I8A. Peace pillars: anthropomorphic characters.
The world, earth, or sky are supported by anthropomorphic creatures.
Bantu-speaking Africa. Nyamwezi [the earth's disk lies on Mount Lugulu or Lugiya; on one side it is held by the giant Nyam (u); his wife Fumyahólo holds the sky and the sun; when the husband rushes to his wife, the earth shudders ]: Struck 1909:89; Ngombe [in the east, the sky supports Libanja on the pole, Songo in the west; if they get tired and drop the sky, people will turn into lizards]: Scheub 2000:9.
North Africa. The Arabs of Egypt [four girls or four saints hold the land]: El-Shamy 1995:45.
Western Asia. Arabs (Muslim mythology) [the earth rests on the shoulders of an angel leaning on a rock supported by a bull standing on a swimming fish]: Gryaznevich, Basilov 1982:184.
Melanesia. Camano, usurufa et al. (eastern mountains) [Jugumishanta and her husband Morufonu sit under a tree whose branches form the earth; the world rests on M.'s shoulders as he moves, the ground shakes; their eldest son Months married to Vechernyaya Star; the youngest is the Sun (aka Bird of Paradise), married to Moa'ri (red stone); the sun's rays are arrows from his bow; Jugumishanta is identified with the earth]: Berndt 1965:80-81; kukukuku: Fischer 1968, № 17 [water is underground; the earth is supported by the first ancestors (Imatje) on the mountains, when they move, it swings; the sky is stony, people live on it (not the souls of the dead)], 23 [the earth is supported by two Imatje women; when tired, she wobbles; one day she gets completely tired, everything will collapse]: 383, 387; bukavak [an underground character with one leg shorter than the other; when stepping from foot to foot, or rests on a pillar supporting the earth, the ground shudders]: Lehner 1931b: 106; Bartle Bay [Yoyo dwarfs support the ground; when they rest or shift their burden, they occur seismic phenomena]: Seligmann 1910:649.
Micronesia-Polynesia. The Gilbert Islands [the sky was lying on the ground; Na Arean (Spider, although anthropomorphic; Na - "Master") felt for a booming place with his staff, told Sand to connect to the water, they gave birth to Na Atibu and Nei (" Mistress") Teakea; their children Older, Woman In The Middle, Wave, Octopus, Ricky's Eel; the youngest Na Arean Junior, a trickster, was born last; after that, Na Arean Sr. retired; NA Junior gave reason and movement Deaf and dumb Fools (they are the children of Sand and Water); they slightly raised the sky, cut off the connection between it and the earth, Ricky raised the sky high, the earth fell; N. cut off R.'s legs (when they fell into the sea, they became eels ), and R. himself is the Milky Way; to prevent the sky from falling, NA put four women on four sides of the world to hold it, they grew roots like trees; N. killed his father Na Atibu, turned him right eye in the sun, left in the moon, brain into stars, pieces of flesh into rocks and rocks, bones into trees, including Samoa Tree, ancestor]: Grimble 1922:91-96; Samoa [1) flat earth is supported by a pillar; When Mafui (Maui) is angry, he shakes a pole, an earthquake occurs; 2) Ti'iti'i-Atalanga holds Savaii Island on his left hand; if he held it on his right hand, he would break the island to pieces, but Mafui killed to his right; M. was considered the god of earthquakes, but Ti'iti'i-Atalanga supported the islands]: Williamson 1933 (2): 210-211; Tuvalu (Waitupu) [Te Alo sailed to the end of the world; there are people, men and women alternating, standing, supporting the sky; TA took two women, drove them to earth's waters, where they caught a cold and died; he took them back and they came to life; when they returned to earth's waters, TA told the companions not to look at the shore as they approached the islands; when the companions looked, one island disappeared; they landed on Paolaola Island; there women did not know how to give birth and did not know fire, women in labor were ripped open, the woman was buried; TA married, wife gave birth, TA taught them how to do it; gave these people fire]: Kennedt 1931:165-167; Tonga [the earth rests on Maui's shoulders or on Maui's lying body; when he moves, it happens earthquake]: Williamson 1933 (2) :211-212; Tahiti [Earth rests on God's shoulders (unnamed)]: Ellis in Williamson 1933 (2) :214.
Tibet is the Northeast of India. Minyong-Abor [Brother Shedi and Sister Melo created earth and sky; got married, gave birth to people; now they support the earth; as there are more people, the earth is heavier, they are trying to relieve the burden causing earthquakes]: Fürer-Haimendorf 1954:594; Padam minyong [Sedi (earth) and her brother Melo (sky) first hugged each other, giving birth to many creatures, then parted, the sky moved away from land; at the same time they have gone underground and hold it on their shoulders; when they shift the weight from one shoulder to another, they occur on their shoulders; when I am earthquakes]: Roy 1960:242; eastern rengma [a giant sitting underground falls asleep, his hands slip off his knees, then the ground shudders]: Mills 1937:247; ao: Hutton 1925 [giant Ningtanhr holds a pole, supporting the sky; from time to time he goes to eat some leaves; at this time the pillar trembles, the earth with it]: 123; Smith 1925 [1) at the edge of the world, a person stands like a pillar between earth and sky; when he sits down to eat rice, earthquakes occur; 2) the person supporting the sky asked another to replace it for a short time, did not return; the one who took the burden is tired, trembles]: 99; bori [Higgu- Doggu keeps the sky on his head; if his throat is cut, the sky will fall, everything on earth will die]: Elwin 1958b, No. 3:165; ranks [Macon is a peace-supporting giant; the foundation of the world is a flat stone, The world's oceans are spilled on it; Ngazalon fish swims in the ocean, carries a flat rock earth; when M. shifts the load from one shoulder to another, an earthquake occurs]: Chesnov 1982k: 91.
Burma - Indochina. Shany [the world is square and flat, with 4 spirits in its corners]: Milne 1910:204.
South Asia. Bhumia [mother of five Pandava Brothers Kotma complains to the heavenly god Bhagavan that there are only rocks on earth; B. invites Pandava to descend into the underworld of the serpent king Burha Nang; after a crack in Turtle king Kichhul descends to the ground, with him an earthen wasp, an earthworm, a white ant; the wasp sent everyone to the other side of the river; the king of the serpents placed seven traps, next to the Kakramal crab; one of his claws in the underworld, the other gets the sky; the crab is sleeping, Kichhul and his companions pass; Mother Earth agrees to go upstairs, hides in Kichkhul's mouth; K.'s companions swallowed white clay, red clay, black soils; leaving, K. gets entangled in a trap; K. and his companions put them under a press, squeeze the ground out of them; several grains are stuck between K.'s teeth; Earthworm cut them off with a knife, found grains; Wasp brings Mother Earth back to life; Kotma Bhimsen's son makes Python a whorl, wrapped a Stone Serpent around, Kotma began to knock down the ground in a stone cauldron; an intoxicating drink must be poured onto the ground; he is in a hollow wood, it is driven into kegs by two Blue Starlings; they give Bhimsen plenty to drink, give them a jug of drink; it is poured onto the ground, it overlaps the edge of the cauldron, spreads over the ground; Nanga- Baiga becomes her husband; cuts off her sixth finger, nails four pieces at the four ends of the earth]: Fuchs 1970:16-22; bondo [under the weight of a growing population, the land began to fall; Mahaprabhu asked Kankali to keep the ground on her head; promised her that everyone would donate food and drink to her; when donations are forgotten, K. shakes the ground to remind her of herself]: Elwin 1954, No. 2:91-92; Hill Saora [the land began to fall; Kittung sent his son and daughter to the lower world to support her; when his daughter has her period, she goes to wash and her brother keeps the ground alone; if sister lingers, brother gets tired, earthquake happens]: Elwin 1954, No. 8:94; dhoba [Bhagavan created land, Bhimsen hammered an iron nail in the corners; in the middle, the earth kept wobbling, so there he put the old woman to hold the ground on his head; about every two years her husband comes and meets her (although she screams that he smells terrible); at this time they happen earthquakes; but since the nails are strong, the earth still does not collapse]: Elwin 1949, No. 11:34; Lohar [the land was asked to keep Cobra's son's wife, they became the raja and wound of the lower world; husband was advised Collect old rags from all over the world to put on your wife's head; once every 12 years they copulate, the ground shakes]: Elwin 1949, No. 28:46.
Malaysia-Indonesia. Temuan (mantra) [the earth rests on an iron pole reinforced with cross bars (iron crodd-bars); Setan lives below; their women do not give birth, but take their children out by cutting the pregnant woman's belly; the first shaman visited the place, came back and told us what he saw; even below is the creator of the land holding everything above him]: Hervey 1883:189 (=Skeat, Blagden 1906:336); central Nias [ Nadsjuna Danö has gone to the lower world and supports the earth like Atlanta; it is compared to a ring on which round-bottomed vessels are placed; he is also a serpent ancestor that borders the earth and swallows part of the sea water to lower sea levels]: Suzuki 1959:3-4; eastern toraja [1) the buffalo supports the ground; when a fly bites its ear, the buffalo moves, the ground shakes; 2) holds the ground goddess Ndara on her head]: Adriani, Kruyt 1950, No. 1:370; Solor [Doni Dunia keeps the ground on his head; earthquakes occur when fatigue moves]: Arndt 1938:26.
Taiwan - Philippines. Bicol [a giant supports the earth; if he moves his index finger, weak earthquakes occur, if the middle finger is strong; when he gets tired and moves his whole body, the world will end]: Eugenio 1994, #21c: 68; isneg [when a peace-supporting giant carves fire to light a cigar, we see lightning]: Eugenio 1994, no. 147a: 261.
China - Korea. Ancient China (prov. Shanxi: Buddhist cave temples in Yangan, late 5th century AD) [image 1) two anthropomorphic characters on opposite sides of the tree; 2) a multifaceted anthropomorphic character on a bird; 3) an anthropomorphic character on a bull; an anthropomorphic character below, a one-handed surface that serves as the basis for upper-case characters]: Berezkin Yu.E., trip to Shanxi, 2003; Ancient China (Western Han, 168 BC, Prov. Hunan; Mawangdui, depicted on a painted silk banner placed face down on the lid of the inner coffin from Princess Dai's tomb [apparently a cosmological scheme; in at the very bottom, a naked anthropomorphic character with a plump mustachioed face with very slanted eyes stands on two fish intertwined with bodies and supports a horizontal surface with both hands; on it sitting characters and vessels under a canopy; by the gods, water turtles holding something in their mouths, dragons; above is another surface, under it two tigers (?) , it has hunched characters, probably buried herself and accompanying her; above is a winged creature; above it an object with two peacocks on the sides; anthropomorphic figures sitting above; galloping up deer; dragons; moon sickle with a toad at the top left, a sun disk with a crow silhouette on the right]: Kryukov et al. 1983:257-259; Chekmarev 1998:147-148; Yanshina 1984, Figure 15; Hou Ching-lang 1981, fig. 2, 3; Scott 1993:25; Koreans: Kontsevich 1980 [a giant holds a bronze pole that supports the sky; when he moves from one shoulder to another, earthquakes occur]: 668; Choi 1979, No. 734 [the corner of the sky became settle; the lord of heaven told the strongman to hold a bronze pole on his shoulder; earthquakes occur when he shifts weight]: 320.
The Balkans. Ancient Greece ["Holds Atlas, forced to do so by the inevitability of a powerful one, /There is a wide sky on the heads and hands of the tireless /Where is the border of the earth, where the singers live the Hesperides. /For such a fate Zeus the Fisherman sent him down" (trans. V.V. Veresaeva)]: Hes. Theog. 517-520; [Prometheus, addressing the Ocean: "Oh no, I'm already tormenting me/The fate of Atlanta's brother, which stands /On the western borders, support/With his shoulders a pillar of earth and sky is a burden/Not easy!" (per. IN. Neelander, S. Solovyeva)]: Aesch. Pr. 378-382; ["I knew only one thing before/The misfortune of the defeated god: /It was Atlas... /He still supports the firmate/with a mighty ridge" (trans. IN. Neelander, S. Solovyeva)]: Aesch. Pr. 457-461; [Atlas was born from titan Japet and daughter Okean Asiya, who supports the sky with his shoulders]: Apollod. Bibl. I. II. 3; ["When Hercules came to the Hyperboreans, where Atlas was staying, remembering Prometheus's advice that he should not go for apples himself, but, taking the vault of heaven on his shoulders, sent for with them Atlanta did it all. Atlas, after cutting three apples from Hesperides, came to Hercules and, not wanting to take back the vault of heaven on his shoulders, said that he wanted to take the apples to Eurystheus himself, and asked Hercules to hold the vault of heaven instead of him. Hercules agreed to this, but managed to put him back on Atlanta's shoulders with a clever trick. Prometheus advised him to invite Atlanta to take over the arch of heaven for a while while he made a pillow on his head. After hearing this, Atlas placed the apples on the ground and took the vault of heaven on his shoulders. So Hercules managed to take the apples and leave" (trans. V.G. Borukhovich)] Apollod. Bibl. II. V. 11; [after winning the titanomachia, Jupiter threw the sky on the shoulders of the chief of the titans, Atlanta; A. still supports the sky]: Hyg. Fab. 150.
Caucasus - Asia Minor. Azerbaijanis (Turks of Elisavetpol Province) [an angel holds the ground, stands on a rock, a rock on a bull with 4000 eyes and the same number of ears, faces, tongues and legs; a bull on a fish; at the end of the world, God will take the earth in his left hand, the heavens will overturn to the right, the earth will be different, heaven and hell will be abolished]: Shirakuni 1904:211-212; Turks: Furati 1889 [Furati's theological treatise Kyrk Sual (16th century): After the creation of the seven heavens and lands, God created an angel and ordered him to wear all seven heavens; this angel must keep them on his neck until the day of resurrection; for his legs remained hanging In the air, God ordered the angels to bring a red ruby from upper paradise and place it under the feet of an angel holding heaven; since this stone was left in the air without support, a bull was brought out of paradise, with four legs; a ruby was placed between the bull's shoulder blades; as the bull was hanging in the air, God produced one ship, 550 years in size, and ordered the bull to board it; the ship remained in the air , so God created the Labonador fish and ordered the angels to place the ship on the back of the fish; this is the fish mentioned in the Koran; it supports the ship with its back, and with it everything on it is held, i.e. seven lands, seven heavens, the arch of heaven, the throne of God and his dwelling; since the fish were left without a foothold, God created the sea and placed it in it]: 7-8.
Iran - Central Asia. Kafirs (prasun) [the middle world is above the body of a bent giant who is previously said to have risen from the ground]: Snoy 1962:91, 93 in Yettmar 1986:52; kafirs [sky God supports Moni (Mandi)]: Litvinsky 2004:122; Pamiris (group not specified) [Mullo Abdul Halim from Sarts described how Abdullah ibn Masud, Muhammad's associate, asked Paygambar about the structure of the world, received answers; the land on the horn of a bull, which has 500 years of travel from head to tail, 250 years between horns; Satan invited the bull to relieve the burden; the bull shook his head; the Lord told the fly crawl into the bull's nose and sting it; the bull has roared, since then its name is bakar; the fly will sting the bull until resurrection; the bull wants to throw it off, the earth shudders; the bull stands on a fish that has from head to head the tail is 500 years old; fish on the water, water in the wind, wind over hell, hell on a platter, dish in the hand of angel Daryail, angel on a worm under the seventh tier of hell]: Gornensky 2000:157-159.
Baltoscandia. Scandinavians [Bohr's sons made earth out of Ymir's body, sea and water out of blood; earth - flesh, mountains - bones, boulders - teeth and bone fragments; the ocean borders the earth with a ring; made from Ymir's skull the sky, its brain, are clouds. A dwarf was planted under every corner of the sky (East, West, North, South)]: Younger Edda 1970:18.
Volga - Perm. Chuvashi [giant Ul ă p returned from hunting tired, climbed into the sky like a polati, fell asleep; his four brothers did not wake him up, supported the sky from four corners with their shoulders, they lifted him high up; the sleeper woke up, went to look for his brothers; the vault of heaven shook under his feet, a rumble rose, sparks (thunder and lightning) flew; when he realized that he could not go down to earth, cried - rain; became God Tour ă]: Egorov 1995:116.
Southern Siberia - Mongolia. The Altaians [four tsars hold on to the "heavenly button" (tengrinyn tobchisi); this strengthens the world; these are Kunkir-Kaan, Eden Puudu Kaan, Chagan-Kaan and Amyrsananyung uly Temirsan (i.e. Temirsana, son of Amyrsana)]: Potanin 1883, No. 46d: 224.
Western Siberia. Tundra Nenets: Lekhtisalo 1998:10-11 [the hunter went into the iron hut, found no way out, fainted; his companion followed the trail; the old man on earth invited him inside; held a lump in his hand the size of a head, said that this is our land; said he was tired and put him as the foot of the earth], 11-12 [the sorcerer goes up to Numa, who sends him to the lower world to marry his daughter Nga; after a seven-day struggle, N. agrees to give the youngest of seven daughters; the sorcerer and his wife went even lower and sits there with the ground in his hand; he is an old man on Earth].
(Wed. Japan. The Japanese [an old woman catches a melon in the river, cuts across, a Uri-hime girl inside; when she leaves, the old men don't tell her to open the door; damn Amanojaku asks to let him put his finger in, hand, come in, calls her to collect persimmons; sheds off only her bones and peel; when W. climbed the tree herself, A. ties it there, takes her form, comes to the old people; they marry the imaginary W.; on the way they go through a persimmon grove, find the real W.; A. cut, their head was thrown into the buckwheat field, their legs into the miscanta thickets; now these plants have red roots]: Markova 2000, No. 24:100-103, 474 [(note); by in other versions, A. eats a girl, turns into a mountain echo after death; on Ryukyu, he supported the sky, so he twisted {a source is needed}]).
Subarctic. Tagish, Inner Tlingits: Cruickshank 1992 [a woman holds the ground on a pole; earthquakes occur when she moves a pole]: 74; McClelland 1975 (1) [a woman holds the ground on a pole; sometimes someone tries to shake a pole, she prevents it]: 72; taltan [Mother Earth holds the ground like a pillar, which is like a crust or blanket; sometimes she gets tired and changes her posture, earthquakes occur; everything time is weakening; one day the earth will fall under the water below it]: Teit 1919, No. 2:227.
NW Coast. The character is holding a pole or rope. Tlingits: Boas 1895, No. XXV/1 [the earth is square; swayed and trembled; animals fail, the old woman manages to crawl under her, keep her alone; the Raven visits this old woman]: 320; 1916 [=1895, but for more details; see English var.]: 732; De Laguna 1972 [the earth rests on a bamboo pole (bamboo is known as a fin); an old woman holds it, shakes it, earthquakes occur; var: The raven told the old man install a pole; then tries to snatch it from him]: 793; Swanton 1909 [After trying all the materials, the Raven makes a support pole from the beaver's front paw; an old woman from the Lower World looks after the pole , shakes him if hungry; then people throw her food into the fire]: 20; Tsimshian: Barbeau 1961 [one of the chief's four sons pretends to be lazy and weak; at night he trains strength and endurance; the only hunter who is not afraid of sea lions; even trees and mountains win martial arts; his grandfather or uncle at the bottom of the sea keeps the world at the end of a pole made of hemlock; ducks and loons lubricate his joints are greasy; when he moves, earthquakes occur; a boat comes for the young man; her crew is loons, the boat itself is a black fish; the young man takes the place of an aged and tired grandfather]: 40-60 (=1953 : 320-325); Boas 1895, No. 3 [the flat round earth rests on a pole held by an old woman; her movements cause earthquakes; the sky sent a flood to destroy evil people in a village in the upper reaches of the river. Ness (they danced and gambled all night long); mountains appeared after the flood; some say the earth turned upside down at that time; an old woman said that coal found on the Queen's Islands Charlotte, there are pockets of people who lived on the primary land]: 278 (=2002:561); bellacula: Boas 1898 [our world is an island in the vast sea; far to the east is the giant Alep! alaxtnaix sits with his legs apart; holds a stone strip with outstretched arms; the ground is tied to it with two stone ropes; when the giant gets tired and moves his arms to get better, they happen earthquakes; when the earth moves to the west, epidemics spread; when to the east, diseases go away]: 37; McIlwraith 1948 (1): 23 [Sinia lives in the north amid the ice; keeps tied to a rope on the ground, pulling it tightly to keep the earth in place]; 1948 (2): 237 [pulling or releasing the ground a little, S. causes earthquakes]; Quakiutl: Boas, Hunt 1902, No. 14 [Pillar of Heaven told his starmen that he would descend into the world below, told his servants to lower the copper pillar of our world there, and descended it with his son and servants]: 401; Boas 1935 [a pillar of heaven stands in the ocean; Heaven Pillar There is also the name of the leader of the upper world, whose people are stars; he descends down the copper column of heaven]: 126.
The Midwest. Winnebago [the earth is swaying; The creator creates trees, grasses, rocks, but the ground continues to move; places four characters on four cardinal points instead of anchors; pierces the ground with four with snakes; now the earth is freezing]: Radin 1909, No. 4:308-309; 1932:56-57.
Plains. Sheena [in the north the ground is supported by a pole; the beaver gnaws on it; when it gnaws, the ground will fall]: Kroeber 1900, No. 8:164-165; throw off the pawnee: Chamberlain 1982 [Tirava gives Evening The star has power over the West, places Black Bear, Puma, Lynx, Wolf to protect it; these are four stars - black, yellow, white, red; they were supposed to send similar animals to earth; they are also Autumn , Spring, Winter, Summer; thunder, lightning, clouds, rain; poplar, elm, willow, elderberry; black, yellow, white, red corn; The Morning Star (man) defeated the Evening Star (woman) and told the black star be on the NE, yellow on the NW, white in the south, red on SE; these four stars are the four gods of the cardinal points; they stand at these ends and hold the sky, obey the Morning Star]: 23-24; Dorsey 1904b [ the gods of four quarters of the world support the sky on the NE, SE, SW, NW]: xix.
California. Central pomo [the earth is quadrangular, floats in water; the corners rest on pillars, each being watched by one of the spirits (two more at the zenith and nadir)]: Loeb 1926a:300; Gabrielino [(by Hugo Reid in Los Angeles Star); Indians in Los Angeles County, California believe that the god Quaoar descended from heaven, put the world on the shoulders of seven giants; created a man named Toboar and a woman Pabavit]: Bancroft 1875:84.
The Great Southwest. Navajo [people make the sun by circling turquoise and white shell beads with crystal sprinkled with corn pollen; they raise the sun with poles; it's too low, everything burns; twelve men The four sides of the earth make the world wider, the sun rises higher; Ahsonutli (turquoise hermaphrodite) tells them to continue to maintain the sky]: Stevenson 1891:275-277.
NW Mexico. Tarahumara [God teaches Indians to weave ornamental belts; pagans don't allow them to use ornaments, he needs them for someone else; they are supposed to serve as supports for the sky]: Levi 1998:309.
Mesoamerica The Aztecs [rain flooded the earth, the sky fell, all perished; the gods created four men (Cuatemoc, Itzoatl, Itzmali, Tenexuchitl), and Quetzalcoatl and Tezcatlipoca became two trees; these four and two trees raised the sky with stars to its current height, and Tonacatecutli made them rulers of the sky and stars; Tescatlipoca and Huitzilopochtli paved the way across the sky]: Garibay 1965: 32; Krickeberg 1928:8-9; Thompson 1934:216; Krickeberg 1928:8-9; Thompson 1934:216; Huastec culture (apparently early Post-Classical) [shell pendant; underneath lying on the back the human figure supports a water-filled container with a bunch of reeds in the middle with his hands and feet; the authors interpret the figure as the god of the earth, and the container as the ocean with the earth in the middle]: Kuehne Heyder, Muñoz Mendoza 1993:25, fig.9; Huastecs [four drowned people hold the earth to the cardinal points; at the end of the year, they descend into an underground paradise, mushi {this is also quoted by Ochoa 1999:128}, replaced by new ones drowned; earth - woman, Great Mother, has a spouse]: Alcorn 1984:57; mountain totonaks [four men (angels, saints) hold the earth, produce earthquakes]: Harvey, Kelly 1969:671; Ichon 1969:36; Kelly 1966:399; otomi [the earth is square, angels or Winds in the corners]: Galinier 1990:48; Poluka, Veracruz Nahuatl [Sun, Moon, Jesucristo, Virgen del Carmen hold the world; earthquakes]: Münch 1983a: 155; 1983b: 370; mountain areas [Virgin Mary or San Salvador hold the ground; earthquakes ]: Foster 1945a: 187; chontal [four thunders = Juan Tamariz, Alejandro, Gabriel, Gregorio]: Vasquez Davila, Hipolito Hernández 1994:156; Masateks: Inchaustegui 197:36 [Virgen Isabel holds the ground; her movements cause earthquakes], 48 [one of the saints holds the ground on his index finger; changing his finger causes earthquakes]; tequistlatecs [San Pedro holds the ground; earthquakes occur when tired]: Hasler 1979:23; wawe [one or four characters holding the world on their shoulders (no details)]: Lupo 1991:219-221; juice: Baez-Jorge 1983 [four old people hold the world on four ends]: 387; Sulvarán López 2007 [after the creation of the world, four people have been appointed to support it; they annually hand over their own I wear others, earthquakes happen at this time]: 34; the Mayans of Yucatana and the Maya in general [four men/catholic saints hold the sky]: Thompson 1934:211; 1977:336-340; Villa 1945 [four men in the corners of the world (without a support motif)]: 102, 154; mopan [four Cuchcaan ("sky holders") at the four corners of the world hold the sky, are associated with colors that correspond to four destinations]: Thompson 1930:65; northern lacandons [Our Father sets (four?) the ground supports and the cross beam are like a dwelling frame]: Boremanse 1986:42; the southern lacandons [the hero marries the daughter of the master of the underworld; his sons are four pairs of moles who began to hold world from four ends]: Boremanse 1986:297; 1989:82; Soustelle 1959:155; tsotzil: García de Leon 1973 [Wackbaneh holds the ground; earthquakes occur when it moves]: 307; Fabrega, Silver 1973 (Sinacantan) [4 (or 8) Washakmen maintain peace in the corners; earthquakes occur when they shift weights from one shoulder to another]: 25; Gossen 1974 [one (San Miguel ) or four men hold the world], No. 142:22, 327; Lamb 1995 [one, four, or eight anthropomorphic characters; four, rarely five or more, pillars]: 273-27; Vogt 1969 (Zinacantan) :297 [the earth has the shape of the cube; four animals support it in four corners (with shoulders or tails); when the burden is shivered, the earth shudders; or they are four Vashakmen gods; four square skies above the ground; on the lower Moon, then stars, in the upper Sun], 303 [vashak - "eight"; some informants believe that there are a pair of world holders in every corner]; 1970 [the cubic world rests on the shoulders of four gods standing on corners (Wasbackman); when they get tired and shift the burden, an earthquake occurs; the ground becomes heavier due to the fact that there are more and more people, but during each earthquake, the number decreases again]: 3-4; chol [Ch'ujtat brought the earth out of his heart; at first it was like the wind, the wind became a cloud, a cloud of water, water with mud, dirt with earth; he put three people in each of the four corners of the earth Chuntewinikes support her; these people feed only on the smell of flowers and fruits; after that, C. cut off the umbilical cord that connected his heart to the ground; the earth was covered with vegetation; C. created the first people smaller than the Chuntewinikes, but larger than the current ones, very smart; without needing anything, they forgot the creator; C. destroyed them with a flood, sent Vulture to see if anyone was left, told nothing touched, but he began to eat the corpses; C. punished him by telling him to eat carrion; sent Gorlinka, she saw that there was blood everywhere, but some were saved on rafts; having stained his feet with blood, she returned to C.; he turned surviving humans into monkeys; the foam of the flood turned into rocks that weren't there before]: Gebhardt Domínguez 2001:49-51; tojolabal: Jiménez 1996 [the underground gods (dioses ocultos) sent four rays support the earth, so it shudders]: 43; Ruz 1983 [four thunders hold the world]: 426; tsutuhili [four spirits inside four mountains hold the sky]: O'Brien 1976:384.
The Northern Andes. Ambera [god Karagabi keeps the world on three fingers]: Rochereau 1929:85; kogi [the world is an egg with nine levels; our land is middle level; the world rests on two horizontal poles or on a loom frame; the poles or frame are held by male characters]: Reichel-Dolmatoff 1985 (1): 225 [Shintana and Nasiku hold the eastern ends of the poles, and Nandu and Ibaui western; below is water; the Foremother sits on a white stone among the waters; she gives water to the holders of peace, makes sure that they do not get tired; when the holders move the poles from shoulder to shoulder, they occur earthquakes; if a woman moves during copulation, this can trigger an earthquake; see also Reichel-Dolmatoff 1974:296]; 1985 (2), No. 13:57-58 [Seihankua holds a weaving frame the machine on which the world rests; once Nani Matuna, then the toad wanted to replace him, but could not withstand the weight; S. punished them by cutting off the toad's penis and forcing NM. to work for his mother]; muischi [Chibchachum floods the earth; Bochica appears on the rainbow, makes an outlet to the waters with its golden rod, creating the Tekendama waterfall; punishes C. to support the land; his movements earthquakes cause; before that, the earth was kept suspended from vines]: Simon 1882-1892 (2) [1627], ch. 4:289-290.
Guiana. Aparaí [many men and women hold the sky around the perimeter of the round earth]: Rauschert 1967, No. 28:198.
Ecuador. Kayapa [Tiapatsi tenatu holds the lower world in the palm of his hand; a column of gold and silver in the lower world supports the middle world (earth); the upper world holds the same pillar in the middle world]: Barrett 1925:352.
Western Amazon. Napo [God holds the world in his hand; the charter, shifts to another, the earth shudders; one day he leaves, the world will end]: Mercier 1979:168.
Central Amazon. Munduruku: Murphy 1958, No. 4 [Karusakaibö promises a newborn daughter to marry Daiïrú; she dies after copulation; K. sends D. to a tree for an arrow, he does not fall; on a palm tree with thorns on the trunk, he did not peel off; on the site, sets fire to the vegetation around; D. turns into an battleship, climbs underground (var: K. asks D. to grab the tail of the battleship, he drags D. into his hole); D. gets out, reports that people are underground; wild Indians come first, then peaceful Indians, then munduruku; a flying bird cuts the rope with its beak, the most beautiful people remain underground; wife Only K. has it, he makes other women out of clay; they do not have a vagina; agouti, paka, squirrel and other animals began to copulate with them, making vaginas, so they are of different shapes; D. sprinkled rotten on them wood decay, so the smell; K. invited D. to swim, ordered him to take a flat stone on the way, carry it on his head; the stone began to grow, turned into the current sky; roots grew from D.'s nose, it turned into an apoi tree (high in the jungle); it still supports the sky, but it is not known where]; Teschauer 1906 [the world is dark; Rairu tripped over a stone shaped like an overturned plate; his father Karusakahiby He did not tell him to touch the stone, but R. put it on his head; the stone began to grow, turned into the sky, the sun appeared on it; R. knelt down]: 731.
The Central Andes. Peru's North Coast (ceramic vessels of Mochica culture) [male character holding a two-headed snake = sky]: Baessler 1902-1903, pl.87, fig.296; Kutscher 1950, pl.67; Larco Hoyle 1941, fig. 219; Seler 1893, pl.21-10; Ouarochiri (dep. Lima) [Pachacamac holds and shakes the ground; if he moves harder, the world will die]: Salomon, Urioste 1991, ch.22, 23:113, 115.
Montagna - Jurua. Chayahuita [those who drank a decoction from the nusetu ka'pi plant saw seven worlds like honeycombs; the first is underground, the last is above; the lowest is Ahkupu'ru'te' -" The Inner World"; there, a Wa'yan creature named Ukua, holds worlds on his hand; when one hand gets tired, he shifts worlds to another, and earthquakes occur; living in Ahkupu'ru'te' humans and animals don't eat or drink anything]: Shlyakhtinsky, Arozero 2008.
Bolivia - Guaporé. Takana (Western 1952-1954) [the ground is held by two men standing on the outstretched wings of a condor; old people from the underworld hold the ground on their shoulders; four gray old men hold the ground; when they are tired, they shift them off their shoulders on the shoulder, the ground shudders; they ask the young if they still have black hair, they say yes; four red-haired dwarfs Idsettii Deha hold the ground in the south and 4 in the north; from time to time they ask whether they are gray; gray hair is pulled out; when it turns gray, the ground will fall; var. in San Jose: one person keeps the ground underground; four old men hold the ground in the corners; when the Sun and Moon pass by, they ask if they are gray, if it's time to replace them with young ones; the Sun and the Moon tear out their gray hair, they say it's not time yet; when the young take the load, the earth will swing; two people hold the earth]: Hissink, Hahn 1961:87-89.