Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

I87F. Sledge suicide .

Before modern people, there were others who were strong, tall, noble, or other qualities. They disappeared after they committed suicide.

Germans (Harz), Eastern Ukrainians, Russians (Arkhangelsk), Scythians, Ossetians, Siberian Tatars.

Western Europe. The Germans (Harz) [Giants (Hünen) went to war on Oestreich {Austria?} , occupied their empty camp, found lots of wine and drank; Oestreichern came back and killed the sleepers; the survivors killed their children and committed suicide]: Pröhle 1856, No. 1:1.

Central Europe. Ukrainians (Kherson region, Ananyevsky district) [On the left bank of the Southern Bug, opposite Gard Island, there are three huge cliffs: Owl, Brama and Pugach. On the stone on the island opposite Pugach Rock, it's like a horseshoe print, and in the middle of the steppe, on the stone opposite Pugach, it seems like a big hand print has been stamped. Zaporizhzhya residents once lived here - giant people, sorcerers with a number of magical abilities. The queen plans to lime them. He tries to captivate with arcana, drown in water, throw kernels - it does not work. Zaporizhzhya residents throw their kernels back with their bare hands. Finally, they get tired of this life, they agree to rush into the Bug River. The koshevoy chieftain rides on horseback, is baptized on four sides, gets off his horse, leaves a palm print on a stone so that the descendants know what kind of cat the Zaporizhzhya people had, and sits on a horse. Esaul does the same, followed by a judge, a clerk and other Cossacks. From a cliff on horseback, they rush into the river with the battle cry "Pugu Pugu!" And now they are swimming underwater, at the very bottom of the Bug]: Evarnitsky 1888 (2): 154; Russians (at least Arkhangelsk) ["The most common version of C.'s death is her self-burial: Chudsky the tribes climbed into the pits with their treasures, placed poles in them with flooring, on which they placed stones, logs, etc., then brought down the roof, cutting off the pillars, and thus pressed themselves, plotting so that no one could find their wealth later; climb into caves and fill the entrance with boulders; burn themselves in dugouts; drown, tied to logs that run through the water: "Chudi are people. They did not follow God's Orthodox faith. They destroyed their own tribe: they will dig up a dugout, train all sorts of crowbars, put up a column, climb, knock them out, and crush them. Or they let a tree go into the water and tie their legs. One will bake, the log turns over, and they sink" (Archangel, TE UrSU). In popular ideas, C. unites with suicides: C.'s places of death are declared unclean and dangerous, where he "drives", "imagines", and it is impossible to cut down the forest. The death of C. was considered the cause of some weather phenomena: the chud choked (choked) 'about rain in the sun' (archangel.)"; Chudsky stars 'Milky Way': "Chud used to live here, her title remained Chudsky stars, many of them, are completely lost somewhere far away. The Chudsky stars, like a chud, are lost" (archangel); "Jerusalem and Chudnitsa are nearby; <поля>. In Chudnitsa, the chudi choked, and in Jerusalem they prayed before they died" (archangel)]: Berezovich 2012:561-562; (Compare data on the drowned chudi (without mentioning suicide: Russians (Vologodskaya) ["How and other non-christ antagonists, Chudsky tribes desecrated Orthodox shrines, destroyed and set fire to churches. The hostilities ended in the defeat of Ch. C.'s places of death are often associated with water. C. was driven into rivers, lakes, holes, where she drowned: "When the town near Tarnoska approached, they dug ditches from Tarnoga to Kokshenga and let water go: they were afraid of water" (Vologda, ZhS 1908/ 1:76)"]: Berezovich 2012:561).

Caucasus - Asia Minor. The Scythians [Herodotus's "History" (c. 484 BC - ca. 425 BC): "There is also a third story (I trust him the most). It says so. The nomadic tribes of the Scythians lived in Asia. When the Massagets ousted them by military force, the Scythians crossed to Arake and arrived in Cimmerian land (the country now inhabited by the Scythians is said to have belonged to the Cimmerians since ancient times). As the Scythians approached, the Cimmerians began to advise them what to do in the face of numerous enemy troops. And now opinions were divided at the council. Although both sides stubbornly stood their ground, the proposal of the kings won. The people were in favor of retreating, considering it unnecessary to fight against so many enemies. The kings, on the contrary, considered it necessary to stubbornly defend their native land from invaders. Thus, the people did not heed the advice of the kings, and the kings did not want to obey the people. The people decided to leave their homeland and give their land to the invaders without a fight; the kings, on the contrary, preferred to lie with their bones in their native land rather than flee with the people. After all, the tsars understood what great happiness they had experienced in their native land and what troubles await exiles deprived of their homeland. Having made this decision, the Cimmerians split into two equal parts and began to fight among themselves. All those who died in the fratricidal war were buried by the Cimmerian people near the Tiras River (the tomb of the kings can still be seen there today). After that, the Cimmerians left their land, and the Scythians who came took possession of a deserted country" (trans. G.A. Stratanovsky)]: Herodot. IV. 11; Ossetians [Syrdon advises sledges not to pray to God, but to test his strength; let him come by himself - it is enough to forget his name and rearrange the doors so that when you enter, you do not have to bend down; God sent a swallow to find out what the sledges were dissatisfied with; they said they wanted to measure their strength; God asked if they would leave bad offspring or not at all; Uryzmag said it was better With no offspring at all than with bad ones; God sent Uastyrji, who ordered that the one-day work of the sledges should give them no more than a bag of grain; but the sledges began to threshing only 7 sheaves per day; then God said so that the grain in the fields is ripe only at night and green during the day; when the sledges approached the field, it turns green; then they start shooting at night with forked arrows, cutting off ears that remained mature; then decided that it was better to die with glory; everyone dug their own grave and rushed into it]: Libedinsky 1978:489-492 (more details in 1949:292-294).

Western Siberia. Siberian Tatars (d. Ishair, Vagai District, Tyumen Region, 1970) ["They say strange people used to live here. Some of them lived in dugouts. During the enemy invasion, they destroyed their dugouts and buried themselves alive. They say that trees didn't even grow here in the old days. When the trees started to grow, people ran away. We saw that trees were coming out of the ground by themselves and ran away"]: Gilyazutdinov 2015, No. 120:126.