I8G. Atlas, A842.
The only giant holds the earth or the sky.
Nyamwezi, Temne, Thousand and One Nights, Palestinians, Kamano, Usufa, Bukavak, Samoa, Then Tahiti, Tibetans (?) , yao, bori, rengma, chin, karen, shana, bondo, agaria, konda (kuttia), dhoba, lohar, kuruba, sinhala, temuan (mantra), Nias, Toraja, Solor, Mangyan, Bicol, Isneg, Paiwan, Rukai, Puyuma, Ancient China ( Yangan, Mawandui), Chinese (Gansu), Miao, Lee, Koreans, Ancient Greece, Bulgarians, Ossetians, Azerbaijanis, Hittites, Kafirs, Pamiris, Western Sami, Nenets, Tagish, Inner Tlingits, Taltan, Tlingits, Haida, tsimshian, bellacula, quaquiutl, huasteca culture, mountain totonaki, mountain camps, masateki, tequistlateca, uave, soke, tsotsil, embera, kogi, muiski, kayapa, napo, munduruku, culture mochica, uarochiri, chayahuita, ashaninka, ghambet, takana, tupari, apapokuwa.
Bantu-speaking Africa. Nyamwezi [the earth's disk lies on Mount Lugulu or Lugiya; on one side it is held by the giant Nyam (u); his wife Fumyahólo holds the sky and the sun; when the husband rushes to his wife, the earth shudders ]: Struck 1909:89.
West Africa. Darkness [the creator placed the world on the giant's head; vegetation is his hair, animals are lice; the first giant is dead, God has placed the world on another's head; he is sitting, turns around; when it faces west, an earthquake occurs; when the world dies and falls, God will create a new one]: Schlenker 1861:13-15.
Western Asia. A thousand and one nights [an angel explains to the hero the structure of the world; seven lands are one above the other, supported by an angel, an angel on a rock, a bull under a rock, a fish under a bull, a sea under the fish]: Salle 2010 (2), night 496:61; Palestinians: Hanauer 1977 [First Allah created the Tables of Destiny recording everything that was and will be; created a giant Pen, told him to write; when the tables were full, A. placed them and the pen to an unknown place; then A. created water and a huge pearl the size of heaven and earth; A.'s voice spread to the first waters, they began to boil, then everything subsided; then A. created his throne, placing he was created by a winged Wind, telling him to support the waters; a snake lying in a ring around the Throne; his head was a white pearl, his body was gold, his eyes were sapphires; then A. told the Wind to stir up the sea; foam formed land on the surface of the water, splashes and steam became clouds; frozen waves formed mountains; mountains prevent the earth from floating on the waters, their roots go to Mount Kaf, which encircles the world and holds its contents; A. turned surface waters into seven concentric seas, separated by the same number of continents, but connected by straits and bays; at first the earth swayed, A. ordered the angel hold it; he wrapped one hand around the world from the east, the other from the west, and so holds it; with the support of angel A. made an emerald rock, placing it on the horns (var.: on the back) of a bull named Behemoth; when the bull shifts the rock from one horn to another, the ground shakes; a bull looking into its ferocious red eyes will immediately go blind; a bull stands on a whale swimming in the ocean created for it; below the ocean and around the world - air resting in darkness, through which the sun, moon, and stars created to illuminate the world move]: 3-5; Meyouhas 1928 [the beginning is about like Hanauer; the purpose of mountains is to hold everything on land, from sliding into the abyss; Allah divided the waters, creating seven seas separated by land; first the earth swayed on the waters; A. ordered the angel to support it by placing an emerald rock for him under his feet; A. told the River Horse with sparkling eyes to hold the rock on one of the horns; when this Beast gets tired, he throws the rock to the other horn, the earth shudders; this creature is born swimming in waters by Leviathan; A. created the sun, moon and stars to illuminate the land and sea]: 7-11 (apparently, from the same source Gryaznevich, Basilov 1982 (Muslim mythology) [the earth rests on the shoulders of an angel, leaning on a rock supported by a bull standing on swimming fish]: 184; (cf. Ugarit [Sanhunyaton in Philon Biblsky's paraphrase; suspected his brother Atlanta, Cron, on the advice of Hermes, threw him into the depths of the earth and fell asleep]: Turaev 1999:75).
(Wed. Australia. Wilman [Emu was taken to heaven; she tried to sit between the horns of the moon, but it became round; the sun's inhabitants drove her away because she chatted a lot; the stars agreed to let her in if she took part of the earth's load (the Stars held the ground); they gradually shifted everything to it, because Emu is afraid that she will be driven to (empty?) the sky; when it gets tired, shifts from wing to wing, the earth trembles; if it does so often, the inhabitants of the sun become angry, bring darkness; cries, suffering from heaviness, her tears rain; sometimes stars gather and they take some of the burden to get Emu to rest; but only a small part, because they are afraid that Emu will give them everything]: Hassell 1934, No. 3:239-240).
Melanesia. Camano, usurufa et al. (eastern mountains) [Jugumishanta and her husband Morufonu sit under a tree whose branches form the earth; the world rests on M.'s shoulders as he moves, the ground shakes; their eldest son Months married to Vechernyaya Star; the youngest is the Sun (aka Bird of Paradise), married to Moa'ri (red stone); the sun's rays are arrows from his bow; Jugumishanta is identified with the ground]: Berndt 1965:80-81; bukavak [underground a character whose one leg is shorter than the other; when he steps from foot to foot or rests on a pillar supporting the ground, the ground shudders]: Lehner 1931b:106.
Micronesia-Polynesia. Samoa [1) flat land is supported by a pillar; when Mafui (Maui) is angry, he shakes a pole, an earthquake occurs; 2) Ti'iti'i-Atalanga holds Savaii Island on his left hand; if only if he kept it on the right, he would break the island to pieces, but Mafui killed his right one; M. was considered the god of earthquakes, but the islands were supported by Ti'iti'i-Atalanga]: Williamson 1933 (2): 210-211; Tonga [land rests on Maui's shoulders or lying body; an earthquake occurs when he moves]: Williamson 1933 (2): 211-212; Tahiti [earth rests on God's shoulders (unnamed)]: Ellis in Williamson 1933 (2): 214.
Tibet is the Northeast of India. Ao [1) at the edge of the world, a person stands like a pillar between earth and sky; when he sits down to eat rice, earthquakes occur; 2) the person supporting the sky asked another to replace it for a short time, never came back; the burner is tired, trembles]: Smith 1925:99; Eastern rengma [a giant sitting underground falls asleep, his hands slip off his knees, then the ground shudders]: Mills 1937:247; bori [Higgu-Doggu holds the sky on his head; if his throat is cut, the sky will fall, everything on earth will perish]: Elwin 1958b, No. 3:165; ranks [Macon is a peace-supporting giant; the foundation of peace - a flat stone, the world's ocean is spilled on it; Ngazalon fish swims in the ocean, carries a flat rock earth; when M. shifts the load from one shoulder to another, an earthquake occurs]: Chesnov 1982k: 91.
Burma - Indochina. Shans [some say the world rests on a giant; earthquakes occur when he moves]: Milne 1910:207; Karen [as soon as a pregnant woman hangs her clothes to dry, the sun disappeared behind the clouds; got angry at the Sun and it cursed her; she remained pregnant for three years gave birth to a son Ta-ywa the size of a yuyuba fruit; he is voracious; he becomes monstrously strong; makes an onion; comes to a source from which the children of the Sun take water, threaten them, they have to ask their father to make T. larger; the Sun sends different animals against T., but in the end they are forced to do demand; people are afraid of the strongman, they try to get rid of him; he leaves, meets, takes as companions the Long-legged, then the Long-Handed, Big-Eared, Three-Toothed, Empty; they quarreled sharing fish; T . with Long-armed and Long-legged went one way and the others in the other; T. and his companions decided to cook rice, there is no fire; they came to Shie-oo for fire; he suggests fighting: the loser will support the ground; they knocked him down and drove him into the ground; when Shie-oo moves, earthquakes occur; they come to an empty house; there is a girl under the floor where T. lies down; she stabs him with a needle; he thinks someone- then she bites, picked up the floorboard; the girl says that the eagle ate her parents and siblings, and her parents managed to hide her; T. hid the bamboo iron roof, the eagle could not break through the roof; T. asked for permission to shoot him with an old bamboo bow, and shot an iron bow and killed him; then killed the other two eagles; T. took out the swallowed bones from the eagle's womb, spread them out in groups (men, women, buffaloes, pigs, etc., hit each with a rope and revived them; revived the girl's parents; left Longlegged there, telling them to look at the planted plants: if they wither, he is in trouble; goes on; the same an episode with another girl, where tigers instead of an eagle; T. kills them, leaves Long-armed there; with a third girl, three snakes; two T. killed, the third swallowed him; the plants planted by T. dried up, Leggy and The long-armed understand that T. is in trouble, they come, kill the snake, revive T.; he returned home and saw his brother cook live fish; he shot him in anger; repented; fired an arrow into the sky to make it hit him himself; the tenth arrow hit him; he weakened; sent a monkey-tiger (?) bring the Karen and the tupaya to him - bring the Burmese; gave the first flint to cook the shrimp quickly; the tupaye gave two pieces of bamboo: it is difficult to get fire with them, let him hesitate; but monkey-tiger decided that the shrimp was still raw, since it was red, waited, and the dumaya quickly came to the Burmese, who were the first to come to T., asked him for elephants, horses, oxen, and their dogs asked for ears of rice the size of the ends of their fluffy tails and three harvests a year; the karen came when T. had already died and was burned, with baskets and wicker fans; only a trace of the patterns remained on the ash, the karen remembered him; buffaloes and The Karen couldn't catch elephants, they only caught a pig; that's why the Karen have pigs]: Mason 1865:178-187.
South Asia. Bondo [under the weight of a growing population, the land began to fall; Mahaprabhu asked Kankali to keep the earth on her head; promised her that everyone would donate food and drink to her; when to donate forget, K. shakes the ground to remind himself]: Elwin 1954, No. 2:91-92; agaria [Bhagavan put a lotus leaf on the water, but it withered in the sun; created the world from lac (?) , but he broke; having rolled the dirt off his chest, created a crow, gave him his milk, sent him to look for land; tired, the Raven fell on the Kakramal Kshattri crab; he dived, found Nal Raja and Nal Rani sleeping; the crab squeezed NR's throat, forcing the earth to regurgitate, brought it to Bhagavan, who created land; to prevent Mother Earth from wobbling, the first agaria placed 12 iron pillars at the four corners of the world]: Elwin 1949, No. 1:27-28; cond (kuttia) [Paja Jani keeps the sun on his head (and thus the sky that was previously low)]; dhoba [Bhagavan created the earth, Bhimsen drove an iron nail in the corners; in the middle there is earth continued to stagger, there he put the old woman to hold the ground on his head; when her husband copulates with her, earthquakes occur]; lohar [the land was asked to keep Cobra's son's wife, they became Rajoy and rani of the lower world; husband was advised to collect old rags from all over the world to put on his wife's head; once every 12 years they copulate, the ground shakes]: Elwin 1949, No. 28:46); kuruba [ the ground was disc-shaped; two sisters had an ox; the ground was trembling; they decided to secure the ground; they secured it, but the ground turned upside down; the older sister fell and died; the younger and the ox held the ground on one shoulder and on one horn; when they get tired and put on the other shoulder or horn, the ground shudders; this girl is called Būma-Tāyu - Mother of Earth]: Kapp 1982:235; Sinhalese [goddess of the earth (Mihi Ket) keeps the world on its thumb; when it moves to the other finger, the earth shudders]: Pereira 1917:3.
Malaysia-Indonesia. Temuan (mantra) [the earth rests on an iron pole reinforced with cross bars (iron crodd-bars); Setan lives below; their women do not give birth, but take their children out by cutting the pregnant woman's belly; the first shaman visited the place, came back and told us what he saw; even below is the creator of the land holding everything above him]: Hervey 1883:189 (=Skeat, Blagden 1906:336); central Nias [ Nadsjuna Danö has gone to the lower world and supports the earth like the Atlas; it is compared to a ring on which round-bottomed vessels are placed; he is also a serpent ancestor bordering the earth with a ring]: Suzuki 1959:3-4 ; eastern toraja [1) the buffalo supports the ground; when a fly bites his ear, the buffalo moves, the ground shakes; 2) the goddess Ndara holds the ground on her head; earthquakes occur when it moves] : Adriani, Kruyt 1950, No. 1:370; Solor [Doni Dunia keeps the ground on his head; earthquakes occur when fatigue moves]: Arndt 1938:26.
Taiwan - Philippines. Bicol [a giant supports the earth; if he moves his index finger, weak earthquakes occur, if the middle finger is strong; when he gets tired and moves his whole body, the world will end]: Eugenio 1994, No. 21c: 68; mangian (alangan) [Ambuao created everything; he keeps the ground on his head; earthquakes occur when he scratches his head]: Yang 2009:89; isneg [when supporting peace a giant carves a fire light a cigar, we see lightning]: Eugenio 1994, No. 147a: 261; paywan, sleeves [the giant supports the ground; when it shifts from one shoulder to the other, it shudders] : Yamada 2002:65; puyuma [a half-man with one arm and one leg holds the ground; his hand rests against the sky and his foot against the ground; his movements cause earthquakes]: Yamada 2002:65.
China - Korea. Ancient China (prov. Shanxi: Buddhist cave temples in Yangan, late 5th century AD) [image 1) two anthropomorphic characters on opposite sides of the tree; 2) a multifaceted anthropomorphic character on a bird; 3) an anthropomorphic character on a bull; an anthropomorphic character below, a one-handed surface that serves as the basis for upper-case characters]: Berezkin Yu.E., trip to Shanxi, 2003; Ancient China (Western Han, 168 BC, Prov. Hunan, Mawangdui, depicted on a painted silk banner placed face down on the lid of the inner coffin from Princess Dai's tomb [apparently a cosmological scheme; in at the very bottom, a naked anthropomorphic character with a plump mustachioed face with very slanted eyes stands on two fish intertwined with bodies and supports a horizontal surface with both hands; on it sitting characters and vessels under a canopy; by the gods, water turtles holding something in their mouths, dragons; above is another surface, under it two tigers (?) , it has hunched characters, probably buried herself and accompanying her; above is a winged creature; above it an object with two peacocks on the sides; anthropomorphic figures sitting above; galloping up deer; dragons; at the top left is a moon sickle with a toad and a rabbit, at the top right is a sun disk with a crow silhouette]: Kryukov et al. 1983:257-259; Chekmarev 1998:147-148; Scott 1993:25; Chinese (Gansu, y. Huixian) [In ancient times, heaven and earth were glued together. A heavenly ancestor commanded King Pang to take the Mountain-Cutting axe and descend into the world to separate heaven from earth. He went down to the thirtieth layer of the sky, picked up an ax, hit it, came back and reported that he had done the job. His heavenly ancestor smiled to look around, and then Pangu saw that heaven and earth were still glued together because he hit the clouds of the sky and the sky was whole again. Then Pangu descended to the thirty-third layer of the sky, hit him again with an ax, then came back again and said that this time he had definitely done the job. The heavenly ancestor smiled again and told him to go and see. It turned out that he did not hit hard enough, and although there was a crack between heaven and earth, tall people still knocked their heads against the sky. Pang had to go down to the world again, and this time he hit me with urine, the crack between heaven and earth increased, and three layers separated from the sky. Pangu, afraid that heaven and earth would grow together again, ran to Mount Taishan and supported the sky with his head. Since then, the sky no longer falls to earth and King Pangu became the first person on earth]: Zhou Yang et al. 2001, No. 3:4; miao [an egg was born first; after 9,000 springs and autumn and 70,000 years it broke into 5 parts, of which five gods arose; Fu Fang began to support heaven and earth, Bu Pa dug rivers and created mountains, Ye Xibg gave people the beginning, Niu Dliang measured the earth, Hu Li Do brought the first sparks of fire]: Bender et al. 2006:6-7; li (Hainan, w. Ledong) [heaven and earth were only a few zhang apart; there were 7 suns and 7 moons in the sky, the earth was burned; during the day, living beings hid in caves, but did not dare to go out at night leaving the caves only at dawn and dusk, when the sun and moons replaced each other; the mighty spirit decided that people would not be able to live like this, and in one night raised the sky to ten thousand zhang; but still in the sky There were 7 suns and 7 moons; then a mighty spirit made a bow and many arrows; during the day he started shooting at the suns and knocked down 6 of them; people shouted for him to leave the last one; he fulfilled their request; at night the spirit started shooting at the moons, hit 6; when he shot the seventh, he missed and broke off a piece of it; people started screaming again, the spirit left the last moon as they asked; since then, the moon has been full or flawed; the mighty spirit decided that people would not be able to live without mountains, rivers and forests; took a rainbow from the sky and made it a rocker, took roads from the ground and made them ropes, and used them to carry them from the sea sand on the coast and pour mountains; small and large hills were made of sand waking up from baskets; the spirit scattered the eyes of its hair across the mountains, so hair-like forests appeared; living in the mountains animals and birds began to grow their heads in gratitude for the spirit's creation of habitats for them; the spirit began to draw lines between the mountains with its toes, creating valleys; the sweat from it filled them and they turned into rivers, the largest of which was Changhuajiang, flowing from Mount Wuzhishan to the South Sea; when he finished his work, his spirit ran out of strength and fell to the ground; before he died, he was afraid that the sky would again will approach the ground, open his hand, raise it and hold the sky; this is Mount Wuzhishan (Mount of Five Fingers)]: Zhou 2002, No. 10:14-15; Koreans [the corner of the sky began to settle; the lord of heaven told the strongman support a bronze pole on his shoulder; earthquakes occur when he shifts weight]: Choi 1979, No. 734:320.
The Balkans. Ancient Greece ["Holds Atlas, forced to do so by the inevitability of a powerful one, /There is a wide sky on the heads and hands of the tireless /Where is the border of the earth, where the singers live the Hesperides. /For such a fate Zeus the Fisherman sent him down" (trans. V.V. Veresaeva)]: Hes. Theog. 517-520; [Prometheus, addressing the Ocean: "Oh no, I'm already tormenting me/The fate of Atlanta's brother, which stands /On the western borders, support/With his shoulders a pillar of earth and sky is a burden/Not easy!" (per. IN. Neelander, S. Solovyeva)]: Aesch. Pr. 378-382; ["I knew only one thing before/The misfortune of the defeated god: /It was Atlas... /He still supports the firmate/with a mighty ridge" (trans. IN. Neelander, S. Solovyeva)]: Aesch. Pr. 457-461; [Atlas was born from titan Japet and daughter Okean Asiya, who supports the sky with his shoulders]: Apollod. Bibl. I. II. 3; ["When Hercules came to the Hyperboreans, where Atlas was staying, remembering Prometheus's advice that he should not go for apples himself, but, taking the vault of heaven on his shoulders, sent for with them Atlanta did it all. Atlas, after cutting three apples from Hesperides, came to Hercules and, not wanting to take back the vault of heaven on his shoulders, said that he wanted to take the apples to Eurystheus himself, and asked Hercules to hold the vault of heaven instead of him. Hercules agreed to this, but managed to put him back on Atlanta's shoulders with a clever trick. Prometheus advised him to invite Atlanta to take over the arch of heaven for a while while he made a pillow on his head. After hearing this, Atlas placed the apples on the ground and took the vault of heaven on his shoulders. So Hercules managed to take the apples and leave" (trans. V.G. Borukhovich)] Apollod. Bibl. II. V. 11; [after winning the titanomachia, Jupiter threw the sky on the shoulders of the chief of the titans, Atlanta; A. still supports the sky]: Hyg. Fab. 150; Bulgarians (Plovdiv) [the earthquake arises from the fact that St. Eño (John), who carries the rod on which the Earth rests, shifts it from one shoulder to the other]: Plotnikova 1995:314.
Caucasus - Asia Minor. Ossetians [the earth stands on the giant's head; when the giant shakes his head, an earthquake occurs]: Chichinadze 1993:136; Azerbaijanis ("Turks of Elisavetpol Province") [holds the land an angel, standing on a rock, a rock on a bull with 4000 eyes and the same number of ears, snouts, tongues and legs; a bull on a fish; at the end of the world, God will take the earth in his left hand, the heavens will overturn to his right, the earth will be different heaven and hell will be abolished]: Shirakuni 1904:211-212; Hurrites (Hurrit myth in Khet translation) [nine centuries Alalu was king in heaven, Anu was his kravchim; in the tenth century Anu defeated Alala, who fled to dark land, Alal Cumarbi's descendant served Ana food; in the tenth century he began to fight Anu, who rushed up into the sky, K. pulled him down, biting off his masculine power; Anu said that K. is now fraught with God Thunderstorms, the Arantsev River and the god Tasmis; K. tried to spit out what is in his mouth, Mount Kantsura formed; the God of the Storm from the womb K. and Anu are talking about how best the God of the Storm should be born; Anu says that the stone will pierce K.'s skull, the God of the Storm will come out through the skull; K. tells God Ea that as soon as the baby is born, he will eat it; K. began to eat, the stone in his mouth knocked out his teeth, pierced his skull, now this stone Cuncunuzzi is in the temple; three gods born from K.'s skull received the Protector Goddess; to defeat the God of the Storm, K. combines ten times with the Rock; the born baby was received by the Goddesses of Destiny and Protector Goddess; K. named him Ullicummi (Ul.); sends a message to the gods Ircirram to place Street on Upelluri's right shoulder (Up.), on which the gods built heaven and earth; stone Street grows on fathom a day, rising like a rock in the middle of the sea; Ishtar began to sing in front of him; stopped when she learned that Ul did not see or hear; Street grew to heaven, the gods could not defeat him; God Ea comes to Op.; he says that he did not know when the gods built Heaven and Earth on it (pp. 138-139), and when they cut Heaven from Earth with a cutter; but now there is something on his right shoulder; Ea tells him to get the saw they sawed off Heaven from Earth (p. 139); (hereinafter, apparently, about how Street was sawn off and the God of the Storm defeated him)]: Ivanov 1977:114-122, 125-140.
Iran - Central Asia. Kafirs (prasun) [the middle world is above the body of a bent giant who is previously said to have risen from the ground]: Snoy 1962:91, 93 in Yettmar 1986:52; kafirs [sky God Moni (Mandi) supports; otherwise, it is hoisted on a central pole]: Litvinsky 2004:122; Pamiris (group not specified) [the ground rests on the bull's horn, the bull stands on the fish, the fish on water, water in the wind, wind over hell, hell on a platter, dish in the hand of angel Daryail, angel on a worm under the seventh tier of hell]: Gornensky 2000:157-159.
Baltoscandia. Sami: Petrukhin, Helimsky 1982 [Veralden-Olmai ("man of the universe") supports the world with a pillar]: 565; Holmberg 1927 [The Sami erected altars split or naturally a forked tree, calling it a "pillar of peace"; the North Star is a Pillar of Peace, Veralden tshuold]: 222; Tolley 2009 (2) [Veralden Rad's character is associated with a tree whose crown is buried in the ground and the trunk split in two or three to support the sky]: 28-29.
Western Siberia. Nenets (Tundra, Obdorsk): Lekhtisalo 1998:10-11 [=Lehtisalo 1947, No. 1:1-4; the hunter went into an iron hut, found no way out, fainted; his companion followed; the Earth's old man invited him inside; held a lump the size of his head in his hand, said that this was our land; said he was tired and put him himself as the foot of the earth], 11-12 [=Lehtisalo 1947, No. 2:4-6; the sorcerer rises to Numa, who sends him to the lower world to marry his daughter Nga; after a seven-day struggle, N. agrees to give the youngest of seven daughters; the sorcerer and his wife went down even lower and sits there with the ground in hand; he is an old man on Earth].
(Wed. Japan. The Ryukyu Islands [devil Amanojaku ("pillar of heaven") supported the sky, so it twisted; {Wikipedia gives a different translation, it should be checked}]: Markova 2000:474).
Subarctic. Tagish, Inner Tlingits: Cruickshank 1992 [a woman holds the ground on a pole; earthquakes occur when she moves a pole]: 74; McClelland 1975 (1) [a woman holds the ground on a pole; sometimes someone tries to shake the pole, she prevents it]: 72; taltan [Mother Earth keeps the ground like a blanket; sometimes she gets tired and changes her posture, earthquakes occur; it weakens all the time; one day the earth will fall under the water below it]: Teit 1919, No. 2:227.
NW Coast. The character is holding a pole or rope. Tlingits: Boas 1895, No. XXV/1 [the earth is square; swayed and trembled; animals fail, the old woman manages to crawl under her, keep her alone; the Raven visits this old woman]: 320; 1916 [=1895, but for more details; see English var.]: 732; De Laguna 1972 [the earth rests on a bamboo pole (bamboo is known as a fin); an old woman holds it, shakes it, earthquakes occur; var: The raven told the old man install a pole; then tries to snatch it from him]: 793; Swanton 1909 [After trying all the materials, the Raven makes a support pole from the beaver's front paw; an old woman from the Lower World looks after the pole , shakes him if hungry; then people throw her food into the fire]: 20; haida [on a copper box stands Sacred and Standing and Moving (SSD); a pole reaching the sky rests on his chest; during an earthquake, a marten runs along the pole, making a sound that precedes the earthquake; when the SSD was still walking on the ground, it killed a duck (mallard duck), poured its fat into the shell (clam); he put a red-hot duck there stone and fat have boiled; the SSD belongs to the Raven family; during an earthquake, members of this genus repeat the words "fat can splash"; a "rope of shining sky" stretches from the top of the column; if you throw a stone at Little Gogol (Bucephala albeola, bufflehead), this bird pulls a rope and duck feathers on the pole fall from above; it's snow]: Swanton 1905b: 12-13; Tsimshian: Barbeau 1961 [one of four The leader's sons pretends to be lazy and weak; at night he trains strength and endurance; the only hunter who is not afraid of sea lions; even trees and mountains win martial arts; his grandfather or uncle at the bottom of the sea, he keeps the world at the end of a pillar of hemlock; ducks and loons grease his joints; when he moves, earthquakes occur; a boat comes for the young man; her crew is loons, the boat itself - black fish; the young man takes the place of an aged and tired grandfather]: 40-60 (=1953:320-325); Boas 1895, No. 3 [flat round earth rests on a pole held by the old woman; her movements cause earthquakes; the sky sent a flood to destroy evil people in a village in the upper reaches of the river. Ness (they danced and gambled all night long); mountains appeared after the flood; some say the earth turned upside down at that time; an old woman said that coal found on the Queen's Islands Charlotte, there are pockets of people who lived on the primary earth]: 278 (=2002:561); bellacula: Boas 1898:36 [at sunset there is a pole that supports the sky and prevents the sun from falling into the lower world; The sun is coming across the bridge; its width is the distance between the winter and summer solstice points], 37 [our world is an island in the vast sea; far to the east is giant Alep! alaxtnaix sits with his legs apart; holds a stone strip with outstretched arms; the ground is tied to it with two stone ropes; when the giant gets tired and moves his arms to get better, they happen earthquakes; when the earth moves to the west, epidemics spread, when diseases go east]; McIlwraith 1948 (1) [Elkuntem builds a pillar to prevent the sky from falling to the ground]: 309; Quakiutl: Boas, Hunt 1902, No. 14 [The Pillar of Heaven told his starmen that he would descend into the world below, told his servants to lower the copper pillar of our world there, and descended it with his son and servants]: 401; Boas 1935 [a pillar of heaven stands in the ocean; Pillar Heaven is also the name of an upper world leader whose people are stars; he descends down the copper pillar of heaven]: 126.
Mesoamerica Huasteca culture (apparently early Post-Classical) [shell pendant; at the bottom, a human figure lying on his back supports a water-filled container with a bundle with arms and legs reeds in the middle; the authors interpret the figure as the god of earth, and the container is the ocean with land in the middle]: Kuehne Heyder, Muñoz Mendoza 1993:25, fig.9; mountain totonaks; mountain [Virgin Mary or San Salvador hold the land; earthquakes]: Foster 1945a:187; Masateks: Inchaustegui 197:36 [Vírgen Isabel holds the ground; her movements cause earthquakes], 48 [one of the saints holds the ground on his index finger; changing his finger causes earthquakes]; tequistlateca [San Pedro holds the ground; when tired, earthquakes occur]: Hasler 1979:23; wawe [one or four characters holding the world on their shoulders (no details)]: Lupo 1991:219-221; soke [four old men on four ends of the world]: Baez-Jorge 1983:387; tsotzil : García de Leon 1973 [Wackbaneh holds the ground; when he moves, earthquakes occur]: 307; Gossen 1974 [one (San Miguel) or four men keep the peace], no. 142:22, 327; Lamb 1995 [one, four, or eight anthropomorphic characters; four, rarely five or more, pillars]: 273-274.
The Northern Andes. A giant keeps the world. Embera [god Karagabi keeps the world on three fingers]: Rochereau 1929:85; kogi [Seyhankua holds the loom frame on which the world rests; once Nani Matuna, then the toad wanted to replace him, but could not bear the weight; S. punished them by cutting off the toad's penis and forcing NM. to work for his mother]: Reichel-Dolmatoff 1985 (2), No. 13:57-58; muiski [Chibchachum floods the earth; Bochica appears on the rainbow, opens the waters with its golden rod, creating the Tekendama waterfall; punishes C. to support the ground; his movements cause earthquakes; until this land was kept suspended from vines]: Simon 1882-1892 (2) [1627], ch. 4:289-290.
Ecuador. Kayapa [Tiapatsi tenatu holds the lower world in the palm of his hand; a column of gold and silver in the lower world supports the middle world (earth); the upper world holds the same pillar in the middle world]: Barrett 1925:352.
Western Amazon. Napo: Mercier 1979 [God holds the world in his hand; the charter, shifts to another, the earth shudders; one day he leaves, the world will end]: 168; Ortíz de Villalba 1989, No. 79 [God keeps the world in hand, so it does not turn over; when people sin, the world becomes heavier, falls out of God's hands]: 146.
Central Amazon. Munduruku: Murphy 1958, No. 4 [Karusakaibö promises a newborn daughter to marry Daiïrú; she dies after copulation; K. sends D. to a tree for an arrow, he does not fall; on a palm tree with thorns on the trunk, he did not peel off; on the site, sets fire to the vegetation around; D. turns into an battleship, climbs underground (var: K. asks D. to grab the tail of the battleship, he drags D. into his hole); D. gets out, reports that people are underground; wild Indians come first, then peaceful Indians, then munduruku; a flying bird cuts the rope with its beak, the most beautiful people remain underground; wife Only K. has it, he makes other women out of clay; they do not have a vagina; agouti, paka, squirrel and other animals began to copulate with them, making vaginas, so they are of different shapes; D. sprinkled rotten on them wood decay, so the smell; K. invited D. to swim, ordered him to take a flat stone on the way, carry it on his head; the stone began to grow, turned into the current sky; roots grew from D.'s nose, it turned into an apoi tree (high in the jungle); it still supports the sky, but it is not known where]; Teschauer 1906 [the world is dark; Rairu tripped over a stone shaped like an overturned plate; his father Karusakahiby He did not tell him to touch the stone, but R. put it on his head; the stone began to grow, turned into the sky, the sun appeared on it; R. knelt down]: 731.
The Central Andes. Peru's North Coast (ceramic vessels of Mochica culture) [male character holding a two-headed snake = sky]: Baessler 1902-1903, pl.87, fig.296; Kutscher 1950, pl.67; Larco Hoyle 1941, fig. 219; Seler 1893, pl.21-10; Ouarochiri (dep. Lima) [Pachacamac holds and shakes the ground; if he moves harder, the world will die]: Salomon, Urioste 1991, ch.22, 23:113, 115.
Montagna - Jurua. Chayahuita [those who drank a decoction from the nusetu ka'pi plant have seen seven worlds that look like honeycombs; the first is underground, the last is above; the lowest is Ahkupu'ru'te' -" The Inner World"; there, a Wa'yan creature named Ukua, holds worlds on his hand; when one hand gets tired, he shifts worlds to another, and earthquakes occur; living in Ahkupu'ru'te' humans and animals don't eat or drink anything]: Shlyakhtinsky, Arozero 2008; Ashaninka [the sky supports the tree; Pachacama supports the lower world, the entrance to which is in the lower reaches of the river; gods first lived on earth, but then fled to heaven, fearing warriors raging on earth; earth and sky were close to each other and it was possible to climb the vine; when they rose, the gods cut off the vine so that the warriors did not follow them, and the distance between earth and sky increased]: Zolezzi 2014:98; characterbet [giant Hydmo holds the sky, put two supports to make it easier to hold]: Calí fano 1995, No. 4:153.
Bolivia - Guaporé. Tacana (San Jose) [only giant holds the earth (all other versions have four giants in the four corners of the world)]: Hissink, Hahn 1961, No. 41 (7): 89; tupari [the sky rests on a row pillars around the perimeter of the earth; Patsiare's male character holds the whole world at arms length]: Caspar 1975:188.
Southern Brazil. Apapokuwa: Nimuendaju 1914:332 and 393 [Nyanderuvusu (Our Great Father) puts an eternal cross, creates land on it; if you take out the cross, the earth will fall], 399 [his son Nyanderikoy holds this support].