Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue

Ethnicities and habitats

J12K. The groom and the liar live in the same house.43.49.

Desired and unwanted marriage partners live in the same house. An unwanted person, a servant or junior partner, usually pretends to be a master.

The coast is the Plateau. See motive J12. Shuswap; ne perse; kutene; Puget Sound; upper chehalis; koulitz; okanagon; kordalen; katlamet; clackamas; yakima ; ne perse; kalapuya; modoc.

Big Pool. Washo [escaped from the cannibals Nentusu with two boys comes to the Caress Brothers; the elder is taller Pewetseli, the younger Damalali; P. takes N. as his wife, hides her and the boys from D., tells him that they were crows, birds, they flew away; D. finds one boy, kills, leaves his head; N. and another go to the lake, turn into ducks; D. says that people should marry women, not ducks, ducks must eat; from the current territory, brothers come to your land; P. sees it first; warns D. not to touch the Spider; D. does not believe, the Spider kills him; P. comes to the Sun by rainbow; that replies that he has not seen anything, sends it to the Month; the Month eats frogs, not fish; says that he sees only at night, sends them back to the Sun, giving two porcupines that the Sun fears; the Sun confesses that he saw Spider drag D.; gave up the phone, told him to smoke first; when he came to Spider, P. smokes, Spider dies, P. revives his brother, tells him to hunt deer, but he chases Beaver, Beaver kills him; P. kills him Beaver, revives his brother; same with Ground Hog; D. kills Water Baby, scalps him, the lake overflows, D. hides on the mountain; P. tells him to scalp, the water descends, remains lakes in the mountains]: Dangberg 1927, No. 2:401-415 (=1968, No. 2:49-68).