Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

I95B. Orion is a rocker. (.24.) .27.28.32.

Orion is a rocker.

(Bunak), Bulgarians, Romanians, Ukrainians (Kherson, Poltava, Kiev, etc.), Belarusians, Russians (Arkhangelsk, Orel, Ryazan), Chuvash, Marie, Mordovians, Kazan Tatars, Bashkirs.

(Wed. Malaysia-Indonesia. Bunak [Orion overall - Lahok, Belt - Mapo ("bamboo pole for carrying water"), Sword - Usi]: Friedberg 1973:133).

The Balkans. Bulgarians, Romanians [Orion Belt - girl with a yoke]: Mladenova 2006:132.

Central Europe. Ukrainians (Poltava) ["my grandmother (originally from the village of Sviridovka, Lokhvitsky District, Poltava Region) knows Chumatsky Shlyakh (Milky Way), Viz (Ursa Major), Divka carries water - three words in a row" {obviously, the Orion Belt}]: Kostyantin Rakhno 2007, personal report; Ukrainians (Kyiv region) [Ukrainian people have old names for stars, common with other ancient peoples. His name is "The Big Bear"; the Pleiades are called "Kvochka". The Arabs still call the Pleiades Aldagagch, that is, the chicken; in France, the people call this constellation la poussíniere; in addition, the Ukrainian people know one constellation called "Red Panna" water carrier]: Nowosielski 1857:188; Ukrainians (Elisavetgrad and Alexandria u. Kherson governorate) [Constellations: Chepiga has the shape of a chepiga, a tip in a plow on which a share is put; the rocker consists of three stars, located near Chepiga; Volosozhar, otherwise Kvochka and with curls, Viz (Bolshaya Bear)]: Yastrebov 1894:6; Ukrainians [girl with a rocker arm], Belarusians: Mladenova 2006:132; Belarusians: Avilin 2015 ["rocker", "girl carries water" - in different regions of Belarus ]: 89, map 4; Svyatsky 1913 [Orion - "Koromyslo"]: 156; Russians (Orlovskaya, Ryazan, Archangalskaya) [Orion - Koromyslo]: Svyatsky 1913:156; Mladenova 2006:262; Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians [cosmonym distribution area]: Avilin 2019b, map 7.

Volga - Perm. Chuvashi [Kěvente-çⅠ ltər - "rocker arm star"]: Zolotnitsky 1874:23; Sirotkin, Ivanov 1970 [Kevente is a pestle used to interpret underwear in a trough {it's not clear how it is combined with the meaning of "rocker"}]: 129; Juhma 1980:266; Marie: Akzorin 1991, No. 37 [brother's wife tortures the girl with work; sends her for water late at night; in the dark she takes a sieve instead of a bucket; begins to freeze, sings about his bitter orphanhood; the owner of the moon descends, takes her home; Orion is her rocker, the sieve is the Pleiades]: 83; Yukhma 1980 [Orion - Rocker]: 268; Marie [Orion -" rocker arm "]: Sirotkin, Ivanov 1970:129; Mordovians (Erzya) [Orion Belt - Kurtsyat Palkat, Ved-Kandoma - both names meaning "rocker"]: Evseviev 1931:74 in Nikonov 1973:378; Tatars : Davletshin 1979 [Kyanta ishddyz; "Five girls with one rocker arm carry water all night"]: 48; Potanin 1883 (including misharey) [Orion - K i yanto-zholdoz, quende-ö ndez ("rocker arm star"]: 723; Chuvash, Marie, Mordovians, Tatars, Bashkirs [Orion's belt - rocker arm]: Mladenova 2006:133.