Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

I98C. Pleiades are a flock of birds. (.

Pleiades are a flock of (flying) birds.

Loma, Mano, Joe, Gundungurra, Gutob, Bataki, Ancient Greece, Mordovians.

West Africa. Scrap ["flock of birds"]: Schwab 1947:413; mano ["pack of birds"]: Schwab 1947:413; joe ["bird flock"]: Schwab 1947:413.

Australia. Gundungurra [The Pleiades are a group of young female Pyrrhocorax or jays that flew across the bush in search of herbs and roots; they were chased by the Month, but more often by the male Magpie; once helped by one get out of the hole and she had to decide to become his wife; but Magpie was lazy and his wife and her sisters did all the work; they began to peel off the bark from the tree and sing spells; the tree grew to the sky and they became the Pleiades]: Johnson 2011:294.

South Asia. Gutob [Pleiades: there are 5 stars, manda gundri (letters. "a flock of gundry birds"). Informants say that these birds always stay in flocks slightly larger than a sparrow, they are hunted and their meat is considered to be the most delicious. I looked for the name gundry on the Internet, as far as you can understand, this is a type of quail]: A.S. Krylova, E.A. Renkovskaya, field materials, December 2018.

Malaysia-Indonesia. Bataks [Pleiades - Flying Birds]: Maaβ 1921:46); (cf. Leti Islands (Leti, Moa, Lacor) [Pleiades - patume maanu, Bird Star, Fogelstern]: Maaβ 1921:49).

The Balkans. Ancient Greece [About the Pleiades: "Seven daughters born by Atlanta, /Regretting their Father under heavenly burden, /In the heights of the night, like visions, /Pigeons appeared wingless" (trans. M.L. Gasparova)]: Aesch. Fr. 312 (Radt) = 201 (Gasparov); Andree 1893 [Pindar: Pleiades's mother, went with them to Boeotia; Orion fell in love with them there, they ran away from him for five years, after which Zeus turned them into doves (π ; elaedes) and then into the stars]: 364.

Volga - Perm. Mordva ['Seven Sparrows']: Svyatsky 1913:153.