I94. Pleiades - holes.
ThePleiades are something full of holes.
Italians (Alto Adige), Hungarians, Poles, Slovaks, Belarusians, (Russians, Saratov, see moti i95), Lucky, Avars, Andeans, Dargins, "Tavlins", Lezgins, Kumyks, (Armenians) , Finns, Leaders, Estonians, Livonians, Latvians, Lithuanians, Prussians, Kazan Tatars, Astrakhan Tatars, Bashkirs, Chuvash, Mari, Udmurts, Kazakhs (Middle Zhuz), Central and Northeastern Yakuts, Orochi, Wilta, Japanese, Koryaks (reindeer and coastal?) , Chukchi, Ojibwa timagami.
Southern Europe. Northern Italy (Val di Non, Oneglia - upper Adige) [Pleiades - "sieve" (Crivello; {the word also means a grain shovel}]): Volpati 1933b:21.
The Balkans. Hungarians: Mándoki 1963 [(=1968:485); in the 19th century, the name szitáslyuk was recorded - "sieve hole" (Siebloch); Hungarian. szita is a borrowing from the Slavic ones, but it means "sieve" ]: 519-520; Zsigmond 2003 [the name Fiastyuk Pleiades comes from the idea that (these?) stars - holes or skylights]: 434.
Central Europe. Poles, Belarusians: Vaiskunas 2004 [Pleiades - Sieve in Lithuania and Lithuanian ethnic lands in Belarus and Poland (Suvalki, Bialystok)]: 169-170; Non-purchased 2004 [semantic transition 'site' → 'Pleiades' is known primarily to speakers of Belarusian and Polish dialects adjacent to Lithuania]: 76-77; Belarusians [Ursa Major - Voz, Vazok, Karets (bucket), focuses on seasons of the year; Orion - Casar (mower), in the vicinity of the village of Kholmech - Matavila (motovilo), and Pleiades - Rashata (sieve), serve to determine the time at night]: Pyatkevich 2004:282; Poles [Pleiades - Sito, Sitko (=Gładyszowa 1960:19, 28, 30)]: Niebrzegowska 1999:146; Russians: Potanin 1893 [from St. Pavlovsky, I learned that on the Volga, the Saratov Pleiades injection is called "Resheto", closer to Astrakhan - "Chicken Nest" or "Chicken with Chickens"]: 324; Ruth 1987 [Vologodskaya - "sieve", Estonian Russians - "lattice"]: 15; Svyatsky 1961 [Russians of the Western Territory - "sieve"]: 121.
Caucasus - Asia Minor. Lucky [Hall sifts the harvest through a sieve - the Pleiades; when fog and clouds, Z. lets water through the sieve to disperse the clouds; clouds hold the grains of divine bread; some seeds fell on the mountains and from there spread around the world; people ask Z. to give water so that the seeds grow, he sends trickles of water]: Khalidova 1984:160; Lucky, Avars, Andeans, Dargins [Pleiades - wicker sieve (respectively K i urchi lu, Bezzal c i ci valki val - "Blind Sieves", Susuk i utsi tsi al - "Star Sieve", Ulakh i yari - "Sieve with a hoop"]: Gamzatov, Dalgat 1991:304-305; "Tavlintsy" (i.e. "highlanders") [Ullya ("sieve")]: Potanin 1883:729; Lezgins [Pleiades - Saf ("sieve, sieve")]: V.O. Bobrovnikov, personal report, March 2011; Kumyks [Kurchlu ("sieve"]: Potanin 1883:730; Avars [Tsalku ("sieve")]: Potanin 1883:730; (cf. Armenians [the starry sky is associated with a sieve or colander for straining dairy products; so is the Pleiades {but no specific examples are given for the Pleiades}]: Abeghyan 2012:769).
(Wed. Iran - Central Asia. Persians: Unpurchased 2004 [New Persian also designates both the Sita and the Pleiades (Scherer 1953:144) with one lexeme (parvēz)]: 80; Steblin-Kamensky 2008 [Pleiades - "parvin" , from the word "first"; sieve - "parvisan", a completely different etymology, the similarity is accidental]: personal message).
Baltoscandia. Finns [Seula, Seulanpohja, Seuliaiset - "sieve", "sieves"]: Kuperjanov 2003:184; counselors [Sigla, suur siglikko, siglari, taivaa siglari - "sieve", "big sieve", "man with a sieve" , "heavenly man in a sith", Siulik in former Estonian water regions, and Sõelik in general in SV and Eastern Estonia]: Ernits, Ernits 2012:98-99; Estonians [Sõel, Söäl, Sö ; öl - "Sieve"]: Kuperjanov 2003:183-185; Lives [Pleiades - si'gla ("sieve")]: Mándoki 1963:519; Lithuanians [Pleiades - "sieve"]: Kerbelite 2001 [The Virgin Mary hung a broken one in the sky damn the sieve - the Pleiades appeared]: 65; Allen 1899:397; Holmberg 1927:418; Mickiewicz 1955, vol.8 [The circle in the north is a glowing Sieve, /The creator used to sow life through it, /Which he threw Adam with compassion/ On the days when he punished him with exile; {see the Polish original, e.g. in Avilin 2015:38}]: 434; Unpurchased 2004 [A. Mickiewicz, "Pan Tadeusz": A circle of Star Sith shines to the north, through which God (as they say) sifted rye seeds; the Pleiades - a sieve (metal, with punched holes) - Lithuanians, also ancient Prussians; Mickiewicz has Lithuanian performances]: 65, 74-77; Vaiskunas 2004 [for the Pleiades, the names Síetas are "sieve" and Sietýnas - "chandelier", "straw ornament strung on a thread straws", sometimes a "constellation" in general; apparently originally an undivided set of stars]: 169; Vaiškūnas 1999 ["sieve"]: 167; Latvians [Pleiades - senisch {correct - "sietiņš" (Y.B.)} - "strainer"]: Andrew 1878:107.
Volga - Perm. Kazan Tatars [Pleiades - Il ak yoldyz ("Resheto Star"]: Berkutov 1987:29; Vorobyov, Khisamutdinov 1967:316; Astrakhan Tatars [Pleiades - Ilyak Yulduz ( "sieve star")]: Potanin 1919a: 84; Mishari Tatars [Ilek-Ondoz ("sieve star"]: Potanin 1883:729; Bashkirs: Munka'sci 1896 [(south, medium), dogwood puzh, 'sieve star'; (south) cher dogwood puzh, 'rare sieve star']: 484, 648 in V.V. Napolsky, personal report; Maksyutova 1973 ["Stozhar in some dialects Ilak Yondoz is a name that arose from the likeness of the star Sita" {so in original}]: 383; Chuvash [Pleiades - "Star Sieve"]: Zolotnitsky 1874:22; Sirotkin, Ivanov 1970:128; Yukhma 1980:266; Mándoki 1963 [quotes Zolotnitsky, Ashmarin; this is common title Pleiades at the Chuvash]: 520; marie [brother's wife tortures the girl with work; sends her for water late at night; in the dark she takes a sieve instead of a bucket; begins to freeze, sings about her bitter orphanhood; the owner of the moon descends, takes it home; Orion is her rocker arm, the sieve is the Pleiades (Shokte-Sudyr "sieve": Nikonov 197376)]: Aktsorin 1991, No. 37:83; Southern Udmurts: Nikonov 1973 [ Serpuzhkizili (Sherpuzhkizili) - "a rare sieve of stars"]: 376; Holmberg 1927 [the Votyaks call the Pleiades a "sieve"]: 418.
Turkestan. Kazakhs [west from Sultan Bayan-Aul District (Middle Zhuz, central Kazakhstan); Pleiades - "sieve"]: Potanin 1881:126.
Eastern Siberia. Central Yakuts (Zapadno-Kangalassky Ulus) [Pleiades - Yurgal]: Pripuzov 1885:62; northeastern Yakuts (place of recording is not specified; most likely Verkhoyansky District, where N.S. Gorokhov was born and lived) ["The Pleiades are called Yurgal - a product, a duvalka. By the name, it can be assumed that the Pleiades Yakuts considered the cause of the cold. And in fairy tales, one of the knights "sewed mittens for himself from thirty pairs of wolf paws to shut up the yurgal when it blows cold and cold"]: Gorokhov 1882:36 (retelling in Holmberg 1927:418); Yakuts [Yurgal ("make a hole"]: Potanin 1883:729.
Amur - Sakhalin. Wilta [Pleiades - Nada Sani ("seven holes")]: Podmaskin 2006:432; Orochi [Pleiades - Nada sanga ("seven holes")]: Podmaskin 2006:432; (A.M. Pevnov [the word "sleigh" means not just holes, but holes in lamprey's head]: personal report, 2007).
Japan. Japanese ["Sito" is one of the Pleiades names; only recorded in Chichibu, a historical area in Saitama Prefecture (northwest of Tokyo)]; data from Nojiri Hōei. Nihon seimei jiten [Dictionary of Japanese Astronomers]. Tokyo: Tōkyo-dō shuppan, 1973, Paolo Barbaro reported.
SV Asia. Chukchi [elsewhere {Chukotka} Pleiades - Kä'tmäc ("little sieve")]: Bogoras 1907:313 (=Bogoraz 1939:29); Koryaks (reindeer and coastal, all groups) [Pleiades - Ke'tmet (" sieve", "little sieve")]: Bogoras 1917:105; Jochelson 1905:122 (reference to Jochelson also in Bogoras 1907:313 and Bogoraz 1939:29).
The Midwest. Ojibwa (timagami) [two girls sleep outside, one wants a white star as her husband, the other wants a red star; they wake up in the sky; a white star is an old man, a red star is a young star; an old woman sits on holes in the sky that frame its stars - the Pleiades; invites girls to weave a rope; husbands help them go down; they get to the top of the tree; promise to marry the one who will bring them down to the ground ; Bear, Lynx can't, Wolverine descends; they send him to bring a ribbon tied to a branch, run away; they sleep at the Woodpecker's house, he doesn't sleep with them; three types of ducks cannot transport them across the river; Toadstool transports, marries; they find out that Toadstool is a jester, Loon is the leader; they go to Loon; Toadstool throws hot flints into the mouth of the sleeping Loon, killing him; ties a bag of rabbit blood to his stomach, simulates suicide; people reveal deception, chase Toadstool; it turns them into ducks]: Speck 1915d, No. 5:47-53 (about the Pleiades on p. 48).