I87E. Dwarfs after humans .
After today's humans, dwarfs will live on earth.
Western Ukrainians, Northern Ukrainians, Georgians, Lithuanians, Udmurts.
Central Europe. Western Ukrainians: Dragomanov 1876 (Podolsk governorate) [Once upon a time there were people so big that they walked through the woods like grass; one day a giant met our ploughman with oxen, a plow and a driver; put them all in the palm of his hand, brought them to his father and said he had found them mice; my father replied that these are not mice, but people who will be after them (i.e. giants); now there are no giants, only somewhere in a church in Kiev or Lviv there is the foot of one giant; after us there will be such people that "they will be threshed twice in our furnaces"]: 383 (quail in Joanid 1985:159); Ioanid 1985 (p. Puzhniki, Buchatsky University, 1897) [the people who lived at the beginning of time were so big that they crossed mountains and valleys; after the flood they were gone; before it began, middle-generation people appeared, plowed the field with a plow; the giant went home, I saw them and put them in my hand with four oxen and a plow; brought them to my mother, said that these worms were digging the field; my mother told them to be taken back; said that such people would live after them, and after that, the middle generation will be the third; people from the third generation will be "so great, as with corn kachiniki, what will be threshed twice"; when a person is from the middle generation he will meet such little people, he will also take them in the palm of his hand and bring them to their mothers]: 159; northern Ukrainians (Lutsky u. Volyn Gubernia) ["Pygmies are said that after the Last Judgment there will be such crumb people that twelve people will threshing in our ordinary furnace"]: Chubinsky 1872:216.
Caucasus - Asia Minor. Georgians (western Mikhail Dzhanashvili, late 19th - early 20th centuries) [The Oghuz were huge but stupid; real people appeared on the ground and one shot an arrow at Oghuz; Oghuz easily caught him, put him by the back of his boot, brought him to his mother; she says that after them, Oghuz, peace will be eaten by these little ones; and even later by the dwarfs; they will be even smarter; the man immediately showed how to feed the horse: it bent its neck to the oats itself; and the Oghuz put feeders on the porch to make it higher]: Virsaladze 1973, No. 62:102-108.
Baltoscandia. Lithuanians [giants lived when there were no humans; in the future there will be even fewer people: nine men will slaughter one rooster]: Kerbelite 2001:600.
Volga - Perm. Udmurts (Osinsky u. Perm Gubernia) [the first humans were giants, for whom the forest was like grass for us; "At this time, there were also little people smaller than us (Pichi-murt), and it took 12 people to slaughter one ram. The giant once put them in his pocket and brought them to show his mother: "We will no longer live on earth," he said. "But these little people will live in our place." This is how it did not happen, the narrator added, we are now much smaller than the first people, and after us there will be even fewer people"]: Moshkov 1900:199.