Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

J12. Girls looking for a groom. .18.-.

A girl or two sisters travel, usually looking for a suitable, gone or far away groom or husband. On the way or after reaching their goal, they fall into false contenders at their hands. Traditions in which not one but two heroines travel (j13 motif) are highlighted in bold.

Valbiri, Murinbatu, Oenpelli, Monumbo, Cooney (Viram, Vedau), Kanaka, Gilbert Islands, Sinhales, Athonis, Nanais, Orochi, Udege, Wilta, Nivhi, Ainu, (Asian Eskimos), Tanaina, Quakiutl, Chilkotin, Shuswap, Lillouet, Thompson, Kootene, Puget Sound, Upper Chehalis , colitz, quinolt, okanagon, kordalen, kalispel, katlamet, clackamas, tillamook, kous, yakima, ne perse, kalapuya, takelma, Modoc, Menominee, Mississauga, Northern Ojibwa (Sandy Lake), Eastern and Western Ojibwa, Steppe Cree, Potauatomi, Hurons, Seneca, onondaga, mikmak, passamaquoddy, grovantre, santi, iowa, arapaho, caddo, choctaw, screams, alabama, koasati, yurok, viyot, karok, pomo, vintu, yana, achomavi, maidu, chumash, kawaiisu, serrano, western and northern shoshones, goshiyute, utah, Southern Payut, Chemewevi, Havasupai, Valapai, Lipan, Western Apache, Mojave, Maricopa, Diegueño (Ipay), Papago, Cocopa, Cuna, Guayabero , shikuani, sanema, yanomami, yanomam, oyana, napo, canelo, aguaruna, shuar, kandoshi, desana, tucano, barasana, macuna, tariana, bare, uitoto, Central Amazon Tupi, Shipaya, Tenetehara, Urubu, Tupinamba, Eseeha, Surui, Vaura, Kalapalo, Cuikuro, Kamayura, Trumai, bakairi, iranshe, paresi, bororo, matako, toba, pilaga, chorote, nivakle, maca, northern and southern Tehuelches.

Australia. Valbiri [a long story about traveling women and a "depraved man"; episodes: a man's testicles slip away, turn into a person, go away; the penis becomes an individual and shows the way to the owner; then the genitals return to their place; the penis crawls underground, performs incest, the clitoris cuts it off; the dead man's penis becomes an individual; women meet people whose hearts shine through their bodies copulate with them all night; the original man rapes women again; his penis is cut off, turns into an individual; the man is killed by his next victim; women go further, copulate with the Raven, the Lizard; everyone goes to the ground]: Waterman 1987, No. 4715:127; Murinbatu [Kunmanngur sends his two parrot daughters to look for a suitable husband; they meet Tjineemin; they have to stay with him for the night, he copulates with them; they run away; they lure him into a channel filled with water at high tide, he swims out; they pull the rope up the mountain, they cut off the rope, T. breaks, the sisters return to their father; T. recovers himself, with a large group of Ravens and other bird-people comes to K.; pierces him, his wife and daughters at night with a spear, runs away; K . goes bleeding, sinks into water, turns into a Rainbow Serpent; bird-people fly away to become birds; sisters (it is not said that they are injured) and their mother turn into birds, and have been flying ever since where the steppe fire took place, picking up lizards, etc.]: Robinson 1956:5-9; oenpelli [two sisters are approached by a man whose snakes protrude from all the holes in his body; the sisters' dog attacks him, throws snakes; further adventures: sisters consistently meet three men asking the elder's permission to get together with the youngest, who are refused; sisters become invisible, hide in the trunk of a fallen tree; lure the applicant into a hole, he becomes the Rainbow Serpent; another challenger is killed and eaten by the spirit; the sisters marry the younger brother of the third contender, who kills spirits with lightning]: (source?) in Waterman 1987, No. 4720:127.

Melanesia. Monumbo [Kain ("snake") turned into a snake, lay down on the path; Daria walked along it, brought the snake to her; gave birth to a son with a human head and the body of a snake; while K. was fishing, D. killed and cooked a son, she broke her husband's weapon, crashed the boat, ran away; in different villages, many men offered themselves to her as husbands, but she went to Kamadonga; to stop her pursuers, she wrote, drew a line - a river appeared; Kam. did not have cultivated plants, D. cooked bananas and tarot for him; he did not have genitals, she made them for him from pepper tree fruit and betel nuts; let him see her genitals, met him; went to Lubou on an island near the island. Manam also gave him genitals; walked along the shore, turned the stones into fish, became a fish between the stones herself; Ngapem shot her, surprised that the arrow that pierced the fish was smeared in tarot; he brought the fish home; while N. was gone, D. (in the form of a human being) removed fire from her genitals, regurgitated bananas and tarot, baked and fed her husband; N.'s children also ate and slept; and N.'s younger brother's children cried from hunger; N. told his brother to go ashore; If he sees Daria fish, he should not converge with it; but he got together; became a Pakei tree; bananas, yams, tarot grew on it; fell and rotted; two brothers sailed in a boat with a dog; the dog jumped out, I ate by the tree, came back; they tied a rope to the dog, found a tree; they brought it home, gave it to the old woman, she became young; people sharpened their axes, began to cut the trunk, it remained intact; they broke off the sliver was burned; and so on, the trunk was cut, the tree continued to hang on the vine; this vine was the hand of a character; they sent a boy upstairs, the tree told him to call his mother to meet her; the boy's father was told to call his wife; the men left; another came with two wives; hid the beautiful one, let the tree meet with the ugly one, the tree fell; the man from Dagoi came when all the cultivated plants dismantled; Daria advised him to make tops out of vines, exchange them for bananas; people in this village do so]: Höltker 1965, No. 2:72-77; Cooney [Boboi has two wives, the eldest has two infant twins Tsilokoma and Tsigomona; after hearing about the famous Kesa and Alobo, the sisters decided to go to them; on the way, the youngest hung the eldest's bags with the eldest's children on a tree branch and left (one option, she literally performed the eldest, who actually asked for food for the children); the sisters came to Katsima-Feuyatsi; he replied that he had two names, Kesa and Alobo, and Katsima Feuyatsi a third; the sisters stayed with him and his sister; he cut down a tree, a branch sprung it, pierced it, the corpse swam away along the river; his sister turned into an Abuli animal; Kesa and Alobo came, married the sisters; more about the adventures of the abandoned twins]: Egidi 1914, No. 6a: 81-83; (cf. Viram [Duviar sees two girls swimming in his stream; to punish them, he puts a piece of sugar cane in a magic crocodile tooth, sends them underwater into the older girl's vagina; she falls ill, her genitals are swollen; two young men, first the eldest, then the youngest, come to treat her; each says he is D., cannot heal; the real D. comes (takes the form of a cassowary on the way) pulls out a piece of cane; the girls persuade him to lie down with them; at night, D. copulated with the eldest so much that she went to give birth in the morning; the next night the same with the youngest; both give birth to a son]: Williams 1969:390-391; Vedau [the birds were dancing in their village, did not notice how the fire went out; their chief Rooster volunteered to bring it; flew for a long time, flew to the girl, she asked him to stay, but he took fire, flew away; the girl is inconsolable, asks her parents to take her to her lover; they load coconuts to lure the Rooster, swim to the bird village; in the morning everyone goes out sequentially, the girl every time replies to her father that this is not her lover; the penultimate is the Bird of Paradise; finally, the Rooster; the girl asks him to come and get coconuts, covers him with a basket, takes him away; since then, the chickens have been living with people; the rest of the birds left their village, each living according to their current habits]: Ker 1910:77-80); Kanaka [two sisters from Kasaméyeu weave mats, do not help their mother, she tells them to cook for themselves food; the eldest goes to marry Chief Soouma; wants to make his house rich, gives birth to a son; Révaridiri, covered with ulcers, removes his skin, takes the form of a chief, takes the woman and her son to him; the husband's younger brother finds them; the husband kills R.; one day he beats his wife, she hangs herself; as she predicted, a fly flies to her younger sister, the tree dries up; the sister comes to revive the hanged woman, both returning to Kasaméyeu]: Leenhardt 1932:414-420.

Micronesia-Polynesia. Gilbert Islands [Nei Auti (Pleiades) woman lived on earth and Rimwimata (Antares) man in the sky; NA took to heaven, watched the stars play Bo Ano; the players drove her away, she cried; her parents comforted her by giving her fragrant oil; the fragrance reached the sky; Katimoi was sent for her from heaven, told her that she should only approach R. in heaven; she saw two men, handsome Kama and R., who changed his skin, sat in front of K.; R. became handsome again and ran after him, both continue to run across the sky]: Maude, Maude 1994, No. 4:134.

South Asia. Sinhalese [two sisters go in search of husbands; animals they meet offer themselves; sisters ask what they eat every time; reject bulls, jackals, and marry two plowman brothers (those they answered that they ate dried fish, and the sisters said that this was their food); each of the sisters gave birth to a girl; the older sister became jealous of the younger one, because she lived well and the eldest was poor; decided to kill invited her to swim, pushed her into the river; married both brothers, fed both girls; the girls saw a white turtle in the river; the older sister's daughter tried to catch her, but the turtle sailed; and she sailed to her youngest daughter and rubbed against her body; the eldest daughter told her mother about the turtle and she said that she would eat it; the youngest's daughter came to the river, called the turtle her mother and spoke about the danger; she told her keep the seed, leave it in the cow shed, it will grow into a mango tree; the older sister sent men to catch a turtle; the tree grew; when the younger sister's daughter came to pick a mango, branches for it they leaned down, and when the eldest daughter, they rose high; when they learned that the older sister wanted to cut down the mango, the tree told the youngest's daughter to keep the chip; it grew out of it a vine with fruit; fruits are not given again one girl and given to another; vine: find the root, throw it into the river, the Blue Lotus will appear; only the younger sister's daughter can touch it; the older sister sent people to pull out the lotus, but it is not given; drove up king; told his younger sister's daughter to snatch the lotus, took her and the lotus and took her to his capital]: Parker 1910, No. 11:113-119.

Malaysia-Indonesia. Athoni (Amanuban District) [two sisters see a Musang man (common muskang, Paradoxurus hermaphroditus, one of the palm civets, viverr), both expressing a desire to marry him; Musang hears them talking, marrying them; in the morning he says that he will go to the field; let them follow; at the fork on his path there will be his dry, fragrant excrement, and on the Monkey trail - liquid and smelly; Monkey overheard, changed the excrement; the sisters come to the Monkey; he tells his mother to give them mats to sit down, give them betel, food; in fact, they are leaves from a tree and some wild fruits; at night the Monkey lies down between both wives; when he falls asleep, they leave a stupa and a piece of wood in their place, run away to Musang, talk about the deception; he tells them to go up to his tree; the Monkey comes running with his people, Musang offers to go up to him, the Monkey asks for stairs; Musang lowers a long bamboo; when they reach half, lets go of the bamboo, the Monkey and his people fall into the pond, drown, Musang breaks their heads with a club]: Middelkoop 1959, text C: 169-173.

Amur-Sakhalin. Nanais: Beldy, Bulgakova 2012, No. 19 [the powder put her things and four figures in the coffin, lay down on her own and swam with the flow; the coffin sailed to the shore, the raven found it, calls her mother to come for the bride; Every time the mother understands that she must fry one of her clothes; she goes down to the shore naked, the powder gave her clothes; at night she put prickly branches next to her; the next day, a raven with their mother left, telling the pudin not to go out; but she came to the house and looked out the window; there people were dancing shamanically, and the raven was biting the leftovers, his mother licked someone else's cauldron; {the chief} shaman saw a peeking through the window, brought powder into his house; mother's raven: your daughter-in-law, my wife was taken away by a man; the shaman wrapped the crow with a rope, hung a bell on his mother's nose; the crow was thrown into the trash heap, his mother on he urinated; they flew and swallowed the sun and moon; they returned them when seven dogs were killed for them, they began to peck at them; and Mergen and Pudin got married]: 201-205; Kiel 1996, No. 32 (Amur District, 1968) [ the older sister invites the youngest to go looking for her husbands, dresses up; at the fork, she tells the youngest to follow a path with crutches; the youngest replies that the path chosen by the elder will lead to a rich man; the youngest comes to the house of seven bald cannibals; breaks crutches folded outside the house; hides in the ash, becoming a needle; cannibals ask the skull where the girl is, they see the needle, but the girl flies away with a midge ; cannibals chase because the crutches are broken; the girl comes to Mergen, is well at home, becomes his wife; pretending to be a mess, on a bad nag, she comes to her sister; she is idle, everything servants do; when leaving, the younger sister takes her true form, lets water into the elder's house; at night, the eldest and her husband run to the youngest's house, treat them; since then the eldest has begun to do everything herself]: 321 -329; Orochi [Gilangeta's younger brother cries; she gives him yukola, he doesn't take it, cries again; What do you want to marry me? The boy laughs; she tells him to bring a kitchen board; he cuts on it, she asks him to move away, or she has a headache; dresses up, swims down the river in a birch bark box; Voronenok finds a girl, brings her to his house, there are crow droppings everywhere; old man Ka's two sons come there; ask them to go to their father's house; Voronenok takes his wife with him; his mother warns that Ka's sons will take her away; Voronenok sees his wife sitting with Ka's sons; stops playing, takes a month on his back, his mother takes the sun away; old Ka gives the Ravens seven dogs heads to eat; for this, the Ravens return the stars; Ka's sons kill Voronenko and his mother with arrows, take Voronenko's wife]: Aurora, Lebedeva 1966, No. 4:132-133; Udege [=Podmaskin, Kireyeva 2010:105-107; two sisters are getting married; the eldest Ohoni is afraid that the youngest Adiga is more beautiful, makes her go down the left road; A. comes to the cannibal spirits, runs away, turning into a needle, huchen, mosquito; throws a comb, a thicket appears; comes to the hunter's house Nyent; he drives away the spirits with smut; leaves for seven years, returns, killing spirits; tests loyalty A., trying to hit A. with a spear; it bounces; he marries A.]: Podmaskin 1991, No. 26:136-140; Wilta [parents are dead, brother and sister are left alone; sister went to look for her husband; sat in a pelvis, covered herself with another, sailed along the river to the Raven's house; there everyone shouted that he would marry her; she swam on; by the sea, the Seal offers to marry; she swims again, goes beyond the nivha; brother finds her; with since then, nivhi and wilta are relatives]: Bereznitsky 2003, No. 13:442-443; nivhi [a man enters the beauty, cries because he wants to marry her; she orders to make chest boards, sits in a chest with with her good, swims down the river, aims for fish rides, five raven brothers take it out, their mother tells one to marry her, but the woman hits him with a board; the mother laughs at her son, sends him to To another man, he marries a woman, and crumbles a puppy's giblets to crows; var.: a man (he is a real groom asks the crows what to give them in return for a woman; they choose not silk, but puppy meat]: Ulita 2011:42-44; (cf. nivhi []: Pilsudski 2003, No. 6:69).

Japan. Ainu (Sakhalin): Pilsudsky 1991b, No. 12 [the aunt tells her niece to go to the groom in Otasam; he is the youngest of three brothers, his house is in the center; the girl first enters the house of her older, wealthy brother; in the morning he says that he did not want to offend his brother, asks him to give him a dagger handle braided in gold and silver; the groom stays with the girl for the night in an iron hut; warns that God's sister from the upper the world wants it for herself; in the morning they will be dragged to heaven; the aunt comes, cuts the girl to pieces; her soul rises to the sky like a bird, returns with the groom's soul, both resurrect and live happily ever after]: 81-84; Chiri 1973 [a lonely girl sits in a basket, swims down the river to the top of the Raven; he takes her as his wife; three brothers live side by side, perform a shamanic show to lure Raven and his mother out of the house; they they hang the girl's basket on a tree, the brothers take it out; the furious Raven flies to the sky, covers the sun with his body, his mother covers the moon, it turns dark; the brothers throw the dog, the Raven goes down to eat her, they kill him with arrows, the sun reappears; same with Raven's mother and moon]: 442-444 in Mashiko 2002 (=Mashiko 2009:104).

(Wed. The Arctic. Asian Eskimos (Lawrence) [five sisters live alone; the eldest creates a man named Kamysnap: a head made of a stone hammer, a torso from a board with skins scraped, arms made of shoe pads, legs made of crooked scrapers, fingers made of live crabs; he goes to the house of five hunting brothers, steals their meat, says he found it on the shore; his older brother waits for him, makes him confess that he has five sisters; brothers come and marry sisters; K. turns into objects from which he was created]: Menovshchikov 1985, No. 89:205-208).

Subarctic. Tanaina [an evil grandmother makes her rich granddaughter go to sea on a floating island; nails her to the other side; two rich men send their ugly slave to find a wife for them; A slave picks up a girl, pretends to be handsome and rich; after finding out who he really is, a woman runs to real suitors; visits her parents with them]: Vaudrin 1969:121-124.

NW Coast. Quakiutl [two frog women went to dig roots; on the other side of the river, different animal men consistently ask to be transferred to them; girls mock some, transport others, copulate with them; 1) Raccoon (rejected), 2) Mink (rejected), 3) Marten (accepted), 4) Wolverine (rejected), 5) Ermine (accepted), 6) Moose (rejected), 7) Porcupine (rejected), 8) Beaver (rejected); Beaver they make the river flow, the girls drowned; that's why there are no frogs in this area]: Boas, Hunt 1902, No. 8:318-321.

The coast is the Plateau. Chilkotin [two sisters accidentally tear off their little brother's hand; run away from their mother in fear; kick a log, it turns into a man; run on, come to an empty house, hide; comes back The skunk sniffs, says he feels a woman; the sisters laugh, he finds them, marries them; some men take their sisters to the top of the mountain; the Skunk sees their reflection in the water, starts a stream, the mountain collapses, men die; sisters run away from Skunk again, go to heaven to the old woman; she does not tell you to touch the basket, the box; the younger sister touches; rabbits run from under the basket; the earth can be seen through the box; the old woman ties a rope to the basket, lowers her younger sister to the ground first, then her older sister; they return home, sew her brother's hand]: Farrand 1900, No. 12:28-29; shuswap [two sisters sent parents marry the Fishing Marten (Fisher); he lives in the same house as Skunk; contrary to warning, the sisters laugh when Skunk starts a stream; when they return, Marten finds the women in Skunk's bed; they they run away with him, leaving decks instead; hiding at the top of the cliff; seeing their reflection, the Skunk throws a stream into the water; they laugh; the Skunk leaves in embarrassment]: Teit 1909a, No. 61:752-753; lillouette [ Hawk's beloved goes to him; Bald Eagle blocks the river with her penis; lets the girl through after she agrees to call him husband; brings him to herself; she runs away to a friend Golden Eagle Hawk; Bald Eagle and Golden Eagle die fighting each other; Hawk revives their friends]: Teit 1912b, No. 17:318-319; Thompson [two sisters go to their grandmother Mountain Goat; Coyote creates cold weather for girls to enter his house; gives her sperm under the guise of fat; the older sister throws it away, the youngest eats; when breaking up, the Coyote tells him to raise the child, if there is a son, throw it away, if the daughter; repeats the trick, putting the house in the way again and taking on a different look; the younger sister with the boy born stays with Coyote; the eldest comes to the grandmother; she promises her winner on the run; wins herself , keeps at home; Lynx makes a girl pregnant by spitting on her; see motif K18, in Teit 1898]: Teit 1917b, No. 25:11-12; coutenay [Frog sends his granddaughters Chipmunk and Big Chipmunk to marry for the Fishing Marten (Fisher); Skunk lives with him; wears his clothes, says he is a Marten; he comes, sends Skunk, runs with his wives; they hide in a tree; the Skunk kills the Marten with his jet, takes his wives; they put him to sleep, run, turning the house (=hole) into a stone bag; The Skunk cuts himself to pieces, pushes them out through a small hole; the raven takes his bag of corrosive liquid, people playing with a bag; Skunk comes and takes it back]: Boas 1918, No. 68:231-243; Linderman 1997, No. 12 [The frog sends his granddaughters Squirrel and the Chipmunk to marry a good hunter Fishing Marten (Fisher); c Skunk lives there; tells the hammer to beat the bones himself, goes out to get water, comes back, puts on Marten's clothes, pretends to talk to Skunk; The squirrel is incredulous, but still both enter the house; the Skunk hides them; The marten comes back, sends Skunk to bring the deer carcass, giving guts instead of a rope; tells the girls to find all the bones hidden by Skunk; sends cold; the chipmunk leaves one bone; they run away hide in a hollow; Skunk finds bone, warms up, kills Marten and girls with his jet]: 125-134; Dyer, MS in Reichard 1947 [Young Buck tells his sisters Fawn and Deer (Fawn and Deer) Toung Doe) throw the soft parts of the ribs of the hunted animals into the water; they, contrary to the prohibition, take these bones for themselves, the bones turn into dentalium shells; then the Deer takes its people into a hole in the ground, sisters they are left alone; they cross the river on stilts, come to Olyapka's house; the deer swallows the blood that Olyapka gives her; walking after her sister does not fall into her tracks; a deer gives birth; the deer sends her back to Dipper; she punishes Dipper by keeping her under water; the Rabbit who meets the Deer makes sure that she refers to him as "husband", he takes her to his grandmother Frog; she hides her; Lynx unnoticed her becomes pregnant, she gives birth to a child, all three are abandoned; Lynx catches many deer, and those who have left go hungry and return; when people pass the baby to each other, the Toad and the Owl reach out to him and kidnap him; The deer follows them, picks up the child, escapes in the tree; calls his dog, it's the Grizzly, he bites the Toad and the Owl, eats their dog, which is the mouse; the deer comes home with the baby, gives birth to the Lynx second son; these boys turn into Sun and Month]: 170; Puget Sound: Ballard 1927 [two sisters travel looking for a suitable husband; come to Thunder's house; his slave Raccoon warns do not laugh if Thunder's neighbor Skunk comes, grimacing; the youngest sister laughs; Skunk takes one sister as his wife, lets her stream into the other; the hunting brothers sent Skunk to pick up the dead deer, took the sisters to the mountain; the Skunk saw their reflection in the river; the sisters replied that they had climbed forward with their feet; threw hot stones into Skunk's anus; his ass fell out, swam along the river; the Skunk went with the flow asks the people he met; some answered that they saw his ass, others answered contemptuously; the Skunk came to the people who played him backwards; grabbed his ass, killed people, killed those who answered contemptuously; caught an old man to eat; the old man hears Skunk saying that only a hunter will kill him; the old man whistles like a hunter; the Skunk runs, four types of thorny trees tore him apart]: 63-65; 1929 [girl looking for a groom ; comes to Thunderbird's house, where Skunk also lives; Thunder is not at home; Raccoon slave warns not to laugh if Skunk comes; girl doesn't laugh, marries Martin]: 106; upper chehalis [the chief tells the daughters to follow the right path, it has red paint; the eldest walks on the left, where the feathers are, the youngest returns home; the eldest marries Skunk; his master tells him to bring meat; the woman realizes that her husband is a servant; suffers from the stench; the owner sends Skunk, runs with the woman to heaven; the Skunk sees their reflection, lets a stream into the water; then looks up, asks how they got there; Feet forward; the owner throws hot stones at Skunk's ass, his iron falls out; some people tell him that they saw his goods float down the river; others say his anus; He then kills those who give this answer; people play ball with iron; Skunk comes disguised as an old man, takes possession of the gland again; the bird turns into a skin; the Skunk picks it up; the skin whistles, the Skunk runs into panic, not knowing where the whistle comes from, dies]: Adamson 1934:46-52; Koulitz [like the upper chehalis; an old man sends his daughter to marry Puma; Skunk lives in the same house with him, pretending to be a Puma; The cougar realizes that Skunk hides a woman when he notices her long hair eating; it is not a decree where the fugitives hide (in the sky, rock or tree); after regaining his iron, Skunk kills the Puma, wears his skin; The fox turns into a piece of meat, the Skunk picks it up; the Fox whistles, the Skunk runs, drops the bag; the Fox finds beads in the bag that the Skunk took from the Puma; Wolves kill the Skunk, revive the Puma]: Adamson 1934:198- 200; Okanagon [Skunk and Fisherman Marten (Fisher) live together; grandmother sends two granddaughters named Chipmunk and Tyrannus to climb under Marten's clean, tidy bed, at Skunk's bed is dirty; Skunk came in first, the youngest giggled when he ruined the air, Skunk heard, found the girls in the chest under Marten's bed; says he's the head of the house, hiding them in his chest ; Skunk replies to Kunitsa who comes that he is the chief, Marten is forced, contrary to usual, to cook for himself; everyone puts food in his chest, Marten sees Skunk take out an empty plate; The next day, he sends Skunk to pick up the dead deer, finds the girls, sets fire to the house, flies with them to a rock above the river in a column of smoke; the Skunk sees the reflection, lets his stream into the water, realizes the mistake, He lets him up, gets into Marten's toe, he dies; the sisters pretend to be happy with Skunk; he copulates with them all day, falls asleep; they return to their grandmother, telling the rocks to grow around the Skunk; a small hole remains, the Skunk disassembles himself piece by piece, pushes them, the Raven takes his iron away; the Skunk comes to people playing ball with iron, grabs it, kills people with it]: Hill-Tout 1911:148- 150; kordalen [Skunk and Fisherman Marten (Fisher; KR) live together; hunt deer; Skunk tells him to give him only giblets and meat and fat at the tail; Chief Eagle sends his daughters Chipmunk and The squirrel should go to the Kyrgyz Republic; their mother warns that the Skunk eats garbage and the KR eats good meat; the sisters hide in the house, hear the Skunk approach, blowing the winds every step of the way; the chipmunk giggles, the Squirrel tells in vain keep silent; Skunk heard, hid the girls behind his bed; when the Kyrgyz Republic brings deer, he says as if it were him (telling him to give him ribs, not giblets); Skunk offers to feed their pillows, KR I'm surprised that the plate of meat for the "pillow" is soon empty; prevents Skunk from extinguishing the fire at night, although he tries to do so; the next morning the KR pretends to leave; waits for the Skunk to leave too, finds girls in Skunk's bed; tells them to set fire to the house, take the meat and go with it; when Skunk sees smoke, he thinks that it was the Kayuz who attacked the kordalen, but then runs home; not finding the girls' bones in the coals, begins persecution; drinks water under a rock, sees a reflection of KO, demands the girls back, streams into the water; when he looks up, sees fugitives on a rock; streams into the eye of the KR, makes the sisters let them down, tells Belka to lie under his head, the Chipmunk under his feet; in the morning the sisters leave pieces of wood for themselves, run away; Skunk comes to people; says he ran away from the cayuz, they captured his three sons; kills everyone with his stream; she also makes two blind old women see; they agree to take him in a boat for this, he tells him to be treated like a leader; they swim to the village, honor him, raise him in their arms; everyone is changing (perhaps turning into stars)]: Reichard 1947, No. 23:158-162; quinolt [Sea Monster sends a daughter to marry one of Owl's five sons; after a fork, the path to the right is dotted with long white feathers, to the left with little disheveled ones; despite the warning, the girl turns left; comes to Hohojos, Barn Owl; he pretends to be what she is looking for; tells her to bring the bear he killed; she finds only a mouse; at night she runs away, hides in a tree above the river; H. dives behind her reflection, returns home; she marries Owl's eldest son; at the festival, X. serves as a jester; Repeats: My wife is sitting on the other side of the cauldron; he is being killed]: Farrand 1902, No. 13:122-124; kalispel [the chief has two sisters; men hunt; chief to sisters: people will bring bones, and you take them to the lake; just don't look; younger: I'll see! the eldest called; the lake is full of good (goods); {apparently they took something}; when they returned, the people left, only their grandmother was left; she scolded them for what had happened; move the stone away; there's a hole, you can see people and homes, sisters recognized their own; grandmother led them by the hands down, but someone blew and threw them back; grandmother: it's all because of you, they couldn't stand it for three days, your brother would distribute the goods; now I will go down, and you you will stay; if necessary, the stone will crack by itself; the sisters went and reached the river, the house on the other side; a man ran out of it: your aunt crossed where the top of the hill was; while the women were gone, he cut his penis, drained blood into a pot, smeared blood on his deer skin {to show that he had recently killed a deer}; offered boiled blood; the older sister did not eat and tied something under the younger sister's chin what was returning the food {which it put in her mouth?} ; in the morning, the owner: your other uncle lives upstream; the blue jay sailed there, brought his excrement in the boat to make it seem like the dwelling in this place is a long time ago; the same as with the first "uncle" (ford higher downstream, blood from the penis to the pot); this time the little sister actually ate this food and gave birth to a baby in the morning; so she couldn't easily run up the hill like her sister; sister: go back to your husband! the youngest threw the blue jay out of the boat and it drowned; she found a lot of food in his house; the blue jay {this time it must be a woman's child} started shouting "Dad, dad!" The woman threw it in the soup; and the older sister's name is Impeccable; (the story is still long, but the informant didn't have time to tell it)]: Vogt 1940, No. 17:129-135; catlamet: Boas 1901a, No. 2 [ Blue Jay sends a girl to marry Puma; she enters the house, sits on one of the beds; Mink, Otter, Raccoon, Lynx, Mouse take turns coming in, bringing trout, salmon, ducks, roots, etc.; Beaver pretends Puma, lies down with the girl; at night she gropes for branches in his stomach; leaves, stops in a house on the edge of the village; Beaver sends animals for her; she sends them away; when Puma comes, he is made wife; Beaver cries, flood begins; Blue Jay, Mink, Otter dive, do not reach the bottom; The muskrat dives for a long time, the flood ends; jumping out of boats, animal people lose their tails, hitting them aft; The Bear and the Grizzly did not return for their tails, they are now short], 16 [Blue Jay sends his chief's daughter to marry Puma; Puma's slave Owl pretends to be him, hides the woman in his bed; at night The cougar hears Owl asking: What is this? - My hair. - Our hair, wife! She answers the following questions in her ears, face, eyebrows, forehead, mouth, nose, throat, shoulder, arm, abdomen; only the navel answers the second question; the owl threatens to scratch her, forcing her to answer her My genitals; she ties a piece of fat with her hair; Puma finds a woman's long hair; finds a woman, carries her to bed; fights Owl in the air; falling pieces of Owl's flesh the woman burns, collects the Puma's flesh; accidentally burns the Puma's intestines; he sends her to the Bear, Raccoon, Wolf, Beaver, Otter to ask them for half of their intestines; only the Lynx's intestines are suitable; woman gives birth to a cougar and an owl]: 20-25, 129-141; clackamas [Dwarf flint comes to live with Chief Puma; the girl marries Puma; he is not at home, Flint says he is the leader, hides her; Puma realizes the presence of a woman (the seeds are finely ground, finds long hair); they run away; after catching up with the Puma, the Flint cuts it in half; the woman gives birth to four Flints and a son Puma; her parents lure Flint and his children in the steam room; they burst from the heat, turn into flints; Cougar revives]: Jacobs 1958, No. 18:166-179; tillamook [girl goes looking for her husband; meets Rat, Muskrat, Squirrel, Flycatcher; everyone asks where to insert his penis; she names all kinds of places on her body except her vagina; Wolf and Deer show the way to their homes, but she doesn't like them either; gives in the hero, because he does not ask how to copulate with her; returns home, gives birth to a son, promises to marry the one who breaks the moose horn; the hero breaks; rivals (Wolves) kill him, but the old woman Lizard revives]: Jacobs, Jacobs 1959, No. 25:90-92; Cous: Jacobs 1940, No. 7 [in search of a rich husband, two girls come to Beaver; he is ugly and fat, calls branches, grass salmon; girls run away, they come to the chief; he pretends to have an upset stomach; the older sister does not like him, the younger one washes him; he becomes handsome, marries the youngest; Beaver comes for his wives; the chief stabs him in the ass; the Beaver turns into a beaver, the knife into his tail]: 143-146; Saint Clair 1909a, No. 8 [=Frachtenberg 1913, No. 29:173-181; zap. Saint Clair); two girls go to marry the chief's son; Beaver and Muskrat work for him; girls take Beaver for who they are looking for; he is ugly and fat, calls branches, grass trout; girls run away, come to the leader's son; he pretends to be sick, covered with larvae; the younger sister no longer likes him, the elder does not reject him; he becomes handsome again, rejects the youngest; the Beaver comes for his wives; the chief stabs him in the ass; the Beaver turns into a beaver, the knife into his tail]: 35-36; yakima [Skunk is a servant in the house of Eagle and his four Hawk brothers; the old woman sends her granddaughter to marry the Eagle; The skunk pretends to be the owner of the house, takes the girl; hides it under the mat; the Hawks and the Eagle come, tell him to clean up the prey, cook; the woman realizes that she was mistaken; the Eagle notices that the seeds are better ground, than usual, finds long hair; in the morning, Skunk explains that he giggled because he was tickled by a mouse; the Eagle sends Skunk for the dead deer, squeezes Skunk's children out of the woman's belly, climbs with her on rock; says that he was lifted by the rope; picking up the Skunk, he throws a hot stone in his ass, cuts off the rope; the Skunk's iron swims along the river; the Skunk goes, asks the people he meets, they answer laughing; he finds his iron playing ball, grabs it, kills players and those who laughed at him, takes their jewelry; Porcupine pretends to be dead; Skunk carries him, says he is afraid of whistling; The porcupine whistles, the Skunk runs away, the Porcupine takes all the jewelry-he now wears beautiful needles]: Hines 1992, No. 54:180-188; ne perse [while the Eagle is hunting, the Skunk is watching the house; five reindeer sisters come to marry the Eagle, five Frogs come to marry the Skunk; the Skunk hides the Deer in his bed, puts the Frogs to the Eagle; they explain to the Eagle why the Skunk laughed at night; the Eagle sends them away, giving them a lot of meat; tramples them Skunk cubs from Deer's bellies, hides with his wives at the top of a cliff; Skunk sees their reflection in the river, lets a stream into the water; looks up; the Eagle advises him to climb backwards; throws them into his anus hot stone; corrosive iron comes off, floats along the river; the Skunk follows it; some plant people say they tried to catch it for the Skunk, others say they pushed this abomination back into the river; Skunk comes to a place where people entertain him with the baby's gland (sparks fall out of it); replaces it with a bush, carries it away; sends a stream at those who answered him insultingly; therefore, some plants are bitter; Wolves Skunk is killed]: Phinney 1934:251-259; Kalapuya: Gatschet et al. 1945, No. 7 [Keith's daughter comes to marry Puma; his slave Flint pretends to be the chief, takes the woman, hides, forbids looking at Puma; she spies, puts her hair in porridge; the cougar realizes that there is a woman in the house, pretends to leave, takes the woman, runs away with her; explains to her that when Flint catches up with them and cuts off his head , she must put it on her body, cover the body only with leaves, leave his weapon next to her; Flint and his wife come to her father; a woman gives birth to little Flint and a son Puma; after a series of unsuccessful attempts kill Flint Keith manages to close both Flints in a hot steam room; their hearts explode; Keith says flints will now be used to make arrowheads; the woman returns to the revived Puma], 3 [ Puma and Owl live side by side; Keith's daughter comes to marry Puma, Owl tells her to go to him; she puts her hair in porridge to let Puma know about herself; he picks her up, fights with Owl and kills him, washes her ; she is pregnant with Owl; Coyote comes, copulates with her; she gives birth to Puma and Coyote children; they kill a Coyote baby]: 251-261, 353-355; Takelma [two White Ducks sisters come to marry Puma; the Coyote pretends to be him, brings them to his house; his mother reveals the truth to the girls; the girls go to Puma; the Coyote kills the mother, turns the girls into old women; they bathe, return theirs former appearance, they leave; Puma's younger brother Wild Cat calls him; he follows the girls; they take him in a boat across the sea; they tell him not to look into the water; the cougar looks, is swallowed by a sea monster; everyone dives get his bones; only a Catfish woman dives, brings bones, revives the Cougar in the steam room; The cougar and his wives return home; they find the Wild Cat dead there]: Sapir 1909, No. 4:64-70; modoc: Curtin 1912:27-38 [old Yawilik sends two daughters to marry Isis, a good deer hunter; warns that his father Kumush may wear his clothes and sing his songs; sisters come when K. plays the flute; the youngest does not believe it is I., reluctantly follows the eldest; I. comes and drives K. and both wives out of the house; at night they kill K., scraping the meat off his head; I. kills sisters, throws their heads and bodies into the river; I catch them, revives their daughters in the steam room; they find I.'s bones trampled by deer; the youngest revives him, he marries both; each gives birth to son; the eldest son falls on a stone, dies; then I. takes his soul and younger, turns his wives and mother-in-law into snowbirds, their younger brother into the spirit to which healers turn, leaves himself north], 125-128 [Snowbird sends two daughters to marry one of the chief's five sons; tells them not to walk on the west side of the lake, not to talk to the Blackbrown Fox; the eldest violates prohibition, the youngest has to follow her; when the sisters do leave the Fox, he makes them old women; the chief's youngest son feels they are girls; they become young at night and then after swimming; The fox turns them into ducks; the mother catches them, restores them to their former appearance; the chief's son goes to bring their jewelry to his mother, happy to see the girls again; stays with them], 186-190 [the old Marten sends two daughters to marry Eagle; poor and weak Hawk pretends to be him; in the evening, as always, he is invited to share meat; tells his wives, Why do they always call the leader for this? The chiefs play by throwing pieces of supplies into the Hawk's open mouth; to feed his wives, the Hawk cuts the flesh off his own feet; the youngest says the meat tastes bad; the sisters come to the eagle's house, see what's going on there; five Eagle Brothers kill five Hawk brothers; the older sister violates the ban on watching the Eagle carry Hawk's head to the sky; she falls, kills four Eagles; takes sisters are back married; the eldest must carry her head in the basket; the head rolls, kills the deer; Kumush invites her to take a steam bath, walled up the exit from the steam room; her head dies; K. and the woman instead they find the corpse of a beautiful young man; they burn it].

The Midwest. Menominee: Bloomfield 1928, No. 96 [two sisters go to get the Beaded Spitting (PB); The Toadstool (Hell-Diver) says it's him; hiding beads in his mouth and nose, he blows out and cleans his throat; PB has a pet deer; Toadstool says that the deer ran away frightened by the girls; in the evening, Toadstool is called to dance with PB; girls put Toadstool's mother to sleep, leave driftwood instead, come to PB; there is Toadstool lies on the floor, everyone is dancing on it; when he returns home, the Toadstool lies between driftwood, takes ant bites for tingling his wives; kills his mother, finds PB sleeping between girls, kills him by investing him in his mouth is hot pebbles; he hides a deer's stomach with blood under his clothes, pretends to kill himself at the news of PB's death; he is chased, he says he will die if his wives follow him; turns their boat over; he and both girls turn into greaves]: 359-365; Skinner, Satterlee 1915, No. II33 [Chief White Wampum spits beads; his brother is Hell Diver; two sisters come out for the chief; The dive says it's him; every night he goes dancing at his brother's house; wives leave rotten decks in bed, secretly go dancing; stay with White Wampum; Toadstool stabs brother's genitals hot iron dies; the toadstool pretends to mourn, simulates a suicide attempt by placing a blood-filled deer's stomach under her clothes and tearing it; calling his ex-wives to her boat, turns it over; sisters turn into toadstool females]: 408-410; Mississauga [two girls go looking for a groom; Dipper pretends to be Loon, who has many beads; they go beyond Dipper; they see Gagara at the dance, but he rejects them, marries the daughter of a poor woman]: Chamberlain 1889:144-145; timagami ojibwa: Speck 1915d, No. 5 [see K19B motif; star husbands help wives come down from the sky; they get to the top of the tree; they promise to marry the one who will bring them down to the ground; the Bear, the Lynx cannot, Wolverine descends; they send him to bring a ribbon tied to a branch, run away; They spend the night with the Woodpecker, he does not sleep with them; three types of ducks cannot transport them across the river; Toadstool carries them, takes them as wives; they find out that Toadstool is a jester, Loon is the leader; they go to the Loon; throws a toadstool in their mouths sleeping Loon, hot flints, killing him; tying a bag of rabbit blood to his stomach, simulates suicide; people reveal deception, chase Toadstool; he turns them into ducks], 2 (Appendix, by Neil C. Fergusson) [two girls climbed the fir tree, could not go down; Moose, Deer, Otter, Lynx passed by, only Wolverine lowered; they sent him for a supposedly forgotten ribbon, ran away; neither Beaver nor the Loon Chief they were not transported across the river, Hell-Diver moved; at night they got up, looked into Gagara's house, where he played the flute to the dancers; they went to Loon, putting decks of ants under their blankets; when they saw Loon, sleeping with two girls, Toadstool threw a hot iron into his mouth; put a gut of blood under his clothes, pierced it, as if killing himself when he was told that the chief was dead; later shouted that he's a murderer; people dammed the river to dry the lake and catch Poganka; he destroyed the dam, everyone drowned, became aquatic animals]: 47-53, 83-85; Ojibwa [two Stupid Girls looking at the starry the sky, the Stars want to be husbands; wake up in the sky, the husbands are nearby; the old woman helped them escape by lowering them through the hole in the basket; due to their carelessness, they found themselves in the hawk's nest; Wolverine lowered them, they deceived him, ran away; they got to the Dive; he pretended to be the Man with Wampum, Loon; they spied on their husband playing the role of a jester in Gagara's house and went to Gagar; the Toadstool killed him by sticking him into his sleeping place a hot rock's throat, ran into the sea; people told the leeches to dry the sea, but Toadstool ripped their bellies open with a flintlock knife; the sea poured back and everyone drowned]: Jones 1916, No. 15a: 371; northern Ojibwa (Sandy Lake) [Mana (Gagara) is rich, has many wives, his brother Wai-Mishu is poor; two sisters go to marry M.; V. pretends to be him, calls his sisters Mik-kei-san ( Having beaded ear pendants; this is the name of sisters M.); girls say it's good to spit beads; sisters V. take their pendants in their mouths, the beads turn out to be dog crap; girls leave in bed poplar decks, run away to M.; V. tries to copulate with decks, is bitten by ants; simulates suicide by ripping a bag of caribou blood under his clothes; runs across the lake; mosquito drinks the lake; B . pierces him, water pours out; V. puts a hot copper spear in the mouth of M., sleeping with his wives, runs away to the lake; promises to return if his wives come to him; they go, he turns them and himself into greaves]: Ray, Stevens 1971:68-71; Steppe Cree: Bloomfield 1930, No. 31 [two sisters come to marry Wampum; Red-necked Toadstool pretends to be him; sisters marry him; see dancers trample on him at the festival ; leave decks with bedbugs in bed instead of themselves, go to another (probably Wampum); Toadstool cuts his throat; women leave], 32 [old woman dies, tells two daughters to go to Wampum, spitting beads; Dipper puts beads in his mouth, spits out; sisters marry him; he wraps himself in pieces of meat and fat instead of a festive outfit; younger sister suspects deception, spies on dancers ; they dance, trampling Dipper into the mud; the sisters leave decks of bugs and bees in bed, run away; Dipper fakes suicide, piercing a bubble of blood hidden under their clothes; sails away in a boat, turns into a dive]: 297-309; (cf. Swamp Cree (West Bank Hall. James) [{3 stories are mixed}; this is about Weesakechahk and birds; Chahkabesh {must be Weesakechahk} gathered birds about to fly away, offered to dance with their eyes closed; began to strangle them one at a time; Loon opened his eyes, raised the alarm; V. kicked him, since then the loons have a flat tail; Loon gradually died; V., which means Shingibish {Weesakechahk, then Shingibish}, that was the name of this Otter, i.e. Duck, he has two wives ; Loon was handsome, covered in beads, and took his wives away; when he slept with his mouth open, S. put a hot incisor down his throat, Loon died, S. took his wives; so the loons had a dark throat]: Ellis 1995, No. 8:41-43 ); potauatomi [Gagara is a chief named White Wampum; his brother Red-Necked Toadstool is no one, married to an old woman; comes to another village, meets two women, says he is BV, marries them; on the way, they ask to kill an elk, he replies that this is one of his horses; at home he calls his old wife grandmother; in the evening he is invited to dance with a real BV; wives leave decks with ants in bed, come to BV; Toadstool bitten by ants; kills a sleeping BV with hot stones in his mouth; hides blood in his mouth, simulates suicide; says he will survive if his daughters-in-law come to him; they swim in on the boat, he knocks it over, everyone goes to the bottom; he emerges, screams that he killed BV; people ask the Frog to drink the lake; the toadstool first kicks her, then pierces her stomach; now the toadstool has two wives]: Skinner 1924: 361-363.

Northeast. Hurons [the old woman sends her two daughters to marry the Thick-haired (deer); on the way, the sisters meet the Owl, he pretends to be who they are looking for, brings them into his hollow stump; people call An owl to sing at the leader; dancers use his body as a drum; sisters come, find out who is who, stay with the Deer; Owl refuses to "sing" anymore; Long-eared Owl pretends to be an older sister, comes to the Owl, he sings again; the deception is revealed; The deer returns the owl's wives to "sing" to continue]: Barbeau 1960, No. 24:29-31; Seneca [mother gives two daughters corn bread, sends them to marry two brothers living in the same house separated by a partition; warns not to turn sideways at the fork; sisters turn, come to the Wind People of Shagodyoweg gowa, run home in fear; they pursue; sisters throw away baskets of bread, then their garments; pursuers spend time picking up and examining what they have abandoned; sisters come home; next time they take the right path; going hunting, the brothers tell their wives not to go out for 10 days, otherwise their brother Shagodyoweg gowa will take them away; on the ninth day, the sisters go out; the brothers find them at the SG, who lets the women go; the brothers ask Hótho (Cold Weather, makes the trees burst from the frost) to watch their wives; SG takes the sisters away again, the youngest runs away; H. comes, fights SG, he promises not to steal sisters anymore]: Curtin 2001:52-54; seneca [an old woman sends two daughters to marry a handsome hunter; the girls meet a deceiver on the way, who pretends to be the groom he is looking for; calls her young son a brother or nephew; sisters hear a deceiver call into the house of the person they went to; spy on him; in the house of a worthy groom, the deceiver acts as a jester; sisters go to the one they were supposed to marry, put them in a deceiver's bed two decks with ants, ants bite him]: Curtin, Hewitt 1918, No. 16 [the desirable groom has live reindeer heads in the house; Owl brings old heads to his house; sisters go to the worthy the groom, after spending the night with the Owl; in his house, the Owl is given hot fried mice to eat; the owl kills his nephew with a sharp stake; he becomes the chief, wants to take young widows; they return back to his mother] 29 [the groom is from the Orlov family, his name is Long-faced, the girls' mother is Swan; the sisters leave the Owl before spending the night with him; in the house of the Long-faced Owl, pieces of meat are thrown into his mouth; the Long-faced calls his mother wives to live with them], 39 [= (29); grooms have no significant names; the mother of a worthy person is the Big Earth; a liar is spit in the face to laugh]: 115-117, 166-168, 195-197; onondaga [woman sends daughter to The Heavenly Leader; she is met first by the Fox, then the Wolf, the Bear, who have taken the form of Chief; she does not answer them, comes to the Chief; see motif B3A]: Hewitt 1928:479; mikmaq [elf girls bathe in the lake; The marten steals the clothes of one, then the other, marries them; The elk wants one for himself, fights with the Marten; the sisters run away; go to heaven, the stars marry them (see motif K19B); allow return to earth; sisters find themselves at the top of the tree; Elk, Bear, Marten refuse to help them go down, they say they are already married; Wolverine descends; one of the sisters ties a ribbon on the tree, asks Wolverine to untie her; the sisters run away, leaving biting insects and thorns on the mating bed; the crane carries the sisters across the river, drowns Wolverine (see motive J46); the sisters come to the abandoned village; the youngest kicks the cervical vertebra; the latter pursues her, the eldest hides it in her hair; Little Gull transports them across the pond; Loon wants to marry them, brags about her beauty; Scapegrace Warns that Loon is ugly; girls throw Loon, marry Sea Duck; Loon kills sleeping Ducks, commits suicide; girls stay with Duck's relatives]: Leland 1968:140-166; Passamaquoddy [like Mi'kmaq; Little Gull instead of Loon; another type of loon instead of the Seagull]: Leland 1968:140-169.

Plains. Grovanter [two sisters go to marry the Beaded Spit; Loon picks up some beads, puts it in her mouth, pretends to be the groom he is looking for; tells his mother Badger not to let his wives out of the house; his call to dance; sisters step over Badger, come to the leader's house; see the real Beaded Spit; dancers trample Gagara with their feet; sisters throw Loon for the real groom; his Loon kills; hides in a hole with his mother, people can't get it there]: Kroeber 1907b, No. 28:108-109; santi [Two Women (sisters endowed with supernatural powers) and The Heartbreaker goes to marry the Beaded Spitting (aka Young Beloved); in the morning, a needle-lined porcupine bowl full of wild rice ends up on MS's head, which means that RS will marry PB; Teal in the boat offers to transport the girls; taking beads in his mouth, spits them; J takes him for the desired groom; later a real PB arrives, marries RS; Teal does not tell his wives follow him; they peek into the tipi to dance; there Teal lies on the floor, people dance, trampling on him; sisters leave blankets with bees and ants in bed instead of themselves, go to PB, driving MS away; Sedge ( sent by Chirk?) cuts off PB's head when he sleeps with his wives; people come to kill Chirk; his mother Snipe flies into the swamp; people trample on her, since then the roots of the reeds are red with blood; Teal with a PB head in his hand and Sedge with they go up to the moon with a knife in their hand; and now you can see them standing there]: Riggs 1893:148-149; Iowa: Skinner 1925, No. 7 [the chief sends his two daughters to marry Wagre Cagre (White Feather, Eagle); various forest animals come, pretend to be VG; sisters ask about their lifestyle, reject them; a man with a white feather lies as if he is killing deer, bears, moose; his older sister marries him the youngest refuses; marries the real VC when it appears; VG brings big game, false VG - rabbits; asks VG to get a raccoon out of the hollow, turns it into a dog; the dog continues to hunt for his wife; asks to take him to the hollow; comes out on the other side in his old form; sleeps with false VG in the winter forest; he says that clothes are burning this month; VG pretends to be sleeping, replaces parcels with clothes; false VG throws his own into the fire; freezes in the forest; he was the last of the giants; VG marries his older sister; the cannibal Nashin Vashogre has an image of the Underground Horned Puma; who will do worse than her, kills them; VK creates a live Cougar, kills the cannibal with an arrow; she was the last cannibal; VK marries four sisters; the youngest warns that the eldest kills husbands; VG puts a wooden penis in the elder's vagina; her teeth are broken, she dies; since then, the women have no teeth in their bosom], 33 [two sisters go to get the Chief's Shell-Spitting Son; his servant picks up the spit out Kauri, pretends to be him, takes sisters as wives; Ishinki comes for him, telling him to come to the chief's son; the servant pretends to be a joke, forbids his wives to follow him; they go and see how their husband is only picks up shells; goes to the leader's son; the servant kills both the son and the leader himself; flies away, carrying their heads away; I. witches, trying to return the servant to earth; he defecates in I.'s open mouth, flies to the moon; you can see his silhouette there, with a head in each hand]: 458-461, 493-494; arapaho: Dorsey, Kroeber 1903, No. 89 [a girl rejects suitors; a guest from another camp invites her to marry the famous Badger; she comes to Badger, gives him a wedding gift; he tells his grandmother to tell his wife that he kills wives if they follow him to the party; he is summoned to Sasaya; the wife still comes for him and sees him him on the ground, jerking his limbs while S. is dancing; marrying S.; Badger has been used as a drum ever since], 121 [the girl goes looking for the Beaded Spitting; Shattered Ass says it's him spits out a few penetrations; tells the mother not to let his wife leave the house; a woman comes to the dance house; sees P.B. dancing and R.Z. serves as his platform; marries P.B.; R.Z. kills an opponent, dives into a lake, turns into a bird living near the bison; a woman is allowed to choose a new husband]: 203-205, 272-275.

Southeast USA. Caddo [two sisters go to marry a rich chief; meet an Owl, who replies that he is the chief; teaches his grandmother how to pretend they are rich; every day a real chief at the meeting uses the Owl as a bench; for this he gives him a turkey; Owl tells his wives that he kills turkeys while hunting; wives spy on him, return to their parents; Owl and his grandmother hide all the water in the same body of water; The white Raven catches grasshoppers noisily; people think he found water; disappointed Coyote dumps him in the mud, now the raven is black; the turtle falls into the crack, calls for help; the Coyote hits her, In order not to make noise in vain, there are now cracks on her shell; the flea bites the Owl's mother; she overturns the jug, the water flows in all directions; the grateful Coyote allows the Flea to live on his fur]: Dorsey 1905, No. 40:67-69; choctaw [woman (she is a "red top" bird) sends two daughters to marry the Boat Maker (IL, green heron), they recognize him because when he takes water in his mouth and spits out, water turns red; the crane by the river says IL is him, spits out the water with the shrimp, so it appears pink; one sister stays with him, the other does not believe, comes to real IL; then to him The second one comes, he tells her to dive three times, she can't, it means that she slept with the Crane, IL drives her away; hits the first one with a stick in the middle of her head, the girl separates, turning into two, so IL gets two wives (as intended); The crane tries to separate his wife, but only kills her; bounces when hit and becomes humpback]: Mould 2004:198-200; screams [two sisters go looking Spitting Beaded (PB); The rabbit pretends to be him, pulls out a few beads from the vultures, puts them in his mouth; sleeps with one of the sisters; the sisters leave, get to the Gopher, who eats their provisions; than the closer the house of the Turkey Killer (= PB), the more feathers lie on the road; the owner tests the girls, telling them to bring water with a sieve; the one with which the Rabbit combined, the water pours out, the other turns into beads; he sends the first PB, takes the second as his wife; she is pregnant; he calls her from the other side of the river, asking her to fit a boat; from a distance he sees the figure of a woman in the house; she does not bring a boat, PB swims, beats his imaginary wife, she disappears; it was Kolowa, who ate his real wife; in his wife's torn womb, PB finds a live baby, then throws him into the thickets; the son has grown up, asks him to make two bows; the father spies on how the second boy, who has arisen from the last, comes out to play with him; the father turns into an arrow, a ball of grass, a feather, the Discarded one recognizes him every time; finally caught, tamed, his name Fatcasigo (Not-doing-right); father warns not to answer if someone asks to transport him from the other side of the river, it will not be him, but Kolova's mother who ate them; the old woman calls, F. insists that they have her transported; the old lady asks F. to take her on her back, shouts "Kolowai, Kolowai", refuses to get off; F. hits her, sticks her arms, legs and head; brother also hits and sticks; father soaks them hot with water, K. flies away; the father does not tell him to get two eggs from the tree, F. persuades his brother to pick up the eggs; the storm immediately takes their father away, he returns; lightning begins to sound around, the brothers get off the tree; they spy on the father, see a corral in which he keeps bears, deer and all animals; they release them; the father sends his sons to buy tobacco to a character named Long Nails; the crocodile transports them through lake, teaches how to grab tobacco and run; transports back, Long Nails do not have time to catch up; F. suggests filling the house with stinging insects; brothers place watchmen who should warn about when their father approaches; these are the Blue Crane, Wild Goose, Pelican, Partridges; those closest to them, when they screamed, the brothers release insects, they bit their father to death; the brothers turn him into a Crow; F. goes west, his brother east; when you see a red cloud in the west, it's F., when it's in the east it's his brother]: Swanton 1929, No. 2:2-7; alabama [two sisters go looking for the Spit Beaded; Owl shows the girls the way to their own home; tells his sister to guard his wives; goes to dance to the Beaded Spit's house with giblets tied around his neck; sisters come there, become owner's wives; Owl kills him at night; girls' brother kills Owl, brings sisters home]: Swanton 1929, No. 12:126-128; alabama and koasati [two sisters go to marry the Beaded Spit ; Owl shows the way to his own home, scatters his sister's necklace on the road, takes a few beads in his mouth; girls take him for a true groom; in the evening they go to another house to dance, there a lot of beads, they understand the deception, stay with the real Spitting Beads; at night, Owl kills an opponent with a knife; his widows decide to give to the one who 1) fills the basket with his severed hair (Owl cuts off his sister's hair, but the basket is half empty, the girls' brother is full); 2) kills a white deer (Owl killed the dog, cut off his legs and head); 3) kills a white turkey; everyone swam into the sea, the brother killed, with arrows sank those people's boat, but Owl sailed out, married the girls, his brother stayed overseas; the cardinal tells him to climb a tree, take the stones; the cannibal sent her three jaguar dogs to take the young man, who drove him away with stones; the cannibal cooked the jaguars themselves, threw their bones into the sea, they came to life; the young man moves on; at the young man's request, the rattlesnake drove the cannibal away at night; on the next nights, about the arrival of the cannibal a white crane warns; a clay pot; on the shore, a young man rejects a crocodile, a turtle, swims on a horned snake, throwing fried partridges in front of him, and then simply firing arrows; at home, the young man threw Owl's children into a boiling pot, killed him with an arrow himself]: Martin 1977:57-60; koasati [two sisters go to marry the Shooter Up; Owl: A bad path leads to him, and a good path leads to me ; sisters go bad, get to Owl; he puts beads in his mouth, pretends to spit them (like Shooter Up); in the evening, Owl is called to dance; he tells his sister not to let women out of the house ; they run away; they see Owl dancing with his guts wrapped around his neck; stay with the Shooter Up; at night, Owl kills him with a sharp horn in his ear; people offer to give widows to the winner competition; orphan wins; 1) fill the box with your long hair; bring a white deer (Owl brings a white dog); 3) bring a white turkey; everyone swims across the sea to hunt for turkeys, throws there is an orphan; a bird tells him to hide in a tree; Monster dogs (these are cougars) cannot find him; a monster kills them, cooks them, eats them, throws bones into the water, they come to life; two sisters swim, an orphan hides them clothes on a tree, they dive for a reflection, then they see a young man; he gives his clothes when they call him not grandfather, uncle, brother, but husband; comes to them; at the shore rejects the Crocodile, the Turtle, the Snake, swims on the Horned Serpent; throws fried partridges in front of him to swim forward; tells his sisters to throw their children from the Owl into boiling water; kills the Owl with an arrow]: Swanton 1929, No. 12:172-175.

California. Yurok: Curtis 1976 (13) [boy sends his two sisters to marry a good ball player named Kenek; there is a dry tree in front of his house; Coyote carries a tree to his house; girls they understand that they are in the wrong place, they run away in the morning; the crow takes them to K.'s house; helps to fry the salmon properly; Father K. is happy, allows his son to marry his sisters; when the youngest entered the house, she saw that K. is handsome; then he became ugly, the eldest does not want him; they return to the sister village; K. becomes handsome, wins the ball (shinney), his dog helps him; hits the opponent in the waist, that turns into a narrow-waisted ant; gets hit in the face himself, turns into a snipe]: 187-190; Kroeber 1976, No. A12 [two sisters go to look for the leader; his house is in the center of the village, marked with pillars; Coyote carries poles to his last home; pretends to be a leader; in the morning sisters find out about the mistake, return to their parents; next time the old man helps them find the right way]: 69-73; karok [girls don't come back anymore]: Harrington 1932, No. 7 [two girls are going to marry Salmon; Phalaenoptilus nuttalli says there is a dry tree in front of Salmon's house; he and/or (unclear) carries a tree with a Nightjar to the bird's house (or Nightjar?) along with Salmon's mat; girls realize that they have been deceived when they see and hear that the owner of the house is not a chief, but a marginal]: 23-24; Kroeber, Gifford 1980 [like a yurk; two live in a house with poles brothers], № II31, III9 [Wild Cat and Fox girls marry Salmon; there is a high pole in front of his house; Bushhat (a little brown bird) carries a pole towards him; fleas in his bed and lizards; girls go to Salmon in the morning; Bushhat kills him]: 181-183, 222-223; villot [two girls come from the north to marry Wolf; in the village they see a house where Coyote lives with an old woman; Coyote says it's him; an old woman who calls Coyote a nephew feeds them mice; Coyote hides them behind a partition, they get pregnant; Wolf finds them, pulls them out, hits them and Vulture {moving from Coyote to Vulture is incomprehensible); so vultures fly from side to side (irregularly)}]: Reichard 1925, No. 2:143-145; pomo [two sisters go to marry a young Skoshelkel who falls off his lips beads; the old Coyote says he will come now; turns into a young man, pretends to be S.; puts beads in his mouth and spits out; the younger sister suspects deception; the imaginary S. explains that he danced all night so the voice became rude; he is taken by boat to his wife Fra Khatsu, whom he passes off as his mother; he is called to dance, his younger sister notices that he is turning into an old man; The frog replies that the real S. is the leader, tells the children to take the girls to him; everything there is hung with deer and cougars, feathers of bright birds on the floor; S.'s mother liked the girls; S. came, he also liked it, he sat down between them; beads are pouring from his lips; the Coyote came back, his wife said what had happened, he threw a pestle at her, she became a frog, rode away; he asked the four Otter Brothers to return it; they did it, The coyote promised his wife not to beat her again; the sisters brought their relatives to live in the village of Husband-Skoshelkel]: Clark, Williams 1954:17-23; Vintu [two sisters come to marry Kidipathavi, spitting beads; dirty lazy Huick (Kozoda) takes some shells in his mouth, spits them out; tells his wife Toad to influence his mother; sisters meet daughter K., she also spits beads; they go from H. to K; H. kills the Toad that allowed the women to leave; people dance, standing around their leader K.; H. sees the calf of his leg, hits her with an arrow, killing K.; hides in a hole, runs away]: Demetracopoulou, Dubois 1932, No. 36, 37:461-463; Dubois, Demetracopoulou 1931, No. 32:341-342; Yana [two sisters are looking for Marten; Coyote pretends to be him; the youngest sister doesn't believe; sisters come to see Kunitsa, marry him]: Curtin 1898:353-357; Sapir 1910, No. 10 [two sisters are looking for Marten to marry him, come to Coyote's house; his wife, the Bull Frog, says Marten's house is farther away and the bears He stole the skins in the Coyote house from a neighbor; his older sister says that his father told them to stay in the house where these skins hang; Coyote returns, says he just generously distributed all the meat; in Marten's house, he returns, says he has generously distributed all the meat; in Marten's house, he they throw the bones; he cuts off the flesh from his thighs, brings them under the guise of venison; the girls feel that it is human, go to Marten; his mother feeds them, but one of the hunters says that the girl smells a divorced Coyote wife; the Coyote causes rain to make people gather in the main dugout; sets it on fire; the spider began to lift people to the sky in the basket; the Coyote lay down to the bottom, made a hole, everyone fell into the fire; Loon made a necklace out of their hearts; An old woman (or her grandson?) killed Gagara, revived people from their hearts]: 133-136; achomavi [The sun and his wife Shell send their daughters to Marten, who has dentalia shells coming out of his body instead of excrement; Coyote wears better clothes, but the younger sister understands who is in front of them; Hawk-Man pretends to be the chief, defecates with a rattle pebble, pretending to be beads; then like Jan's (cuts meat from thighs, etc.); when Hawk causes rain, Marten sends a man to kill Hawk]: Dixon 1908, No. 3:163-165; Maidu [man sends two daughters to marry the one who has the chimney two black bear skins tied; the bad hunter Kozodoy outweighed his skins, began to play the flute; the girls came in to him; a good hunter came back, outweighed his skins back; in the morning the girls realized they were wrong , moved to a good hunter; the Nightjar began to sing, it began to rain, the house began to flood; the women broke his neck and told him to be a nightjar]: Dixon 1912, No. 11:193-197; chumash [Fox and Wildcat - brides Hawk Xelex 'a and his uncle Eagle Slo'v; sail from the island to the grooms; Coyote takes the form of K., turns his hut into a beautiful home; keeps his wives in the house all the time; people shout that they brought him fish demand; he says that they joke with him, takes the demand, turns him into fish and venison, gives it to his wives; K. and S. send a gopher, then Mukha, Louse to find out what kind of women the Coyote has; finding out The truth is, they send the Puma to break the door of the house; he finds women giving birth, each with twelve sons; wives go to C. and S., Coyote has sons]: Blackburn 1975, No. 29:194-197; kawaiisu [The owl eats the prey itself, his wife Bullfinch is starving; puts sharp bones in front of the entrance to the house, the Owl steps on them and dies; the Bullfinch, taking his son, comes to Skunk's house; the mother says, that Skunk is bad, tells her to leave; Skunk catches up with her, wants to have sex; she sends him to hunt, leaves his blanket, runs away; he kills her with his jet; Badger revives a woman, copulates with her ; she comes to the village; Coyote kills his pet rabbit, says he is the best hunter, wants to marry a woman; she refuses, marries Hawk; that brother Falcon causes the wind out of jealousy, that takes everyone but the Horned Toad]: Zigmond 1980, No. 50:167-168; (cf. monk [Coyote advises daughters to marry two sons of the Sun after his death; Coyote's wife does not believe her son who notices that his father has run away from the fire; Coyote dresses like the son of the Sun, marries his daughter; the boy born smells like a coyote; the wife expels the Coyote; he comes to his former wife Rabbit in his former form]: Gifford 1923, No. 14:342-343); serrano [two sisters go east, the eldest carries a vessel of water; does not give the youngest, she dies of thirst; the eldest gives birth to twins Tsatukotani (elder) and Parakonix; Bear, Wolf, Vulture, Eagle say they are their fathers; the real father is the Sun; boys secretly come out of their cradles to hunt; their mother tells them about an eagle's nest on a rock; they rise up as fluffs, pick up two eagles; they quarrel over who will take the larger eagle; the eagles die; the mother young men revive them; young men take reeds out of the sea; make flutes; the youngest can be heard playing on the other side of the world; Vulture's two daughters go from there to the sound; on the Coyote Road, the Hawk say they played they; the older sister believes the younger one tells them to move on; the sisters spend the night with their brothers, leave in the morning; the brothers follow them soon; the mother knows they will die; the Vulture sends her son by name Tcaikakat find out who came; light from the bodies of young men kills Tc.; Vulture calls his warriors, Hawk manages to kill twins; their bones are crushed into powder, long bones are used to play; younger sister gives birth to a son Kwexomári; he also shines; she lies to her father that she gave birth to a girl; K. plays with his uncle, who says he did not kill his father and uncle; K. finds the bones of his father and uncle, begins to revive them; they say that this is impossible, they remain dead; plays with Coyote; throws the dice, the earth splits, everyone dies except Mother K.; with her he visits his grandmother; carries his mother across the sea, drowns]: Benedict 1926, No. 3:2-7.

The Big Pool. Usually, Hooting Owl steps on a sharp bone; when dying, advises his wife to marry Hawk (or Vulture); a woman, taking her young son, goes to look for Hawk; comes to Skunk's mother, goes further; The Skunk catches up and kills her; the badger revives, demands payment, they copulate; the woman comes to the Hawk; he spends time on a high cliff; she makes a ladder out of pubic hair, climbs Upstairs, becomes his wife; the Wolf (Coyote) would like her for himself, but he is rejected. (Wed. youre [see motif L61; Nentusu, who escaped from cannibals, comes to the Caress Brothers with two boys; the elder Pewetseli, he is taller, the youngest Damalali; P. takes N. as his wife, hides her and the boys from D. , tells him that they were crows, birds, they flew away; D. finds one boy, kills, leaves his head; N. and the other go to the lake, turn into ducks; D. says that people should marry women, not ducks, should eat ducks; from the current territory, brothers come to your land; P. sees her first; warns D. not to touch the Spider; D. does not believe, the Spider kills him; P. comes along the rainbow to the Sun; he replies that he did not see anything, sends it to the Month; the Month eats frogs, not fish; says that he sees only at night, sends them back to the Sun, giving two porcupines that the Sun fears; Sun admits that he saw Spider drag D.; gives the phone, tells him to smoke first; when he comes to Spider, P. smokes, Spider dies, P. revives his brother, tells him to hunt deer, but he chases Beaver, Beaver kills him; P . kills Beaver, revives his brother; the same with Ground Hog; D. kills Water Baby, scalps him, the lake overflows, D. hides on the mountain; P. tells him to scalp, the water descends , lakes remain in the mountains]: Dangberg 1927, No. 2:401-415 (=1968, No. 2:49-68); Western Shoshones: Steward 1943 [Owl's wife Takadoa (black-headed bird) deliberately pierces his bone deeper into the wound to kill because she wants to marry Skunk; his mother advises her to run; the Skunk kills her and her child, the Badger revives them; the Coyote lies that he is the best hunter, but the woman goes to bed with the Hawk; he then loses hunting luck]: 296-297; Smith 1993:94-95 [two sisters go looking for Eagle; Coyote claims it's him; sisters go to Eagle; Coyote kills him, takes his clothes and loot; youngest the sister identifies the Coyote by her legs; the sisters put ants on the head and legs of the Coyote (as if wives are pinching him to take out the lice), run away; the Coyote chases them, they throw the necklace off the cliff, Coyote makes a sound, falls, breaks her leg, eats her own bone marrow; replies that he eats the brain of a mountain ram], 119-121 [a woman's child is a girl; before reviving a woman, Badger does a hole in the ground, inserts his penis between her breasts]; the northern shoshones [The Eagle is Skunk's younger brother; while he is hunting, ten Rabbits marry him and ten Frogs marry Skunk; The Skunk takes the Rabbits for himself, puts the Frogs under the Eagle's bed; the Eagle is surprised that the Skunk eats so much that he laughs; the Frogs tell the Eagle how the Skunk took his wives; the Eagle leads the Skunk to hunt, pretends to forget his gun, comes back, runs away with the Rabbits to the top of the cliff; the Skunk sees their reflection, streams into the river; notices the rock; the Eagle replies that he has climbed forward; throws them in the ass The skunk is hot; the Skunk falls, his ass floats on the river; the Skunk walks asking if anyone has seen his ass; the Skylark replies as an orphan throws him into the air, he's like a fireball; the Skunk grabs his ass, runs away, kills people he meets, cutting off their heads and taking away jewelry; five Wolves easily kill Skunk]: Lowie 1909b, No. 19:208-270; gossiyute: Powell 1971 [Owl, Skunk, Badger - brothers; Owl eats rabbit meat himself, gives his wife bones; she sticks a sharp bone on his path, then drives it deeper into the wound, he dies; before death, the husband sends her to Badger, but he refuses help; she comes to the brothers' mother; leaves, rejects Skunk's offer, he kills her and her son; Badger revives them, spends the night with the woman; she goes on; the woodpecker turns drops of his blood into stream, woman drowns; Badger revives her again; she comes to Hawk, who marries her]: 258-261; goshiute: Smith 1993:11-14 [see M60b motif; girl comes to marry Wolf (Wolf created earth); Coyote replies that he does not know anyone with this name, but his older brother called him Wolf; the girl brings the imaginary Wolf to her house; does not let him go to the source, because the real Wolf will not want to drink; Coyote she drinks greedily; the wife tells her not to throw away duck bones; she puts them under herself, eats them with her vulva; this girl, a Goose, flew to the island, told her mother that she brought Coyote, not Wolf; her mother also gnaws bones vulva; Coyote puts the cervical vertebrae of a mountain ram into his wife's vagina, teeth have fallen out, the wife is pregnant; mother-in-law asks with her (the same, mother-in-law is happy, also pregnant); both are pregnant in the morning, not in the evening; mother-in-law puts in gives the basket of all babies born by both women in a year to Coyote, tells him not to open it on the way; the basket is getting heavier, the Coyote opens, the basket turns into a rock with a spring, the children run away; Coyote gives names to tribes], 14-17 [Owl advises his wife to marry Badger or Skunk, but she seeks to marry Hawk; without episodes of pay or pubic hair], 41-42 [the old woman sent a daughter to the Wolf; Coyote replied that the Wolf lives in that house, made his way there unnoticed; on the way he wanted to have sex, the girl refuses; brings Coyote to the island, he does not know how to get back; wife replies to the mother that the Coyote will also do; the mother throws ash on the water, creating a sushi jumper; the Coyote breaks both women's vaginal teeth by putting the bone of a mountain sheep in the vagina; both are pregnant; mother-in-law gives Coyote the basket, sounds inside, tells you not to open it on the way; Coyote opened, beautiful people ran away, second-rate left - goshiute]; Utah: Lowie 1924, No. 36 (southern Utah) [Owl gives his wife skinny rabbits; she leaves a sharp bone before entering the house; Owl's brother is Vulture; Badger asks for feathers as payment, which means sex; unlucky rival is Wolf]: 64-67; Sapir 1930, No. 4 (wintah) [wife Owls place sharp bones in front of the house; the husband asks him to see what's wrong with his soles, she pierces his bones deeper; the owl tells his wife to marry his brother Chicken Hawk after his death; they they come to Skunk's mother, she tells them to run; the Skunk catches up with them; the woman throws the louse, says that there are mountain sheep, asks Skunk to get them, runs away herself, wrapping her cape around the bush; Skunk catches up, kills them with his jet; the Badger revives them; she asks how to reward him; names all items clothes; finally, My vulva? The badger copulates with her; at the camp, the Coyote offers the woman rabbits, she doesn't take it; she climbs the cliff to the Hawk; in the morning, Hawk kills Coyote with a club, hits Badger]: 495-505; Smith 1992 ( White River Utah) [Coyote rival]: 102-106; Southern Payutes [like Southern Utah, if not otherwise; woman looking for Hawk]: Lowie 1924, No. 12 (Shivvitz) [Coyote mistakenly copulates with his own daughters], 13 (Moapa) [Coyote sees two girls, makes his breasts out of clay, turns his penis into a baby, sits down to weave baskets, tells the girls that her husband will be back in the evening; the girls took the baby; at night that turned into a Coyote's penis, got together with both; the girls went to another camp, where they were taken by a man who feeds them some roots instead of meat; they go to Nantö-nab (some snake-shaped animal); he apparently brings meat cut from his back under the game; at the next camp they married Hawk, he brings them game every day; but they are tired of meat, they moved on; the next husband went to the mountains, stayed because of the rain; Grasshopper came, refused to lie on the girls, agreed naked; in the morning he straightened his legs, knocked out the eyes of both girls; the husband returned, put the eyes of a deer in them; killed Grasshoppers], 14 (Moapa) [no badger fee, no pubic hair ladder?] , 21 (Moapa) [a virgin urinates towards the sun, gives birth to two sons conceived from the Sun; they play flutes; two sisters go to look for flutists; various men say they played, but their game no good; sisters find young men, spend the night with them, come back; one gives birth to a boy, boys from her camp kill him; another gives birth the next day but says she has given birth to a girl; boys they come to girls with gifts; their relatives try to kill young men, but they take off and return home; the boy grows up, his mother sends him to his father; when he returns to his mother, he kills her all relatives, returns to his father again]: 129-133, 177-179, 179-180, 190-191; Sapir 1930, No. 16 [Hooting Owl hides fat rabbits, brings skinny rabbits to his wife and son; the wife finds the hidden, leaves there are sharp bones in front of the house; the husband stumbles upon them, asks them to be removed, the wife only drives them deeper into his legs; he asks after his death to take his son not to the Coyote, Skunk or Badger, but to someone who has light gray body; they come to Skunk's mother, she tells them to run, Skunk catches up; the woman invites him to hunt, leaves their blankets on cacti; Skunk discovers deception, catches up, kills a woman with her son with his stream; Badger revives them; wants feathers to pay; a woman does not immediately understand that he means pubic hair; the same next time evil spirits kill a woman and her son, because the boy is not He looked at them; Badger tells them to stay not at the Coyote's house, but at Hawk's mother; the Hawk lives on a rock, the woman lowered him; he wins the shooting competition against Coyote]: 449-457; chemeuevi [two The Worms in Yucca sisters travel in search of a suitable husband; Asparagus Worm's house has tendons; the girls watch their husband and see that he is turning asparagus stems into tendons; they leave; black pudding is hung near Poloz's house; wives watch, see Poloz scratching his body with thorns, bringing home his blood instead of food; Bat's house has fat; he brings ice, calls" ice fat", advises eating raw, not frying; girls find the perfect husband in the Red-Tailed Hawk; he tells him not to go to sleep in the cave in his absence; it starts raining, the girls break prohibition; the old man Grasshopper comes; rejects offers to go to bed on the other side of the fire, across at the girls' feet, between them; lies across their heads; at night he spreads his legs, scratching their eyes; The hawk puts the eyes of a mountain goat in them; sees a giant from the mountain, and grasshoppers when he comes down; kills grasshoppers, it turns out that he killed a giant]: Laird 1976:162-168.

The Great Southwest. Lipan [two pretty girls Cricket and Bird come to marry the Hawk Chief; Nornaya Owl says it's him; takes them as wives; people disagree, offer a competition: who will knock them off the tree bat, gets girls; poor dirty young man hits the target, marries Cricket, becomes handsome; Coyote replaces an arrow, marries a Bird]: Opler 1940, No. 16:132-134; Western Apaches ( San Carlos): Goddard 1918:69-70 [two sisters hear the flute playing; go looking for a flutist; consistently meet Red Bird, Partridge, Dove, Road-Runner; each claims he played, but his voice It sounds different; they came to two young men who were living with their grandmother; they lived with them for a while; they were disturbed by the fire kindled by their grandmother, they returned home, inviting the young men to visit them someday; the young men came stopped nearby; people from the girls' camp killed one, the other flew back to his grandmother with a feather; the girls followed him, they were chased; Grandma Heron stretches out her leg like a bridge over the river, a young man with they cross girls; the pursuers fall when the Heron removes his leg, turns into ducks; the young man lives with two wives], 71-72 [two sisters hear the sound of the flute, go to them; they meet Woodrat on the way, Gopher, Naked, Red Bird; each answers that he did not play; the girl finds two boys, then comes back, the youngest is pregnant; the brothers come to them (the episode of their death is not described); the younger sister gives birth boy; he shot Partridge; she asks her to be cured, for which he says that his mother's relatives ate her husband; at home, the mother shows him his father's hand; the young man walks down the wormhole; the mother, her sister and their mother follow; by the river, a young man tells a duck woman that he is being chased by human killers; the duck stretches his leg like a bridge; like pursuers in the middle of the river, the Duck removes his leg, they fall into water]; havasupai: Smithson, Euler 1994:41-43 [The coyote lives in the same home as another person and his daughter; sprays the girl's genitals with animal blood to prevent her from eating meat ( a menstruating woman should not eat meat); she leaves, ends up in a village of birds and animals; rejects all applicants, marries Quail; conceives from him, the baby is born from her thumb; he goes to the Coyote, ties the hair of women in his village at night, they try to get up in the morning, he kills them with an ax; feeds their husbands their meat; the vulture shaman reveals the truth; runs away; with his uncle- A squirrel kills and revives the Coyote], 54-61 [a mother tells her two sons that there is no reed for arrows in a well with converging walls; they put a pole in it, the walls have stopped, they brought reeds; They watch the mother straighten her arrows with them in her vagina; the arrow immediately broke; the owl gave a hard tree for the tips, began to live with their mother; they told him to fry his gut with meat, she burst, Owl went blind, his brothers killed him; Bear tip stones; he gave, lives with their mother; the young man made a tip out of coal, offered to shoot at the Bear; replaced it with a stone tip, killed A bear; the brothers hid in the skin of a deer; the eagle carried them to the rock, the eagles scream that the prey is alive; the brothers successively kill all eight eagles, then the eagles, told the rock to fall, went down; they play flutes before going to bed, two girls go from the south to the sound; Lizard: I played; they don't believe it, they come to their brothers, their mother says they will ruin their hunting luck; younger brother got along with as a girl, the eldest refused; the girls left before the mother woke up; the eldest unsuccessfully wants to stop the youngest; the younger brother loses his hunting luck; both went to the girls, left two strained hair, if it bursts and bleeds, it's a disaster; the younger sister is ready to give birth; the elder calls Kite to kill the brothers, he cuts off their heads, carries them to his cliff; the boy born sees men playing; mother and his aunt says they fed him from his father's skull; his aunt replied that the Kite lived on a rock, told him not to go there; the boy followed the feather, killed the Kite, told the women to stand in a row, threw a piece of wood from the nest at them, killed them; killed their mother, sister, and all women with a stick; came to my grandmother; she told him to go east, to the west herself; You will visit me (clouds across the sky); she lives by the sea]; Valapai: Kroeber 1935:268-269 [Owl hunts rabbits, eats everything himself, does not bring it home; his two wives dig a sharp bone in front of the house; trampling the snow, the Owl steps on her, the leg begins to rot, he dies; wives come to Skunk; leave (the story ends)], 275-278 [Wikala'iya and her daughter and Coyote live together; the Coyote finds a mountain sheep cub trampled by a herd, brings, cuts; girl sits next to her naked with her legs spread; Coyote sprinkles animal blood on her, says that she is now on her period, she cannot eat meat; the offended girl leaves; her dog tries unsuccessfully stop her; a girl comes to a village where various animals and birds live in the form of people; one wins a lot of beads, is going to marry her; Coyote says he was the first to see her; a girl Rejects him, rejects him, Owl, Moose, Serpent and others; says he will only accept Quail; he is sent for him, he marries a girl, they have a son], 282 [baby Little Quail appears from a tumor on his arm girls; Coyote says such births are too easy, let the fetus ripen in the womb]; mojave: Devereux 1948 [relatives insult the Coyote girl; she leaves; on the way, the young birds want take possession of it; she agrees to Oriole's harassment; falls in love with Quail, goes to him]: 252-254; Kroeber 1972, No. 18 [two sisters go in search of two brothers whose flute they heard playing; first they meet Gopher; he tries to play, it turns out bad; tries in vain to pass off a puddle of his urine as water spilled by people; sisters understand the deception, move on; bypass other false contenders ( Hawk, Lizard, Woodpecker); the mother of boys does not believe that the sisters are virgins; sisters put her to sleep, go to bed with young men; the older brother abstains from copulation, the youngest does not; loses hunting luck; girls they return to their father; brothers come to them; the mother tries to prevent it, the young men create a tornado, he takes her home; the girls' father turns into a monstrous falcon, kills brothers; his people (too birds) mock the bodies; one bird brings the blood of their killed mother; she goes to sea, becomes an "old woman of the West"; the younger sister has a boy, she lies that a girl was born; the boy sees how people play with his murdered father's kneecap; cries, his tears flood the ground, everyone drowns; he takes his mother and aunt, leads them west; they can't cross the Colorado River, they turn into snipes; he himself now lives in the ocean with his grandmother]: 100-109; maricopa: Spier 1933:367-396 [A Gopher man appears in front of a girl on the other side of the river; she swims, feels something four times; gives birth to twins; all birds and animals claim paternity; she only recognizes Gopher; while the mother is away, babies get up from the cradle, kill partridges; she makes them bows and arrows, they kill more and more big game; talks about an eagle's nest on a rock; younger brother (MB) turns into a snake, does not get to the nest, the elder (SB) into a feather, brings two eagles; brothers quarrel over who has an eagle take; so that they are not thirsty, the mother sends rain; the eagles die from the cold; the SB is ready to kill the mother, she revives the eagles; MB cannot dive to the bottom of the sea; SB dives, red, white, black, yellow beavers give way to him, he brings reeds from the bottom, his mother makes flutes out of it; the old man's two daughters hear the brothers' play, they make sounds; the Hawk, the Lizard, the Squirrel, the Three Owl, the Horned Owl claim that they played, but their music is useless; the mother first disguises the entrance to the house, then lets the sisters in; MB puts the mother to sleep, sleeps with the youngest (MS); the eldest (SS) sends biting insects in vain to force SB turn to her; MB wants to go with her sisters in the morning, MS wants to stay with her brothers, but the SS and SB do not allow them to do so; soon the SB agrees to go with MB to her sisters; tells the mother that if the wind knocks down an arrow with beads, so they're dead; brothers decorate themselves with stars, enter the house through a hole in the roof, sisters laugh; their father hears it, sends his grandson to find out what's going on; a greedy boy every time demands to give him an increasing portion of roasted pumpkin seeds for this, eats them before reaching the girls' house; when he enters, they throw dirt at him, he cries, his grandfather comes running after him; tells his people to kill brothers; the Hawk kills both; the Coyote hits the youngest after he died; the woodpecker bites the corpses, now he has red feathers; the brothers' mother is angry with him, making him eat ants ever since; the corpses are hung on a pole, blood drips on the seeds, the old man's people eat them; the MC gives birth to a boy, the sisters tell his father that it is a girl; the boy grows up, kills his grandfather with an arrow; mother and aunt talk about the circumstances of the death of his father and uncle; the boy makes a hole in the ground with an arrow, SB and MB come out, but are too weak, return to another world; the boy comes to the brothers' mother; turns into a Comet, old woman to the Morning Star], 405-409 [two girls go to marry the Red-Winged Starling; Coyote burns his shoulders, rips off strips of skin to make red spots; replies yes, people call him Starling; arranges a wedding with girls; Starling and his friend Oriole fly into a smoke hole, carry girls away; Coyote cries; sends Cardinal to lure Starling into the upper world; Cardinal pretends a wounded man, a starling follows him through a hole in the sky, it closes behind him; he comes to an ice house, two girls warm him up at night in bed, but it's still cold; he sows corn, pumpkins, beans, catches rabbits and deer; girls try all this food for the first time; the Coyote takes the Starling's wives, but they continue to search for him with the Oriole; the Vulture lowers the Starling to the ground, putting him on his back: Starling and Oriole take these girls again, drive the Coyote away]; diegueño (ipay) [like Mojave in Krober 1972]: DubOis 1904 [two sisters come to swim, gopher swims after the youngest, she gets pregnant, gives birth to twins; Coyote, the Canary, prepares for paternity, the woman drives them away; the twins secretly get out of the cradle from their mother, kill the partridges; the mother turns into a stump, waits for them; they convert to her, calling Mother Earth; they kill larger game; the mother asks them to bring eagles; first they bring an owl, a vulture; the youngest climbs a rock, falls, breaks, his elder comes to life; throws off eagles, pacifying snakes around the nest; the youngest gives the elder a black eagle, takes a white one; each sends to another storm, both eagles die; the mother revives them; the elder preys the surrounded a tree with water and predators, the mother makes flutes out of it; hearing the game, girls from the north, west, south come; brothers reject them; receive Vulture's two daughters who have come from the east; when the sisters go to the sound of the flute, the Rattlesnake, the Raccoon, the Long-eared Owl pretend to be flutists, but they play poorly; the mother of the twins tells them not to react to the girls, then they will leave; the mother asks the girls about the degree of kinship , they answer when she says, My daughters-in-law; only the older brother does not give in to affection; in the morning the sisters go home to their father; the older brother reluctantly agrees to the younger brother's request to follow them; mother He tries to hold them back by sending hail, they deceive her, leaving herbal scarecrows; on the way, the elder intends to drown the youngest and return, but he is on the alert; the brothers fly into their wives' house with shooting stars; The Coyote sent by Vulture, the Hawks, the Bear are afraid, the Vulture kills the brothers himself, his people eat them; the youngest's wife gives birth to a son, passes him off as a daughter; his mother's mother says his father was eaten; the grandfather is not in He can kill him; he kills his mother's mother dancing with his father's bones with an arrow; sees people playing ball with their father and uncle's heel bones; during another game, everyone enters a split rock, young man slams her shut, all his father's murderers die; his grandfather, aunt, mother and uncle, who was kind to him, remain; he hears his father's voice, but he cannot revive it from his bones; he goes to his paternal grandmother; puts his bow like a bridge across the lake; when his mother enters, he removes the bridge, she sinks; he comes to his blind grandmother, cleans his house, burns it; puts it on his back, flies to the mountains north; they live there; he is Chaup (shooting star)]: 217-242; 1906 [Challengers Hawk, Owl, Another Bird, Chipmunk, Snake, Wild Cat]: 151-152; Papago [Acorn Eater is the sister of Big Brother; refuses Puma and Jaguar, Hawk and Eagle; brother advises her to marry Gopher; Gopher magically fertilizes her, she gives birth to twins; Coyote and other men claim paternity; mother collects them, but children They do not crawl to anyone; everyone went away, the Coyote stayed, said that he was the grandfather of the twins; they grew up, went to ruin the eagle's nest on the rock; the eldest turned into a snake, crawled to the middle, fell, died; his youngest revived, became a ball of feathers, the wind lifted it to the nest, they came down with two eagles; the brothers are arguing about who to take the smaller chick, the eldest has to take the smaller one; it snowed, the eagles froze, the brothers burned them, the mother revived them from the remaining fluff, told the youngest to take the smaller chick; the Coyote made himself a good bow, and the mother was in a hurry for her sons; became a deer to teach them how to hunt; the mother tells them to hunt bring bamboo from the lake; a lightning snake lies around the bamboo; the youngest managed to get there, the mother made flutes out of bamboo for her sons; in the east lived the Brown Vulture; his two daughters go to the sound of a flute; on the way Owl, Barn Owl, Hawk, another bird give a voice to prove that they played but are rejected; girls come to the brothers' mother; she feeds them but does not let them into the house; the youngest broke his flute, after that the eldest also stopped playing; the sisters return to their father, the youngest is expecting a child; after the wives left, the brothers lost their luck; they came to their wives, the Hawk destroyed their strength and the father killed and ate them; promised eat the youngest daughter's child if a boy is born; but he is blind, he was told that a girl was born; then tries but cannot kill his grandson; the mother sends him to his grandmother; the young man lit the fires in front of them images of father and uncle appeared, but immediately began to fall apart; they said that his grandfather killed them; the young man came to his mother; he was swallowed by a water monster, but he collected sharp stones in advance, cut his womb monsters, went out; the grandmother made four playing sticks out of that bamboo; the young man comes to the cannibal grandfather, the bamboo falls on the old man's head, kills (var.: the bet is life, the young man wins); the young man brings it scalp his grandmother, she dances; she goes overseas; a young man comes to his mother and aunt; goes to his grandmother, mother and aunt after him; he made a bridge, when they are in the middle, he brought it down; they turned into birds that they walk on the beach; the young man began to live with his grandmother]: Densmore 1929:54-79; cocopa [The Shrike girl is looking for a handsome Starling to marry him; the Coyote pretends to be him, marries her; invites her bird neighbors to the party; the Magpie is surprised that someone else (not her husband) is called a Starling; sees a Starling at the spring and goes to him; the Coyote shoots others indiscriminately with a bow] : Crawford 1983, No. 4:125-133.

Honduras-Panama. Kuna [a woman follows her lover brother who has left her; to learn about the road, yields to the harassment of forest animals and birds; gets to an old woman whose sons kill her; twins born avenge the mother]: Chapin 1989:35; Holmer 1951 [first comes to the sound of flutes and whistles accompanying her brother, but he gets weaker]: 149; Wassen 1934b: 6.

Llanos. Guayabero [at first there is water everywhere; Wamek sets fire to wax, it spreads through the water, forms earth; V. makes plants and animals; Laman is lazy; V. sends him for water; he sees reflection of two women sitting on a branch; they spit, he brought them home; they like V., they went to him; V. plays ball with his wives; L. brings a snake parrot, which takes the form of a ball; V. is bitten in the back of the head; three days later he comes to life; his grandmother is unhappy, refused to warm the water to rinse his mouth; V. goes to heaven, followed by his grandmother; L. goes underground with oinu perfume]: Schindler 1977a: 221- 222; Sicuani: Wilbert, Simoneau 1992, No. 108 [Opossum's mother invites two girls to marry her son; in the morning, Opossum goes to the garden, the sisters run away; they come to Daledaleni's house; the old woman tells them go along a bad path, but they follow a good path; D. catches up with them; in the house before dawn, devours one of the sisters; the second, taking her skull, returns to the people; D. comes for her, he is fed pumpkin and pepper; from this he dies, turns into a nest of ants; a girl buries her sister's head; at a party on this occasion, Opossum plays the flute; he was the first flutist], 138 [Cockerel invites two sisters marry him; mako feathers lie on the road to him, partridge feathers on the road to the Possum; Opossum replaces feathers; sisters spend the night with him; when they come to the Cockerel, they are rejected, they return home, die of grief; reborn by their mother as one girl; adopted by the Cockerel]: 388-389, 468-473.

Southern Venezuela. Two girls are looking for a groom; the Opossum pretends to be a worthy contender; the girls go to Med, the Opossum kills him; fleeing persecution, hides on a tree or rock; the first ancestors (mostly birds) cut down a tree or rock; smear the blood of the possum, getting the current color. Sanema [Colchster 1981:78-86; Samonamaniapada (samonala ola: sweet honey) works well on the site, speaks Makiritare, Opossum does not work well, does not know the language; two partridge girls ( Odontophorus gujanensis) came, saw Kashtali (a little inedible mouse) in the hammock, began to poke him in the eye with a lit knot; he ran to his older brother Opossum; Opossum dressed up, came home, lay down in a hammock; the girls try to play with him, but push him away because of the stench; Honey came, all the girls surrounded him; Opossum went to the Lizards, took their witchcraft grass, blew on Honey, he died; girls they mourn; the Opossum is just pretending; the snakes understood this, chased him, he climbed a tall tree; all the bird and woodworm people began to cut him down, everyone's axes broke; all the animals came; Ant ( his name means wide-ass little agouti) climbed a tree, began to cut the Possum with an ax, killed him, blood flowed; the trunk was cut off, the tree remained hanging on the sunny vine; Small The Sloth, then the Big, White Monkey, Squirrels, Ocelot, Puma, Jaguar tried to cut it, but not completely, tried to descend quickly; the Squirrel cut, crushed the Little Sloth; the birds painted with the blood of the Possum, acquired their current color]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990b, No. 132:240-246; Yanomami: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990b, No. 131 [(Cocco 1972:221-224); the girls rejected the Naro opossum because of its stench; The bee and N. were at a festival in another village; N. rejected everything, the girl followed the Bee; when she came, N. was the first to see her, but she rejected him, came to the Bee; N. prepared witchcraft grass, shot grass at the Bee with a wind gun; when he returned home, he died; N. went and shot guaricongo, but he woke up, said at home that N. had also killed Meda; N. ran away, began to turn into a possum; they sent for him Watch out for the boys, they became birds; N. hides in a tree, the Ant climbs after him, then turns into an ant; everyone cut down the tree, broke off their axes, so these birds have short beaks; finally they cut the trunk, but the tree hangs on the vine; Little Sloth cut it, fell down, N. crashed; birds and animals painted with blood, brain, possum crap, regained their current color, became birds and animals], 133 [(Lizot MS); Opossum was in a neighboring village, left a love remedy there, two girls followed him, he met one on the road; came back, met the second, her name was Honey; both came to his house; his mother Smelly Mushroom cut the meat off her thighs, gave them tapir under the guise of meat; the sisters left the Possum for Honey; the Opossum made a witchcraft from rodent and vegetable hair fibers, sent him to Meda; also to the Lizard, but he survived, said that the Opossum only pretended to be grieving, he was the murderer; the Opossum disappeared, the Woodpecker saw him in the recess on the rock; Earthworm they sent to cover the Opossum with a stone; people began to cut the rock; many axes (= beaks) broke; the rock began to fall, but it was held by a vine; the Sloth cut it, the Opossum was crushed; the birds and animals colored it blood, excrement, brain, turn into hekura spirits; Smelly Mushroom became a mushroom; ash from burned Honey became bees], 134 [(Lizot MS); two girls came to marry a handsome man, entered the house; sat down to the right of the entrance where Opossum and his mother Stinky Mushroom lived; Opossum returned from his happiness (pretending to be working), dressed up, cut off a piece of meat from his thigh, gave the girls tapir under the guise of meat; they saw Meda, passed to him; at night, the Opossum hears their laughter; does a witchcraft, tries on the Lizard, he survived; Honey is sick, died; Opossum lies as if his "younger brother" bequeathed wives to him; The Lizard tells the truth, the Opossum is running, the Woodpecker sees him on the rock; the Earthworm climbed in, covered the recess where the Opossum took refuge with a stove; the birds began to cut the rock, the axes (i.e. beaks) were dull, bent; the rock began to fall, hung on the vine; the Sloth cut it, the Opossum crashed, the birds and the sloth painted his blood, brain, and became hekura spirits]: 235-239, 247-256, 257-262; (cf. Polykrates 1967 [two girls come to the hammock of the hard-working and fragrant Nianonamauró, around which stoves and honey {hereinafter referred to as Honey} at night, and his smelly brother Naroríwe (Opossum) is alone; while Honey At the site, Opossum brought the girl tapir meat, but they drove him away; then Opossum witchcraft sent the tree cut down on the site to fall on Honey; his body was burned, the ash was drunk with banana chicha; Two reeds of the species that bees love grew at the site of the burning; there was honey and a pleasant smell; people accused the Possum of Honey's death; he fled at night, but the ants showed where his trail was; Opossum climbed onto rock; people sent the Frog to find out how to kill him; she said that the Possum hid in a hole; then they decided to knock down the rock; the Woodpecker, then the Toucan was cut down, their beaks were broken; finally the mountain collapsed, everything was painted themselves with the blood of Possum]: 287-289); the Yanomam [(Albert MS); two dove sisters reject the smelly Possum, want to marry Med; their brother tells them that Meda's house will have mako feathers; Opossum wears Honey's jewelry, throws mako feathers around himself; Honey works on the site, Opossum only pretends to cut trees; girls see mako feathers, hang hammocks in the Opossum section; he cuts off a piece of meat from the thigh, gives them tapir under the guise of meat; Honey demands its mako feathers back, Opossum has to hang motmot feathers; Honey takes his wives; Opossum burns his hair from his armpits, makes it out of it a witchcraft that kills Honey in his hammock, the girls also died; Opossum fled, hid in a hollow in a tree; two Ants got up, crushed him with a stone; bird people cut down the tree, the axes were dull , but it did fall; birds and animals were colored with blood, bile, and the brain of the Possum]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990, No. 130:229-234.

Guiana. Oyana: Magaña 1987, No. 53 [see motif J16; in exchange for life, a man promises his sister to Jaguar; she does not want to go; he makes a wooden girl, she falls out of a hammock, breaks; does waxy, the basket sticks to her back; paints the other three girls with black paint, but the Jaguar recognizes the substitution; the man's sister is pregnant with Jaguar, goes to his village; turns to the wrong path, gets to the Possum; Jaguar's son advises not to refuse the Possum, but to put the leaves in the vagina; the woman forgets to take out the leaves, becomes pregnant with her second son; the son asks for fruit, the woman is bitten by an ant, she scolds ant; son thinks he is silent; she comes to the village of the Jaguars; their aunt Toad hides it under a vessel; the Jaguar finds it and eats it; the son of the Opossum is also eaten; the son of the Jaguar turns into a turtle; she eaten, but four eggs remain; two boys and two girls come out of them; a bird in the forest says that the Jaguars killed their mother; children make flutes from their mother's nails to attract Jaguars; they bring down on them the roof of the house], 97 [The possum sticks to the pregnant woman; she goes on, is eaten by jaguars]: 44-45, 53.

Western Amazon. Two sisters walk without a specific goal; they consistently get to several human animals; the old woman says that her son is handsome; he is a snake or phallus sitting in a vessel during the day; at night he tries copulate with the girls who come, they fill it with boiling water]; Tsuna (a tree with smelly leaves) replaces feathers at a fork in the roads; sisters come to him, not to the Swallow; after spending with Ts. night, they run to the Swallow; they are forced to leave, killing his mother. Napo [one woman]: Foletti Castegnaro 1985:102-108; Canelo [no details]: Whitten 1985:9; shuar: Barrueco 1988 [sisters Ipiaku and Sua go to marry Nayapi ; he tells them that there will be a parrot's tail at the fork in the path to his house, and Ikiachimi's tail on the path to his brother; the tsuna replaces signs, the sisters come to him; he brings crab from hunting; his the body exudes a fetid liquid (like a plant with this name); at night, the sisters get the same smell; they return to N.; he drives them away, sends animal people and birds to kill them; sisters think about what turn; reject hill, water, tree, etc. (People will say what kind of hill it is, what a nasty tree, etc.); I. turns into an achiote (a bush with seeds that give red paint), S. into genipu (a tree with fruits that give black paint); pursuers climb them, paint them with red and black paint, turn into animals and birds]: 33-36; Pelizzaro 1961, No. 20:13; 1993:129; Rueda 1987, No. 22 [two sisters Ipiák (uruku) and Suá (genipa) got married, did not make cassava, but balsa wood, the husband turned one into a bird and the other into a toad; they became girls again, got married for Squirrel; he moved everything to the house, left his sisters outside; then for Pavo, he also drove them away; then for Nayap (Tyrannus forficatus, scissor-tailed fly catcher); he was ugly but a good fisherman; said that The path to him will be parrot feathers, and on the path to his brother Tsuna, the feathers of another bird; C. changed their feathers; the sisters lay down with C., felt the stench, came to N.; only a few days later the smell of C. faded away; N. gives small fish to wives and big fish to mothers; wives bathe mother-in-law, she melted in hot water; they began to think what to turn into, S. became a big genipa tree, I. became an Uruku bush], 22a: 118-120 , 123-127; Aguaruna: Akutz Nugkai et al. 1977 (1): 16-67; Chumap Lucía, García-Rendueles 1979, No. 39:457-463; Guallart 1958:93-97; achuar [without the penis snake episode]: Mowitz 1978:75-87; kandoshi [The swallow met two girls, Huito and Achote {"genipa" and "uruku"}; went hunting, explaining that there would be a parrot feather (guacamayo clavado) on the path to his house , and on the path to Alcanfor {smelly insect repellent made from the sap of certain trees}, a chicua feather; A. changed his feathers; the girls came to him; later came to Swallow, but he rejected them because of the stench; they turned into a genipa and achiote, snatched feathers from Swallow's tail, now it's split]: Page 1975:24-55.

NW Amazon. If not otherwise: at the party, the hero meets a girl; she goes to his house; an opossum rival replaces a pen sign at a fork in the road; the girl comes to her opponent, but runs away to the hero; the opponent wants her return him, but the hero kills or maims him by sending him to the tree from which he falls for fruit. Desana [at the festival, two sisters dance with Inambu (Crypturus sp. Forest Cockerel); from the fork to his house there is a path to the right with a yellow macaw feather on it; on the left path to the Opossum house, a green feather Macaw; Opossum changes feathers; in the morning the sisters turn left to reach the Possum; at night they prevent him from inserting the penis into their vagina; he uses all parts of their bodies, since then women have an unpleasant smell; in the morning the eldest gives in to the harassment of the Possum; both run to Inamba; the Crane, the Duck refuses to transport them because of an unpleasant smell; Cayman does not smell, transports them; the Opossum pursues them; Herons wash them (the smell remains only under his arms), they hide it; they kill Oposum, leave his skin on top of the cliff; the calebas in the Possum house is filled with his blood; from it his mother creates two eagles; they take Inamba to Jaguaram, where it is eaten; one feather falls, turns into current inambu; Inambu's father comes to the Jaguars, hides the bone from his son's leg, which falls into the lake, turns into two Diloa fish; Inambu's mother they can't catch them; they turn into crickets, come to grandparents; they become young men; they come to the mother of the Possum, kill eagles, make flutes out of their bones; one feather turns into current ones eagles; lightning strikes Jaguars; grandmother also dies because she is from a Jaguar family; D. rise to heaven, become Thunders]: Kumu, Kenhiri 1980:161-188; tucano [inambu girl (forest chicken Crypturus sp.); at the request of the mother, the opossum, the monkey and the eagle kill the girl]: Pereira 1980 (1): 225-228; Barasana: S.Hugh-Jones 1979, No. 4A [the girl is pregnant with her month-brother, he leaves her; she is looking for her father; she goes to the Mother of the Possum; but that woman's son is not an opossum, but a fat worm living in a vessel, he himself is this vessel; the girl breaks the vessel, the Mother of the Opossum cries for son; the girl goes to the heavenly spirit, then to the jaguars, where she dies; her son avenges his mother], 7K [at the dance, Opossum and Chief Tinamu look after Yawira; she agrees with Tinamu, but Opossum overhears them plans; Tinam is told by I. follow him along the path, turn at the fork where the feathers from the tail of the zhapu bird lie; do not turn where the blue maco feathers are; the Opossum replaces signs; the mother of the Opossum tells her to lie in a smelly hammock her son; on the Opossum River, tells his wife not to look downstream or upstream; I. looks down, sees Tinama bathing, swims to him; Opossum comes for her; after a quarrel, Tinamu kills him, immediately begins to rain (according to Tatuyo's informant, a rain of Opossum's blood); Eagle sees rain, mourns the Possum, kills Chief Tinama; Tinama Cubeo's bones are made into his sacred musical instruments]: 275, 300; Torres Laborde 1969 [= Hugh-Jones 1979, No. 4A, but his mother has opossum son is really an opossum]: 34; macuna [Month (Makañi ñamigaü - "Night Sun") copulated with plants due to the absence of women; his leg began to swell; to cure him, his sister Meneriyo offered to meet her on the condition that this would not happen again; but he began to come to her secretly at night; after becoming pregnant, M. smeared her lover's face with her genipa to find out who He comes to her; he could not wash off the paint, drowned himself in the river; the father sent the owls to look for his son, they did not find it; the Ayawa brothers found, the sixth finger was missing; A. began to laugh all the animals with stories; the toad did not laughed (apparently she had a finger in her throat), so people don't have a sixth between her thumb and forefinger; Bakonea (naughty little brother) ridiculed the Month, so the older one was only for the fourth time was able to revive him; he was placed at the mouth of the Amazon, dust was collected from his body, she turned into midges biting when the moon was in the sky; when he entered Maloka, M. did not greet his brother who had come to life, but asked the Monkey what he eats; The month said that the fruits of caimo; M. tried to pick it off, the branch sprung, threw it into the sky; then their father went to live in another little boy, put the figure of an old woman at the fork in the roads; If M. laughs at her, the old woman will send her to the path, where the feather of the utu bird leads to the cannibal shaman ~Gãs; if not, on the path to her father's house, where the guacamayo feather; the mochilero bird saw M.'s reflection in a vessel of water was found by M., cleansed her body of flies, brought a rope to go down; the rope turned into a certain kind of vine; finding no one, M. asked the old woman where her father had gone, laughed at her; she sent her on the path to ~Gãs; she came to the Butterfly; his mother warns that he is not human, but M. stays; sees him suck the peel of the fruit, leaves, falls to Opossum; goes with him to eat fruit; on the way he wants to lie down with her; she sends him to fetch a leaf, leaves, comes to ~Gãs; then see motive J15]: Århem et al. 2004:484-488; tarian [ Mahadië (a bird) started preparing the dabukuri festival, told his two cousins to walk to him from the fork on the right road, where he would leave the pen, not to walk on the left road leading to his house Opossum's cousin; he overheard, put his pen on the left path; the youngest wanted to go to the right, the eldest insisted on going left; Opossum's grandmother put them in his hammock; he brought ants from the hunt the girls did not eat them because of the smell; the eldest met with the Possum, the youngest refused; the sisters heard the noise of the holiday; at this time, the Opossum hit the water, trying to drown out the sounds; by the river, the sisters began to ask those who passed by to take them with them to the party; the Crane, Diapo, refused, but the sisters jumped into D.'s boat themselves; he said they smelled like an opossum; M. told them to be washed, then they got into the maloka, they began to dance; Opossum came and demanded that M. give him one of the girls; he was tired, he ordered the Opossum to be killed; when he left, Opossum warned his grandmother that if she was killed, he would go before dawn bloody rain; blood dripped, grandmother ordered the Harpy Eagles to kill M.; in the morning M. and both wives went to the river; the eldest asked him to sing, he reluctantly agreed; after the third song, the Eagles took him to wood; people asked for his long feathers, the Eagles gave them only feathers, brought them to the Opossum house, ate them; Grandma M. asked the Diroá brothers to kill the Eagles; they came to his little girl, killed both birds by letting puçás (darts?) , gave Opossum's grandmother only their little feathers; grandma M. is happy]: Moreira, Moreira 1994:32-34; bar [girl spends the night with a possum; opossum people kill her and her husband; son avenges mother ]: Pereira 1980 (1): 232-235; uitoto: Preuss 1921, No. 23 [at Imenigisa, she first danced with Yedo, then with his brother Zibunaforo, a forest cockerel; she liked him more; in order not to fight with his brother, Z. ordered I. to go alone to his village; on the road to him there would be an arar feather, on the road to J. there would be owls; J. changed signs; I. managed to escape across the river to Z.; J. burned down the house with those who was inside for letting I. go; J. comes to Z., refuses to sleep wherever he is offered, agrees in the hammock where Z. and I. are lying; defecates there, expelled; tries the next day rape I.; Z. invited him to climb the Juansoco tree for fruit, made him fall on rocks, crashed, eaten by wasps; his soul tried to kill Z. and I. in a hammock, but they put up a deck (=Preuss 1994:153-155)], 25 [two sisters go to their uncle, get to various forest spirits; an old woman says her son is handsome; he is a snake sitting in a vessel during the day; trying to copulate with them at night; one sister, when he falls asleep, he gives himself to the snake (later dies); they fill it with boiling water]: 95-96, 105-106; Rodríguez de Montes 1981, No. 16 [as in Preuss, No. 25, but without copulating with a snake and killing one of the sisters]: 126-132.

Central Amazon. Tupi (or rather, the place of recording is not known) [the girl looks for the Falcon groom, sees the wrong pen sign at the fork, gets to the Possum; then to the Vulture; finally to the Falcon; the Vulture comes for her, the Falcon hits him]: Couto de Magallaes 1882:57-61.

Eastern Amazon. Kuñarima is the son of Kumafyari (=Marušawa, from morubišaba, "chief"); the beginning is not recorded; M.'s wife, Kamādu, came to Mukura's opossum, who climbed onto the roof above her hammock (and apparently conceived a second son, Aruβiata); as punishment for the twins breaking the water vessels from which rivers flowed out, M. decided to burn the brothers and set fire behind them, but when they slept, fire also stood; K. extinguished the fire with a feather panicle; then M. told the brothers to maintain the pan on which M.'s wife fried manioc flour; A. turned white and said that he could no longer stand it, but K . spat on him, he became crax again; they went swimming, A. could not dive because the water around him was boiling; K. blew, his brother cooled down; the brothers went hunting birds, M. warned to be afraid of Awa; A. decided try to take the hook away from Av, became a fish, Ava and his friend caught it, fried it; K. became a wasp, collected blood and giblets, revived his brother; he himself became a fish, bit off, took the hook; the stork harpoons the fish with its beak; A. became a fish, the Stork harpooned it, ate it, K. revived it (like the previous episode); K. became a fish, dodged, Stork's beak got stuck in a tree, K. brought it to his father, he, like other trophies of his sons, gave it to his wife; an old woman with a sharp leg sits by the path, asks passers-by to take out the sand flea, pierces him with her foot; A. is pierced, the old woman fried him, ate him, his brother collected blood, revived him; when the old woman asked him to take out the flea and struck, he dodged, his leg was stuck in a tree, he cut it off, brought it to his father; the brothers came to Adji ("wild"), they do not have an anus, they defecate through their mouths; K. showed how to defecate, they also wanted to themselves anus; K. began to pierce their anuses, killing them; A. did it less well, those placed on the stakes began to scream, others ran away; the brothers fried the dead, brought meat to his father; M. was happy, ate meat with his sons, gave Like a hammock]: Nimuendaju 1920:1016-1022; tenetehara: Nimuendaju 1915, No. 1 [|see J9 motif; the Opossum episode as in Wagley, Galvão]: 282-283; Wagley, Galvão 1949, No. 14 [Maíra leaves, leaving his pregnant wife; she follows him, Maíra Yra ("Son of Maira", SM) shows her the way from her womb; asks him to pick a flower; a wasp bites a woman in the stomach, claps himself trying to kill a wasp; son thinks that his mother hit him, stops talking; the woman sleeps in the house of the Possum; he makes a hole in the roof, the rain falls on the woman, the possum offers to move the hammock closer to him, then move to his dry hammock; this is how a woman conceives Mukwura Yra ("Son of the Possum", CO); SM is dissatisfied; a woman comes to the village of Jaguars, an old woman hides her under a pot; a Jaguar finds her, the woman turns into a deer, runs away; A jaguar with dogs catches up with her; the twins taken out of her stomach tries to fry, cook, pierce with a chip, but only scalds and hurts herself; the old woman makes them her grandchildren; they turn into parrots, macaws, other animals are finally human; one day they look for old women in their heads, tear off their heads, throw each other, then revive the old woman; the bird Jacques tells them about the death of their mother; they cry, the old woman says that their eyes are swollen from wasp bites; they build a bridge over a dry swamp, fill the swamp with water, throw straw fans into the water to fan the fire, they turn into piranhas; they invite the Jaguars to fish, step on the bridge, bring it down; the Jaguars are eaten by piranhas; the SM mother encloses the spirit of the one who ate it in a bamboo vessel, gives it to Maira; he demands proof that the brothers are his children; 1) kill Azang woman spirit; SM sets fire to her long hair, dries the lakes in which Azang tries to put it out, Azang burns; 2) kills the male Azang spirit; he cuts wood, what to do bow and arrows that hit all animals; SM pierces a sharp hand of spirit into a log, leaves it to die; 3) kill Azang the fisherman; SM in the form of a surubim fish removes the bait from his hook; brother gets hooked, caught, fried, eaten; SM asks Azang to give him the bones, revives his brother; asks his father to break the rock with an arrow; he can't, SM He breaks, he is stronger than his father; both are now in the Village of Gods]: 137-140; urubu: Huxley 1956 [Mair flies over a rotten fruit in the form of a bird; a woman comes out of the fetus, he takes her as his wife ; she does not believe that the yams, cassava, etc. planted by her husband ripened on the same day; angry M. leaves; the wife follows in his footsteps, the unborn son from the womb shows the way; after spending the night in the house of the Possum, the woman conceives a second son; Mair's son is offended by his mother, falls silent; the woman comes to the village of Jaguars; the old woman hides her under a vessel, the Jaguars find her, eat her; the children are thrown into boiling water, they jump out; the grandmother adopts them; the brothers cut trees into the river, they turn into piranhas and crocodiles; an island is made on the river, fruit trees are built on it, a bridge is built to the island; when the Jaguars cross the bridge for fruit, the brothers cut the bridge, the Jaguars are eaten by aquatic creatures; because the son of the Possum hesitated, two were saved; brothers come to M. , he gives them bows and arrows; offended by their mother, the brothers throw them into the forest, they turn into snakes; Meir wants to know if his children are in front of him; 1) take the bait off the hook Anyang 'a; Mair's son takes off the bait, then pulls the forest to laugh; Opossum's son takes the hook in his mouth, is caught, eaten; in the form of an ant, Mair's son collects his bones, revives him; 2) go to Grandfather Wind; he is not at home, Mair's son tickles his wife, her husband hears her laughter, blows, a tree falls on the brothers; Opossum's son dies, revives his brother; 3) walk between two converging and diverging gratin stones; Mair's son passes, the Son of the Possum is crushed, revived by his brother; M. realizes that the youngest of the brothers is not his son, he tells him to go back between the stones; the son of Possum is crushed again; Mair's son rises to heaven in anger, taking the stones with him; from now on produces thunder; Opossum's son goes up to his brother]: 217-220; Ribeiro 2002:180-182 [a worm got out of the tree, turned into a woman; she reached a fork; the path to Mair was thorny and overgrown, Mukura is good, she went for a good thing, got pregnant with Mukura {then it is clear that the woman was already pregnant with Maira before that}; the woman went for a walk, she was torn to pieces by a jaguar, Maira's son, followed by her son The Mukurs jumped out of the womb, rushed into the river; four days later they got out of the water - Maira's son, a 9-year-old, Mukura, a 7-year-old boy; tried unsuccessfully to kill a machete jaguar; jumped into the water again, Maira's son came out 14 years old, Mukura 10 years old, but the jaguar could not be killed again; Maira's son created a river, laid the vine as a bridge; the brothers stood at opposite ends, cut off the vine when the jaguar walked along it, not let him get out of the water, cut him down, kill him; the hurricane knocked down the forest, lifted the brothers into the air, Mukura's son hit him hard; they came to Meira, his son said that they were both his sons; the brothers went along the road stones began to fall, Mukura's son was crushed; Maira's son became angry with his father, went on, creating stones in the middle of the river, where he is now unknown; on a full moon, Maira rises to heaven, then descends; when thunder, lightning strikes Maira's ground], 210-215 [Maïra put his penis into the crack as he passed the tree, because he did not have a wife; the tree was swollen, a pregnant woman came out of it, and the baby was in her womb spoke, pointing the way to his father; asked his mother to pick flowers for him; one day she reached for a flower, she was bitten by a snake, she slapped her stomach, reproached her son; he fell silent; she came into the house Mukura (i.e. opossum); he offered to spend the night with him; it was raining at night, Mukura was perforating the roof over the hammock by a woman who was forced to lie in his hammock; in the morning he told him to go from the fork to the left, but she turned right, went to a jaguar village; the jaguar wives told her to leave as soon as possible, but she stayed; she was hidden under a vessel; the jaguars turned the vessel over; Maira's son turned his mother into an animal, it ran away, him they caught up, killed; two embryos were given to an old woman; she began to fry them, but burned her hands; the embryos turned into agouti; the old woman began to raise them; the jaguars wanted to eat them; they became boys, ran away they went to look for Maira, stayed with him; Maira's son offered to steal the fishing hook of a forest demon; Maira's son bit off and took it away; Mukura's son was caught in the guise of a piranha; the demon ate her, threw away the bones; Maira's son turned into ants, they collected bones, Mukura's son came to life; Mukura's son safely took the hook away from another forest spirit; Maira praised them; the brothers turned into hummingbirds, flew, set fire to the forest beard the demon, his head burned down; the brothers killed the hummingbird {real}, found a man in his stomach; when they approached a wide river, they started shooting arrows one at the tail of the other, they turned into a bridge, they crossed it to on the other side, many bakers killed there; called the jaguars to pick up the meat; when they crossed the bridge with arrows, the brothers destroyed it; all the jaguars drowned because they were carrying a load of meat], 398-406 [Maira three times he took his wives, left it each time; turned the branch into a woman, took it as a wife; she asks where the water came from in the vessel, the flour in the pot, M. tells me not to ask; you can hear the sound of axes on the site, M. does not tell me to go there; the wife walks, sees the axe working by itself; when the axe returns home, the woman grabs it, it stops working by himself; M. is angry, leaves; the child from the woman's womb tells me to follow, shows the way; a woman spends the night in Mukura's house (opossum), at night the roof leaks, she goes into Mukura's hammock, conceives her second son; comes to a jaguar village; their mother hides her, the jaguars find her, the old woman asks to give her embryos; they jump out of the pot, the old woman brings them up, the brothers grow up in a few days; Maira's son invites his brother to avenge his mother's death; makes rivers, cuts off, throws pieces of wood into the water, they turn into piranhas, snakes, caimans; Maira's son creates peka fruits (cariocara); leads the jaguars to collect them; brothers lay the vine as a bridge, cut it off on both sides when the jaguar walks along the vine; two escaped, the rest were eaten by aquatic creatures; brothers come to Meira; his {current} wife is angry that he has children from another woman; Meira decides to check if they are his children; throws a fishing rod with a hook, his son bites off the hook, Mukura's son is caught, leaving a drop of blood; Maira's son is angry with his father, rises to heaven, becomes thunder and lightning; Meira and his wife go south]; tupinamba [Maire-ata goes to travel, his wife cannot accompany him because of pregnancy; he follows, the son from the womb shows the way; she does not give him any fruit, he is angry, falls silent; he goes astray, goes to the Possum; at night he conceives his second son; the opossum turns into an opossum; a woman comes to the village of Jaguars; a Jaguar eats her, the twins are thrown into a pile of garbage; one woman eats them picks up; twins hunt for her; show the Jaguars an island in the sea, where they will find many fruits; Jaguars sail there; twins cause a storm; Jaguars drown, turn into jaguars and other cats; The twins come to MA, he tests them; 1) walk between the crushing rocks; Opossum's son dies; MA's son revives him, both pass; 2) remove the bait from Anien's hook; Opossum's son is caught, A. tears him to pieces; MA's son resurrects him, both take off the bait; the MA recognizes them for his sons]: Thevet, 914-915 in Metraux 1932:135-136.

Bolivia - Guaporé. Eseeha [Dokuei-ai (small deer) was the first to cut down the forest on the site, and ordered the Anteaters (aná, oso bandera) to work; they saw that D.'s area was small, cut down the forest around; when D. on On their site, the Anteaters set fire to their own; D.'s cries were heard by his father Edosikian (now translated as "devil", saved his son, but since then he has dark skin and little hair; E. took D. to where his mother lived Anteater; D. asks why the pot is on fire; Cook the deer; D. asked her to show how she would do it, pushed it into boiling water; almost ate it when the Anteaters came; he got into them trap, became a deer; the Vultures thought D. was dead; when Condor pecked his heart, D. came to life, grabbed the Vultures, began to torment them, since then they had their current appearance; let them go for promising to give the biggest daughter; he brought his daughters, D. chose the one he liked; became a deer, still lives in the forest; his wife (Vulture's daughter) went to look for another husband; Pucarara's snake, she had no teeth, asked insert a thorn, bit the girl to death; the girl's sister {practically, it's herself} escaped, the snake behind her, the man killed the snake, cut the current snakes out of pieces; the husband turned into an animal, the wife pregnant, left, went to the Jaguars; Jaguariha tells her brother that a pig girl has come; the one who came hid under the basket, her tooth ornament clapped, the Jaguar found her, ate her, the baby fell out of her ass, I got to my grandmother, she put him in a calebass; the boy grew up instantly, his grandmother told me to be careful not to eat like his mother; the arrows did not harm Jaguar, he killed him with a gun]: Verna 1985:69-71; surui [lonely Iapeab copulates with a tree, inserting his penis into a crack in the trunk; the tree gives birth to two girls, the eldest Cabeud, the youngest Samsam; I.'s mother raises them; Peshire (bird), Mokoba (owl), etc. come to I.; sisters fall in love with P., laugh when M. dances; I. lies to M. as if they consider him handsome; P. leaves his pen on the path to his home; M. replaces him with his own; sisters come to M.; his mother feeds them meat, he feeds them honey; S. realizes that these are rats and mucus from the owl's eyes, but K. eats; S. puts his fingers like a vagina, where M. inserts his penis, but K. does copulate with him; sisters run away; the redfin bird Oyo hides them in her mouth, tells M. that her teeth hurt, pushes him, M. turns into an owl; at home offers the sisters eels, K. eats; then the sisters see that O. digs up worms, calls them blackheads; turn it into birds; they come to the Macabe heron; S. again only imitates copulation, putting their fingers in V: the sisters come to the Itshiab deer, who feeds them corn; cuts the meat off his leg, gives it under the guise of game; the sisters ask why the meat is boneless, scold I. he turns into a deer; they come to P., but he already has a different wife; they turn him and his mother into birds; they come to a land turtle, turn the Monkey and the Parrot into animals; they marry the Jaguar because they marry the Jaguar. only he finally feeds them real meat; S. gives birth to a son; K. is pregnant; Jaguar's mother asks her to take the thorn out of her leg, blows the wind, K. laughs; when she laughs again, Jaguariha devours it; saves the uterus to eat later; S. saves it, raises his sister's baby; tells his son how her aunt died; he rises to heaven, produces thunder, making himself and his brother adults; not can hit Jaguariha with arrows; brothers burn it; together with S. they rise to the sky (No. 25, p.82: turn into thunder), cut off the vine to prevent Jaguar from following them; Jaguar finds and turns the corpse mothers; all blood-sucking insects fly out of the corpse]: Mindlin 1995, No. 22:73-77; synth larga [the Kaboêp girl loved the Owl, but met the Paxit bird (blue, considered her son Jaguar), asks to leave a sign for her on the path to his house; this is his pen; sister K. says that there is an Owl's feather on the path to Owl's house; K. and his sister come to Owl {the substitution of signs is not mentioned, about sister before Mutum's bird episode is no longer said}; Owl's mother says he must bring game to his wife; he brings rats; agrees to give corn; leads for honey, K. does not see bees, Owl climbs a tree, knocks out his eye (? ; quebrou olho), the liquid poured out, Owl says it's honey; K. replies that she will go for the vessel, goes to Pxit herself (took her hammock with her in advance); asks Pomi (Rolinha; bird?) , who eats fruit on a tree, does not say he has seen it; comes to the Crane (Socó), who hides it in his throat; Pomi, Socó tell Sova that they have not seen his wife; Owl asks what kind of bloating Socó has a throat, he replies that his teeth hurt; K. sleeps under the wing of Mutum, becomes pregnant with him, sister K. and Mutum did not get along; K. came to Paxit, Owl demands her return, K. does not want to, Paxis kills the Owl with an arrow, he comes to life, returns home; Jaguariha's mother-in-law asks K. to remove the splinter from her leg; there is no splinter in her leg, Jaguariha kills K., sister K. saves the egg, Sunkip was born from it, grew up; his father tells him to kill Mutum so as not to shout (letters. "cried"); Mutum tells S. not to kill him, says that he is his father, that his mother killed Jaguariha; brings a snake to hide it among edible larvae; she bites Jaguariha, but she does not feel anything; then C . asks Jaguariha to catch nuts that he will throw from the tree, she catches; Mutum asks to check if Yaguariha feels the heat of the fire; advises her to get the larva thrown there out of the fire; S. pushes Jaguariha into the fire, she burns; the ashes have turned into harmful insects; S. asks the Turtle to deceive the Jaguar, who will take revenge; he offers to write in his mouth, bites off Jaguar's penis, he dies; the other wants to kill the Turtle, who advises him to drown it in the lake; the Wild Cat tells the Jaguar that the Turtle did not drown; the Jaguar goes to kill the Turtle, he asks the Squirrel for help; the Squirrel offers the Jaguar chop nuts, wounds his penis; the bird Inambu offers to jump from tree to mouth, throws a nut, the Jaguar is killed; the monkey offers Jaguar {another?} jump, he crashes; Jaguars grab the Monkey by the tail, tear it off, now these monkeys are tailless; they grabbed the Anteater's tail, ripped off his hair; the Jaguars did not catch up with S.]: Leonel Queiroz et al. 1988 : 63-69.

Southern Amazon. If not otherwise: a man makes five wooden girls, sends them to marry a jaguar; three die on the way; two fall into small forest predators (maned wolf, jaguarundi); each of them claims that he is a jaguar; they come to a jaguar; his mother kills one of her daughters-in-law; her twins avenge her death. Vaura [son of the Bat makes the daughter of the Leguminosa tree pregnant while she is in a ritual hut; Kwamuti was born; the girl's father calls men; in the Bat tribe, everyone claims paternity; K. approaches his real father; the woman cries because his face is ugly; K. grew up, there are no women, copulated with a termite mound, two girls were born; K. went fishing near the house of the Tsumare jaguar ( now that constellation); T. grabbed him, let him go for promising to give his daughter; daughter does not want, K. made three girls out of wood; vagina made of wax, teeth from seeds, so people's teeth deteriorate; all animals want to have sex with them, they say that they will only marry T.; disappointed that T. had an ugly face; they married Jaguarundi Wau, who is handsome; he went to the square to give orders, no one listens; the girls realized that he was not the leader; T. pretended to have a headache, stayed in the village, took W.'s wives away; in the evening, the jaguar people returned with "fish" - these are K.'s murdered people; so that the girls could eat for them they caught real fish; pregnant woman spins, T.'s mother blows the winds, the woman is offended, mother T. cuts off her head for it, runs away; the sister told them to her husband; Muravyedikha found twins in her stomach, this is the Sun and A month; when they were taken out, their tails were cut off; the twins went for peanuts, the birds said that their mother was killed and buried; they tried to revive her, she is already answering from the grave, but her aunt and father say it is not necessary; The sun asks their father to make arrows for them; they fired arrows into the ground, fumigated, they turned into people of all tribes and Brazilians; the brothers killed their father and his people; the Sun offered ships and vodka to the Indians, but they refused; therefore, Europeans; (pp. 36-37 - second option)]: Schultz 1966:21-33, 36-37; calapalo: Baldus 1958:45-61; Basso [Quatinga meets Jaguar Nitzuega; that agrees not to kill K. for promising to send him daughters; K. carves five out of wood; tapir makes them a vagina by copulating; on the way they copulate with Laska, Kingfisher; one died after drinking poisoned the waters from the lake; the other is split by the tapir's penis; the third fell off a palm tree, crashed; the male series says he is N.; later women realize that this is not the chief's house; they come to N.; one sister becomes pregnant; N.'s mother blows the wind, the woman spits, chewing cotton, she kills her with her claw thrown; twins were taken out of the womb of the victim; these are Taugi (the elder) and Avlukuma; the body was hidden under the roof; forest the chicken told the twins about her mother's death; Jaguariha's house is surrounded by stinging insects, T. sent birds to eat them; the brothers killed Jaguariha; T. became pregnant with her aunt by giving her an arrow; she gave birth to warriors, T. gave them weapons; N.'s people fled to heaven; only Aguchi escaped by slipping between his legs] 1973:10-12; 1987:29-79; kuikuro: Carneiro 1989 [Kuantïnï decided to visit the sky, where all animals are; in his forest surrounded the jaguars; their leader, the black jaguar Nitsuengï, agreed not to kill him when K. promised him his two daughters; N. put K. on his bow, untwisted it, threw it from heaven to the ground; K.'s daughters refused go to the jaguar and K. carved the girls out of wood; out of 8 left in hammocks, 6 came to life; made his hair first from buriti fibers, then pineapple fibers - very wet; then from algae; made teeth out of chips (black), piranha teeth (ate too fast), seeds; tried different fibers for the triangle on the pubis; cut out the vaginas itself; told tifigu trees (then humans) to copulate; penises are scratched; then lined the vaginas with cotton - good; Owl told the eldest of the girls, Itsanitsegu, that their father was going to send them to a jaguar; the battleship told the girls about the difficulties of the journey, in return demanded permission get together with one of them; forgot his penis in the village and while he was running after him, the girls left; he blew, spreading witchcraft to make them die on the way; then he met the kingfisher, he gave fish, copulated with one of the girls, she put in a tampon so as not to get pregnant; the same with the howler monkey, gave fried fish; the seagull offered fried oysters, the girls refused, so the seagull could not get along with them; another species of kingfisher; the girl who stayed with him asked him to throw the necklace on his back so as not to interfere during copulation; poured sperm on him, taking out her tampon; since then this kingfisher has white spots and the necklace marks on her back; the girls sent the most beautiful one to the tree to throw off the buriti leaves; I. turned the stumps of their nails into biting flies; because of their bites, the one who climbed the tree fell, the leaves pierced her, others buried it; the deer refused to copulate, although I. wanted it; she gave him salt and since then the deer have died quickly from the wound; on a slippery path, one slipped, fell and died; K. warned girls should not drink from the poisonous river; one drank, died, she was buried; the tapir cut down trees, warned of a fork - if you go the wrong path, you will get to the wolf village; I. told one girl with him to get together, his thick penis split her; I. hit him in anger, since then the tapirs have a narrow ass; when they saw that the split one was made of wood, the remaining two girls were upset, which means they, that's why them sent to the jaguar; Tayra barbara gave honey, but it was strong, the girls began to cough; he got along with him, the cough stopped; at the fork in Itsanitsegu she went left to the wolf village, and Anafukuagu went to the right, to the village of the jaguar; I. climbed a tree above the river; the wife of the wolf of the series saw the reflection, decided that it was her, began to show off beauty; then realized; threw a nail stump, it became a fly, she bit the series, she dropped the calebass with water, it crashed; the same time again; then called her husband; I. followed the wolf, thinking it was a jaguar; a fish fell out of his ass, he said that the fish was in the sink necklaces; the wolf's mother greeted I., but she realized that she was mistaken: she was treated to fruit, i.e. food for wolves; from her sister, Jaguar N. found out that I. was in the wolf's village; took her; gave her potions to drink, she belched fish, got rid of pregnancy from a wolf; when I., 8 months old, N. hid her under the roof, told her not to spit if his mother Kafisatïgo came and started the winds; I. spat cotton seeds, Kafisatigo thought that, out of disgust, she threw her claw at her, which cut off her head; Sister I. raised the alarm; N. said that this was his third wife killed by his mother; Agouti told the girls' father, who sent an ant into I.'s vagina, the ant said there were two boys in the womb; Quantini put them in the basket; they grew up quickly; the wild dog gave them the names Taoguiñï and Aulukumá; the grasshopper gives them names Sun (Giti) and Month (Nune); A. asked the Sun to dig peanuts in the partridge garden; she retaliated that A. was the Sun's aunt, and his mother killed her mother-in-law; the brothers took her mother's body from the roof of the house, where they put him to dry; the sun sent a fly in her nose, she came to life, he spoke to her, but she cried and died again; digging animals dug up the grave, I. buried; The sun told the bird to eat the wasps, the hawk - snakes, anteater - poisonous ants, tapir - to trample thorns; the road to mother N. opened; the brothers came to her disguised as young children; she began to tell how she killed I.; the Sun killed her; from her body evil butterfly spirits flew out; a month looked out from behind the tree, his nose was torn off; the Sun attached him, but now that the moon is in profile, you can see that there is no nose; Quantini let A. eat the ashes of bamboo, she gave birth to a crane, Suya and other wild Indians; took the opossumiha child, said N. that it was hers, he was happy; but the opossumiha took him; the wild Indians killed all the jaguars; the Sun saved his father and aunt by placing them in heaven, and they had what they had, put tapir and deer (now constellations on the Milky Way) there; after arranging the life of wild Indians, the Sun rose to heaven]: 4-14; Villas Boas, Villas Boas 1973 [Kuatungue went for make a net with fibers; he was surrounded by jaguars; he promised one daughter, who let him go; he has two daughters, but he carved six girls out of wood; tried different hair fibers; first piranha teeth, they eat too fast, then from seeds; made pubic triangles (the trees did not want to give fiber for this); when they heard an owl scream, the girls asked their father what was going on; he told the whole story; along the way one got drunk from a poisonous river, died; the kingfisher showed the way, for which he met with one of the girls; Tyra gave one honey, she started coughing, he got along with her; the tapir showed the way, met the girl, she split, they realized that they were wooden; the battleship showed the way, went to get an erection, the girls ran away, he said they would die on the way; one slipped in the river, hit, died; the deer warned of a fork; one climbed a palm tree for leaves, the other turned the nail stumps into flies, they bit the one who had climbed, fell, ran into a leaf, died; at the fork, two sisters climbed tree; series - the wolf's wife saw the reflection, decided that she was beautiful; they turned the nail stumps into flies, they bit the series, she dropped the calebass, she broke; so twice; the series called her husband; the older sister, made from the bottom of the trunk, followed the wolf's path, the youngest took the jaguar path; the jaguar took the wolf who had come to the wolf; she turned around, the wolf's mother's head fell off; the jaguar gave her the potions to remove wolf fruit; she became pregnant with a jaguar; spat a cotton seed, the jaguariha thought that out of contempt for her, she cut off her head with a claw; sister picked up the boys Rit (Sun) and Une (Month); the jaguar resettled her mother , surrounding this place with snakes, wasps, thorns, put the body of the victim on the roof of the house; the brothers grew up stealing partridge peanuts, she told them about the death of his mother; the bird ate the wasp, the snake hawk, the tapir trampled thorns, the brothers killed her grandmother by tying stones to her legs and trampling her; set fire to her house, her body exploded, the moon's nose was torn off, now it's flat; Rit told the jaguar to eat capybaras, not people; the mother was removed from roofs, she was barely alive, Rit hugged her, she was completely dead; the digging animals dug the grave; Rita told his father to prepare lots of bows and clubs; told her aunt to give birth in the forest, she gave birth to wild Indians, Rith gave them weapons; her aunt told her husband that she gave birth to an opossum child, but the opossumiha took it away; the wild Indians killed the jaguars, and threw Rit's father and aunt on the bow into heaven; Rith divided the tribes ; then Rit and Une went to Morena]: 72-88; Kamayura: Agostinho 1974:163, 172; Münzel 1973:26; Seki 2008, No. 1 [Mawutsini tries to make people out of wood from different trees, they don't come to life; asks the Sun, who replies that M. knows himself; the lizard suggests the right tree species; M. makes many pairs of people to stay in a community house; first he makes hair out of white fibers, so people turn gray; suitable trees run out, five women are left unpaired; M. sends them to marry the Jaguar; the stork (martin fisherman) shows the way, for which he copulates with one of the girls; she hangs him on neck necklace, still visible; wipes his hands stained with sperm on his back, traces remain; going on, the girls decide to make belts out of the bark; one climbs a tree, the other creates a horsefly, he bites first, she falls in fear, attacks her vagina on the dropped bark, dies; another Stork (maguari) shows the way, for which she copulates with a girl, she smeared his feathers with sperm; the fox shows and copulates, his face was stretched out, his tail was ruffled; the same Battleship (ran to look for his penis, but the girls were already gone); Tapir (penis so big that the girl he met died); girls bent his head down; (the fifth girl is not mentioned), two climbed a tree above a pond near the jaguar village; two local women took their reflection for their own; they sent horseflies, the women dropped them Calebasses with water told Jaguar, but not to the one the women had come to marry; he was covered with pendants; one woman suspects he was not the same; they finally saw his red ass; and his mother gave him water with a drink with thorns, both turn into real jaguars; a young Jaguar meets women, this is the real groom], 2 [Mawutsini has five daughters; they warn not to go for bark made from the fibers of which they make a bowstring, the tree belongs to the jaguars; M. went, the jaguars heard the noise, went to look; when leaving, M. came across the Jaguar leader; he had to promise him daughters as wives; they refused - Jaguar's mother would eat them; M. carved five girls out of tree trunks; hair out of bast, not good; then I took black from a black bird; teeth from pebbles, I didn't like it, black; then the seeds were white; belts made of buriti palm leaves ( Mauritia flexuosa), so even now women's belts made of these leaves; two trees refused to let the bark make uluri {does it cover the pubis?} , said that they would only be used to build houses, the third agreed; M. asked the fruits of the vine to deflorize the girls; the fruits were like a penis, but without a head, because they broke; then the fruits the other vine was successful; he gave each a comb, the sisters went; one climbed to cut off the buriti palm shoot, it fell with a sharp end up; the others sent a horsefly, the bite caused the girl to lose her balance, fell with her vagina to escape, died; others ask for directions from the stork Jaburu (Jabiru mycteria Ciconidae), then the Tuiuiu stork (Mycteria americana Ciconidae), each copulates with one of the girls; the White Heron just pointed out that he did not want to copulate so as not to get his feathers dirty; then Martin the Fisherman threw his necklace on his back; the girl stained his back with sperm, wiping his hands, so his back is now speckled; the battleship ran after his penis, the girls left during this time, then he masturbated using the marks they had left; the older sister did not want the fourth went further with them; bewitched, she forgot her comb, came back for it; began to scream, call her sisters, turned into the forest spirit "queen of the forest"; Tapir copulated with his third sister, his penis huge, she died, his sisters hit him on the coccyx; climbed a tree above the lake near the jaguar village; they were playing ball (people learned this game from them); two women came to swim, saw the reflection, decided that they are so beautiful; the sisters sent horseflies, the women dropped the calebasses twice; they noticed the sisters; they rejected the first jaguar that came, went with the second, one sister says that the groom is not him, his ass is red; he does not have cassava in his house; in the morning, the Jaguar chief referred to a sore eye, did not go hunting, returned to the village, brought the girls to his place, he had good food; the first jaguar {ocelot?} and his sister gave his mother a drink with thorns, they hoarsened, turned into jaguars, ran into the forest; while Jaguar and his elder wife were on the site, the younger pregnant woman looked for lice from her mother-in-law, spit out her hair, she decided that her daughter-in-law disdained her with lice, killed her, went to the forest; the sister asked Ant to take the children out of the deceased's womb; he pulled her out behind her head, so people have two dents on their skulls; the mother was buried in the middle villages, premature babies were placed in calebasa, hung it; Jaguar and his wife see traces - children secretly go out; children do not take abandoned women's items, they take arrows, which means boys; Jaguar and his wife did The appearance that they are leaving, waiting for them, caught the boys, called them parents, called them Orphans; the brothers hunt, count the fingers of the killed Pakis, the kutias are 4, which means not our grandfather; the lizard is five fingers, so you can't eat; The battleship called himself a grandfather, gave the brothers the names Tapea Kana and Tapea Jaú (terms for turning the road); but Cicada gave the names Kwat and Jay ("sun" and "month"); brothers steal peanuts from the field Partridges (that's why people eat peanuts); she finds them, talks about their mother's fate; brothers turn her into a partridge, let her sing at the end of the rainy season (this time New Year); aunt showed where she buried her sister; the brothers opened it, began to call, the mother responded, but the voice was getting weaker, stopped; if earlier, they would revive it; but now we are dying forever; the brothers told the wasp to bury the corpse again; they found Jaguariha, that began to play with them, Quat hit her and killed her; the Jaguar father and the deer were moved to the Milky Way (α and β Centauri); they made arrows, turned them into people, they killed the inhabitants of the jaguar village; By Sun and Month]: 113-141, 151-187; Villas Boas, Villas Boas 1973 [Mavutsinim's daughters warn him not to go to the jaguar village for onion fiber; he went, M. climbed a tree, the jaguars surrounded him , he had to promise his daughters to the chief of the jaguars; they refused, fearing Jaguar's mother; M. singing turned eight felled trees into girls; made his hair from buriti palm fibers, too light, then I asked the bird to be black; the teeth were first from shells, they were dark, then from mangab seeds; good, but now my teeth hurt; made fiber belts, bamboo genitals, told the vine to have sex with the girls; 5 out of 8 agreed to go to Jaguar; one forgot the comb, went back, got lost, became an elf of the wood; the stork agreed to show the way when they met him; they painted his neck, to make him ugly; one climbed a tree to make a new belt, fell on a broken shoot, died; Tapir agreed to show the way if they met him; he has a big dick, the first died, two the others left, climbed a tree near the shore where the Jaguar was to come; the black bird heard them laughing, said to Jaguar, who fired whistling arrows, the girls were not caught, and the Jaguar thought they were not coming to him; they caught Wolf's arrows, who said they were looking for him; when they went with him, they caused the wind, saw that his buttocks were red under his hair; his mother said he only eats fruit; the girls went to Jaguar; he fired arrows, they caught them; The wolf and his mother turned into animals; the youngest is ready to give birth; the mother-in-law asks to look for it in her head; the girl accidentally took her hair in her mouth, spat, her mother-in-law decided that disgust, killed her daughter-in-law, ran into the forest; the mother was buried, the ants took the two boys out, put them in the basket; while the Jaguar is on the site, the brothers get out, eat fish; the Jaguar put the rags - they did not take the onions and the arrows took it; the Jaguar realized that they were boys; asked them not to hide; the brothers were stealing peanuts from the Partridge field; she said that their mother was dead; the Jaguar and the victim's sister confirmed that they also cried; the brothers they called their mother, she responded, they dug up the grave, but there was a corpse; decided that it would always be like this (death is final); the brothers killed their grandmother; the grasshopper named the brothers Kuát (Sun) and Iae (Month); Jaguar I wanted to make my sons jaguars; they turned bamboo into wild Indians, they killed the people of the Jaguar; the Jaguar and his wife went to heaven; the brothers came to their grandfather, performed a memorial ceremony for their mother]: 57-67; trumay: Murphy, Quain 1955:72-74; bakairi [good English translation Oberg 1953:77-81; Russian incomplete translation Siebert 1972:138-144; Kamushini (black, shaggy - possibly Spider) meets Jaguar Oku in the forest; he defeats him, K. promises women in exchange for life; makes them out of wood, sends the eldest two to O.; on the way, one fell off a palm tree, crashed, the other Nimagakaniro came to jaguars; jaguars attack bacairis; Oka Mero's mother (a wild chicken, Criptus noctivagus or Tinamus vrasiliensis, but has huge claws; related jaguar and wild chicken genera) ate so much that no one left; N. conceives two sons from the bacairi seeds she had swallowed; for this M. scratched her eyes, she died; Quara, Oka's brother, takes the twins out of her mother's womb; M. considers them his own grandchildren; one of them Keri (sun), the other Kame (moon; both words are from Arawak language); twins' aunt Ewake tells them about their mother's fate; the brothers killed and burned M.; they themselves also burned down, coming too close close to the fire, but reborn as human; asked Oka to make many arrows; they blew on them, they turned into Kayabi Indians; Keri killed Oku by hitting him in the knee with an arrow, who fell into the water and drowned; then the cultural acts of the twins, the motives B7B (creating rivers), B77 (separating heaven from earth), D4A (getting fire), I45 (getting sleep); then Keri taught how to build houses, fish, arrange ritual dances, divided tribes]: Steinen 1897:317-329; Iranshe [see G23A motif; the bird Sabia (Turdideo) comes to the village to teach others to play the sacred flutes; the Hummingbird is among her companions; the girl gets pregnant from him; the Owl (Speotito cunicularia) overhears him telling her to come to him when the baby is born; at the fork, he shifts a feather crown from the Hummingbird Trail to his path; a woman with her younger sister, child and mother come to Owl; he gives them grasshoppers, Blatideos, an inedible false cassava to eat; urinates when copulating; they leave; Cayman carries them across the river; gives fish, grabbing it and regurgitating it; they only pretend to eat it; the turtle throws fruits to the sisters from the palm tree, copulates with the elder; goes after their mother; women get tired of waiting, they leave; The battleship pulls out honey; they pretend to treat it by squeezing bee larvae into his eyes; carrying honey; drinking honey, swimming in the river, hearing the sounds of sacred flutes; Stagmatoptera predicativa is the guardian flutes; kills women and a child with an ax to prevent them from seeing the flute; Hummingbird regrets not going to meet women at the fork in the trails]: Pereira 1985, No. 2:37-43; paresi [two brothers married two sisters; one has a son Kazalynazaré, the other has a daughter Ayryazeró; K., his father, both mothers turned into birds, swallowed by a huge fish; Father A. organized a party; the bird Trogonideo meets a girl; in the morning she goes to his house; Owl changes the pen sign at a fork in the roads, the girl comes to Owl's house, everything is in mud; she runs, spends the night in a hollow, where she paints parrot chicks; they take her home; she tells her where the parrot's nest is, her brothers kill the chicks; parrots make her get lost again out of revenge; she goes to the Wolf; says that she is on her period, she gets stuck I test the parrot watchman's beak, comes to Mãe do tucum-do-campo; to the emams; to the Forest Cockerel; refuses to sleep with him, he flies away and takes the fire; to the Spider, does not want to copulate, he drives her away; she comes to the Aquatic People, their mother kills her; her soul flies away like a bird, together with the soul of her cousin swallowed by fish, decide to be called K. and A. and take revenge on the fish; they raise stones and tree trunks, to then be able to raise their enemy; raise the main fish to the tree where the stones were previously brought; eat; fallen pieces of meat and drops of blood turn into poisonous insects and snakes; scales into fish ; head to stingray]: Pereira 1986, No. 16:246-261; Bororo: Wilbert, Simoneau 1983, No. 98 [Adúgo Édu is married to Akiguródo; Akarúio Boróge met him while hunting; he attacked in exchange for his life, he demanded his daughter as his wife; Adugo explained that when the girl goes to him, she will first meet the little wolf Ókwe (every time he describes, warns not to mistake him for him, Adugo ), then the marten tyra Ipočeréu, then the big wolf Ríe, then the puma, then the leopard {apparently ocelot}, only then Adugo {i.e. jaguar}; false contenders each time convince the girl that they are Adugo; after spending the night with the deceiver, she realizes in the morning that this is not a real fiancé, because he must bring tapirs, and these bring less valuable meat; finally, Adugo comes to the real one; tells his wife not to laugh if an evil spirit makes her laugh; Marugódu's caterpillar laughed, the woman laughed, immediately fell dead; Adugo found two twins in his stomach, raised; they once heard their father's mother cry; she explained that they would have to do difficult things; not to tell their father, the brothers began to train; the elder Eigáwa Áre, the youngest Eigáwa Enawuréu; They asked the father for bows and arrows; they hunted parrots, who ate people at that time; the brothers told the rest to eat fruits; asked the father to give a fishing net; the fish bit people; the brothers caught many, the rest were told to eat other fish; asked their father to give small arrows; they shot leaf cutters and wasps, who harmed people, told them to eat leaves and flowers; asked the father to do club; the brothers began to chase Báče, got entangled in vines, they killed him, since then the báče have been eating fish, not people; asked a thick rope to fight the cannibal eagle; EA wrapped it in a rope Brother's head, the eagle clawed into it, got stuck, EA killed him; told harpy eagles to eat monkeys, not humans; the brothers scattered the eagle's fluff, the grandmother realized that the grandchildren were in danger; the brothers asked Father's stick, came to Marugoda's house, stabbed her on a stick, threw her into the fire; the father warned him to hide, but EA went out to see, the bone flew into his eye, his father told him to throw himself into the water, his eye recovered; then With his younger brother; both their skin and eyes became beautiful; Bororo still has dark eyes], 99 [about the same as in (98), brothers Bakoróro and Itubóre; marugoddo]: 174-179, 180-186.

Chaco. Matako [the daughter of the sun marries Woodpecker, the honey miner; walks through the forest, the Takwah trickster tries to take possession of her, she returns to her father; when she comes to her husband, the trickster tries to impersonate her missing wife]: Barabas, Bartolomé 1979a: 128-131; 1979b: 79-80; Wilbert, Simoneau 1982a, No. 63-66:132-141; toba: Wilbert, Simoneau 1982b, No. 100 [a girl wants honey, her mother offers her marry Woodpecker; first Voyagalachigi, then the Carrier bird pretend to be him; she recognizes them (V. by smell); marries Woodpecker; seeing B, rushes into the river, turns into a capybara; V. accepts her appearance, comes to Woodpecker, posing as his wife; Woodpecker recognizes V. by voice, kills with a truncheon]: 202-210; 1989a, No. 274 (eastern toba) [mother sends daughter to marry Woodpecker honey earner; Fox several once he goes out to meet him, says he is a Woodpecker, but the girl sees that he has bad honey; finds the Woodpecker; in his absence, the Fox tries to rape her, she runs away; he takes her form; the Woodpecker asks her take out the lice, she stabs his head with a needle, he hits his "wife", identifies the Fox by screaming]: 360-361; tobacco pilaga [all men strive to marry a lonely beauty; she hears beautiful singing, goes to voice; on the way, asks those he meets to sing, their singing is ugly; finally finds a bird singer, marries him]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1989a, No. 406:559; (cf. Chorote: Wilbert, Simoneau 1985, No. 57 [Battleship harvests the best harvest; Royal Vulture goes to invite him to be his daughter's husband; Fox pretends to be Battleship, sleeps with a girl; she identifies him by smell and teeth, goes to Battleship]: 101-102); nivakle [everyone's favorite young man Drozd sings and plays the pipe beautifully; two parrot sisters hear music, go to look for an artist; Seriema (Chunga burmeisteri) claims that he played; his play is bad, they go to Thrush; when he eats, his skin moves, his sisters think he has worms; the offended Thrush leaves; the sisters stay alone]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1987b, No. 196-197 [sisters ask them to take turns playing many birds they meet], 198, 199 [Thrush marries younger sister]: 472-485; Maca: Wilbert, Simoneau 1991a, No. 12 [Mako's woman is covered in colorful feathers; hears music, goes looking for a musician; asks everyone to sing; Vulture and others try, she rejects them; Thrush is the last to speak; she grabs him, takes him home; others tell him not to let her sleep; when his wife finally falls asleep, Thrush calls the others, the men pluck Mako's feathers and decorate themselves with them; Mako asks his grandfather to sharpen her spear, he agrees that she tests the spear on it, she kills him, the spear comes back on its own; she kills many men, but the Caracara bird kills her with an arrow], 13 [starts as in (12); men pluck Mako's pubic feathers; her father makes her a club, her grandfather sharpens him, she kills him; kills all men, but Hawk runs away; copulates with all women; he has a son from the old woman Caracar; he kills Mako with an arrow; men rush to pluck her pubic feathers, make red crowns out of them]: 51-53, 54-56 (cf. No. 14 [Efu Naq'aju woman walks through the forest, runs to the sound of a honey collector's ax, kills with a sharp tool, devours; naj litaj sang well, she chose him as her husband; others advised not to let her sleep; when she finally fell asleep, her husband stole the feathers that covered her feather clothes; men they made hats out of them for themselves; the woman killed everyone, birds with a tuft on their heads flew out of the ash]: 57).

The Southern Cone. North Tehuelches [the daughter of the Sun goes to marry Guinapo (a white-breasted bird); meets the hawk Carancho, who claims to be G.; she tells him to jump, his knees are like round pebbles; only a cabbage leaf takes off the ground; she does not believe him; all bird people gather in Carancho's house; G. rejects the girl, since she comes with K., locks her in the room, leaves himself; the fox rattles a rattle, proclaims, the End of the World, the End of the World! Everyone flies away, turns into birds]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1984b, No. 95:138; South Tehuelches [the girl is looking for a snipe groom; the poor and ugly Hawk claims it's him; she spends with him night; in the morning, when people play ball, she sees a real groom; he rejects her, she leaves]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1984b, No. 96, 97:139-141; Hernández 1997 [multiple versions; the girl is rich]: 70-71.