Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue

Ethnicities and habitats

I85A. Animals around the North Star.


Animals walk around the North Star, or the movement of stars is compared to the movement of animals around a pole. See motive I85.

Tuaregs, (Ancient Egypt), Ancient India, Bhilas, Ossetians, (Karachays?) , Nogais, Kumyks (?) , Bashkirs, Kazan Tatars, Kazakhs, Karakalpaks, Kyrgyz, Buryats, Khalkha Mongols, Ordos Mongols, Darkhats, Tuvans, Khakas, Chukchi, Kutene, Northern Payutes.

North Africa. Tuaregs: Bernus, AG-Sidiyene 1989 [The North Star is a stake to which a camel walking around (Little Dipper) is attached; his mother, the Big Dipper, is watching him]: 144; Duveyrier 1864: 464 in d'Huy 2013 [Big Dipper is a camel, Little Bear is her camel, North Star is a black woman who keeps a camel on a leash to keep his mother from leaving; stars, γ, μ, γ, γ, γ, They decide whether to kill a black woman; she froze in horror; either it is the head of a camel (Benhazera 1908:61; Stefanini 1926:127) or the stake to which the camel is tied (Bernus, AG-Sidiyene 1989: 155)]: 94; (cf. Ancient Egypt [The Big Dipper is a bull tied to a pole; in the IV-II millennium BC α of the Dragon (Thuban), which was closest to the axis of the celestial sphere; if the table is associated with a star, then with her, not with Polyarnaya; {the author refers to other publications; the Egyptian images given are vague; N.V. Makeeva, Egyptologist: The Big Dipper is always the leg of a bull; she really tied to something; but not the whole bull}]: Didier 2009:121-124).

South Asia. The Bhagavat Purana (9th century, perhaps a little earlier) [Dhruva ("Fixed") must become the North Star and promises to become motionless like a pole around which oxen walk during threshing]: West 2007:353; bhilas [North Star - Axis or Pole (festen Pfahl); the sky revolves around it like an ox walking around a pole on a ground where grain is threshed ]: Koppers 1948:287; Koppers, Jungblut 1976:219

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Ossetians [two stallions - watchmen at the North Star]; (cf. Karachays: Dzhurtubayev 1991 [which stars were named Sarah Aigyr (Red Stallion) and Tor Aigyr (Gnedoy Stallion) is unclear; Karara Aigyr (Black Stallion) is also mentioned; perhaps all three made up one constellation]: 135); 2007:362 [Temir-Kazak {"iron stake" - North Star} broke off a piece from Zhetegeile (Ursa Major), so its extreme star is pale; to prevent them from fighting, between they are Saraygan and Toraigan {translation?} ; Zhetegeile revolves around Temir-Kazak wanting to kill], 363 [the yoke constellation consists of three large and three small stars; named because the gaps between stars in it resemble holes in a yoke; they are close to each other, the extreme star is pale; it became like this after being hit either by Toru Aigyr (Gnedoy Stallion) or by Sary Aygyr (Light Red Stallion)], 364 [the yoke constellation is visible constantly]; Nogais [Big Dipper - "seven horse thieves", "seven robbers"; they chase Ak-at and Kok-at horses (two stars of the Ursa Minor bucket) all night long; they are tied to the Polar Bear star (Temirkazyk - "iron stake")]: Kapaev 2012:172; Kumyks [after visiting his tulpar possessions, Tengiri went to rest; once the god of thunder did not appear on time, T. wanted to go look for him, and tulpara was not in place; then T. hammered a gold nail into the sky, tied a horse to it; the stars around the North Star were tulpar horseshoe nails (the informant did not remember which stars, but logically assume that the Big Dipper)]: Khalidova 2012, No. 179:208.

Volga - Perm. Bashkirs; Kazan Tatars; Astrakhan Tatars [North Star - Temir Kazyk (Iron Stake), with stars Ak-Bozat and Kok-Bozat near it]: Potanin 1919a : 86.

Turkestan. Kazakhs; karakalpaks [North Star - Temirkazyk zhuldyzy ("iron stake, horse riding"); two horses (these are two stars) are attached to it: white (ak) and blue (kk); they are constantly moving around Horse Riding; there are 7 robber stars (Ursa Major) next to them; once they came to Horseback Riding to say that 7 robbers were going to steal those horses; Allah gathers angels and orders to freeze robbers; if they steal horses, the prophet will be left without horses in the future; horses are still in place]: Alimbetov 2014 (vols. 77-80): 26-27; Kyrgyz.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Buryats [North Star - Altan gada h an (Golden Kol) - horse riding Hormusta Tengria, the heads of the good Western 55 Tengrias; salt horse and mare are tied to her ]: Sharamshinova 1980:54; Khalkha Mongols: Potanin 1919a [star Altyn-Khatasun stands motionless; two horses are attached to her that walk around her forever], No. 27:50; Rinchen 1965 [same as Buryats; Khuday Mergen's horse riding; horses are guarded by seven elders who ascended to the upper world and became Burkhans]: 32 in Sharamshinov 1980:54-55; darkhats (somon Khujirt, Uburhangay aimag) [y The older brother Altan-Minjin had a Silver-red horse, the younger Mungun-minjin had an amber-red horse (var.: their horses were Red Fox and Red Lamb, dogs Asar and Basar; they tied dogs to the Golden Cola ( North Star); their sister Sarisva Dagina was 18 years old, she decided to marry, told her brothers to bring a hare with black eyes and ears the size of an inch, not to take a hare with brown eyes and ears span; A. brought a hare, S. drew herself, put the picture together with the hare in a basket, let them into the river; the hare sailed to Khan Erg; the khan saw the picture and sent two people to S., who ordered them to give them to E. for him to come with 50 warriors; she will give her brothers drunk, destroy them together with E.; A. became very drunk, but M. was not very drunk, took A., red horses, pulled out the stake to which the dogs were attached, led him and ran away; one dog ran away by itself, barking; M. came to one mountain and fell asleep; when he wakes up, calls A., he replies that he is underground, M. dug him up; the brothers go, meet, take companions 1) fishing on the run an antelope, 2) a thief capable of pulling out an antelope's tongue and feathers for a bird, 3) hearing what is being done in the upper and lower worlds, 4) drinking the ocean, 5) raising mountains; runner, thief, listener, ocean drinker , mountain raiser, Altan Minjin, Mungung-minjin went further in every way...; tied two red horses and became the 7 stars of Ursa Major; they told S. to become the moon, so the Moon always looked at the stars of the Ursa Major; they drove the Golden Stake into the sky and tied their two red horses; this stake is now the Polar Star; and the two horses are two stars side by side; there is a black-eyed hare on the moon, it looks like stains; when the Mongols carry babies at night, smear their noses with soot, like a black-eyed hare; this custom is associated with the black-eyed hare from the legend of the Ursa Major]: Mongolian expedition of the Russian State University for the Humanities, Zap. 20.08.2006, No. WS 30011, 21.08.2006, No. WS 30028; Mongols of Ordos: Potanin 1893 [The North Star is the "golden banner of Mount Sumeru"]: 318; Mostaert: 73 in Sharamshinov 1980 [Genghis Khan tied his horses to the golden horse riding; one man stole it; he was buried to his knees and used instead of horse riding; he ascended to heaven and became the North Star - Altan Gadas]: 55; Tuvans [Polyarnaya the star is Altyn Kadys ("golden stake"); the first three stars of the Ursa Minor are lasso; the rest are saryg attar (salt horses) tied by this arcana to the cola, the North Star, around which they go]: Potapov 1969:292-293 (retelling in Dyakonov 1976:286); Khakas (Kachins) [Ursa Minor: 1) The constellation of the Black Mare tied to the iron stake of the center of the sky; 2) The constellation of white and blue horses (Ah at, Kök at) tied to a copper grave on the Earth's axis; 3) A constellation of a black-brown horse near a golden horse]: Butanayev 1975:235-236.

SV Asia. Chukchi.

The coast is the Plateau. Kutene [The Big Dipper is a grizzly; the spirits tied her to a pole, the North Star, and she walks around it]: Turney-High 1941:96.

The Big Pool. The Northern Payut [Shinob's son (one of the two creators) is a mountain ram; he climbs a high mountain, a rockfall cuts his way back; his father turns him into a North Star; Big and Ursa Minor are mountain sheep walking around this mountain and trying to climb up too]: Palmer 1946:71-75 (Quail in Edmonds, Clark 1989:130-133).