Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

I9. The colors of the cardinal points


Each (or at least three) of the four cardinal points (as well as the zenith and nadir) and/or objects located there have a different color. Abbreviations: B: East, S: South, W: West, C: North. {Reconstructed ideas and cases of association with colors of only three, not four cardinal points are not taken into account; cases; cf. Podosinov 2000:143-147}.

Songhai, Fulbe, Kabila, Tibetans, Lepcha, Sherdukpen, Tawang, Burmese, Viets, Ancient India, Gayo, Java, Bali, Koreans, Ancient China, Serbs, Kalmyks, Nogais, (Iran), Chuvash, Uighurs, Mongols, Western Ojibwa, Steppe Ojibwa, Winnebago, Kickapoo, Teton, Omaha, Osage, Arapahoe, Sheyen, Arikara, Pawnee, Kiowa-Apache, Chiroki, Screams, Hichiti, Alabama, Choctaw, Chickasaw, Natchez, Utah, Western Apache, Jicarilla, Mescalero, Lipan, Chirikahua, Navajo, Zunyi, Hopi, Tiwa, Tewa, Eastern and Western Ceres, Diegueño, Yuma, Kiliwa, Cocopa, Paypai, Mojave, Pima, Papago, Seri, Tepecano, Southern tepehuan, Huichol, Tarasca, Aztecs, Totonaki, Popoloka, Popoloka, Veracruza Nahuatl, Maya Yucatana, Mopan, Kekchi, Chorti, Tzotsil, Pokomchi, Quiche, Lacandons, Zapoteca, Kuna, Kogi, Kamayura.

West Africa. Songhai (Timbuktu) [God's first word went east, its color is white, it gave birth to our world; the second word went west, yellow, gave birth to Adam and Eve, ritual objects related to marriage; the third - to the south, white, gave rise to fresh water; the fourth to the north, white, gave rise to cereals, food, salt; the fifth at the zenith, green, gave rise to salt water; the sixth to nadir, yellow, gave birth to spirits, devils]: Pâques 1964:186; fulbe [four suits of cows: yellow, fire, V.; red, air, Z.; black, water, Yu; white, earth, S.; also from the mythological text "Kumen": the east shines yellow, the red west in blood, south in black forests, white people in the north]: Zubko 2011:71.

North Africa. Kabila [black: west, back, death and war; white: east, chest, east, clarity, reliability and lightness; green and blue: north, right, happiness and bliss; yellow: south, left, diseases]: Frobenius 1921a, No. 25a: 112-114.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Tibetans: Ogneva 1982 [the iron dwarf guards the south, the copper dwarf the west, the turquoise the north, the shell dwarf the east]: 510; Hermanns 1946-1949 [colors, elements are associated with the cardinal points, planets]: 846; lepcha [people are constantly dying; the king turns to the fortuneteller; he predicts that in addition to six sons and the king will be the seventh; in the sky, the mother of Rum feels the aroma of smoke; her husband says that it is the king of Lyang-bad who asks to send him a son; someone who can 1) throw a heavy stone, 2) hit the needle behind the mountain with an arrow, 3) cut horsehair along the mountain will go to the ground before steam from a cup of tea to head, 4) bring a lot of firewood; two older brothers can't, the youngest baby does everything easily; falls like a hailstone next to Queen Tang-kung-ramit on the ground; she breaks off a piece swallows; other pieces are swallowed by a cow, a mare, a chicken, a goat; everyone gets pregnant and gives birth; T. gave birth to a bag, buried it; the king dug up, there is a copper vessel, there is a boy in it; the king gave it the name Ati-azyak-pono; does not send his older brothers to marry King Lung-da's seven daughters; on the way they must hoist flags of the same color on black, green, red, white mountain; pass the plain on which the spruce is, and around two suns; it's hot, you can't take off your hats; the king gives daughters, does not tell you to play the flute and harp on the plain; but the youngest three began to have fun with the brides, sat under the spruce tree, the others also had to; from four Four seas of black, green, red and white color flooded the sides; the Paril-bu snake came out of the sea, demanded that his younger brother's remaining home be given to him; disappeared, the waters flooded with him and only the sun disappeared; the demon messenger came for A.; A. went to the snake, left the bride two rings, and if they changed places, he died; first A. quietly entered P.'s mouth; he ordered the queens Zer-y-ong and Komyong-pandi to be obtained; the girl gave A. rice to the dogs, the meat to the tigers, the roll of cloth to the demon Shang-tang-krbu, who would become a friend; when leaving, A. sowed rice - if it dried up, he died; the demon could not swallow A., admitted to A. master; A. dropped a knife into the pond, asked the demon to drink water; came to Z., became her husband; there was no water, the demon drank everything; Z. showed where the knife was, the demon regurgitated the water; Z. took an oath from her 7 demon brothers that they will not eat A.; demons offer to hide; turn into trees, partridges, streams; Z. tells A. each time where they are (gives a knife to cut trees, etc.); demon friend A. defeats seven in martial arts; they offer fights between roosters, goats, horses; each time A. asks his heavenly parents to send animals (those who descend in the hailstone give birth to a cockerel, a goat, etc.); A.'s animals win; also a wild bull and a peacock; A. destroys an army of demons; the remaining ones are destroyed by a peacock by firing fire from under her tail; A. enters Z., her fang to the sky, the other to the ground, one chest hangs, the other is thrown behind her back ; then she is beautiful again; the demon friend swallows the snake, A. and his wives Z. and Komiong returns to the brothers; allows the demon friend to swallow the younger three; kills him, revives the young man swallowed by him Dediong-pono, gives him Princess Eu-Ramit, leaves him to reign on earth, returns to heaven with three wives]: Stocks 1925, No. XXVI: 406-420; Sherdukpen [water first; Lopong-Rimbuche and his Chom-Dande's younger brother threw a lotus from the sky into the waters, the water was covered with flowers; the brothers told the winds to blow from four directions; the east brought white dust, western yellow, southern red, northern black; dust covered the flowers, mixed, land appeared; brothers began to level the land, did it unevenly, valleys and mountains appeared]: Elwin 1958a, No. 14:19 (=Pandey 1999:126-127); tawang [winds from four directions collided, a drop appeared, turned into an ocean; they collided again, something arose from the ocean, steam, it covered the ocean, became a four-part firmament; in its center, too four-part; the inhabitants of the east are white, the west are yellow, the south are black, the north are red; a three-part tree has grown in the center of the earth; gods live in the upper part, gold, people and roots live here trees deep in the ocean]: Pandey 1999:131-132.

Burma - Indochina. Burmese [V: birth, air, Jupiter, white; Y: life, fire, Mars, green. (or syn.); Z: dying, earth, Venus, red: C: death (i.e. state of death), water, Saturn, zelt.]: Shorto 1978:155; Viets [the popular painting "Ngy Ho" is widely known, which depicts five tigers; a yellow tiger (associated with the "earth" element) is located in the center; a green tiger is located at the top left; it is associated with the "tree" element, symbolized "east" and correlated with spring; a tiger white symbolized "west" and corresponded to the element "metal"; the black tiger meant "north", related to the element "water" and symbolized winter; the red tiger is "south", it is associated with the element "fire", its season is summer]: Leskinen 1996:72.

South Asia. Ancient India (Vajrayana, Guhyasamaja-Tantra, 3rd century) [yuhagawat was contemplated, turned himself into Akshobhya, left to sit; then he suddenly turned himself into four other Buddhas, leaving him to sit in four directions of the world; each associated with with a certain element and color; Vairochana - center or east, white, space; Akshobhya - center or east, blue, air; Ratnasambhava - south, yellow, fire; Amitabha - west, red, water; Amoghasiddhi - North, Green, Earth]: Mäll 1980:189; (India (various data from Russian sources) [V: white, U: yellow/blue, Z: (black), C: red]: Podosinov 1999:111-115).

Malaysia-Indonesia. Gayo [when planting seedlings at the four corners of the bed, white, black, red and yellow peeled rice is sacrificed to spirits]: Koehler 1964:9; Bali: Hooyakas 1974:11-27 [Vidhi gave birth six children, the first female (Bhattāri Umā, of bones, white), the rest are male; these are Kursika (made of skin, sore color), Garga (flesh, red), Maitri (yellow; from which parts of the body, not said; became Bhattāri Mahādéva), San Kurusya (black), San Pretanjala (five-color); Vidhi ordered Kursika, Garga, Métri {=Maitri?} , Kurusya create the world, they refused, said they could not; for this he turned them into an ogre, a tiger, a snake, a crocodile, placed them on B, U, Z, C; they are called the "four cannibals"; that is, the cannibal is the East, the tiger is South, snake - West, crocodile - North], 60-53 [{almost the same, without parallel Indonesian text}], 99 [about the same; white, rakshas - V., red, tiger - Yu, yellow, snake - Z., black, crocodile S.] ; Java, Bali [Q: white, U: red, Z: yellow, C: black. (black and blue)]: Shorto 1978:155; Java [V. - silver-white; Yu - red (tompak is some alloy that imitates a precious metal); Z. - yellow, gold; S. - black, iron; center - variegated]: Pigeaud 1977:67; Java [Sri Tanjung killed by her husband; goddess Rara Nini (=Durga) brings her to life; shows dots in the sky on four cardinal points; each contains a tree associated with a certain bird, color, flower, metal, category of people entitled to swim in a revitalizing body of water at the foot of the central tree; the name of this tree is Nagasari ("blooming snake"), is associated with it cockatoo; revived woman bathes in the same place]: Hooykaas 1957:326, 328 in Haekel 1958:75.

China - Korea. Koreans: Ionova 1969:172 [center, W, W, S - yellow, blue and green, white, red, black], 185 [during a drought, rain is begged for rain from the dragon; in Seoul they were brought at four gates (east green) , south - red, western - white, north - black) and yellow dragon in the city center]; Kontsevich 1982a [Sasin - four sacred animals, guardians of the cardinal points; all have Chinese prototypes; B: green dragon, Z: white dragon, Yu: red bird, C: black warrior]: 411; Trotsevich 1996:94 [center - yellow, this is definitely Chinese influence], 144-151 [association of cardinal points with certain colors - not before Tang time, and not given explicitly, follows from the analysis of hieroglyphs; V.: green, U: red, Z: white, C: black; it is possible, however, that Chinese influence has only shaped a trend inherent in Korean culture itself; so the destruction of black in red is the victory of southern Gogurö over northern Puë]; Ancient China: Riftin 1980 [center: yellow, Huang Di, his assistant god of the earth Hou-tu, the temple of the sun, the constellations of the central sky, Saturn, Ursa Major; east: green, Tai-hao (aka Fu-si), his assistant spirit of the Gou-man tree, he is subject to the thunder Lei-gun and the wind spirit of Feng-bo, Jupiter, eastern constellations, spring; south: red, Yan-di (aka Shennong), his assistant fire spirit Zhu-rong, southern constellations, Mars; west: white, Shao-hao, western constellations, Venus; north: black, Chuan Xu, temples of the moon and rain lord Yu-shi, northern constellations, Mercury]: 656; Williams 1974 [no later than Zhou, the sky is divided into 28 constellations and four quarters; V.: blue dragon, Yu: red bird (phoenix), Z.: white tiger, S.: Black Warrior (turtle)]: 367; Granet 2004 [comparison of cardinal points with colors and various phenomena and objects]: 257.

The Balkans. Serbs [the land is quadrangular and rests on four oxen: black in the west, blue in the south, white in the north, and red in the east; they stand in muddy water, drink it and eat it; every year one of the oxen shudders and the ground shudders; as the oxen age, they weaken and one day fall to their knees, people will drown; during an earthquake, people try to understand which side they are shaking; if, for example, Western, they shout: stay black as long as we live (same appeal to oxen supporting the land on the other sides)]: Eschker 1992, No. 73:252 (=Jankovi1951:9).

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Kalmyks: Harva 1938 [V: white (silver), U: blue, Z: red, C: yellow (gold)]: 431 (=Kononov 1975:159); Holmberg (Harva) 1927 [Mount Sumeru in the center of the world; each of its four sides painted in its own color; south - blue, west - red, north - yellow, east - white]: 346-347; Bakayeva 2009 [in Kalmyk Buddhist cosmology, the center is associated with white, east with blue, west with red, north with green, south with yellow; everyone has their own Buddha]: 22-23; Nogais [the earth has four corners to the cardinal points; each side has its own color; east is blue, west is white, north is black, south is red; yurt doors opened to the southern second]: Kapaev 2012:32.

(Wed. Iran - Central Asia. Iran [Chinese and Iranians used color symbolism; Z: blue, blue; U: red, B: white, C: black]: Kononov 1978:159; {Saussure, to which one of the references is referred, does not; cf. Chunakova 2004 [when describing the role of color in Masdaist mythology, it is not said about comparing certain colors with directions]: 250-251}).

Volga - Perm. Chuvash [(slander from the evil eye); "a red bull marches from the east; one horn rips the ground into forty arshins, the horn of the other rips up the sky of forty arshins; if the red bull can reach and stab, even if the bad eye falls on this person"; when repeated, they say "from the south", "from the west" and, accordingly, "colorful bull", "black bull"]: Ivanov 1957:291 in Salmin 1989:50 (=Salmin 1994: 233).

Turkestan. Uighurs [see motive K75; a shepherd's pregnant wife dies; another shepherd finds a boy coming out of the grave to suck milk; he grows up; Khan consistently promises daughters to be married for victory over dragons; each time an old man teaches a young man to get clothes, a horse and a dog of a certain color in the corner of the garden; with them, the young man defeats the dragon; in each corner these objects are of a certain color: in the left corner they are white, in black on the right, blue in the east, yellow in the north]: Kabirov 1963:268-286.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Turks, Mongols of Eurasia [C: black, Yu: red, V: blue, Z: white, center: yellow]: Zhukovskaya 1988:154; 1994:80-81; Kononov 1978a: 160; Mongols (17th century chronicle. Shara Tuji) [the designations of peoples, apparently according to their distribution across the world: Blue Mongols, Red Chinese, Black Tibetans, Yellow Turkestanians, White Koreans]: Kononov 1978b: 160; Uighurs [V: blue/green, dragon; Z: white, tiger; U: red, magpie; C: black, snake]: Kononov 1978b: 160; "Asian nomads" [U: red, S: black; V: blue; Z: white; among the Turks this symbolism came out of uses]: Kononov 1978b: 160.

The Midwest. Winnebago [trends in general; C: white, B: syn. (? informant not sure), Yu: green, Z: red; thunderbirds: green, black, white, yellow]: Dorsey 1894:533; Western Ojibwa (Minnesota) [along the axis of the fenced rectangular ceremony area a row of pillars is placed; one of them is quadrangular in cross-section with a crossbar (i.e. cross-shaped); the edges of the pillar are oriented to the cardinal points and each is colored in its own color; B: white; Y: green, Z.: red; C: black]: Hoffman 1891:256; steppe ojibwa (bungies) [each side of the world has its own creature (possibly Thunderbird); during the Sun Dance, everyone is symbolized by the banner of a certain colors placed on the corresponding side; B: red, U: yellow, Z: blue or green, C: white; whoever speaks to the spirits consistently directs the tube shank to these directions, then to the zenith, where it is located Kiche-Manito, and in nadir]: Howard 1965:92; kickapoo [C: white, B: yellow, U: black, Z: red]: Latorre, Latorre 1976:357 in De Boer 2005:71

Plains. Dakota (probably teton): Beck et al. 2001 [the main Thunder is Western, black; the other three are red, yellow, blue]: 292-293; Dorsey 1894 [C: Earth, Blue; B: Fire, Red; Yu: Wind, black; Z: water, yellow; there are four thunders - white, blue, red, yellow]: 529; teton: Neuhardt, Brown 1997 [the young man has a vision that supernatural beings are taking him into their world; horses (aka moose) are colored in different colors; Z: black, C: white, B: brown, U: yellow, red]: 60-66; Erdoes, Ortiz 1984 (Brule) [the big Ungtehi snake with one horn on its head dammed Missouri, and its children other rivers; flood, few people escaped to the mountains; four great cloud-clad (so their bodies are not visible) ancient Wakinyan Thunderbirds fight them; Western: black (main), northern: red. , eastern: yellow, southern: blue; lightning is coming from their eyes; the earth is burning; snakes are hit and turned into stone; this battle was in the first of four world eras - Tunka (Stone Age)]: 218-222; (cf. assiniboine [Inktomi created everything in four steps; blue, black, white, and speckled rocks symbolize these stages of creation; separated the spirits of the day from the spirits of the night; created a man and a woman from clay, then animals; people began to kill each other, I. chose one, taught me how to make a raft; 4 days later, the water flooded the ground; I. chose seven waterfowl, ordered them to bring clay from the bottom, they surfaced dead, nothing they did not get it; I. sent a muskrat, a mink, a beaver, a little otter (fisher); they also surfaced dead, but grains of clay were under their claws; I. created land from them; made a woman for a man and 6 other pairs men and women; these are the ancestors of the seven Dakota Council fires (Dakota also means assiniboine}]: Dusenberry 1962:71-73); Omaha: Dorsey 1894:527-532 [images of lightning on the leader's tipi; sacred stones; wolf fratria genera; C: syn., B: red, U: black, Z: yellow; association with cardinal points is likely in the case of: four bison dropped four cobs and four pumpkins of different colors to the ground (red, speckled, dark or black, white)], 441 [there are four thunders - white, yellow, red, green]; osage ["there are reports of such symbolism, but without specifying specific colors"]: Hodge 1912:325; arpaho [see B3A motif; The creator places black, yellow, red, green colors on four cardinal points (unnamed); each color and side is associated with one of the four Old Men ]: Dorsey 1903:204; Shayens [B: red or yellow, Z: violet, dark blue, black, C: white, U: green; there are special spirits from the cardinal points]: Moore 1996:206-208; arikara [bison killed and ate people; a young man in a dream is two star people, told to teach his tribesmen how to make bows and arrows, arrange a running competition, its outcome will decide who will hunt whom; a horse (also representing wolves, coyotes, bears, eagles) defeats the bison (which also represents all wild cats); since then, people have been hunting buffalo and caring for horses; four horses take up seats in the sky four to the ends of the world; V.: black, Y: palomino (yellow?) , Z.: Gnedai, S.: white]: Parks 1996, No. 4:127-130; Pawnee (skidi): Chamberlain 1982 [Tirava gives the Evening Star power over the West, places Black Bear, Puma, Lynx, Wolf to protect it ; these are four stars - black, yellow, white, red; they were supposed to send similar animals to earth; they were also Autumn, Spring, Winter, Summer; thunder, lightning, clouds, rain; poplar, elm, willow, elderberry; black, yellow, white, red corn; the Morning Star (man) defeated the Evening Star (woman) and told the black star to be on the NE, the yellow star on the NW, the white star in the south, the red star in SE; these four the stars are the four gods of the cardinal points; they stand at these ends and hold the sky, obey the Morning Star]: 23-24; Dorsey 1904b [SW: White, NW: Yellow, SV: Black, SE: Red], No. 1 [Woman Evening Star gives corn of appropriate colors to people living in four quarters of the earth], 2 [four-quarters of the earth erect ritual pillars of appropriate colors]: 10-11; Kiova-Apache [see motif J27; The Thunder makes four colorful arrows; his former wife Sun, out of jealousy, kills the girl he saves, whom he marries; the Thunder fires a red arrow from the east, a white arrow from the south, a yellow arrow from the east, a white arrow from the south western, blue on the north side of the tipi; then the woman comes to life]: McAllister 1949, No. 6:34-35; crowe [C: white, B: green, U: red, Z: yellow]: Voget 1984:298-299 in De Boer 2005:71.

Southeast USA. Chirokee [direction colors: B: red (strength, war, success), Y: white (peace, happiness), Z: black (death), C: blue (defeat, problems)]: Mooney 1891:342; 1900:431; yuchi [C: blue, V: black, U: red, Z: white]: Speck 1909:55 in De Boer 2005:71; muskogi (screaming, hichiti, choctaw, etc.) [tribes of different colors come on four sides; Q: white, U: syn., Z: black, C: red and yellow.]: Brinton 1870 in Vashchenko 1989:202; Chickasaw [C: yellow, B: white, U: blue, Z: black]: Swanton 2000:624 in De Boer 2005:71; Alabama [C: Yellow, B: White, U: Red, Z: Black]: Swanton 2000:624 in De Boer 2005:71; Natchez [C: Yellow, V: White, U: Red, Z: Black]: Swanton 2000:624 in De Boer 2005:71.

Big Pool. Utah [S.: Black, W.: Red, Yu: Yellow, Z: White]: Goss 2000, Wroth 2000:66 in De Boer 2005:72.

The Great Southwest. Western Apaches: Curtis 1907-1930 (1): 23-35 in Edmonds, Clark 1989 [see I8C motif; God creates the earth; Tarantula binds to it with V, Y, Z, C black, blue, yellow, white ropes; Creator puts black, blue, yellow, white pillars on four sides, asserting the ground on them]: 101-104; Goddard 1918 (San Carlos) [ground supports; B: black, U: white, Z: yellow, C: syn]: 8; 1919 (White Mountains) ) [In: black, U: syn., Z: yellow, C: white]: 117 [sky lights], 120 [pillars of the earth]; hicarilla: Goddard 1911 [corn; B: black, U: white, Z: yellow, C: syn.], No. 22, 23:215, 218; Mooney 1898a [people live in the dark in the lower world; Bear, Puma, Owl and other nocturnal animals want darkness, Magpie, Partridge and others want light; decide to play; those who want light win four times; for the first time Black Bear, then Brown, then Puma, Owl go into darkness; accordingly, the Morning Star, dawn, more light, the Sun appear; the Sun tells people to go upstairs; they pour four hills to the cardinal points, on each plants with fruits of matching colors are planted: black in the east, blue in the south, yellow in the west, variegated in the north; hills stop growing when two girls go to pick berries; therefore boys don't grow up after first contact with women; feathers are too light to make stairs; four bison put their horns in; people come to the ground; horns have been crooked ever since; the ground is covered with water, four winds of appropriate colors drain it (B: black vortex, U: syn., Z: yellow, C: variegated)]: 198-199; Opler 1938, No. 1 [association of various items: B: black, U: syn., Z: yellow., C: gleaming, spotted, white]: 9-10; Russel 1898 [player always loses; his lame turkey says people are tired of feeding him; woodpeckers knock down a tree for him, hollow out a cavity; the deck floats Down the Rio Grande, a turkey lets it go further when it gets stuck; tells you to prepare the field; coming from the east, it creates black corn, from the south it creates blue corn, and from the west it produces yellow corn, and from the north, all kinds of cereals and vegetables; helps grow crops]: 269; Mescalero [the cannibal giant kills people; during the decisive battle, four troops in different colors are moving towards him; Q: black, U: syn., Z: yellow, C: white]: Opler 1946:277; lipan [the hero fires arrows in four directions; columns of smoke of the corresponding colors rise from there: B: black, U: syn., Z: yellow, C: white; a monstrous antelope runs for smoke, gets tired, the hero kills her]: Opler 1940, No. 1:18-19 [Enemy Slayer hero], 28 [parents marry a Crocodile; he kills an antelope and other monsters]; chiricahua [like Lipan in ( 1); the Water Son himself or the Lizard shoots]: Opler 1942:9-10; Navajo [mountains; directions as such; V: white, U: syn., Z: yellow, C: black]: Johly, B'yash 1958:3; Klah 1960:1; Matthews 1994, No. 1 [ also the colors of the underground worlds: the lowest is red, the second from below is blue, the third is yellow, the fourth is black and white]: 63; Stevenson 1912 [the white of the day meets the yellow of the sunset; they hug at the zenith of the sky; white produces coyote, yellow produces yellow fox; south blue also occurs in northern black; blue produces blue fox, black badger]: 285; Yuinth-Nezi, Hatrali 1957 [home in the sky]: 4; Zunyi: Stevenson 1904 [Corn Girls: C: Yellow, Z: Syn., Yu: Red, V: White, Zenith: Colorful, Nadir: Black]: 52; Cushing in Judson 1994 [people are looking for corn girls; Eagle, Falcon, Raven can't to find; Payatuma is easy to find; they are in the country of Summer in the south; Girls hear his music, come to the middle country where the Zunyas live; they walk at night like spirits or stars; the Virgin Mother of the North brings yellow corn, the west is blue, the south is red, the east is white, the other two bring black and variegated; later people can no longer see Corn in human form; with the Girls came sad Shutsukia, the voice of a cold wind in dried stems after the harvest is harvested]: 120-131; Hopi: Harrington 1916 [like a Zunyi]: 42; Parsons 1939 [a chief wearing a yellow mask sits in the north clouds, yellow butterflies fly in front of it, yellow corn grows; the same in the west (blue), south (red), east (white), above (black), below (variegated)]: 172; Stephens 1929 [clouds after raising people to the Second World; NW: Yellow, SW: Blue, SE: Red, SW: White]: 5-6; Western Ceres (Akoma): Benedict 1930 [Winds and Lightning; C: Yellow, Z: Blue, Y: Red, V: White]: 69; White 1943 [C: Yellow, V: White., Y: red, Z: syn; zenith: black; nadir: grey (?)] : 324; Eastern ceres: White 2004a (Sia) [the four cardinal points, zenith, nadir, and sometimes also the center have their own color]: 770; 2004b (Santa Ana) [each of the six directions has its own color and its own animal; C: yellow, puma; Z: blue, jaguar or bear; Y: red, wild cat; B: white, wolf; zenith: brown, eagle; nadir: black, shrew; center: badger (without special color)]: 555; teva [ general directions, Corn Girls: C: blue, green, Z: yellow, U: red, B: white, zenith: variegated, nadir: black]: Harrington 1916:43; tiva (Isleta) [V: white, C: black, Z: yellow, V: blue]: Parsons 1932c, No. 13 [chiefs from four sides of the world marry a girl, give clothes of appropriate colors], 19 [girl rubs corn of appropriate colors, throws it on four sides; throws it up corn of all colors, turns into an eagle]: 392-393, 407; (cf. havasupai [when the character dies, the Coyote steals his heart; eats some, buries the rest; this part grows a corn shoot with six cobs: yellow, white, variegated, blue, black, and red; different cobs get different tribes; Havasupai gets little red]: Cushing 1965:73 in Lawton 1974:71); diegeño (ipai) [V: Bel.; Yu: Sin., Zel.; Z: black; C: red]: Forde 1931:216; Waterman 1908 [rocks, clays, eagles of different colors appear, taken from... (ceremonial formulas)]; diegeño (tipai) [cardinal points are associated with different colors]: Drucker 1937a:27; yuma [C: bel. (life, light); V: syn. (power); Yu: black. (darkness, death); Z: yellow. (illness)]: Forde 1931:216; Kiliva: Gonzalez Torres 1975 [V.: white, S.: red, Z: black, Yu: yellow]: 151; Meigs 1939 [it was night; Metipá took water in his mouth, spat south, north; took more, spat west (sea appeared), east (Gulf of California); smoked, the sea grew; created four mountains, each with a mountain ram (on NE, SE, NW, SW); sheep horns, respectively (informant does not remember who is in which direction) dark brown and blue, yellow and oak bark (tan), silver and gray, red and white; took off his skin, pulled it over his horns, but it sagged; told the Mole dig a course around the world; a ridge was formed, over which M. pulled his skin, and the Mole lifted his skin with his paws and head around the perimeter of the world; to make the sun, M. removed it from his elbow, hips, head - unsuccessful; then it turned out from his mouth, but it was too hot; told the Rattlesnake to push the sun higher; M. fell ill, died; he was burned]: 64-65; Olmos Aguilera 2005 [appeared in the dark Coyote People-Moon; from him light; took water into his mouth, sprayed on four sides of the world; the south turned yellow, the north red, the west black (the sea became there), the east white; defined the zenith and nadir, the sky blue, the earth is the color of paper (amate); he lit a cigarette, fell asleep, the smoke of his pipe formed all the roads of the earth and sky; he made two pairs of mountain sheep from his calves; put them on four mountains to support the sky with horns]: 103-113; Cocopa [V.: White, S.: Yellow, Z: Black, Y: Red]: Gonzalez Torres 1975:151; Paypai [V.: Red, S.: White, Green; Z.: Black, Y: Yellow]: Gonzalez Torres 1975:151; Mojave [C: white, U: black, Z: red: B: yellow]: Drucker 1941:164; pima [talking about going on a military campaign; animals of different colors living in certain parts of the world must bring harm to enemies; White Gopher to the east, Blue Coyote to the south, Black Opossum to the west; the last name is the White Owl, direction not specified]: Judson 1994:188-191; papago [see K10E motif; Big Brother kills a monstrous eagle; throws eagle feathers and fluff, they turn into clouds - white in the east, black in the west, pink in the south;]: Densmore 1929:39-53; series [winds born in a cave under the sea; the spirit reaches out, they fly out of his fingers; C: white. (hot); B: black (the strongest, from the little finger); Yu (?) : syn; Z: red (gentle)]: Coolidge, Coolidge 1939:82.

NW Mexico. Tepecano, southern tepehuans [tepecano and southern tepehuans have deities associated with the cardinal points and with different colors; two of them are members of the Christian pantheon and now function the causes of rain are clearly unrelated (Mason 1913:347-350), but comparative data for southern Tepehuan show that they may have previously been weather deities (Riley, field material); coastal peoples and the western slopes of the Sierra Madre in Nayarit and Sinaloa are not known enough to judge the symbolism of directions; there is no data for northern Tepehuans at all; Tarahumar does not have direction colors, but The deity Hikure (peyotle) is associated by special names with three of the four sides of the world (Basauri 1929:44); perhaps this is a faint reflection of the former symbolism; according to the cahita and opat of the corresponding No data]: Riley 1963:52; Huichol: Cunningham 1978:31-35 [Ulianaka (mother earth) comes to Tatewaliha (fire); he explains that he cannot illuminate and warm the whole earth because he cannot illuminate and warm the whole earth because he does not know. he will burn it; promises to give the Son the Sun, then everyone will see how W. is beautiful; T. tells the four Deer from the four ends of the world to decide from which side the sun will rise; everyone puts burning coal on their horns, tells run in your direction and raise her head; whose fire will be seen first, the sun will rise from there; Deer hooves run, W., she cries, it's rain; hooves carve sparks - lightning, thunder; the rain extinguishes the Black Deer's coal; White drops its coal into the river; Red runs west, drops coal into the sea; Blue runs east, then across the sky; in the west, the coal is picked up by the Red Deer and again drops; therefore, the sun sets into the sea], 35-36 [C: white, B: yellow, U: black, Z: red, center: green], 40-46 [(association with directions is not specified, but possible in the light of Southwest data); mother earth Ulianaka, in the form of an old woman, collects mesquite pods, magey stems, cacti fruits; Citaima cries for losing her five daughters; Black, Blue, Red, White, Variegated Corn; On the fifth day, W. is tired of listening to her crying, turned her into a Coyote crying at night; five Corn girls teach W. to cultivate the field, take care of crops, etc.; Coyote promises to deceive because she herself deceived; sends the Rattlesnake, placing a seed in its tail - let it resemble corn; W. cries, watering the ground with rain; pierces his chest with a thorn, blood mixes with tears, so the earth red; Sun Father does not look at the old woman; W. becomes beautiful, lifts up her skirt; Corn girls do the same; now the Sun looks at them; the beautiful colors of the sunset sky are a sign of the Sun's love for W. and to the Corn Girls]; Dutton 1962 [The mother of East Water is a red snake that appears in the form of lightning, lightning is her rod; sends storms from the east; she owns flowers and pumpkins; the mother of Western Water is a white snake in white cloud; drizzling rain can send at any time of the year; she has corn, deer, crows in her power; the mother of South Water is a blue snake that appears in the pond; she is a pond itself and an aquatic lizard; she is associated with a shaman , when he sings, she owns corn in grain; the mother of Northern Water is a snake; also a spotted fish; she owns corn, pumpkin, beans, flowers, and now also cows, mules, horses, sheep; Young Mother Orlitsa embodies the zenith, is associated with the cult of the sun, sometimes she is the mother of the Sun; the stars are her dress; in general Yu is red, S. is white, V. is white, Z. is black, the zenith is turquoise, nadir is brown]: 16-18; Lumholtz 1986 [Y: red, C: white, Z: black, B: white, zenith: blue or green, nadir: coffee]: 40; Maclean 2001 [C, U, B, Z, center, zenith and nadir are related to the idea of color, but specific colors associations are variable]: 318.

Mesoamerica Taraska [B: red, Z: white, C: yellow, south: C.; on each side one of four gods of the corresponding color; in the center is the god Chupi-tirípime, his color is blue;]: Corona Núñ ; ez 1967:25; Aztecs: Hunt 1977 [Borgia Code: B: black, U: red, Z: syn., C: yellow, center: white, striped; Cospi or Bologna code: B: greenish-black, U: syn., Z: white, C: reddish., center: yellow]: 119; Nicholson 1967 [gods of four directions: V: red, U: syn, Z: white, C: black; sky sectors: B: red, U: yellow, Z: black, C: white]: 95; Rodríguez Ramírez 1979 [colors directions correspond to the colors of the "suns" and the gods: 1) Sol de Tierra, Tezcatlipoca, black, C.; 2) S. de Viento, Quetzalcoatl, white, Z.; 3) S. de Fuego, Tlalocatecutli, red, V.; 4) S. de Agua, Chalcihtlikue, yellow, Yu; on the Sunstone, the colors are white, yellow, red, blue, respectively]: 281; Thomas 1884 [the color characteristics of the directions differ in individual codes; for Yu, B, C, Z codes give respectively: Gemelli: blue, yellow, green; Duran: blue, green, red, yellow; Charensey: red, yellow, black; Schultz-Sellac: yellow, black, white; Schultz-Sellac: yellow, white, black]: 45-49; mountain totonaks: Ichon 1969: 35-36 [North generally: black; four stars: CE: white, NW: blue, SW: black, SE: green; four thunders: B: red, C: yellow, Z: blue, Y: green], 120 [Thunders: B: red, Y: green, Z: blue, C: yellow]; half ka , Veracruz Nahuatl [general directions: C: white, B: red, U: yellow, Z: black, nadir: green; sun on the appropriate side: B: red, U: white, Z: yellow, C: black.]: Mü nch 1983a:154; oluta and sayula popoluka (Mihe Veracruz) [C: dark greenish-blue (host Satan); B: red or lead (hosts Sun and Old Morning Star); Yu: white or red (the host is the Sun); Z: yellow. (hostess - Moon)]: Lehmann 1928:768-772; shelf [C: red, Z: yellow, B: white, U: blue-green. (only one informant knew this)]: Jacklein 1974:288; Maya Yucatana: Landa 1955 [trees and corresponding rain deities (Chucky); counterclockwise enumeration; B and Y are favorable directions, Z and C are unfavorable; B: red, C: white, Z: black, U: yellow; center: green]: 53; Gutiérrez González 2004 [in Maya, the east is always red, the north is white, the west is black, the south is black, the south is always yellow; the Madrid Codex (pp. 75-76) appears to show 365 days of the solar calendar, divided into four sectors, each accompanied by a glyph in one direction]: 24; Montolíu 1989 [book by Chilam Balam from Chumayel: in the center of the earth there is an evergreen First Tree in the World, also known as the First Food Tree (Yax Cheel Cab, Yax Imix Che), on which a quetzal with blue and green feathers; in the east a similar red one grows (rain gods, fertility, life, youth, male oropendole, in the west - black (bird with black breast, dead, illness, witchcraft, old age), upwards - white ( ancestors, cotton, clouds, mockingbird), downward - yellow (yellow oropendole, women, corn, abundance, gems)]: 40-41; Thompson 1930 [four Mom connected to four sides colors and different colors; the main Mom is white]: 57; 1977:307; Sotelo Santos 1988:67-71 [based on the book by Chilam Balam of Chumayel], 75 [based on the book by Chilam Balam from Mani; at the top of each bird of the corresponding color ]; Valverde 2000 [based on the book by Chilam Balam from Chumayel; B: red - stone scattering, mother seiba, corn, etc.; C: white, Z: black, U: yellow]: 135-136; Villa 1969 [during the ritual, five Chucks are depicted men, each with a rainwater calabass and a wooden sword causing thunder and lightning; Chief Chuck at his zenith, four to the cardinal points; B: white, C: red, Z: black, U: yellow]: 171; mopan [ four Cuchcaan ("sky holders") in four corners of the world hold the sky, are associated with colors that correspond to four directions]: Thompson 1930:65; Kekchi [chief Mom is Yaluk (B., western) ; then Coha - Yu., yellow, connected to the sea; Itzam - Bhfcybntkm., red, lord of warm countries; Xucaneb - S., black, owner of cold weather]: Thompson 1930:59; chorti [flat earth rests on the water of four seas (lakes): white, red, green, brown and black resin (in the middle), each in one direction of the world; there is a pillar in every corner of the earth, and the fifth in the middle]: Hull 2016:4; tsotsil : Holland 1964 [C, Corn God: White, E, Rain God: White, Yu, Wind God: Red, Z, God of Death: Black]: 16; Laughlin 1969a [directions; C: white, V: red, U: yellow, Z: black]: 174; during sacrificial offerings to spirits, large thick white, yellow, red and black candles are placed along the edges of the altar in accordance with the four directions of the world: white symbolizes the north, yellow is south, red is east, black is west]: Vinogradov, in print; quiche [see J4B motif; brothers Hun-Hun-Ahpu and Vukub-Hun-Ahpu are invited to play ball in Shibalba; going down to lower world, cross the river of blood and the river of pus, but do not drink from them; at the crossroads of red, black, white and yellow roads, they choose black; later, the sons of XXA come to the same intersection; this time fourth road named green]: Popol Vuh 1985:105-160; lacandons [C: white, B: red, U: yellow, Z: black]: María Vargas 1998 in De Boer 2005:72; zapotecs [C: white, B: red] , Y: Yellow, Z: Black]: Marcus 1998:13 in De Boer 2005:72.

Honduras - Panama. Kuna [the Agir tree has a trunk as thick as a large boat, and branches from the north, east, south and north; each fruit has a different color - blue, red, yellow, white (not entirely clear, every color corresponds to one direction, or the fruits of all four flowers on each branch); when they fall into the sea, the fruits turn into blue, red, yellow, white jellyfish]: Chapin 1989:158.

The Northern Andes. Kogi: Reichel-Dolmatoff 1967 [C: syn., B: white, U: red, Z: black]: 11; 1985 (1) [V: predominantly white (white of the sun, black of fertile land; red stones); Y: red; Z: black. ; C: blue or green (do not differ), diseases; four winds have appropriate colors; eastern - favorable, western and northern - unfavorable; southern. can be bad or good]: 229-233; ihka [In: red, Z: black, C: rosado, U: white]: Reichel-Dolmatoff 1991:144.

Southern Amazon. Kamayura [see motive F33; the hunter's two wives have a Cayman lover; a husband kills him; his wives burn a corpse; it grows into a Caryocar butyrosum tree; four flower fruits on its four branches] : Agostinho 1974, No. 7 [C: syn., B: white, U: green, Z: yellow; The sun then makes everything yellow]: 186-189; Münzel 1973 [C: syn., V: white, U: orange, Z: red]: 162-169.