I87C. Glove House, ATU 283B .
Animals use a small object belonging to the human world (skull, mitten, pitcher, etc.) to hide or move around. Cf. Motive I87: characters use as cover an object (skull, animal shovel, mitten) belonging to the giant world.
Saudi Arabia, Slovenes, Russians (Tersky Bereg, Arkhangelskaya, Olonetskaya, Vologda, Novgorod, Nizhny Novgorod, Moscow, Tula, Ryazan, Samara), Eastern Ukrainians ( Poltava, Kharkiv, Kursk), Belarusians, Poles (Lublin), Finns, Veps, Seto, Latvians, Lithuanians, Eastern Sami, Komi.
Western Asia. Saudia [the mouse found an eggshell, lowered it into the stream, sat down and began to row; rat: whose boat is this? - This is a mouse boat. - And I'm a rat - can I get in the boat? - Why not. Next: a yellow chicken who likes to peck {rhyming is English; Arabic is something different, but the principle is like in Eastern European texts}; a rooster crowing on deck; when everyone appears the new character, all the previous ones consistently call themselves; - And I'm a big dog, a friend on any trip; the dog put its paw on the boat and it drowned]: Taibah, MacDonald 2016:24.
The Balkans. Slovenes: Uther 2004 (1), No. 283B: 164-165
Central Europe. Russians (22 entries; Tersky Bereg, Arkhangelskaya, Olonetskaya, Vologda, Novgorod, Nizhny Novgorod, Tula), Ukrainians (10 entries; Poltava, Kharkiv, Kursk), Belarusians (3 entries) [Fly tower: a fly, mouse, hare, fox, wolf climb into the mitten (wagon); they are all crushed by a bear]: SUS 1979, No. 283B* (=AA *282): 99; Russians (Teresky Bereg): Balashov 1970, No. 75 [a man was driving, lost his sieve; the mouse climbed under the sieve; then an exchange of questions: who are you? I am M'yshevna Kolok'olovna, Snafidya Davydovna; ermine, fox, fox; the bear stepped on the sieve and crushed everyone]: 249-250; 1991 [the old man forgot a piece of bread in the forest; the mouse ate the crumb, lowered the crust into lake, swam in it; ermine: whose boat, as a master by name? I'm a short mouse, a leg, a fat stegon; and I'm an ermine click; then a hare white, a good fox, a fox is a sister to all of you, the wolf is a gray tail, the bear is all of you; stepped his paw, drowned everyone ]: 20-22; Russians: Afanasiev 1958 (1), No. 82 (Arkhangelskaya) [louse, mosquito, mouse, lizard, fox, wolf consistently come to live in the tower of flies; the bear hits the tower with its paw, broke it], 83 [ the man was driving, lost his jug, a fly began to live in it; a mosquito, a mouse, a frog, a hare, a dog, a wolf came to her one after another; "forest oppression" comes, crushed everyone], 84 (Moscow) [horse head in the field, in A mouse began to live in her; then a frog, a hare, a fox, a wolf came; a bear came and crushed everyone]: 125, 126, 127; Russians (Pinega?) [the mitten got out of the man's belt, fell on the road; a norushka muscle, a frog, a jumping bunny, a fox (turn its tail - and it was) come, you grab a wolf from under the bushes; the last bear is a tyapysh- blunders, you crush everyone; the animals ran away, and the bear destroyed the mitten]: Karnaukhova 1948:5-7; Russians (Arkhangelskaya, Shotova-Gora village) [the solver weaved a sieve, dropped it, a fly and fuel settled in it; she is asked to live a piskun mosquito, "a roll down the hill", a frog "from under the blooper bush", an ermine "through the bushes of a swivel", a crooked hitch; a "fat heel" bear comes, asks for a sieve, he is not allowed in, too big, the bear presses the sieve with his paw]: Karnaukhova 1934, No. 94:195-195; Russians (Vologda) [the man was driving, dropped the sieve; a fly climbed - a tower is suitable; then a mosquito, a mouse, a hare, a wolf; everyone asks who lives in the tower, calls himself in response (wolf: and I'm boor from behind the bush); the bear says that he will "catch up", crushed the sieve]: Gura 1965, No. 11:219; Russians (Novgorod, Cherepovets u.) [the man was driving, dropped his sieve; a fly, a mosquito, a hare, a wolf; a bear: I will catch up, I crushed everyone in a sieve]: Smirnov 1917, No. 75:297; Russians (north of Vyatskaya, Slobodskaya Street) [burlak lost his mitten; fly, mosquito, mouse, ermine, hare, wolf; bear: I nest you all]: Smirnov 1917, No. 136:411; Russians (Nizhny Novgorod, Balakhninsky U.) [the man was driving, dropped his crust; a fly, a mosquito, a hare, a fox, a wolf; the bear could not get in, decided to live on the roof; the hare and the fox managed to run out, crushed others]: Smirnov 1917, No. 290:748-749; Russians ( Perm, Okhansky and Solikamsky schools) [the man was driving, lost his pot; fly, mouse, hare, fox, wolf; bear: I'm Misha Korchin, I came to writhe you; I began to crush everyone]: Smirnov 1917, No. 162:453-454; Russians (Arkhangelskaya) [Fly Goryukha turns the skull with sour cream and calls it a tower. A galloping flea, a piskun mosquito, a sherkun cockroach, a wide-kalenka lizard, a fat bell mouse, a chirrikalyushko ermine, a piercing zayushka, a fox healed a guznitsa are consistently asked to live to her, wolves are a big mouth. The last to come are the thick five bears and "tightens" everyone with their paw]: Krivopolenova 1950, No. 1:99-101; Russians (Olonetskaya): Onchukov 2008, No. 163 [the sieve ran along the road and remained lying; louse- Nuthatch: who lives in the tower? yavoka and pin; then a stray flea; a snapper; a hare, a fox, a wolf; the bear was the last to crush everyone], 234 [a louse lived in his hut; came; a stray flea: Who lives in Kiev? then a bug, a fly, a mouse, a hare, a fox; the bear crushed everyone]: 313, 414; Russians (Moscow) [the norushka mouse sees a horse's head in the field, asks if the tower is divet; silence; then the frog- frog; hare on the mountain is dodging; the fox will jump everywhere; the wolf is grabbing from behind the bush; bear: and I'll crush you all; sat down and crushed]: Vedernikova, Samodelova 1998, No. 1:30; Russians (Ryazanskaya) [fox put the cat in a sieve, went for hay; sings "On a cat in a sieve, in the meadows behind the hay"; the hare asks to take him too, sings the same song; then the wolf; the bear; fall into a hole; the fox offers to eat someone who can't pull it out voice; ate a hare; a wolf; the fox puts meat under him, and then pretends to stretch and eat its gut; the bear did so, died; the fox ate it for a long time, got fat; then got out (the informants did not remember)]: Samodelova 2013, No. 13:10-12; Russians (Samarskaya) [the old people did not have a horse, one cat; you have to go for firewood; the old man harnessed the cat into a sieve and drove; the hare asks to plant him too; then fox, wolf, bear; the old man asked the cat to jump over the hole, they will fall into the hole; the animals decide to eat someone who can't reach out in his voice; they ate the hare; then the wolf; the fox hides the bones under themselves; says to the bear, that eats his eyes; guts; the bear pulled out his own; died; the fox ate it; threatens the nightingale to ruin his nest if he does not pull it out; the nightingale brought "teasing" into the pit, the fox got out; tells her to drink, feed her, to laugh, learn to fly; the woman was carrying pies and beer; the nightingale sat on an arc, the woman hit him with a stick, broke the arc, the horse ran away, the woman after her; the fox ate, got drunk; the nightingale on the threshing floor, sat on the man's bald head; his fool son with a flail, killed his father, the fox laughed; the nightingale put the fox on his back, she tells him to fly higher; the nightingale threw it; "God forbid it on the pole!" ; fell on a stump and was killed]: Sadovnikov 1884, No. 53:176-178; Eastern Ukrainians (Kharkiv) [A man loses his mitten, a grain mouse settles in it, she lets a weed toad live, then a bunny- Beast, animals live together together. ("both a hut and a kimnata, here you will live and live"]: Kharkov collection 1898, No. 1:100; Ukrainians (Poltava, Pereyaslavsky district) [A person loses his mitten, a toad climbs into it and lives in, a hoop mouse, a hare, a fox, a boar (your pan) joins it, then the wolf asks to "be a wolf, your pop", he presses the toad, eats the hare and wild boar, fox and mouse run away]: Chubinsky 1878, No. 13:109-110 (=Berezovsky 1979, No. 472:466-467); Ukrainians (Mirgorod Poltava) [grandfather lost his mitten; miser mouse, dragonfly toad, bunny- paw, sister fox, brother wolf, bear, neclan boar; hunter sees that the mitten is moving, shot; oh how many skins there are!] : Rudchenko 1870, No. 1:1-2 (=Berezovsky 1979, No. 471:465-466); Ukrainians (Kharkiv) [the old man has lost his mitten; a tit mouse, a toad are consistently climbed into it (with an appropriate verdict) -quietly, ryabushechka chicken, pigeon, tashechka duck, iris spleen, steppe bunny, sister chanterelle, wolf gavrilo; bear came and suppressed everyone]: Berezovsky 1979, No. 472: 467-468; Ukrainians [grandfather lost his mitt; scraper mouse; frog frog; runner bunny; sister chanterelle; brother wolf; toptyga bear; tooth boar; hunter saw that the mitten is moving, shot - that's how many skins]: Petnikov 1956:5-6; maybe =Rudchenko; Ukrainians (the place of recording is not known; east?) [there is a horse skull in the field; norushka mouse: the ward is a tent, who is alive in the ward? then a croak toad, a hare on a mountain, a chicken fox; the bear crushed everyone]: Berezovsky 1979, No. 474:468; Ukrainians (Kursk) [a horse skull in the field; a speckled toad comes to live in it, tearing mouse, clubfoot bunny, sister chanterelle; bear: and I am your king and ruler, I will crush your entire monastery; sat on your skull and crushed]: Gnatyuk 1916, No. 116:147 (=Berezovsky 1979, No. 475:469); Ukrainians (Poltava) [Yakos lisom bigla bear that th draped a pot on the skull. Zradila won th food: - And who is alive in the pot? Nihto is not open. The bear got into the pot and each: - I'll live here! It's warm and quiet. It's too cold - there's more to come together. Just warm - sight, have mercy on nature. Yakos spent her life, as soon as she lay down. Only paved in front of her, if the mosquito knocks on her: - And who, who is alive in this pot? - Me, little bear! - And what about you? - And I'm a jubarik mosquito! Let me go to your potter! And the stench of life doubled at the potter. And the next day, a scraper toad knocks on them. "Who, who's alive in the pot? I'm a little prickly bear! Me, a jubarik mosquito! And what about you? - And I, a scratcher toad, let go! Come in at least three years old. On the coming day, stripping a bunny on the fox, pushing the potter the same as: - Who, who is alive in the potter? - Me, little bear! Me, a jubarik mosquito! Me, scraper toad! And what about you? - And I'm a bunny! Let me go to you at the potter! Go to them, It became four of them. Chanterelle axis. I began to ask for the potter. They let me in. It became warmer with the chanterelle, like and tіsnishe. That's where to go hvoriy kumasi, don't you see the docks? The bear from the bunny brought her grass for likiv, the toad drove from the lake, the mosquito pisenku sleeping. I saw a chanterelle and began to live in friendship and zlagoda. Yakos tsim lisom ishov vedmid and pobachivshy potter vidporead on nyomu, siv vedmid on the potter vin and trysnuv. And zviri z perelyaku roasted that kudi!] : Zinchuk 2010b: 193-194; Poles (Lublin) [the woman bought a jug, he went to get water every day, then his pen came off, the woman threw it away; a fly and a horsefly flew in, decided that the jug was a good dance hall, they started dancing there; then a frog, a mouse, a szczyac, a fox; everyone asks who is dancing there; - Panna Burczyńska and Pan Burczyński dance (from the word buzz); and who are you? - I'm Rechotek (from the word croak); etc.; strangler bear, promises to strangle everyone; put my paw, the jug split, the animals ran away; the bear did not know who to rush after; I wanted to catch a fly and a horsefly, but I couldn't flutter. I wanted to catch a frog but didn't know how to dive into the water. I wanted to catch a mouse but couldn't get into the hole. I wanted to catch a bunny but couldn't jump. I wanted to catch a fox, but could not sneak; so everyone ran away: Burczyńska panna with Mr. Burczyńskim, Rechotek from behind the moat with Skrobaczkiem from under the fence, the lordly Najadek with the lordly Ubiorkiem; stayed only the ugly Mishka himself, who did not know how to have fun beautifully; the top top was also ashamed! spanked back into the woods; And the clay jug? What happened to the clay jug?] : Szelburg-Zarembina 1972:98-101.
Baltoscandia. Seto [a skull lies on the edge of the pasture; Mouse, Frog, Hare, Fox, Wolf come up one by one, settle in it; everyone asks those who came earlier and receives an answer, just like in Russian fairy tale ("I'm a norushka mouse and I'm a croak frog"; Majake pealuus. üks pääluukene oli nurme peäl. Jooksis hiirekene mano ja ütles: "Pääluu, pääluu! Võta mind elama!" Pääluu võttis hiirekese elama. Läks konnakene mano. "Pääluu, pääluu! Kes su sees elab?" "Hiirekene jooksjakene. Aga kes sina oled?" "Ma olen konnakene kargajakene." Pääluu võttis konnakese ka elama. Siis tuli jänes ja küsis: "Pääluu, pääluu! Kes su sees elab?" "Hiirekene jooksjakene ja konnakene kargajakene. Aga kes sa oled?" "Ma olen jänes ümber mäe jooksja. Võta mind ka elama." etc.) b; The bear comes, sits on the skull and presses it; whose skull is exactly is not said; Andres Kuperyanov clarified archival data at the Estonian Literary Museum in Tartu]: Kippar 1986, No. 283B: 173-174; Latvians [the old man dropped his mitten; a fly, a mouse, a hare, a wolf, a bear consistently climb into it to live; the rooster screamed, the inhabitants of the mitten rushed to run in fear, tore the mitten] : Alksnite et al. 1958:102-103 (=Aris 1971:83-84; 1972:83-84; Aris, Medne 1987, No. 283B: 269); the Veps [mosquito, fly, wasp, hare, squirrel and fox climb one after another into the jug; the bear also wants get into a jug, put his paw into it - all the animals run away in fear]: Onegin, Zaitseva 1996, No. 58:205; Eastern Sami [the old woman quarreled with the old man and drove him out of Vezha; at this time, the mouse climbed onto the table and stole the dry crust; lowered it into the lake with a boat, began to row her paws; a hare: a mouse, a mouse, a short leg, a thick quilt, eight as comrades; then the same fox; fox; bear; wolf; ermine; they sailed to the island, but there was nothing to eat, so they ate the crust]: Yermolov 1959:43-44; Karelians [the old man was carrying a cart with slides, one pot fell; a fly was flying: who lives in the tower? I climbed into the pot; then successively a piskun mosquito, a jumping mouse, a bunny through the mountains, a fox, a wolf; and I'm a bear - you press you all; got up on the pot, the animals ran away]: Onegina 1986, No. 73:189-190; Lithuanians, Finns: Uther 2004 (1), No. 283B: 164-165.
Volga - Perm. Komi [a mouse, a frog, a hare, a wolf climb into the horse's skull; they are all crushed by a bear]: Korovina 2012, No. 238B: 78.