Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

I8E. The pillars of peace: four. .

The sky or earth is supported, or four (or four groups) or five (four on the sides and one in the center) pillars, mountains, ropes, or creatures. Th A841. See 8A, 8D motives.

Mandara, Ancient Egypt, Egyptian Arabs, Germans (South Tyrol), Marshall Islands, Gilbert Islands, Hawaii, Maori, Tibet, Yunnan Tibetans, Kachin, Mishmi, Mikir, Thai, Shans, Bulang, Ancient India, Varli, Bhumia, Baiga, Bhuya, Agaria, Dhoba, Kondas, Tamils, Palawan, Sumba (Rindi), Manobo, Kankanai, Tagals, Ancient China, Chinese (Sichuan, Shanxi, Henan), Miao, Lahu, Koreans, Serbs, Romanians, Gagauz people, Ukrainians (Galicia), Edda, Estonians, Chuvash, Mordovians, Kazakhs, Yellow Uighurs, Altaians, Teleuts, Tofalars, Baikal Evenks, Chukchi, Northern Alaska Inupiat (Cape Barrow), copper, Winnebago, mandan, skidi pawnee, chiroki, shoni, kato, yuki, pomo, achomavi, navajo, western apache, eastern ceres (Sia), zunyi, teva, diegueño (ipai), kiliwa, tarahumara, huichol, aztecs, huastecs, mountain totonaki , Otomi, Popoluka and Nahuatl Veracruz, Chontal, Soke, Maya Yucatana and Maya in general, mopan, northern and southern lacandons, tsotsil, chol, chorti, tojolabal, tsutuhili, masateki, wawe, hikake, pai, kogi, tunebo, hoti, warrau, kashuyana (arikena), taibano, desana, bora, urubu, konibo, shipibo, takana, eseeha, chamakoko, nivakle, mbia.

West Africa. Mandara [the flat sky above the flat ground rests on four pillars; a woman protects them from termites]: Lembezat 196:52.

North Africa. Ancient Egypt: Mathieu 1956:127 [text "Victory of Horus": Horus set the sky on poles], 151 [this is a hint of an unknown myth; hence it is clear that Horus's four sons (Amset, Duamutef, Kebehsenuf, Hapi), starting with the Pyramid Texts, are constantly called pillars and represent the four sides of the world]; the Arabs of Egypt [four girls or four saints hold the ground]: El-Shamy 1995:45.

Western Europe. Germans (South Tyrol) [the land stands on four pillars; shudders if one of them moves]: Menghin 1884, No. 3:111.

Micronesia-Polynesia. Marshall Islands: Tobin 2002, No. 1 [to prevent the sky from falling, the creator of the world placed four pillars to the cardinal points, bending them towards each other], 3 [four men each placed a pole at the four ends of the world; the sky rests on the pillars; the man in the north is an ogre, so the patient is not carried to the north]: 15, 48; Gilbert Islands [the sky was on the ground; Na Arean (Spider, although anthropomorphic; Na - "Master") felt for a booming place with his staff, told Sand to connect to the water, they gave birth to Na Atibu and Nei ("Mistress") Teakea; their children Older, Woman In The Middle, Wave, Octopus, Ricky's Eel; the last the youngest Na Arean Junior, a trickster, was born; after that, Na Arean the elder left; NA the youngest gave intelligence and movement to the Deaf and Dumb Fools (these are the children of Sand and Water); they slightly raised the sky, cut the connection between him and the earth, Ricky raised the sky high, the earth descended; N. cut off R.'s legs (when they fell into the sea, they became eels), and R. himself was the Milky Way; to prevent the sky from falling, NA put four women on the four sides of the world hold it, they have grown roots like trees; N. killed his father Na Atibu, turned his right eye into the sun, his left eye into the moon, his brain into stars, pieces of flesh into rocks and stones, bones into trees, including Samoa Tree, ancestor]: Grimble 1922:91-96; Maori [Rangi-nui ("Father Sky") descended to Papa-tua-nuku ("Mother Earth"), gave birth to Po-Tane and his brothers; those by spells Rangi was lifted up with four pegs to the cardinal points; Tane told the brothers to take out an ax from under their older brother's pillow and use it to make a second one; with these axes T. cut off Ranga's hands, raised it to its current height; Dad and baby on his chest protested; then she was turned face down; her grown baby lives underground, responsible for earthquakes and volcanic eruptions]: Makemson 1941:64-65; Hawaii [the sky rests on four pillars at the four corners of the earth]: Makenson 1944:199.

Micronesia-Polynesia. The four pillars of the sky. Marshall Islands; Gilbert Islands; Hawaii; Maori.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Tibetans (Yunnan) [Nuiwa creates people from clay, shows in the forest who will be their friends (hare, bee), who to fear (tiger, leopard); one girl listened to the river sing, N. invented for the child's lip organ; one of the children fell asleep and died; N. ordered to unite in pairs, scatter on the ground; competing with the spirit of water, the spirit of fire was defeated, angrily hit Mount Buzhou; she fell into The Heavenly River (Milky Way), water flowed from it; the monstrous dragon began to devour people; N. defeated him, began to repair the sky; found Crab, he offered to cut off his legs, support the sky; N. the eastern edge was supported, the western edge was short, the sky bent, the sun was setting in the west; N. patched the sky and earth with colored stones; there were not enough stones to the south side of the earth, rivers flow there]: Riftin 1987:395; Tibet [Bon deities are associated with ideas about dwarfs, guardians of the cardinal points: iron in the south, copper in the west, turquoise in the north, dwarf from the shell in the east]: Ogneva 1982b: 509-510; Kachin: Zapadova 1977 [masculine and feminine principles arose and combined in emptiness, gave birth to the Nata King Ingaunuamagan; he surrounded the earth with a naga dragon as he moved an earthquake occurs; the sky was supported by four pillars, the fifth was placed in the center; it was too high, celestials appeared from the sawn off upper part, living in water from the sawn off lower part; the central the pillar connecting heaven and earth turned into a Sotpunnu tree]: 144-145; Gilhodes 1908 [Ningkong wa puts 4 pillars to support the sky]: 679; garo [the earth is flat, square, suspended at the corners by the ropes to the sky; var.: the ground is like a table on four legs]: Playfair 1909:88; Taraon (Digaru) Mishmi [the earth rests on four pillars in a pond; fish swims between the poles; when hits them, earthquakes occur {cf. Cankanai, Philippines}]: Elwin 1958b, No. 14:99; Mishmi [first one water; god Techimdum surfaced, looked around, erected a pillar; white ants crawled along carrying particles of earth from the bottom, they put them on the water, land appeared; T. put them on a pole in four more corners of the world, ants climbed and land appeared; where they laid more land - mountains]; mikir (karbi): Stack, Lyall 1908 [The gods Hèmphū and Mukráng placed four pillars on the edges of the future land, tied them with their mothers' hair; the god's wife Bāmon was sent to Hāyóng, god the lower world, but it did not give land; when she left, she picked up the worm garbage, hid it on her chest; the king of earthworms was sent, he processed this piece, it all grew and turned into earth; the blacksmith Kaprá ; ng dried the earth with furs]: 70-71; Lyall 1909:70-72 in Mandal 2009 [the gods Hèmphü and Mukráng placed four pillars on the edges of the future land, tied them with their mother's hair; began to think where get land; a hundred gods and their wives decided to send the god Bamon's wife to another world to the god Hajong, but he did not; on the way back, Bamonpi (i.e. B.'s wife) picked up worm excrement; sent for the king Helong Recho earthworms, who turned this particle into a mainland; it was soft and wet, the blacksmith Kaprang dried it; to get plants, they sent for Rekbepi, which is at the pillar on at sunset; she came and sowed plants; Pithe and Pothe ("great mother" and great "father" helped H. and M. create animals; first an elephant, then a tiger; the first man created was Bamonpo, he created for himself two wives, one mikir and the other assamka; they did not give birth for a long time; then the Assamka sent her husband to her brother, who gave his wives two oranges; on the way back, while B. was swimming, the crow took one orange; Mikir was left without an orange, but ate the peel and gave birth to a son Ram; the assamka gave birth to a son Chaputi; R. was strong, C. was weak; R. found an egg, brought it, and a girl came out of it; demons tried to steal it, but R. returned and married, she gave birth to many children, their descendants were Hindus; decided to build a tower to heaven; gods and demons were afraid that these giants would take away their sky; they mixed languages, people went apart parties]: 78-79.

Burma - Indochina. Shans [the world is square and flat, with 4 spirits in its corners]: Milne 1910:204; thai [8 brass pillars hold the sky]; bulang (blang, south Yunnan) [at first only the sky and clouds, among them rhinoceros-like li runs; Gumiya made the sky out of his skin, stars from his eyes, earth from flesh, water from blood, all kinds of plants from wool, people from his brain, from bone the brains of animals, birds, insects, etc.; four legs of the sky; placed the earth on a turtle; as soon as the turtle tries to move, Gumia's rooster bites it in the eye; if it falls asleep, the turtle moves, shaking the ground; then people pour rice on the ground to wake up the rooster; 9 sun sisters and 8 month-old brothers decide to destroy G.'s creation; there is unbearable heat on earth; at this time, crabs lost their heads, fish lost their tongues, snakes lost their legs, frogs lost their tails; before leaving the shelter, G. smeared the straw hat with wax, but the wax melted and flowed into his eyes; G. made a bow out of a tree with green bark, from wild rattan - bowstring, bamboo - arrows, moistened the tips with poison from the reservoir in which the dragon was swimming; climbed hot stones to the top of the mountain, hit 8 suns and 7 months with arrows; their blood rushed to the ground, cooling it; the remaining Sun and Month fled; tired G. fired the 18th arrow, it hit the Month, which survived, but lost its heat; it became dark and cold, the people were plowing tying the lanterns to the horns of oxen, the rivers stopped; G. sent a swallow to look for the sun; when she returned, she said that the Sun and the Moon were hiding in a cave in the east; G. sent all the animals and birds to ask them return; he did not go himself, because those who hid were afraid of him; two partridges, with a black and a white tuft, did not go; the first smeared her tail with red, supposedly she had diarrhea; the second smeared her head with white - she was in mourning for parents; they were all banned; there is a swallow in front, followed by fireflies; birds are led by a rooster, animals are a boar; in the cave, the Sun and Month spouses are starving, but are afraid to go out; the rooster called them, the rest promised that G. will not shoot at them; rooster: from now on, go out after I drink; cut the knot, threw half to the Sun and the Month, made a comb out of the other (a cut knot is a sign of a contract); daughter G. Gumishafema feeds the Sun three times a day with golden juice and the Month with silver juice; she is a young girl in the morning, a young wife in the afternoon, an old woman in the evening; the Sun and the Month are allowed at the end of each month return to the cave to connect (the moon is not visible at this time); the Sun is a shy wife, the Month gave her needle rays to stab the eyes of those who glanced immodestly at her; the entrance to the cave was blocked the stone, only the boar managed to push it back; all is well]: Miller 1994:88-93.

South Asia. Ancient India: Temkin, Erman 1982, No. 40 [in various ancient Indian texts, four or eight elephants support the earth to the cardinal points; their names vary]: 97, 254 (note); Erman, Temkin 1975:83, 217 (note); Zimmer 1946 [Airāvata is the first elephant, along with seven other male elephants, extracted eggs from the shell in Brahma's right hand; 8 elephants came out of the shell in his left hand; these eight pairs keep the world around the world and on the intermediate sides]: 104-105; varley [the potter on the golden potter's wheel began to rotate the earth and expanded it from the size of a sesame seed to current magnitude; Balaya Bhim (~Bhima Mahabharata, Bhimsen at Bhumia picked it up and fixed it on four pillars connected by crosshairs)]: Save 1945:161 in Fuchs 1960:417; bhumia [to the ground by four nails are hammered into the four corners]; baiga [four nails are hammered into the ground at four corners, but the earth itself is round]; bhuya [the ground is supported by four iron pillars made of flesh and blood first pair of people]; agaria [to prevent Mother Earth from wobbling, the first agaria placed 12 iron pillars at the four corners of the world]; dhoba [Bhimsen hammered an iron nail in the corners of the earth; in in the middle, the earth continued to wobble, where he put the old woman to hold the earth on his head]; cond [four iron pillars hold the sky]; condas (kuttia) [four iron pillars hold the sky; fourth boy, placed on a mountain]; Tamils [when 7 sons have grown up, the father asks how they are going to help the family; starting with the eldest; harvest and sell firewood like a father; grind rice, like a mother; fish; herd goats; herd oxen; sculpt and sell cow cakes; younger: marry the 7 heavenly maidens of Cannimar and provide for them all, as well as you; his father kicked him out furiously; he settled in the mountains with an old woman; 7 maidens came down from the sky to swim, he grabbed his robe alone and rushed to the house; 7 maidens tell the old woman to unlock; she turned the young man into a five-year-old child and sings him a lullaby; the maidens did not find the young man left without clothes and had to be left; began to play panti with the young man; he lost the second game and fell asleep, she took her robe and returned to her sisters; the old lady to the boy: first, than you go in search, make a fire in the hole and burn me; he did so; reached the sky; tells the Raja in the golden throne room that he came for the bride; the Raja tells 4 in the morning 1) harness 7 pairs of oxen, plow 7 once the field, sow 12 bushels of sesame seeds, harvest and bring them to the bins; 2) fill a deep well to the brim; 3) bring lots from the lake, where snakes are teeming, and tigers and lions around; the young man plowed the field and sowed sesame seeds, and then asked Shiva and Parvati to tell the ants to complete the first assignment; after that, the Raja ceded the throne to the young man for 7 days; on the eighth he filled the well, turning to the frogs; the third performed, asking for help from the 4 turtles on which the world rests; the young man got a wife; the Raja sent him to earth on a magic horse with gifts; the young man and wife fell asleep and woke up in a luxurious palace; that old woman (came to life and) grazed oxen, he called her to him; his parents and brothers too]: Blackburn 2005, No. 31.

Malaysia-Indonesia. Palawan [four pillars hold the ground on the sides and one, the largest, in the middle; the word for pillars on the edges is the same as for a Chinese dragon, these creatures are in the depths seas; if incest occurs on earth, they shake it]: Macdonald 1974:105; Sumba (Rindi, in the east of the island) [the earth rests on four pillars and a fifth in the middle; when the mouse nibbles on it or when the cat drives her away, earthquakes occur]: Waterson 2009:99; (cf. Java [Sri Tanjung is killed by her husband; the goddess Rara Nini (=Durga) revives her; shows dots in the sky on four cardinal points; each contains a tree associated with a specific bird, color, metal, a category of people entitled to swim in a revitalizing pond at the foot of the central tree; the name of this tree is Nagasari ("blooming snake"), and is associated with the cockatoo; a revived woman swims there same]: Hooykaas 1957:326, 328 in Haekel 1958:75).

Taiwan - Philippines. Manobo (Mindanao) [Dagau woman is on four pillars of peace; when unhappy with people, a snake stings, it moves, causing earthquakes]: Eugenio 1994, No. 35:90-91; kankanai [ two Timungan brothers are digging roots; they find a flat stone under one, he closed a hole into the lower world; they go down there on a rope; cannibals with tails live there; the owner of the Maseken house does not agree harm brothers for promising one of them to marry his daughter; when hunting, they see four pillars propping up the ground; a pig rubs against one, causing earthquakes; hunters chase an old carabao ( buffalo), a person sees that it is actually their mother, misses; father-in-law catches up and injures her; tells the brothers to go to earth if they do not like hunting people; they climbed upstairs on the same rope; when the sun was shining in the lower world, it was night on the ground; if the patient's throat and nose bleed, M. kills a chicken {cf. Mishmi in the section "Tibet - Northeast India"}]: Eugenio 1994, No. 16: 50-51; kankanai [4 pillars hold the ground; when the ground rubs against one of them, the earth shudders]: Gaverza 2014:41, 50; tagals [to repair the sky, God placed four angels on each side and fifth, tallest, in the middle; so the sky is convex]: Macdonald 1974:105

China - Korea. Ancient China [the spirit of water Gungong was defeated by his father, the spirit of fire Zhuong; wanting to commit suicide, G. beats his head against the western mountain of Buzhou, which served as a support for the sky; the top of the mountain breaks off, the sky leans to the west; part of the sky has fallen off, a world fire and a flood have broken out; Nuiva melted stones of five colors, filled a hole in the sky; this is explained the difference in the shades of the sky; N. cut off four legs from the turtle, used them as supports under the sky; the sky remained leaning to the west, the stars roll to the other side; the earth squinted east, rivers flow there]: Yuan Ke 1987, ch. 2:51-52; Chinese (Sichuan) [after Nuiwa melted the five-colored stones and patched the sky with them, she saw that it was still wobbling, frightened that it would fall again, found a giant turtle, cut off its paws and supported the sky with them; the turtle's paws were of different lengths, the sky and earth warped; the leg that supported the sky to the NW was shorter, and still Since people can see that the sky is tilted northwest]: Zhou Yang et al. 1998, No. 5:26; Chinese (Shanxi, Wu. Pingdin) [Pangu separated the sky from the ground; the sky was held on the four legs of a sea turtle, and the earth rested on the back of the carp; immortals lived in the sky, and there was no one on earth; the Jade Lord sent Nuiwu on earth to create life; the first day is the Day of the Tree, N. created for flowers, herbs, trees; the second is Water Day, N. populated rivers and lakes with fish, turtles, crayfish; the third is Metal Day, N. populated mountains with wild animals and birds; the fourth is the day of Fire, N. populated the plains with cattle; the fifth is the day of Earth; N. began to crumple a ball of clay; the Golden Boy appeared in front of her; said that Mother Vanma sent him, she she is afraid that N. will become lazy; N. said, so she does not know what to do next; he promised to report to Mother; N., got angry and sculpted a figure of Youth, 50 of them out of clay; on the sixth day, the day of the Moon, N. wanted to lie down, but the Jade Maiden called her a lazy person; N. got angry again, sculpted 50 Virgo figures; laid out male and female figures in pairs and fell asleep; on the seventh day, the day of the Sun, she wanted return to the Sky Palace, I saw that the figures came to life; gave names to everyone, and called the couple who looked most like those Boy and Virgo Fusi brother and sister; they asked what to eat, what to eat, what dress where to live; N.: wild herbs and animals, dress in leaves and skins, live in caves; N. returned to heaven; wolves, tigers and leopards and ate 10 pairs of siblings; supportive turned the ground is carp, part of the earth collapsed, and with it 10 more pairs; the turtle supporting the sky was tired, jerked its foot, the NW corner of the sky collapsed, 10 more pairs died under the rubble; Wangmu found out, told N. to return to the earth to help people; N. tied the carp with dragon veins, smelted five-colored stones on Mount Fushan and patched the sky, cut off the turtle's paws and made supports for the sky, drove wild birds and animals away, returned to heaven; but wild animals and birds returned, ate 5 more pairs; the carp blinked an eye, the ground staggered, the mountains shook, volcanoes woke, 5 more pairs died; the turtle that had lost its paws began to cry pain, her tears turned into ice and snow, rains and glaciers killed 5 more pairs; it kept raining, the snow cover was getting thicker, the carp was getting heavier; the ground sank, the turtle's legs trembled, the sky and the land staggered, the ice and snow melted, the seas overflowed; N. sent Vanmu again; she threw her hairpin into the water, it turned into a boat, only Brother and Sister Fusi escaped; the flood was over, but the land is empty; Mount Fushan, where N. melted stones, was the highest, N. took her brother and sister there - let them multiply; they were embarrassed; N. gave everyone a millstone, ordered them to roll down the mountain; when the millstones rolled down, they lay on top of each other; the eastern and western Millstones in the Changshigou ravine are those millstones; shame will pass, and if you want to call each other brother and sister, please; newlyweds are still called that]: Zhou Yang et al. 1999, No. 9:12-14; Chinese (Henan, Wu. Anyang) [In ancient times, the sky stood on five pillars, each holding its own turtle. One day, the water in the seas dried up, the turtles in the four corners were left without water, became angry, began to spin, and the pillars supporting the sky collapsed. Nuiva sent a heavenly spirit to cut off these turtles' legs and prop up the sky with them. However, holes remained in the sky, and through them black mist descended from the sky, causing people to die. Nuiva and his heavenly army used three hundred and sixty methods, patched the sky for three hundred and sixty years, but never finished. Eventually, the spirit of Venus suggested taking stones from Venus, Jupiter, Mercury, Mars, and Saturn, melting them and patching the sky with them. Nuiva went to the center, where the sky did not collapse, made a fire there, melted the stones and began to patch the sky with them. Because there were not enough five-color stones, a hole remained in the northwest corner, and Nuiva covered it with a piece of ice, so the northwest wind is cold and sometimes brings black clouds and hail with it. Nuiva finished patching up the sky, was very tired and began to look for a place to relax. She didn't like it anywhere, and as a result, she settled in a place where she melted five-colored stones. The slag left after Nuiva melted the stones turned into a mountain that kept warm. It was reaching the sky, and the Jade Lord sent thirteen dragons to cool it down. The dragons were icy, and when they got down to the mountain, it immediately cooled down. Even during the hottest summer, this place is cool, which is why people nicknamed it "Cool Mountain" (Qingliangshan)]: Zhou Yang et al. 2001b, No. 10:17-18; (cf. Manchus [there was a hole in the sky; when the sky was angry, it threw stones down; Gege Hailun (Gege, the "highly revered princess") melted the colored stones with the help of the Western Buddha, filled the hole with them became a heavenly goddess; people were no longer afraid of stones falling from the sky]: Wei et al. 2001, No. 4.1:195); Miao: Riftin 1993 [Naloyingou separated the sky from the ground, raised the sky, lowered the earth; Renyungulo gave eight wooden pillars and 16 millet stalks to support the sky; these, as well as the stone and iron supports, are short-lived; old woman Uluoso told N. to pull four of the eight joints out of his legs, prop up the sky on four cardinal points; in this likeness, N. blinded four legs to animals; N. stretched the sky and earth, they expanded; W. gives 12 eggs, N. lets the bird sit; 12 hatched suns, N. placed them in the corners and in the middle of the sky]: 306-312; Geddes 1976 (Hmong Njua) [four spirits hold the earth on their shoulders; earthquakes occur when they move]: 24; Lemoine 1982 [first earth and the sky is close to each other; they reached the sky with their hand; Ndjo Lou Tou and his wife Ngo Ntchi Tii, their son R'eng Tcheu (a slightly distorted Chinese "Lord of Heaven"); he was in his mother's womb for 6 years; father said it was time to go out; he waited for another 9 years, went out with a knife cut his mother's side; father and son stamped their feet three times, clapped their hands three times, creating 15 levels of sky, 16 levels of earth; the sky became high they backed it up at four corners with four iron knives; then they placed a pole to support the sun, and around it a road for the sun to move; when the sun passes from one side of the world to the other, the guards open the doors, the chickens wake up and the rooster sings; the sun bathes and rises; Mr. Nebo is in charge of all this]: 86-87; Schotter 1911 [the sky was low, he was hit by a burden of brushwood and a pestle rice brushes; my great-grandfather picked it up, placing incense wood supports in the four corners; stretched out colored canvases, which made multicolored clouds and multi-colored stones; made the sun out of gold, the moon from silver, stars made of colored stones; dwarfs live underground, whose eggshells serve as vessels; giants live in the sky]: 326; Chuan Miao [when King P'an Ku separated heaven from earth, sister Hu Hsi descended from heaven to earth, King Shen Lung descended to control five cereals, Emperor Hsuen Yuen went down to make people clothes; he created 44 big fish to use by setting 4 corners peace; he made 48 pegs out of mutton antlers, using them to make the world strong in four directions; he firmly established heaven and earth, and there was yellow gold in the middle of the earth]: Graham 1954:18; lahu [at first only G'ui-sha in the center of the world is like a spider in a web; he scraped off the dirt from his hands and feet, made it four fish: gold, silver, copper and iron; put it on a pole; put it on them 4 beams of heaven and 4 earth; from the same scraped mud, he made poutrelles, creating heaven and earth, but the earth staggered; G. rolled 70,000 balls from the same mud, filling the cells (mailles) of the earth; from He made the bones of the sky from the bones of his hands, and the bones of the earth from the bones of his legs; to find out the thickness of the earth and the thickness of the sky, he created two ants from the mud; one climbed through the sky, the other through the earth; when he returned, they said the thickness was the same; G. had two assistants: Ca Law, the man he told him to make heaven, and Na Law, a woman who was told to make earth; NL worked day and night, and KL drank tea, so the sky and the earth was not the same in size: the sky was like a large canopy, and the earth was narrow and wrinkled; due to the fact that the earth was compressed, valleys and mountains appeared; to prevent the earth from swell, G. laid it on it the rock, but it slipped; the bulbul bird (Hypsipetes mcclellandii) told it not to slide; G. placed fire in the Sun, fireflies in the moon; but they do not go to heaven, they are afraid of people; then G. gave them needles { obviously the rays that pierce the eyes}; tiger to the Sun: you're too bright; he bit him, hence the eclipses; frog to the Moon: you're too cold; she tried to swallow it, so there are spots on the moon; letting the sky a tiger with a frog, G. made the sun go east and the moon west, because they were constantly in the sky; from the mud scraped off his hands and feet, G. created stars, as well as a chicken and a rooster; the rooster sang three times and the east lit up; this is how light separated from the darkness; G. moon: it will be 12 months in the year]: Coyaud 2009, No. 1:9-12; Koreans [at first Heaven and Earth were not separated; Mireuk put 4 bronze pillars four each the corners of the earth, separated the Sky from the Earth; two suns and two moons were shining, it was too hot during the day, too cold at night; M. made stars out of one Sun, the North Bucket and the Southern Bucket from one Moon]: Choi 1979, No. 720:514.

The Balkans. Serbs: Janković 1951:8 [under the ground is water, the land stands on four marble pillars], 9 [the land stands on four oxen; on four oxen; on four bulls; on four bulls, of which black in the west, black in the south - blue, white in the north, red in the east; they stand in yellow water, drink it, they are tired, at the end of the world water will flood the earth]; Romanians [water is below the ground, but the earth does not sink, because it rests on four pillars on four cardinal points; these pillars are associated with bright stars on the horizon, you can't see all four at once; an old witch gnaws on supports, so there are earthquakes; when women they wake up the flour or drain the water they used to wash the bucket after washing, they feed and water the witch]: Rusu 2009:89; the Gagauz people [after creating the earth, God placed it in four corners after an angel, preserving man from any misfortune]: Moshkov 1901:58.

Central Europe. Ukrainians (Galicia) [the earth rests on four pillars held by four snakes; as soon as the number of sins in the world increases, snakes gnaw at pillars; if they gnaw, the earth will fall into abyss]: Belova 2004, No. 180:110.

Baltoscandia. Scandinavians [Bohr's sons turned Imir's body into earth, blood and sea and water; they planted a dwarf under every corner of the sky (Eastern, Western, Northern, Southern)]: Younger Edda 1970:18; Estonians (Väike-Maarja) [four steel ropes hold the earth from four sides from the sky]: ERA E 44686 (1).

Volga - Perm. Chuvashi [giant Ul ă p returned from hunting tired, climbed into the sky like a polati, fell asleep; his four brothers did not wake him up, supported the sky from four corners with their shoulders, they lifted him high up; the sleeper woke up, went to look for his brothers; the vault of heaven shook under his feet, a rumble rose, sparks (thunder and lightning) flew; when he realized that he could not go down to earth, cried - rain; became God Tour ă]: Egorov 1995:116; Mordovians: Mokshin 1998 [the earth is quadrangular, there is a silver pole in every corner]: 99; Devyatkina 2004 [earth rounded (in the form of a bowl), washed by the world's oceans, or quadrangular; in every corner there is a silver pole, a barrel on it; the wind god Varmava sits in turn; which barrel is now open, from there the wind ( Harva 1952:141)]: 26.

Turkestan. Kazakhs [west 1976 from Berkimbay-Ata bucks; "... square land is washed around the water of Mukhit (ocean); its four corners are marked by four towers topped with eggs; but others say that instead four great trees grow in towers, and others that rise four points or peaks at every corner of it;... when the world ends, all mountains will collapse, towers will appear on the horizon to the remains humanity;... these towers at the corners of the earth support the sky covering the seven layers of the sky "]: Ibraev 1980:41, 44; yellow Uighurs [first only water and sky; Śākyamuni summoned the Black Dragon from the sky , put a piece of black silk on his back, told him to bring gold; put white silk on the White Elephant's back, told him white soil; threw soil and gold into the sea, land appeared; at first it was small; W . went to heaven for advice to the god Layangjia; he replied that when four pillars were erected at the four corners of the sky, the Fire God would create fire, and women would give birth to children, the earth would grow; when Sh. I came back, the ocean had already shrunk a lot, mountains and rivers appeared, and people on earth]: Stuart, Jhang 1996:13.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. The Altaians [four kings hold on to the "heavenly button"; this fastens the world]; the Teleuts [the round earth under an iron cover (temir kapkak) -the sky rests on four blue bulls (kök puga); because tired bulls begin to move their legs, earthquakes occur]: Funk 1997:54 (=2005:117); tofalars [four fish keep the ground, their movements cause earthquakes]: Prelovsky 2007:50-51.

Eastern Siberia. Baikal Evenks [the idea of the earth as a tetrahedral body supported by four stands, frogs or turtles (call list. MAE, No. 1879), came to Transbaikalia from its southern neighbors and reindeer herders brought it to the origins of Vilyui and to the west]: Vasilevich 1969:210; central (?) Yakuts [riddle: On four sides of the sky are standing on an old man (countries of the world)]: Tolokonsky 1914, No. 124:40.

SV Asia. Chukchi [at the four corners, the rocks of the sky meet the rocks of the earth, hitting them and then rising].

The Arctic. Northern Alaska Inupiat (Tareumiut, i.e. Cape Barrow) [four pillars to the cardinal points hold the ground]; copper [sky vault on four pillars to the cardinal points]: Rasmussen 1932: 22.

The Midwest. Winnebago [four Winds on four sides of the earth; four snakes pierce it, the ground stops swaying].

Plains. Sky supports. Mandan [see motif K27; four stone pillars (=four pillars of the Mistress of the Bisons dwelling) support the sky]: Beckwith 1938:75; Bowers 1950:280-281, 298; skidy pawnee: Chamberlain 1982 [ Tyrava gives the Evening Star power over the West, places Black Bear, Puma, Lynx, Wolf to protect it; these are four stars - black, yellow, white, red; they were supposed to send similar ones to earth animals; they are Autumn, Spring, Winter, Summer; thunder, lightning, clouds, rain; poplar, elm, willow, elderberry; black, yellow, white, red corn; Morning Star (man) prevailed over Evening (woman) ) and told the black star to be on the SV, the yellow star on the NW, the white star in the south, the red star in SE; these four stars are the four gods of the cardinal points; they stand at these ends and hold the sky, obey the Morning Star] : 23-24; Dorsey 1904b [the gods of the four quarters of the world support the sky in the NW, SE, NW]: xix.

Southeast USA. Chirokee [the ground is attached to the sky with four ropes]; shawnee [four large animals; four snakes].

California. Kato [four rocks hold the sky]; yuki [four stone pillars hold the ground]; coastal central pomos: Loeb 1926a [the earth is quadrangular, floats in water; the corners rest on pillars, each one of the spirits is watching (two more at the zenith and nadir)]: 300; 1926c, No. 1 (coastal central pomo) [there was no sea; Coyote wanted to drink, pulled out one of the marsh plants, the water poured, the sea filled up, stopping where the Coyote was; Coyote: sometimes it will be low tide so that people can collect what they need on the littoral; when I went to the place where I was going to set up a steam room, I found ready-made pillars and only told them to stand up; he stuck black feathers in the ground around the steam room, they turned into people; because of the color of the feathers, the Indians are now dark; Coyote arranged a party, but for a whole month he did not shared food; so he decided to burn the world; smeared tar everywhere and set it on fire, rose to heaven himself with fog; then, to put out the fire, he flooded the ground with a flood; it rained four days later, four days later the water came down; the Coyote made new people out of black feathers too, but in the middle of an open area; Coyote taught people to collect clams and people laughed at him; then he created waves on the sea that were not it was earlier, but did not allow them to fill the land; put four people to the cardinal points, telling them to blow - these are four-way winds; Coyote told the thunder to rattle in the rain; people still did not believe Coyote, so he turned them into rabbits, gophers, birds; told the birds to put the sun in the sky; for this purpose he organized a competition; the vulture was the fastest and raised the sun; for this, people gave a basket of beads to the vulture; then the Coyote created stars and then a moon that grows acorns; the ground has four pillars; at the south, Coyote put Kuks and his wife a Kuks woman; shamans will address them; Coyote put the Wind Man on the north pillar, gave him a crosshair like the blades of a mill; at first he blew so much that everything was blown away, hills formed on the previously flat ground; at the eastern pillar, the Coyote put the Fire Man responsible for daylight and heat; with him Man Day and Woman Day; at the western pillar, Coyote put Water Man; in the middle of the world, Coyote put the Thunder Man; he produces thunder when he drags deer skin; then Coyote created villages and put a black feather in each; then the villages were filled with people; the Coyote gave names to all edible plants; when there is plenty of food, let people dance; after that, no one else saw Coyote]: 475-484; achomavi: Merriam 1992:1-8 [water, darkness everywhere; Apponahah (Silkworm) sees a piece of foam in the east, tells him swim to him, stand on him; the foam hardens and thickens on his feet; he rips her toenails off his toes, it crumbles, turns into a triangular island; A. turns the corners to the east, west, south; the earth grows; A. finds a boy, this is Annikadel; he finds him three times in three corners of the earth, not realizing that the boy is still the same; Annikadel says he is the same age as he is without Apponahah would not make him earth; that there is also Coyote, Silver Fox, and the Frog (Alleum); the earth is still hesitating; Annicadel inspires Apponahah to tell Coyote to place pillars from rainbows on C, B, Y and Z; Silver Fox advises Coyote to place strong short pillars in the east and west, they will withstand the sun's course; in the north and south they are high, they will melt], 111-113 [ The pillars first placed by Coyote have loosened, our world is in motion; Annicadel attaches or supports the ground with reeds from the north, east, south and west].

The Great Southwest. If not otherwise: five, sixth in nadir. Navajo [mountains; twelve men in the north, south, west, and east hold the sky]; Western Apaches [four pillars]; eastern ceres (Sia) [pillars; trees]; Zunyi [four trees] ; teva [four mountains]; diegeño (ipay) [drawing on the ground when boys were initiated: along the edges of the earth's disk there are four mountains on NE, SE, SW, NW; there is no evidence that the sky rests on them]: Waterman 1910: 302, pl.35; kiliwa: Meigs 1939 [it was night; Matipá took water in his mouth, spat south, north; took more, spit west (sea appeared), east (Gulf of California); smoked, sea grew; created four mountains, each with a mountain ram (on NE, SE, NW, SW); sheep horns, respectively (the informant does not remember who is in which direction) dark brown and blue, yellow and the colors of oak bark (tan), silver and gray, red and white; took off his skin, pulled it over his horns, but it sagged; told the Mole to dig a passage around the world; a ridge formed, over which M. pulled his skin, and the Mole with his paws and he lifted his skin with his head around the perimeter of the world; M. decided to create the Sun; could not remove it from his elbow, muscles, top of his head, took it out of his mouth, because his mouth was hot; created a bush, not to protect himself from the heat it helped; then the rattlesnake; it frightened the Sun, it moved away from the earth; M. fell ill and died, the body was burned, and people have been dying ever since]: 64-66 (=Olmos Aguilera 2005:117-119); Olmos Aguilera 2005:103-117 [in Coyote People-Moon appeared in the dark; from him light; took water into his mouth, sprayed on four cardinal directions; the south turned yellow, the north red, the west black (the sea became there), the east became white; defined the zenith and nadir , the sky is blue, the earth is the color of paper (amate); he lit a cigarette, fell asleep, the smoke of his pipe formed all the roads of earth and sky; made two pairs of mountain rams from his calves; put them on four mountains support the sky with horns; The mole dug around the world, fixed the coating; created four ancestors of the keel from clay; from their alliance with the Deer, Fish, Pheasant, Cat, other animals were born; CFL created the Sun, he fell ill himself, died, became a bird; offended that no one came to chant memorial chants; told the Deer to hide the darkness in his bag, thereby taking people's night; ordered them to hand over the bag to Puma and not open it, he handed it to the Snake, that Eagle, etc.; in the end, the Fox handed it to the Coyote, who discovered it out of curiosity, the darkness flooded the world, the light disappeared; the Puma ran to the CFL, said that they did not know the chants, that only he knew them; he admitted this, told Coyote to fire arrows in four directions, zenith and nadir; the day has come again; CLL has become the Month, walking across the sky].

NW Mexico. Tarahumara [God in heaven, water below; God created the earth by shaking water (moviendo el agua) when it was hot; foam has surfaced, hardened, and turned into dry land; others believe that the earth is This is a disc on four pillars in the manner of a chicken coop; God sent two pigeons; they came back with the leaves of the chimali plant and said that the earth is good for life; then God and his brother Atanasio went down to earth to create {what's on it}]: Mondragón et al. 1995:15-16; Huichol [Nawawé replied: for it to be light, someone must turn into the sun ; four people could not sacrifice themselves; a lonely orphan, the son of the goddess of land and maize Utuanáka, threw himself into a fire (var.: a lake that turned into fire or blood when immersed in fire or blood); descended through five lower worlds, where dangerous beasts, including a serpent encircling the ground with heads on both ends; Nakawé and Tutewarí (the first shaman) said he would emerge from a cave on the mountain in the east; everyone hurried there, arguing about the name, Turkey said tau-tau-tau (sun - tau), became a satellite of the sun; the Sun was so tired in the lower world that it did not rise to the upper five tiers, but began to fall, dragging the sky with them; life is on the verge of death, many have climbed into holes (since then these animals have been living in burrows); T. put five palm trees (brazil trees) to support the sky - one in the center, four at the edges); c Káuyumarie (a deer trickster) showed people how to make a chair where shamans and chiefs sit during rituals; sacrificed a child so that the Sun could feed on this blood]: Furst, Auguiano 1976:117-118.

Mesoamerica Four anthropomorphic characters. Aztecs; Huastecs [four drowned men (que murieron ahogados) support the earth to the cardinal points; they leave at the end of the year and are replaced by other drowned people]; mountain totonaks; otomi [the earth is square, "angels" or Winds in the corners]: Galinier 1990:48; Veracruz's popoluka and Nahuatl; chontal; soque; Maya Yucatana and Maya in general [also five pillars]; the Mayans of Yucatana [judging by Chilam Balam's books, Tozzer and Villa Rojas, the Yucatana Mayans imagined a land rectangular and four pillars in its corners]: Montolíu 1989:45-47 ; mopan [four Cuchcaan ("sky holders") in the four corners of the world hold the sky, are associated with colors that correspond to four directions]: Thompson 1930:65; northern lacandons [ four (?) pillars]; southern lacandons [four pairs of moles]; tsotsil [also four pillars]: Vogt 1969 (Zinacantan): 297 [the earth is cube-shaped; it is supported at four corners (with shoulders or tails) four animals; when they shift the burden, the earth shudders; or they are four Vashakmen gods; four square skies above the earth; on the lower Moon, then stars, in the upper Sun], 303 [vashak - "eight"; Some informants believe that there are a couple of world holders in every corner]; chol [Ch'ujtat took the earth out of his heart; at first it was like the wind, the wind became a cloud, a cloud of water, water was mud, dirt with earth; in the four corners of the earth, Chuntewinikes put three people in each to support it; these people feed only on the smell of flowers and fruits; after that, C. cut off the umbilical cord that connected him heart with earth; the earth was covered with vegetation; C. created the first people, smaller than the Chuntewinikes, but larger than the current ones, very smart; needing nothing, they forgot the creator; C. destroyed them in a flood, sent Vulture to find out if anyone was left, told him not to touch anything, but he began to eat the corpses; C. punished him by telling him to eat carrion; sent Gorlinka, she saw that there was blood everywhere, but some escaped on rafts; after staining their feet with blood, she returned to C.; he turned the survivors into monkeys; the foam of the flood turned into stones that did not exist before]: Gebhardt Domínguez 2001:49-51; chorti [flat earth rests on the water of four seas (lakes): white, red, green, brown and black resin (in the middle), each in one direction of the world; in every corner of the earth there is a pillar, and fifth in the middle]: Hull 2016:4; tocholabal [four giants; four rays (pillars?)] ; tsutuhili [four spirits/mountains]; masateki [four pillars]; wawe [four characters].

Honduras vs Panama. Four pillars. Hikake; share.

The Northern Andes. Kogi [four characters]; tunebo [eight menhir pillars.

Southern Venezuela. Hoti [iyëka ja destroyed humanity by cutting down four nïn alawini (Vitex spp., according to other mythological versions, Copaifera officinalis L.) trees that supported the earth four by four countries of the world]: Matusovsky 2010.

Guiana. Varrau [four pillars]; Kashuyan (arikena) [four battleships].

NW Amazon. Taibano [four mountains=pillars]; desana [four pillars]; bora [sky was supported by four giant peach palms (Guilielma speciosa); the first palm grew in the center of the earth among the waters]: Girard 1958:108.

Eastern Amazon. Urubu [the pillar that supported the sky rotted, the sky fell to the ground; some people cut a hole with axes, and when the sky rose again, remained in the sky; at Meira's request, an old black shaman put the sky not on a wooden pole, but on stones, placing them in a circle (horizon)]: Ribeiro 2002:510.

Montagna - Jurua. Konibo, shipibo [four palm trees support the sky in the corners of the earth]: Girard 1959:511.

Bolivia - Guaporé. Takana (Western 1952-1954) [the ground is held by two men standing on the outstretched wings of a condor; old people from the underworld hold the ground on their shoulders; four gray old men hold the ground; when they are tired, they shift them off their shoulders on the shoulder, the ground shudders; they ask the young if they still have black hair, they say yes; four red-haired dwarfs Idsettii Deha hold the ground in the south and 4 in the north; from time to time they ask whether they are gray; gray hair is pulled out; when it turns gray, the ground will fall; var. in San Jose: one person keeps the ground underground; four old men hold the ground in the corners; when the Sun and Moon pass by, they ask if they are gray, if it's time to replace them with young ones; the Sun and the Moon tear out their gray hair, they say it's not time yet; when the young take the load, the earth will swing; two people hold the earth]: Hissink, Hahn 196:87-89; eseeha [four pillars]: Girard 1959:511.

Chaco. Chamacoco [four people (possibly two and two in the north and south)]; nivakle [four pillars].

Southern Brazil. Mbia [five pillars].