with each other; CS mixes turkey bile with them, making people quarrel; they quarrel over who to bring water; the CA does not return to get water; KC cries, his tears turn to rain; brothers play buluc on a board laid across a deep ravine; when KC jumps for the third time, the board breaks, it falls into the depths; since then, the clouds rise above the ravines; his tears become rivers flowing from the gorges; the vulture invites KP to marry their king; carries her first up and then down to Xibalba, where the devil Mausahquink lives - a real groom; the COP learns about what happened from flies; asks the goat to lend him his skin; flies gather under his tail; Vulture descends on the carrion, sticks his head inside; the COP grabs him by the neck, tells you to tell everything, take it to Xibalba; KP complains loudly; CS sends a toothache to M. using 13 grains and 13 needles; KP must invite the COP, pretending to be a great wizard; blowing three times on his head M., COP puts him to sleep; CS and KP rise to the sky; immovable; San Cosme treats them with flowers and fragrant seeds; they turn into the sun and moon; when they see them for the first time, 400 people and animals turn into the sun and moon; when they see them for the first time, 400 people and animals turn to stars]: 122-124; McDougall at Thompson 1977:440.

Honduras - Panama. Bribri [Sibö saw women bathing in the sky at the mouth of two rivers; one splashed water into him so he would not look; he ran away, stumbled, fell down, turning the women into butterflies and dragonflies (since then these two rivers have been called the Butterfly River and the Dragonfly River); S. fell through a green, red, yellow, black, white cloud, none of them could hold him; the Bat also did not Semel; falling further, S. found himself in one of the upper worlds named Sotaba Sokola Ká; it is inhabited by vultures; shattered to pieces, the chief of the Vultures swallowed his heart; assistant S. Sula collected the pieces, hit Vulture on the head with a stick, he regurgitated his heart; S. returned to the upper sky; the shadow of S.'s heart remained in the vulture's stomach; it is a stone found there and used against worms 1997 []: 46]: Segundo Sánchez 1997:46; Eastern Panama (kuna?) [there is another place in the sky, the home of vultures, where the souls of those killed in battle go; those who were enemies while alive fight there using arrows and clubs]: Adrian de Santo Tomás in Wassen 1933:132.

The Northern Andes. Amber [a man killed his wife; he saw vultures while hunting, wanted to fly too; a vulture woman picked him up; his feathers gradually grew, he became a vulture; he went down say goodbye to his remaining sons on earth, back to heaven forever]: Wassen 1933, No. 7:114; chimila [the souls of murdered men go to heaven and live there in the guise of vultures]: Niño Vargas 2014:109; bari: Villamañan 1975:3-4 [one of the highest tiers of the sky - home to white and black vultures, Thunder, Lightning, Sun and Moon], 8-9 [The moon wanted the bari to rise to heaven and made love to her; lowered vines from the sky; when they rose to heaven, the bari met not with the cold moon, but with the beautiful girls zamuros blancos (vultures); shot game, vultures helped to smoke it; people liked zamuros negros less because of their unpleasant smell; they threw bales of meat to their wives, went down themselves, told their wives everything; after the second time, Luna cut it out of jealousy vines; no more going to heaven]; yupa [Vultures live in the sky as humans]: Villamañan 1982, no. 2:7.

Llanos. Sicuani: Wilbert, Simoneau 1992, No. 92 [a man finds a strange egg; comes with his young son before dawn to see whose it is; instead of an egg, he discovers a vulture woman; she takes him as a husband, teaches him and his son to fly, they fly to heaven; a man kills a deer, buries meat to get peppers; in fact, they are worms; this food makes a man and son they are losing weight; the Thunder woman calls them to her village, cleans their stomachs of the rot they have eaten, drives the Vulture Wife with lightning; the former lover of the Thunder woman invites a man to hit a tree from the sky not at the root, as his wife taught, and from top to bottom; the man gets stuck, the Thunders free him; he stays in the sky, people call him Turtle Thunder], 93 [a person is told about a strange egg, he finds a woman in this place- Vulture; she takes him as her husband, brings him to heaven, feeds him rotten meat; Lightning People live nearby (on a higher tier), they have cassava, sweet potato, and other good food; they cleanse the stomach the man, the Vulture Wife is driven away, he marries Lightning; the wife's brothers teach him how to hit trees correctly; the rival offers to hit from above; the man dies, the Thunders revive him, he returns to land]: 344-350, 351-352; yaruro [Ichiaí, not Kumá, created the Caracara bird, but (other) birds were created by the Royal Vulture; the Royal Vultures live in the sky, feed on one human]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990c, No. 60:87.

Guiana. Varrau: García 1993, No. 37 [a man rises to heaven; learns that the Vultures living there, led by their chief White Vulture, regularly descend to the ground to peck for carrion; where carrion, a fly tells them; the Cocou bird goes down to steal cassava, bananas, its house is clean; the man comes back, talks about the Cocoa Thief; people go to guard the gardens, the cocoo sees them, since then he has not stolen them cassava; when people hear a cocoe scream, they say: "We don't have cassava, fly to steal somewhere else"]: 134-135; Wilbert 1970 [the hunter catches the daughter of the vulture chief; rises to heaven with her; father-in-law's tasks 1) bring firewood, 2) bring water in the basket (the old woman picked it up, telling him not to watch her do it), 3) make a hollow (there are solid trunks around, the old dwarf cut down, told him not to look); the man demolished father-in-law head with a club, returned to earth], No. 45, 149, 161 [the middle brother is a good hunter; I came across a house in the forest where dancing and music were dancing; the next day he came again, grabbed one girl; all disappeared, the girl stayed, promised to be his wife if he did not beat her; refused to eat fresh meat; one day he came back hungry, told her to cook fresh meat, she replied that she could not, he was hers hit; so twice more; she offered to visit her father, gave her husband feathers, took her to the forest, from there up the steps to heaven; her father-in-law received him coldly; out of anger, the man beat his wife even more; the wife put them on the feathers that she borrowed to her husband flew to her father; he sent vultures, they killed her husband, began to peck at his corpse]: 118-119, 315-318, 343-346; caliña: Magaña 1987, No. 33 [man pretends dead, leaves excrement next to him; the Royal Vulture descends, a man kills him; Vulture's assistant invites him to take the place of the victim, gives him wings; Vulture's wife suspects substitution, invites the father to give her husband difficult assignments; 1) make a bench in the shape of the father-in-law's head (The fly climbs into the Vulture's nostrils, tells the person what the head looks like); 2) get the arrow from the top seiba (Squirrel brings); 3) the same, from the top of a giant seiba; a man runs back to the ground; teaches others to make wings; tells them not to fly high; one person takes off, Vultures attack him, he falls, punching a hole in the ground; people forget how to make wings], 51 [a person marries a vulture woman, goes up to heaven with her; father-in-law suspects that it is a stranger, gives difficult tasks; 1) carve a bench with his own image (oropendola tells us what it is); 2) build a house on a rock (a worm helps); 3) climb a tall tree; a person can't do it, but his other vultures they hide, he runs to the ground; the boy steals his wings and takes off; he does not know how to use his wings, he gets to vultures, they attack him, he falls, falls into the ground]: 242, 246; kamarakoto [a man marries the daughter of a strvyatniki leader, rises to heaven with her; father-in-law demands 1) dry the lake (dragonflies dry), 2) build a house on a rock (animals build), 3) make a bench with the image of a father-in-law (a bird flew by, a vulture stuck out two of its heads, his son-in-law saw them); father-in-law wants to kill his son-in-law, a lizard lowers him down]: Simpson 1940:585-589; 1944:269-271; taulipan [ like a kamaracoto; termites make a bench with images of two heads of a vulture father-in-law; the bench walks by itself; a young man steals corn in the sky, goes down to the ground]: Koch-Grünberg 1924, No. 27:86-90; arecuna [once in heaven, a young man marries the daughter of the Sun, but flirts with the daughters of vultures; the Sun takes away his eternal youth; he wakes up among vultures in the guise of an ugly old man]: Koch-Grünberg 1924, No. 13:51-53; curl: Brett 1880 [a hunter catches Vulture's daughter; she takes off her feathers, turns out to be a girl, brings him to heaven to her parents; one day he expresses a desire to visit his mother; he is left at the top of a tree whose trunk is covered with thorns; he asks animals for help; spiders weave a thread, birds support him with wings, he descends to the ground; with help birds he returns to heaven; defeated and killed by a young warrior, his son; then the vulture house is burned; the Lanius sulphuratus bird did not want to fight, put cotton wool on his head as if she were sick; she was exposed They told me to wear this cotton wool at all times; the trumpeter bird (Psophia crepitans) and the kingfisher quarreled, shoved each other into ashes; the first one was covered in gray spots, the second was completely gray; the owl found a bag of darkness, discovered, since then she can't stand daylight]: 29-30 (=Roth 1915, No. 142:212); Coll 1907-1908, No. 2 [a man catches the queen of vultures, rises to heaven with her; the vulture mother-in-law requires 1) to make a bench ( as in No. 1; mother-in-law has twelve heads), 2) catch fish, 3) bring water in the basket (ants cover the holes); the person is surrounded by a fence in the garden; he flies away]: 483; Goeje 1943, No. d3:96; Roth 1915, No. 303 [vultures fly to the ground, the shaman marries a female; she herself orders 1) to clear the site (vultures restore vegetation; then the ants eat the felled down), 2) bring water to sieve (ants covered the holes with clay), 3) make a bench with the image of mother-in-law (son-in-law threw off his centipede, mother-in-law raised her head); went up to heaven, then the shaman went down]: 343-345; carinha (Guyana) [a person finds vulture clothes, wearing them, flies to heaven to his wife; her father demands 1) to make a stone bench with the image of his father-in-law, 2) build a stone house (a woodpecker and a worm help); father-in-law drives his son-in-law back to earth]: Gillin 1936, No. 4:194-195; makushi: Roth 1924, No. 601 [Maichoppa wanted to see the vulture chief; residents of two community houses quarreled killed each other; M. lay down among the dead bodies; urubu vultures flew, took off their feathers and wings, M. took possession of their outfit, but could not fly off by himself; the Spider tied one end of his thread to the top of the tree, and the other gave M.; lengthening the thread, raised M. to the mountain of vultures behind the clouds; the chief of the vultures demands 1) to build a house on a bare rock; 2) make a bench with his image; the young man relieved himself on his head vulture; the vulture's daughter sent the karaka bird to grab M.; he runs to the Spider, she hides it under cotton yarn, does not allow K. to stir it up so as not to confuse the yarn; M. goes down to the top Seiba, a lizard sits on his back; returns home]: 486-488; Soares Diniz 1971, No. 17 [people died of illness, a young man is left; urubu vultures have eaten rotten meat; a young man rises to heaven marries the daughter of a vulture chief; father-in-law demands 1) dry the lake (battleships drained water, birds caught fish), 2) build a house (birds and animals helped), 3) make a stone bench with an image father-in-law (the lizard relieved the vulture on his head, he asked his daughter to shine, the young man saw two heads, the termite and the woodpecker were carved into a bench); Urubu still decided to kill his son-in-law; his daughter warned the young man; when Urubu sat down on a bench, the tião lizard hiding behind her killed him; Urubu's sons chased the young man; he hid in a basket in the Spider's house; the Caracara bird cut the thread, the young man fell to the top samaumeira tree; a lizard lived there, she offered to sit on her back, ran along the trunk, wanted to eat it, but he jumped to another tree, returned to earth]: 92-94; vapishana: Wirth 1950: 192-193 [man smears himself with crap, pretends to be dead; the daughter of the Vulture Chief sends a fly, who confirms that the man is dead; Vulture's daughter comes down, man catches her, brings her home; at night she turns into a woman, invites a man to take him to her father; he tells 1) to build a house on a rock; cavalo-de-cão does, warns that her father-in-law is going to eat it; 2) make a bench in in the form of his head; a osga defecates on Vulture's head, he asks his wife to bring fire, and osga sees Vulture has two heads; the man made a bench, stays in heaven with vultures], 193-196 [ a man catches the daughter of the Royal Vulture on the lake, brings her home; she is a woman during the day, a bird at night; her mother-in-law is unhappy that she stains the floor with her excrement; the wife decides to leave; the man sits on her, closes her eyes, they find themselves in the sky; her father-in-law asks 1) to take the sand flea out of his leg, pulls his eyes out, hides it in a vessel; The rat finds and returns his eyes; 2) climb the miriti palm tree, throw it down the fruit; makes the trunk fat, the man falls; the father-in-law thinks it has broken; at night the person comes to life, comes back; 3) make a bench with the image of his head; the lizard defecates on the Vulture, that removes the handkerchief from his head, it is clear that there are two heads; pinicapau makes a bench; 4) build a house on a rock (birds do); 5) prepare a plot for a vegetable garden; ants make in six days; Vultures set fire site, Spider saves a man by inviting him to climb into his hole; lowers him to the ground in the basket to his mother], 196-197 [a young man's friend does not give him arrow feathers; he smears himself with crap to attract vultures; catches a royal vulture, brings him home; in his absence, he turns into a girl, cooks kashiri; a young man spies on a bird, grabs a girl, marries; she offers to visit her parents; carries him on his back to heaven; her father has two heads and four eyes; he demands 1) to dry the Pleiades Lakes (the Sun dries, her son-in-law brings rotten fish to his father-in-law); 2) build a house on a rock; minhoca helps do this; 3) make a bench shaped like your head; an ant tells a osga to pump a shredder's head; he lights a fire to wash himself, his son-in-law sees him looks, makes a bench; father-in-law enters his new home, dies of fear; mother-in-law tells his son-in-law to be killed; he runs away, returns to his mother]; vaiwai [kurum lives on the third, highest tier of the sky -yenna - Vultures]: Fock 1963:102; akuriyo (turaekare): Jara 1988 [the souls of the dead rise to vulture heaven; they are the vultures that descend to devour corpses; worms are fish for them; souls evil shamans descend into the lower world in the guise of battleships]: 21; 1990 [vultures rain, making holes in the clouds and pouring water into them; producing lightning, thunder (not specified how); putting a rainbow as a sign that the rain is over; the souls of the dead rise to heaven, turn into vultures]: 62; trio: Koelewijn, Riviere 1987, No. 1 [a man without a wife finds food cooked; A parrot, a caiman and a toad living in his house saw a vulture woman descend from the sky; a man throws her clothes into the fire; a woman is offended and returns to her father]: 20; Magaña 1987, No. 79 [ the hero catches a female vulture and goes up to heaven with her]: 148-149; Kashuyana [urubu (Sarcocamphus papa) lives with the supreme god Purá in heaven; our urubu are intermediaries between him and shamans (piase)]: Polykrates 1962:84; oyana [Vulture turns into a woman, cooks food for a man; he watches, grabs her, marries her; she gives birth to a son; boy needs arrow feathers, wife suggests looking for them in heaven; a man weaves wings for himself and for his son; both visit vulture villages, then return to earth]: Magaña 1987, No. 52:44; aparaí [father and son find female vulture; when they return to the hut, the food is ready; the father finds the woman asking him to be his wife; she gives him an outfit of feathers, they go up to heaven in the world of vultures]: Rauschert 1967, No. 17: 191; oyampy [a double-headed vulture takes a man to heaven, marries a daughter; requires 1) build a house (termites help), 2) burn the forest on the site (the spider hides the man in its hole from the fire), 3) make a bench with the image of a father-in-law; a dove lowers a man to the ground]: Grenada 1982, No. 53:307-314.

Ecuador. Colorado [a man painted with a genipa came to two sisters, led them to a tree, began to shed fruits, the fruits turned into skulls, and the sisters found themselves in an unknown land; two sisters get to a star woman; the eldest does not listen to her instructions, she does not see water, but blood, not beans, but human ribs; the Star brothers are condors; Condor smelled the eldest, eats her, and it seems like a love game to her she laughs; The star tells the youngest to run; parrots refuse to help because people killed them; Iguana transports them across the river because the woman did not eat her eggs; sleeps in a tree with parrot women; returns to mother; the star did not tell her to eat people's food; her relative gave it to her, she disappeared]: Mix 1982:91-97.

Western Amazon. Zion [a man kills a deer; vultures flock, throw off their clothes, turn out to be men, women and children; worms are fish for them; a man hides a girl's clothes, brings her to himself, marries; she hides her clothes under the roof; she tells him to bring meat and leave it to rot; she magically cooks chicha and manioc cakes, in her field cassava grows on stems, not as rhizomes; every time her clothes get wet, she gets sick, her husband dries her clothes in the sun; takes a mistress; she pretended to be sick when her husband hung her clothes to dry, asked her son to bring them to her, flies to heaven in the country vultures, returns three days later, bringing vulture clothes to his sons and husband; flies away with them forever]: Chaves 1958:148-150; Koreguahe [young man killed animals and left vultures; one of the birds that arrived took off her clothes, turned out to be a girl, the young man hid her clothes; her father advised her daughter to stay on the ground, because the young man did a lot of good to the vultures; when the husband fell ill and died, wife and son returned to heaven]: Jiménez 1989, No. 42:93-94; kofan [kofan warrior kills many Waorani; vultures go down to eat corpses, take off their birds' clothes; two young men vultures (hereinafter referred to as just a cofan) see two bird girls (not vultures) coming to swim, take off their kushmas (shirts); one of the boys hides the kushma of a more beautiful girl; the other does not want marry a magical wife; the first wife gives birth to three children; asks the eldest daughter to bring her clothes hidden by her husband; the daughter reluctantly brings it; the mother puts it on, flies away, taking her two youngest children; The eldest is bitten by a snake, she dies]: Califano, Gonzalo 1995, No. 140:192-196.

NW Amazon. Desana: Reichel-Dolmatoff 1971 [The Milky Way is a river flowing from the lower world of Ahpikondia from east to west; people with visions come here; diseases and vultures also live here -" ancient eagles"]: 42; macuna [Star People are at the highest level of the sky; below Thunder, Heroes, Sky Jaguars; even lower are wind, swallow-taled kite and royal vulture]: Århem 1981: 70; yukuna [the earth is surrounded by water, there is a sky of vultures, above is the sky of iña-ñakare spirits, and above it is the abode of the four brothers Karipulakena; below the lowest land is world fire and anaconda - the beam of peace; the vertical axis, the palm tree pierces all these levels; the lower world is associated with death, fertility and women, the earth is associated with men and "thought"]: Hammen 1992:142-143; maku [in fact in the upper sky are Idu Kamni and Thunder; below are stars (during the day they turn into little birds), below are orioles and tanagers, even lower are kites, then vultures, below are the sun and moon]: Silverwood-Cope 1972:248-251; yagua [there is a world of people without anus underground; water from our world seeps in there, it's raining there; water people have corn, turtles have benches; just above the ground." earthmen" in the middle of the sky is the "half moon" that illuminated the world when there was no sun and moon; criminals rise to the sky of vultures, burn their souls alive; the rainbow is a heavenly serpent above it There is Thunder; there is a lake of poison in the sky, it once leaked out of the vessel, it was received by iguanas, snakes, ants, scorpions; animal owner Rudra lives even higher, and the Month and his nephew North Star ("soul nights"); the Milky Way is the road of souls; even higher is the sky where the souls of the dead live; two sloths support the sky on either side; if they move, a catastrophe can occur]: Chaumeil 1982:49-53; chikuna: Nimuendaju 1952:110 [the sky consists of two or three tiers (sections), the sun, moon and stars are even higher; the first is inhabited by people who look like Earth; the second is the female deity Ta-ë and most souls the dead, the third is the royal vultures (Vultur papa), but they may also be on the second], 118-119 [hunter Choe loses prey; he watches, cuts off a jaguar's leg reaching for meat; brings him to the village shows everyone; among the audience is the Royal Vulture, who was a thief; taking his paw, he puts it on his body, flies away, pulling out C.'s eyes; in his house in the sky he hangs a parcel with his eyes to the ceiling beam; the grasshopper and one type of termites cannot gnaw through the vine; other termites gnaw, the bundle with the eyes falls to the ground, C. puts his eyes back; the old vulture woman gives the boat to flee from the Royal Vulture; C. pushes so hard that he falls into the ground; there he meets strange creatures; the Blind have a lot of food; C. steals it, the Blind can't catch him; dwarfs incredibly strong, they throw C. like a ball; people without anuses eat steam from cooked food; C. marries, his wife eats with him, he cuts through her anus, she dies; C. returns to earth].

Eastern Amazon. Spiking [the hunter killed animals, lured them with urubu corpses, killed or caught uruba; learned to understand their language; killed the Royal Vulture; urubu captured the hunter, covered them with feathers, they turned the Royal Vulture; told him he was ill when Vulture Father asked why he was thin; he should always look him in the eye; they told him to answer that he was ill when Vulture Father he will ask why he is walking; he calves when he goes swimming with the victim's three wives, he must hang it (something - bones or pieces of wood); urubu ate carrion, Falcon fed the man fresh meat; the man took look, hung the bones correctly, but the wives still realized that it was a substitute; the urubu carried him back to the ground (otherwise the father of the murdered vulture would kill the man); restored his human appearance, but took him out of the crown Is āvī; man fell ill; shaman flew to heaven, took Isāvī, put it back in, man recovered]: Nimuendaju 1922:393-394; urubu [Maira and Urubu-ray lived side by side; learning that Urubu-ray eats rotten meat, M. moved out; Urubu-rey was offended, took fire, took it to heaven, where he moved his house; people were cold, could not cook; M. became tiny, turned his body into dead tapir; The urubu went down, brought fire; M. grabbed it and took it away, placed it in the tata-yra vine]: Ribeiro 2002:406-407.

Montagna - Jurua. Amuesha [during the ancient sun, the husband is killed hunting by enemies; the wife tells the to'to bird that if he were human, he would tell her where her husband is; the bird turns into a man, talks about husband, agrees to take him to sanerr (the country of the killed); tells her not to bite through her husband's lice, not to say that she came from home; her husband's head is not lice, but worms; the woman's child asks for a drink, the husband offers drinks from heart, liver, kidneys; fermented blood drink in other vessels; a woman tells her husband that the child has diarrhea, runs away with the child to the forest, the huancañcho'ch bird hides it on papaya; the husband comes to his wife's site, asks the plants where she is; only a silly yam tries to tell the truth, but his speech is incomprehensible, the dead man hits him with a stick, returns to the dead; the dead drink a bloody drink, they dance, women sing; a woman spies; in the morning the dead turn into vultures, fly to heaven; the woman actually has four children, two boys and two girls; they remember the songs they measured the flutes; the to'to bird takes them all home; they make a drink from corn, sing, dance, play flutes, this is how people learn to sing and dance; a woman and her children cannot eat, everything is for them turns into blood; at their request, the woman's brother kills them all]: Santos-Granero 1991, No. 2:36-38; machigenga [in the lower sky, where clouds are located, are inhabited by vultures and people who drowned (muertos ahogados)]: Baer 1994:143; characterbet [there are four skies; the second is the sky of vultures, they are immortal]: Calífano, Gonzalo 1995:183

Bolivia - Guaporé. Surui [Oiko, the vulture spirit, and other vultures live in the sky, feed on carrion, it is game to them]: Mindlin 1995:136; yurakare: Hirtzel 2013:84 [the souls of the killed rise to the sky and turn into vultures (Sarcoramphus papa); in this new guise, they descend back to earth and devour their own bodies], 87 [ordinary people who die must cross the river before reaching heaven vultures with rotten water; despite thirst, they must not drink from there, otherwise they will become vultures; then there will be a "river of the dead" with clean water], 88-89 [enemies killed all warriors, one remains alive, covered in blood; sees how the soul of one of those killed in the form of a vulture came down to peck his body; with his shamanic whistle brought the living out of paralysis; explained that he did not eat himself, but buried himself; agreed Bring the living man to heaven to the mother of the vultures, Shëwshë, gave him vulture clothes; on the way, other vultures (basha) tried to hit them with arrows, but they dodged; they arrived at an empty house ; the companion did not give him water to drink, but cadaveric liquid, not cassava, but the bones of the dead; gave him peanuts, but they were raw; the man went to get fire, but instead of a shard in which to bring fire, he saw black vultures; the dead took one, put it on fire - a vulture is a ceramic vessel; the man returned to earth, promising the deceased to meet him again when he is killed].

Southern Amazon. See motive D9. In all groups of shinguano, the hero pretends to be dead animals, catches vultures that have descended, makes them bring daylight, sun, and a month (hence the assumption that vultures live in the sky). Kayabi and paresi explicitly say that vultures live in the sky. Trumai [The Sun and the Moon made a dead tapir, hid in it; a three-headed vulture came down, they grabbed him and tortured him; birds bring various feathers like ransom, but they give little light; finally, they bring day, light; the Sun and the Month let the vulture go]: Monod-Becquelin 1975, No. 6:53-56; vaura [four brothers took the boat to heaven; the royal vulture almost ate them there]: Schultz 1961-1962:81-83; kamayura: Münzel 1973 [sunrise, day]: 71-78; Villas Boas, Villas Boas 1973 [it was only night, people lived around termites, where fireflies flew, starved; Ku& brothers #225; t (sun) Iaê (month) made a stuffed tapir, stuffed with cassava to rot; K. gave the flies worms to take Urubutsin to the king of birds; the birds descended, the Kite met K., all got up, but returned again; K. grabbed Wu; he asked Jacabim five times to bring various jewelry; each time it brightened, but not completely; the sixth time he brought the real day; W. said that the day periodic, rewarded with the right to eat what remains from hunters]: 89-93; kuikuro: Carneiro 1977 [during the eclipse of the moon, birds attack anya (the souls of the dead); the leader of the birds is two-headed Ogomigi's vulture; helping souls, Agafutanga wants to kill him too, but his dead brother says the sky will collapse then]: 8-11; Villas Boas, Villas Boas 1973 [there was no fire, Kanassa is looking him, carrying firefly; curassa made feather jewelry; K. offered to try it on, it grew, now curass is always in this outfit; met a little caiman (the same, the cassava brazier has grown to tail); with her relative, the bird Sarakura, made a boat and oars out of clay; Duck has a boat made of bark; Canassa offers to change, assures that the corysh boat is fragile; Canassa with saracura sail away in a corya boat; clay sinks; Duck floundering, learning to swim; Sarakura says that Urubu-rey owns fire with two heads; K. drew a deer in the sand, hid under it; Urubu-ray told the vultures to lift the carcass to his tree, K. ordered him to leave it in place and remain silent; Urubu-rey came down with light with him; K. caught him, ordered him to bring fire; he told his son (little black bird) bring coal; a fire was fanned out of it; frogs came out of the water, filled the fire with water they held in their mouths; little was left, K. inflated again; flying away, Urubu-ray taught me to get fire by friction, to do torches; to transport fire across the lake, K. gave it to various snakes; they were tired, they lost fire in the middle of the lake; only Itóto carried it; K. gave her cassava drink and cassava cakes]: 105-110; kalapalo [Taugi made a boat out of clay, learned from ducks to make bark; pretended to be dead, grabbed a vulture, received fire from vultures, dawn, day, wives]: Basso 1987:124-138; bakairi [Ewaki, Keri and Kame's aunt, told them to get the sun owned by red urubu, urubu-ray; there was a red dya at the zenith of the sky; the tapir fell into it at night, it can be seen on the Milky Way; Keri I saw a tapir, climbed into his paw; (var. Oberga: Keri made a tapira out of cassava soft áka, then created smelly flies to attract vultures); Kame became a yellow bird, sat next to a tree to tell his brother that is happening; Red Urubu opened the sun, it was light, the Urubu saw the tapir; they pulled him out of the hole with ropes; Kame warned Keri, he puffed up, the Urubu could not tear the tapir with their own with their beaks; they called for help Urubu-rey; he opened the tapir, Keri grabbed him; promised the sun for freedom; sent his brother a white uruba, who brought a red dawn; then the moon; finally, the real sun; the moon was made of japú feathers, the sun was made of toucan feathers and red macaw, dawn was made of toucan feathers; at first it was a constant day; Keri covered the sun with a vessel, it became dark; took it off - day again]: Oberg 1953:78-79 and Steinen 1897:324; kayabi: Grünberg 1970:158-159; Pereira 1995, No. 15 [people baked meat and fish, dried cassava in the sun; Pazhavi pretended to be dead, coated with termite clay; the flies laid down the larvae; urubu flew; one rose to the sky, told Urubu-Rei that there was a lake below with dead fish; he came down with burning smut; P. turned into a woodpecker, flew away with smut, put fire in trees, brought to people, showed how to use a fire drill; urubu were left without fire]: 71; Pereira 1995, No. 38 [a man kills urubu vultures to get feathers for arrows; urubu grab it, they bring into their world, they marry an Uruba woman whose husband a man killed; a woman does not suspect deception; his wife sent him to bring water with panacum; he did not know how to use it, he was taught; since then people can]: 95; paresis: Pereira 1987, No. 128 [Ematinaré places the Evening Star, the Pleiades, the Southern Cross, the two brightest Centauri stars in the upper sky (there is still a lower one); Grandfather Vultures asks let him live among the stars; E. does not allow him, hits him, but he still flies there]: 622-623, 620 (note 208) [in the sky, a rope is attached to Grandfather the Vultures neck, the other end is fixed to the ground, to hold it; if Grandfather Vultures falls, and the earth falls, people will die].

Araguaia. Karazha: Aytai 1979 [The sun moves fast, the days are short; Ioloni descends from heaven, marries; mother-in-law asks for a longer day; I. pretends to be dead; first other vultures, then the owner the suns come down to peck at him; I. catches the owner of the sun; he shows him first a star, then a month, and finally the sun; explains that I. must shoot at the reflection of the rising sun in a calebass with water ; the sun has been moving more slowly ever since]: 7-10; Baldus 1937a [1) a man grabbed a royal vulture, made him give the moon first, then the sun; the moon and sun were ornaments on his head; 2) the old man pretended to be dead; a royal vulture flew in, the old man grabbed him, made him give up the sun]: 190-191.

Eastern Brazil. Crash [an ant crawled into a man named Túlkrén's ear; relatives moved out, the wife took her husband's brother as a lover; vultures flew in, called other birds; together they pulled the ant out, the vultures drank all the pus; the vultures and hawks took T. to their sky; from there he saw his wife and brother; the hawk made his eyesight as sharp as that of the hawks; T. turned into dry leaf, descended from heaven; the wife denies that she is pregnant (from brother T.), T. makes the fetus fall out of her womb; T. sends an ant to bite her brother's penis when he starts copulating; that's them the romance was over; in another village, Kwük claimed that feathers could fly, but could not take off; T. was covered with red mako feathers, flew five days later, bringing magical jewelry]: Wilbert 1978, No. 159:391-398; Wilbert, Simoneau 1984a, No. 74 [], 75 []: 226-229, 230-233; frame camera [Nimuendaju 1978:247; an ant crawled into a man's ear, he fell ill, people left him alone; The Milvagro chimachima falcon called urubu vultures; they were not sure that the man was dead, sent for the royal vulture; he ordered the hummingbirds to remove the ant with its long beak, and the urubu cleaned the wounds from pus was taken to heaven; there the royal vulture fed the man fried meat and tortillas; ordered falcons to compete with a log; urubu lowered him to the ground; he taught his fellow tribesmen a holiday I saw in the sky]: Wilbert 1978, No. 158:389-390; Apinaye [the man became covered with ulcers, people went hunting, the parents wanted to take their son with them, but the wife refused because she loved someone else; when the people left, the royal vulture brought rats and dead meat to the sick; the man ate rat meat, he felt a little better; the vultures took him to heaven; he recovered; the chief vulture told him not take revenge on his wife and her new husband; the vultures brought the man to the ground, gave him jewelry and weapons; he opened himself to his parents, then to his son, but refused to meet his wife; the vulture himself punished her new husband, he became sores and died; the widow was left alone forever, and the crippled former remarried and was happy]: Wilbert 1978, No. 156:385-386; Xavante: Wilbert, Simoneau 1984a, No. 52 [Giaccaria, Heide 1991 , No. 2:32-39; two young men sleep outside; one wants one of the stars to marry; when he wakes up, he sees her next to him; a young man and his wife climb a palm tree, a young man tells his younger brother to hit the trunk with a club, a palm tree grows to the sky; in the sky, a young man sees yams, sweet potatoes and other cultivated plants; vultures live there; a young man goes down to earth to tell his father about his marriage, brings cultivated plants; returns in the same way to heaven to his wife], 76 [people move from place to place, setting fire to the grass and hunting; they tell the patient they can no longer carry it; he tells him to leave him in the hut, even if his wife too leaves; vultures come down thinking that the man is dead; decide to take him to heaven and heal him; the vulture house smells of scattered excrement; but the local doctor immediately cured the person; vultures they bring him down to the ground, promising to leave them injured animals without pursuing them; the man explained to others that vultures cured him from feathers and ash from feathers]: 175-180, 235-241.

Chaco. Chorote [beads or crystals come out of the star's body instead of urine; mother-in-law disdains to let her urinate, another woman gives her; the husband hides the star in the calebass; when his sister throws calebass to earth, everyone dies, the star revives people; revives dried cultivated plants; returns to heaven, the husband looks for her, gets to the vultures, they devour him, the star revives]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1985, No. 136 [before meeting a star, a young man loses an arrow, the star gives it to him], 137 [a young man visits his mother when he comes down from the sky], 138 [after losing an arrow, the young man steps on a thorn, the star takes it out; a man descends from the sky on a vulture, falls into the water, sinks], 139-140 [short versions, just the beginning of the story]: 254-267; nivakle [unless otherwise: two stars take the thorn out of the young man's leg, they take him to heaven; contrary to the ban, he kills birds (s) there, thunderbirds threaten him, he escapes by returning to earth]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1987b, No. 12 [young men shoot at the target, alone, who did not have more connections with girls, wins prizes; looks at the sky at night, dreams of lying between two Star Girls; the next day he competes in the run, a pain in his leg; Stars did it, to make him fall behind others; the youngest copulates with him, they take him to heaven; bird people greet the young man; wives tell him to respond to the leader's greeting only the fourth time; he receives gifts; his they warn of a terrible jaguar that has already eaten many women; warn Vultures not to eat; forgetting that celestials are in front of him, he kills ducks, storks, herons; for this, Kite and Vultures kill him; his star wives revive him; the jaguar turns out to be a rat, dangerous for thin-skinned birds, but unjustly tried to cling to Yanoshi's throat; he kills her; the birds are happy; the young man wants to go to the ground, goes down to the back of a kite (hawk); at the ground he asks him to jump off, but the young man is afraid; then the Kite throws him into the river, the young man turns into an eel (Lepidosirem paradoxa)], 13 [looking at the stars, the young man dreams of two of them, big and small, became his wives; they go down, he brings them to his mother's house in a small bag; goes up to heaven with them; soon returns on a vulture, falls into the river, turns into an eel], 14 [the young man dreams of marrying two stars; stars descend to him, the eldest shoots into the sky, makes a chain of arrows, Stars and a young man rise up it; thunderbirds live in the sky; wives warn not to respond to their leader's first greetings; the chief warns that the ducks on the river are local women; a young man kills a duck; thunderbirds gather to whit him, the stars descend him down rope to the ground; there he finds his house destroyed by a thunderstorm], 15 [a hand eagle in a young man's house (a celestial captured on earth) raises him into the world of bird-people, warns him not to respond to the first greeting the leader of thunderbirds; a terrible jaguar kills local women; a young man kills him easily, a jaguar turns out to be a rat; everyone is happy; he kills a bird, forgetting that it is a thunderbird, a local resident; the eagle that brought it protects him, trains him in running; the young man is offered a running competition, he wins against several birds; looks at the sky of stars above the sky of birds, wants female stars; two stars they make him stabbed his leg while running; they go down to him, raise him into their world, marry him; the eagle lowers him to the ground], 16 [the young man looks at the sky, dreams of marrying him two stars (the Gemini constellation); two women go down to it, take out a splinter, raise stars and thunderbirds into the village down the stairs from reeds that are used for making arrow shafts; told not to respond the first time to the thunderbird leader's greeting; contrary to warning, a young man kills a duck woman; his star wives ask the vulture to lower him to the ground; man falls into a river, turns into an eel], 17 [a star (this is Orion's Belt) descends to extract a thorn, then the text breaks off]: 42-50, 51-54, 55-58, 59-64, 65-69, 70.