Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

I85A. Animals around the North Star.


Animals walk around the North Star, or the movement of stars is compared to the movement of animals around a pole. See motive I85.

Tuaregs, (Ancient Egypt), Ancient India, Bhilas, Ossetians, (Karachays?) , Nogais, Kumyks (?) , Bashkirs, Kazan Tatars, Kazakhs, Karakalpaks, Kyrgyz, Buryats, Khalkha Mongols, Ordos Mongols, Darkhats, Tuvans, Khakas, Chukchi, Kutene, Northern Payutes.

North Africa. Tuaregs: Bernus, AG-Sidiyene 1989 [The North Star is a stake to which a camel walking around (Little Dipper) is attached; his mother, the Big Dipper, is watching him]: 144; Duveyrier 1864: 464 in d'Huy 2013 [Big Dipper is a camel, Little Bear is her camel, North Star is a black woman who keeps a camel on a leash to keep his mother from leaving; stars, γ, μ, γ, γ, γ, They decide whether to kill a black woman; she froze in horror; either it is the head of a camel (Benhazera 1908:61; Stefanini 1926:127) or the stake to which the camel is tied (Bernus, AG-Sidiyene 1989: 155)]: 94; (cf. Ancient Egypt [The Big Dipper is a bull tied to a pole; in the IV-II millennium BC α of the Dragon (Thuban), which was closest to the axis of the celestial sphere; if the table is associated with a star, then with her, not with Polyarnaya; {the author refers to other publications; the Egyptian images given are vague; N.V. Makeeva, Egyptologist: The Big Dipper is always the leg of a bull; she really tied to something; but not the whole bull}]: Didier 2009:121-124).

South Asia. The Bhagavat Purana (9th century, perhaps a little earlier) [Dhruva ("Fixed") must become the North Star and promises to become motionless like a pole around which oxen walk during threshing]: West 2007:353; bhilas [North Star - Axis or Pole (festen Pfahl); the sky revolves around it like an ox walking around a pole on a ground where grain is threshed ]: Koppers 1948:287; Koppers, Jungblut 1976:219

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Ossetians [two stallions - watchmen at the North Star]; (cf. Karachays: Dzhurtubayev 1991 [which stars were named Sarah Aigyr (Red Stallion) and Tor Aigyr (Gnedoy Stallion) is unclear; Karara Aigyr (Black Stallion) is also mentioned; perhaps all three made up one constellation]: 135); 2007:362 [Temir-Kazak {"iron stake" - North Star} broke off a piece from Zhetegeile (Ursa Major), so its extreme star is pale; to prevent them from fighting, between they are Saraygan and Toraigan {translation?} ; Zhetegeile revolves around Temir-Kazak wanting to kill], 363 [the yoke constellation consists of three large and three small stars; named because the gaps between stars in it resemble holes in a yoke; they are close to each other, the extreme star is pale; it became like this after being hit either by Toru Aigyr (Gnedoy Stallion) or by Sary Aygyr (Light Red Stallion)], 364 [the yoke constellation is visible constantly]; Nogais [Big Dipper - "seven horse thieves", "seven robbers"; they chase Ak-at and Kok-at horses (two stars of the Ursa Minor bucket) all night long; they are tied to the Polar Bear star (Temirkazyk - "iron stake")]: Kapaev 2012:172; Kumyks [after visiting his tulpar possessions, Tengiri went to rest; once the god of thunder did not appear on time, T. wanted to go look for him, and tulpara was not in place; then T. hammered a gold nail into the sky, tied a horse to it; the stars around the North Star were tulpar horseshoe nails (the informant did not remember which stars, but logically assume that the Big Dipper)]: Khalidova 2012, No. 179:208.

Volga - Perm. Bashkirs; Kazan Tatars; Astrakhan Tatars [North Star - Temir Kazyk (Iron Stake), with stars Ak-Bozat and Kok-Bozat near it]: Potanin 1919a : 86.

Turkestan. Kazakhs; karakalpaks [North Star - Temirkazyk zhuldyzy ("iron stake, horse riding"); two horses (these are two stars) are attached to it: white (ak) and blue (kk); they are constantly moving around Horse Riding; there are 7 robber stars (Ursa Major) next to them; once they came to Horseback Riding to say that 7 robbers were going to steal those horses; Allah gathers angels and orders to freeze robbers; if they steal horses, the prophet will be left without horses in the future; horses are still in place]: Alimbetov 2014 (vols. 77-80): 26-27; Kyrgyz.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Buryats [North Star - Altan gada h an (Golden Kol) - horse riding Hormusta Tengria, the heads of the good Western 55 Tengrias; salt horse and mare are tied to her ]: Sharamshinova 1980:54; Khalkha Mongols: Potanin 1919a [star Altyn-Khatasun stands motionless; two horses are attached to her that walk around her forever], No. 27:50; Rinchen 1965 [same as Buryats; Khuday Mergen's horse riding; horses are guarded by seven elders who ascended to the upper world and became Burkhans]: 32 in Sharamshinov 1980:54-55; darkhats (somon Khujirt, Uburhangay aimag) [y The older brother Altan-Minjin had a Silver-red horse, the younger Mungun-minjin had an amber-red horse (var.: their horses were Red Fox and Red Lamb, dogs Asar and Basar; they tied dogs to the Golden Cola ( North Star); their sister Sarisva Dagina was 18 years old, she decided to marry, told her brothers to bring a hare with black eyes and ears the size of an inch, not to take a hare with brown eyes and ears span; A. brought a hare, S. drew herself, put the picture together with the hare in a basket, let them into the river; the hare sailed to Khan Erg; the khan saw the picture and sent two people to S., who ordered them to give them to E. for him to come with 50 warriors; she will give her brothers drunk, destroy them together with E.; A. became very drunk, but M. was not very drunk, took A., red horses, pulled out the stake to which the dogs were attached, led him and ran away; one dog ran away by itself, barking; M. came to one mountain and fell asleep; when he wakes up, calls A., he replies that he is underground, M. dug him up; the brothers go, meet, take companions 1) fishing on the run an antelope, 2) a thief capable of pulling out an antelope's tongue and feathers for a bird, 3) hearing what is being done in the upper and lower worlds, 4) drinking the ocean, 5) raising mountains; runner, thief, listener, ocean drinker , mountain raiser, Altan Minjin, Mungung-minjin went further in every way...; tied two red horses and became the 7 stars of Ursa Major; they told S. to become the moon, so the Moon always looked at the stars of the Ursa Major; they drove the Golden Stake into the sky and tied their two red horses; this stake is now the Polar Star; and the two horses are two stars side by side; there is a black-eyed hare on the moon, it looks like stains; when the Mongols carry babies at night, smear their noses with soot, like a black-eyed hare; this custom is associated with the black-eyed hare from the legend of the Ursa Major]: Mongolian expedition of the Russian State University for the Humanities, Zap. 20.08.2006, No. WS 30011, 21.08.2006, No. WS 30028; Mongols of Ordos: Potanin 1893 [The North Star is the "golden banner of Mount Sumeru"]: 318; Mostaert: 73 in Sharamshinov 1980 [Genghis Khan tied his horses to the golden horse riding; one man stole it; he was buried to his knees and used instead of horse riding; he ascended to heaven and became the North Star - Altan Gadas]: 55; Tuvans [Polyarnaya the star is Altyn Kadys ("golden stake"); the first three stars of the Ursa Minor are lasso; the rest are saryg attar (salt horses) tied by this arcana to the cola, the North Star, around which they go]: Potapov 1969:292-293 (retelling in Dyakonov 1976:286); Khakas (Kachins) [Ursa Minor: 1) The constellation of the Black Mare tied to the iron stake of the center of the sky; 2) The constellation of white and blue horses (Ah at, Kök at) tied to a copper grave on the Earth's axis; 3) A constellation of a black-brown horse near a golden horse]: Butanayev 1975:235-236.

SV Asia. Chukchi.

The coast is the Plateau. Kutene [The Big Dipper is a grizzly; the spirits tied her to a pole, the North Star, and she walks around it]: Turney-High 1941:96.

The Big Pool. The Northern Payut [Shinob's son (one of the two creators) is a mountain ram; he climbs a high mountain, a rockfall cuts his way back; his father turns him into a North Star; Big and Ursa Minor are mountain sheep walking around this mountain and trying to climb up too]: Palmer 1946:71-75 (Quail in Edmonds, Clark 1989:130-133).