Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

I85B. The North Star is a person.


The North Star is one person.

Tigres, Tuaregs, Arabs of the Persian Gulf, Bedouins in Sinai and Negev, Ancient India (Purans), Himachal plowmen, Russians (Vologda), Ishkashim, Kazakhs, Khakas, Altaians, Mongols, Nenets, Manchus, Ainu, Yakima, Winnebago, Blackfoot, Crowe, Teton, Osage, Pawnee, Wichita, Caddo, Luiseno, Yagua.

Sudan - East Africa. Tigre [True Seven (Big Dipper) are brothers; Gah (North Star) came and killed one; came to Qeren (two Dragon stars), asked him to be his client, otherwise Seven will kill him in revenge for his brother; so Queren is between the North Star and the Ursa Major to prevent them from getting together; Seven put the victim on a funeral stretcher; three carry in front, three behind; the weakest star in Where the bucket joined the handle, he was killed; they swore not to bury the victim until they took revenge]: Littmann 1910, No. 46:61-63.

North Africa. The Tuareg [Big Dipper is a camel, Malaya is her camel, the North Star is a black woman who keeps a camel on a leash so that its mother does not leave; stars, γ, μ, ν, decide whether to kill a black woman; she froze in horror]: Duveyrier 1864:424 in Basset 1910:16, in d'Huy 2013:94.

Western Asia. Persian Gulf Arabs: Al Jadi is the North Star, he killed Na'ash; his children, including his daughter Mitsar with an Alcor child in her arms, want revenge, and Suhail {Canopus?} trying to help; in Syria {Ursa Major} is still called "The Burial Stretcher"; in Arabia, the four stars of the Bucket are the Big Coffin]: 432-433; the Bedouins of Sinai and the deserts The Negev [four stars of the Bucket are burial roads (bier), the three stars of the pen are the daughters of the deceased; the legend of the "daughters of funeral drogs" (Banāt An-Na'sh) has been known since pre-Islamic times (6th century); "daughters" They pull their heads and want revenge on the murderer (North Star), but they mistakenly suspect the distant Canopus; this plot is used in poetry]: Bailey 1974:583-584; Rosenfeld 1962 [our star names are Big The bears Alcaid and Benetnash are a distortion of the Arabic words "al-kaid banat na'sh" - "the leader of the daughters of the funeral stretcher"; the Arabs considered the 7 stars of the Ursa Major to be a funeral procession with funerals stretchers and mourners]: 177.

South Asia. Ancient India (Bhagavat Purana): Biruni 1963, ch. 22 [Manu's grandson was neglected by one of his father's wives and given such power to whirl stars; he appeared at the first time and stayed in place forever]: 228; West 2007 [Dhruva ("Fixed") must become the North Star and promises to be motionless like a pole around which they walk oxen during threshing]: 353; himachali plowmen (Kullu Valley) [Raja has a wife of Suniti and Suruchi, one has a son Dhruv, the other has Uttam; Raja loved his younger wife and her son, but Dhruva did not love; Dhruv did tapasya (went to the forest, he was 5 years old), addressing God, said that his father did not put him on his knees, let God put him on his knees; God appeared to him, he was surprised that such a small child did this a serious tapasya; said he would put him in the sky as a Morning Star. Therefore, it is also called Dhruv Tara (the informant confused the North Star with the Morning Star. Dhruv tara in Hindi is the North Star; it is the North Star that is marked by the ploughman, Venus is not particularly distinguished)]: A.S. Krylova, E.A. Renkovskaya, field materials, October 2016.

Central Europe. Russians (Vologodskaya, archive) [the sun is the head of the family, the moon and the North Star are his daughters, the winds are sons or brothers]: Kabakova 2019:75.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Ossetians [North Star - Aksak-Temur, an evil man; oppressed seven simple brothers (Big Dipper); the brothers took Donbettyr's pet for upbringing, but AK killed him; D. advised brothers watch at when he comes to the water, but he has stopped going there; the brothers are watching all night, and by morning they are convinced that AK will not come, but then dawn is coming]: Holy 1913:33-34.

Iran - Central Asia. Ishkashim (Tawon village, Ishkashim, Afghanistan) [the main stars by which time is known at night is the constellation own zat - Seven Sons (Ursa Major); these are seven sons Pyradu is Old Women, Mistresses of the Sky (North Star); her name means Decrepit Old Woman (Var.: Old Woman in Rags); P. wanders across the sky all the time and if clouds interfere with her, pierces them with her staff; of them water flows out, it's rain; P.'s staff is equipped with an iron tip; when it hits rocks, sparks are carved, it's lightning]: Abayeva 1978:110.

Turkestan. Kazakhs [Kogyudey-Mergen meets six heroes in turn on the way (listening, moving mountains, jumping, shooter drinking a lake, throwing stones); KM whips them with a whip, they they accompany him to matchmaking to Erlik Kara-Taadi's daughter; she does not know which of the CM who came; in all versions (Altai, Khakass, Kyrgyz, Kazakh), those who came are imprisoned in iron or stone the palace, heat it; the drunk lake pours water, cools the palace; others defeat the local strongman, learn about the trap pit, catch the failed ones; the Kaan children are seven identical Kogyudey-Mergen, going to a wedding; the North Star is the daughter of Ai-Kaan Altyn-Kyuskyu, the wife of Kogyudey-Mergen; the red star above the constellation Three Maralukh is the KM arrow that spread the stomach of one of them]: Surazakov 1982:127-128, 134.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Khakas (Kachins) [an old hunter chased seven foxes and drove them into heaven; he became the North Star, foxes became seven stars of the Ursa Major]: Alekseev 1980:87-88; Altaians Surazakov 1982 [Kogyudey-Mergen meets six heroes one by one on the way (listening, moving mountains, jumping, a shooter drinking a lake, throwing stones); KM whips them with a whip, they accompany them he is married to Erlik Kara-Taadi's daughter; she does not know which of the KM who came; those who come are imprisoned in an iron or stone palace, heated; a drunk lake pours water, cools the palace; others defeat a local strongman, learn about a trap pit, catch those who failed there; Kaan children are seven identical Kogyudey-Mergen going to a wedding; the North Star is the daughter of Ai-Kaan Altyn-Kyuskyu, the wife of Kogyudey- Mergen; the red star above the constellation Three Maralukh is the KM arrow spread across the belly of one of them]: 127-128, 134; the Mongols [two brothers meet a shooter (shoots at birds behind the clouds) listening to what underground (buried to the waist), strongman (moves mountains), runner (catches antelopes); the rumor hears that Shaazgai Khan is going to attack overseas; they meet a drink, he drained the sea to the bottom, they passed, took him to comrades; S. offers competitions 1) Khan's shooter pierces a mountain with an arrow, an arrow gets stuck in another mountain, the Shooter gets stuck in the sixth; 2) wrestling (the strongman defeated the khan's fighter), 3) running (shaman Khan fell from fatigue); sage Tushimel Saran suggests deceiving seven, burning them in a cast-iron yurt; the rumor hears this, opilo floods the yurt and the entire city of Khan with water; they ascend to the sky, become Ursa Major]; the Hangarid bird carried away Khan's 25-year-old daughter; eight sons of an old man (shooter, runner, keen, smelling, sucking wind, swallowing the sea, stopping the moon and sun; younger - capturing the intangible) went in search. They shot H., caught the princess in flight, brought the khan; the father decides to make khan the one who catches the arrow fired into the sky; he caught the youngest, became the North Star, and the rest became the Ursa Major]: Skorodumova 2003:8-13.

Western Siberia. The Nenets (the "Samoyeds of the Turukhansky District" between the Yenisei, Pyasina and Taimyr) ["The North Star is also called the hunter for the big bear 'Forred', which Russians know as elk "]: Tretyakov 1871:201.

Amur - Sakhalin. The Manchus [80-year-old Ussuri Khan ruled the Ussuri-Hala tribe; once he picked up a Schlammbeißer fish from a spring, let it into the water; the next day he came to in the appearance of a young man, offered to thank him for his salvation; W. asked for a ceramic bowl to each house; people came, received; they had an inexhaustible supply of food; one day he came again: in three hours there will be a flood, let W. run; if he tells others, he will turn into smoke; first he decided to leave, but then came back, warned the people; they escaped on the mountain, and W. rose smoke into the sky, became the North Star]: Bäcker 1988, No. 2:8-11.

Japan. Ainu [the man won, dismembered the bear, threw parts of the carcass into the sky, they became the Big Dipper; he himself is the North Star; {the text is not taken into account due to the B42 motive - it is not clear whether we are talking about hunting itself}]: Spevakovsky 1988:65-66 (=Arutyunov, Shchebenkov 1995:186; =Podmaskin 2013:175).

The coast is the Plateau. Yakima [five virgins live with grandparents; grandfather doesn't tell her to sleep on his back looking at the stars; the oldest two do it, the youngest of the two wants a bright star as her husband, the oldest wants a dim star; the youngest wants a bright star as her husband; the youngest wants a dim star X áfash wakes up next to a young man, the eldest Y áslaams with an old man; sisters dig roots, make a hole alone, see the ground; they weave a rope out climbing plants; the youngest comes down, the eldest falls and breaks when her husband cut the rope; the youngest gives birth to a shining boy; this is the North Star; the Coyote and others want to kill him, but he wins everyone; looks at the girl, she gets pregnant and gives birth; amniotic fluid has become soda springs; she threw a baby into the North Star, abandoned, ripped off the young man's leg; standing on one leg, The North Star always spins in one place]: Beavert 1974:188-192.

The Midwest. Winnebago [seven virgins collect sacred herbs; seven warriors guard them; an evil shaman quietly approached virgins disguised as a young man; they report this to the healer; the next once they run; Ma-on (the Creator) takes them to heaven, turns them into the Big Dipper; strikes the pursuer with lightning, makes them the North Star; the healer also throws warriors into the sky, they become Ursa Minor]: Smith 1997:28-30.

Plains. Blacklegs: Wissler, Duvall 1908, No. 3 [The star is the son of the Sun and Moon; The crane helps a woman dig a rhizome; she gives birth to a son in the sky, descends with him; the husband warns that the son is two weeks should not touch the ground; he touches, turns into a smoke mushroom, then plugs a hole in the sky through which his mother came down, turns into the North Star], 7 [the girl's father and brothers they kill her lover; she asks her younger sister to bring part of the bear's paw, invites her to play, tells her not to touch her kidneys; the ban is broken, she turns into a bear; the brothers give the youngest the rabbit's sister, who struggles to convince the Bear that she killed him herself; they all run, spray water (lake) behind, throw a comb (thicket); the bird tells the Bear to shoot in the head; she is killed by an arrow; six siblings turn into Pleiades, younger brother into North Star {identification is not entirely reliable but accepted in Williamson 1984:32}]: 58-61, 68-70; Crowe: McCleary 1997:69-71, [seven brothers and younger sister live together; older brothers disappear one by one; the youngest comes to the young man, who reports that his brothers are kept by an old woman, her strength is in her digging stick; the owner of the next At home, he gives the young man yellow, black, blue, red arrows; the young man shoots them, rushes after them; a good old woman gives a pemmican, explains what to do; by the river, a young man feeds a pemmican to a dog, who carries it to the other side; he picks up the brothers, they feed the dog again, cross, arrive home with the last arrow; an old stalker puts a digging stick across the river; when it comes to the middle, her brothers turn her over, she falls into the water; the brothers think about what to turn into so that the old woman does not catch up with them; each time her sister says that her mother uses this item; trees (for firewood), water (soak skins), stones (make skin scrapers); they decide to become what the ends of the tubes point to; - But the stars are falling! - We will join hands and not fall; they turn into the Big Dipper; the star at the handle of the bucket is a sister with a puppy; (from the author: the main brother became the North Star, around which the rest are spinning; {brothers 7, and it's not clear where the eighth comes from})], 71-72 [seven shaman brothers are wondering what to turn into so as not to be disturbed; one suggests elms (but their grandmother uses them trees for firewood), the second into stones (but the grandmother makes cutting tools out of them); then what the ends of the tubes indicate, i.e. the stars to which smoke rises from the tubes; the older brother rises first, turns into a North Star]; teton: LaPointe 1976 [a man from the sky comes to the girl, she agrees to go with him; pregnant in the sky; digging roots, falls through the sky; she is found dead on earth, and the baby sucks her chest; she was raised, he returned to heaven, became a star; his father froze motionless after his wife's death, became the North Star]: 31-34; Walker 1983 [The North Star - chief of the rest of the stars that walk around him]: 219-220; Osage: La Flesche 1928 [Sun, Morning Star, Ursa Major, North Star, Sirius - grandfathers; Moon, Evening Star, Double Star, Pleiades, Orion's Belt - Grandmothers]: 74; Pitahauirat [when the Morning Star told people where each of the great gods would stand in heaven, an old man and a young person died ); they were placed on stretchers and their stars carried around the North Star; they were Ursa Major and Ursa Minor; the North Star said that someday the Southern Star would rise so high that will grab people carrying this stretcher and then people will die]: Dorsey 1906, No. 35:35-36; wichita [an ogre kidnaps a woman; she runs away, ends up with an old man who lives in a rock; he kills an ogre; she marries the old man's seven sons, Fat Dog and his brothers; two-faced monsters kill six brothers, the old man revives them; the monster's lungs hang on the walls of the cave; the Fat Man pierces them with an arrow, monsters die; when children offend Fat Dog's child, the whole family goes to heaven; brothers turn into Big Dipper, the old man into the North Star, and the woman into the star next to him]: Dorsey 1904a, No. 8: 63-69.

Southeast USA. Caddo [after death, people go to heaven and turn into stars; the Morning Star has freed the world from monsters, he has three brothers; he wakes people up to prevent enemies from attacking unexpectedly, so it's too early gets up; in the evening, one of the brothers goes far back to see if there are any enemies, it's the Evening Star; the North Star and the Southern Star are guarding from the north and south; all brothers are children of the Great Star; {Lankford 2007: 66: It's most likely to be the North Star}]: Dorsey 1905:15

California. Luiseno [The North Star is the leader of other stars; next to him are small stars - his heart and hand; the First Men mocked the Rattlesnake because he was without arms and legs; the North Star mocked more than others; he complained to Mother Earth; she gave him teeth with poison; he bit off one finger to the North Star; you can see that one finger is missing in the sky]: Monroe, Williamson 1987:83-85.

(Wed. Big Pool. The Northern Payut [Shinob's son (one of the two creators) is a mountain ram; he climbs a high mountain, a rockfall cuts his way back; his father turns him into a North Star; Big and Ursa Minor are mountain sheep walking around this mountain and trying to climb up too]: Palmer 1946:71-75 (Quail in Edmonds, Clark 1989:130-133).

NW Amazon. Yagua [underground is a world of people without anus; water from our world seeps in there, it rains there; aquatic people have corn, turtles have benches; just above the land of "earthmen" in in the middle of the sky is the "half-moon" that illuminated the world when there was no sun and moon; criminals rise to the sky of vultures, their souls are burned alive; the rainbow is a heavenly serpent, above it is Thunder; in the sky lake of poison, once it flowed out of the vessel, it was received by iguanas, snakes, ants, scorpions; the owner of animals Rudra lives even higher, the Month and his nephew North Star ("soul of the night"); the Milky Way - the road of souls; even higher is the sky where the souls of the dead live; two sloths support the sky on either side; if they move, catastrophe can occur]: Chaumeil 1982:49-53.