Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

I8F. The pillars of peace: one. .12.13.18.-.28.30.31. (.34.) .35.


The sky, the world, is based on a single pillar (a pole or a tree).

Dogon, Didinga, Dieri, Kamano, Usufa, Melpa, Bukavak, San Cristobal, Moriori, Maori, Samoa, Bellona, Taraon Mishmi, Ao, Burma Naga, Vieta, Khmu, Rigveda, Andamans, Semangs, temuan (mantra), karo bataks, manobo, isneg, bunun, ami, Koreans, Greeks, Macedonians, Bulgarians, Serbs, Greeks, Kafirs, Sami, Estonians, Finns, Russian written tradition, (Shors), Nenets, Kets, Japanese, Western Greenland, Ingalic, Tagish, Inner Tlingit, Hea, Dogrib, Slevi, Tlingit, Hyda, Tsimshian, Bellacula, Quakiutl, Thompson (Nicola), Tuscarora, Sheena, Yurok, Cahuilla, Mixteki, Kuiva, Kayapa, Macuna, munduruku, juruna, cachinahua, ashaninka, tacana, guarazu, kayapo, apinaye, crajo, maca.

West Africa. Dogon: Griaule 1938:43-44 [There is an iron pole at the center of each tier of the world supporting the next tier; they were put by Amma], 47 [Earth once began to argue with Heaven that it was older; Amma in anger, he removed the pole, the sky fell to the ground; only old people who became snakes survived; the Earth recognized the supremacy of Heaven].

Sudan - East Africa. Didinga [the world is the kraal of a heavenly deity; in the center of the world near the Ethiopian border is a giant ficus whose branches support the sky; the Kraal Palisade is mountains on the horizon with four passages to the cardinal points; the main deities are on the tree]: Kronenberg 1972:132.

Australia. Dieri [(Howitt, Siebert 1904:105, 107f); two Malku-Malku-ulu heroes ("two unseen") killed, refreshed the kangaroos, stretched the skin on the ground between four pegs, picked it up in the middle, forming the heavens]: Pettazzioni 1924:152.

Melanesia. Camano, usurufa et al. [man holds a tree, earth on it]; melpa [where heaven meets earth on the horizon, earthquake people live underground; on the horizon, the legs of the sky go underground and form a huge a rock that the people of earthquakes push and make it shake, so that the earth shudders; the people of earthquakes say that our land is above them, and the sky is below them; in the middle of the earth, a huge the pillar on which the earth rests; the people of earthquakes grab it and shake it; we call the people living below us the people of earthquakes, and we call ourselves human beings; but they call us Taewamb - creatures above; the Sun and Moon rise in the east of people's sky and move west; there they go to the sky of the earthquake people and travel from west to east]: Vicedom 1977, #14:17-18; bukavak [the ground is like a mushroom, resting on a pole; under the ground, a character with one leg shorter than the other; when he steps from foot to foot or rests on a pillar that supports the ground, the ground shudders]: Lehner 1931b: 106; San Cristobal [the island stands on a stone pillar; during an earthquake, the pillar wobbles, but a turtle (usually having a bird's head) keeps it from falling]: Fox, Drew 1915:182; Fox 1924:133-134.

Micronesia-Polynesia. Moriori [Nebo-rangi and his wife Earth-Papa were lying in their arms; Rangi-tokona ("Sky-propper") asked them to move away, but they refused; then he spelled the sky away from the ground outstripping him by 10 pegs placed one on top of the other (cf. Altair as Maori's "Sky Support")]: Makemson 1944:63-64; Maori [Maori and Morii have only one pillar that supports the sky]: Makenson 1941:199; Samoa [flat land supported by a pole; when Mafui (Maui) is angry, he shakes the pole, an earthquake happens]: Williamson 1933 (2): 210; Bellona [the Nerita shell surfaced from the water, it had soil; first the pangati beetle became a living creature on the island; then an arrowroot grew, and the sky rested against it; Tangangoa decided to lift it, but its height was insufficient; another god pushed the sky away with a priestly rod, propping him up with them]: Monberg 1966:31.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Taraon (Digaru) Mishmi [the earth rests on a pole; from time to time the Devibri snake tries to destroy humans and shakes a pole]: Elwin 1958b, No. 15:99; ao: Hutton 1925 [giant Ningtanhr holds a pole that supports the sky; from time to time goes to eat some leaves; while the pole trembles, the ground with it]: 123; Mills 1936 [same as Hutton 1925; at this time it is necessary hold a basket of rice, or it will get scared and fly away]: 288-289; Burma's naga [a tree growing in the sky has roots reaching the ground; a woman in heaven wants to destroy the earth, begins to cut down roots an earthquake occurs; her maid stings a woman's children, they cry, a woman goes to them, a maid overgrows tree felling]: Zapadova 1977:229-230.

Burma - Indochina. Vieta [getting to his feet, Taen Choo Chei raised the sky above the ground; then he poured a pillar of stones, earth and clay to support the heavens; the earth became like a square tray, and the sky like an overturned bowl; when the arch of heaven and the earth dried up, the PCH destroyed the pillar, scattered stones; this is how mountains, hills, islands appeared; where he took stones for the pillar, the sea was formed; the remains of the pillar are Mount Thatmon]: Coyaud 2011, No. 1:8 -9 (=Nikulin 1982b: 536; same without specifying the character's name in Knorozova 2000:21-22); ahem ["leg of heaven" is a pillar full of fire, a mountain supporting the upper tier of the world {and obviously passing through the other two}; the heat of the "foot of the sky" causes the water to evaporate, otherwise it would flood the world; passing by the "foot of heaven" in the upper world and then back in the lower world, the sun becomes hot]: Lindell et al. 1977:100.

South Asia. Rigveda [Indra and Soma fortified the sky with a column, expanded Mother Earth]: Ogibenin 1968:18.

Malaysia-Indonesia. The Andamans [earth rests on a giant palm tree growing in the lower world forest]: Man 1932:93; Nippold 196:124; semangs [Tapern, his wife Jalang, his younger brother Bajiaig, wife Bajiaiga Jamoi live in heaven; T. and B.'s mother and their wives' mothers are underground, protecting the roots of the sky's stone pillar]: Evans 1937:142; temuan (mantra) [the earth rests on an iron pole reinforced cross beams (iron crodd-bars); Setan lives below; their women do not give birth, but take their babies out by cutting the pregnant woman's belly; the first shaman visited the place, came back and talked about what he saw; even lower there is a creator of the earth holding everything above him]: Hervey 1883:189 (=Skeat, Blagden 1906:336); bataks (Karo) [the heavenly god Batara Guru and the woman of the lower world have no children, they have settled in a hut by the sea; a serpent came out of the water, told me to put his hand in his mouth, BG took out a wish-fulfilling ring; the wife gave birth to three sons and three daughters; one of the sons took these handfuls of land sent by his father , created the earth by hanging it on seven silk ropes; the earth separated the lower world from the light; one of his three sons lived in the lower world, destroyed the earth; so seven times; then BG erected an iron pole support the four beams on which the ground lies; the underground brother is still shaking the ground]: Dixon 1916:162-163.

Taiwan - Philippines. Manobo (Mindanao) [the world leans on one pillar like a mushroom; a deity rocks it, causing earthquakes]: Eugenio 1994, No. 35:91; isneg [the earth rests on a pillar, underground sea; when an eel fights a crab, an eel hits a pole with its tail, an earthquake occurs]: Eugenio 1994, No. 150:263; bunun [the earth rests on a pole, and it stands on a bull that causes earthquakes]: Yamada 2002:65; ami [the ground is convex and rests on a pole; the pole rests on a pig; when it itches, the ground shudders]: Yamada 2002:65.

China - Korea. Koreans: Kontsevich 1980 [a giant holds a bronze pole that supports the sky; earthquakes occur when he moves from one shoulder to another]: 668; Choi 1979, No. 734 [the corner of the sky begins to settle ; the Lord of the Sky told the strongman to hold a bronze pole on his shoulder; earthquakes occur when he shifts weight]: 320.

The Balkans. Greeks: El-Shamy 1980 (written by a 20-year-old student in Egypt who heard this from his Greek mother on Fr. Leros; there is no such story in Egypt) [the earth rests on a huge tree trunk; small evil creatures Kalikanzaroi try to cut it down all year to laugh at how the earth will fall; but every year before Christmas they go out to the ground to have fun, at which time the felling overgrows]: 273; Krappe 1938 [callicantzari demons chew on a pole or tree; by the end of the year, the pole is almost ready to fall, but demons are summoned to the ground for 12 days (from Christmas to King's Day); during which time the trunk is restored]: 267; Macedonians: Tsenev 2004:19 [flat earth floats in water or rests on a pole, or rests on the horns of an ox or several oxen], 23 [the ground rests on a pole behind which an ox or buffalo is tied; when it itches, earthquakes occur; the ox licks the pole, it becomes thinner, but Spiriden, blacksmiths hit the anvil and the pole is restored again]; Bulgarians: Georgieva 1983 [in Razumnik, land on water, water on flat stone, stone on 4 golden whales, whales on fire the river, the river on another fire, that fire on an iron oak planted before any other, and the oak on God's power]: 132; Plotnikova 1995 (Plovdiv) [the earthquake arises from the fact that St. Eño (John), who carries the rod on which the Earth rests, shifts it from one shoulder to the other]: 314; Serbs: Janković 1951 [the ground stands on a pole or nail for which the devil is attached; he gnaws on a pole to get to paradise; when the pole is ready to collapse, the angels sing, "Christ is risen," and the pillar is restored]: 12; Plotnikova 1995 (Homolye) [the whole earth is located on the branches of a huge hawthorn (gloga), to which a big black dog is attached; this dog constantly chews on hawthorn, and when there is very little left, it begins to rush to break it; that's why Earth it shakes, but does not collapse, because as soon as the trunk cracks, like St. Peter baptizes the tree with a rod and the hawthorn becomes whole again]: 313; the Greeks [spots on the moon are the tree that holds the earth; the Devil (or Cain) tries to cut it down with an ax all year round; remains on hair and the tree will fall; then {the devil} sits down for a while to rest and spit on his hands, at which point the tree is intact again, the Devil has to start cutting again (Peloponnese)]: Cheha 2009:184-185.

Iran - Central Asia. Kafirs [the sky is supported by god Moni (Mandi); otherwise, it is hoisted on a central pillar]: Litvinsky 2004:122; kafirs (kati) [god created a land that swayed because it did not had supports; then he scattered stones that turned into something like stakes, and used them to secure the ground, and later put it on an iron pillar]: Hussam-ul-Mulk 1974a:26 (quoted in Litvinsky 2004:123).

Baltoscandia. Sami: Petrukhin, Helimsky 1982 [Veralden-Olmai ("man of the universe") supports the world with a pillar]: 565; Holmberg 1927 [The Sami erected altars split or naturally a forked tree, calling it a "pillar of peace"; the North Star is a Pillar of Peace, Veralden tshuold]: 222; Tolley 2009 (2) [Veralden Rad's character is associated with a tree whose crown is buried in the ground and the trunk split in two or three to support the sky]: 28-29; Estonians (Rannu, Laiuse, Rae, etc.) [if someone lives for a very long time, they ask if they are going to become a pillar of the sky/world (ilma sambaks jääta)]: ERA II 208, 357/4 (1), 379 (1), 377 (1), ERA II 58, 100 (22d); Finns: Frog 2012a [sampas corresponds to the Indo-Iranian *strambhas/*skrambhas ("what supports, pillar" corresponds to the Vedic term for the world axis; hence why Sampo was kidnapped it was necessary to cut its roots with a plow, which kept it in the ground]: 213, 228 (=2012b: 32); Holmberg 1927 [like Estonians; Maailmapatsas, Maasampa corresponds to Estonian Ilmasamba]: 222.

Central Europe. Russian written tradition [the earth rests on an iron pillar]: Potanin 1883:737 (Journal of the Ministry of Public Education 1863, April, p. 14).

(Wed. Southern Siberia - Mongolia. The Shors [one hero boasts to raise and hold the ground, the other that his blow swings the sky; the old man suggests raising and putting a bag on the horse's back; the first hero could not, the second one picked up; old man: you were born too early; I will turn you into an iron pole, stick you in the middle of the earth; when you rust, you are born again, it will be your time; this pillar on Mount Abygan means middle of the earth]: Chudoyakov 2002:126-127).

Western Siberia. The Nenets: Lehtisalo 1998 [Yurako-Samoyeds have ideas about the pillar on which the worlds rest]: 12; (cf. Elders 1930 ["There are three lands in total, according to the Samoyeds. The first land is the one on which people live, the white earth, the second is red, created by hell, and according to the legends of the Trans-Ural Samoyeds, Num created it and gave it to his mother. The third earth is dark; deaths live on it. Under the white ground lies red, under the red one is dark. The white earth stands on the cross, and the other two lands stand on nothing and swim and move. To my questions "what is the end?" several answers were received - 1) "I don't know"; 2) "on the water"; 3) "the cross is tied by a long invisible arcana, the other end of which lies in the sky"]: 115); the Kets [the ground is supported by a "leg", "a big one" a mole", "a big bird"]: Alekseenko 1976:77.

Japan. The Japanese ["the legend says that the pillar of heaven stands near the eitht-fathom palace"; {link to Kojiki, 17.11 and 39.2 and Nihon Shoki 12 and 14; Nihon Shoki 12 and 14; Nihon Shoki is not the same in Russian translation, Kojiki should be checked}]: Speidel, Fukushima 2010:69.

The Arctic. West Greenland [sky revolves on top of a huge cliff]: Egede 1818:211-212.

Subarctic. Inhalic [a pole holds the sky; sometimes a woman shakes it, causing earthquakes]; tagish, inner tlingits [a woman holds the ground on a pole; when she moves a pole, they occur earthquakes]; hea [the ground is supported by the ti-gotcha milestone pillar]; doghrib, slevi [having recreated the earth after the flood, Chapevi builds a support pillar].

NW Coast. The Tlingits [an old woman, or less often an old man in the lower world, holds a pillar - the support of the earth]; hyda [on a copper box stands Sacred, Standing and Moving (SSD); his chest rests on the sky stoke; during an earthquake, a marten runs along the pole, making a sound preceding the earthquake; when the SSD was still walking on the ground, it killed a duck (mallard duck), poured its fat into the shell (clam); he put it there the hot stone and fat have boiled; the SSD belongs to the Raven family; during an earthquake, members of this genus repeat the words "fat can splash"; from the top of the column stretches a "rope of shining sky"; if thrown a stone in a small gogol (Bucephala albeola, bufflehead), this bird pulls a rope and duck feathers on a pole fall from above; it's snow]: Swanton 1905b: 12-13; tsimshian [old woman or man on the bottom of the sea keeps the world at the end of a pillar of hemlock trunk]; bellacula: Boas 1898 [at sunset there is a pillar that supports the sky and prevents the sun from falling into the lower world; the Sun goes across the bridge; its width-distance between winter and summer solstice points]: 36; McIlwraith 1948 (1) [Elkuntem builds a pillar to prevent the sky from falling to the ground]: 309; quakiutl [a pillar of heaven stands in ocean; Pillar Heaven is also the name of the leader of the upper world, whose people are stars; he descends down the copper column of heaven].

The coast is the Plateau. Thompson (Nicola Valley) [The old man lives in the sky; takes land from the sky, sculpts the world, throws it into the waters; the earth appears; it rotates on a pole like an axis; at the base of the axis, the Old Man lives, watching her; when he thinks the time is right, asks Beaver to gnaw through the axis, the earth will collapse down]: Teit 1912a: 320 in Haekel 1958:44 (also briefly in Boas 1916, No. 3:617).

Northeast. Tuscarora [in the place where his ancestors lived, there was a giant tree whose branches supported the sky; at the end of one of them was a bird; those who lived at the foot of the tree spoke the same language; when The bird flew in, it sent them different languages, a special language from each branch it sat on; another god, the Sun, first rose near this tree; the Sun rises before noon and then rests; then, dancing happily, he goes down and stops to rest for a while at sunset]: Rudes, Crouse 1987:91-93.

Plains. Sheena [in the north the ground is supported by a pole; a beaver gnaws on it; when it gnaws, the ground will fall]: Kroeber 1900, No. 8:164-165.

California. Yurok [a giant sequoia keeps the world]; cahuilla [the central pillar of peace, land on it].

Mesoamerica Mixtecs [a copper axe on a rock props up the sky].

Llanos. Cuiva [tree].

Ecuador. Kayapa.

NW Amazon. Macuna [at the center of the world is Mount hurití botá, which holds the sky; Indians don't take rocks out of this mountain for fear that it will collapse and the sky will collapse]: Trupp 1977:83.

Central Amazon. Munduruku.

Eastern Amazon. Zhuruna.

Montagna - Jurua. Kashinahua; ashaninka [sky supports tree; Pachacama supports the lower world, the entrance to which is at the bottom of the river; the gods first lived on earth but then fled to heaven in fear warriors raging on earth; earth and sky were next to each other and it was possible to climb the vine; when they rose, the gods cut off the vine so that the warriors would not follow them, and the distance between the earth and the sky increased]: Zolezzi 2014:98.

Bolivia - Guaporé. Takana (Western 1952-1954) [the ground is held by two men standing on the outstretched wings of a condor; old people from the underworld hold the ground on their shoulders; four gray old men hold the ground; when they are tired, they shift them off their shoulders on the shoulder, the ground shudders; they ask the young if their hair is still black, they say yes; four dwarfs Idsettii Deha keep the ground in the south and 4 in the north; from time to time they ask if they are gray; gray hair is pulled out; when it turns gray, the ground will fall; var. in San Jose: one person holds the ground underground; four old men hold the ground in the corners; when the Sun and Moon pass by, they ask if they are gray they, isn't it time to replace them with young ones; the Sun and the Moon are pulling out their gray hair, saying it's not time yet; when the young take up the burden, the earth will swing; two people hold the earth]: Hissink, Hahn 196:87-89; guarazu [there is water under the earth's disk, there are little people; holes in the ground are springs, and the flood waters also flowed from there; a tree in the center of the earth supports the sky, it has seven tiers; stars on the branches wood]: Riester 1970:471-472.

Eastern Brazil. Kayapo: Wilbert 1978, No. 1 [the tapir gnawed on the support of the sky; the gnawed one healed during the night; when it began to gnaw and at night, the support fell, a vault of heaven was formed], 2 [where there is a huge tree supports the sky, all kinds of demons and monsters live; the tapir gnaws on the trunk, the gnawed one overgrows, but people are afraid that the sky will someday collapse], 144 [the sedge appeared when a person planted cotton thread into shallow water near the river bank; another man found a sedge child there and brought it home; he wrapped his sharp hands around the man's neck, cut his throat; other hunters killed the sedge man; sedge people with sedge heads and limbs live near a tree that supports the sky]: 29, 29-31, 345-346; apinaie [red-haired people live in the east, where the sun rises; because the sun burns them, they shoot arrows at it in the morning, but turn away so that it does not burn them, so they plow; then they decided to cut down the pole supporting the sky so that the sky would collapse and the sun could not rise; when they take a break, the felling overgrows and they start all over again]: Wilbert 1978, No. 3:31-32; crash [people lived near a tree that holds the sky; hawks carried people away; people made stairs, They went to live in heaven, removed the stairs behind them; a couple of old men and their two grandchildren were left; they killed the hawks]: Wilbert 1978, No. 170:424-245.

Chaco. Maca.