I8H. A man and a woman hold the land .19.21.23.
Aman and a woman in the underworld support the Earth.
Camano, usufa, miniong abor, padam minyong, sora, lohar, cond.
Melanesia. Camano, usurufa et al. (eastern mountains) [Jugumishanta and her husband Morufonu sit under a tree whose branches form the earth; the world rests on M.'s shoulders as he moves, the ground shakes; their eldest son Months married to Vechernyaya Star; the youngest is the Sun (aka Bird of Paradise), married to Moa'ri (red stone); the sun's rays are arrows from his bow; Jugumishanta is identified with the earth]: Berndt 1965:80-81; (cf. kukuku: Fischer 1968, No. 23 [the earth is supported by two women-Imatje; when tired, it wobbles; one day they get completely tired, everything will collapse]: 387).
Tibet is the Northeast of India. Minyong Abor [brother Shedi and sister Melo created earth and sky; married, gave birth to people; now they support the earth; as there are more people, the earth is heavier, they are trying to relieve the burden, causing earthquakes]: Fürer-Haimendorf 1954:594; Padam minyong [Sedi (earth) and her brother Melo (sky) first hugged each other, giving birth to many creatures, then parted, the sky moved away from land; at the same time they have gone underground and hold it on their shoulders; when they shift the weight from one shoulder to another, they occur on their shoulders; when I am earthquakes]: Roy 1960:242.
South Asia. Hill Saora [the land began to fall; Kittung sent his son and daughter to the lower world to support her; when his daughter has her period, she goes to wash and her brother keeps the earth alone; if sister is late, brother gets tired, earthquake occurs]: Elwin 1954, No. 8:94; lohar [the land was asked to keep Cobra's son's wife, they became raja and rani of the lower world; husband was advised to collect all over the world old rags to put on your wife's head; once every 12 years they copulate, the ground shakes]: Elwin 1949, No. 28:46; kuttia kond [the sky was a meter above the ground; Koira and his wife Paira lived in a hole; K. put his hand out and raised the sky with his other hand on the ground; Koira was 15 cubits tall and his ears were like an elephant; seeing how strong and terrible K. and P. were, Rani-aru stuffed them back into a hole, crushed by a stove; earthquakes occur when they try to get out]: Elwin 1954, No. 7:91-94.
(Wed. Malaysia-Indonesia. Bali [emptiness at first; through the meditation of the world serpent, Antaboga created the foundation of the world - the Bedawang turtle with two snakes curled up on it; on the world turtle lies the Black Stone; this is the lower the world, there is the god Batara Kala, the goddess Setesuyara, the serpent Basuki; Kala created light and Mother Earth; above her there is a layer of water; above her there is a layer of clay, it has dried up, forming earth and mountains; above the layers of the sky, each with its own deities]: Covarrubias 1956:6-7).