Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

I8B. Peace pillars: zoomorphic creatures.

Zoomorphic creatures support the earth or sky.

North Africa. The Arabs of Egypt [during an earthquake, the cow that holds the land throws it from one horn to another]: Andrew 1878:102.

(Wed. Australia. Wilman [Emu was taken to heaven; she tried to sit between the horns of the moon, but it became round; the sun's inhabitants drove her away because she chatted a lot; the stars agreed to let her in if she took part of the earth's load (the Stars held the ground); they gradually shifted everything to it, because Emu is afraid that she will be driven to (empty?) the sky; when it gets tired, shifts from wing to wing, the earth trembles; if it does so often, the inhabitants of the sun become angry, bring darkness; cries, suffering from heaviness, her tears rain; sometimes stars gather and they take some of the burden to get Emu to rest; but only a small part, because they are afraid that Emu will give them everything]: Hassell 1934, No. 3:239-240).

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Kachin: Chesnov 1982j [fish swam in the ocean, Mutum poured earth on it, the female spirit laid an egg on the ground, the lower half of the egg remained on the ground, the upper half became a vault of heaven; var.: earth sprinkled on a crab or Shirutra crocodile; earthquakes occur when S. tosses and turns]: 188; Elwin 1958b, No. 12 [water below the ground, Palang-Ananda fish lives in it; a flower has grown from her back, resting on the surface of the waters; the world rests on it; when the king is born, the fish laughs, and when it dies, it cries, in both cases the earth shudders]: 98; ranks [Macon is a giant supporting the world; the foundation of the world - flat stone, the world's oceans are spilled on it; Ngazalon fish swim in the ocean, carries a flat rock earth; when M. shifts the load from one shoulder to another, an earthquake occurs]: Chesnov 1982k : 91; bori [first one water, buffalo (younger) and elephant (elder) live in it without knowing each other; they meet, quarrel, kill each other; from the flesh of the buffalo, the earth has formed, from the bones trees, from grass wool; rocks formed from the elephant's bones, mountains from its flesh; after that, Sedi-Melo was born, determined where mountains, rivers, plains should be]: Elwin 1958a, No. 2:8-9; apatani [buffalo ( mithun) Chango-Subbo lies underground, supporting it; moving its ears causes small earthquakes and the body causing large earthquakes]: Elwin 1958a, No. 1:86; duffle [Chigo Ngirgo is like a huge stone elephant, but without trunk and ears; he lies with his head to Tibet, back to Assam, holds the ground; when he turns, the earth shudders]: Elwin 1958a, No. 3:87; gallong [there is a creature between the human world and the Wiyus world Sichi-Nide-Hargogi, like a buffalo (mithun); it turns three times a year, changing seasons - hot, humid, cold; earthquakes occur when it shakes]: Elwin 1958a, No. 5:87-88; miri (Hill Miri) [The world holds a Nide-Hargogi that looks like a buffalo and an elephant but has 4 legs, 2 arms, two heads, two pairs of horns, two tongues, four eyes but one nose; it sleeps, and when it sighs, it happens landslide; once every two to three years it turns, causing large earthquakes]: Elwin 1958a, No. 6:88; aka (chrusso) [the world rests on the back of the Phum-Badra creature; his head faces east, back to west; from time to time, the Chunchi-Raba-Rubbu insect tells him that all people and animals on earth are dead, he cries with grief, the earth shudders; then people and animals scream, We are here, PB calms down]: Elwin 1958a, No. 7:88; miniong [water first, land below it; Kayum-Sedi-Nane-Wiyu ordered Kayum-Polung-Sabbo-Wiyu, who looked like a huge buffalo (mithun), to dig horns into the waters; the earth appeared ; Wiyu Sedi-Irping-Puing-Idum-Botte lived on the surface of the water; when the earth dried up, he died, his bones became trees, his wool became grass; when cutting the forest, he must make sacrifices, otherwise other Wiyus will become shake the ground]: Elwin 1958b, No. 8:96-97; tagin [a Mobe-Mobeane creature with eyes and ears but without legs, horns, or tail holds the ground; when the famous shaman dies, he walks past MM, he tries block his way, a shaman hits him with a sword, MM shudders in anger, the whole world trembles]: Elwin 1958b, No. 13:98-99; (cf. Digaru) Mishmi [the earth rests on four pillars in a pond; Fish swim between poles; earthquakes occur when they hit them]: Elwin 1958b, #14:99).

Burma - Indochina. Bulang [the giant creator Gumyar caught a sea turtle, placed the ground on it, put the rooster as a watchman; when the turtle tries to move, the rooster bites it; when the rooster gets tired and covers eyes, turtle moves and earth shudders]: Yoshiyuki Kojima 1993 in Matsumura 2011; Khampti [at first there is water everywhere; Phra put land on the fish's back, told the female to lay an egg, cut it, He put one half on the ground, made the other in the sky; the first man and woman came out of the tree flower; the Rajis came out of the first egg]: Elwin 1958a, No. 11:17.

South Asia. Hinduism: Temkin, Erman 1982, No. 40 [in various ancient Indian texts, four or eight elephants support the earth to the cardinal points; their names vary]: 97, 254 (note); Elwin 1939 [ the huge Varaha boar keeps the world; earthquakes occur when it shifts from one fang to another]: 330 (note 1); 1949 [the land is supported by the Varaha boar (the incarnation of Vishnu), either a bull or an elephant; or a turtle with a snake on it, an elephant on it; earthquakes occur when a boar shifts its burden from one fang to another]: 13; Zimmer 1946 [Airāvata is the first elephant, along with seven other male elephants an egg in Brahma's right hand came out of the shell; 8 elephants came out of the shell in his left hand; these eight pairs maintain peace to the cardinal points and on the intermediate sides]: 104-105; Indian Muslims ( in Sylhet) [the ground rests on the bull's horns; when the bull shakes its head, an earthquake occurs; but the bull is immediately bitten by a mosquito and the bull freezes]: Elwin 1949:13.

Malaysia-Indonesia. Malays [the ground rests on buffalo horns; when one horn gets tired, the buffalo throws its burden less than in the western and eastern United States and the other, an earthquake occurs; the buffalo itself stands on an island in the middle of the sea, on a turtle or on a Nun fish]: Skeat, Blagden 1900:5-6; bataks (Madailing) [the earth rests on one of the horns of the half-snake monster]: Van der Tuuk, t.4:54 in Pleyte 1894: 96; Minangkabau [like bataks; when a mosquito bites a bull, it drives it away, the earth swings]: Niemann 1970 (1): 292 in Pleyte 1894:96; iban [Radja Gantallah (=Petara) rested on lumbu ( probably a bull or buffalo); created two birds that turned lumbu into earth; lumbu also supports the earth, and it's definitely not a snake]: Horsburgh 1858 in Stöhr, Zoetmulder 1965:36; bataks (toba ) [the supreme god Mula Dyadi lived on the upper of the seven tiers of heaven; created three sons; created a tree on one of the lower tiers, its branches reaching the upper one; created a chicken, it sat three eggs on the tree, from they were born three girls, he married them to his sons; one had the face of a lizard, chameleon skin, the girl refused, began to spin, dropped the spinning wheel into the lower world; she descended along the unwound thread the head of a snake swimming in the sea; put in a handful of land, brought at her request by the MD swallow; the snake was tired and turned upside down, the world that arose was flooded with water; MD created eight suns, they dried up excess water; the maiden plunged her sword into the snake, nailing it tightly to the ground so that it would no longer turn over; taking new soil, created the earth anew; MD shot the virgin's fiancé with a blowpipe; once on the ground, the young man shot a throat, she grabbed an arrow, flew away; following her, he found a heavenly maiden, married her; they gave birth to people]: Warneck 1909:30 in Dixon 1916:160-161 (a brief retelling in Hatt 1949:33); eastern toraja [1) buffalo supports the ground; when a fly bites his ear, the buffalo moves, the ground shakes; 2) the goddess Ndara holds the ground on her head]: Adriani, Kruyt 1950, No. 1:370; Timor (Mollo) [a foti creature in buffalo form holds the ground; when it moves, it shudders as diseases spread]: Kruyt 1923 in Maaβ 1933:276.

The Balkans. Bulgarians [the ground rests on the horns of an ox or a buffalo, it stands on a fish]: Gura 1997:758; Macedonians: Tsenev 2004:19 [flat land floats in water, or rests on a pole, or rests on a pole, or rests on the horns of an ox or several oxen], 23-24 [1) the earth rests on a pole behind which an ox or buffalo is tied; when it itches, earthquakes occur; the ox licks the pole, it becomes thinner, but on Spyriden blacksmiths hit the anvil and the pole is restored again; 2) the earth rests on a pole; sometimes an ox comes up to it to scratch, the ground shudders; 3) the earth is on the pole, the devil is tied to it, tears, the earth shudders; 4) the earth rests on three pillars, three oxen are tied to them, they tear, the earth shudders; 5) the earth is on three pillars, the devil is attached to the middle, he breaks, the earth shudders]; Serbs [the ground is on the wild; on four oxen; on four bulls; on four bulls, black in the west, blue in the south, white in the north, red in the east; they are standing in yellow water, drinking it, tired , at the end of the world, water will flood the earth]: Jankovich 1951:9; Gagauz people [the earth stands on the horn of a yellow (sara) bull; when he throws it from fatigue to another horn, an earthquake occurs; others say that the ground is on fish, and during an earthquake, fish turns its tail]: Moshkov 1901:58.

Central Europe. Poles (Lublin Voivodeship) [flat land resting on fish is attached to clouds with ropes]: Belova 2004:110; Russian written tradition [according to book legends, the earth holds on the "great fish", on the "fire whale", on the "snake" Eleatham, on the "iron pillar" (J. M. N.Prosv., 1863, April, p. 14)]: Potanin 1883:737; Russians: Kuznetsova 1998 [in the northern (Russian) version of the cosmogonic legend, the earth is approved on fish, four fish, three, seven whales]: 68; Potanin 1883 [the land stands on seven or three pillars; in a verse about Fedor Tiron, instead of a whale, Tit-fish and Kytra fish; kytr is a mammoth]: 737; Belarusians (Veliky Borkhoinik District, Gomel areas) [the earth rested on the frog; God (to strengthen the support) added a shell to it (Yana bula bu, bu toad. God nakin h apan)]: Sudnik, Tsivyan 1982:146.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Crimean Tatars (southern coast) [1) wind (if) holds water, water - fish, fish - bull, land (Kapsychor) has been approved on its horn; 2) the land rests on buffalo, buffalo on fish, fish on water, water in the wind, wind in the dark; charter, buffalo moves the earth from one horn to another, causing earthquakes (Alushta)]: Potanin 1883:799; Karachays: Dzhurtubayev 1991 [the land rests on three bulls; when they get tired of standing still and start to change, earthquakes occur]: 68; Karaketov 1995:60-61 [the surface of the earth was a desert on which a black ox lay; the sand was brown, growing redder as the ox grew, and became lighter on the ground; when the ox did not fit on the ground, a stone fell from the sky, entering the ox's back, moving it; the ox hooked its horn the celestial shell, it cracked around the perimeter; the water from the crack flooded the ground; two half-human half-birds, Father Jockai and son Elleger, fell for water; for 999 years they skinned the ox; when removed, instead of an ox, the serpent Apu-Jilan appeared on the surface of the ocean; they gave birth to Akbii-Teyri (god of heaven) to create life; the water receded, the earth became what it is now, the serpent went underground; at the place where he left The Shonai-Terek tree grew; this land went upstairs due to the actions of the crow and is inhabited by the holy men of Shonai Adamla], 62-63 [the land was covered with asexual water ('a sea where there was no female water and male water' ), the Saryubek dragon lay in the middle, his legs did not touch the bottom; in 999, S. reached the bottom of his leg; the stones began to melt, turn into karajeks (see motif B3A for karajeks); k. for women and men, Dauchu-Katyn was the toastmaster for women, and Shyrrai-Teyri for men; the karadzheks climbed to the surface of the sea, on the dragon's back, women began to fight men, the dragon began to burst his skin began to shed the karajeks; the DC asked the SHT for peace, but he continued the war; then she put the skin removed from her chest over his head, he turned into a blue stone; ordered the servants to make the stone out of the stone sword, cut off the dragon's legs; cut off 99 hairs from her head with a sword and ordered her hairs to be stuck in the dragon's crown, into his only closed eye, left to bandage his mouth; when they wanted to pierce the dragon's eye, the eye opened, everything on the ground sparkled; DK stabbed the dragon's back, her back split, mountains grew out of the vertebrae; on the left side everything was covered with darkness, and on the right side everything sparkled; in the dark Karadzheks with DK remained on the side, 47 karadzheks and a sword in the bright side; the Kalaupelya-Terek tree grew from the sword; the strip separating the dark part from the bright part was called Assy-Syz; the mountains separating the dark part from the light part Transcaucasia from the North Caucasus, until recently called Assy-Taula], 64-67 [the dragon Azhdagan-Jelimauz lay in the middle of the sea; Ala-Kaz ('Scarlet Goose') and Kara- Kaz ('Black Goose'); they did not have eggs; in the thousandth year, the Jelimouth began to grow legs, it began to move; the goose, afraid that the dragon would throw them off his back, dived twice before reaching the bottom; on the third, she fell into the dark; reached a bright spot, where the black creature Kara-Pooh advised him to go to his older brother Kaiyr-Khashkhy ("The Angry Lord") for advice to give a gift; The goose gave the right wing; KH sent one-legged Obur-Katyn ("Werewolf Woman") to his older sister, took the left wing; OK sent Erk-Jilan to her older brother, told her to go until the ball made of her hair stopped; ED sent Kart-Chopp to his oldest brother, took his second leg, gave part of his skin, she carried the Goose to the goal; "Our father is Kara-Kuzgun ('raven'), and our mother is the Turtle, they were rulers of the sea surface, but the dragon cut their bellies, deprived them of power; to pacify the dragon, it is necessary to summon Kart-Choppa; to do this, cut off the dragon's gallbladder and cover it with it middle eye; you can cut it off with a hair that grows on the dragon's crown under your nest"; everything was done, the dragon roared in pain, the vaults of the sky opened, an old man in a green robe came out with a golden robe with a staff; the geese dived in fear, emerged nine months later, dirty; Kart-Choppa sat on their nest, scraped off the dirt from the geese feathers, told them to make a cake out of it, eat one half, soak the other, lubricate the dragon's back; this caused the dragon's body to rot, his spine appeared; KC plunged his staff into the dragon's crown; he screamed, the sky shone; the CC hit the dragon's middle eye with a three-hepatic stem, it burst, the other two opened; a smelly liquid poured out of the middle, making the sea white; if the dragon's eyes close again, everything will darken; when thunderclouds appear, May Allah save the Dragon from closing his eyes], 68 [when it became light on earth from the opening of the heavenly vaults, the black raven (Kara-Kuzgun) settled on a huge mountain (probably Elbrus), where a spring ran Mingi-Közleu; Kyily-Oguz (Sinner Ox) was born from the sea; a flying raven caught its wing on the horn of an ox and bleed; one drop of blood gave rise to the Kumarrai-Chypchik bird, and another Jurtda tree Dzhangyz-Terek; next to the tree there was a swamp of mud supposedly designed to lubricate the surface of the dragon's body; it is the unhardened mud of the Kumarrai-Chypchyk bird]; Ossetians [the ground stands on the giant's head; when the giant shakes his head, an earthquake occurs]: Chichinadze 1993:136; Ingush: Dalgat 1972 [mountains with earth stick to the bull's horns, the bull is tied to a pole; the bulls agreed keep the ground if they are not harnessed on Tuesdays and if they are allowed to urinate while driving]: 64; Potanin 1883 [the ground stands on a bull when it moves, there are earthquakes]: 799; Chechens [God created the earth three times as large as the sky, then he squeezed it, mountains of earth appeared; to strengthen it, God created stone mountains; the bulls agreed to keep the land on their horns unless they were on Tuesdays work (it is forbidden to work on Tuesdays), and they will be able to urinate while driving]: Dalgat 2004:177; Kyurins (Akhta residents) [the land is approved for the horn of a red bull]: Potanin 1883:799; Muragins [the ground on the back (or horn) of a red bull; frightened of a big ant (mosquito), the bull froze; when the ant moves, the bull bounces, the earth shudders]: Khanagov 1892:152-153; Kumyks [the earth consists of seven layers; under the lower one there is a bull, holding it on its horns; shifting it from one to another, it produces earthquakes]: Hajiyeva 196:329; Armenians: Bagriy 1930 (3) [1) the earth holds on the horns of a red bull standing in the water; he is bitten by gadflies, scratches his back, an earthquake occurs; 2) an ox stands on fish in the ocean, keeps the ground on its horns; when he is angry, shakes its horns, it happens earthquake]: 128; Melik-Shakhnazarov 1904 [the land on the bull's horns, when flies disturb him, he moves, the earth shakes]: 91; talyshi [the world is established on the bull's back, one of its horns in the west, rugoi on east; a wolf in front of a bull, so he won't be able to step; when a fly bites a bull, it moves its ears, earthquakes occur]: Bagry 1930 (3): 23; Turks: Gordlevsky 1968 [the earth rests on its horns Yellow bull (Sarah Okuse); there is a fish under the bull, the sea even lower; when people's sins overwhelm God's patience, he tells the midge to tickle the bull's nose; the bull waves its head, shaking the ground; if there were a midge in the bull's nose stayed, he would throw the earth off his horns; out of compassion for people, God does not allow this]: 74; Furati 1889 [Furati's theological treatise Kyrk Sual (16th century): After the creation of the seven heavens and lands, God created an angel and ordered him to carry all seven heavens; this angel must keep them around his neck until the day of resurrection; since his legs remained hanging in the air, God ordered the angels to bring a red ruby from upper paradise and put it under the feet of an angel holding heaven; since this stone remained in the air without support, a bull with four legs was brought out of paradise; between the shoulder blades of this bull a ruby was laid; since the bull was hanging in the air, God produced one ship, 550 years in size, and ordered the bull to board it; the ship remained in the air, so God created the Labonador fish and ordered angels put the ship on the back of the fish; this is the fish mentioned in the Quran; it supports the ship with its back, and with it everything that is held on it, i.e. seven lands, seven heavens, a vault heavenly, the throne of God and his dwelling; since the fish was left without a foothold, God created the sea and placed it in it]: 7-8; Azerbaijanis (Turks of Elisavetpol province) [an angel holds the earth, stands on a rock, a rock on a bull with 4000 eyes and the same number of ears, snouts, tongues and legs; a bull on a fish; at the end of the world, God will take the earth to his left hand, heaven will tip over to his right hand, the earth will be different, heaven and hell will be abolished]: Shirakuni 1904:211-212.

Volga - Perm. Komi-Permyaks [three horses each take turns holding the land; when black - hunger and pestilence, white - war and death, red - prosperity]: Konakov 1999, No. 6:433; Udmurts [lives underground a black bull (music ukys osh, mu-osh) standing on the back of a fish swimming in the underground sea; a bull holds the ground on its horns, earthquakes occur due to the movement of its horns]: Yemelyanov 1921:136 in Vladykin 1994:81; Perevozchikova 1988:18; 1993:252; Marie: Potanin 1883 [the land is approved on the horns of a bull; one has already broken, and when the other breaks, the world will end]: 799; Holmberg 1927 (Ufa Cheremis) [there is a huge crab in the ocean, a bull stands on it, keeps the ground on its horns; earthquakes occur when it moves]: 312; Tatars [the earth rests on the bull's horn, the bull stands on a fish mustache; water encircles the earth, rests in eternal darkness]: Vorobyov, Khisamutdinov 1967:314.

Turkestan. Kazakhs: Ibrayev 1980 [western 1976 from Berkimdai-Ata bucks; the land rests on the horns of the Kok-Oguz bull standing on Jada-Tas (a white stone bench with which shamans cause precipitation)]: 44; Potanin 1881, No. 8g [fog (bu) lies on the surface of the ocean (or large lake), on the surface of the fog there is a jain stone, on the stone there is a kog-oguz (blue bull) on four legs and supports it with horns the land where our cattle and I walk]: 153-154; Potanin 1972, No. 7 [the world stands on a whale mustache and on the horn of a gray or blue bull]: 61, 303 (note; the belief goes back to Quranic legends); Kyrgyz [the earth rests on the golden horns of a black bull; when it moves, earthquakes occur]: Brudny, Eshmambetov 1989:108-115; Uighurs [under the ground, a bull keeps it on one horn; when sins accumulate, he gets tired, shifts the earth to another horn, earthquakes occur]: Katanov 1897b:44.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Shors ("Kuznetsk foreigners") [first one water; God often spits in one place, saliva forms a heap, the devil Aina comes out of it, calls him a friend; God tells him to dive to get it land, say, Help, Lord! A. does not say, the earth is washed off his hands twice, but at the bottom he eats it; the third time he brought the earth, God dried it, scattered it, creating land; the earth in A.'s stomach began to grow; God cut it, cleaned it, cured A., went to bed; A. tried to turn the earth over, but only stretched it; begged for a piece of land at least the size of a crutch; fell down, and reptiles and insects, prickly plants came out of the hole, mountains and swamps appeared; God strengthened the land on three whales (ker-palyk); when they change places, earthquakes occur]: Shtygashev 1894:1-7; Altaians [Altai paper calendar; in the center an orange frog, around a wide light blue stripe - the sea, two fish (apparently pike) swimming in it; apparently, fish and a frog support the ground; the land itself is depicted in the form of green, red, orange and yellow stripes surrounding the ocean]: Ivanov 1954:628-629, Figure 72; Altaians [the land was once presented as an animal; myths of this kind have not been preserved, but in Altai the epic mentions the neck, shoulder blades or armpits of the earth, mentions her mouth, navel]: Potapov 1983:102-103; the Altaians [there was water, Ag-en (White Mother) lived in it above Ulgen ; A. ordered W. to create, speaking, in this way, putty-dep (I did it, check it! ); he creates the earth, then the sky (tengri); to strengthen the earth, he put three fish, two along the edges, one in the center; the central one is the main one; directed his head to the north, picked up under the gills an arcana hook, the end of which is directed to the sky and is attached to three pillars; this device is controlled by the hero Mangda Shire; if the lasso on one pole weakens, the earth will lean north, on it forms swamps and swamps, if on the other, the earth may sink altogether]: Verbitsky 1893:90; 1992:111-112; Teleuts [round earth under an iron cover (temir kapkak) -the sky rests on four blue bulls (kök puga); because tired bulls begin to move their legs, earthquakes occur]: Funk 1997:54 (=2005:117); Chulym Turks [mammoth called ker, ger , hers, dry hers, classifying it as an aquatic animal (dry means "water"); "according to legend, however, little common, the earth could not contain a mammoth due to its immensity and extraordinary severity, and so God... appointed him to support the earth "]: Potanin 1883:709-710; Holmberg 1927 [reference to Potanin and Munkásci, Keleti szemle 9 (3) :293; perhaps the "bull" has become "horned" here mammoth]: 312; Tuvans [the ground lies on the Frog; when it moves, the earth will fall; one day it moved, the sea flooded the earth with a flood; an old man made an iron-bound raft in advance, escaped from few people]: Potanin 1883, No. 42g: 208; Trans-Baikal Buryats (Agin, Nerchinsky District, Art. Razmakhninskaya) [there used to be only water and only a frog looked into it; God turned the frog with his belly up and built a universe on it; on each paw he created a separate type (dvipa); Zampu-tip (Jambu-dwipa) placed one of his paws; on the frog's navel he erected Mount Sumbur-Agula; at the top of this mountain is the North Star, Altan-Gatasun {letters. 'golden col'}]: Gomboev 1890:140; Buryats: Gomboev 1890, No. 12 [the ground stands on a mykhlei animal shaped like a turtle; when it gets tired and shuddered, the earth fluctuates]: 72; Hadakhne 1926 [(Obusy River, Osinsky District of the Irkutsk Region); there were two planes, the upper and lower ones, the upper one was greater than the lower one; on the lower one there were four happiness (evil); one formed the sea, the second golden willow, the third is the human form, the fourth is the light of fire; the human form formed Ehe Burhan (Mother Goddess); under the golden willow she created a son named Budarga, from willow bark, Anhata Shubuun, his friend; Abarga Zaghan created fish in the sea, created the sun from the light of fire; the demon Archang-Shothor came out of the sea foam; he did not reach the earth; the ASH bird brought a handful of clay in its claws from the bottom of the sea, the EB on AZ's back made earth out of it; at night, the demon ASH began to pull the sleepers into the water, but only stretched the ground, which had become large; offered to squeeze the ground, so mountains appeared; he began to ask for a share; they agreed to give him enough to put up a cane; insects, snakes, worms, etc. crawled out of the hole; see motif B3B]: 32-33; Sharakshinova 1980 [1) (according to Zhamtsarano, hands.) the world was created by a thousand heavenly burkhans; in search of land, the Swan flew through the air, and the Raven was under water; they saw the Golden Turtle holding the ground in its paws; Huhuday Mergen told he shot at the Turtle, which capsized, formed a firmament on which land and vegetation were created; a thousand heavenly burkhans basked on the ground - Ulgen and in the sky - Under; Arhan Shuther began to ask for a part of the land with a thin vine; stuck the vine into the ground, mosquitoes, flies, gnats and other harmful insects began to crawl out of the hole; 2) the earth was created by God on four legs Golden Turtles that lie on their backs and support our land]: 25; Buryats [the ground stands on a large fish in the middle of the Merhan-Dala Sea; when the fish turns, an earthquake occurs]: Khangalov 1960, No. 13:18-19; Buryats, Mongols [a huge fish keeps the ground on its back: the Buryats. Abarga Zagahan, Mong. Avraga Dzagasan, kalm. Avarga Zagsi]: Neklyudov 1982a: 173; Mongols [(recorded by your missionary. Postnikov from Khalkhas); water was everywhere, the Ochurmans lived in the sky; decided to make land, looked for a friend, found Chagan-Shukuta; both went down to the water; the Frog that noticed them dived; O. sent ChSH find it in the water; he took out the Frog, put it belly up on the water; O. sat on it, told ChSH to dive, get the ground; he brought an armful of liquid earth from the bottom, said O., If it weren't for me, you wouldn't get it land; the earth immediately fell out of his hands, fell into the water; O. told him to dive again, take the land and carry it on his behalf; O. poured the land he had brought onto the Frog, the earth began to grow, both sat on it, fell asleep; Shulmus grabbed them to throw them into the water, but the earth grew faster than he ran to its edge; he left them; O. and ChS made a man, went looking for a soul, left the dog as a guard; promised find hair for the dog; The devil gave it wool, fed it, lit yarn, blew smoke into the man's nose, reviving him; O. and ChSH put a cup of water; on whoever side he would grow up in the cup, rule the earth; Sh. he also asked for land, got as much as at the end of his stick; stuck worms, snakes, reptiles in the ground, crawled out; the flower grew from O.'s side, but he dozed off and ChSH put it on his edge; O. said that now both humans and animals will steal and enmity; he has gone to heaven; he is a real god, and Ulgen was invented by the Kams (shamans)]: Potanin 1883, No. 46b: 220-223; the Mongols [The turtle came from the north side to the south; the hero shot her; the arrow pierced her through and got stuck in her body; the turtle capsized and gave off his breath; on the left side of the turtle's body was sticking out the wooden feathered end of the arrow, away from him a forest was formed; an iron arrowhead protruded on the right side; the side it was directed was called the Iron Side (tumer zug); when the Turtle died, it poured out of it the liquid that formed the sea, this side was called the North Water Side; a flame was burning from its mouth, this side was nicknamed the South Fire Side; lumps of earth were clamped in the Turtle's four legs, from which formed the earth's firmament with vegetation]: Sharakshinova 1980:26; Oirats: Ivanovsky 1890a (merchants) [the earth rests on a gray bull (kök-buhu); when it moves, there are earthquakes; the wind is his breath; it is impossible to approach the edge of the earth where it meets the sky because of the heat]: 263; Potanin 1883, No. 46e (durbuts) [Maji Shiri turned to the frog, lay down on his belly, stretched out his arms and approved the land he had created on his belly; if one finger of a frog moves, an earthquake occurs]: 224-225; the Mongols [Altyn-Melekey, the Golden Frog, lies on his back, He holds Sumera with four legs; if he moves one, a warm wind blows, the other it will rain, the third will become warm]: Potanin 1893, No. 14:350; the Mongols (Urga) [the earth was created by Burkhan Shagji- Tubi; he threw a pinch of land he had brought from the sky into the ocean; a pinch grew to form earth; grass and animals appeared on it; S. brought man to it; people are gradually degenerating; they will live seven years old, as tall as an elbow, horses will be the size of a hare; then there will be 3 suns, everything will be burned, mountains will remain; lead rain will level them, sand will remain; the wind will sweep it away; then two whales will be free and a frog on which the earth stands; Maidari will create a new land by placing it on the same whales and a frog]: Benningsen 1912:13-14.

Western Siberia. Nenets: Lar 2001 (Yamal) [Num and Nga are sons of old woman Puhutz; Nga asks for food, P. says that Num should make the land first; tells them to build a plague where she will live underground with old man Wesoko (Iri-Vesoko); Num tells Gagara to dive, she brings sand first from the bottom, then silt, and grass for the third time; Num sculpts the ground, throws it into the water; she first is unstable; Num puts it on a whale, the earth trembles again; throws a stone of copper, iron and transparent stone on the ground; the earth freezes; for his mother, Num makes red earth, puts a plague; Nga wants land for herself brothers fight for a long time; reconcile; Num rolls a ball, throws, the sun comes up; Nga gets a moon; Num sculpts a naked man, he wants to eat; Nga makes hairy people, they fight, Num advises send them underground; brothers fight, Numu has to agree for both of them to breathe life into man; it was warm, the man and the dog walked naked; Nga gave the dog warm skin, for which she missed him to the man, Nga spat on him, sent him illness; the man began to hunt, dress in the skin of a dog; Num told the dog to eat feces, to be a servant; taught man to shamanize; went to heaven, gave Nga underground world]: 188-205; Lehtisalo 1998 [Num suggests that Nga prepare the ground; he took sand from the water, but it slipped between his fingers; Num took the sand, put the cake on the water; ordered Nga bring a whale to establish land on it; but the earth continued to move; then he ordered to bring a stone, the earth stopped; this stone is Ural]: 9; Khomich 1977 [flat earth is located on the back of a black dog swimming in the ocean; its swaying causes day and night to change]: 15; Mansi [the ground rests on the back of a ruff, so it is difficult to live on]: Rombandeeva 1992:43; Khanty [the land rests on a ruff that lives in the sea]: Kulemzin 1984:170; Northern Selkups: Prokofieva 1976:106 [the land is flat, supported by mammoths and "the land is weighed by fish"], 116 [mammoths represented as a huge pike, whose head was covered with green moss]; chum salmon [the earth floats in water, supported by a "leg", "big mole", "big bird"]: Alekseenko 1976:77.

Eastern Siberia. Baikal Evenks [the idea of the earth as a tetrahedral body supported by four stands, frogs or turtles (call list. MAE, No. 1879), came to Transbaikalia from its southern neighbors and reindeer herders brought it to the origins of Vilyui and to the west]: Vasilevich 1969:210; equestrian Evenks of the Nerchi-Chita district [the creator's assistant was a frog; she carried the earth in her paws to the surface of the water, but the creator's evil brother (later, a heavenly shaman) shot her; she turned over, and since then she has paws to support our land among water area]: Vasilevich 1969:214-215; Evenki Orochons [there were water and sky, a snake and a frog lived in the water; the sun, the moon, the star of Cholbon (Venus), the enekan bug were shining in the sky; the snake was old, tired and cold in the water; asked the frog to get land, strengthen it on the water so that the snake could rest and bask in the sun; the frog dived, took out the ground; when it began to strengthen it, the earth became to sink; at this time a snake swam, the Frog was afraid that the snake would scold her for her helplessness, turned over, began to support the ground with its paws; it has remained to this day]: Mazin 1984:19-20; Evenks (the group is not specified; judging by the Buddhist context, Trans-Baikal) [from the anonymous manuscript "On the Tungus in General", stored in the National Library of Russia and dating back to the end of the 18th century: "The Tungus believe these faiths instead of [A] tlant of the ancient Greeks, a frog carrying our ball and, describing the power of the Almighty Creator, laments a favorite or pleaser close to him, they call honi the noise of the body garden, whom they ask for interceding for them, sure that the creator always heeds his request"]: Titova 1994:374; the Evenks [beyond the extreme land of the lower world there is water; two perches and two pike swim in it; on their backs the universe is based on a bug; a giant deer in the lower world has elk horns and a fish tail]: Anisimov 1959:18; Yakuts [(description of the country of the hero Nyurgun Bøgë); mother earth... c quagmire sea circumference, with white fish support, whale fish support, sturgeon fish clasp, ruff fish peg, taimen fish beams, whitefish poles, seal fish support - increasing and increasing... worth]: Yemelyanov 1980:319.

Japan. Ainu: Arutyunov, Shchebenkov in Spevakovsky 1988 [earthquakes are caused by hungry cramps in the stomach of salmon, on which the creator god created the land]: 75; Batchelor 1927:128 [the earth lies on his back trout; when they move, earthquakes occur; they swallow and spew water, causing ebbs and flows]: 488; Etter 1949 [two gods hold each hand on trout to prevent it from moving]: 27 ; Hitchcoch 1890 [the ground rests on the back of a huge trout, aka "fish - the backbone of the world"; its movements cause earthquakes; it's the same fish that lives in deep lakes that swallows people and animals; one swallowed a deer, horns cut through its stomach, the fish breathed out; one day the gods came down to help people; they stuck their claws into the trout, struggled to pull it to the surface, and people killed it with swords]: 488.

NW Coast. Nootka [the world rests on the back of a whale living at the bottom of the sea]: Webber 1936:28.

The Midwest. Winnebago [The creator makes the earth, it swings; he places four creatures on four sides, but the earth is still unreliable; then he pierces the earth on four sides with four snakes head down; now the earth is firm]: Radin 1909, No. 4:308-309; 1932:56-57; Smith 1997:18-19.

Northeast. The ground rests on the turtle's back; see motif B3A. Hurons; Iroquois; Seneca; Onondaga; Delaware.

Southeast USA. Shawnee: Trowbridge 1939:42 [people pray to four snakes on four cardinal points], 61 [After creating the earth, the Great Spirit places four very large animals to the cardinal points so that the earth stood firmly]; Voegelin 1936 [The creator descends, creates a turtle, puts the ground on it]: 8.

California. Kato [the sky has fallen, the first world is dead; from the north comes the horned animal-Earth; where deep, water reaches his shoulders; the Earth lies in a shallow place; Nagaytecho puts clay between his eyes and on horns, this is how he creates the earth]: Goddard 1909, No. 1:183; yuki: Foster 1944 [the land is supported by an elk (milatehen), uk-milatehen ("water elk") and a mole; when one of them moves, it happens earthquake; clouds are their breath]: 233; Kroeber 1932b [Taikomol makes the ground on the sea surface, weaving it like a basket; puts pillars; puts something like moose below to hold the ground]: 914, 916; chumash [two snakes support the earth; earthquakes occur when they get tired and move; the upper world is supported by the cannibal eagle Slo'v; eclipses the moon, spreading wings]: Blackburn 1975, No. 1:91-92; Kitanemuk [The creator creates earth, sky and first humans by blowing on clay figures; these are the ancestors of current birds and animals; more important than others are five brothers and sister ; they create five worlds one above the other; the disc-shaped world floats in the ocean; it's supported by two snakes whose movements cause earthquakes]: Blackburn, Bean 1978:568.

Big Pool. Northern Payutes (?" western numas") [big bison holds the sky (no details)]: Powell 1971:243.

NW Mexico. Tarahumara [horned toad holds the world]: Lumholtz 1903 (1): 308; Huichol [the double-headed eagle keeps the world in its claws; stars are her clothes]: Lumholtz 1986:40

Mesoamerica Tsotsil [the earth is cube-shaped; four animals support it in four corners (with shoulders or tails); when the burden is shivered, the earth shudders; or they are the four Vashakmen gods; above the ground four square skies; on the lower moon, then stars, on the upper Sun]: Vogt 1969 (Zinacantan): 297.

The Northern Andes. Kogi [turtle holds the ground]: Reichel-Dolmatoff 1991:151

Llanos. Guayabero [two young men are going fishing; one was called by Dayip, who jumped across the stream and found himself overseas; the monster Mintatil, who holds the land, carries him back; while he sleeps, a picture insect paints it in different colors; the young man gets home, he was washed there]: Schindler 1977a: 232-235.

Guiana. Varrau [the four-headed serpent is at the base of the earth]: Wilbert 1979:135; Kashuyan (Arikena) [four battleships hold the sky]: Kruse 1955:414.

Western Amazon. Cofan [lizards support the earth; Chiga (creator) could destroy the world if humans would kill them]: Calífano, Gonzalo 1995, no. 7:71

NW Amazon. Yagua [two sloths on the upper tier of the sky hold the world]: Chaumeil 1982:53.

Eastern Amazon. Sipaya [Marušawa is now invisible; lives in Kurišiši, with him his family and great shamans who spoke to M. during his lifetime; he used to be like a human, now looks like a jaguar; three women they collect saliva dripping from its mouth into a vessel; if even one drop falls to the ground, misfortune happens (someone cuts himself, bites a snake, etc.); M. sits facing north; when he turns around and looks around, people will die; next to him is the Kududú toad, holding the ground on its back; when M. wants to destroy the earth, he will bypass the toad from the outside of the sky and pull it out so that the sky will collapse; writing M. - people without an anus, Adji, who were once killed by his son Kuñarima; when the meat runs out, M. blows on the remaining bones on the roasting rack, they are again overgrown with meat]: Nimuendaju 1920:1022.

Bolivia - Guaporé. Takana [the winged jaguar helps keep the world]: Hissink, Hahn 1961, No. 208:333-335