Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

i87AA. Big Bull, ATU 1960A. .27.-.

A giant bull is described (rarely: a horse): a head on one field, a torso on another; a bathhouse on its tail, a lake on its back; people at its head and tail take a long time go to meet; etc. Usually a bull is killed and eaten (by people in the Baltic-Finnish traditions and in Olonets antiquity; by a bird in most southern traditions).

Gagauz people, Moldovans, Russians (Tersky Bereg, Arkhangelskaya, Olonetskaya), Kalmyks, Abkhazians, Abaza, Adygs, Kabardian people, Karachays and Balkarians, Ossetians, Ingush, Nogais, Georgians, Svans, (Uzbeks), Lithuanians, Estonians, Karelians, Finns, Ingrians, (Norwegians), Kazakhs, Karakalpaks, Kyrgyz, (Tuvans, South Altai Tuvans), Khorin Buryats, Khalkha Mongols.

The Balkans. Gagauz people [three brothers drove the bull to drink; one drove from behind, the other in the middle, the third from the front; the post office caught up with the brothers in the morning; the brother, who was behind, punished the middle man through it to stab the bull is in the middle, otherwise it slows down; the post office reached the middle brother at noon; the middle asks to tell the front to stab without slowing down; the post office reached the front in the evening; the bull brothers caught up to the sea, he began to drink, the water in the sea decreased by arshin, the bull died; the weather became thin, the water spilled, the bull was covered with silt, people built a village of 30 yards on it; the houses turned over - it turned out to be a fox she grabbed her shoulder blade; she was killed, her skin was removed from one side and not turned over on the other; they sewed everything for themselves from what they had ripped off her caftan and a pair of mittens; one woman passed with the child, who easily turned it over a fox carcass with his foot, ripped off his skin and made himself only one caftan]: Moshkov 1904, No. 136:204-205; Moldovans [three brothers took an oath to a watering place; three days from head to tail; eldest in the evening reached his front hooves, the middle brother reached his hind legs at sunset; the youngest reached the tail at dusk; the mare drank the sea; one fish began to fight, swallowed the mare; the eagle carried the fish to the top of the oak tree; the bone fell into the eye of the sleeping shepherd; the fishermen threw a seine into his eye, took out the bone the third time, the shepherd threw it away; the gypsies broke the camp on it; the wolf pulled the bone, the gypsies thought that earthquake; killed a wolf; half ripped off, but they can't turn it over; the furrier sent a boy, he turned the wolf over and ripped him off to the end; the gypsies ran to him, the boy was frightened, rushed away from them; the old man sowed sunflower, put seeds in his mouth, the boy was in his tooth; sneezed, the old man let the dog in his mouth, it smelled the wolf and ran away; the old man asked his wife to joke with a poker, she pulled out the boy; he ran to his father, who makes him a shower heater]: Botezat 1981:368-371.

Central Europe. Russians (Terek Bereg) [the tsar walked, chose a bride, overheard the three sisters talking under the window; first: if I were a queen, I would weave canvases all over the world; second: made beer; at three she would bring 9 heroes to her bellies, legs knee-deep in gold, hands up to the elbow in silver, the sun in the forehead, a month in the back of her head, small stars on the braids, the dawns close by the ears; the king married the last, left; the queen gave birth to three sons, Baba Yaga stole them; the same for the second time; the third time, the mother braided one in her braids; Baba Yaga changed letters, the queen was thrown into the sea in a barrel; the barrel was washed ashore , broke; in the morning the church, houses; the walkers passing are surprised: there were swamps, white-stone chambers and viburnum bridges became; the son became a trinket fly, flew with kaliki, heard everything; they told the king about the miracle ; queen's sister: our aunt has jelly shores, a river of milk, a red spoon; a trinket fly pecked out her eye; in the morning she and her mother have a river of milk, etc.; next time: a third bull, on her tail bathhouse, lake under her tail, church on her horns; third woman: our aunt has 8 fellows in the open field, knee-deep legs covered in gold (etc.); a trinket fly tore off a piece of her nose, flew to her mother, she explains that these are his brothers, carried away by baba yaga; dala curls; son flew to the house in the field; there are 8 pigeons, turning into great things at night; they all flew to their mother, began to live well; kaliki they tell the tsar about this; he moved in with the children, left the kingdom for them]: Balashov 1970, No. 46:155-160; Russians (Arkhangelsk, Pomors) [the tsar ordered the lights in the city to be turned off; sent his son to look for his wife there , where the fire will not be extinguished; Ivan Tsarevich overhears the conversation of three sisters at the window; each tells what she will do if I. marries her; one carpet with an embroidered plane; the other she will sew a towel with silk; the youngest will give birth to three sons three times, the sun is in her forehead, a month on the back of her head, frequent small stars on her braids; Yazhenya volunteered to be a midwife; replaced the children with kittens (she took the children to open field); puppies; puppies again; turned the children into wolves; the last woman in labor hid in her spit; I. persuaded I. to throw the queen in a barrel into the sea; she was thrown onto the island, her son knocked down the bottom, created palace; turned into a mosquito, overheard the sailors tell about the wonderful palace on the island; I.: My brother has a bull, a bathhouse on his tail, a lake on his back, a palace on his horns; my son creates such a bull at myself; next time: crystal lake, jelly shores, silver spoons, no loss; third time: 8 sons like clear falcons, wolves during the day, and well done at night; mother baked koloboks with fresh milk, ordered to take them under the spruce tree; the brothers ate them, the milk on their lips, did not turn into wolves anymore; greeted their ninth brother, began to live with their mother; the king came, recognized his wife; I froze in a barrel, swims still]: Razumova, Senkina 1987:144-148; Russians (Olonetskaya) ["The Old Man About the Big Bull"; the big bull Robodanovsky, you can't get it by his hand, there is an oblique fathom between the horns, the princely signature on the horns Vasily Bognanovsky and Robodanovsky; Prince Afanasy Putyatinsky does not want meat other than beef; asks if there are anyone among his people who would bring a bull; servant Zinovy put a bull on his hooves lime bast shoes backwards, took him to the grove, tied him to a tree; Alyosha the butcher poked him in the forehead with a stick and took off his skin; (further on how the bull was cut, the meat was sold, the participants were punished, etc.; cf. Vlasova 2001, chapter "The Old Man About the Big Bull", http://www.booksite.ru/localtxt/sko/mor/ohy/26.htm)]: Hilferding 1983:286-291.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. The Kalmyks [three brothers sat on an ox, went to the sea to give him a drink; they met a man on a small foal; at dawn he saw a brother sitting in front, at noon, the second, in the evening - the third; the ox drank the whole sea, but there was only one fish left at the bottom; it swallowed the ox; a huge bird flew in and carried the fish; in the steppe an old man herded sheep; sat in the shade of the goat's horns; the bird sat on the goat horns; after eating fish, she flew up, and a speck fell into the old man's eye; at home he asked the old woman to see what was there; the old woman pulled out a speck, it turned out to be that ox's shovel; long after a long time to this place 60 families moved; one day the ground shook; the men went to find out what was going on; they walked around a lot of land and saw a fox tearing the meat left on the ox's shoulder; the men surrounded and killed the fox, they took off the skin from one side, but did not take it off the other because they could not lift the carcass; 60 families sewed fur coats from the skin removed from one side and lived happily]: Basangova 2017, No. 11:51-53; Abkhazians [from three The brothers were a bull, he drank water only once a year; when the deadline came, the brothers drove the bull to a watering hole; the elder sat on his neck, the middle on his back, the youngest behind everyone; the rider met; the elder asked him to hand him over to the middle brother to drive the bull as soon as possible; by noon the rider reached the middle brother, who asked him to give it to the younger brother; by evening the rider caught up with the younger one and told him what they asked for; the bull drank water to the next noon, then the brothers drove him back; the kite carried the bull, sat between the goat's horns and began to eat; the shepherd took refuge from the rain under the beard of this goat; the shovel that fell out of the kite's beak hit to the shepherd in the eye; at home, the sister took out her shoulder blade and threw it away, it was covered with earth, and a thousand people settled on it; one day the ground shook; it was the fox who noticed a bone sticking out of the ground and began to gnaw it; people they killed a fox, ripped off the skin from one side, a thousand people sewed dudes for themselves; but they could not turn the fox on the other side; the woman walked and spun; turned the fox over with the tip of the spindle and took off the skin from the other side; I wanted to sew a dude for my son, but he died; a thousand people dug a grave for the boy for a month, but his head remained outside; one day we went to get salt; on the way back they decided to cover the salt from the rain and hid under with the buried man's jaw, put arbs there, went home themselves; one person stumbled, put salt from a thousand arbs into his pocket and went home; the sister was cooking, salt was needed, the brother offered, but the sister answered that this was not enough and went to her neighbors for salt; who was the strongest?] : Khashba, Kukba 1936:204-206 (=Shakryl 1975, No. 4:20-22); Abaza [the old man has a huge ox; if you shoot at the head, the one standing at the stomach would hardly hear a shot; it began to rain, the fish grabbed the ox, dragged him into the water; the old man sat under the goat's beard, saw an eagle carrying an ox dragged by fish; the eagle sat on the goat's horns, ate the ox, dropped his shoulder blade; the shovel hit the old man's eye, he asked his daughters see what prevents them; they threw the bone away with a wooden shovel; carried it behind the village; the shovel was covered with earth, a new village has settled on it; people feel an earthquake - it was the fox that began to gnaw on the protruding the end of the shoulder blade; the fox was killed, the skin was removed from one side, but they could not turn the fox over; they sewed hats for the whole village; the widow's son did not have a hat; she turned the fox over with a kick, but not enough for her son's hat; prince sent a squad to kill the boy, because he would be too strong; he was beheaded, thrown out of the village; the skull was covered with earth; the prince sent a hundred arbs for salt, they drove into the nose of the skull for seven days they wandered, only on the eighth day they got out of the skull; the shepherd took a piece of salt out of his pocket, broke off half, loaded a hundred arbs; who was stronger and bigger?] : Tugov 1985, No. 121:336-337; Adygs: Aliyeva 1978, No. 25 [three brothers drove the bull; the eldest sat between the horns, the middle on his back, the youngest at the tail; the oncoming rider drove from the eldest to the tail at midnight middle and midnight from middle to younger; the eagle carried the bull; the old man hid from the rain under the goat's beard; the eagle sat on the goat, eating up the bull's shoulder blade; the old man went out, the eagle flew up in fear, dropped his shoulder blade, she stuck in the old man's eye; daughters-in-law did not find this speck; one herd climbed into the old man's eye, dragged his shoulder blade into the steppe with all the bulls; the village settled on it; the fox gnawed his shoulder blade, the residents were afraid earthquakes, one shot a fox; only the upper half was hardly skinned; a woman passing by ripped off the skin from the other half, made a hat for the boy; the wind carried the fox's skull into the steppe; into it several carts arrived with people who went to the Kalmyks for salt; a Kalmyk dog brought a skull; the Kalmyks threw a piece of salt to the Kabardian people; they loaded all the arbs and returned home], 26 [starting at (25); the eagle dropped the bull's leg in the shepherd's eye; the women hardly dragged it out, the village settled on it; salt carters drove into the hole on the bull's leg, loaded salt; the old woman asked her daughter to bring salt; she was poured on palm salt from seven carts, the old woman put all the salt in her mouth; about a fox and a woman who made a foxskin hat, as in (25)]: 223-225, 226-227; Andreev-Krivich 1957 [in hunger Kuytsuk promises to get food for by sea; they come to the wilds, eat their food, say that they have come to the wise who will answer the question; there was an ancient bull, his hind legs behind Indyl, the front legs behind Psyzh, pinched the grass on the bank of the Terek; his eagle carried away and sat on the goat's horn; the shepherd took refuge from the rain under the goat's beard; the eagle dropped the bull's shoulder blade, it fell into the shepherd's eye; nine daughters-in-law took a wooden shovel into the eye, but did not pull it out; mother the old man licked her with her tongue; the shoulder blade was covered with snow, people settled on it; the fox began to drag her; the fox was killed, one side was ripped off, the other could not; K.'s mother easily turned the fox over, ripped off the skin - if it were two, would be enough for half a hat for a newborn; who is more? the hogs argued and killed each other; K. and his companions packed food; then the sledges moved to the lands of others]: 327-335; Kerashev 1957 [=Maksimov, Kerashev 1953:189-191; from head to tail of a horse three days ways; there was not enough water in the rivers for her, she was taken to the sea for a watering hole; one brother sat on the withers, the other on her back, the third on her tail; the first asked oncoming travelers to tell the second to drive the horse, and the second to the third; the horse was swallowed by a fish, carried away by an eagle, sat on the goat's head, began to peck, the horse's shoulder blade hit the shepherd's eyes; 9 daughters-in-law boarded 9 boats, swam in the shepherd's eye, found a shovel a day later, they said - how tender the father-in-law was, he made him look for such a trifle; they threw out his shoulder blade; it was covered with earth, overgrown with grass, people built an aul there; an earthquake began; a visitor noticed a wolf trying pull the bone out of the ground, shot it; only half of the skin was removed, because they could not turn the wolf's carcass; turn it over; the woman walked, picked up the carcass, took off her skin, said that it would be enough for half a hat for her boy]: 271-272; Kabardian people: Aliyeva, Kardangushev 1977 [Kurgoko's elder brother, middle Kandoko, younger Kaitsukoko; they had a goby in their herd; they drank the river right away, they had to drive it to the sea; when they drove, the elder sat on his neck, the middle brother on his back, the youngest at the tail; the neighbor Dokhshýko jumps towards him; the elder brother asks him to pass it to the middle brother, and the middle brother to the younger one so that he can better drive the bull; by noon D. reached middle ground, by evening to the youngest; an eagle flew in, ate a bull, took his shoulder blade, sat on the goat's horn, began to eat up his shoulder blade; under the goat's beard, a herd with a shepherd hid from the rain; the shepherd looked out, the eagle he was frightened, flew away, dropped his shoulder blade, it fell into the shepherd's eye; the whole village was looking for it there; when they found it, they tied ropes, harnessed a thousand bulls and pulled it out; the shovel was covered with earth, a forest grew on it, people built village; the fox smelled the bone, dug out the shoulder blade, choked on it, exhaled; no one knows how to remove the fox's skin; the woman took it off on the condition: when everyone sews their fur coats, give her the part that remained; from one fox An ear was sewn on a fur coat for everyone who gathered; the rest of the woman was only half a hat for her boy; who was more: a bull, an eagle, a goat, a shepherd, a fox, a woman or her little son?] : 123-125 (the same or very similar text in Kardanov 196:145-149); Lopatinsky 1891a [when the bull drank water, the rivers ran out; the owner's three sons drove the bull to the sea; the eldest sat between the horns, the middle on his back, the youngest at the tail; the oncoming rider exclaimed in surprise; the elder brother asked him to bow to the middle brother and the middle brother to the youngest; the rider reached the middle at midnight, and the younger brother by morning; after drinking the bull, the brothers let him graze; the eagle took him away; the old man hid from the rain under the goat's beard; an eagle sat on the goat's back; he dropped the bull's shoulder blade, it fell into the old man's eye; one herd climbed into the old man's eye, tied his shoulder blade by a rope, pulled the whole village out; the shovel was covered with earth and overgrown with grass, people built an aul; the fox began to pull the shoulder blade, people thought it was an earthquake; the fox was shot, but they managed to skin take off only half; a woman from a neighboring village turned the fox over, took off her skin and, adding 300 sheep skins, sewed a hat for her boy; the wind rolled back the fox's skull, and the arobists drove into it, traveling for salt; the Kalmyk dog brought the skull to the owners; they threw a piece of salt to the workers, it seemed like a mountain to them; they loaded the arbs and left]: 93-96; Nogais [Batyrbek, son of poor Bolat, is ashamed that his horse is worse than others; Bolat finds a trail of tulpar, exchanges him from a beggar (tulpar looks like a thin nag); Khan gives grain to feed tulpar; Batyrbek wins it at the races, but despite warns his father, unties the last knot on the reins, the horse rushes, dives into the sea, Batyrbek goes ashore; finds the clothes of three girls; promises to return if the girls help make them talk daughter of Khan Olmes Soleimes ("the enduring Khan's non-speaking daughter"); the girls take Batyrbek to the khan, the eldest hides in S.'s fur coat, tells a fairy tale, in the end we must give an answer, Batyrbek must deliberately answer incorrectly, then S. will speak; then the same thing: talking kumgan; talking golden bowl; the story of the fur coat: three brothers take turns herding sheep; the elder carves the girl out of wood, the middle one dresses her, the youngest sprinkles with herbal infusion, revives; Batyrbek replies that the girl should be taken by the one who revived her, S. objects: the younger brother should not marry before the elder; Kumgan's story: one brother herds the head, the other belly, the third hind legs of the bull; the older brother goes to the middle brother all day, they both go to the younger one to find out if the bull is sick; the bull is healthy; they take him to a watering place; the bull drank the sea, stayed an island, it turned out to be a fish, it swallowed the bull, the eagle took the fish, fell on the goat's horns, an old man sat in the shade of his beard, the bull's shoulder fell into his eye, the old man's daughter swam in the boat in his father's eye, she pulled out her shovel, threw it out the door; the caravans stopped on the shoulder blade, the ground under them trembled - it was the fox who gnawed at the shoulder blade; the woman killed the fox with a rocker arm, left; 99 caravans ripped off the fox's skin on one side, but could not turn the fox over; the woman returned, turned the fox over with her toe, but doubted whether half the skin would be enough for a hat for her newborn son; Batyrbek replies that most of all eagle, S. - what a child; the story of the bowl: the mother of nine sons sews a skullcap, answers everyone what is for him; tells him to go to the khan, let him judge who the skullcap is; everyone informs the khan about their abilities; one finds everything, the other sees everything, the third shoots accurately, etc. (makes a bow from a chip; a boat out of a chip; a house made of one brick; feeds everyone; digs an underground passage; a thief); the khan asks the brothers to find his missing daughter; brothers find out that Azaa took her away, hit him with an arrow in the eye, return the girl; Batyrbek replies that his younger brother, S., who is the eldest, should receive the skullcap; Batyrbek marries Soleimas]: Nogai 1979, No. 18:86-102; Karachays [when the bull approached the watering hole, the head was by the river, the back was on the mountain; the eagle carried the bull to the top of the mountain, pecked, the shovel remained; holding it in its paws, he flew into the valley, sat on the horn of a goat, under whose beard a herd with a shepherd hid from the rain; the shepherd looked out, the eagle was frightened, dropped his shoulder blade, it fell into the shepherd's eye; the runaway people began to pick crowbars out this speck's eyes; a few years later the shoulder blade was covered with earth, the village settled on it; the fox noticed the end of the shoulder blade, began to gnaw, people became alarmed, killed the fox; could not turn the carcass over to remove skin; a woman passing by easily turned the fox over, asked for half of the skin to pay; one half was enough for hats for all the villagers, the other was not enough for one hat for the giant's son]: Aleinikov 1883 , No. 4:155-157 (=Jurtubayev 1991:204); Karachays or Balkarians [Aladin asks his father to get him a good horse; he brings a plain horse; the horse has grown stronger, rushed on at the races, found himself on the seashore, disappeared into the sea; A. sees three girls bathing, hides their swan clothes; promises to give them back if they help get the prince's daughter to talk; he must touch with a wand fur coats, she will tell a fairy tale, there will be an argument in a fairy tale, it is necessary to resolve the dispute incorrectly, then the girl will start talking; brothers for three have one bull; the elder pass the head, the middle pass the belly, the youngest has hind legs; the youngest it seemed that the bull was ill, went to consult his middle brother; late in the evening he reached the bull's belly, both went to the elder, reached the bull's head late at night; the brothers took the bull to a watering hole, he He drained the sea with a sip; the brothers decided to leave the bull on the island, it turned out to be the back of the fish; the fish swallowed the bull; the eagle took the fish; in the steppe, the shepherd sat down to rest in the shade of his goat's beard; the eagle descended on goat horns, ate the fish with the grass and trees that grew on it; a bull's shoulder fell out of its beak, fell into the old man's eye; he asked his daughter to take it out; she drove her father's eye up and down in the boat she picked up her shoulder blade with her little finger, threw it out the window; the shoulder blade fell at the well where a caravan of ninety camels had stopped; the caravans spread fire on the bull's shoulder blade, and a fox ran past, smelling the smell, began to gnaw on her shoulder blade, the caravans thought that an earthquake had begun; a woman hit the fox with a rocker arm, killed her; the caravans took off half of the skin and half were not - 90 people could not turn the fox on the other side; they decided to sew 90 fur coats out of half a skin; the woman pushed the fox with the dude's toe, turned it over, wondered if half the skin would be enough for a hat for her newborn son; which of them is bigger? ; Aladin: fish; silence could not stand it: more and more children; A. got a wife]: Aliyeva, Kholaev 1983:90-97; Ossetians: Britayev, Kaloev 1959 [Huataga's bull was grazing at the top of Beshtau, and his body stretched out to the slopes of the Oise (40-50 km); the kite carried the bull, descended on goat's horns and began to eat; the shoulder blade fell into the steppe, the people settled on it; the fox gnawed at night, the village swung; the poor widow succeeded to watch and kill the fox; their side was refreshed, but they could not turn it over; everyone sewed hats from half of the fox skin, the son of water was left without a hat; the widow easily turned the fox over, ripped off the skin, but on the boy's hat it was not enough; the oncoming rider put the widow in the stirrup, brought him home and made her a slave; says that there is no other strong man; the widow tells him not to brag; he went, met the strongman, he put him in his pocket bring a dental remedy to the mother; the hunter cut a hole, ran away; the strongman's brother to meet him, also put the hunter in his mother's pocket for a barbecue, but he ran away again; the third brother locked the hunter in his purse, brought mother; she put it under a thimble to eat in the morning; at night the mouse dropped its thimble, the hunter ran away; met a one-armed man carrying a luggage of a hundred bulls; he hid it in a bag of salt; three brothers they chased, but when they saw the giant, they returned; the giant says he was the youngest and weakest of the seven brothers; they took refuge from the rain in the skull; the dog brought the skull into the yard; the owner's daughter threw this stuff away from a cliff, six brothers and bulls died, and the narrator lost an arm; the hunter returned and released the widow]: 417-419; Lopatinsky 1891a [Ossetian versions printed in vol. VII]: 96; Shanaev 1870 [the bull was standing on the Garamonov Field, and was grazing on the Terek bank (the distance between this field and Terek is about 75 km); a hawk descended, clutched the bull and carried it away; sat down on a tree, began devour the prey; the bull's shovel fell and fell into the eye of a shepherd who was hiding under a tree from the sun; when the shepherd came home, said to his mother: "Mother, something has come into my eye: look at him"; she she cleaned her eye with a shovel and threw out a bull's shoulder blade; on this shoulder blade, a meadow where the whole village had settled was green; a fox got into the habit of walking to the shoulder blade; grabbing it by the cup and knocking it over one or then on the other side, the village worried; the inhabitants of the village tracked down the fox and killed it; having ripped off the skin from one side, they could not turn it over to the other side to tear off its skin; in the morning the newlywed went to fetch water, who, pushing the dead fox with the tip of her foot, knocked it over on the other side; taking the tail in her hands, ripped off the skin and said: "Here's the rim on my son's hat"; meanwhile, the skin was not enough for half a hat]: 14-15 ; Ingush: Dalgat 1972 [Aarhus threw Botoko Shirtg's son into the cauldron, said that the boy fell by himself; BS came to the giantess's hut, promised to bring Nipple Sols and 12 others; said what he found prey; the giantess tied up the visitors, began to discuss with her sons how to slaughter them; BS forgives the Aarhustoyans, invites the giants to guess who is bigger (the giant bull was taken away by an eagle, began to eat it, sitting on its horns a goat, a bull's shoulder blade hit the eye of a shepherd sitting under a goat's beard with a garbage, etc.); giants quarreled and killed each other]: 298-299; Dakhkilgov 2012, No. 5 [the bull was so big that standing on the mountain , pinched the grass flat and drank water from the river at the foot of the mountain; he was carried away by an eagle, sat on the horn of a goat, under whose beard the shepherd was sleeping; from the part eaten, the eagle dropped his shoulder blade, it fell into the shepherd's eye; that of hers pulled it out, threw it away; over time, an aul with 9 thousand inhabitants appeared on this shoulder blade; when the fox gnawed on the vein left on the shoulder blade, the village was shaking; the fox was killed, everyone took a piece of skin for his fur coat; but turn it over No one could have a fox for another god; the woman had just given birth, went to fetch water, turned the fox over, ripped it off, made her son a fur coat, but she did not have enough for her sleeves; which of them is bigger?] : 362-363; Kibiev, Malsagov 1981 [the ox walks through the gorge above the mountains; he was carried away by an eagle, saw a goat below, went down to its horns, ate an ox, threw out the ridge, he hit the shepherd's eye, he did not immediately notice the bone they pulled the whole village out, new houses were built on it; they swing - at night the fox pulls a bone; the fox was shot, but they could only take off the skin on one side; the old woman picked up a fox, began to sew a fur coat for her grandson, but not enough for sleeves and collar]: 26-28; Georgians (Kartli) [the king put one watchman on the field, and the other 11 go to him all day from the edges, they will not reach him; the bull came up, ate the whole crop, died, the torso on the royal field, the legs and head on the neighbor's field; the crow carried the bull to the nest, sat on the sheep's horn, dropped its bull's side, flew away; the wind raised its side, it hit the shepherd's eye; the shepherd has three son-in-law, kings of birds , animals, seas; birds, animals did not find their side in the eye, the king of the seas let all the waters into his eye, the water carried its side to the seashore; merchants built a city on it; the fox began to tug - the city begins to collapse; three days the child shot a fox, asked for half the skin as a reward; he was given, but not enough for sleeves and floors]: Chikovani 1954, No. 96:409-410; Swans: Palmaitis 1986:134 [the ox was standing at sea, his front legs on one bank, the back on the other; the eagle carried him away; in another country there was a goat, the shepherd and the herd took refuge from the rain under his beard; an eagle descended on the goat's horns, pecked the ox carcass, the shovel fell, people built there was a village on it; the fox began to chew on its shoulder blade, the village was swaying; people killed the fox, but I can't rip it off; the woman took off her skin from one side, turned her foot over, ripped it off on the other side, but did not have enough for a hat for her child; the mouse dragged fox meat into its hole, but the mice didn't have enough; which one is the strongest?] , 136-137 [the ox stood on the sea, its front legs on one side, the back legs on the other; the eagle carried it away, sat on the horns of the shepherd's goat, the shepherds themselves and the herds gathered under the goat's beard; one boy looked up, the bull's shovel fell into his eye; the rest of the shepherds took shovels and sticks and pulled it out with difficulty; people built 12 farms on his shoulder blade; the fox began to drag it; people killed the fox, but they could only peel off the skin west side, because the fox cannot be turned over; clothes and hats were made from the skin for everyone; a woman came up, turned the carcass over with a spindle, ripped off the skin, but not enough for a hat for her baby; who is big?].

(Wed. Iran - Central Asia. Uzbeks [Abdullah ibn Masgud, Muhammad's associate, asked him about the structure of the world, received answers; the land on the horn of a bull, which has 500 years of travel from head to tail, 250 years between horns; Satan invited the bull to relieve the burden; the bull shook his head; the Lord told the fly to crawl into the bull's nose and sting it; the bull roared, since then his name howler was bakar; the fly would sting the bull until resurrection; the bull wants to throw it off, the earth shudders; a bull stands on a fish that has 500 years to go from head to tail; fish on the water, water in the wind, wind above hell, hell on a platter, a dish in the hand of angel Daryail, an angel on a worm under the seventh tier of hell]: Ostroumov 1890:161-162 (=1906:154-155).

Baltoscandia. Data on Baltic-Finnish traditions were summarized and analyzed in Siig 2013. "The Big Bull" is not found as a separate plot of runic songs, but is built into lyrics with different pragmatics (wedding and joint work, help, children's songs, riddles, cumulative tales, etc.). Lk. 29-30: While "Big Oak" is only known in Karelia and Ingermanland, "Big Bull" is also common in eastern and northern Finland. In most parts of Estonia, the "Big Bull" motif is only in songs that praise the owners for their abundant food, or invite them to the table or to work and help. In northern Estonia, Finland, Karelia and Ingermanland, the gigantic size of the bull is described, followed by a search for someone to kill it. Sometimes first attempts fail. Then a man from the sea or a little brother appears and kills a bull. Work-and-help songs say that the bull did not walk under the yoke and did not plow the fields. "A thousand fathoms along the ridge, a hundred fathoms between horns" - everywhere in northern, central and western Estonia, less often in Ingermanland, Karelia, Finland and Värmland in western Sweden among Finns migrants. The size of a bull is determined by the time of a swallow's flight and a squirrel running in Karelia and northern Estonia in runic songs and very rarely in work songs. Determination of dimensions by geographical names ("Tail in Häme, Head in Kemiye, Horns in Tornio" - in Finland and Karelia. Lithuanians [the old man's three sons sat between their horns, on their backs, at the tail of a bull; from one brother to another, the rider rode for three days; the bull drank the lake, the eagle carried the bull; their father took refuge from the rain under his beard goats; did not let the eagle carry it away, he returned with the bull's edge, poked his old man in the eye; the old man noticed that something was interfering, telling his son to look into the eye; for three days men with horses and chains pulled out the rib out of the eye; it was covered with earth, three yards were built there; a fox came to gnaw a rib, houses collapsed; she was shot but could not be turned over to remove her skin; the old woman did it easily, added 500 sheepskin, sewed a hat for her son]: Löbite 1965:277-278; Estonians: Laugaste 1998 [from Turkey, Finland brought a bull who had never walked under the yoke, had not seen a plow for a hundred years, and plowed for ten years land; its withers are a thousand fathoms wide, its horns are a hundred fathoms long, its wool is double-planted, its hooves are fathoms wide; the squirrel runs along its dorsal ridge for a month, the swallow flies from one horn to another for a day, his roar wobbles the sky, the earth trembles; a big powerful bull plowed mountains, knocked down spruce, juniper, pine trees; I began to think where I would get a butcher to kill a bull; I brought one from Turkey, the other from the ground Tartu, a thousand people were at the withers, a hundred on their horns, could not kill the bull; my younger brother came as thin as a reed, hit the bull with his fist, poked his thumb in the neck, and there was blood a boat full of fat, a ship full of fat, a thousand barrels of meat]: 9; Siig 2013:22 [Thanks to the owner and hostess for eating and drinking, for setting the table, for killing a bull who did not walk under the yoke and did not plow the fields, a thousand inches thick withers, a hundred inches long horns, and now I ate to the dump with a bull's cape, chicken meat], 24 [the bull had 1000 fathoms at the withers, the horns were a hundred fathoms long, the swallow flew a day, the crane was a month flew along the back of the bull; I was looking for someone to fail the bull, bring it from Turkey, from Tatarstan, but they could not; my younger brother came, like a straw and a reed, with a finger the size of a finger, killed the bull with his fist, blood a boat full of fat, a whole ship, a hundred hats were made from sava, bed legs were made from the lower leg bones, a vertical furrow (sai rihvel püsti) from the hips], 25 (Kuusalu and Koeru, noticeably Finnish influence) [I had a black bull 1000 fathoms along my back, a hundred fathoms between horns, a swallow flew horn to horn a day, a squirrel ran along my back for a month; a big fat bull plowed the ground, demolished pine trees and juniper; now it has been sold, the skin has been sold, the meat has been eaten, the bones have been collected], 27 [such songs from Estonians, Setu, Karelians; on the top of the tree there is a hawk's nest, where the old man cut down this spruce, where is the old man (etc.), he now under the bed, a chicken dug up the bed, the chicken was carried away by a hawk, a hawk in reeds, a reed was mowed by a braid, a braid jumped on a stump, a stump rolled into the sea, a black bull drank the Black Sea, a bull in a barn, a barn burned down, the hijacking went to the sky]; Tedre 1969, No. 4 [3 options]: 17; Karelians: Evseev 1950, No. 65 [Kemi's bull's head, tail in Tornio; swallow flew between horns for a day, the squirrel ran on the tail for a month; blacksmith Ilmorini killed Viro the bull with a hammer on the third blow, lunch was cooked for all Kaleva's people]: 146; Siig 2013 [Karelian songs refer to the bull as an extractor of the disease from the patient's body]: 24-25; Finns [the bull grew up in Karelia, Finland, the head in Tavastland, the tail in Tormis; the swallow flies from its withers to the end of its tail for a month, the squirrel runs from one horn to another for a month, but does not reach its goal; they were looking for who would stab a bull; a swarthy man as tall as a spindle came out of the sea, knocked down a bull in the neck, this bull was made of therapeutic rubbing]: Abercromby 1893, No. 48g: 45-46; Ingrians: Kiuru 1990, No. 8 (Hevaa, D. Europaeus, 1848) [a bull grew up in Hyanni village, blue-hoofed in Suomi, yellow-hoofed in Karjala, a hundred fathoms long horn, a thousand girths of snout; the squirrel raced along the tail for a month, the hare for a week winded along the ridge, the swallow flew between the horns for a day, rested the night on the road; a black husband, the same age as the sea, came out of the waves, hit the bull with a golden mace, a silver club; a hundred husbands carried a rump, a thousand all the rest; my brother broke his sternum, split his shoulder blades, lay in bed for two years, two years under a blanket, three on pillows; went to Manala on foot, went to Tuoni without closing his eyes; black-haired maiden Tuoni, daughter Manaly asks why he came like this without closing his eyes?] : 47-48; Siig 2013 [in songs based on "The Birth of Kantele", the horns of a murdered bull bring the blacksmith to make a kantele; in the songs for "Sailing on a Ship", the bull is killed for meat at the request of the townspeople and the meat is loaded to the ship]: 25; (cf. Norwegians [a cow or ox is so big that drummers sitting on different horns can't hear each other; a cow gives so much milk that a horse needs to squeeze cheese; etc.]: Hodne 1984, No. 1960A: 319 ).

Turkestan. Kazakhs [the gray bull littered with gold, urinated with silver; the eldest son of bai herded his tail, the middle son on his side, the youngest on his head; the eldest answers the passerby that there is nothing to treat, because the bull has constipation; middle - that there is no urine, the youngest is that the bull does not chew gum; the cherry plum kara-gus bird carried the bull, sat on the goat's horn to eat a bull; a shepherd slept under the goat's beard; the bull's shoulder blade fell out, fell into the shepherd's eye; wife they picked it up, threw it away, water accumulated in it; in this lake, the people began to water the cattle; the fox grabbed the shovel, killed the fox; they could not turn it over, they took off the skin only from one side, sewed hats for everyone; the woman turned it over, only a quarter of the baby's hat was enough skin]: Potanin 1916, No. 36:138-139 (=Sidelnikov 1962:402-404); Karakalpaks [fisherman catches three carps every day; son caught them and the ruff, the ruff released, the old man drove him away for it; the young man began to work for the old woman; the khan will give his dumb daughter for someone who talks to her; the young man goes to the khan, takes another young man as his companion; he is in front of the princess tells how three brothers lived, the eldest fed the bull, the middle one cleaned the manure, the younger one cleaned the manure, you have to walk 6 days from head to tail, the brothers met every 3 days; the bull drank the lake at the watering hole, but lived in catfish swallowed it in the lake; the black bird took the catfish, began to eat, the fox crept up and ate the bird; the hunters killed the fox, sewed hats from half the skin for all the inhabitants of the village, and the other half was taken by a shepherd, but enough only half a hat; people began to think who was bigger; princess: shepherd; khan gave his daughter to the young man's companion; on the way back, he offered to divide her, held his sword, a snake jumped out of the girl's mouth, she was killed, and prevented me from speaking; the companion said that he was that ruff, gave the girl to the young man, disappeared]: Volkov, Mayorov 1959:53-55; Kyrgyz: Brudny, Eshmambetov 1968 [Alabash tells his eldest son to feed the ox, and the youngest should drink; on the eighth day, the ox stopped eating; the counter said that he should be given a drink on Lake Ala-Kul; the younger brother remembered that he had not watered the ox, brought him to the lake, the ox drank it; there was a fish at the bottom, swallowed the ox; the golden eagle took the fish, began to eat on the rock; water poured out of the fish, the old man under the rock was surprised that something had splashed; looked up, a bull's shoulder fell into his eye; his daughter pulled it out and threw it away; the caravan sat on it; the fox began to pull her shoulder blade, she was shot; 40 caravans managed to remove the skin from only one side, because the fox could not be turned over; the woman asked to leave her the other half the skin: she will make a hat for the newborn; without getting off her horse, she took the fox]: 196-198 (=197:205-206); Sabyr uulu 2008 [Three orphan brothers have a blue ox. The elder lived on his horns, the middle one on the ridge, the youngest on the repitsa. One day, the younger one noticed that the ox began to defecate kyuchala ("a poisonous plant, perhaps referring to the ox defecating with hard and dry discs similar to the roots of this plant), went to report brothers, by noon I got to middle ground, by evening both reached the eldest. The elder decided that the ox should be given a drink. They took him to the lake and drank it in one fell swoop. One fish on the dry bottom swallowed the ox, and three orphans fled. The Alpkarakush bird came down from the sky and carried away the fish. Where fish hits a mountain, a mountain collapses, where a stone hits, a stone bursts. She flew to an old man herding a herd of goats and sleeping in the shade of a goat leader. The bird sat on the horns of this goat and started eating fish. One ox shovel hit the old man's eye. All the shepherds and other neighbors made a lasso out of their goatbeard, tied their shoulder blades to the head, pulled their shoulder blade out of their eyes, put it on the ground, and covered the whole city. Forty merchants were going to spend the night and found an open space, but the ground began to move and roll. It was the fox who pulled the shoulder blade in her teeth. The travelers shot a fox, peeled off the skin on one side, and God cannot turn the carcass over to the other. The old woman turned the fox over with one hand and peeled off her skin; there was not enough fur for the newly born boy's hat. The boy, once seeing mountain sheep hunters, asked his father to make him an iron club. He threw it up to the clouds, too light. Master Dev forged him twice as big a club. The boy took two horsemen and went to the mountains. They take turns cooking at night. A man appeared, his eyebrows were covered with snow, his mustache was covered with ice, tied the horseman to a pine tree, and ate everything. It's the same with the second horseman. The boy tied that man himself, but he pulled out a pine tree and disappeared into the ground. The boy after him has overcome that man's daughter, but doesn't know how to get back to earth. A dragon wrapped around the plane tree, and at the top there is an Alpkarakush bird's nest, with three chicks in it. A boy killed a dragon. The mother bird tells us to stock up on 40 sparrows and 40 water bubbles, and promises to take them to the ground. Calf-sized sparrows. The supply ran out, the boy threw both his eyes to the bird, pulled out pieces of meat from under his knees and squeezed the bird's blood. On the ground, the bird restored his legs and eyes. The boy bothered the lion and came to the ruler. He got scared and gave the gold. The boy fed his two horsemen and those three orphans]: 71-74; Sulaimanov 1998 [returning from his grandparents, the boy met a man and gave him two sips from his wineskin; he emptied in one sip and demanded more koumiss; when he heard what was going on, the boy put both of their boots on the bootlegs and brought them home; let him go; asked his wife if there were any stronger people than him; wife: there are many of them; he went to measure his strength, met a lame peasant; he put him in a seed bag and then accidentally put it in his mouth; the man hid in the hollow of his tooth; the peasant's wife noticed him there and brought it for games for the kids; in the evening a peasant came; said that there were 12 brothers; he and his horses hid from the thunderstorm in a cave; it turned out to be a goat's skull; the dogs started to gnaw because of him, and the shepherd abandoned far away; the narrator was alone alive; the man stopped looking for those who were stronger than him]: 76-84.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Buryats (Khorinsky) [the old man led him by the horns, the old woman drove behind; stopped poroz; a month later the old woman reached her head: the old man was killed by an old man because he was walking slowly; the old man is sitting under his beard a goat, an eagle sits on its horns, eats a poroz shoulder blade; the eagle flew away, throwing its shoulder blade, it fell into the old man's eye; the old woman climbed there, searched for six days, pulled it out on the seventh; the fox found and dragged the shoulder blade; troops it was taken away, swam across the sea; who is bigger: a poroz, a goat, an old man, an eagle, a fox? whoever says that a fox is cunning, who is an eagle is brave, an old man is sedate, a goat or a poroz is red tape]: Gomboev 1890, No. 9:65; Khalkha Mongols (Urga): Bennigsen 1912 ["Once upon a time there was a bull, 2 people, an eagle, fox and goat. The bull was so big that it took 2 people to follow it. While one was feeding him, the other was cleaning up manure. You had to be two, because it took a person 3 days to go from head to tail. The bull happened to die. People ripped it off and cut the carcass in half. At this time, an eagle flew in, grabbed the front of the bull and carried it to the sky. There, in the air, he pecked the prey 2-3 times and, when he did not like it, released it from his claws. At that time, one of the people was just looking up and the carcass hit his eye. The man, who did not expect anything like this, was terrified and rushed to a safe place - under a goat's beard. After that, a fox was summoned, and she rode in a boat in the eye of a person for 3 days, looking for the part of the bull that had drowned there. Who is bigger - a bull, a human, an eagle, a goat or a fox? Whoever answers: the bull is stupid; man is smart; the eagle is the master; the goat is Don Juan; the fox is cunning"]: 18-19; Potanin 1893, No. 4 ["In ancient times, there was a big city called Varanas. There was a huge cow in that city; it had one camp on its head, where the inhabitants could constantly hear a cow breathe. There was another camp on her back against her kidneys. From one camp to another, the distance was twenty days on horseback. There was another camp on its back near the cow's tail, whose inhabitants watched her defecate. At one time, this cow died out. An old man from this ulus (hoton), herding goats (Yamans), was lying on his back in the steppe. At this time, a bird carrying the shoulder blade of an exhausted cow in its beak somehow dropped it from its beak. The shovel hit the old man's eye. The old man took out the bone, put it on the ground and left. Then one army of 1,000 men, following this bone, stopped at it for lunch. At this time, the fox comes up and carries the bone along with the troops on it. Now we need to figure out who is bigger: a cow's bone or an old man's eye, or a fox? Whoever says the cow the most should be considered stupid, whoever says the old man's eye the most should be considered a sedate person. Whoever says the power of a fox the most should be considered a person who knows how to skillfully do his business"]: 378; (cf. Tuvans (2 options: Bai-Taiga and Sut-Khol) [the old man's little goat died, the fox began to eat his shoulder blade; a thousand warriors took his shoulder blade behind the field, stopped for the night; the Khan Hereti bird carried his shoulder blade along with the warriors, sat on the horns of a big goat, and when the little goat's shoulder blade was eating, a thousand warriors fell into the eye of an old man sitting under a goat; the old man mistook a thousand warriors for a speck and snorted; who is more? ] : Samdan 1994, No. 28:399; South Altai Tuvans [a traveler with seven camels loaded, spent the night on an old man's shoulder blade; it started raining, the old man looked up, something flew into his eye; this there was the Khan Gard bird; he began to escape in the goat's beard, and then the bull appeared; everyone chose his own; whoever he chose the bird H. will do it easily; the one who chose the old man loves people; the goat - He will not be sweet like a goat, but he will drink water in many lands and live to a very old age; the one who chooses a bull is calm, but not like a cow]: Taube 1994, No. 57:276-277).