Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

I97. Rainbow horse. .11.21.23.-.26.29.31.-.33. (.60.)


rainbow is an ungulate animal (horse, bull, goat, sheep).

Zulu, Ila, Kaonde, Tonga, Lenje, Sala, Soli, Kuki, Himachali Pakhari, Baiga, Gondas, Flores, Tagals, Chinese (Qinghai), Armenians, Eastern Sami, Veps, Livs, Komi ( Zyryans and Permians), yellow Uighurs.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Zulu: Callaway 1864-1885 (2): 14 in Bittremieux 1935 [rainbow is ram]: 242; Chaplin 1959 [rainbow is sheep; UmNyama rainbow is horned sheep, it's where the rainbow enters the ground; "water goat" Um- Thini colors of the rainbow - where the rainbow enters the ground]: 157-158; sila, kaonde, tonga, lanje, sala, salt [ferocious goat burning like fire, where the rainbow enters the ground]: Chaplin 1959:158; silt [where the rainbow enters the ground, there is a ferocious goat burning with fire; to avert the rainbow, you must point at it with a pestle]: Parrinder 1967:77.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Cookie (purum) [the rainbow is a god in the shape of a pig; when the rainbow is in the sky, it looks out for and eats crabs]: Tarakehandra Das 1945:218

South Asia. Himachali plowmen (Kullu Valley) [suramghor.i is a "beautiful mare" (drinks water from the river, then it rains); an old snake does the same for the informant's husband]: A.S. Krylova, E.A. Renkovskaya ( field materials, October 2016); A.S. Krylova, E.A. Renkovskaya (field materials, October 2016) [suramghor.i - "beautiful mare" (drinks water from the river, then it rains); the informant's husband has the same makes an old snake]; baiga [rainbow is Bhimsen's horse; jumps out of the water to report that rain is coming; its colors are black and red, and if there are more flowers, it will rain the next day] : Elwin 1939:336; gondas [Heaven called the gods to marry Earth; Bhimsen stole for him the foal that the mare Dano gave birth to; decided that if Earth and Sky were married, they would crush everyone; created the rooster who announced the beginning of Kali Yuga; the gods decided that marriage should not take place in an era of darkness; birds and insects were born from the seed of Heaven that fell to the ground, and the Rainbow Horse was allowed into heaven]: Elwin 1949:105.

Malaysia-Indonesia. Flores [a rainbow is a horse or red horse with a snake head and a long mane; on this horse, the supreme god Gae Dewa rides to gather the souls of the dead; shamans can also use it; the rainbow horse drinks water; only the souls of noble dead gallop on it, members of these clans should not eat horse meat; one man saw a rainbow snake, then became a seven-colored horse; he rode it from sunrise to sunset and came back; became clairvoyant, got rich, his field always had a good harvest; during the rains, the god Guru Giwa rides a horse across the rainbow bridge]: Bader 1971:950-951.

Taiwan - Philippines. Tagaly [Bathala lived on earth, decided to visit the sky; rides a horse capable of jumping over mountains; a rainbow bridge appears; B. warned that those who see him should not point to him; Those who point to the rainbow with their finger have a crooked finger; children are not told to point to the rainbow - the finger will become crooked]: Eugenio 1994, No. 140a: 253-254.

China - Korea. The Chinese (Qinghai) [the rainbow is a white goat, whoever sees it will die; the woman began to take water from the well, the bucket was not full, saw a white goat with red eyes, hit him; took out water brought it home, died an hour later]: Frick 1954, No. 21:527.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Armenians [mystery: They saddled the gorge and tied it to the sky for a reason; here he will kneel and get water in Baghdad]: Karapetyan 1967:77-78; Orbeli 1982 (Mox): 120.

Baltoscandia. Eastern Sami [Ayeke (Thunder) throws his arrows from a rainbow; another name is "thunder elk", drinks ("measures") water]: Kharuzin 1890:19; Veps: Vinokurova 1992 [rainbow -" god's arch" (jumalanbembüu, jumalanvembeí), "god's sash" (jumalankušak), "god's horse" (jumalanheboine)]: 18; Vinokurova 2006 [rainbow - jumalaheboine ("god's horse"); "God's horse" the horse drinks water from the lake "]: 17, 279; the Lives [rainbow: a horse was harnessed here, went to another land (siin maal pani hobby ette, teise maale sõitis)]: Loorits 1998 (1): 48.

Volga - Perm. Komi-Zyrians: Nalimov 1903 [rainbow - oshka-moska, "cow with a bull" (from a better world above us)]: 83; Potanin 1883 [öshka-möshka - "bull with a cow"]: 943; Komi-Permyaks [en shka 'rainbow; ladybug' (en 'god, god', shka 'bull, vol')]: Batalova, Krivoshchekova-Gantman 1985:308; (cf. Udmurts [osh - "bull", oshmes - "spring"]: Ulyashev 2011:226.

Turkestan. Yellow Uighurs [mystery: a goat drinks water from a stream, its two ears are green, if you get closer, everything will be white (rainbow)]: Malov 1967, No. 11:162; (cf. Kazakhs [there is an old woman among the people of the sky huge stature; eats 40 rams, 40 cakes at once, drinks 40 months (leather vessels) of koumiss; she milks her colorful sheep after the rain; then the sheep are seen in the form of a rainbow, kempir kosak; kowak two rows of sheep tied together to milk are called closely with their heads along a rope stretched across the ground]: Chuloshnikov 1924:242).

(Wed. Ecuador. Mountainous Ecuador (Heb.?) [in central Ecuador, the rainbow is associated with a European pig; a woman gave birth to a child from the Rainbow, a half-pig, a half-baby]: Parsons 1940b: 222).