Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

I87. Skull cave. 17.27.-.29.31.33.

Characters use as cover an object (skull, animal shovel, mitten) belonging to the giant world. Wed. I87C: Animals use an object belonging to the human world (skull, mitten) for shelter.

Saudia, Serbs (Herzegovina), Russians (Arkhangelsk), Kalmyks, Kabardian, Adygs, Abkhazians, Abazins, Karachays, Ossetians, Ingush (and Chechens?) , Avars, Varnishes, Kumyks, Megrelians, Georgians, Scandinavians, Karelians (Olonetskaya), Kyrgyz.

Western Asia. Saudia [where the sands of Rub al-Khali are now, was the rich city of Ubar, known as Jennat ("paradise") 'Ad; it was ruled by a king who decided to go up to heaven and kill God; taking a supply of meat, he sat on an eagle and flew, holding a piece of meat in front of the eagle's beak, and thus provoking it to fly further; two months later it reached the sky; the angels said that God was lower; the king sent an eagle there, but it rushed so sharply that the king fell and fell for 20 years; only the skull reached the ground; it was covered with sand; many years later, a wolf settled in one eye socket and a gazelle in the other, and they did not know about each other; one day he drove up on a camel the man from Badawi and began to knock on the skull with a stick, trying whether it was a bone or a stone; the skull: do not hesitate; don't laugh; the man hurried to Solomon and talked about the talking skull; he promised to reward the man if what was said is true, and put him in prison if it is a lie; when Solomon knocked on his skull with a stick, he was silent; the man was thrown into prison; heard the voice of the skull: Didn't I warn you and not told you not to doubt or laugh at me; but Solomon felt sorry for the man; he called the birds and asked if they knew about the city of Umar; the last was an old eagle with feathers ; S. promised to rejuvenate him if he led him to the city; fulfilled his promise and the eagle led him to a sand-covered city; S. called for four winds and they freed the city from sand; seeing gold and gems, S. decided that treasures like this could seduce people and told the winds to fill the city again]: Taibah, MacDonald 2016:27-28.

The Balkans. Serbs (Herzegovina) [a bear stole a woman, she gave birth to a son, ran away; the bear let the young man travel after he was able to pull out a beech; Medvedovich eats food brought for many ploughmen, they give him iron from the plows, he tells the blacksmith to forge a club, hides that half of the iron, M. throws the club into the sky, it falls on his back, breaks; he kills the blacksmith, takes it the iron he stole goes to another; the club does not break; M. likes the girl, her father says that she was promised to Barbel; from behind the mountain, he first shows a mustache, he has 365 bird nests, W. puts his head on the girl's knees, M. hits him three times with a club, it seems that insects are biting; W. chases M., the man throws him across the river with a shovel, the other hides him in a seed bag, tells Barbel that M. long gone; W. stops chasing; the sower throws M. into his mouth with a handful of seeds, M. hides in the hollow of a tooth, daughter-in-law picks out the stuck tooth with two stakes, the sower remembers M.; tells how ruined his tooth; he and his companions went to get salt, they spent the night in a cave, it turned out to be a human skull in a vineyard; the watchman threw it from his sling at the starlings, and then the man ruined his tooth; "Here you have it a whole box of lies "]: Karadzich 1853 in Dmitriev, Volkonsky 1956:9-15 (=Arkhipova 1962:180-184, =Eschker 1992, No. 2:14-22).

Central Europe. Russians (Arkhangelskaya) [Popa butts the kid and the pop throws him over the fence. He decides that he has become strong and goes to fight. He sees a man standing in the river with his beard blocked and fishing with his mouth. Pop asks to be transported across the river, the man refuses, says that Pleshka the hero (Pleshkó) took his wife and told him not to let anyone in. Pop promises to return his wife to the man and defeat Pleshka the hero, the man held out his beard and the pop crossed the river along it. The man's name is Heroic Kussyn. Pop meets a man who wakes spruce trees, opens and closes the passage with trees. He also promises to return his stolen wife to him and defeat Pleshka the hero. The man's name is Yelinka the hero. Pop sees a man moving and spreading mountains with his hands, opening and closing the passage, and the pop promises him the same for the pass. The man's name is Gorynka hero. Pop catches up with Pleshka the hero, finds a stake in the forest and hits the hero twice on the head. The hero decides that one of the wives does not wave off mosquitoes well. After the third blow, Pleshko gets up and follows his ass. Pop is hiding in the old man's pants in a nearby hut. The old man tells Pleshka that he did not see his ass, Pleshko hits the old man, but the old man defeats him with a lame leg. Pop explains why he went to war. The old man says that he was one of his seven brothers, who, when they saw a cloud (a strong hero) coming in the field, hid in a dry bone and playing cards. The hero hit the bone with a whip (the hero says he defeated the one who was a bone 10 years ago, but it did not decay), the bone flew up, all the brothers broke, and the old man injured his leg. The old man advises his ass to go home. Pop returns wives to husbands and returns to himself]: Onchukov 2008, No. 47:167-168.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. The Kalmyks [the old man grabbed a naughty ox by the tail and threw it over 70 hills; decided that there was no one stronger than him, went to look for three hero brothers; one asked him to hold the fishing rod, but he could not hold it; the same happened to his middle brother; she hid the old man from the brothers' younger mother; the brothers found him and began to throw him away; the old man ran away, asked Musa to hide him, hid in the corner of his eye; The mousse threw three brothers and their horses with one hand to where the horse had been jumping for 49 days; at home, the mousse said that there were 60 robbers, they hid from the rain in a horse's skull; the giant threw the hill on which the skull lay, everyone died, and the narrator managed to ride away; the giant caught him and began to roast him on a spit, and fell asleep; the mousse fell asleep from the skewer, burned the giant's heart; the golden eagle snatched the narrator a piece of meat, a leopard tried to take it away, a whale grabbed a piece; the narrator escaped; tells the old man not to boast of strength]: Vatagin 1964:194-197; Abkhazians: Inal-ina 1977 [Sasrikva asked his mother if there was anyone stronger than him; met a plowman without an arm and without a leg ("half dry"); he put him and the horse in his pipe, plugged him in his waist (or put him under a block of earth); his wife who came (in one case she is called Satanei-Guasha) ordered to take "some unfortunate Abkhaz" to the children for fun; his wife carried S. in a trough on his head, he grabbed a tree branch on the way, ran away; the hostess urinated at home, the current picked up S., he was caught online; the returning owner told S. how he and a hundred companions spent the night in the cave, it turned out to be a lamb (horse) skull; the dog brought the skull to the shepherd, who threw him on the mountain with a stick; everyone died, the narrator was crippled; S. returned home, now knew that many were stronger than him]: 20-21; Morina 1939 [Hzgeri is defeated when meeting the giant adau , finds protection from an armless ploughman; the ploughman asks H. to tear his hair out of his head to tie a., H. is unable to do so; the ploughman tells how he became crippled; together with his comrades he took refuge from bad weather in the cave; it turned out to be a sheep skull; the shepherd's dog took it to its owner; he forged it with a stick and threw it; companions die, the ploughman remains crippled]: 28-29; Salakaya 1976, No. 17 [Sasirkva plays by throwing up his horse; his mother Sataney-Guasha says that this is not heroism for strongmen; S. meets a plowman with only half his body; he crushed him with a lump of earth, tells his mother to take him away, let the children have fun; she carries him on her head in a bowl, he grabs a branch in the forest; the giant's mother made her snare out of her hairs, urinated, caught S.; the giant told how he hid with his brothers in cave; another giant threw a stone in which the cave was at the wolf; the plowman remained crippled, others died]: 211-214; Chursin 1956 [one hundred sart brothers found a skull in the field, climbed inside; shepherd's dogs they began to bark at the skull, he threw it into the abyss, the sledges died]: 221-222; Shakryl 1975, No. 46 [Shasow Aapsta took revenge on the multi-headed Adaus for the death of their father, robbed their property, but is ready to give fame and gold prince; at the feast, the prince invites him to dance, everyone sees that an arrow is stuck in SHA's body; they cannot pull it out; a little old man on a horse pulls out an arrow; SHA finds him, he tells how he is with the other 6 hunters went into the cave, but it turned out to be a horse's skull; the shepherd's dog carried it, the shepherd faked it on a stick, threw it into the sea, it was swallowed by a fish, there were many people in it, with one storyteller got into a fight, set fire to his hay, the fish burst and he and two women were washed ashore; the seven-headed adaui began to roast him on a spit, the fat ran off; the narrator got off the skewer, the horse prompted him to cut his adaus with a sword; SHA asked the old man for his horse, came back, got married]: 243-250; Abaza [the old man has a huge ox; if shot at the head, the belly would hardly hear a shot; it began to rain, fish grabbed the ox, dragged it into the water; the old man sat under the goat's beard, saw an eagle carrying an ox dragged by fish; the eagle sat on the goat's horns, ate the ox, dropped his shoulder blade; the shovel hit the old man's eye, he I asked my daughters to see what was interfering there; they threw the bone with a wooden shovel; carried it outside the village; the shoulder blade was covered with earth, a new village settled on it; people feel an earthquake - it was the fox that began to gnaw the protruding end of the shoulder blade; the fox was killed, the skin was removed from one side, but they could not turn the fox over; they sewed hats for the whole village; the widow's son did not have a hat; she turned the fox over with a kick, but her son did not have enough for a hat; the prince sent a squad to kill the boy, because he would be too strong; he was beheaded, thrown out of the village; the skull was covered with earth; the prince sent a hundred arbs for salt, they drove into the nose of the skull, seven they wandered for days, only on the eighth day they got out of the skull; the shepherd took a piece of salt out of his pocket, broke off half, loaded a hundred arbs; who was stronger and bigger?] : Tugov 1985, No. 121:336-337; Adygs [three brothers drove the bull; the eldest sat between the horns, the middle on the back, the youngest at the tail; the oncoming rider rode from the eldest to the middle at midnight and midnight from middle to younger; the eagle carried the bull; the old man hid from the rain under the goat's beard; the eagle sat on the goat, eating up the bull's shoulder blade; the old man went out, the eagle flew up in fear, dropped his shoulder blade, it got stuck in the old man's eye; daughters-in-law did not find this speck; one herd climbed into the old man's eye, dragged his shoulder blade into the steppe with all the bulls; the village settled on it; the fox gnawed on his shoulder blade, the residents were afraid of an earthquake, one shot a fox; only the upper half could hardly be skinned; a woman passing by ripped off the skin from the other half, made a hat for the boy; the wind carried the fox's skull into the steppe; several carts with people drove into it, who went to the Kalmyks for salt; a Kalmyk dog brought a skull; the Kalmyks threw a piece of salt to the Kabardian people; they loaded all the arbs and returned home]: Aliyeva 1978, No. 25:223-225; Kabardian people [when the bull drank water, the rivers ran out; the owner's three sons drove the bull to the sea; the elder sat between the horns, the middle on his back, the youngest at the tail; the oncoming rider exclaimed in surprise; the older brother asked him to bow to the middle and the middle to the youngest; the rider reached the middle at midnight, and to the youngest by morning; after drinking the bull, the brothers let him graze; the eagle carried him away; the old man hid from the rain under his beard goat; an eagle sat on the goat's back; dropped the bull's shoulder blade, it hit the old man's eye; one herd got into the old man's eye, tied his shoulder blade by the rope, pulled out the whole village; the shovel was covered with earth and overgrown with grass, people built a village; the fox began to pull the shoulder blade, people thought it was an earthquake; the fox was shot, but only half of the skin was removed; a woman from a neighboring village turned the fox over, took off her skin and, after adding 300 sheep skins, she sewed a hat for her boy; the wind rolled back the fox's skull, and barbers drove into it for salt; the Kalmyk dog brought the skull to the owners; they threw a piece of salt to the arombers, he seemed like a mountain to them; they loaded their arbs and left]: Lopatinsky 1891a: 93-96; Karachays [a man carried eight wineskins of sour milk; a man approached him who asked for some milk and Finally he drank everything; the man grabbed it and put it in his bootleg with his wineskins; came to his wife, told him to take off his boots; from there came a man who had drunk milk; a man: "How big I am!" ; wife: "When you go to my parents, you will see someone who is even bigger"; the man went to his wife's parents, met a man who had a plow with a harrow attached to his paralyzed arm; a healthy hand he sowed seeds and plowed; at this time, witches threw stones from the edge of the forest; the ploughman grabbed the man with his horse and put him in a handkerchief; the ploughman's wife brought food, he told her to take the guest to their homes; witches stones were thrown again, so the ploughman's wife put the man and his horse in one bowl and covered them on top with the other; in the evening, the ploughman asked the man why he had come; the man replied that he was their husband daughters and that she told me to go to them; the plowman said that he and his wife were not big, and began to talk about those who were bigger: we were a hundred horsemen, I was the youngest of them; we spent the night in a cave; A shepherd came in the morning and kicked the cave; it slid down with us into the valley; I saw that everyone was dead and that the cave was a human skull; since then my hand has been paralyzed; what we mistook for a cave, turned out to be the eye socket of the skull; the man was amazed by what he heard, sat on his horse and rode away]: Pröhle 1909a, No. 6:284-287; Ossetians: Britaev, Kaloev 1959 [Ouataga's bull was so large that his body stretched from the top of Beshtau to the slopes of the Oise (40-50 km); the kite carried it away, sat on the goat's horns, began to peck; the shoulder blade fell, became a steppe, people settled on it; the fox began to gnaw its shoulder blade, the village swung ; the poor widow killed her; people refreshed one side, but the carcass could not be turned over; the widow turned the fox over, refreshed her, made her son a hat; met the hunter, asked to give her the ends of his fox hat, or else not enough for a hat; he put the widow in the stirrup, made him a slave; says that there are no people stronger than him; the other put him in his pocket, the hunter cut the hole, ran away; the giant's brother caught him - the same; third brother put it in his purse, put it under his thimble at home to eat it in the morning; at night the mouse turned his thimble over; the hunter ran, met a one-armed giant, in one hand a luggage for a hundred bulls, a hundred pounds per bull; the giant hid the hunter under a bag of salt; told him not to brag; he and his seven brothers and a herd of bulls took refuge from the rain in their skulls; the dog grabbed him, threw him off the cliff, the narrator's brothers died; he tells the hunter to let the widow go]: 417-419; Dzagurov 1973, No. 31 [strongman Dombay twisted the fallen buffalo by the tail and threw it somewhere; his wife brags about her husband; another woman: there is even stronger than him; D. goes to look for the strongest; the giant sends to his brothers - he cannot fight without their permission; the middle refers to the elder, the eldest to their mother; her fang touched the sky, the other went underground ; D. rushed to suck her breasts; the mother of the giants says that her sons were going to make kebabs out of D., tells her to run; the giant pulls 20 arb of salt, hid D. in the hollow of his tooth; tied his pursuers hair when they ran up; D. asks why the old man was one-eyed; he said that there were 12 brothers, they went to the cave to spend the night, it turned out to be a skull; the dog grabbed the skull, ran up to home; the girl went out, put her skull with her foot; the brothers died, the narrator lost his eye; D. no longer boasted of strength], 42 [the husband threw the bull away with a stick, the wife said that there would be someone stronger than him; he leaves look for a stronger one; meets a Waiga fisherman (giant) who has a cow on the hook with bait, the next has a bull, the third has a buffalo; the third leaves the man a fishing rod, he cannot hold it, waig covers it with her hat, tells his mother to fry the "bird", the Waig mother tells the man to run; the crooked waig pulls 12 arbs and salt with one hand, hides the man in the arba, asks him to pull out his hair to tie the stalker, the man is unable to do it; the giant easily ties the pursuer with one bristle; the man asks why he, so strong, has become crooked; he says he is among the 12 hunters I spent the night in a cave, it turned out to be a human skull, picked it up by a dog, put it on a staff and left it, those inside were injured; the opponent's seeker returned home]: 76-79, 142-146; Libedinsky 1978:123-127 [Soslan brags about his strength, throws the bull across the river, goes to look for an equal; the mother of three Waigs hides him under a sieve, releases him at night; the Waigi chase him; one-armed and one-eyed waig hides it in his mouth, ties three pursuers with his hair; tells how he, his father and six brothers entered the cave; she turned out to be a horse skull that is a giant forged him on a stick and threw a goat against his horns; the skull crashed, the giant killed Waig's father and brothers, tore off his arm and knocked out his eye; S. returns to the sledges], 413-417 [=1949:239-240; sledges spend the night in the cave, she turns out to be a giant's skull; they ask God to revive him, but not to let him have eyes and legs below his knees; the giant says that he is from the Wadmer family, they ate the sap of the earth; throws stones at Soslan, not understands what it means to evade; sledges ask to turn the giant into bones again]; Chechens or Ingush [wife tells Govde that he is stronger than him; G. wanders to test it; seven the giants are going to fry him, their mother lets him go; he comes to a blind giant who hides him in his bosom with a horse and a weapon, tells his pursuers that G. rode further; says how he and his six brothers escaped from other giants; the fugitives hid in a human skull, but the shepherd giant picked it up and threw it against a rock; six died, the narrator went blind]: Dalgat 1972:278-280; Ingush (Chechens? the author does not share them) [the king keeps his daughter in a locked room where only a slave goes; once she brought meat and bone and bread with a crust; the princess made a hole in the wall with bone and saw the world; heard a conversation between two young men; is there anything whiter than snow? - This is Lal-Sulta; the princess swore to marry the drug; having learned of her daughter's intention, the king ordered her to be put in a barrel and lowered into the river; a miller found her; the next day, the PM came to him; answered the miller's wife, that he will never marry, he has reasons; the miller's wife said that then she ends the relationship with him; when he meets a Nogai prince, LS explains why he hates women; he lived with his wife for two years; his horse was losing weight; he followed her; his wife rode somewhere at night, PM after her; there was a bush in front; his wife hit with a shovel: at the will of the forest husband and his wife, let there be a road; then the crystal mountains are But; there was a man in the cave; he whipped the woman because she was late; and the wife smiled: she loved him, and her husband was to blame for being late; lovers began to eat dinner, and the husband stole the spoon; when the wife was gone, the husband cut off his lover's head and hid it in a bag; managed to go home before his wife; showed a spoon and head; tore his wife with two horses; the Nogai says in response; there were 6 brothers; towards a giant shepherd with a dog -giant; they hid in a human skull; the dog picked it up, brought it to the shepherd; had to go out; the shepherd invited him to his place; ate 60 rams for dinner; then the brothers' horses; strung it on a spit, fried brothers; he ate five at once, and left the narrator for breakfast; he crawled to the ravine, picked him up and cured; he went, met a man, who led him to the tower, told him not to enter; when the narrator got up, it turned out that a man avenging his brother had stabbed 40 Aarhustoyans there; he brought the narrator to his place; when the narrator came in, there was an old corpse and a stabbed companion; he turned out to be a woman who took revenge on her brother to Aarkhus; women are different; after that, the drug agreed to marry]: Akhriev 1870:8-15; Ingush [a man lifts a cow by the tail, the neighbor's wife says that there are people beyond the mountain stronger; there fishermen throw the bragger to each other; he runs away, a one-armed and one-eyed giant hides it in his pants, ties his pursuers with his hair; tells how seven brothers he is in theirs including, they climbed into a horse's skull; the dog brought it to a one-eyed shepherd; he roasted six brothers on a spit; the narrator burned the sleeping giant's eyes with a spit, put on a goat skin, stole the herd , called out to the blinded man; he threw the rock, tearing off the narrator's hand and knocking out his eye]: Dalgat 1972:280-281; Avars, Kumyks, Lucky [sartu say that there are people stronger than him; he comes to the giants, they play them like a ball; he runs, meets two more (var.: ploughman), one drags 9 arbs with salt with one hand, crumples a bull's skin with the other; hides the fugitive, usually in the hollow of a tooth, He drives the pursuers away; tells how he lost an eye (tooth) while spending the night with his brothers in a skull that they mistook for a cave; a giant on horseback hit him with a whip (var.: forged with a stick), he was left alone in alive, although he lost an eye (tooth)]: Gamzatov, Dalgat 1991:22-23; Lucky [Isa beats his wife, says there is no stronger hero than him; a neighbor advises sending him to the other side of Kunzunt; Isa shoots a mountain, it turns out to be a dev, Isa runs, asks a ploughman named Yarmagomed to hide it; he hid it in his mouth; without answering the deva's question, he picked up the plough with the bull and killed him; forgot about Isa, who had difficulty shouted from his mouth; says that one day he and his friends spent the night in a cave; it turned out to be a skull, the shepherd forged it with his staff and abandoned it; his comrades died, but I only had a tooth knocked out; when I returned home, Isa no longer beat his wife]: Khalilov 1965, No. 61:180-182; Avars [khan could not find an equal in strength; came to the sledges, one blew, the khan hung under the ceiling; ran away, the one-eyed giant hid him, putting the stalkers in his pocket, tied the stalkers with his hair torn out from under his arm; told how he hid from the rain with his six brothers in a cave; a shepherd threw a wolf trying to steal a sheep there, brothers died, the narrator lost an eye; the cave turned out to be a skull]: Abakarova 1985:24-25; Megrelians [having received a 1000 pound wineskin of wine as a gift from the king, giant and glutton Khecho sat down to rest under the mountain; the stranger offers to help carry his wineskin across the mountain; he picked it up easily and drank everything at once; they quarreled; Kaji ("flint") put everyone in his pocket, brought it to his wife, and bragged about what else was like him the strongman was gone; his wife objected; K. saw Ndia, the forest giant, sleeping; fled in horror, N. followed him; K. asked the ploughman to hide him, he put him and the mule in his bag; cut off N . his head was dry, his body was thrown away; in the evening, the plowman tells a story; there were 60 brothers, they conquered the Kaget state and returned home, hid from the weather in a cave; in the morning someone threw it the mountain saying, "The damned little dog, where she dragged her"; everyone died, the narrator survived alone, the cave turned out to be a horse's head; K. returned home, agreed with his wife]: Mingrelian tales of 1890, No. 4:326- 331 (approximately the same in Gachava et al. 1890:32-35; =Virsaladze 1973, No. 63:108-110 {Virsaladze has an erroneous reference to Tskhakai 1895, Descriptions of Caucasian localities and tribes 19 (2): 143-144}; Georgians [hunter pulled all the stuck arbs out of the mud, drank all the loaded wine, shoved the arobschikov by the bootlegs, offers his hand to the woman who threw the buffalo over the wattle fence; she agrees if he finds out why the river blood flows; there, in order not to fall asleep, the knight leaned his forehead on the edge of his sword, blood is shed; if he falls asleep, he will carry the woman for a month, and now the devil will carry the woman; the hunter promised to wake up, he hardly did it, the knight grabbed the devil; asks the hunter to stab him with a dagger; the hunter killed the deva and then the knight; the woman agrees to become his wife if her nine brothers agree; the devil pours water on the ground, the hunter is washed away, he picked it up; he is one of the woman's brothers; their mother carried the hunter and the horse across the river; the brothers have an evil father; the hunter struck him three times with a sword, cut off three hairs; when he woke up, found severed hair, chased a hunter; by the river, a fisherman hides him in a hole in his tooth, a horse in another; a dev ran up, a fisherman easily killed him with a net handle, took out the hunter; tells how he lost two teeth; he and his brother took refuge from the weather in the eye sockets of the skull; the shepherd threw him into the wolf, the brother disappeared, the fisherman himself hit the rock, lost two teeth; the hunter finds bones, asks God to revive for a minute this creature, but do not give him an eye; a freak appeared to the sky; instead of a hand, the hunter gave him a rock, which easily broke it; turned to the bones again; the hunter found that shepherd, asked him to show him how he was he launched that skull; the shepherd was tired, he threw the mountain hunter who killed himself; the shepherd began to be ashamed, but nothing can be done]: Chikovani 1986:266-270.

Baltoscandia. Scandinavians [on their way to the land of giants, Thor and his companions entered the forest and reached a house; at night they heard a rumble; in the morning they see a giant lying nearby and snoring; Thor girded himself with a Belt Silas, the giant woke up and said he was Scrumir [a bragger?] ; the house with the extension turned out to be S.'s mitten; S. asked to be a companion, took a bag of food, lay down at rest and fell asleep, and Thor could not untie a single knot and open the bag; hit the giant in anger Mjollner on the head; he: didn't the leaf fall? At night, Thor hits the giant on the head with a hammer and hears: has the acorn fallen? In the morning he hit his temple, the hammer went deep. - Didn't the knot fall? It's time to go, Utgard is coming soon, there are a lot of people there and bigger than me; Utgard is ruled by Utgarda-Loki]: Younger Edda 1963:41-42 (see also Chadwick 1964); Karelians (Olonetskaya, 1938) [after the death of her parents the son went on a journey, found a wife in another kingdom; brags to her how much firewood he cut and brought; she replies every time that there are many such fellows, but they do not brag; the husband leaves, rolls in up the mountain, hears someone plowing 300 miles away; the plowman has one arm, one leg, one eye; says that he was the youngest of 12 brothers; they looted gold and silver; the girl - and this was the wife the guy - promised to transport him across the river for gold and silver, which she would hold with her little finger; she held and took everything; she stamped her foot, her leg went into the ground, the brothers ran, hid in the skull of the murdered hero; the girl kicked her skull, 11 brothers died, and the narrator was crippled; the boy returned to his wife, promised to listen to her in everything]: Concca 1959, No. 32:149-152.

Turkestan. Kyrgyz [returning from his grandparents, the boy met a man and gave him two sips from his wineskin; he emptied it in one sip and demanded more koumiss; when he heard what business, the boy put both of their boots by the boots and brought them to his home; let him go; asked his wife if there were any people stronger than him; wife: there are many of them; he went to measure his strength, met a lame peasant; he put it in a seed bag, and then accidentally put it in his mouth; the man hid in the hollow of his tooth; the peasant's wife noticed him there and brought it to the kids to play; in the evening a peasant came; said that they were 12 brothers; they and their horses hid from the thunderstorm in the cave; it turned out to be a goat's skull; the dogs started to gnaw because of it, and the shepherd threw it away; the narrator alone survived; man stopped looking for those who are stronger than him]: Sulaimanov 1998:76-84.