Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

I98A. Pleiades - chicken with chickens.

.12.-.17.21.22. (.23.) .24.27.28.

Pleiades - chicken, hen with chickens, chickens, rarely a rooster.

Manjak, Temne, Malinke, Bambara, Dogon, Gbunde, Loma, Bassari, Mano, Joe, Ashanti, Yoruba, Igbo, Eve, Jukun, Baule, Hausa, Ibibio, Shilluk, Tuaregs, Italians ( northern Italy, but also Tuscany, Abruzzo, Calabria), Sicilians, Basques, (Spaniards in the past?) , Germans (Swabia; but probably also the north), Austrians, British, Danes, French, Arabs of Western Asia (written sources), Khasi, "other Tibeto-Burmese", Garo, Thais, Thai lue, Cambodia, Banar, ( baiga, haria), Dayaks, (Bataks), Toraja [rooster], (Leti Islands, Ancient Greece), Hungarians, Romanians, Moldovans, Slovenes, Serbs, Bulgarians, Macedonians, Albanians, Greeks, Czechs, Slovaks, Poles, Western Ukrainians, Belarusians, Russians (Lower Volga).

West Africa. Mandzhak [Pleiades - hen with chickens]: Gaud, p. 351 in Hirschberg 1929:327; dark [Thomas 1916:179: "They only know the Masare constellation - probably the Pleiades and/or Orion, although no one He could not show it to me, and the indications of when to see it are contradictory; M. is a man shooting at a bird or at a sacred bush in which buffaloes; when he shoots, meteors fall and it starts to rain; so we are talking about April"; Spieth: "Koklovino is a constellation in which small stars are chickens and the big one is their mother; it is to the left and far from Dzeretsia; D. has a stretched bow in his hands, aimed at a hen with chickens; D. is a large constellation (gröβte Stern); it determines the time of field work; he is represented by a man with two legs, two arms, a genitals; on his belt a tattoo depicting three men; he has a stretched bow; the constellation (Stern) comes once a year immediately after sowing yams; rises in the east, sets in the west; when above all, then yams are sown; when the constellation disappears, it starts to rain; it is said that "D. stepped his foot into the water"; if D. is seen first by snakes at sunrise, people will die from diseases in the coming year; if monkeys, then a year will be peaceful "]: Hirschberg 1929:326-327; basari [" hen with chickens "]: Volpati 1933a: 507 (without reference to source); raspberries [Pleiades - hen with chickens; appear early in the season rains]: Frobenius 1924:19 in Hirschberg 1929:327; bambara (southern Mali) [The Pleiades are, as elsewhere, referred to as "chicken and chickens" and are also called "motley rooster"; spots on the plumage are visible stars Pleiades]: Pâques 1964:169; Mandinga [Orion - çiçé dībá; V.F. Vydrin: "Chicken, Hen"; {we are probably talking about the Pleiades; the author Pleiades is not on the list of constellations}]: Carreira 1947: 233; Dogon (Nanga) [Pleiades "mother of a chicken"]: Kirill Prokhorov, personal communication. 08/01/2010; gbunde ["birds (in) basket"]: Schwab 1947:413; (cf. scrap ["flock of birds"]: Schwab 1947:413; mano ["pack of birds"]: Schwab 1947:413; dan (joe) ["flock of birds"]: Schwab 1947:413); Ashanti [Pleiades - hen with chickens]: Freeman 1898:289 in Hirschberg 1929:327; Yoruba (Benin, Ijeba) [Pleiades - hen with chickens]: Thomas 1919:180; Igbo [Pleiades - hen with chickens]: Thomas 1913:127 in Hirschberg 1929: 327, in Nilsson 1920:119 {same as Thomas 1913?} ; baule [the brightest stars are Buffalo Stars because they have enough light to hunt buffaloes; Orion's Belt is Niamye Oil Palm, and the Pleiades are Chicken with Chickens; these stars are considered older, all others younger]: Himmelheber 1951b:19 (translated to Himmelheber 1960:233-234, Kotlyar 2009, No. 115:104-105); jukun [Pleiades - "hen with chickens"]: Meek 1931:200; ibibio [Aldebaran along with the Pleiades: "the fowl mother of chicks"]: Talbot 1925 in Warner 1996:310; Hoer [the most important constellations are koklovino ("hen" {certainly Pleiades}) and zikpuitsovi - "chair carrier" (Moon)]: Spieth 1906:557; Hausa: Bargery 1934 ["chicken with chickens"]: 171, 593, 1200, 1114; Tremearne 1913 ["chicken with chickens"]: 114; Volpati 1933a: 507 ["hen with chickens"]: Volpati 1933a: 507.

Sudan - East Africa. Shilluk [Pleiades - hen with chickens]: Westermann, p. 289 at Hirschberg 1929:327, in Nilsson 1920:119

North Africa. The Touaregs (northern Niger, the Air mountain range) [Pleiades - "chickens"]: Rodd 1926:226.

Southern Europe. Basques: Barandiaran 1962b [Pleiades - "chicken with chickens"]: 105; Knörr 2001 ["chicken with chickens"]: 413; Volpati 1933a (Bilbao, Navarra, Gipuzkoa) [Pleiades - "chicken with chickens"; (cf. Spaniards [since Pampa and the Pleiades Araucans have "chicken with chickens", the Spaniards probably did in the past; {but the Basques could have brought this idea to Latin America}]: 507); Italians : Andrew 1878 [Pleiades - Gallinelle ("chicken")]: 106 (=1893:363); Rotzler 1915 [Le gallinelle]: 844; Volpati 1932:188 [northern Italy but also Tuscany, Abruzzo, Calabria], 194 [Pleiades name" hens", "seven chickens", "hens" (le (sette) gallinelle) from Milan to Calabria and Sicilim], 195 [Lombardy, Piedmont, Emilia, Liguria, Veneto, Trentino, Naples, Calabria, Sicily] 202-204, [Pleiades - Pulcinaia ("place {cell?} , where chickens"), widely in Italy, are in Sicily], 204-205 [Chioccia ("hen"), throughout Italy]; Italians (first half of the 14th century) [Atalanta's seven daughters turned into 7 Taurus stars, popularly called Hens]: Villani 2019, vol. 1, 7:9.

Western Europe. Germans: Andrew 1878 [Pleiades - hen with chickens]: 106 (=1893:363); Grimm 1883 [in texts for children: three nuts or eggs are presented, inside them are a gold dress, a silver dress, chicken with 7 (or 12) chickens; it's sun, moon, Pleiades]: 728; Rotzler 1915 [Küchlein, Siebenhuhn, Henne, Glucke]: 844; Germans (Swabia) [Pleiades - Happy Chicken, Gluckenne]: Meier 1852b, No. 261:236; the Austrians [quote from Dobrizhoffer: "Abipon calls the Pleiades, i.e. the Hen, after his first ancestor" {because the Pleiades are "Goats" in Spanish, Dobritzhoffer means the name common in his homeland, Austria}]: Lehmann-Nitsche 1924:82; British: Andrew 1878 [Pleiades - The hen with her chickens]: 106 (=1893:363); Smith 1925 ( Lincolnshire) [Pleiades - "chicken with chickens"]: 124; French: Andrew 1878 [Pleiades - Poussinère ("chicken cage"]: 106 (=1893:363); Rotzler 1915 [Poussinère, etc. - common in France, Pleiades designation]: 844; Sébillot 1904 (Lorraine, Limousin, Provence) [Hen]: 33; Volpati 1932:161-162 (Provence-Liguria) [Pulcinaia (chicken cage)], 195 [Pleiades - hen, etc.: central France, Savoie]; 1933b ["chicken brood of St. Jacob" (la poulerie Saint Jacque)]: 20.

Western Asia. Arabs: Flammarion 1899 ["Nine Centuries Ago" Arabs called the Pleiades Dadjâdja al-samâ mâ banatihi - "Heavenly hen with chickens"]: 278 (=Flammarion 1899:250; quoted in Holy 1913:148, =196:121); M.A. Rodionov, personal report, 2007 [distorted words (from Turkish?) , apparently, a rare book source, there is no such thing in popular Arab culture]; Nowosielski 1857 [Ukrainian people have old names for stars that are common with other ancient peoples. His name is "The Big Bear"; the Pleiades are called "Kvochka". The Arabs still call the Pleiades Aldagagch, that is, chicken]: 188.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Khasi: Latham 1859a (vol. 1) [Pleiades are called "Hen-man", i.e. man with chickens]: 119; Smith 1925 ["others (Tibeto-Burmese of the Army of India) call the Pleiades "chicken" or" chickens, and Khashi - the Hen-man "]: 114; garo [when Mother Susimé died and was cremated, all the stars participated in the ritual; Cassiopeia was a funeral cart, Mirontek was a basket of rice for mourners, Sirius is the star that lights the fire, the Pleiades (Doe-Sadil) is the sacrificial rooster accompanying the deceased to the burial site, Castor and Pollux are two sisters who came to the funeral in the best outfit; they were so adorable that Susimé told them to go to heaven; Mengoripé was a cat that did not leave its mistress, Orion's Belt was a pig whose meat was intended for food on the way to another world, Pegasus - four pillars, between which there is a funeral fire, a sacrificial buffalo is tied to the brightest one, the Milky Way is the trail of this buffalo; he was so frightened by the music that he cut off the rope and ran into the sky, raising silver dust; the morning star warns the rooster that it is time to greet the day, the evening tells the chickens to be locked in chicken coops; some stars have married people; now they from time to time they go down to see those they can't forget]: Bertrand 1958:84-85.

Burma - Indochina. Thais: Bastian in Andrew 1878 [Pleiades - Dao luk kai, "chicken stars"]: 107; Plenge 1976 [two poor brothers received from Phrá In a means to revive the dead; revived the princess, the eldest married her; contrary to the ban, the wife opened the magic box, the month immediately stole the product; the husband sent the chicken back; she asked people to beat gongs and drums to help her fight the Month; but disappeared and became the Pleiades; the same with an elephant (turned into seven stars in the Daawcháa constellation), a pig (Daawmu constellation) and a turtle (Daawphég constellation); the last - a frog, it fights the Month, and people are making noise to help]: 121-122; Le May 1924 [=Vathanaprida 1994:39-41; the hen hears that the owners have nothing to feed the monk who will come tomorrow and they are going to gather slaughter it; all evening teaches six chickens how to live; in the morning, the chickens rush after their mother into the cauldron; with her they are turned into the seven stars of the Pleiades]: 13-15; tai lue Laos [there are five stars which are called "little chicken" and the lower part of Orion is called "hen; {Yamada suggests that five stars may be Ursa Major, but it is much more likely that it is the Pleiades because they are located relatively close to Orion}]: H. Yamada, personal report, 09.01.2011; Cambodia (Khmer?) [Pleiades - Kuen mon, "chickens"]: Bastian in Andrew 1878:107 (=1893:363), in Krappe 1938:151; banara [Pleiades - "chicken basket" (to incubate)]: Andrew 1878:107 (=1893:363).

(Wed. South Asia. Ho [among groups that associate the Pleiades with chicken, M. Gladyshova mentions ho, referring to Nilsson 1920:118 (Gładyszowa 1960:26); however, Nilsson is talking about Africa, and he himself refers to Africanist J. Spieth; however, the ethnonym "ho" is Indian, not African]; baiga [Nangar star group - "plow" {not Ursa Major); five others (Orion?) - Kutela (ground or laundry stick)}; when Guru Mahadeo plowed, a phadki {chicken??} laughed at him; he threw her into heaven {Pleiades?} ; there she has two eggs, but she doesn't incubate them; Nangar is Mahadeo's plow, Kutela is the stick he threw at the phadki; Tenga (hoe) he used to cultivate the field]: Elwin 1939:335; haria [Bhagavan he made a plow and yoke with a Kotlā wooden hammer; when he saw a Kurkur (or Pāndu) dove sitting on eggs, he threw a hammer into it; the hammer was the Pleiades, Aldebaran (Kurkur) was a dove, the Hyades - her eggs, Orion's Sword and Belt - plow and yoke]: Roy 1937:431).

Malaysia-Indonesia. Dayaki: Andrew 1893 ["Borneo Dayaks and Malays" Pleiades have six chickens, looked after by their mother, who can't be seen; the seventh chicken {feminine} once came down to earth to give rice and teach people how to farm; the hen wanted to destroy it and people for this, so it is not visible; Orion saved people; the appearance of the Pleiades marks the beginning of agricultural work]: 364 (retelling in Krappe 1938: 151 and Nilsson 1920:138); Maaβ 1921 [Pleiades - chicken, chicken with chickens]: 47; (cf. bataks [Pleiades - flying birds]: Maaβ 1921:46); toraja (then bana) [Ampuë - Orion+Pleiades Belt+Sirius, with Sirius and the Pleiades being "A. going ahead" and Sirius "behind" The main anthropomorphic character is Orion's Belt; A. decided to get rice for his child; told his wife not to follow him; but she went and saw the ax and machete working themselves; they stopped immediately; A. said that now he will have to work on his own, and he will go to heaven, taking a rooster with him; when he (i.e. Orion) is not visible in the evening, the vegetation cut down on the site should be set on fire; when he lets go your rooster, you should plant rice; {it is not explicitly said that the Pleiades are a rooster, but since the new annual cycle is based on the heliacal sunrise of Orion and the Pleiades, this is extremely likely}]: Maaβ 1933: 297; (cf. Leti Islands (Leti, Moa, Lacor) [Pleiades - patume maanu, "Birdstar" (Fogelstern)]: Maaβ 1921:49).

The Balkans. Hungarians: Dähnhardt 1909:83 (retelling in Krappe 1938) [Jesus wandering with St. Peter, saw a hen, took it to heaven, it can be seen there with his chickens]: 152; László 1975 [Pleiades - Fiastyúk (styúk - "chicken")]: 604; (cf. Grimm 1883 [The Golden Chicken with Six Chickens; in search of her missing lover, the girl changes the right to go to him in three dresses given to her by the Sun, Moon, Pleiades]: 728); Slovenes : Matičetov 1972 [Pleiades - "chicken", "kvochka", "hen with chickens"]: 49; Valjavec 1867 (Varazdin) [Pleiades - Kvočka. There used to be one church, enemies wanted to destroy it, and in front of the church there was a hen on the same tree. They came in at night and cut down that tree. The hen fell down and began to fly and scream, so the residents woke up and ran out to guard the church. Well, the ones that were gone to one place and couldn't be found. At that time, there was a scream in the sky, as if the chickens were fighting, and they followed that scream and reached those enemies, and the screaming stopped there. When they noticed this, they saw a bunch of stars like a hen, and they've been calling her hen ever since]: 221; Croats (northwest), Slovenes [names meaning "chicken (with chickens)"]: Belova 2009; Croats [the attackers came to rob the church; a chicken was sitting in front of the tree; the villains cut down a tree, the chicken began to fly and cackle, the villagers woke up and cackled before places where the attackers were located; they were captured and a group of stars appeared in the sky - Kvochka]: Valjavec 1867:221 in Avilin 2015:82; Serbs: Belova 1908b [Kvochka s pilicim; Bugarski kokoshki]; Jankovi1951 [chicken with chickens]: 141; Bulgarians: Belova 2009a [1) God warned the widow about the flood so that she could escape with her children and her only wealth - chicken and chickens; leaving cities, the woman violated the ban on not looking back and became petrified with her children; only the chicken and the chickens were saved, God turned them into stars; 2) according to another version, the Lord turned Kwachka herself into the constellation Kwachka the widow and her children; 3) a widow in heaven carries a chicken with chickens in a sieve on her head; Bulgarians explain the seasonal invisibility of the Pleiades by the fact that at this time a heavenly chicken incubates its chicks, after which appears in the sky with a new brood]: 72; Boneva 1994 (Rhodopes) [Pleiades - Kvachkata, Kvachkata from Pilenzata, Kokoshkata]: 12; Mladenova 2006 [Pleiades - "chicken", "hen" (kwachka)]: 89-93; Rakovski 1859 [And the stars, peasants and shepherds of sheep, know the following. The bright star, which in the evening from the east and seems to move west, is called Vechrna (krvan kran in Turkish). It warms until late in the evening and is not visible after. After her, a star called Moma (Girl) or Virgo, who is in the south, rises in the evening. A third, quadruple star or cross, which also rises in the evening and appears to the south. The other three stars, played by Kolyazi, the Companions, come from the East. After that comes Kokoschka, or Klovachka (Chicken, or Hen), which is seven stars. The so-called Ralitsa (the upper part of the plough) does not follow. These are six stars and they look like a ralitsa. It is followed by a star called Svinar (Swineherd), surrounded by many small stars. They are followed by Zornitsa, or Dennitsa, which expires at dawn. In addition to those, there is a constellation in the North called Cola (Woz); 4 stars are considered a cart, 2 stars are two oxen; the second star, which is slightly south, is human, and the second is smaller, which close to the ox, as if sticking to it, [p. 21] says it's a wolf. They say he returns to the same place in the evening. The second constellation, which rises right above the head of a man from Three Stars, is called Svredil (drill) because it resembles a drill. Another reddish star that rises from the northeast is called Popova Zvezda. When it rises, sheepdogs already eat fast on Friday night to Saturday. Hymen (Myakina) is the name of the aerial phenomenon that stretches across the sky (the Milky Way) and is said that one Christian ran out of chaff and did not go looking for it, but stole a basket her godson's chafs, and while she was carrying it, she woke up, and then to convict him that he had sinned, the chaff was recorded in the sky, these stargazers say about Zornitsa that she had been gone for a long time, and when Rises before dawn, shines as long as the month shines]: 20-22; Macedonians: Tsenev 2004 [Pleiades - Kwachka, Kvochka; Hyades - Malo Kwace]: 74-77; Abbot 1902:70 in Nilsson 1920 [Pleiades - hen hen]: 145; Cenev 2014 [Pleiades - "Kwachka", the name is known to all elderly people; she has 6 or 7 chickens; when the Pleiades first rise on June 3, the hen can peck all the sesame seeds because it easily reaches the ground; this day is the last one for harvesting sesame seeds; sometimes this applies to all crops; next to the hen; above Kvachka - Kite (Capella), near Rooster (Nat Auriga), Fox (Aldebaran), Pigs (Hyada)]: 175-177; Albanians ["chicken"]: Mladenova 2006:94-95; Romanians ["chicken, hen"]: Mladenova 2006:93-94 (=Stanescu 2007:112-113; =Volpati 1932:198); Moldovans [geinushe 'chicken; grouse ; hazel grouse; Pleiades', geine 'chicken']: Borsch et al. 196:147; [kloshke 'hen', Kloshke ku pui 'Pleiades constellation']: Borsch et al. 196:289; Gagauz people [piece of hen ', A piece of yildiza 'Pleiades']: Baskakov 1973:272; Gagauz people [Klòcko yildizy]: Mladenova 2006:97; Greeks: Mladenova 2006:96 [Portugal], map 23 [ the distribution of the Pleiades - Chicken in the Balkans as a whole, including some modern Greeks]; (cf. Ancient Greece [Pindar: Pleion, the mother of the Pleiades, went with them to Boeotia; there Orion fell in love with them, they ran away from him for five years, after which Zeus turned them into doves (Peleι ah) and then into the stars]: Andrew 1893:364).

Central Europe. Czechs [Pleiades - chicken with chickens; slepices, kuatky - chickens, chickens]: Andrew 1878:106; Janković 1951:141; Erdödi 1970:97 in Kirillova 2011:239; Poles: Avilin 2015 [ Bialystok]: map 1; Belova 2009 (southeastern Poland, Upper Silesia) [kura, kurki, kwozcka, kwoczki, kokoszki, kurzch ęta, kurcz ątka, kaczka; Pleiades - chicken with chickens presented to Christ baby]; Niebrzegowska 1999 [Pleiades - "chicken", "kvochka", "chicken with chickens", "chickens"]: 145; Belarusians : Avilin 2015 [Pleiades: Chicken; Chickens; only in the south-west and south in the border with Ukraine]: 225; Belova 2009 (Brest.) [kýrka, chicken, chicken]; Russians: Potanin 1893 [from St. Pavlovsky, I learned that on the Volga, the Saratov Pleiades injection is called "Resheto", closer to Astrakhan - "Chicken Nest" or "Chicken with Chickens"]: 324; Ruth 1987 [Chicken with Chickens - Tomskaya]: 15; (cf. Tyurina 1972 [in the Middle Volga region in the Krivosheinsky district, the combinations CHICKEN WITH CHICKENS and DUCK WITH NESTS are recorded to designate Little Dipper]: 53); Ukrainians: Belova 2006b [kvóchka, kvó ksha, kýrki (ukr.), kýri, kýrochka khóditsa (Ukrainian Roven.)]; Yefimenko 1862 (Ruthenians) ["Alciona is a kvochka. (Alciona is the name of the main star in the Plead, called Kvochka with curls in Little Russia. Obviously, Kvochka Zdz means Altsiona)"]: 50; Znoyko 1989 [Pleiades - Kvochka]: 49; A.A. Romanchuk, personal message 2007 (Ukrainians of Moldova) [Pleiades - Kureshka]; Nimchuk 1992 (Irshavsky district) Transcarpathian oblast) [Chicken with Kurat (k) ami, Kvochka with Kurats (with chickens; with birds, with birds) - "Hens, Chicken with chickens (k) ami, Hen with chickens (chicks)]: 25; Petrov 1921 (Priest Mikhail Andrella-Rosvigovsky, end of the 17th century - early XVIII century, Transcarpathia) [Chicken: "Watch Kurichka at St. Letter in Prince, May, Luke Evangelists about the same famous Kuritsa from chicken cooks with their speech]: 286; Savchenko 1906 (Kievskaya, Radomyslsky u.) [The Pleiades constellation is called Kvochka; this kvochka leads those chickens that grow up and become big chickens that lay golden eggs for angels to christ with saints in heaven during the bright holidays]: 105-106; Nowosielski 1857 (Kyiv region) [Ukrainian people have old names for stars, common with other ancient peoples. His name is "The Big Bear"; the Pleiades are called "Kvochka". To this day, the Arabs call the Pleiades Aldagagch, that is, the chicken; in France, the people call this constellation la poussíniere; in addition, the Ukrainian people know one constellation called "Red Panna" water carrier]: 188; Rulikowski 1853 (Vasilkovsky y. (Kiev governorate) [Pleiades - Hen with chickens]: 174; Saint 1961 [{sources?} ; "Kvochka is bigger, and a few pieces of sim-everything are minorities; won go ahead, followed by a tii zirki with a purchase of dirzhattsy"; "Kvochka with curls"]: 120; Chubinsky 1872 (Podolskaya Gubernia, Litinsky y.) [the constellations have the following names: "wok {Ursa Major}, kvochka {Pleiades}, chepiga {Orion Belt}, mowers {Orion Belt}, wench carries water {Orion Belt}, apiary {Pleiades}, cross {Swan?} , morning and evening zornitsy "]: 14; Yastrebov 1894 (Elisavetgrad and Alexandria u. Kherson governorate) [Constellations: Chepiga has the shape of a chepiga, a tip in a plow on which a share is put; the rocker consists of three stars, located near Chepiga; Volosozhar, otherwise Kvochka and with curls, Viz (Bolshaya Bear)]: 6; (cf. Western Ukrainians (Hutsuls) [Big Dipper - Kurushka]: Kindl 2003:132).

Baltoscandia. Danes [Pleiades - aftenhöne ("evening chicken"]: Andrew 1878:106 (=1893:363).