Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue

Ethnicities and habitats

I96. Bloody rainbow.


The rainbow consists of blood or foreshadows war and death.

Melanesia. Papua (Dutch New Guinea) [rainbow - blood of a victim splashing into the sky]: Wirz 1924:60 in Loewenstein 196:33; bukavak [rainbow is the blood of the dead; or wherever it comes from, there is human bile and splashes into the sky; either at one end the rainbow rests on a butterfly or a huge snake with iridescent skin]: Lehner 1931b: 110; Fr. Rossel [rainbow - blood of people eaten]: Armstrong 1928:121

Micronesia-Polynesia. Hawaii [Maui comes to Kane and Kanaloa, tries to pick up the bananas they bake with a sharp stick; his head is shattered; his brain stains the mountain and river shrimp, the blood turns into rainbow]: Beckwith 1970:233-234.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Sema [if the rainbow ends within a village, one of the residents will die in the war within a year]: Hutton 1968:252.

South Asia. Juang [first a fluctuating sea of mud; an anthill rose from it, Mahesur Rusi from an anthill; ate forest fruits and rhizomes; met an asur girl; she said she lives alone and is not going to eat it; they are married; there was a Kapila cow on Baora Hill; the wife sent MR to slaughter the cow and then the earth would stop shaking and wobbling; when the cow's blood spilled on the ground, the earth was established; the blood turned into a rainbow, it arched above the world, attached to each end with a peg (nail); from the head of a cow; at first MR did not want to eat beef, his wife said, otherwise the earth would not will be established; Dharam Deota gave a digging stick, taught farming, gave clothes made from bast and leaves; this is how Juang appeared]: Elwin 1949, No. 18:39-40.

Malaysia-Indonesia. The Andamans [rainbow foreshadows illness or someone's death]: Man 1932:86; haynoi (semai) [when a tiger kills a person or a large animal, it throws their blood into the sky, blood turns into a rainbow; where a tiger recently killed its prey, the rainbow sucks blood out of the ground]: Dentan 1968:21; Tagbanua (Palawan) [double rainbow - god Diwata shows someone soon will die]: Loewenstein 196:33; Western Toraja [rainbow is blood, foreshadows death; more precisely, the rainbow is dangerous in the morning, because it is in the West and people will remain under its influence all day; the warriors rejoiced to see a rainbow in the afternoon, so is the blood of enemies on it; on the rainbow before noon their own blood]: Kruyt 1938, No. 9:356; Flores [the rainbow rises from the graves of the dead; when it rains and the sun is shining, them blood evaporates to form a rainbow; Dawa killed his brother Lawin, then stabbed himself; that's why the rainbow is called lawin-dawa; those killed in an accident are not buried, and the naked corpse is left in a tree dry in the sun; the stench of such corpses also turns into a rainbow; once a moneylender was killed, buried his head down with a stake behind him; saw smoke coming from the grave, turning into a rainbow; the rainbow was evil a spirit especially dangerous for evil people like moneylenders]: Bader 1971:947-948.

Taiwan - Philippines. Manobo [at one end of the rainbow is the head of a huge turtle; the appearance of the rainbow is a sign that the gods of war are looking for blood, that bloodshed is happening; if you point your finger at the rainbow, it will become crooked]: Eugenio 1994, No. 149:263; mangian (Mindoro) [double rainbow is God Diwata's sign that someone is going to die]: Loewenstein 196:33.

The Balkans. Bulgarians ["in the villages of Yana (Sofiysko) and Kalkovo (Samokovo), the bright red color of the rainbow means bloodshed, in some cases honey (p. Gyrlo - Trynsko, Western Bulgaria), or zhito (p. Iopitsa - Beloslatinsko, Kraevo and Kurnovo - Orkhaniysko, i.e. Botevgradsko, Kovachev, 1914, p. 65)"]: Tolstoy 1997:209.

Baltoscandia. Lithuanians (Samogites): Veckenstedt 1883, No. 55.1 [rainbow is blood shed by a sun angel and a rain angel when they fight against each other], 55.2 [same, other characters fight]: 239, 239-240.

Ecuador. Otavalo [a woman takes a stranger as a lover; he asks her to cook frogs and lizards at noon while her husband is at work; her husband finds her doing this, leaves her; kills her lover, cuts him to pieces; the victim's blood turns colorful, turns into a rainbow]: Parsons 1954:131.

Northwestern Amazon. Tucano [people fought a lot, bled, went to heaven; when the rainbow appears, there will be blood, warriors, suffering and other misfortunes]: Brüzzi 1994:230.

Montagna - Jurua. Kashinahua [see motif B27; a rolling head thinks what to become; does not want bats (people kill them), in the sun (warms people), rain (fills rivers, grows grass, people will fish, hunt), night (people will sleep), morning; decides that his blood will become the Road of Enemies (rainbow), his eyes will become stars, his head itself will become a month; on a full moon, women will also lose blood, material for the Road of Enemies]: d'Abreu in Koch-Grünberg 1921, No. 85:238-239.

Chaco. Caduveo [three children always play late; a painted vessel with flowers in it descends from the sky; children climb after them, the vessel begins to rise; the mother clings to the last boy's leg; the leg comes off; blood stains the sky, since then there is a red stripe on the horizon (at sunset); white birds come to bathe in a pool of blood, take on color; the Vulture could not stand the heat, wiped off with coals, blackened; original in Riveiro 1950, No. 8:140-142; comm. Ribeiro 1950:14: Some of the spilled blood formed a rainbow]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990a, No. 30:55-56