J10. Wasp sting.
A woman loses her way after being bitten by a wasp (or bee, ant, snake). She claps her stomach (either to kill an insect or to punish her unborn sons, who caused her to pick a flower and was bitten; see motive J11). Offended sons fall silent, ceasing to show the way. See motive J9.
Guiana. Varrau [The sun goes west, leaving feathers on the path; his wife is following the trail; the wind blows her feathers away; the baby from her womb guides her; asks her to pick flowers; she is bitten by a wasp; she claps herself belly; son thinks his mother beats him, stops talking; woman comes to the Frog Old Woman; see motive J17]: Wilbert 1970, No. 166:359-360; curl [quarrels with sons; see motive J9; J16; bees]: Magañ a 1988a, No. 60a: 239; trio [twins from the mother's womb ask her to go to their father's village; they tell them to pick flowers and fruits for them; she is bitten by wasps, angry at the children, they stop showing the way; a woman comes to jaguars; comadreja hides her under a vessel, a Jaguar finds her, she turns into a turtle, he eats it anyway; eggs hatch two boys, an old woman raises them; when hunting the dove tells them about their mother's fate; they invite the Jaguars to a party, lightning strikes the house where they dance; they turn the house into a rock, an old woman into a deer; a pair of jaguars escape]: Magaña 1987, No. 8:133; oyana [wasp]: Magaña 1987, No. 43 [a pregnant woman goes looking for her child's father; a son from her womb asks her to get a banana; she is bitten by a wasp, she is angry with her son; at a fork On the road, he refuses to show the way, she gets to the Jaguar; his mother Toad hides her under a vessel; the Jaguar finds and devours her; the Toad saves and raises the child; the bird tells him how she died his mother; he invites the Jaguars, turns the house they dance in into rock; one jaguar escapes], 53 [ant], 97:43, 45, 53; oyampy [see J9; bees motif]: Grenand 1982, No. 5:67-72.
Western Amazon. He fights with his sons. Napo [wasp]: Foletti Castegnaro 1985 [daughter is pregnant, although there are no people around; I realized that my brother, who rose to heaven, became the Month; her parents left; the girl asked the parrot to take her to people; the eagle ate all three parrots; she asked the twins about their path in her stomach; they asked her to pick a flower; she was bitten by a wasp, she hit her stomach, the twins fell silent; she came to the house Jaguars; the old woman hid her under the pot, her saliva dripped, the Jaguars jumped to get the woman, Puka Puma ("Red Jaguar") took it out; the old woman asked for giblets, went to wash, found two children , raised; these are Cuillur and Duciru; they asked them to make bows and arrows; they began to take out the lice from the grandmother, killed her, cooked her, took her jaw to the forest; her name is Jaguars, her jaw replies that it cuts firewood; brothers told the Jaguars that they ate their mother, turned into a hummingbird, flew away; they brought down the bridge with the jaguars, the pregnant female escaped; the brothers decided to cross the sea across which the bridge was on the back of the caiman; the eldest did not tells the youngest to tell Cayman that his eyes are bulging; the youngest said Cayman bit off his leg; the elder dried the pond, killed Cayman, put his brother's leg back; the elder made boats shooting at trees; the youngest broke the boat, now they are difficult to make; the brothers made a chain of arrows, went up to heaven, became the Pleiades; there is also a caiman jaw and a basket in which their mother carried parrots]: 55-60; Mercier 1979:28-29; napo or canelo [see motif A31; the girl became pregnant with her brother; he went up to heaven, became a month old; she became an ilucu bird (nightjar? ; but then the story continues; the same below with the mother of the jaguars, who became a toad but continues to act as before) has left home; the Cuillor (younger) and Docero twins from her womb show the way; ask her to pick a flower, then a leaf, a fruit; when she picked the fruit, she was bitten by a wasp; she clapped her stomach because of you; the twins fell silent; the parrot on her shoulder began to point the road, but he was carried away by a falcon; the woman came to the mother of the jaguars; she hid her under the roof, warned her not to spit; the jaguars came, she spat, the eldest climbed, did not find it, the youngest found the woman, they spit her they were torn to pieces, the twins were given to their mother (tender meat), but they asked them not to eat; the mother of the jaguars hid them, a month later they had already grown up; the old woman asked them to prepare firewood; they collected a huge pile, told pull from below, the old woman filled up the firewood; the next time she asked for water, they directed the river, when the old woman opened the door, the water carried her; the twins told the old woman to collect corn in the middle fields, made it endless; she can't find her way back; the voice of the toad "ooh" can be heard; since then, where corn grows, the toad unculu screams; the brothers brought the old woman home; the elder brother tells the younger not throw the leftovers wrapped in leaves into the water; he threw them away, they turned into a stingray, and when he started fishing, the stingray plunged his thorn into it; the mother of the jaguars asked them to make a bridge over the river for them; brothers turned into birds, made clubs, came back; the elder told the youngest to cut off the bridge at the signal, but he said there was no need for a signal; when all the jaguars stepped on the bridge, the elder cut off his end, and the younger he fiddled for a long time and a pregnant jaguariha ran away; her traces are still visible on the river rocks; the brothers told the Old Jaguar about their adventures; he asked them to set traps and the brothers caught almost all birds and animals; the Old Jaguar decided to eat them; his brothers killed him, took out his spine, filled him with ash, put insects in his eyes; shouted that the jaguar wanted to eat them; the old mother of jaguars ran, hit the scarecrow with a stick, the ash blinded her, the brothers washed her eyes; the ancient Jaguar devoured everyone; the brothers made a room inside Mount Galera, put a lot of food and musical instruments there, they lured Jaguar with a game; he started playing himself, did not notice how the brothers came out; they told the hole to close; the Jaguar started rushing, one leg was left outside; there was still a roar; other jaguars brought him food; a huge harpy eagle devoured everyone; Cuillor hid in a rubber bag; the eagle could not tear it, threw it on the clouds; C. does not know how to go down; the old man Uchitican says he is also from the ground; ordered sit on his back, close his eyes, open him after the second whistle, flew; but C. opened after the first one, fell into the forest; Docero went to look for him; began to pick edible mushrooms from the trunk; scream from the trunk {apparently mushrooms are C.'s ears, but it's not directly said}; the woodpecker cut the hole; for this D. gave him a red handkerchief over his head; C. made glue, the eagle stuck, D. broke his wing with a blow of the club; the brothers turned him into stone; it is visible now - it looks like an eagle with a broken wing; a huge anaconda devoured people; the brothers made a trap, persuaded them to climb into it, turned the anaconda into stone; the thunder killed many; the brothers found him sleeping on a tree branch; they cut his neck with an ax, told him to petrify; there are thunderstones in this place now; the evil frog spirit ("devil") took the form of a mother, told the children to dance; the brothers hid, told him to become a stone; the brothers asked the caiman to transport them across the sea; when the first one sailed, he answered the caiman every time that it smelled like fragrant flowers; when he jumped ashore, he said that he was like a caiman; But when the Cayman took the second one, but he had time to bite off the young man's leg; the bees pasted his leg with wax; the brothers made a fire, the smoke rose to the sky, became a staircase, and the brothers climbed into heaven; C. became as a morning star and D. as an evening star]: Orr, Hudelson 1971, No. 2-15:7-49; saparo [see motif J9; bee bites]: Reinburg 1921:12.
NW Amazon. Yagua [at night, the Month comes to her sister, who retired to a separate hut for her first period; the sister wants to know who her lover is, stains his face with paint; The month rises out of shame to the sky, the spots are still visible; the girl's mother and relatives turn into storks, fly away; the girl goes to look for them; she is bitten by a bee; then she loses her way, gets to the jaguars, the Jaguar eats her; The mother of the jaguars takes the baby out of the womb to the river to wash before eating it, he throws himself into the water and swims away; downstream, a boy finds a baby, brings it to the mother, she raises them together; the son of a woman killed by jaguars agrees to the named brother's offer to be burned to become the Sun; he ascends to heaven for his father Month]: Powlison 1982a: 71-72.
Eastern Amazon. Tenetehara [wasp; quarrels with son]; urubu [Maïra inserted his penis into the crack as he passed the tree because he did not have a wife; the tree was swollen, a pregnant woman came out of it, the child in He spoke to her womb, showing the way to her father; asked her mother to tear flowers for him; one day she reached for a flower, she was bitten by a snake, she slapped her stomach, reproached her son; he fell silent; she came to Mukura's house (i.e. the opossum); he offered to spend the night with him; it was raining at night, Mukura was making a hole in the roof over the hammock, and a woman was forced to lie in his hammock; in the morning he told him to walk from the fork to the left, but she turned right and went to a jaguar village; the jaguar wives told her to leave as soon as possible, but she stayed; she was hidden under a vessel; the jaguars turned the vessel over; Maira's son turned his mother into an animal, it ran away, him they caught up, killed; two embryos were given to an old woman; she began to fry them, but burned her hands; the embryos turned into agouti; the old woman began to raise them; the jaguars wanted to eat them; they became boys, ran away, they went to look for Maira, stayed with him; Maira's son offered to steal the fishing hook of a forest demon; Maira's son bit off and took it away; Mukura's son was caught in the guise of a piranha; the demon ate her, threw away the bones; Maira's son turned into ants, they collected bones, Mukura's son came to life; Mukura's son safely took the hook away from another forest spirit; Maira praised them; the brothers turned into hummingbirds, flew, set fire to the forest beard the demon, his head burned down; the brothers killed the hummingbird {real}, found a man in his stomach; when they approached a wide river, they started shooting arrows one at the tail of the other, they turned into a bridge, they crossed it to across the river, many bakers killed there; they called the jaguars to pick up the meat; when they crossed the bridge with arrows, the brothers destroyed it; all the jaguars drowned because they were carrying a load of meat]: Ribeiro 2002:210-215 .
Montagna - Jurua. Pyro [ant; quarrels with sons].
Bolivia - Guaporé. Chacobo [claps himself, sons hurt]: Balzano 1984:29
Southern Brazil. Wasp; quarrels with sons; see motive J9. Chiripa: Bartolomé 197:18-19; Caigua: Telémaco Borba 1908 (spare at Paraná in Tibagy in 1874): 62-69 in Frič 1912:480-482, in Koch-Grünberg 1921:213-215, in Metraux 1932: 138-139 [The husband told his wife to sow corn, immediately sent her for the cobs, she did not believe that they were ripe in a day, did not go; the husband sent it again, said that their unborn son wanted to eat; the wife answered that the son was not from him; the husband left, the wife went to look for him; the son asked him to pick flowers and fruits for him; the woman was bitten by a wasp, she slapped her son, hitting himself in the stomach, the son stopped showing the way; she came to the mother of the Iary jaguars; she hid her under a vessel (cernidor), the last of the jaguars smelled the woman, ate her, I. asked for an embryo, there were twins; they jump off the pan, jump out of the mortar, I. left them alive; senior Derekey, asked I. to make him a bow and arrow to hunt birds; younger Derevuy only cries; the red macaw told Derekey about his mother's fate; brothers found her bones in the excrement of the jaguars, Derekay revived her, but Tree rushed to suck her breast, her mother fell apart; Derekay kicked the rotten tree in anger, it turned into bees and honey; the tree ate it, stopped to cry; having tied up the jaguars, the brothers went to look for their father, came to Ahan, Derevuy married his daughter; ran away from him; they called his father from the tree, who responded from heaven; the eldest chose the day, became the sun, the youngest night became a month; I went to bed with my aunt, she smeared his face with genipa juice, since then there have been spots on the moon; Guarani come from Derevuy's son and his aunt's daughter]; Hanke 1956:225-226; Strelnikov 1930:306; mbia: Cadogán 1959:73; Cadogán, Lopez Ausin 1970:76; Apapakuwa: Nimuendaju 1914:394; Nyandeva [Ñanderú told his wife to go pick corn; she was angry N. left, she decided to follow; her two sons replied that they did not know where the father had gone; he turned three times in the house and three times when he went outside, and his wife turned outside only twice; the children from the mother's belly became asking for flowers; the mother was bitten by a bee; she got angry, hit herself in the stomach; came to the jaguars, where their toothless grandmother was; the jaguars ate the woman, the grandmother asked for children (they are soft); could not crush them into mortar, left alive; they hunt parrots with a sling; the parrot tells about the fate of the mother; the eldest revived the mother, the youngest rushed to suck, the mother broke up again; the brothers killed the grandmother; put a log across the river, made the river wide; the jaguars stepped onto the bridge, the bridge extended to fit everyone; the youngest swung too early, one pregnant jaguariha escaped; the trunk, falling into the water, turned into fish; the eldest began to copulate with his daughter Diablo (the informant did not remember further)]: Novaes da Mota 1992:58-62.