J1. Avenger heroes (overall).
Initially, the motives of section J were considered specific to one specific plot based on the motive "children avenge the death of their parents" and containing a number of specific episodes. In fact, there are no rigid plot links between the motives (episodes). Regardless of whether there is a historical connection between the different versions of the Avenger heroes among the American Indians, the plot is interesting insofar as it demonstrates such a structure in Indian folklore that is comparable in complexity to the structure of a fairy tale and at the same time different from it.
Over the past 20 years, Section J has also included motives that are not found in America and are not related to the story of the avengers. Outside South and Central America, the typical avenger story pattern appears sporadically as one of the variations based on the motive "revenge for the death of a father or mother."
The Russian name of the avengers hero was proposed by me [Berezkin 1983:193], but the plot itself was also known to P. Ehrenreich [Ehrenreich 1905:46-55] and H. Tello [Tello 1923a: 108-150]. The analysis of the South American myth was done by P. Villar Cordova [Villar Cordova 1933] and A. Metro [Metraux 1932; 1946a)]; G. Kuhne [Kuhne 1955; 1967] was the first after P. Ehrenreich reviewed the Mesoamerican versions. Americanists know some variants of the avengers as the twin myth. Researchers called this story the most important myth of Guiana and neighboring countries [Goeje 1943:97] and the main myth of the upper reaches of Shingu [Carneiro 1989].
PS Powlison [Powlison 1972b) proposed to apply V.J. Propp's ideas to the plot of the Avengers, but used not the Propp method, but a specific magic scheme fairy tales that do not coincide with the plot of the Avengers. The same mistake is typical for other attempts to structurally describe American and Eskimo myths [Baer, Hertle 1974; Kleivan 1971]. V.Y. Propp's method is effective in describing any complex plots, but each of them requires identifying specific types of characters with their inherent functions.
The myth of the Avengers stands out for six roles. The following description assumes a situation of one actor = one role, but all roles can also have two or more participants. Instead of one hero, there is often a couple, where the common expression is a twin myth.
(1) The victim (the hero's father or mother; rarely both parents or a group of creatures). Function: to die, or (more often) to be killed or to suffer from an antagonist.
(2) Patron (hero's father or other powerful character). Function: leave the hero and/or his mother (at the beginning of the story); meet him (at the end of the story); help destroy the antagonist.
(3) Hero. Function: destroy the antagonist, usually in order to avenge the victim's death; successfully flee from the antagonist.
(4) Antagonist. Function: kill (damage) a victim (less commonly: damage a hero while the victim dies for another reason), to be killed (or defeated) by a hero or assistant.
(5) Caregiver. Function: raise a hero in your home.
(6) Informant. Function: tell the hero unknown facts about the victim's fate (rarely: unworthy behavior of the antagonist/educator towards the hero himself).
Roles (1), (3), (4) are mandatory, roles (5) and (6) may rarely be missing, and role (2) is optional. Roles (1) and (6) and especially often (4) and (5) can be played by the same actor. The hero's biological father or mother can act as both a victim and an antagonist (spouse murder) and/or caregiver.
An exemplary plot. The victim is killed by an antagonist; the hero grows up in the teacher's house, believing that this is his parents' house or knowing nothing about the fate of one of the parents; An informant (usually a small animal or bird) opens his eyes; the hero kills the antagonist and sometimes meets his patron. Often, the hero also kills (punishes) the caregiver, which is due to obvious or possible relative/friendly relations between the teacher and the antagonist. In general, the image of a caregiver varies across the spectrum from antagonist to patron. This section of the catalog first lists all versions of the Avengers myth (J1 motif), and then describes individual motives (J2-J63). All of them can also be found outside the Avengers scheme.
JIA. A myth about the avengers with a full plot.
SW Africa. Damara [the pregnant woman fell behind her own, sat down to rest; her daughter Aga-abes stayed with her; the cannibal called them to her house, promised to give a massage to restore the woman's strength; sent A. for with water, squeezed the twins out of the woman, put them in a leather bag, ate the woman; told her daughter that her mother had gone to catch up with her own; the bag became small for the twins, the cannibal placed them in an ostrich egg; grew up and from there; they consider the leather bag to be their mother; A. met them, explained everything; while the cannibal was away, they brought brushwood into the house; at night they set fire to the house; they demanded the cannibal's mother's heart, she threw her mother's heart to them; they they demanded again, she gave; the cannibal's heart and herself were burned; the mother's heart was buried in warm ash, the mother came to life; married the eldest of her sons, A. took the youngest; they came from small and large Half of the damar eater called them into her house, promised to give them a massage to restore the woman's strength; sent A.]: Vedder 1923:7-8.
Bantu-speaking Africa. Kikuyu [at the festival, the girls admire the handsome man, follow him; one by one they see a second mouth on the back of his head, with which he catches flies; understand that he is one of Marimo's cannibals; under different pretexts fall behind and leave; two sisters remain; Marimo locks them in a hut, waits for his relatives to gather for a meal; girls notice human bones, dig an underground passage, the youngest has time get out, the eldest gets stuck, Marimo cuts off her leg, she asks her to be spared, married; he agrees; a son Manga is born, the same cannibal; the younger sister secretly visits her elder; she says otherwise ways do not stop under a certain tree; when it rains, the youngest stops under a tree, climbs it, Manga and her father come up, Manga notices a woman, pulls her down; pulls her out of her womb two twins, brings the mother to cook, she hides the babies, feeds her husband and son with rat meat; the brothers have grown up; the mother invites her husband and son to try on a mesh bag; if they fall ill, she will be able to take them to her; ties up, calls nephews, they kill cannibals; together with her lame aunt they return to people]: Gagnolo 1953, No. 23:63-66.
Sudan - East Africa. Masai [after dancing, three girls follow an unfamiliar handsome man; he goes forward, saying that he will gather the sheep; in fact, he hides the bones eaten under the bed; in the house, the ogre's mother, from who remains the skeleton, says that he ate all relatives and neighbors, tells me to make a hole in the wall and run; halfway through, a girl remembers that she left her beads, returns; the cannibal refuses to call her mother, sister (he ate them a long time ago), agrees to make her wife; she gives birth to his son Konyek, he immediately grows up, leaves with his father to hunt people; the girl's mother's pregnant sister comes to her visit; the ogre's wife tells her not to hide from the rain under a lonely tree on the way back; she breaks the ban; when she sees the cannibals, she peed herself in fear; they first think that the tree is leaking, then they see they eat her; the cannibal calls the twins from her womb kidneys, gives her to K., tells her to take them to his mother, she will fry them to him; she hides the children under the bed, roasts rats for K.; the boys grow up, K. suspects deception (who eats meat, whose footprints, why does the mother ask her father to give her shields and spears?) ; she asks her husband and son to get under the skin of a cow, which she nails with pegs to the ground: she wants to see how K. gets out and repel the attackers; the first time K. gets out, the second time she cannot; a woman calls twins, they killed cannibals with spears]: Hollis 1905:143-147 (=Kipury 1983, No. 12:54-58); Iraq [three girls, two full sisters, and one from another father, entered the house during the rain; there father and son cannibals; at night, the girls dug a passage, ran away; one {probably the one from another father} forgot her mother's leather apron, came back; her cannibal son met her, asked if she should eat or marry her; she agreed to become a wife; a month later her pregnant sister visited her; when she left, she was told not to hide from the rain under a lonely tree; she climbed the tree; the cannibals stopped under it; the woman peed herself; the father said that it began to let it rain, but the son noticed the woman; they ate her, brought the children ("eggs") to the woman to cook; she hid the twins in a hole, cooked rats instead; raised boys; the cannibal son hears rustles, suspects something; they decided to migrate; the woman persuaded the cannibals, putting their luggage on their backs, not to pick up spears; the twins killed them with spears]: Kohl- Larsen 1963:164-170.
Micronesia-Polynesia. Maori [Rata kills father's killers; see motive J4]: Beckwith 1970:265, 265-266, 272; Reed 1999, No. 7:79-85; Steinen 1933:332-333.
Caucasus - Asia Minor. Karachays: Aleinikov 1883, No. 1 [Achi's 6 adult sons died at the hands of Khubun; A. stole a herd of H., H. overtook him and killed him; Achi Nasyran's brother drove up to the Kuban, but could not cross; from his wife Achi was born a boy, and two years later he is already playing with others; they say that his father is not avenged; they teach him to make his mother tell me everything: ask for hot halva and hold her hand; the mother confesses; says that his father had left heavy weapons and three horses; Acimez tamed the horse, took up arms, crossed the Kuban; N. approached with fear, Achimez convinced him that he was Achi's son; stole the herd of H.; began to fight with H., pretended to lose consciousness; H. brought him to his home; at night, Achimez cut off his head, took his young wife, returned to his homeland, becoming ruler]: 139-144; Stamboliev 1896, No. 10 [ 10-year-old Yetsemei offends the other boys; the mother of one of them says that it is better for him to try his hand at Cuba, his father's killer; E. asks his mother to hand hot fried corn, clamps his hand, forcing him to tell the truth; mother shows where a horse stands in the tower behind the iron doors; E. tames him; meets his father's sister, hijacks and hands her herds K.; K. arrives on a six-legged horse; four for days they shoot at each other, every night K.'s wife takes bullets out of him, heals him; K. brings the killed E.; his wife revives him, says that in the twentieth chest there is a knife that can kill K.; E. cuts him off head, takes his wife; on the way back, the sledge Sosruk demands a woman for himself; E. dies in battle]: 76-88; Ingush [sart father is killed by a seven-headed sea vampal; dying, the father does not tell me to talk about this son until his 15th birthday; at the age of 12, the son asks his mother to give him roasted wheat, clamps her hand, she confesses, explains how to get a heroic horse out of the dungeon (sitting on others, the young man breaks it with it back); the young man is accompanied by a prince; when the young man descends into the sea to fight the wampals, the prince leaves, taking the horse; the young man kills the one to seven wampals; it is not blood that flows out, but snakes come out, cockroaches and other insects (the origin of evil spirits); at home, a young man rescues his mother from the chicken coop, kills the prince, marries his daughter]: Malsagov 1983, No. 13:87-91.
Volga - Perm. The Bashkirs [the batyr of the Burzyans Karabatyr killed the sleeping batyr of the Kipchaks of the Urals; took his wife; she offered to slaughter a cow, she turned out to be pregnant, K. believed that the woman was not pregnant; she gave birth the boy, the old woman told him who his real father was; he tied K. to a black cow, drove him to the mountain]: Nadrshina 1985, No. 99:80-81.
Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Altaians [the old hero Maadai-Kara has no children; the cannibal giant Kara-Kula is going to destroy the people; the wife of MK Altyn-Targa gives birth to Kogyudey-Mergen (KM); a magic black stone is clamped in his hand; MK leaves him in a cradle far on the mountain, hangs a gut of milk and a reed gutter over which birch sap flows; when the KK takes KM parents, people and livestock away, the mare runs, the KK guards do not they can detain her; she turns into a cow, gives birth to a calf; an old woman comes down from the sky; they take care of the boy, he grows up quickly; the old woman tells him about the fate of his parents; he rides a heroic horse jumps over the cliffs of the burning sea; taking the form of a miserable Tastarkai, overhears the conversation of the llamas; the soul of KK and his horse are in two quail chicks, those in a box in the belly of one of three maraluchs (Orion Belt); for the maralukhs to descend, their calf must be tortured, he will call them; the calf agrees to scream, the KM pierces the womb of one of the maralukha with an arrow, pulls out the chicks, kills KK; he forcibly married Erlik's daughter; she knew everything in advance, wanted to become the wife of KM, but he rejects her; returns her parents and people]: Surazakov 1979:15-153 (songs 1 and 2); South Altai Tuvans [ see motive J4; Burgan, old woman Erlik and three mangys ate the corpse of Burgan Burush's son, persecute him; his grandson kills pursuers]: Taube 1994, No. 32:242-244; Khakas: Balter 1958:38-44 [cf. J4 motive; Mool Khan kills Ochen-Maatura, his widow's twins defeat Mool Khan], 74-78 [see J4 motif; Chathan invented a stringed instrument, began to play, humans and animals listened; one-eyed Ainu killed C., took the instrument, stole herds; C.'s grandson killed the Aina, returned the instrument and herds]; the Mongols [see motive J4; khan kills the hunter, his son revives his father, they flee from Khan to sky]: Skorodumova 2003:22-26.
Western Siberia. The Nenets [see motive J4; Han Hadengoth and seven Soho brothers kill master Yabt Salam; his son kills murderers]: Kupriyanova 1960, No. 16:140-146; Northern Khanty ( Malaya Ob) [see motif J4; seven stone-eyed heroes kill seven sons of old Lampaska, old man Wampask; the youngest's son kills heroes]: Lukina 1990, No. 35:136-141; oriental Khanty (b. Trom-Agan) [the aunt does not tell her nephew to go beyond the top, which is placed on burbot; the guy goes; the hut, the husband and wife are blind in it; they decide to eat; the old woman set fire to the resinous logs, and the old man became play a musical instrument, pointing his spear at the upper hole of the house; this time they decided to call a three-year-old deer; with the sound of the instrument, the deer raises to the clouds and throws it into the hole of the hut on the old man's spear; the old man and the old woman refreshed the deer, began to cook in a cauldron with seven ears, with six ears; the guy cut out a sharpened rod, strung fatter pieces, brought meat to his aunt; they leave, touched wife and husband's chin, everyone thinks someone else did it; the same with the moose; when with the bear, the guy even took part in ripping off the carcass; when he left, he did not touch the old people, but they guessed it was probably the son the man they once ate with all his relatives, leaving only his sister and little boy; the guy hears, finds a stone at home that covers his chest and stomach; he was picked up and it went away, threw it into the hole in the hut, but the old man's spear slipped over the stone, and the stone fell onto the bench; the guy started playing himself; first called his aunt, showed her the old men; then, together with his aunt, returned to himself, told her to light the resinous logs, and he summoned and pierced with a spear first the old man and then the old woman who killed his father and his parents; after that, the guy began to hunt animals by this method]: Chepregi 2015, No. 7:75-83; Eastern Khanty (b. Agan) [an aunt and a tribesman lived; my aunt does not tell me to go to the sacred side of the house, the boy's father's relatives disappeared there; but he went, he reached a huge house along the giant's path; a witch with an iron nose snores in the house; she jumped out of the house, sang "I have a two-pointed aspen hammer to kill a man"; the guy replied, "Let me be a dry leaf blown up by a light wind"; the wind carried him out through the roof window, he became again man; then flies away in the form of a goose goose; flew to the city of cannibal spirits behind an iron palisade; they rushed at him, he broke their arms and legs; trampled on the ruler for a long time; he asks him not to kill, promises to revive those eaten; failing, he says: "Until the time comes for cedar cone doll peoples, male spruce cone dolls, I will not live like a prince with seven souls"; now ancestors The young men are geese, he flew with them in the form of a goose; returned to the witch, turned her into a bloody mess; failing, she promises to become a spirit of 177 diseases; when her aunt nephew returns home, the ancestors of his aunts and uncles have already turned into healthy people there]: Chepregi 2015, No. 8:84-90; Mansi: Lukina 1990, No. 140 [the giant kills Ekva-Pyris's parents; he lives with his grandmother; meets a giant, follows him, carrying his chain; ties him to larch with a chain]: 376-377; Popova 2001, No. 3 [as in Chernetsov]: 21-37; Chernetsov 1935 [see motive J4; a Russian hero kills Mansi in collusion with his wife; son and brother of the victim kill mother and stepfather]: 112-118; Kets [see motive J4; Yurak kills Ostyak, son of the murdered Yurak]: Alekseenko 2001, No. 111:205-208.
Eastern Siberia. Evenki [Umusliken lives alone in Middle Earth (Doolin Buga); a bird arrives, turns into a girl, tells him to follow her, and on the way shouts that she killed his entire family; his his sister in the form of a squirrel helps him with advice; he flies to a huge city, where he fights enemies; they have seven or nine heads each; his sister in the form of a kilak bird helps him win; he returns home finds his sister in a house under the ashes; she tells him to fly to the sunrise where his sister people live]: Sangi 1989:182-186; the Evenks of China [when Altyn Buto was born, his parents were taken away by Dalai-Lama-Takan from with a horn on his head; father was tied at the main gate, mother at the side doors, they must open and close them; parents managed to put AB in a pot of broth; he ate broth, grew up, got out of the cauldron; he ate broth, grew up, got out of the cauldron; himself He learned to hunt with a bow and arrow, made clothes out of his skins; chased a half doe (two legs and half a body); she said that AB should not shoot at her, but save her parents; we should ask the fir, growing up near the house, she saw everything; AB knelt before the fir, called her father; the fir replied that AB's parents were taken prisoner 17 years ago by D.; indicated where the cattle, horses, clothes, weapons hidden for AB were; the mare gave birth to a foal with him, he immediately allowed himself to ride; surpassed the rest of the horses; carries AB, stops at the stream; AB hits him; the horse replies that he has not drunk milk since birth, asks permission to drink water; drinks and grows; next time stops: in front of the gate with sickles; let AB whip him three times and close his eyes; they flew through the gate; in front of the sea, in the middle of the palace; D . noticed those who arrived at the shore, sent servants; the horse barely woke up to AB, ordered to throw manure at the attackers, AB threw, killing the majority, one returned to D.; D. ordered AB to be called to him; AB refused to go in the boat , fired an arrow across the sea, the horse and rider flew over the arrow; D. released AB's parents; they warned his son of AB's cunning; AB arranged a feast, gave AB his daughter to lull his vigilance; pretended sick; in order to supposedly cure him, shamans ordered AB to get the hearts and heads of wild animals; but he easily killed tigers, leopards, bears and snakes; then D. asked to make a coffin for him the size of his body AB; his wife warned me to lie face up in the coffin, not down; AB he lay face down, the servants threw toads and snakes there, boarded up the lid, threw the coffin into the sea; the wife rides along the shore on horseback, asks if she hears AB her, whether toads and snakes have harmed him; he first replies that they eat his legs; then his body; there is a cliff in front, the wife can no longer follow the coffin along the shore, stays on the cliff with her horse and a dog; the coffin brought Mangiä to the top of the monster; when he opened it, saw toads, snakes, and a human skeleton; M.'s daughter wants bones for herself, the father says he will donate them to the spirit; the daughter hid behind the figure of the spirit, said on his behalf that the father should give the bones to her daughter; she let the dog lick them, revived them with an amulet, AB was reborn; first she hid it from her father in a chest; said that man's smell was from bones; then opened to her father, who recognized AB as his son-in-law, gave an amulet; the wife and AB arrived at the cliff, the second wife revived the first one, her horse and dog; AB's horse ran away - he escaped from the stable and hid; AB came to D., began to fight him, but to no avail; the horse explained that D.'s life in three iron files in a helmet in the thick of the forest was guarded by a hawk; the hawk drove the wind towards him with his wings, but AB hit him in his beak; came to D., broke files, D. died; AB freed his parents and other prisoners, became ruler]: Bäcker 1988, No. 24:169-182.
Amur - Sakhalin. The Nanais [The owner of Taiga ruined the camp, put the elder and his wife in a cage, took him away; he did not notice the baby in the cradle; he grew up to become Mergen; the hunter tells him about the fate of the camp; M. leaves to take revenge; M. easily fought off the wolves, entered the old woman's house; at night she tries to slaughter him, M. is on the alert; in the morning she promises to make him invulnerable, offers to plunge into the cauldron; he ties her to her belt belt, jumps over the cauldron, the old woman falls into the cauldron, from there the flame; M. burned down her house; sees a giant dragging the girl, shot him; promises to marry the girl, puts her on an arrow, sends him on an arrow to her parents; goes to a poor hut in which an old man and a boy; the old man says that HT's death is overseas; M.'s father is chained to the bottom of the sea, guarded by guards on 12 boats, and M.'s mother is in the dungeon; the rescued girl and her mother arrive in the form of ducks; promise to find the death of the Master of the Taiga; M. fights HT, gets tired; at this time, the ducks throw off the birch bark box, in which Erdeni is a freak; M. tears him off arms, legs, head - HT members also fall off; kills HT's wife, opens the dungeon and carries out the mother, frees other prisoners; kills the chief of security at sea, frees his father; feast]: Medvedev 1992 : 132-141.
SV Asia. Tundra Yukaghirs [see motive J4; a woman's brothers kill her husband; her son kills her uncle and mother]: Gogolev et al. 1975:195-196.
The Arctic. Central Yupik: Fienup-Riordan 1983, No. 13 [enemies burn everyone in the village; one woman passes off a newborn baby as a girl; his grandfather trains him for strength and dexterity; together with his cousin he kills enemies], 14 [enemies kill men first, then their sons when they grow up; one boy catches a magic bird that helps him destroy enemies]: 242-243, 243-245; Aleuts: Johelson 1916, No. 3 (Umnak) [Aliguyah kills everyone in the village except his wife and two sons, goes to another village, marries there; the mother brings up sons; they come, kill their father and everyone with him]: 300-302; 1923, No. 1:1-6, = Jochelson 1990 (Umnak) [Kangahsimah brings only giblets from hunting; his wife watches him, sees that he also kills her relatives, brings their entrails; she leaves his young son, hides in a dugout; her husband's slave raises a boy; he finds a mother who tells him their story; he kills his father first, then his adopted mother, cutting off their heads], No. 74:479-483; Vdovin 1994 (Commanders) [see motive F9; mother tells her son that his father and other men were killed by a huge woman from the underworld; a young man kills a woman]: 370-373; Bering's inupiate Strait [A bear kills a pregnant woman, raises a boy taken out of her womb; lies that he is the only one in the world who has no hair on his body; a young man hears his mother thinking out loud that it is time eat; meets people; kills mother by pushing her into the fire; returns to people]: Garber 1940, No. 28:216-233; Northern Alaska Inupiate (Noatak): Hall 1975, nos. EH3 and EH7 [always killing picks people up, throws them on a sharp stone; an old woman takes her grandson away, says that his parents are also killed; three women who have lost their husbands want help, sharpen their ulu; the boy grows up, throws at rocks and kills the murderer himself], PM41 [see J4 motive; a rich man kills a boy's father, he kills a rich man]: 78-80, 85-88, 215-217.
NW Coast. If not otherwise: enemies kill everyone but a woman and a daughter; a woman denies all animals and birds, and marries her daughter to a heavenly deity. Eyak [Alder people kill other people; the Sun's wife gives birth to eight sons; the Sun makes a daughter by cutting off the end of its bow; lowers the children to the ground in a basket; during the battle with Alders, some of the brothers dies; the Sun kills Alder with heat; the dead sons of the Sun are reborn; chasing the beast, they return to heaven; the scars on the alder trunk are wounds caused by the sons of the Sun]: Birket-Smith, Laguna 1938, No. 16:294-300; Tlingit: De Laguna 1972:873-875 [like an eyak; The Sun lowers its five sons to the ground in a basket, helps them destroy the murderers of his wife's relatives by burning them with its heat], 885- 886 [Wolverine kills everyone; a lonely woman remains; she finds a child in a hemlock trunk; hardens him in water; he kills Wolverine and his children; one cub escapes, promises not to kill more people]; Smelcer 1992 [like Hyde in Smelcer]: 49-50; Swanton 1909, No. 31:90-91 [a woman has four sons and a daughter; a drop of blood drips from her husband's box; a woman finds her uncle's hands severed there; her sons they sail to her native village, make a boat out of the skin and hair of the dead; return to their father's village; they magically begin to immerse him in the ground; the father gives them the hands of their relatives; the village disappears; In the mother's village, brothers resurrect her relatives from their skulls], 94-99, [all the girl's relatives are exterminated by cannibals and birds of prey; the raven gives her a fire drill, she becomes pregnant from it; her son kills cannibals (see motive L9) and birds (see motive J38)], 124-126 [as in Laguna, p.873-875; son-in-law is son of the Sun; seven sons and daughter], 145-150 [like Hyde in Smelcer; envious people leave the Black Man behind on a rock; sea lions save him, he comes back, does not take revenge], No. 50 [people disappear one by one, a woman remains; her snot turns into a little man; she swallows him, gives birth to a boy; Strength teaches him harden in cold water, dig trees; he kills Wolves easily; their leader brings people's lives back to him]: 194-196; Hyda: Smelcer 1993 [A black man pretends to be untidy and weak young men; secretly hardens himself at night; a huge sea lion kills his uncle and brothers; a black man continues to train, uproots a tree; kills sea lions; becomes a chief]: 39-44; Swanton 1905 [a man cuts off his wife's lover's head, hangs it on the door; this young man is the son of a neighboring village chief; the chief sends a slave for fire, he notices his head; the leader's warriors kill everyone; Tom who-na -in the shining sky, the wife gives birth to five sons and a daughter; they first play, then fight with those murderers of their relatives; the brothers are killed, but the sister revives them]: 341-344; Tsimshian [like Hyde; wife gives birth to the son of Heaven three sons and two daughters; the father gives his sons a club; by turning it, they destroy enemies]: Boas 1902:221-225; bellacula: McIlwraith 1948 (1): 645-648 [four brothers kill chief; his son lives with his grandmother, who talks about the murder; he receives strength from a grizzly, rips off the heads of three brothers, the fourth runs away], 1948 (2): 451-452 [see M14 motive; the husband brutally kills his wife; her a brother kills her husband; his relatives kill the avenger and all his people; one woman is taken prisoner, gives birth to a boy, passes him off as a girl; he causes a landslide, all enemies die].
The coast is the Plateau. Quarry: Jenness 1934, No. 23 [two boys are orphaned; the chief killed their relatives with witchcraft; one dives into a lake, gets a pipe, one end of which kills, the other revives; orphans create (?) two eagles; one of them grabs the leader, picks up; people grab the leader's legs and each other's legs; a chain of people rises into the air; the orphan's grandmother also grabs; orphans want to save her, let the chains break; two eagles play with the chief's body, then throw it into the river; it is swallowed by a fish], 42 [a man cuts off his wife's lover's head, puts her on a spear at the entrance to the house; the lover is a neighboring chief, his slave notices head; relatives of the deceased destroy the village, the girl and mother are saved; the mother rejects the matchmaking of Rabbit, Caribou, Bear, Grizzly; gives her daughter to the Sun when he shows that she can turn over Earth; Sun; in the sky from the Sun, a woman gives birth to three sons and a daughter; they go down, build a house on the site of a burnt village; kill all enemies]: 175-177, 215-218; shuswap: Teit 1909a, No. 11 [Beasts they kill all fish, captivate Trout's pregnant wife; she gives birth to a son, who chooses Thunder as his patron; brings lightning to the dancers, all the Animals die; the young man and mother return to the land of Pisces, revives killed from bones], 21 and 63 [Grizzly woman kills Bobrikha; see motive J52], 34 [Grizzly kills four hunting brothers; their sister cries, her snot turns into Stone Boy out of snot; he kills Grizzly with arrows; uncle jumps quivers, uncles come to life]: 669-670, 681-683, 707-709, 753; Thompson [Grizzly woman kills her husband and his second wife, the Black Bear; see motive J52]: Teit 1898, No. XXII: 69-71; lillouette [like Thompson]: Teit 1912b, No. 19:322-323; lillouette [like Thompson]: Teit 1912b, No. 19:322-323; quileut [husband kills his wife's brothers; A month comes down to her, says she will give birth to a son by a black obsidian; an obsidian boy kills her husband]: Reagan, Walters 1933:331-334; comox (chatloltk): Boas 1895, No. 2 [see J4 motif; Tar melts under the sun; his two sons kill the Sun, become the Sun and the Month], 9 [see J52 motif; Grizzly kills the Black Bear, her sons kill the Grizzly children, injure herself]: 64-65, 81; lkungen [people with men are killed with stone heads, women are taken away; one is pregnant, gives birth; pretends to have given birth to a girl; she runs to the forest with her son; the boy grows up, makes an invisible cloak; tries clubs from different varieties of wood, but the thyssa does not split; it kills rockhead enemies with it]: Boas 1895, No. VII.1:61-62; chalkomel [see motif J52; Grizzly kills the Black Bear, her children kill children Grizzly, Grizzly sinks]: Hill-Tout 1904b:360-362; Thompson, Egesdal 2008:258-261; clallam [see J4 motif; like Comox, No. 2]: Gunther 1925:131-134; snooqually [North wind kills South and his people; the hedgehog woman remains with her son; the sister of the South Wind tells the boy about the fate of his relatives; he burns his enemies in the house; one boy is saved, so summer does not last forever]: Haeberlin 1924, No. 19:398-399; snohomish [Grizzly woman kills Black Bear; see motif J52]: Haeberlin 1924, No. 31:422-425; Skagit: Hilbert 1985:130-136 [see J52 motif; Grizzly kills the Brown Bear, the Bear's sons Grizzly's sons, Flint the Grizzly], 145-149 [father and son Wolves pursue father and son Moose, kill father; Mole carries son in a boat across the river after he calls him father-in-law (more precisely, "the grandfather of wives"); invites the Wolf Son to sail to the other side, the Elk swims behind in the boat, kills the Wolf; marries the Mole's four granddaughters; the Wolf Father comes for the Moose; The mole tells her granddaughters to grease the hot stones, feed it to the Wolf; he dies]; Puget Sound [North Wind kills Sea Wind; the widow of the victim gives birth to a son; he comes to the father's mother; she makes rain baskets; North Wind's men are destroyed by him, he runs north]: Ballard 1929:56-63; quinalt [the girl dreams of mighty Sepaka; she comes to his house; they hang from the rafters mushrooms; when S. speaks, the mushrooms echo; they are his wives; now he has a real wife and he throws them away; the wife gives birth to a two-headed boy, then a normal girl; her five brothers come to her one by one, S. kills them; a woman throws flint into the fire; a shrapnel falls into her little daughter, who immediately gives birth to a boy; the woman pretends that she gave birth herself; Flint finds dead bodies cut in half by an uncle; kills S. and a two-headed boy; he, his little mother and grandmother return to the people]: Farrand 1902, No. 14:124-125; Cowlitz [an enemy from heaven kidnaps a woman, cuts off her husband's head; his son and brother take revenge]: Adamson 1934:196-198; coutene [sister doesn't tell brother to go in a certain direction; he goes, shoots a squirrel, she falls into the lake, he swims for a squirrel, swallowed by fish; his sister pulls him out alive, catching the fish and cutting it; contrary to warning, he goes in the other direction; the woman invites him to swing; he swings safely first; when he sits down she, the rope breaks, the woman dies; reluctantly, the sister admits that the Grizzly killed their father; the brother kills one Grizzly with an arrow, then pulls out his father's hair]: Boas 1918, No. 31:45-47; flethead [see motif J4; five Warm Winds brothers killed by five Cold Winds brothers; son of the youngest killed defeats Cold Winds]: Edmonds, Clark 1989:26-28; ne perse: Clark 1966 [Winter and his four brothers kill Leto and his four brothers; one of those killed has a young son; his mother and grandmother go south with him; every day he develops his stamina sitting in the steam room bath; mother first refuses, then agrees to tell us about his father's fate; he kills Winter and his three brothers; spares the youngest, shares a year with him]: 35-36; Phinney 1934 [Owl and other inhabitants of the air kill all people; an old woman pulls a boy out of the womb of her murdered daughter; he kills Owl and his men, frees prisoners]: 131-133; clickitat [a man named Luke had Grizzly wives and Black Bear; Grizzly warned that she was on her period and needed to retire for a while; after her period was over, she asked her two children to bring her normal clothes; brother and sister saw that the mother is gradually turning into a grizzly; the others were warned; The bear climbed the tree, the Vulture turned into a door curtain, the bow became an onion, brother and sister fled with the help of the dog; Grizzly destroyed objects that humans had become; all that remained was the Coyote, who had become a piece of rotten wood; he said that if the Grizzly touched him, she would have fly larvae in her back; said in which direction Brother and sister fled; they grew up, married to each other; sister does not tell brother/husband to go to a particular area; he goes, meets a mother there; she offers to look in his head, kills; daughter creates a spring; pushes the mother off the cliff when she drinks; the Grizzly dies; the Coyote appears, the woman throws her things into the fire, then burns herself; the Coyote raises the boy; it's the Eagle, he grows up, takes the wife of three Mice, Gorlinka, Cricket; the Coyote puts willow branches in the fire, the flame breaks out, the women lift their legs; the Coyote sees that the Mice are white, the other two wives have black genitals; he likes white ones; he turns his excrement into eagles; sends the Eagle to the rock to get feathers; makes the rock tall; takes the form of a son, puts on his clothes, takes his Mice wives, mistreats Cricket, and Gorlinka; The Spider lowers the Eagle off the cliff; Gorlinka's son recognizes his father; the Eagle kills the deer, tells Coyote to carry it, it rains, the Coyote is washed into the river, swims downstream, turns into a dead deer; his a girl picks up; her grandmother knows it's a Coyote, wants to hit, he swims on, turns into an old man, stays with five unmarried sisters; they own a salmon lake; he makes them sticks- diggers, digs runoff from the lake himself; sisters beat him, breaking five bone spoons with which he covered his head, but he releases water and fish; he catches fish in the river, bakes, falls asleep, Wolves eat it; Wolves fall asleep, Coyote steals poultry eggs from them; makes rapids on the river that salmon should not rise above]: Jacobs 1934, No. 31:79-91 (retelling in Lévi-Strauss 1971, No. 606a: 233-234); clickitate [a man promises a daughter to whoever breaks a deer horn; Salmon splits; five Wolf Brothers kill Salmon and his four brothers, take the woman; Salmon scales remain, they grow into a young Salmon ; he kills five Wolves, squeezes five cubs out of a woman's womb, marries her, takes her in a boat; falls asleep in the sun, his wife sees larvae on him, talks about it; he throws her on a rock among waters; Vulture and Vulture bring it back to Salmon, he agrees to take her back, invites her to the boat; she stumbles, falls into the water; Salmon promises it to whoever gets it from the bottom; all birds and aquatic animals they dive, can't reach it; The turtle looks for her at the bottom for five days, pulls her out, marries her]: Jacobs 1934, No. 21:47-53; lower chinook: Boas 1894a, No. 1 [the girl is taken away by the Bear; she gives birth to a son and a daughter; her four brothers take turns coming to the Bear's house; his son asks to remove his lice, kills young men; the younger fifth brother does not shoot at the pheasant on the way, does not enter the bear house; together with her daughter The bear burns the Bear and his son in their house; the Bear's wife revives the brothers; dives into the lake, turns into a monster; the Bear's daughter is married by the Chief of the Blue Jay; she never laughs; promises laugh if he gets on all fours in the forest; laughs, devours all men; her husband's legs below the knees disappear; she keeps him in a basket; gives birth to two sons; does not tell them to go down the river; they go They find the bones of people who were regurgitated by their mother; they found a basket with their father; he says that their mother has become a monster; brothers turn her into a dog, put their father under water; they go on a journey; they see a double-headed swan on the lake (perhaps a swan with heads at both ends of the body}; the younger one shoots, swims to the bird, disappears; the elder throws hot stones into the lake; the water boils away; he rips open bellies to all monsters; in the latter he finds a brother holding a swan; revives him; a man is dancing with an oar, while fish jump into his boat; brothers taught him how to catch a net; another person shoots at it rains because his house has no roof; his brothers taught him how to make a roof; they wash dirt off his skin, mold people out of it, blow on them, people have come to life; a man sharpens knives, promises to kill those who fix things; brothers turned him into a deer with knives tied to his head, these are horns; a woman throws people into the abyss on sharp flints; brothers throw her, cut her body to pieces, throw them in different directions; Indians, those who live where their legs fall have strong legs; those who live where their hair has fallen have long hair; etc.], 2 [a person does all the difficult tasks of his father-in-law Thunder; loses to others shooting competition; his hair is cut off, hung in the chimney; his children come with their metas and arrows; win; turn the local leader into a sturgeon, his messenger into a blue jay; revive his father], 4 [the chief's daughter agrees to marry the one who breaks the moose horn; the salmon breaks, its ulcers disappear, he becomes handsome; the Coyote kills him with an arrow, people eat it; one egg falls into the crack of the rock; The crow takes care of her; the egg turns into a trout, then a boy; the crow reports that the Coyote and Badger killed his father and his mother took the Wolves; the young man kills them all, takes his father's bow]: 17-21, 35-36 , 77-83; clackamas: Jacobs 1958, No. 5 [5 wolves want to kill Coyote Salmon's grandson (Steelhead, a passing form of rainbow trout) and take his wife; Coyote agrees; he was eaten, but one egg fell into water (the males probably had caviar then); the Coyote comes to the Skunk, pretends to be mourning; two Crows grow Salmon from eggs in larger vessels; from the fifth he comes out; {by name he salmon, almost human}; Crows tell him that Wolves killed his father and captured his mother; a young man comes to Coyote, shakes him out of his skin, turns Coyote into a coyote, Skunk into a skunk; dried the spring from which the wolves drank created another at their wife's feet; Wolves drown in him; he swims with his wife in a boat, sleeps, his wife is on oars, he tells him not to wake him up; she sees larvae on him, wakes him up, he threw her on rock, left with skin and bones; Crows argue who will eat their heads and who cheeks; Salmon asks the Vultures to let her down, pours water, she comes to life], 13 [see motive J4; Fire's grandson loses to his brother wives, he hangs him in the chimney; his two sons destroy players], 15 [like a snohomish]: 42-51, 114-130, 141-156; katlamet [Malinovka kills Yagodka; see motive J52]: Boas 1901a, No. 15:118-128; Vishram [see motive J4; Chief kills Eagle, Coyote takes Eagle's wives; Eagle's son kills Chief and Coyote]: Hines 1998, No. 36:135-139; tillamook: Jacobs, Jacobs 1959, No. 8 [man from heaven kills a man from the ground; two sons of a murdered man rise to heaven, making a chain of arrows; heavenly people hit the young man's father in the head like a drum; brothers kill the enemy and his people; take their father's head; a spider brings them down to the ground; they revive the father], 13 [a woman tells her son that Ice killed his South Wind father; a boy creates a warm wind; Ice and his wives Snow and Hail melt], 14 [A wild woman kills a man; his sister-wife rushes into the fire; an eagle saves their son; brings him to play his mother's ankle and father's rib; talks about the fate of his parents; a young man learns to fly, raises the Wild Woman into the air; the blue jay reports that her heart is in her wicker hat; the eagle boy tears her hat, the Woman dies; the young man's sister Mole sneaks underground, takes all the shell money Wild Woman]: 25-28, 42, 50-54; alsea: Frachtenberg 1920, Nos. 10 and 11 [see motive J4; enemies from the sky cut off the head of a boat maker, his sons kill murderers], 12 [see motive J31; brothers (number not specified) from one bank of the river they go to play with brothers living on the other side, killed, a grandmother and a boy remain from the whole family; he takes revenge]: 125-137, 137-159; Cus: Jacobs 1939, No. 11 [enemies all relatives of two boys are killed, they take revenge]: 53-54; 1940, No. 13 [Grizzly woman kills Black Bear; see motive J52]: 152-155; Kalapuya: Jacobs 1945, No. 7 [see motive J52; Grizzly kills The Brown Bear; the Bear's daughters kill the Grizzly daughters; run away; the Grizzly falls into the water], 9 [Grizzly kills a man, his son kills a Grizzly]: 115-119, 125-127; Gatschet et al. 1945, No. 8 [see motive J4; Grizzly kills her husband Puma; their son and daughter kill their mother's relatives, flee from her, and apparently kill her], 7 [see J52 motive; Coyote kills Wild Cat; Cat's children kill Coyote's children and himself]: 261 -272, 360-363; Takelma: Sapir 1909, No. 13 [see motive J52; Grizzly woman kills Black Bear], 17 [see motive J4; Sun kills Otter; two sons of a murdered man kill the Sun, bring their father's heart Home]: 117-123; 155-163; Klamath: Barker 1963, No. 1 [Grizzly kills Antelope; Antelope's sons kill Grizzly sons; Grizzly stalks them, dies; see motive J52], 4 [incest sister kills their relatives; a boy and a girl taken by their grandmother from the womb of a murdered mother take revenge on the murderer; see motive K42A]: 7-13, 25-37; Gatschet 1890 [as in Barker, No. 1]: 118-123; modoc: Curtin 1912:73-75 [cf. J30 motive; Thunder kills boy's relatives, boy kills Thunder], 95-117 [see motive J25; like Klamath, No. 4; twin brothers kill monster aunt], 350-354 [see motive K8B; Bears kill parents two lizard boys; they kill the Bears].
The Midwest. Winnebago [see motif J4; The hare is the youngest of ten brothers, turns out to be the strongest, his new name is the Red Horn; giants kill them all; two sons of the Red Horn kill giants, revive them father and uncle]: Radin 1931:143-162; Menominee: Skinner, Satterlee 1915, No. II2 [see J4 motif; a woman has a bear lover, her husband kills him; Bear's relatives take her husband to heaven, torment him; him grandchildren go to heaven, kill Bears, bring their grandfather back to earth], II8 [see motive J19; a giant kills a woman, throws her insides into an empty stump; a father pulls one of the twins, the other is brought up With mice; brothers kill a giant]: 305-311, 337-342; Ojibwa: Desveaux 1984 [Bears kill a girl's parents; she raises her younger brother, he kills Bears]: 60-61; Jones 1917, No. 61-63 [cf. J62 motive; Nyanabushu kills someone who turned people into trees; makes his older brother the owner of the living, i.e. the dead]: 467-501; Radin 1914, No. 45 [see motive J27; Puma kills a woman, her sons kill Puma]: 81-83; chippewa [see J4 motif; Venebozho takes revenge on the ogre (possibly his brother) for the death of his father and his men]: Barnouw 1977, No. 7:77-82; Eastern Cree [monstrous the beast kills spouses; their son asks his older sister what color his parents' hair was; consistently asks animals if they eat people; meets and kills a monster, finds his parents' hair in his womb]: Skinner 1911:100-101; swamp crees [sister does not tell younger brother to shoot squirrels by the water; he violates the ban, climbs into the water for an arrow, tells the fish to swallow it; sister catches it on hook, finds a living brother; the sun has burned his cape, he puts his snare, the Sun does not rise; the young man cannot open his snare because of the heat; insects, the mouse can't, the Mole succeeds, he goes blind; sister says brother that the Bear killed their parents; brother breaks a tree, a stone with an arrow, the Bear throws to run, is killed with an arrow; the brother hangs a birch bark bundle of bear-hair in the dugout, does not tell his sister to look; from sounds can be heard from the forests; brother says sister must have looked and cried]: Cresswell 1923:404-405; Algonquins (Grand Victoria Lake) [Tcakabesh grows up asking her sister how her parents died; She replies that they were eaten by the Bear, he is as strong as a boulder; C. shoots an arrow at the boulder, breaking it into dust; finds and kills the Bear]: Davidson 1928b: 277-278; kickapoo [a giant from the sky kills all people; one man hides his son and daughter in the hearth; a young man rises to heaven, becoming a web; becomes a baby, a giant and his wife adopt him; he grows up, cuts off the heads of his own sons of the giant, escapes on horseback; a giant chases him on horseback on a cougar; see motif L72]: Jones 1915, No. 11:89-103.
Northeast. Montagnier [The Monster ("Elephant") kills a man and his pregnant wife, throws his uterus away; their daughter finds her, raises Shakabisha; he asks his sister whose crooked knife it is; she tells how his parents died; Shakabish summons the Monster; the Bear comes first, then the Polar Bear, the Grizzly, S. sends them away; the monster says he is as strong as a tree, a rock; he is frightened when S. breaks a tree, a rock; asks him to scatter pieces of his body after his death; they turn into different birds and animals; S. refuses to revive his parents from their hair found in the Monster's stomach, fearing that the earth will overflow; kills monsters, rises to heaven; see motive A37, motive A32E]: Desbarats 1969:55-57; onondaga [four separate groups of monsters and cannibals kill the boy's four uncles; he destroys enemies, revives his uncle; see motive J4]: Beauchamp 1888-1889:261-270; Seneca: Curtin, Hewitt 1918, No. 21 [see motive J4; cannibal Wolf kills relatives of an old turkey woman; her grandson kills the ogre and his sisters, revives the dead], 35 [the husband kills his wife's lover bird; she is about to remarry, tortures her first husband and daughter with fire; the son kills her], 114 [the witch's daughter comes marry the youngest of seven brothers; mistakenly sits on the elder's bed; the youngest rejects her love; she scratches her feet with thorns, accuses the young man of attempted violence; the brothers want to cut him off the head and their knives do no harm; the young man tells his sister to cut off his head, put it back around his neck; tells him to leave him and his sister in a house of solid logs; the witch sends a storm; the brothers disappear, the youngest and sister escape, but the wind blows away his eyes; the sister marries the witch's son, gives birth to twin sons; the grandmother gives them the ball to play; following the ball, they come to their blind uncle; insert the eyes of owls, eagles, they are not suitable for him; each one gives one eye; they come to their aunts (the daughters of the witch); turn into fleas, bite their feet; every aunt thinks that the other is pinching her; they fight, kill each other; twins find a baby girl decorated with human eyes; send eyes to their owners; a girl has a witch's life; twins kill a girl, a witch dies] 117 [see motive J40; tobacco owners offer to run on ice, kill losers; young man wins, kills owners], 118 [see motive J29E; old man tries to kill nephew; he finds a skull his other uncle; the skull reports that the old man killed all his relatives; helps defeat him]: 135-138, 180-187, 543-555, 573-607; malesite [husband kills Bear, his wife's lover; she marries the chief, kills her first husband; her sons kill her]: Stamp 1915:243-246; mikmaq [see J19 motive; an old man kills and eats his daughter-in-law; her husband approved the murder; her two sons kill a father, grandfather, grandmother (they are all giants)]: Speck 1915b: 61-62.
Plains. Crowe [see motive J19; a witch kills a woman; her twin sons kill a witch, revive a mother]: Lowie 1918:74-85; teton (oglala) [see motive J4; Young Stone takes revenge on Bisons for death uncle]: Walker 1983:94-99; iowa [see J27 motif; a monster with a second person on the back of her head and sharp elbows kills a pregnant woman; her two sons exterminate Sharp Elbows]: Skinner 1925, No. 1, 6 [see motive J4; giants win the game of lacros, kill Togo-Who-head pendants, Turtle, Hawk; sons of the dead kill giants, revive fathers]: 427-441, 456-458; arpaho [see motive J35; y women are a crocodile lover; her husband kills her, feeds her children with their mother's meat; the mother's head chases the children; they push her into the water; the father comes to the children; the girl creates a cougar and a jaguar, they kill him]: Voth 1912, No. 12:48-49; throw off pawnee [see motive J23; upon return, the hunter finds the village burned, the pregnant wife dead; later tells his sons that she was killed by a monstrous elk; they kill an elk, and also a dangerous sorceress and other monsters]: Dorsey 1904b, No. 25:88-94; wichita: Dorsey 1904a, No. 11 [see J4 motif; A two-faced Monster takes a man; his son Young Flintknife kills monsters], 12 [see motive J19; Two-faced Monster kills a woman; her children kill Two-Faced and other monsters], 39 [see J4 motive; ballplayer kills losers; son and brother of the dead kill player]: 81-102, 247-251.
Southeast USA. Caddo: Dorsey 1905, #17 [see motive J27; a woman goes missing; her two sons find and kill an old man (mother's murderer?) , revive the mother]: 31-36; Swanton 1942:211 [Espinosa 1927:158-160; at the beginning of the world, a woman with two daughters; something attacked them, one daughter remained a virgin, the other became pregnant; horned serpent caddaja tore and swallowed the pregnant woman, the other sister climbed the tree; the snake began to gnaw the trunk, the girl rushed into the pond, swam away; together with her mother at the place where the snake ate the first sister, in an acorn shell they found a drop of blood; put it in a vessel, and a boy the size of a finger appeared from the drop; they closed the vessel, the boy became normal; hit the snake with an arrow, it disappeared; went up to heaven with his grandmother and aunt; there he rules the world], 212-213 [Morfi 1932:21-23; at the beginning of the world, a woman with two daughters, one of whom is pregnant; a pregnant woman is torn and eaten by a horned giant caddajo; the second sister climbed a tree; the giant began to nibble on it, she jumped into the pond, reached her mother; they found a drop of blood in the shell of the dead; put it in a vessel; a tiny boy appeared from the blood, and normal the next morning height; he wounded the giant with an arrow, he ran away; the young man with his grandmother and aunt went to heaven, now rules the world]; tunic [an ogre owl comes to the village every night; the young woman's husband was alive in the water by the White Puma; her two sons go through the forest, wanting to kill the cardinal's bird, who says that the Owl killed their relatives; the brothers come to an empty village; there is only an old toad; the Owl swallows it each night, but regurgitates; brothers kill him with arrows, burn him; his testicles exploded, turned into growths on a tree - "mammoth testicles"]: Haas 1950, No. 10:83-87.
California. The bear kills Olenicha, if not otherwise; see motive J52. Shasta: Farrand 1915, No. 6 [Grizzly killed the boy's parents; he agrees to be swallowed, cuts Chief Grizzly from the inside to death; along with Coyote, kills others with hot stones], No. 11 [ Coyote kills Coon, his children kill Coyote's children, run; see motive J52]: 214-216, 220-221; Dixon 1910a [as in Farrand, No. 11]: 30-31; yurok [see J52 motive; Grizzly kills Black Bear, kids Black Bear kills Grizzly child, runs away, Grizzly sinks]: Sapir 1928, No. 10:259-260; kato: Goddard 1909, No. 17, 20 [grandmother tells Opossum that an old fish killed his parents and others humans]: 221-222, 223-224; Lassik: Goddard 1906, No. 2:135-136; Yuki [Bear kills her daughter Olenikha and her husband Deer; Deer kill Cubs, flee from the Bear; see motive J52]: Foster 1941:236-237; coastal yuki [Bears kill all humans; Frog saves baby; he grows up, kills Bears, flees from Chief Bears; Spiders kill Chief]: Gifford 1937, No. 27:143-146; Yana: Curtin 1898:297-309 [grizzly bears kill flint people; old mother Silkney and her grandson remain; grandson says that if he dies, his saliva left at his bedside will give birth to a boy; He is born on the fourth night, his grandmother tells him their story; he tastes all the bows, only his father's bow does not break; Grizzly women dig roots with their teeth on a tree; a flint boy gave them food with flint fragments, they all died; fed their husbands the hearts of their wives under the guise of game, also put flints in the meat, the Grizzly men died; one ran away, from him the current ones], 313-322 [The lizard kills the whole family Lightning boy; he kills the Lizard and his snake people]; Sapir 1910, No. 1 and 4 [as in Curtin, 297-309], 24:17-21, 207-208, 217-221; achomavi [see motive J4; a Loon woman kills her brothers and relatives; the heart of one of them, the Lizards, turns into two boys; they kill Loon]: Angulo, Freeland 1931:126-132; Pomo: Barrett 1933, Nos. 32 and 33 [see motif J37; The sun kills the leader- The falcon and other people in the bird village; the victim's two sons take revenge], 87-90 [see motive J52; The bear kills the parents of two reindeer boys (in No. 89, a boy and a girl); they run away, the Bear pursues them, dies crossing the river; at No. 87-89, children come to the Sun; their mother's ghost is his wife; they bring the mother back to this world; she disappears as soon as her feet touch the ground; in No. 87, 89 The Sun offers a running competition; Deer kill him with arrows]]: 148-164, 327-354; Curtis 1976 (14) (central pomo) [Hawk quarrels with his wife Partridge, leaves; gets to four Kilak brothers ( monstrous birds); agrees to a duel on bows, killed; his grandfather Coyote leads his men; Kingfisher kills three Kilaks in a duel, the fourth is finished off by the rest; the Hawk is revived; his little son plays with with a hoop, he rolls into the sea; the Hawk decides that since he was dead, he cannot stay alive, goes across the sea to the land of the dead]: 172-173; Oswalt 1964 (porridge), No. 5:57-65; Maidu: Dixon 1902, No. 9:79-83; Nisenan: Uldall, Shipley 1966, No. 2:21-25; Wappo: Radin 1924, No. 8, 11 [see J4 motif; son of a murdered Hawk kills an old man of the month]: 48-49, 93-147; screw: Curtin 1898:445-464 [The Horned Serpent kills all the Flintlock People; the old woman and the boy remain; the Snake chases the boy; the creator kills her and her sister Fire Drill]; DuBois, Demetracopoulou 1931, No. 36, 37 [The family has nine boys and one girl; parents hide their youngest son, he is very handsome; he swims in the river every day; sister finds her brother's hair; tries on everyone, only the youngest Talimleluheres the same; his mother sends him west with her; his sister calls him husband, then recovers brother; at night she hugs him at rest; he leaves an alder deck instead of himself, returns to his parents; those they set fire to the dugout, everyone rises to the sky; the sister runs to the burning dugout; the Coyote looks down, everyone falls, the sister makes herself a necklace from the hearts of fallen and burnt people; she has wings; flies to lake, dives, rests on a raft; two sisters find a handsome young man; the eldest finds him first, feeds him soup, he gets better, marries both; each gives birth to a boy; one of them wants Shoot a bird, she tells them about a winged woman; they kill her with arrows, put their hearts in the water, their parents and brothers are reborn]: 352-354, 355-360; mountain mivok: Barrett 1919, No. 6-7 [a character that looks a bit like a bison; he is the Player, the chief of bird-people and animal people living south of our world]: 9-14; Gifford 1917, No. 2, 5 [as in Barrett, but the text is distorted and contradictory; the antagonist is Mountain Sheep], 13:286-292, 333-334, 309; Merriam 1993 [see motif J52; Grizzly kills Deer, Reindeer kills Grizzly]: 103-109; Merriam 1993 [see motive J4; Vulture, the monstrous Ku-chu and their people are killing Falcon's father; he kills them]: 179-189; coastal mivok [see motif J52; Bear kills Olenikha, Deer kill Tubs and Bear Stalker]: Kelly 1978, No. 20:36-37; Chukchansi yokuts [see J4 motif; Falcon and his friend Falcon go north to play ball, lose, kill; Falcon wins, throws enemies into the fire; revives father and his friend]: Rogers, Gayton 1944, No. 15:200- 202; salinan [see motive J52; A bear kills Olenikha, her son kills Bear's children]: Mason 1918:116; a yokutz [a young man named Mikiti, who came from drops of his mother's blood, kills a Grizzly who ate him by his mother (probably also his father and other relatives); see motive J33]: Kroeber 1907a, No. 34:225-227; Kitanemuk [cannibal bird and bear kill the boy's parents; his grandmother raises him; he kills a bird and a bear, scares his grandmother with a bear skin (making a scarecrow?)] : Blackburn, Bean 1978:568; Momoy (Datura meteloides) tells her daughter not to stay long while swimming; she lingers, the Bear comes to her, first as a human, then a bear; when she becomes pregnant, he kills her; M. revives his grandson from a drop of blood; the boy hunts larger animals; his grandmother made him first a small bow, then a real bow; talks about death mother; the young man kills the Bear with arrows; puts the corpse by the river as if the Bear is drinking; the grandmother is frightened, the grandson explains what is going on; the grandmother does not tell me to go over the hill; the young man walks, sees the village, stays there, takes his wife; Coyote makes him lose (apparently a ball game is on the court), loses his property and his wife; decides to leave, Coyote goes with him; he flies north to Huasna (he can take shape flies), Coyote runs; then the road to heaven, the Coyote leads the young man; in the house of the Sun they are greeted by two daughters of the Sun in rattlesnake skirts; the guests were given a deer, but told not to break their bones; the Coyote accidentally broke leg bone; the daughter of the Sun threw her bones into the water, the deer came to life, but the leg is not enough; the Coyote is thirsty; four vessels contain blood, pus, snot, body fluid; he does not drink, he is given sweet juice; and the young man drinks from every vessel; daughter of the Sun: when the father comes, there will be fog, wind, then he will throw stones into the house; brings dead people, Coyote eats them; Coyote asks the Sun to allow him to go across the sky instead of him; carries the torch is too low, the earth burns; it does not return for a long time; the Sun takes away his torch; the Coyote decides to return to earth; asks the ogre eagle Slo? w bring him down; he stretches his wing down; the Coyote runs on it, jumps ahead of time, crashes to the ground; comes to life; the grandson stays with the daughters of the Sun forever]: Blackburn 1975, No. 18:126-134; monach [Bear]: Gifford 1923, No. 23:357-359; tubatulabal [see motif J53; a young man named Migitikh, who arose from drops of Mother Deer's blood, kills a Bear that ate his mother and father]: Voegelin 1935, No. 14:211-213; Serrano: Benedict 1926, No. 3 [see motive J4; Vulture, Hawk and their men kill two brothers; younger son kills murderers], 16 [see motive J52; Coyote kills Wild Cat; Cat sons kill Coyote's sons and himself]: 2-7, 15-16.
Big Pool. Northern Payut: Lowie 1924, No. 11a [The centipede beat everyone in hand game and football, killed; two girls and their baby brother are left; he grows up, his sisters make him a bow, he brings lizards snake; aims at the bird, which says that all his relatives have been killed, the killer has dried their hearts, they can be revived; that two eggs will hatch chicks, they will take the boy across the sky to the Player, spit on his forehead; the boy immediately becomes an adult; should not sit on a player's blanket, not play hand-game, but football; two bird eggs will become invisible to Player Owl (will cover the dark) and with a gopher (will dig a hole, the Player's ball will disappear in it); the Player will have to be burned; the crow helped burn him as he burned everyone (the Raven jumps because his legs were burned); buried in a damp place in the heart turned into reborn people], 11b [Hawk lost football to Centipede, was burned by him; he has two daughters and a baby son; then about 11a]: 229-231, 231-232; Steward 1936, No. 28 ( Owens Valley) [Player], 41 (Mono Lake) [player tribe]: 388-396, 429-431; Northern Shoshones [see J52 motif; Bear kills Deer, Reindeer bears, fleeing]: Lowie 1909b, No. 9:253-254; Western shoshone [see motive j4; Cannibal Lark = Player]: Smith 1993:147-150; Goshiyute [Bear]: Smith 1993:37-38; Southern Payut [Hard Man and His People]: Lowie 1924, No. 10 (Shivvitz) [Iron Man], 19 (Moapa) [a man who kills people by hitting them with his penis], 20 (Moapa) [enemies kill father and relatives, take the mother away; the son stays with his grandmother, tells her split themselves with an ax; two young men who have arisen fly to their mother in the form of pigeons; kill her new husband by sending a snake to bite him when he relieves his need; kill other enemies; bring the mother home]: 121-124, 184-186, 189-190; Utah [see J4 motif; The Stone Shirt kills the Crane and its men, kidnaps the Crane's wife; the Crane's son turns into two twins, avenges his father]: Powell 1881:47-51; 1971:82-95.
The Great Southwest. Zunyi [people from Acoma Pueblo, Gods of War]: Cushing 1901:429-463; Western Ceres (Laguna): Boas 1928a [The she-wolf kills the Deer; see motive J52]: 274; Parsons 1931 [Coyoticha walks with The antelope picks the fruits of the cactus; removing her lice, kills her; gives her meat to her two children; the meat tells them to strangle the Coyotici children with smoke in the house, follow their mother in Venimac (the lake where they live Katsina, where the dead go); Coyoticha descends to V. ze by Antelope's children; many antelopes below take her to their horns, throw her back]: 137; teva (San Juan) [see motif J52; Wolf Kills Deer, Deer flee, Deer kill Wolf; he comes to life]: Espinosa 1936a, No. 30:97; Parsons 1926, No. 60:155-157; Tiva: Harrington 1928 (Picuris) [see motive J4; The sun cuts off the hunter his head, takes him to heaven, takes his wife; the two sons of the victim go up to heaven, kill the Morning Star (son of the Sun?) , they reach out their father's head, take their mother, return to earth]: 313-323; Parsons 1932c, No. 16 (Isleta) [see motive J52; The she-wolf kills the Deer, brings meat home; The deer roasts meat, it tells them that this is their mother; Deer strangle Cubs with smoke, run away; Deer kill the Wolf]: 403-404; 1940, No. 52 (Taos) [as in Isleta; The bear wants to make her children spotted like Deer, smokes herself, they die; Reindeer don't eat their mother's meat]: 109-111; mojave [see J4 motif; girls' father kills two young men who come to them; one gives birth to a boy, he kills his grandfather]: Bourke 1889:186-188; Devereux 1948 [ hostile tribe]: 240-249; Kroeber 1948, No. 1 [the oldest of two brothers]: 4-19; 1972, No. 17 [as in No. 1], 18:95-97, 100-109; Yuma [the hero's maternal grandfather and his people]: Kroeber 1972:109-115; Kiliwa [see motive J4; people kill father, son kills murderers, rises to heaven]: Meigs 1939:69-78; diegueño (ipay) [cannibal father-in-law (=hero's grandfather) with his people]: Dubois 1904 (Mesa Grande): 217-242; 1906 (Manzanita): 147-164; papago [like ipai]: Densmore 1929:67-77; pima [see motif J4; Sand Coyote beats his younger brother Yellow Coyote, kills (life is bet); son of that kills PC]: Russel 1908:233-237; havasupai [see J4 motif; Kite (=hero's maternal grandfather?) kills two brothers; one's son kills Kite, mother, aunt and everyone in their house]: Smithson, Euler 1994:58-61; Valapai [the man who killed the hero's father and brother, kidnapped his mother]: Kroeber 1935:285- 287; yavapai [son of the Sun avenges his mother killed by an eagle; kills adult eagles and chicks; old woman Bat lowers him off a cliff in a basket]: Gifford 1932:244-245; 1933a: 353-356, 404-407.
NW Mexico. Yaki: Giddings 1959 [The cannibal bird lives on the mountain, took the husband of a young pregnant woman; she gave birth to a boy; the bird took his grandmother, the mother; the grandfather told his grandson what happened; the young man takes shelter under the tree, where the nest is, kills the bird with arrows; from its feathers it makes four species of owls, then all birds; turns pieces of meat into a cougar, other cats, foxes, raccoons, coyotes, snakes - anyone with teeth; universal holiday]: 36-38; Olmos Aguilara 2005 [a terrible feathered creature carried away, ate a pregnant woman, two twins from her womb escaped, her grandmother raised them; they won, killed the monster; bones turned into a mountain (Cerro de los Huesos), feathers into all types of birds]: 210-211.
Mesoamerica Tepehua [some characters don't like the musician's performance; they invite him to a party, feed him, offer more and more servings; he can't anymore; they call him to play ball, kill him with their own with iron balls; his pregnant wife wants to have an abortion, the baby from the womb tells him to wait, give birth to him where she is swimming; she gives birth and buries a dead baby; corn grows on his grave; the woman cooks the cake, she is bitter, the woman throws it away; the turtle puts it on her back, the cake turns into a boy; the baby is dirty, since then the picture can be seen on the tortoise shell; the turtle makes him arrows, but tells him not to shoot poor fish; the boy asks the scorpion to take him to his real mother; finds his father's musical instrument under the roof of the house; the opponents hear the game again, call the player to their place to put him to the same tests as his father; he is fed for slaughter, but he asks the shrew in advance to hole his food vessels; during the game, he hits the balls, killing opponents; spares three for showing where his father's bones are; revives his father, brings him home, forbiding him to open his eyes; a leaf falls on him, opens his eyes, turns into a deer; the son gives him the handkerchief is the tail; tells the crocodile to open its mouth, pulls out his tongue; asks San Pedro to let him go with his mother (to heaven?) ; the mother turns into a holy rose; the snake moves, producing thunder, lightning, clouds, rain; the young man waves the crocodile's tongue, causing a stronger thunderstorm; Thunders lead the young man to San Pedro ; he admits that he missed him with his mother; tells him to divide his weapon between the Thunders]: Williams García 1972:87-92; mountain totonaks [see J4 motif; four Groms kill the musician; his the son grows up, they challenge him to compete; he wins, gives them lightning, he himself is Corn]: Ichon 1969, No. III: 63-69; Veracruz Nahuatl [old woman and her husband]: González Cruz 1984:211-225; Micah [old woman (not killed) and her husband]: Bartolomé 1984:22-24; Miller 1956, No. 3, 4:79-97; quiche [see J4 motive; The Lords of Xibalba kill two brothers, calling them to play ball; sons of one defeat the Lords]: Popol-Vuh 1959:31-79; chorti [Kume's father killed; K. raised by an old woman, kills the Bronze King (father's murderer?) ; rises to the sky to become the Sun]: Girard 1962:226-227; pipili [attaches to her husband's back; he escapes by climbing a tree; his head rushes after a deer, falls, and a mountain grows out of it tree (Crescentia L.)]: Hartman 1907:144-145 Campbell 1985 [the woman's head leaves her body at night; the husband smears the neck with pepper, the head (skull) sticks to her husband's neck; eats everything he gets; the priest advises you to climb a tree, throw a heavy fruit into your head; a deer runs by, his head jumps on it; a deer rushes through thorny thickets, falls into a ravine, dies; the head of the vultures that have descended asks her husband not to eat; dies, a mountain tree grows in this place; an old woman with iron teeth, a woman's mother, comes, plucks a calebass, brings her home; a month later the fruit bursts, the seeds turn into boys; an old woman makes hammocks for them; boys grow up to kill a deer; an old woman eats all the meat with her lover; the youngest boy, Nanauacin, watches her, finds out that she is greases boys' lips so that they think they have eaten; brothers trap a hole with stakes at the bottom, the lover falls into it, dies; they give his meat to the old woman, report what she ate; brothers send a lizard , she reports that an old woman sharpens her teeth at the edge of the canyon; an old woman hits a lizard on the head; the brothers offer to compete to see who will stream on the roof; the loser must be killed; they can do it, she does not; they they lock her in the house, burn her]: 907-910; Schultze Jena 1935, No. 6 [the husband does not know that every night the wife leaves a piece of wood instead of herself, disappears; the food is ready in the morning; someone tells her husband about it; that discovers that only the torso remains; on the advice of that person, he sprinkles ash and salt on the joints, the wife's head and limbs cannot return; the head is attached to the husband, he must wear it; she asks for fruit; sits on her husband's clothes while he is in the tree; the unripe fruit fell on the deer, he ran, his head mistook him for her husband, attached to the sacrum, the deer runs, it is scratched by thorns, it dies; the priest tells her husband to find and bury his head; a huacal tree grows with a flower and a fruit on it, and many boys come out of it; the man's mother takes care of them; the thick-lipped giant becomes her lover; eats what boys bring from hunting; the younger one spies on how the giant lubricates the lips of the sleepers with leftovers; the brothers dig a trap hole, the giant attacks the stakes, they finish him off; the penis is fried, They gave the old woman, she says that the meat is tough; she tells her to bring water, they bring it in a net; she is surprised; they let a stream of urine over the hut; the old woman tries the same thing, but she has gone down; they say to the grandmother, that she ate her lover's penis; for more on getting corn from inside the rock, see motif G3]: 25-31; (cf. Huasteci [the young man Heart of Corn (SK) lived with his grandmother, constantly playing melodies (apparently on the flute); these sounds annoyed the big judge on the other side; he sent twice to tell the UK to stop talking; he told him to be brought in for the third time; a crocodile came out by boat, the UK kicked him, he disappeared into the water, called the turtles, who formed a chain, the UK crossed the river along it; listened to the judge, came back, began to play again ; he was brought back, the judge orders 1) to wash the house (washes quickly), 2) wash where the bees, wasps, hornets are all black (washed, painted everything yellow, insects turned yellow-black stripes); 3) play ball with referee with an iron ball; SK threw the ball to the sky, he fell on the referee's head, he died]: Relatos Huastecos 1994:76-95).
Honduras-Panama. Bribri [crocodile]: Bozzoli, Cubero Venegas 1989, No. 12:19-20; Bozzoli, Cubero Venegas, Constenla Umaña 1983:18-19; cabecar [water jaguar]: Stone 1962:60-61; kuna [old woman turning into a frog, her sons are fish]: Chapin 1989 [among the sons of an iguana, tapir, boar]: 33-42; Holmer 1951:145-155; Wassen 1934b, No. 2:5-7;
Northern Andes . Ambera [a young man born from a tumor on a man's leg dies; seeing that he has no parents, the young man wants to know who killed his mother or father; he is told the culprits, he makes sure that they are not his parents were killed; the moon is named last; he climbs a tree or vine towards her, slaps her in the face, the trail remains; the woodpecker cuts down a tree or vine, the young man falls into the underworld; after adventures returns]: Isaza Bravo 1987 [a Buro-Poto boy is born from a tumor on a man's leg; he is dead; BP asks old people (los viejos) who killed his father; they say that jaguars (hoping BP will go to them) take revenge, and they will eat him); BP kills jaguars, leaves a pregnant female, the current ones; then old people say that BP's father was killed by snakes; BP killed snakes; a monstrous crab that lives in a deep body of water and swallows whole people; BP sits on the raft, makes a fire, the crab swallows it; the PSU keeps the crab on the fire, roasts the unborn cub, feeds the other swallowed ones, swims out on the raft through the ass; the crab is dying; old people: your father was killed by the moon; BP made a ladder, goes up to the moon, has already reached out his hand, but the woodpecker cut off the stairs; BP fell at sunset, and there have been spots on the moon since then; The sun took the PSU underground journey along the river; there people who ate the smell only B. ate, they asked them to make anuses, died, B. revived them; crabs attacked, for underground people it was death, B. easily exterminated them; through The Sun took him with him for several days; a lot of food in a small basket; at home B. began to suck blood at night, kill women; they poured boiling water on him, he petrified, and made corn grinders out of it]: 127 -130; Pinto García 1978 [Who Killed Mother? answers: whale, sea monster, moon; the hero lets the whale swallow himself, stays alive; meets a monster; climbs into the sky and hits the moon; kills the shaman who killed his mother]: 116-117, 122; Rochereau 1929 [ nutria bites a person's leg; caviar swells, a boy is born between the thumb and second finger; the boy feeds on menstrual blood; asks who killed his mother; Keith; he goes to sea, Keith swallows it, he goes out through the anus, realizes that Keith is not to blame; the sea monster; he sees it, it's not his fault; the moon; the willow grows to the sky, he climbs it towards Moon]: 100; Wassen 1963 [two brothers are born from a man's foot, he dies; old people say the Moon killed their father; they tie vines, climb into the sky; one brother falls at sunrise, the other to the west]: 71-72; nonama [two brothers are born from a tumor on their leg; asking who killed their father]: Lotero Villa s.a.: 22 [brothers are told that snakes killed their father; they kill snakes; Jaguars; same; Moon; they climb the vine into the sky, but the Woodpecker cuts it off], 23 [one brother is eaten by a snake; the other finds out that his father was killed by the Sun; he goes to sunset, comes to people without anuses]: Wassen 1935, No. 8 [two brothers are born from a woman's caviar; they ask about their father; swallowed by a snake, they come out alive; this means that the serpent did not kill their father; one of the brothers flies to the moon, scars it; the woodpecker hits him in the face, he falls on sunset]: 133-137; 1963 [old people: Moon; brothers climb the vine into the sky, hit the moon, spots are still visible; woodpecker tears the vine, brothers fall at sunset and sunrise]: 71-72; chimila [ see motive J4; mother kills father with work, sons kill mother]: Reichel-Dolmatoff 1945, No. 12:11-12; guajiro: Wilbert, Simoneau 1986 (1), No. 24 [sister, not knowing whether she is getting pregnant from her brother's breath; gives birth to a girl; she becomes pregnant by an uncle who hits her chest with his hand; leaves, the twins from her womb talk to her; ask her to make them bows and arrows; she pricks her eye with a cane, punishes children by slamming on the stomach; they force her to come to the Jaguars; the mother of the Jaguars hides her in a vessel; her sons find and devour her; five boys are born from pieces of her meat; three Jaguars kill, save two; offer to shoot at a man's pupils on the moon; twins replace arrows; Jaguars lose, turn arrowheads into their claws; twins steal melons and papayas from the Pigeon's garden; she tells them about their mother's fate; Mako reports the same; the twins kill the Jaguar mother, cook her meat, let her sons eat it; run away as a cloud; the Jaguars turn into evil spirits], 25-28 [just like (24)]: 54-63, 66-84.
Llanos. Sicuani: Wilbert, Simoneau 1992, No. 147 [monkeys; no informant]: 489-490.
Southern Venezuela. Maciritare: Civrieux 1960:118-122 [jaguariha; jaguar (not killed), animal people], 175-179 [jaguars and star people], 180-183, 185 [thunder]; 1980:51-54 [animal people, birds], 55-69 [toad woman, Jaguar], 88-94 [thunder], 103-116 [jaguar and star people]; sanema [jaguar]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990b, No. 182, 189 [not killed]: 362-364, 372; Yanomam [jaguar]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990b, No. 187:369-370; Yanomami: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990b, No. 181 [(Lizot MS); first the Yanomami ate the placentas, then they ate the newborns themselves, there are almost no people left, only the Kurare Woman survived; she hid her daughter Moyenayoma on the roof, put a piece of her own skin in the mouth of Jaguar's sleeping son, who died; the Jaguar ate it; wanted to eat the LCD (calls her mother-in-law), but it was bitter; M. peed herself, the leaves crumpled, her Jaguar saw, ate, LCD asked for a uterus, hid the Omawë twins and the older, bad, they immediately grew up; they peel the tree, invite the Jaguar to climb, made the tree tall and thick, Jaguar fell; when the LCD removed his lice, his brothers killed him with arrows], 192 [(Cocco 1972:469-474); Jaguar Ira ate Poapoama, gave the baby from the womb to his grandmother Mamokori-yoma, who raised Omawë; his eldest brother was Yoawë; when fishing, he sees two girls in the river; the next day O. saw one girl, grabbed it, brought it home; she is the daughter of the water monster Rahara-riwë (looks like a push-up bag cassava); O. took her to the site, to the seiba, ordered her to pull out the root and prepare a cassava; his wife did not eat, said that the real cassava was not like that; gave birth to a beautiful girl; asked Yarimi-riwë to marry her ;; her vagina bit his penis, there was a fish; he turned into a monkey; O.'s wife took him and YE. to her father, to the station, showed them a real cassava; at this time her father sent them a huge wave; O. and YE. turned into crickets, hid under the roof of a house where air remained; both his wife O. and his wife returned home; decided to take revenge on R.; agreed in the Sun to dry the pond; for the first time the dry season has come; O. plunged his spear into the ground, the water poured out, everyone is drunk; some of the water has risen to the sky, now pours out in the form of rain; the shamans threw the old woman into the water, the flood is over; O. ate dead fish, where he threw the dice, rivers appeared; O. stole the daughter of the morokoto fish; then left with his family, his descendants were Europeans]: 359-361, 377-382.
Guiana. Warrau: Wilbert 1970, No. 37 [snake jaguar, frog woman], 139-141 [jaguar or spirit; frog woman], 144 [demon; old woman], 166 [frog woman], 190 [toad woman; jaguars (unkilled)]: 103-104 , 279-293, 301-306, 359-361, 440-441; carinha (Orinoco): Civrieux 1974:82-84 [old woman], 104-108 [see motive J44; an old man and an old woman in heaven kill a man, his son kills them]; carinha ( Guyana) [see motive J9; a woman dies in the house of a Jaguar and the Frog; her sons kill both]: Roth 1915, No. 35-38:133-135; curl [vultures]: Magaña 1988a, No. 60, 60a: 107-109, 239-240; macushi: Soares Diniz 1971, No. 2 [jaguars (not killed), toad woman]: 78-80; Roth 1915 [jaguar, toad woman (not killed)], No. 39, 40:135; wapishana [woman dies in the house of Toad and Jaguar, her sons kill the Toad; see motif J16]: Wirth 1950, No. 1:167-168; waiwai [see motive J16; jaguars eat a turtle woman, her children are not afraid of jaguars (apparently a text with significant lacunae)]: Fock 1963:38- 42; trio [jaguars, jaguariha turned into a deer]: Magaña 1987, No. 8:133; oyana: Magaña 1987, No. 16 [everyone goes to dance, left in the village covered with ulcers; the monkey drinks with his genipa drink, the ulcers disappear, his body is covered with drawings; at the dance, his wife does not recognize him; the monkey sits down with him and his son in a stupa, causes a flood; they wait for him in a tree, then they go down a rope of wakalimë excrement; there is no fire, they cook fish in the sun; an old toad steals fish, owns fire, keeps it in its ass; an owl steals a coal, it goes out; a bird says Jaguar killed them (who?) mother; they invite the Jaguars to dance, knock down the roof of the house on them; one escapes], 43 [see J9 motif; a Jaguar kills a woman, her son kills jaguars], 53, 97:37, 42-45, 53; oyana, aparaí [see motive J16; Jaguars kill a woman; her two sons kill Jaguars]: Rauschert 1967, No. 8:184-185; hishkaryana [see motive J9; jaguars (not killed)]: Derbyshire 1965:54-58; oyampi: Grenada 1982, No. 5 [Jaguariha kills a woman, her sons kill Jaguars], 6:67-68, 75-78.
Western Amazon. Koreguahe [see motive J4; Jaguar kills a man, sons of a murdered man kill Jaguar]: Jimenez 1989, No. 45:100-101; Zion [jaguariha]: Chaves 1958:139-141; mayhuna [see motive J4; The Sky Jaguar woman's brothers kill her husband; her son kills the Jaguars]: Bellier 1991b, No. 3:173-178; cofan [see motive J16; jaguars kill a woman; her bird sons kill the Jaguariha (and the Jaguars?)] : Calífano, Gonzalo 1995, No. 119:175-177; Napo [see J9 motif; jaguars kill woman, her sons kill jaguars]: Foletti Castegnaro 1985:55-64; Mercier 1979:28-39; Oberem 1957 (quiho) [ The sorcerer turned into a cougar, ate people; brought a pregnant woman, left himself, she hid on the platform; she spat, he noticed her, killed her, found two boys in her womb, put them in her bag; the sorcerer's wife wanted to raise them; The cannibal hawk took the bag to the top of the volcano, could not open it; Vulture asked the sorcerer's wife to take the bag back; the boys quickly became 15 years old, a third joined them; dug a cave in the mountain; called the sorcerer, asked to do a little bit, was walled up; now mundo-puma (world cougar) lives in the Galeras Ridge; if you hear a buzz, he calls other cougars; they bring him food; he asks why game, not human; to kill the cougars, the young men put a log through the stream; the cougars followed them, the young men threw off the log, one pregnant female escaped, the current cougars from her; two boys again; they killed a hawk and the cannibal snake; those petrified, will come to life at the end of the world; see motif B2A (the sorcerer's wife turns into mother earth, causes earthquakes)]: 183-184; Ortíz de Villalba 1989, No. 47 [see motive J44]: 90-91; canelo: Coloma et al. 1986 [see motive J25; a cannibal kills a pregnant woman, her son kills an ogre]: 89-93; Whitten 1976:55; shuar: Pelizzaro in Forno 1969-1970 [old woman; forest animals]: 44; Karsten [jaguars; no informant] 1919:338-339; 1935, No. 8:523-526; Pelizzaro 1961, No. 12 [cannibal; his wife turning into a deer]: 8-9; 1990:38-40 (=1993:35-40) [see J15 motive; jaguar kills a woman, her sons kill jaguars], 43-48 [like 1961, No. 12]; Rueda 1987, No. 9, 9a [as Pelizzaro 1961, No. 12], 53, 53a [ogre]: 68-76, 226-232; Aguaruna [eagle and eagle]: Akutz Nugkai et al. 1977 (2) : 157-161; Aguaruna: Akutz Nugkai et al. 1977 (1) [A predator (el Carnívoro) killed a pregnant woman, gutted it, washed the meat in the river, found an egg in her stomach, put it on a stone to bake it later, the goose carried him to his nest down the river; a boy came out of the egg, the goose raised him; the boy began to come to his murdered mother's site, ate hot pepper there; the boy was radiant, he was the sun; the Predator's wife noticed that on their property (they considered him their own) someone was eating all the pepper; the Predator waited for the boy, called him a son, brought him to him; made him a small sarbakan; wanted to shoot flies, stuck to the Predator's body, and fell into each without injuring the Predator; the Predator offered to build a house, asked for a pole hole to go down to deepen it, lowered the pole from above and threw earth at the hole; Sun got out through the hollow core of the pillar; both pretended that nothing had happened; the Sun became a young man, the Predator made him a big sarbakan on the condition that he would bring him all the game; the Sun brought him the birds, the Predator barely fried them, devoured them raw; made thundering pendants in the Sun's ears to hear him approach; left alone, played the flute from his mother's skull; the Sun destroyed all the birds, the dove remained; asked to shoot bird feathers from the sarbakan, the birds were reborn; the dove told everything; ordered to fasten the pendants so as not to make noise, come quietly and see what the Predator was doing; he tried to hide his skull, the skull rolled under the Sun's feet, tears were dripping from his eyes; the Sun created a tree whose fruits deer love; the predator ordered him to go hunting tomorrow; the Sun made him a spear out of bad bewitched the tree so as not to hit the target, and the Predator made a good spear for the Sun; since the Sun hit the target, he was the one who went hunting; let the Predator send his wife to the site for cassava; Sun turned her into a deer, killed her, but her head was human; The sun told the digger stick to be responsible for it; brought home a deer without a head; The predator eats meat, the Sun pretends to call "its mother", answers the stick- digger; The Sun sent the Predator to swim, brought his wife's head, cursed all objects to rot immediately; when he saw his head, the Predator wanted to kill the Sun, but everything he picked up fell to dust ; The Sun pierced the Predator with a spear, nailing him to the ground; a vine grew and tied him; the Predator's back took root; a flower grew out of his penis, hummingbirds flocked to it, the Predator caught them and ate them; one day almost ate a man, the Sun decided to move him to the end of the world; the toucan and woodpecker cut off the roots, raised the Predator into the air; the Sun created a fruit tree, many birds rushed to it; The Sun spoke about the tree The predator did not resist, he sucked the guts of the gathered birds; he did not want to fly, but the birds carried it; they screamed "like a balsa" (i.e. light) and he "like a stone"; at the edge of the world downstream, the Predator could grab and eat only fish, caught it all; then the Sun left him only one hand free; he turned into a tree, and the three women promised to him in red, cream and gray clothes (they are actually birds ) - with leaves; at certain times of the year, the leaves dry out, and the wind brings birds from the lower reaches of the river; these birds bring the souls of the dead to the Predator, but they themselves say they hunt monkeys; when birds arrive, Many people die; when corpses are smoked, birds are driven away]: 135-169; Chumap Lucía, García-Rendueles 1979 (1), No. 1 [Ajáim went to the station, met a pregnant woman, killed, gutted by the river, I found an egg in my stomach, put it on a stone; duck (sem. Phalacrocoracidae) took him away; Etsa (the sun) was born from him; one day he got out of the water, came to site A. and began to eat hot pepper, which was sweet to him; A. sent a snake to find out who was on the site; E. he ran away from the snake, but then A. caught him, brought him to his place; E. began to live with him; A. tied seed bells to him; when E. grew up, A. made him a small sarbakan; E. shot flies, then A. sent him to bird hunting; E. brought them, A. ate them; made a big sarbakan for E.; E. soon shot all the birds, the hummingbirds were the last; the dove tells me not to shoot, says that A. killed E.'s mother; from her head made a vessel (rather a wind instrument), blows into it; E. crept up and saw that it was; his mother's skull rolled to E.'s poga, tears were dripping from his eyes; E. calls A. into the forest: there is a fruit tree to which deer walk; E. throws his spears more accurately; tells A. to send his wife to the site; he killed her himself, turned her into a deer, only a human head; E. cut her off, and ordered his wife A.'s digging stick to be responsible for her; A. ate a deer, and when he returned from bathing, E. gave him his wife's head; A. grabbed his spear, but it turned out to be rotten, and E. pierced A. with his spear; a flower grew out of A.'s penis, and hummingbirds began to flock to him, A. them caught and ate; to take A. to take A. to where he could not eat, E. called for help from a pauhil, a toucan, a woodpecker and a peacock (Pipile cumanensis, sem. Cracidae); at first A. shouted: as heavy as a stone, the birds could not lift it; then he was promised two women and A. began to scream: light, light; he was placed on the island, but he ate all the fish; this place called Tunkín; left one hand on the ground - the same, he was fishing with one hand; you can still hear his screams when he is hungry; the Leistes militaris (Pexites militaris) bird fumigates sick people or the dead and brings A. to eat; A. sings, birds flock to him, sitting on trees]: 39-45; Guallart 1958:61-65; huambis [Ajaimpi caught people in traps like birds, devoured; once gutted ravine woman, found an egg the size of a turtle's egg in her stomach; A. put it on a stone and began to swim; the heron carried the egg to its nest; sat out, the Sun Boy was born; began to live in the forest, ate pepper in the garden A.; he waited for him, brought him home, called himself a father; seeing how accurately the boy shot flies with a toy sarbakan, A. made him a real one; the Sun brought him all the birds shot; A. the dove told him about the murder of his mother; the Sun shot the feathers of the birds from the sarbakan and they came to life; tying his ear pendants so as not to make noise, the Sun watched A. play an instrument made of the head of the mother of the Sun; suddenly he entered, the skull rolled at his feet; the Sun asked A. to make two spears; he fell into a palm tree with his own, but A. did not fall; so it was better for the Sun to follow the deer; asked him to send his wife to the area behind cassava; turned it into a deer, but the head remained human; the Sun set his head on a stick and told her to answer if they called, and A. brought the deer carcass; he ate all the meat; while he was swimming, The sun brought his head; made all objects rotten; A. grabbed them to kill the Sun, but they crumbled; the Sun hit him with its spear; A. put his right hand behind his back, and left his left hand free ; put a flower on his penis so that hummingbirds could flock to it, A. ate them; the vines braided A. firmly; the birds released it, fell as if dead, and then everything immediately came to life and lifted A. into the air, left it above the Santiago River down Marañon; the body became a tree, the hand with which A. grabbed the fish with a branch]: Ortiz Rescaniere 1985:61-85; saparo [see motif J9; jaguars kill a woman, her sons from a lover- Jaguars have been slaughtered for months]: Reinburg 1921:11-13; achuar [like Aguarun, Akutz Nugkai et al. (1)]: Seymour-Smith 1988:117-118.
NW Amazon. Carijona: Schindler 1979, No. 1 [a woman takes Jaguar as a lover, allows him to kill her husband; when she is two years old, her son Months asks his mother how his father died; Missing in the woods; boy wanders through the forest, Forest says he didn't kill his father; Fell off a tree; boy jumped off a tree, fell slowly; Earth; Didn't kill; - Drowned fishing; boy swims in dolblenke through the rapids, Water: Did not kill; the boy took a hummingbird egg, from which his younger brother Tukučimobi (hummingbird egg before) was born; he is the Sun, on the third day he is smarter than the Month; Month brings a lot of meat, but the mother gives everything to the Jaguar; brothers kill birds to tell them about their father's death; the woodpecker who hammered the tree in which the Jaguar and the Night Monkey lived spoke; brothers revive the dead birds; they spy on a mother dressed as a girl bringing food, calling the Jaguar, knocking a vine on wood, copulating; when she leaves, the brothers call the Jaguar with the same signal, kill with poisoned arrows; T. made a necklace out of his fangs, wears it for war; when the Month wears the necklace, the hunters have a lot of prey; the mother takes a palm larva as lovers, the brothers burn the palm tree, the larva dies; the mother calls T. has eye disease (the same after the murder of Jaguar); the forest chicken screams about it; T. tells all the birds to voice, finds a chicken by voice, brings her mother to fry; she witches to make a broken one while eating bones, water poured over, flooded the ground with a flood; T., with the help of a magical calebass, stops the flood; tells her mother to drop her milk into a pot of ash, from which a fruit tree grows; to the tree animals come, including the Night Monkey; she has a horn from Father T.'s skull around her neck; brothers kill the Monkey in an ambush, but her mother creates a snake, which steals her father's skull; therefore, he could not be resurrected; mother tells T. and his month-old brother that she will die, tells her to cut off her hand, put it in the basket with cassava, hang it over the hearth; when the sons return from hunting, the food will be prepared; said that the garden was ruining Aguti, went to make a trap, turned into an agouti, died deliberately trapped; there was a trace of the place where T. took a sand flea out of his mother's leg the day before; the brothers did, as his mother ordered, but T. did not believe that Aguti's paw was preparing the food; told the kuckuck bird to warn if women appeared; but the brothers were far away, did not have time to run; the same with the woodpecker (the brothers noticed footprints of two women); the third time the cacambra bird warned in time, the brothers grabbed two women, both wanted a lighter and younger one; T. managed to grab the eldest before she put on her outfit The vulture, and the youngest put it on and flew away; because the eldest's clothes were torn, she remained human, T. married her; gave birth to many children, but dumb; then T. showed her huge larvae, she was surprised spoke], 12 [person (victim's father-in-law)]: 21-43, 113-114; Tarian: Brüzzi 1994 [there were few first ancestors on the river island; then they became jaguars, spirits; one young man raped a girl; They decided to kill him; when everyone became falcons to catch flying ants (saúva), everyone attacked him; he tried to escape, turning into different creatures and objects: a bird (like a swallow), a tree with large roots, a macaw parrot, a monkey; when he became a monkey, others became jaguars and ate it; an old man and an old woman lived on the other island; the old woman sent her husband to get a piece; the old man got little fingers with three bones; the little finger fell into the river and became three fish P otamorrhaphis guianensis; others accused the old man of saving a piece, but the old man convinced them that innocent; the old woman caught the fish and peppered them, but they became crickets; the old woman put them in the pot, put them on the fire, but they became boys; the old woman began to raise them; they threw them pepper in the old man's eyes; he took them to the site to burn them, but they jumped out of the fire unharmed; they left a turtle on the path, the old man came across and fell; scolds the old woman - because of her, these unbearable boys; the old woman took them to the site; there the women pluck unripe fruits, they turned into agouti; the brothers climbed a tree, the old woman sent ants, the brothers fell, died, came to life; the old woman died from a spider bite, they revived her; turned into beautiful birds, girls by birds, birds became young men again, got together with girls; the relationship continued, one said; jaguar people are trying to kill their brothers, but they they easily turn into anyone, elusive, do not drink poisoned kashiri; the opossum killed the inamba, but ate the inamba harpy eagle; the relatives of the victim sent the brothers to kill the harpy eagle: let them decorate them with feathers , if they want to become shamans; they caught eagles in strong nets, became shamans; dabucuru needs fish; one brother became a woman, the Big Serpent came to meet her, and the other two killed him; the brothers cut the body into pieces, and fish appeared from them (p. 125-126); the brothers went out and returned, increasing in number; they answered the jaguars that their names were Bitter Jaguar, Broken Teeth, etc.; they tried it is bitter to bite, teeth break, etc.; it is not clear which of the audience are the real three brothers; the brothers went to heaven to steal the Thunder sword (lightning is its shine); Thunder gave a fake; while Thunder slept, they they replaced his real club with a fake; from the lightning of Thunder, the brothers fell apart and came to life, and killed him with their lightning; revived; with this lightning they killed all the jaguars, but also the old woman; climbed to the uppermost sky tier]: 114-134; Moreira, Moreira 1994 [Yaipihkana people beat Diroá {os Diroá - two or more of them} to death; traveled from one place to another, various characters from among J. ate D. {an insect is mentioned; no further animal species have been identified}; no one should have thrown away even a part of D.'s bodies; grandfather D. Yatoem also ate, threw a bone, she went horsefly, fell into the water, turned into fish; there was a thunder; I said it meant they would die; grandfather did not admit that he left it; Grandma D. I caught the fish, put them in a bag of pepper, began to smoke, but they were alive; they were mischievous, my grandfather threw them into the river with the pestle, they came back; my grandfather could not do anything with them; my grandmother tried them burn, they don't burn; they went to clear the area, the grandfather sent poisonous spiders, one bit, D. {the brothers' name is also Diroa as in the previous incarnation} pretended to die, immediately came to life; the grandfather sent ants, D. drove them away; equipped the axes with piranha and jaguar teeth, and the trees immediately fell from the blows ; cleared the whole plot; his grandfather set him on fire, D. hid inside the tree, the grandfather is sure they burned down, returned home, D. is already there; continued to be mischievous; went to kill those who ate their fathers; met Wahto, he made a paddle to kill D., did not recognize D., replied that he was waiting for D. to hit them with an oar; they asked them to show how he would hit; they hit him themselves, killed him; then the same with the Bat, Battleship and others {not identified}; Ya'koro said that he and his children did not eat D., D. did not kill him; both D. sailed in a boat with his grandfather, although he did not want to take them; threw the hook, pulled out the anaconda, cut them apart, they turned into different fish (so several times in different places); brought fish for the dabukuri festival; at the festival, one D. came out, two identical ones came back; two came out, four returned; etc., it became many D.; Y. women began to disappear one by one; D.'s jewelry was made from the claws and fangs of predators, these jewelry devoured women; the old woman tried to bite D., but they were like steel, or bitter, or other unpleasant taste; in exchange for the fish brought by D. Y. gave them the meat of birds and animals; D. spruce, threw a seed, it turned into an animal or bird of the appropriate species, which began rushing inside the little one; so when something bad happens, animals and birds come close to the house; D. went to heaven to Grandfather Thunder for a club to kill Y., but he gave a weak one; D. tried wild boars , they were only stunned; he put a good Thunder under his head; D. put him to sleep, changed his club; I put the birds to guard, D. they were sedated, killed all I. with a lightning and thunder strike]: 26-32; baniva [old man (husband victim sisters)]: Saake 1968:261-262; bar: Pereira 1980 (1): 239-241 and 256-265 [fish and anaconda people], 250-255 [monkeys]; cubeo [pregnant woman falls from the shore, drowns; vultures remove a living boy, Hömänihikë, from the corpse; he decorated himself with feathers and monkey hair, flew on the back of a vulture to his father's house, and remained sitting in the form of an owl on a pole; there was his grandmother in the form of an anaconda; he blew tobacco dust on her with a wind gun, she woke up as a man; the grandmother tells me to kill the jaguar who killed Father H.; he cuts down a tree, a jaguar comes, H. kills him with a poisoned arrow; the same with another jaguar; along with his grandmother H. comes to the Vulture Garden, turns into a baby; the vulture girl came to swim, H. became a bird, she took it, he became a man; grandma made kashiri; Vultures came to dance; H. killed them and his grandmother by cutting her in half; went on a journey, killed Locusts, Monkeys (of a certain species), Ants, Wasps, Deer (all they were human, although it is described to kill animals and forever, for example, X. crushed the wasp nest with his hands); H. had brothers Kuai and Mianikë Toybë; the latter has no head, eyes on breasts]: Koch-Grünberg 1910:159-162; Kabiyari [jaguars kill woman, her son kills jaguars; see J15 motive]: Correa 1989, No. 3:53-67; barasana [jaguars]: S.Hugh-Jones 1979, No. 4A-E: 274 -279; Torres Laborde 1969:31-40; tatuyo [without details; jaguars]: Bidou 1972:66; desana [see J12 motif; Eagles and Jaguars kill Inamba; his bone turns into two Thunders; they kill Eagles , Jaguars]: Kumu, Kenhiri 1980:169-174; macuna [jaguars and their anthropomorphic mother (possibly cricket; not killed)]: Trupp 1977:50-55; ufaina [jaguars; no details]: Hildebrand 1975:376 (note 38); maku [jaguars]: Silverwood-Cope 1972, No. 4:221-227; andoque [the woman's brothers, night monkeys, ate her husband, hid his wind gun in the house; a dart and cotton wool to plug the hole The woman hid the sarbakan between her breasts; the victim's son made a small sarbakan, shot flies, hit his grandfather in the testicles, who said that the boy had his father's habits; so the boy found out that he had a father; began to ask his mother how he died; she replies that he was eaten by the owner of the forest (the boy walks through the forest at night, untouched); 2) fell off the roof (the boy jumps off the roof, alive); 3) was bitten by a snake; 4) ran into a branch; the boy wants to kill a rat, she says that his father was killed by his mother's brothers, showed where the sarbakan was; the boy found him, asked his mother to give him a breast; she admitted that his father was killed, by mail that he himself killed monkeys; son put his hand in the hollow, then his head, got stuck; head cut off]: Landaburu, Pineda 1984:133-136; uitoto: Pereira 1980 (2) [jaguar; monster ball]: 483-492; Preuss 1921, No. 7 [tapir, turning into a jaguar after death], 8 [jaguar], 9 [cannibal sorcerers], 10 [jaguars and jaguarihs]: 270-318, 330-343; Rodríguez de Montes 1981, No. 19 [victim's wife brothers], 23B [see motive J4; Jaguar kills The Sun, His Sons Kill Jaguar]: 157-159, 189-201; Okaina: Blixen 1999, No. 5 [A duck kills the twins' father, they kill the Duck]: 113-134; Girard 1958 [see motive J15; fierce beast (animal bravo) kills a woman, her Sun-son kills a beast]: 137-139; bora [see motive J15; a girl gets pregnant by her brother, her parents leave her; after many adventures, she finds her parents but her brothers eat her; her son kills murderers]: Anderson de Thiesen 1975:7-19; Yagua: Payne 1992 [savages]: 199-206; Powlison 1959:7-8 [jaguar], 9-10 [night monkeys]; 1972:75-76 [savages], 78-79 [night monkeys]; chikuna: Nimuendaju 1952:120-121 [the pregnant woman went for pottery clay, the owner of the dyë'vaë clay furiously dragged her into the water, swallowed it, regurgitated it, ate it along with other aquatic creatures; The stingray woman asked for a child in her womb, raised her, gave the name tau'čipë, said who killed his mother; put a basket over his head to make his hair grow; allowed him to fight D. when his hair grew to his toes; T. wrapped himself in branches with nests of burning ants, let himself be swallowed; feeling a burning sensation, D. regurgitated him; becoming a snake, T. fought D., killed him; in the form of a man, glued the bench on which the snakes sat when they came out of the water; they stuck, died; T. found his older brother Povaru; people hated them because of their strength; they turned into snakes, dug them up village, it went underground; people killed brothers with poisonous arrows], 122-123 [jaguariha], 147-148 [woman turning into a jaguariha]; Rodríguez de Montes 1981, No. 21 [jaguar]: 175-176.
Central Amazon. Katawishi (Lake Teffe) [jaguars]: Tastevin 1925:188-190; Lower Rio Negro (manao?) [turtle]: Barbosa Rodrigues 1890:170-171; maue [see motif J4; Turtle kills Harpy Eagle, his son kills Turtle]: Ugge 1991, No. 2:130-143; Munduruku: Murphy 1958, No. 49 [mother's brother heroes], 54 [as in Kruse]: 125-126, 128-129; Kruse 1949, No. 26 [The Eagle grabs the Turtle, which drags it under water; Orlitsa's son raises the Turtle, all the birds are colored with its blood; see motive J32]: 633-634; vaura: Schultz 1966:24-33 [jaguars, jaguariha], 90-92 [turtle], 126-127 [bird].
Eastern Amazon. Juruna [people without anuses]: Villas Boas, Villas Boas 1973:232-240; Tenetehara [see J9 motive; Jaguars kill a woman, her sons kill Jaguars]: Nimuendaju 1915, No. 1:282-285; Wagley, Galvão 1949, No. 14:137-139; urubu [see J9 motif; like Tenetehar]: Huxley 1956:217-218; tupinamba [see J9 motif; like Tenetehar]: Thevet: 914-915 in Metraux 1932:135-136.
The Central Andes. Huamachuco (dep. La Libertad) [see J4 motif; Huachemins kill Huamansuri; his son Catequil kills Huachemins]: Relacion 1918:19-21; San Pedro 1992 in Topic 1998:112 [summary]; Caruas (dep. Ancash) [widow dies, boy and girl run away from the cannibal; see motive J47]: Arguedas, Izquierdo Rios 1947:130-134; Jauja (dep. Junin) [predators (not killed), cannibal]: Arguedas 1953:232-233; Huaura (dep. Lima) [people of the ancient race]: Calancha 1938, Vol.II, Ch. 19:412-414; Uarochiri (dep. Lima) [ogre and his wife]? [the avengers motive is only possible if we compare individual episodes involving the antagonist Huallallo]: Salomon, Urioste 1991, ch. 1, 8:43, 66-69; Kant (dep. Lima): Arguedas, Izquierdo Rios 1947 [passers-by do not know that old Mama-Gallo feeds them human; one day she sends two grandchildren to bring water in a basket, kills and cooks her daughter; pieces of the mother's body they shout to the children from the cauldron to run to heaven; children ask their grandmother to show them how to carry water in the basket, take pieces of their mother's body, run; San Miguel lowers a chain from the sky, they climb into the sky; MG climbs over him, an acacllo bird cuts the chain with its beak; MG asks the Fox to spread out on the ground; he does, but MG still turns into a lake in the air; the rock in the lake is now called MG]: 113-114; Villar Córdova 1933 [Pachakamaka and Pachamama had Willka twins, a boy and a girl; Pachakamak drowned in the sea; Pachamama went with her children across the mountains and went to the Wa-Kona cave (during ritual dances) Wa Kon wore a jaguar mask); sending the children to bring water in a leaky vessel, VK tried to seize P.; not achieving what he wanted, he ate it; the bird told V. about the murder of his mother, advised me to run, tying the sleeping VC by the hair; when she woke up, VK set off in pursuit, asking various animals if they had seen the children; the mother of the skunks sheltered the twins and fed her blood; set up a trap, VK fell off a cliff, crashed, its fall was accompanied by an earthquake; the twins were tired of eating blood, they went to the field to dig potatoes; playing with an unusual tuber, the girl abandoned a hat came down to heaven; a rope came down from the sky, the twins climbed it to their father Pachakamak; the boy became the Sun, the girl became the Moon; the path of the stars across the sky was a continuation of their earthly journeys; Pachamama incarnated in a mountain range, Pachacamac gave her power over fertility]: 162-165 (cf. Villar Córdova 1933 [Wa-kon-pa-huín cave in Cordillera de la Viuda at an altitude of 4505 m, around snow; at the entrance there is a platform, around three lakes on vertical stone; this is Piedras de la Viuda or de la Vieja]: 363).
Montagna - Jurua. Chayahuita [see motive J30; grandfather kills mother of the Sun, he kills grandmother and grandfather]: García Tomas 1994 (3): 80-83; amuesha [jaguariha kills woman, her children Sun and Moon kill jaguariha and Other jaguars; see motive J25]: Santos-Granero 1991, No. 3, 3a-b: 54-57, 258-260; Tello 1923a: 128-130; Machigenga [see motive J16; Jaguars kill a woman, her sons kill Jaguars]: Baer 1984, No. 4: 430-432; Pereira 1944:84-85; 1988c (=1944): 29-30; pyro [see J9 motif; jaguars kill woman, her sons kill jaguars]: Matteson 1951:47-49; 1955:59; Alvarez in Roman 1985:139; apurina [Someone comes to Yakonero every night; she gets her hands dirty in paint (anatto, i.e. uruku, but then the paint is black, so obviously a genip) and touches her lover's back; in the morning she sees that she is shamanic the pipe is painted black; Yakonero goes to his parents, her son from her womb asks for this and the other; she claps her stomach, he guides her on the wrong path; she comes to the old woman Katsamão uteru; she hides her on a shelf and lets the Calebass spit; when she is overcrowded, men discover her; she gives birth to four sons, Tsora the youngest; brothers consistently kill their mother's murderers; Tsora created different people, apurina did everything worse than others, so there are few of them]: https://pib.socioambiental.org/en/povo/apurina/1517; Kashinahua: Ans 1975:88-92 [thunder], 101-106 [shaman; no informant]; Tastevin 1926 [thunder]: 169-170; cashibo [thunder]: Tessmann in Girard 1958:277; marubo [jaguar; grandmother of heroes]: Melatti 1984:152-153; characterbet [people, no details]: Barriales 1970:59; Calí fano 1995, No. 17 [Jaguars kill a woman, her son Aymarinke-Shipo takes revenge on Jaguaram, runs to heaven, turns into Thunder, takes the name Uperax; without other details]: 186; Gray 1996 [see motif J16 ; Jaguars kill a woman, her son kills Jaguars]: 118-128; Helberg Chávez 1996 [see motive J2; Jaguar kills a woman, her son Jaguars]: 102-118.
Bolivia - Guaporé. Tacana: Hissink, Hahn 1961, No. 53 [vulture, jaguar], 216 [see J4 motif; flying water jaguariha swallows father, son kills her]: 116-123, 338; Vila Bela [see motive J8; Jaguars]: 116-123, 338; Vila Bela [see motive J8; Jaguars kill a woman; her sons kill Jaguars]: Barbosa Rodrigues 1890, No. 13:261-262; eseeha [see motive J15; Jaguar kills a woman, her son kills a Jaguar]: Verna 1985:70-71; moseten [cf. J37 motive; a snake kills a man; his son, becoming an eagle, kills a snake]: Nordenskiöld 1924:145-146; yurakare [see motive J16; Jaguars kill a woman; her son makes himself a brother, they kill Jaguars, Jaguar mother turns into a vulture]: Orbigny 1944:210-214; chacobo [Jaguar kills a woman, her sons kill Jaguar; see J16 motive]: Balzano 1984:29-32; Kelm 1972, No. 1, 1a: 211-212, 215; guarazu [jaguars kill a woman, her sons kill jaguars; see motive J9, J16]: Riester 1977, No. 9:239-242; chiriguanos [jaguars kill the mother of twins, they kill jaguars; see motive J9]: Cipolletti 1978, No. 1, 2:48-51, 51-54; Metraux 1932, No. 1, 2:154-165; Nordenskiöld 1912:271-277; Surui [two sisters marry Jaguar; his mother kills the eldest; her son and younger sister's son Jaguar's mother is killed]: Mindlin 1995, No. 22:73-77; arua [see J4 motive; wife and mother-in-law kill, eat a man; his son finds out, people kill an old woman]: Snethlage 1937:131.
Southern Amazon. Calapalo: Baldus 1958 [jaguars]: 45-61; Basso [see J12 motif; Jaguariha kills a woman, her sons kill her, attack their Jaguar father and his men] 1973:10-12; 1987:29-79; kuikuro [jaguars]: Carneiro 1989:4-14; Villas Boas, Villas Boas 1973:72-88; camayura: Agostinho 1974 [jaguariha], No. 1, 3:161-165, 171-176; Münzel 1973:15-33 [jaguariha], 180-184 [see motif J4; a turtle kills a man (=a harpy eagle), his son kills a turtle], 222-224 [bird]; Villas Boas, Villas Boas 1973:57-66 [jaguars], 174-178 [turtle], 181-185 [jaguars; no informant]; vaura [ two options; see J12 motive; Jaguar's mother kills his wife, her twin children kill Jaguars]: Schultz 1966:21-37; Trumay: Monod Becquelin 1975, No. 1 [Jaguariha], 8 [bird]: 39-47, 63-64; bakairi [partridge (mother of a jaguar), jaguars]: Steinen 1897:319-324; kayabi [forest spirit and his wife]: Pereira 1995, No. 3:35-38; Ribeiro 1988 [+ monstrous toad (ancestor of toads]: 423-424; nambiquara: Pereira 1983, No. 46 [=1973:24-28; only Ne.àLusu owns cassava; one group of hunters goes to him for another; on the way they meet the evil spirit Haiêhru (Pentatomideo, an insect that releases a foul-smelling liquid); he kills them by peeing in their eyes, roasts their meat; only 9 boys and 8 girls are left in Maloka; H. feeds them with animal meat; they ask dad vento (Anolis punctatus) get a piece of meat that H. himself eats; this is a human ear; children open Calebasa H., find their fathers' jewelry inside; dig a trap hole; H. fails, they finish off with arrows; tell his wife that her husband asks her to bring him food; they make a shaky bridge across the river; when she steps on him, two boys knock him over, the cannibal falls into the water; they finish her off with arrows; come to N.; the fog over the water is the crushed human meat that the cannibal had; the children began to think where to go now - underground, under water? Ne.àlusu heard them, invited them to clear the site; the children did not cut down the trees, but wrapped them in a vine, knocked them all down at once, returned quickly; N. decided that they were playing off; the children were offended, smashed vessels with chicha, left; began to rise to heaven - boys in front, girls behind (girls behind so that boys would not see their genitals); in the sky they turn into Pleiades (var.: Southern Cross), honeycombs that they took it with them - into the Coal Bag; Inambu (Crypturus sp.) and the lizard Papa Vento (Anolis punctatus) climb too, but they are frightened, children turn them into birds and animals, boys cut off their inamba tail], 66 [ A Jaguariha kills a female Battleship; her children kill Jaguariha; see motive H26], 69 [Ocelotic kills a female Battleship (Mutetia hybridum); her young son kills Ocelotica; see motive H26]: 65-77, 98-99 , 101-102; Iranians: Pereira 1985, No. 25 [see motive J30; cannibal and cannibal kill man and his wife; sons of dead people kill cannibals], 29 [see motive J58; cannibal and cannibal kill people; three brothers are killed by a cannibal, fleeing from an ogre to heaven]: 121-125, 127-138; Rickbacza [anaconda]: Pereira 1973, No. 2:35-36; 1994, No. 6:76-82; paresis: Pereira 1986, No. 8 [see motif J42B; Jaguar and Jaguariha devour the villagers; four brothers live with their grandmother, learn what happened, kill a jaguariha, then a jaguar; they also kill the eagle that killed the village's women], 16 [see motive J37; water spirits (= fish) kill cousins; the souls of the killed turn into eagles, kill the fish owner]: 148-169, 246-261; bororo: Wilbert, Simoneau 1983, No. 71 [snakes], 98 and 99 [huge caterpillar]: 138-141 , 174-183.
Araguaia. Tapirape [see J16D motif; water spirits kill a woman, her sons kill spirits]: Wagley 1977:179-180.
Eastern Brazil. Birds, if not otherwise. Suya [the Jaguar chief makes two girls out of wood, takes them as wives; one spits, spinning cotton; the Jaguariha mother-in-law blows the winds, thinks that the daughter-in-law spits out of disgust, kills her; the husband pulls out from the corpse of twins; these are Mbut (Sun) and Mbudro (Month); they kill Jaguariha with a stone, burn the corpse; the bone flies into the nose of the Sun, breaking it; the Sun is the father of the Indians, the Month is the Europeans (they have straight noses)]: Frikel 1990:17-18; kayapo: Wilbert 1978, No. 173, 174:456-460; Wilbert, Simoneau 1984a, No. 136, 137:414-419; Xavante: Wilbert, Simoneau 1984a, No. 138:420-422; herente [bat monsters]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1984a, No. 127:394-395; crash: Wilbert 1978, No. 170:424-435; Apinaye: Wilbert 978, No. 171, 172:449-454; apaniecra: Wilbert 1978, No. 176, 177:466-469; frame camera: Wilbert 1978, No. 175:461-464.
Chaco. 1.Birds. 2.Cannibal. 3.Jaguar. Chamacoco: Wilbert, Simoneau 1987a, Nos. 41 and 43 [father and son turning into birds], 101-103 [Jaguar; his children killed out of revenge]: 131-137, 148-151, 403-418; caduveo [jaguar]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990a, No. 26:46-48; chorote [cannibal]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1985, No. 63, 114:114-115, 221-224; nivacle [cannibal]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1987b, No. 171; 421-425; matako [jaguar or jaguariha; no informant]: Calífano 1974:49; Wilbert, Simoneau 1982a, No. 2-4, 168 [a woman's husband dies; her father forbids two grandchildren to eat fish; boys find a pond, eat fish; grandfather hears them they tell his mother about this, drives them out; (hereinafter only about one of the brothers); the boy asks Cayman to take him across the sea, is accepted by the chief of an overseas village, also returns to Cayman; kills with a stick of father's murderers; kills grandfather, mother is happy]: 38-44, 267-268; poppy: Wilbert, Simoneau 1991a, No. 9 [at the boy's insistence, the grandmother says that his father was killed by Sinj (y) ena'x (royal vulture); he trains running; paints himself red, comes to S.'s children, says that he has become handsome, pierces his tongue and smeared with blood; piercing them, kills; saves the younger one, tells him the follower point his father to the four sides of the world, the zenith and the nadir, when he asks where the man ran; he hid in the sky among red butterflies; runs away from S., hides in trees, one of they are clenched by a hollow around the pursuer's neck, the man finishes him off; comes to the grandmother; all the birds try to punch a hole in S.'s body; only Little Woodpecker succeeds; inside white, yellow, red; all birds painted, and S. put pieces of flesh on their bodies], 10 [the young man asks the yellow bird Quistawá who killed his parents; he says that two water snakes, a male and a female; the young man gives himself swallow the male, cuts off the heart, then the same with the female; comes to the grandmother, who says that his father was killed by Sinjenaj (royal vulture); further as in (9)], [about the same, without the motive for coloring birds ]: 35-42, 43-46, 47-49; Toba [cannibal]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1982b, No. 163:309-311; 1989a, No. 141-143, 148:205-210, 218-219; Pilaga [see motive J4; a woman turns into a monster, kills her husband; her sons flee, people kill her]: Idoyago Molina 1985:2-3; mokowi [cannibal]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1988, No. 200:245-246.
Southern Brazil. Jaguars (or cannibals, then becoming jaguars) kill a woman; her sons kill Jaguars; see motive J9. Apapokuwa: Nimuendaju 1914:393-399; Caigua: Strelnikov 1930:306-308; Frič 1912 [jaguars kill a woman, her sons take revenge on jaguars; see motive J9]: 480-482; Hanke 1956:225-227; Koch -Grünberg 1921:213-215; Samaniego 1968 [see motive J16; Jaguars kill a woman, her sons kill Jaguars]: 419-421; chiripa [jaguars kill a woman, her sons kill jaguars; see motive J8]: Bartolomé 1977:16-29; mbia: Cadogán 1958 [comments]: 89; 1959:70-83; Cadogán, López Austín 1970:74-85; Nyandeva [see motive J9; jaguars kill a woman, her Jaguar sons]: Novaes da Mota 1992:58-60
The Southern Cone. Southern Tehuelches [cannibal]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1984b, No. 27 (+ various episodes in #28-44): 45-46 (+48-67); Selknam: Wilbert 1975a, No. 12 [cannibal]: 39-43; Lothrop 1928 [cannibal and cannibal]: 99-101; Yagans: Gusinde 1937:1174-1176, 1256-1257; Wilbert 1977, No. 18 [fox], 48 [unfaithful wife and her lover; see J4 motive]: 47-50, 147-148.
J1B. Avenger heroes with a missing or changed plot beginning: it is not clear whether the characters who have heroes are their real or adopted parents; the hero's mother herself is trying to destroy him in infancy.
Mesoamerica Nahuatl (Huasteca): Greco 1989:177-187; Nahuat (Puebla) [the woman has two sons; they are surprised that her mother takes food to the forest; they see a Deer there; the youngest disguised as a woman, lured A deer; his brothers killed him, filled his skin with stinging insects; when the woman came, the scarecrow fell, insects bit her to death; the brothers rose from the fire into the sky; the elder was frightened, the youngest rushed into fire, became the sun; the elder did not take hot coals, but ash, became a month]: Barlow, Ramirez 1962:55-57; Zapotecs [old man and old woman]: Parsons 1932a, No. 1:279-283; 1936:324-327; mixteks [ an old woman tells her two sons to take food to their father in the mountains; sons meet a deer, kill him; bring home its meat, their skin is stuffed with wasps, hornets, and bees; houses deny that it is their father's meat; the frog tells the old woman that she ate her husband's meat; the old woman has poured sand on her back, since then the frog's back is pimpled; her deer husband is killed; the deer does not respond to the old woman, she hits him in the ear, hornets, etc. bite her; sons promise to relieve her pain in the steam room; lock the door, the old woman dies, becomes the spirit of the steam bath; the sons left, met the snake, took her eyes, went up to heaven by rope; took one and a half eyes became the sun, half an eye became a month]: Dyk 1959:10-16; chatino [an old woman's children kill her deer husband]: Bartolomé 1977, No. 2:23-24; 1984:10-11; Carrasco 1961:44-46; Cicco, Horcasitas 1962:74-76; Chinantecs [old woman turning into Agouti and her reindeer husband]: Bartolomé 1984:13-16; Weitlaner 1952:169-171; Tricky [the old woman and her reindeer husband]: García Alcaraz 1973 in Bartolomé 1984:17-18; Nader 1969:412; Veracruz Nahuatl (town of Mecayapan) [the devil's daughter (tsitsimilama) became pregnant by a bird dancing around her; when she gave birth, the devil collided the baby, made the ball, gave it to the red ants; three days later, Tamakasti's baby was intact, told the ants to fold his body again; he was thrown into the pond, the fish swallowed it, carried it to the black ants, he again revived; the devil threw him into the lake, he swam there in the shape of an egg for three days; his grandmother and mother could not catch him with a net for a long time; his mother cried, he felt sorry for her, he allowed himself to be caught; the grandmother laid down him into the deck; after 30 days the deck burst, many different animals came out of it; the boy's father came, the grandmother was spinning; he began to fly a bird around the nanchi tree; the grandmother could no longer weave; ate the ripe fruit ; she liked it, she thought her grandson threw it off for her; big lice began to bite her, she cut off her hair, became bald; the bird threw a ripe fruit on her head for trying to kill him after birth; the next time T. became a cat, stole one of the bananas she baked from her; shot many birds; the grandmother complained that he killed their chickens; he revived them; grandfather T. offered to his grandmother eat it; T. ordered the bat to kill his grandfather; blood dripped from the attic, the grandmother decided that it was her grandson's blood, started drinking; called her husband, found him dead; T. brought water, said that he did not kill his grandfather, for went to get water; the grandmother wanted to cook T., he threw it into the cauldron himself; burned the bones with his grandfather's corpse, told the Toad to throw the ashes on the other side of the sea; the Toad reached the shore, where she threw a deck with ashes, she burst, mosquitoes, flies and mosquitoes appeared from the ashes; the Lizard also only said that she had carried the deck with ashes; Skunk took it overseas; T. (or someone else?) split the lizard's tongue in half; T. told his mother that he would go to his father; on the way he sat on a stone, he swallowed it; he cut the heart of the stone with a sword; T. came to his father, brought Fox and the musicians; {hereinafter European a tale of matchmaking and marriage trials; T.'s rival is South Wind}]: Law 1957:345-355; Cuicateki [old woman and her reindeer husband]: Weitlaner 1977, No. 2:56-62; Masateki: Inchaustegui 1977 [ old woman and her deer husband]: 27-33; Portal 1986 [old woman]: 49-51; Williams García 1953 [old woman and her deer husband]: 360-362; mountain guards [see J4 motive; Huracan and his Thunders kill father Khoshuka, who defeats Gromov]: Elson 1947:195-204 (cf. Also without the motive for revenge Foster 1945a, No. 1:191-194); Miche [old man and old woman]: Carrasco 1952:168-169; kekchi, mopan [old woman and her tapir lover]: Thompson 1930:120-123; kakchikeli [old man (turns into coati) and old lady]: Redfield in Thompson 1977:427-428.
Ecuador. = Hans and Gretel; cannibal. Imbabura: Chávez 1989:143-144; Jara 1987:81; Parsons 1945:131-133 [The widower has a boy and a girl, married a widow and she also has two children; she persuaded her husband to take her children to a ravine where bears and jaguars; he left them, left unnoticed (Var. from Cayambe: hung the calebasa on a tree, she was knocking in the wind, the children thought her father was still cutting firewood); the girl carried her brother on her back, came to at home, there is an old cannibal Chipicha; she left the boy with her for the night; the girl asks why he is screaming - I wash him, he is afraid of water; the next day C. went to her potato field; girl I looked for Manuelito, found bloody bones in bed; (var. from Cangahua: old woman and her husband, both Chifichas; tell the children (both boys) that they are their father and mother; they are fattening; the fairy tells them not listen to C. if he asks him to get the coals out of the stove; they ask him to get it himself, close the stove, make a fire, run away; the old woman returned them; "these two boys freed the world from monsters"); C. asked the girl to look in her head; she found a second mouth on the back of her head, meat between her teeth; C. ate the boy with this mouth when she was talking to the girl to others; when C. fell asleep, the girl collected bones brother, ran away; (Var. from Cangahua: one of the boys was looking for C. in her hair and eating with both mouths; told his brother; when C. fell asleep, they set fire to the house; the brothers collected C.'s ashes in a bag, told the man throw it into the river; he discovered it on the way, various insects flew out, ate the man to the bone); the girl got to people, got married], 133-134 [a nine-year-old girl went to the house of old Chificha, whose breasts were thrown behind her back; she asked to look in her head; told her not to touch the back of her head; C. fell asleep, the girl saw a fanged mouth on the back of her head, pieces of meat between her teeth; the girl ran to people who were building the house; C. came running, they offered to dance, gave her drink until she dropped, locked her in the house, set her on fire; C. began to shout that she would turn into lice, fleas, blackberries, hornets; people collected her ashes in a vessel, told one person to throw it into the canal; he opened it on the way, the creatures flew out, ate it; on Aymara "blackberry" phichaca]; Kanyar: Gutierrez Estevez 1985, No. 2:339; Howard-Malverde 1981, No. 14 [at the insistence of the stepmother, the father takes the children to the forest; tells the Toad to sound like they are cutting wood; sprinkling corn grains (to find their way), the children came to where the sound came from, realized that the father had left; came home; next time they did not find their way; they saw the old woman's house from the tree; when she got there, the girl hid the egg; the old woman hid the children under the roof; her sons came, they could smell it; the old woman was feeding children, they show a rat tail; they lose it, she knows that they are fat; a chicken came out of the hidden egg; when the old woman was about to cook the girl, she pushed her into the cauldron herself; the rooster sang], 15 [after the death of his wife, a man marries a widow; she cares only for her children, asks her husband to take her to the forest; the father hangs a calebasa on a tree; in the wind she makes a sound as if he is cutting wood; he leaves himself; with The children saw the tree house; there was the cannibal Ahuardona; the boy stole a cake, the girl laughed, the old woman caught them; began to fatten them; they showed a rat tail, then lost it; pushed A. into fire, ran to Skunsikha's house; she tells her to pick up a hat full of beetle larvae; A. pursues a ball of thread in front of her; Skunsikha hides the children behind her cheeks, pretends that her teeth hurt; asks A. on the edge of the abyss, take a sand flea out of her ass; starts a stream, A. falls into the abyss, breaks]: 105-108, 110-113.
Western Amazon. Napo [the heroes' father dies, his severed penis is their mother's lover, they kill him]: Mercier 1979:40-42; Wavrin 1979:63-64.
NW Amazon. Tariana [the mother of two boys and her husband The deer eat all the game themselves; the brothers suspect that their real father is dead; they kill their stepfather with poison; find her youngest son, whom she hides; this a deer, he runs away into the forest; they leave his mother; she turns into a beetle, they become Nothocrax urumutum Spix birds]: Brüzzi 1994:200-202; tucano [like a Tarian, less details]: Brüzzi 1994:202-204.
The Central Andes. Vikos (dep. Ancash): Ortiz Rescaniere 1973:9-10 and 17 [people of the ancient race], 184-186 [cannibal].
Southern Amazon. Iranshe [both parents turning into tapirs]: Pereira 1985, No. 41:169-173; Moura 1960:54-55.
J1C. Avenger heroes with the final part of the plot missing or distorted (revenge is not described).
Northeast. Seneca [see motif J5; the elder's wife blinds six brothers; their sister's son restores their sight]: Curtin, Hewitt 1918, No. 18:75-81.
The Great Southwest. Yuma [boys A'xtakwa'some' and Pu'kuhan are children of the yellow-breasted witsawits (tcowits); they went to make flutes; one said: girls will love me when I play the flute; father's spirit; both The brother was taken by two wives; the youngest died; on the way to the east, one of his wives gave birth; the wives' father: if a boy is born, I will cook and eat him, and if she is a girl, I will raise him to become a maid; the mother of the baby too was powerful and made his cry seem like a girl's crying; Coyote gave the boy a name he didn't like, he called himself Po'kohan; came to the place where his parents lived; tried on clothes, but he took only amulets that allowed him to do without water and food and not suffer from the sun, as well as a purse; made a fire, poured water into the hot ash, rubbed it, summoned his father's spirit; he said that from his bones sticks were made and his killer made him breathe dust before it was completely dry; P.: I could revive you, but I won't do it; if he did, the dead could be revived; he called his father again, he hugged him and he told him where he hid his supply of dried meat; but P. said that he had his own strength, sent his father to the ground forever; came to Colorado, had a hard time crossing, came to the place called Roth Earth; met A'xtakwa'some', who wore bamboo clothes; P. wanders, gives names to animals, birds and insects]: Densmore 1932a: 49-66.
Mesoamerica Tarasky [an old Sun man goes to play ball with the owner of the Night, his son (obviously) wins over that one; see J4 motive]: Relación 1989:259 (German translation in Krickeberg 1928:169); pipili [heroes' mother murdered by her husband]: Hartman 1907:144-146.
Honduras-Panama. Bribri [crocodile]: Bozzoli, Murillo Chaverri 1984, No. 33:33.
Southern Venezuela. Yanomami [Jaguar kills a woman]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990b, No. 192:377-383.
Guiana. Waiwai [jaguars]: Fock 1963:39-40
Western Amazon. Koreguahe [the victim's son helps revive his father, who kills the antagonist himself]: Jimenez 1989, No. 43:95 -98; waorani [man; narrative cut short]: Wavrin 1932:145-146.
NW Amazon. Tucano? [people- (animals?) ; final elimination of antagonists has not been described]: Brüzzi 1994:211-215; Yagua [jaguar]: Girard 1958:48; Chaumeil 1983:192-194; chikuna [forest spirit]: Nimuendaju 1952:144-145.
Central Amazon. Turtle; future revenge is predicted. Lower Rio Negro (manao?) : Barbosa Rodrigues 1890:271; mura (lower Purus) [Osprey (Strix clamator) Yacurutu and his sister are giants, they ate Moore's children; shamans brought grandfather turtle ashore; I clung to him, claws stuck; my sister is also stuck; when I go under water, I say that his hands will grow a tree to make bows, from... (?) - arrow glue, fat - castanha paraalisar o gomo da flecha de arco, from feathers - vine for making bowstrings, from hair - curana for arrow threads (tie?) , made of bones - bamboo for arrowheads]: Barbosa Rodrigues 1890:267-269.
The Central Andes. Kant (dep. Lima) [ogre]: Ortiz Rescaniere 1973:45-46, 186-189.
Bolivia - Guaporé. Kumana [tribal ancestor's mother murdered by husband or mother-in-law]: Metraux 1942:95.
Southern Amazon. Camayura [jaguariha]: Münzel 1973:34-39; Iranche [jaguars]: Pereira 1985, No. 57:223-224.
The Southern Cone. Ogre (not killed, hero flees). Araucans (Argentina; borrowed from Tehuelches): Kossel-Ilg 1982:32-39; South Tehuelches: Wilbert, Simoneau 1984b, No. 26:39-41;
J1D. Avenger heroes with a simplified plot: murder and revenge, without an informant and sometimes also without a teacher.
Bantu-speaking Africa. Kamba [an ogre kills his wife's sister, brings his wife two children torn out of her womb to eat them later; the wife gives her husband rats, raises the children herself; they grow up; the ogre's wife offers him go down into the hole, the bnoshi kill him with spears]: Zhukov, Kotlyar 1976, No. 129:315-316.
West Africa. Bobo [the fairy zin tells the young man in a dream that the inscription of Uro Irib on his ring is the name of his father, the leader, who was killed by another leader; the young man goes to search for his homeland; on the way he saves the tree from the ax (allowing arguing a tree and an ax, telling them that both are right, the ax has served people since then), a cat, a fly, a bee; the evil leader grabs him, wants to kill him with a special arrow, because in this case he will gain immortality; the young man plays on a pipe, bees bite the audience, carry away an arrow; the young man was thrown into a pit with rats, the cat strangled them, has been living with people ever since; a tree from the young man's bag fell on the leader, killed him; the young man was chosen as new chief; he sees a girl, wants to marry; father asks to know who is the chosen one and who is her sister; a fly sits on the bride's head; wedding]: Anpetkova-Sharova 2010:144-148.
Melanesia. Komba [the monster Jonah devoured everyone; one woman ran into the forest, cut her finger, two boys came out of blood; they bring bigger game; they burned down J.'s house, killed him after a long battles; going to the coast, they turned into stones]: Wagner 1963, No. 1:121-122; Vedau: Ker 1910:36-41 [Rekota has a little son, he cries, wants to eat; she replies that these are his uncles (i.e. hers brothers) Kakukaku and Taureboga do not bring him anything from hunting; goes to the site for food; K. and T. return, insulted, decide to end their lives; swallow jewelry, go to the village of enemies; after learning about The brothers' decision, R. goes with them; in the village, the brothers tell the children to go to the site where their fathers work to say that they are being declared war; when the children climb over a fallen trunk, they forget what to do say; next time K. and T. tell them not to climb all at once; those who are still on this side of the tree will remind them what to say to those who have already climbed; people come and kill their brother (and obviously R.); before they died, the brothers swallowed the shell ornaments; asked the old woman to take care of the boy; when they were eaten, let her ask for insides; the old woman finds jewelry in her entrails; raises a boy; he is harsh with other children; they say that his relatives have been killed; he asks the old woman, she confirms; when the murderers of the mother and uncle gather in the house, the boy burns them there], 61-63 [The Kototabe and Kelokelo twins train with a sling; other boys say they should not throw stones at them but at the Manubada hawk that killed their father; the twins' mother admits that this is the case ; the brothers leave their mother a dracaena branch - if it withers, then they are in trouble; they load slings and batons into the boat, swim to M.'s nest; when M. dives, the brothers jump to the sides and dive, M.'s beak pierces the boat, gets stuck in it; brothers kill him with batons; seeing a dracaena branch swaying like the wind, the mother of the twins dances happily; M.'s body has been divided between tribes; people in the mountains have a head: now that They are shot at, they dodge with their heads bent; people on the shore have a side, they dodge away from flying arrows]; kanaka [two sisters go to the plantation, a cannibal notices them, one runs away, He kills the other, she is pregnant, the boy grows up on his mother's corpse, feeds on tree sap; the sister of the murdered woman finds him; he grows up, kills the ogre with a spear in the eye]: Leenhardt 1932:439-440.
Micronesia-Polynesia. Marquises [leaving their son Ato in the cave, the parents go to catch crabs; they are taken away, sacrificed by Puna-iino; the boy is found, raised by Tua-hoana and her sister; A. plays with raw children He kindles the fire with green sticks, others cannot be dry; the fruits of his breadfruit are the best; other children throw good hooks into the sea, A. pulls out all the fish with a bad hook in the sand; boys they laugh at the orphan, the grandmothers tell him about the fate of his parents; he cuts down a tree to make a boat, in the morning the tree is whole; he waits for two gods, feeds them, they make him a boat; sails to the country of Puna-iino, bakes seven people there in an earthen oven as a victim; marries Puna's daughter; Koomahu stole her, but A.'s companions returned her {it is not clear from the paraphrase whether A. Puna-iino}]: Beckwith 1970:269; Rarotonga [grandmother is raising Rata; gods tell him that his parents were taken to sea and killed by Puna (octopus, shell, etc.); R. sharpens his ax, putting it overnight in sand, cuts down a tree to make a boat, it's safe in the morning; it's restored by the little gods; he gives them food, they make him a boat; it has 10 sailors, each skilled in anything related to navigation; They don't go to take the kite; they agree to promise to destroy monsters; it kills monsters by turning into pumpkins and getting inside them; after a series of exploits, R. dies (or escapes)]: Beckwith 1970: 268-269; Tuamotu [when the Rata clay boat is left behind (or, on the contrary, ahead) of everyone else, the other children laugh at him; his maternal grandmother tells R. that the Matutu bird, owned by Puna, has taken away his father, bit off his head, and R.'s mother became a food holder for P.'s wife (or daughter), or she was captured to sacrifice at the altar; R. cuts down a tree to make a boat, it revives; he waits for two the best artisans, boat makers, feeds them, they make him a boat; P. sends sea gods (double-leaf, fish, coral rock) to meet them, R. pierces them with a spear; kills the bird M.; in the house of P . R. trickily fills his basket with crabs, taking them out of P.'s people's baskets; killing P.'s people and himself, taking his daughter P.]: Beckwith 1970:267-268.
Tibet is the Northeast of India. Lepcha [when hunting, king Lyang-bar-ung-bar ("middle of the earth, middle of the sea) -pono" sees a deer with a cub; his two dogs advise against attacking these deer; the king aims to chase them away, deer turn into sorcerers, dogs are killed; the king comes to King Lungda, who has three daughters; the king spends every night asking what witchcraft they are good at; SE-lamen can feed the whole palace, Tung-lamen - to dress everyone with a piece of cloth, Ramit-pandi - will give birth to the Golden Knife and the Silver Knife; the king marries her, in his absence his wife gives birth; both witches hear newborns fall to the floor; they put them in a vessel, bury them at the crossroads; combing R., tear her flesh with iron combs, leave the puppy's chest (knot) as if he had scratched it; they eat all the cattle, all the supplies; they ring the bell, who left her husband; he arrives immediately; the witches say that they are from the heavenly land of Rum, but he rejected them; let him see now - his wife meets the dog, has given birth to a puppy; the king orders to drag R. by the neck to the river, cuts off her head, throws her into the river; her body swims down, her head upstream; the head says that she and the children will be able to return if only the children get out of the vessels; then swims after body; the king marries witches; a hungry dog from the palace broke a jug of old people; begged not to kill her; the old man came to the palace to demand compensation; witches advised to dig a vessel at the crossroads and take it; the old man hears children's voices, finds two beautiful boys in the vessel; there has been a lot of food in the house since then; the younger Komhankub sleeps with his grandmother, the eldest with his grandfather; they create a palace overnight; birds are shot in the king's garden, bringing cattle there; the king sends a messenger to the elderly, who is blinded by the light, the same with the next one; brothers come to the palace; they answer that their parents are earth and a ceramic vessel ; the king does not believe; the elder says that their bones (i.e. their father) are from Lyang-bar, the youngest says that their flesh (i.e. mother) is from the Lung-da country; to destroy them, the witches suggest that the king send boys gold and silver demon flutes; the demon slept with one ear under him, covered with the other; both flutes in his mouth; the elder told the youngest that he would grab the flutes, run to the black plains of China, to white plains (India), into the sky, the demon behind him, they will both fall dead, the youngest must wave his black yak tail first, then his white tail; the elder not only took the flutes, but also beaten off from a sling the demon's fang that reached the sky; the elder tells the demon to be revived, he becomes their friend; the brothers change the tails of the yaks for a demon stick and rope that will beat and tie everyone up; the demon promises to come revive them if they die; gives their second fang; the brothers return to the old people, they are happy; they hide a rope and a stick under the king's threshold and hearth; they tell him the truth, the witches try to fly away, but bats are also tied; brothers extract two hair and a piece of mother's bone from the river; place bamboo in the knee; if she is resurrected as a girl, then with a spindle, a boy with an onion; an eight-year-old girl in bamboo; brothers sit on her knees, suck her chest; witches are tortured and executed as they did to R.; brothers fight, the youngest falls from the balcony, crashes; the demon arrives, revives him, but he becomes a girl; brother gets the name "king", sister "queen"]: Stocks 1925, No. XXIV: 388-404.
Taiwan - Philippines. Tingian [Aponibolinaen says he wants oranges from Gavigaven's garden (he has six heads); her husband Aponitolau asks, she calls a different garden each time; he bears fruit, tears it up; after hearing the truth, Aponitalau goes to G.; all the omens are bad; the spider leader carries him across the rampart to the village of G.; G. demands to eat the buffalo carcass (ants, flies eat); G. offers to climb for fruit, the tree has knife branches, A. is cut; before death he sends home a spear with strung fruits; the wife gives birth to a son Kanag; K. goes to G., all the omens are good; G. throws an ax, K. stands at him; blows down five G.'s heads with a spear; revives his father from the remains, who is unable to cut off the sixth head, K. cuts it off himself]: Rybkin 1975, No. 37:93-102.
Western Siberia. Northern Khanty (p. Berezov) [the grandmother does not tell her grandson to run along the path behind the house; he goes there, the devil and the devil are blind in the dugout; they put the sword with the point up, a deer falls on it; the boy takes the meat out of the cauldron, blind people ask each other who ate it; a boy steals a sword and a musical instrument of devols, puts a sword upside down in his house, devils bump into it, a boy kills them; they killed before his father, grandfather and all relatives]: Kulemzin, Lukina 1978, No. 94:83-85
Japan. The Japanese [see motif J47; a cannibal eats a woman and her baby; children who are lagging behind run to heaven; a cannibal falls to the ground, crashes]: Ikeda 1971, No. 333A: 91-92.
NW Coast. Nootka [Quatyat's mother swallows a sea monster; Quatiyat and his brother kill him]: Sapir, Swadesh 1939, No. 5:38-39.
Aztec Mesoamerica [birth of Huitzilopochtli; goddess Koilshauchki and 400 warriors]: Sahagun 1956, vol.1, vol.III, ca.1:271-273 in Macazaga 1981:30-34.
Honduras-Panama. Bribry [cannibal]: Stone 1962:60
Guiana. Taruma [jaguar and other animals]: Farabee 1918:154-156
Montagna - Jurua. Kashinahua [Heroes' mother's brother]: Ans 1975:101-106.
Bolivia - Guaporé. Tacana [vulture, jaguar]: Hissink, Hahn 1961, No. 53:116-123.
Southern Amazon. Nambiquara [jaguatirica]: Pereira 1983, No. 69:101-102; paresi [jaguar]: Metraux 1942:169.
E.=D, but the role of potential heroes is minimized: a woman with a baby escapes from the antagonist and receives help from a patron.
Western Amazon. Napo [Forest Spirit]: Mercier 1979:116-119
NW Amazon. Carijona [forest spirit (not killed)]: Schindler 1979, No. 8:92-95.
Central Amazon. Tupi (Lower Amazon) [Forest Spirit]: Barbosa Rodrigues 1890:63-64; Munduruku [monkeys and other forest animals]: Murphy 1958, No. 34:112-113; Kruse 1949, No. 10:618-619
Eastern Amazon. Spiking [jaguar]: Nimuendaju 1922:388-389.
Southern Amazon. Nambikwara [husband turning into an evil spirit]: Pereira 1983, No. 37 [forest spirit]: 54-56; Iranshe [like nambiquar]: Pereira 1985, No. 21:109-112; paresi: Pereira 1986, No. 12 [ water spirits], 34 [forest spirit and his wife]: 210-224, 369-374.