Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

J16. Refuses to eat insects.

(.12.) .

The character dies because being forced to look for insects in another's head, refuses to bite through insects, spits out of disgust, or is suspected of doing so.

(Wed. West Africa. Dan [all women admire the hunter, but the wife cannot be found; finally found it; they live in the forest; there is a termite mound behind the house, there is perfume in it; when the husband returns, he sings a song for his wife to open to him voice; the spirit overheard, sang a song, but the woman did not open it: the voice is rude; the same a couple of dozen times; the husband does not take the danger seriously; then the spirit went to the sorcerer; he orders to swallow 7 axes; the spirit first heated in the fire and swallowed 3; did not help; 3 more; when I swallowed the seventh, the voice became like the woman's husband; she opened and saw a monster with one leg and one hair on his head; he told me to take it out from him nits and eat them, not only biting, but also swallowing them; the spirit is gone, the woman vomited, but the husband who came still does not believe: just an upset stomach; a month later the woman became thin; after that, the husband hid to cheer up the spirit, but got scared and did not shoot; like this all week; the hunter's younger brother came; he shot, his head flew off and became a bunch of nuts on the palm tree, from which oil is now being squeezed out; spouses returned to live with people in the village]: Tiémoko 2019:18-24).

The Midwest. Menominee [Olenikha and Moose live together, go for berries, both have two children; The deer is fat, the Moose kills her, brings the meat home; puts the Deer in a bag, hangs it in the chimney, says that their mother is left to pick berries; the mother's meat, while it is frying, shouts to the eldest son that she has been killed; the elder Deer kills Moose, puts them on stakes, leaves them standing against each other with their teeth pieces of venison; runs, taking his brother; Moose scolds the children; chases the Deer; they ask the Old Heron to transport them across the river; the Heron asks him to look in his head, gnaw a louse; the deer gnaws cranberries; The Heron stretches its beak like a bridge over the river; the Moose tells the Heron that it is dirty, refuses to gnaw the louse; the Heron turns its beak, the Moose drowns]: Bloomfield 1930, No. 110:493-497.

Plains. Blacklegs: Josselin de Jong 1914 [as in Wissler, Duvall; sacred pipe shells - the leader's son's bowel movements; lice on the bison's head are big beetles; the chief ties children to the central a pillar of a ritual building, paints black, dedicates to the sun; a young man kills the leader and parents by throwing stones in their mouths]: 83-85; Wissler, Duvall 1908, No. V1 [chief owns a sacred smoking room pipes; other children take away his sinks (from the tube?) ; the chief tells everyone to leave, leaving the children; they go to the witch; she kills everyone but the girl and her younger brother; they run; the bison's skull is responsible for them; the girl agrees to take out Bison's lice and bite through them; they're big beetles; bites beads instead of lice; Bison carries children across the river, they return to people; the witch says lice are bitter; the Bison throws her into the river, she drowns; parents they refuse the children who have come, the leader tells them to tie the children to a tree and leave them; a good old woman leaves her dog, he frees the children; the brother becomes a young man, kills buffalo with magic; people are starving; brother and sister feed them; kill their abusive parents by throwing pieces of hard meat into their mouths]: 138-141; assiniboine [chief defecates with beads; little girls find them; chief's brother advises leaving children alone, because owning beads can harm adults; a good old woman hangs moss that indicate the direction in which the tribe has left, but the children do not notice it; they come to the cannibal; that kills everyone but one girl and her younger brother; a bison's skull advises them to run across the river; two swans connect their necks like a bridge; a girl looks for lice from them, bites, says it's delicious; a cannibal- the stalker says that the lice stink; the swans raise their necks, the cannibal drowns; the children meet their tribe, but the chief tells them to be tied to a tree and leave; the good old woman leaves her dog, that frees children; after the bath, children become adults; brother magically catches a bison; kills a bear, a giant; an old woman comes to live with them]: Lowie 1909a, No. 4:140-145; grovantre [while children play, adults migrate; children come to an old woman; she kills sleepers by stepping on their necks with a hot fire; the girl does not sleep, asks for mercy on her and her brother; brings firewood and water to the old woman, she rejects them; the bird explains that it needs rotten water and perfume ropes growing on willows; the girl pretends that her brother needs to urinate, runs away with him; the horned water monster suggests look in his head, bite through lice; his lice are frogs, a girl gnaws plum bones; a monster carries children across the river; an old woman throws away frogs, a monster drowns her; children find parents they tie them up, hang them from a tree; the dog pretends to be sick to stay at the camp, hides the fire; frees the children; the sister tells his brother to look at the buffalo, they fall dead (so all kinds of work are done); the dog turns into an old man; people come back; the girl takes her brother and old man for her wife, her husband for herself; the brother kills the rest of people with his gaze]: Kroeber 1907b, No. 26:102- 105; Comanches [while the children are playing, the parents migrate; the Coyote tells them to be silent as they pass by the Owl; the boy cries, the sister has to bring him to the Owl; the frog is responsible for them when they run away; The crane stretches its leg like a bridge across the river, tells the girl to bite through its lice, not to spit in disgust; the owl spits in the middle of the river, falls, swims out; the children ask the Bison for help; he throws Owl on the moon; he's been visible there ever since]: Barnard, 88-93 in Archer 2000:143-148; Saint Clair 1909b, No. 12:275.

California. Pomo: Barrett 1933, No. 88 [see motif J52; The deer is the son of the Bear, the husband of the Wild Cat; the Bear kills her son; is not happy that the Cat does not bite through the snake, the lizard she finds in her hair; The reindeer brothers run successively in four directions; then their grandfather Gnil throws them on feathers to the sky; the Crane throws the Bear into the water, she drowns], 89 [as in (88); killed by the Bear Olenikha's husband is Thunder; they have a boy and a girl]: 334-342, 344-348.

The Great Southwest. Tiwa (Taos) [see motive J35]: Parsons 1940a, No. 24 [an Apache hunter takes his wife to hunt, kills a bison; the wife cries, he shoots at her too, bakes her head; sends his son and daughter to eat bison head; head hisses: Children, don't eat me; stalks them; brother carries sister on his back; serpent (?) Päkeleana transports them across the river, they sit by his horns; P. invites the Head to look for lice; these are frogs; The head rudenly replies that it does not eat lice; P. dives, the head sinks], 24 var.1 [from his wife The Apache chief is a snake lover; she feeds him the best meat; the chief watches her, kills both with arrows, places his wife's head on a tree, roasts her ribs; sends her son and daughter to taste bison meat; Head tells the mother not to eat; stalks children; the chief marries Coyoticha, the tribe migrates; Beaver asks the children to look in his head; there are frogs; the girl bites through the beads from her brother's bracelet, and the frogs fall into water; The beaver transports children across the river; The head tells Beaver that it has no arms; Grab the lice with your mouth! - Dirty creature! The head throws frogs into the water; the beaver drowns it], 27 [see motif J35; children come to the old cannibal; the frog tells the boy that she needs wet wood, rotten water; gives a brush, a mirror, an awl; children run away; abandoned objects turn into thickets, thorns, ice; the old woman continues to pursue; the crane by the river offers to remove his lice; the boy deceives him, crunching his elk tooth, the old woman replies that she does not eat lice; children cross the river; when the old woman reaches the middle, the Crane folds her legs, she falls into the water; continues to pursue; Bear, Bison, Puma, Elk, Deer, Antelope, Wolf, Coyote can't help, killed by an old woman; Little Bison rips an old woman with horns, throws her in the sun; children come to people; they hit the dog, leave; the dog keeps the fire for children; boy becomes a good hunter, and the departed are starving; they return to the abandoned]: 70-73, 74-76, 81-83.

Western Amazon. The woman spits in disgust, the Jaguar is insulted. Shuar: Karsten 1935:524; Pelizzaro 1961, No. 17:10; Rueda 1987, No. 31:147; (cf. Pelizzaro 1990 [Iwia cannibal dogs are jaguars, they are like his own children; a woman got lost in the forest, a pet parrot showed her where the fruit was; the parrot was eaten by eagles; she came to his wife Iwia, she wants to give her away She hides her under the roof for her youngest jaguar son Shiáshia; the woman spits on the meat that S. eats, he finds her, takes her as his wife; I.'s wife warns not to bite lice, gives coal to bite making a sound; one day he forgets, bites through a louse, S. kills his wife, I.'s wife keeps two eggs that were in the uterus; of which Yánkuam' and Stars were born; when they grew up, I.'s wife told them about the fate of their mother; they collapsed the bridge along which the jaguars crossed the abyss, but S. escaped because he was walking first, and the little Yaa (stars) could not stop him; so there are jaguars in the forest; the big jaguar Yampinkia Yanquam pushed into the abyss; the brothers threw darts into the sky, climbed them into the sky, became stars, and Yankuam threw darts into the sky]: 38-40 (=1993:35-40).

Montagna - Jurua. Pyro [two jaguars marry a woman; tell them to look for lice; their mother warns not to bite through them, but to click coals; gives coals, but one is missing; the woman chokes, biting through huge louse; jaguars eat his wife]: Matteson 1951:47-49; 1955:59; Alvarez in Roman 1985 [Yakonero has a jaguar husband and 20 jaguar sons; participates in an attack on a human village; all women are killed; I. hides the young man under jaguar skin; lives with people, is pregnant; returns to the scene of the massacre to pick up their lost bracelets; Tsla and his two brothers Muichkakhit from the womb ask she has flowers; she is bitten by an ant, she claps her stomach in her hearts, her sons guide her not to people, but to the jaguar path; she hides under the roof of her former home, her mother-in-law, a jaguariha, wants to help her; The Jaguars find her, ask them to remove their lice; I am unable to swallow my ex-husband's louse, they eat it myself; my mother-in-law keeps the uterus; Tsla's father is manacarao, M. is the sons of pucacunga; they grow up, jaguars are killed]: 139; machigenga: Baer 1984, No. 4 [Falcon descends to Ya'konera girl, marries; before the birth of a son, he returns to heaven, tells him to follow him, the son will show the way; The son from the womb asks to collect flowers for him; I am dissatisfied; he falls silent; I am on the wrong road, comes to the Jaguars; their mother Tsi'rinpi (lizard) hides her under the roof; the Jaguars come, go to bed; I . spat, hit alone in the ear; Jaguars demand to remove their lice; these are big mites; I. bites the coal, making a cracking sound; there is not enough coal for the last Jaguar; I gnaw the tick, she feels nauseous, The Jaguar devours it; C. asks for a uterus, there are four chicks; C. throws them away, saying who ate their mother; falcons fly to the mountain, return in human form: Machai'rini, Choinka'vani, Pa'chakami, Ya'vireri; tell C. that they heard her words about her mother's death; they trap a knife in the river, call the Jaguars to swim, they attack the knife one by one; the brothers throw their hearts into boiling water; Jaguariha runs away; I. warns that there is a demon in the river; Y.'s wife says their son has been swallowed by a demon; I. catches a demon, takes my son out of his stomach; swims down the river with him]: 430-432; Pereira 1988c [ she bites through coals instead of fleas; when the embers run out, fleas bite through, she feels sick, the jaguar is offended]: 29-30.

Bolivia - Guaporé. Chacobo: Balzano 1984 [In her husband's absence, a woman becomes pregnant from a clay penis; her unborn children ask her to go looking for a father from the womb; the feathers at the fork point the way; the woman is bitten ant, she claps her stomach; the children fall silent; she comes to the Jaguars; the Jaguar marries her, she is pregnant; tells him to take out his lice; the lice are big; she kills them but does not eat them; the Jaguar is offended, kills her; old Jaguariha finds four eggs in her stomach, including Kako, Mashutsai, Nyanya, Kurachyo (Ka. and Ku. boys, M. and N. girls); Kako climbs at a tree, throws fruit to his father, Jaguar, kills him with fruit; Grandfather Jaguar offers to put a sliver in the ass, take it out through his mouth; he dies; the children leave the grandmother; Kako kills sister M., from her blood makes rivers; turns his second sister into a frog; Kako climbs a tree, a mutum bird makes it grow; brother lets a pole go down; Kako makes birds colorful feathers]: 29-31; Kelm 1972, No. 1:211; yurakare [see motif J16; Jaguars tell a woman to take poisonous ants out of their heads and eat them; the Jaguar mother gives her pumpkin seeds to pretend to eat; The chief Jaguar, who has a second pair of eyes on the back of his head, notices a hoax, kills a woman]: Orbigny 1844:211.

Southern Amazon. She spits by accident, but the mother of the jaguar decides it out of disgust. Kamayura: Agostinho 1974, No. 1, 3:164, 173-174; Münzel 1973:29; Seki 2008, No. 2 [Mawutsini has five daughters; they warn not to go after the bark used to make the bowstring, the tree belongs to jaguars; M. went, the jaguars heard a noise, went to look; when leaving, M. came across the Jaguar leader; he had to promise him daughters as wives; they refused - Jaguar's mother would eat them; M. slaughtered five girls from tree trunks; bast hair, not good; then I took black from a black bird; pebble teeth, I didn't like it, black; then the seeds were white; belts made of buriti palm leaves (Mauritia flexuosa), that's why even now women's belts are made of these leaves; two trees refused to let the bark make uluri {covers the pubis?} , said that they would only be used to build houses, the third agreed; M. asked the fruits of the vine to deflorize the girls; the fruits were like a penis, but without a head, because they broke; then the fruits the other vine was successful; he gave each a comb, the sisters went; one climbed to cut off the buriti palm shoot, it fell with a sharp end up; the others sent a horsefly, the bite caused the girl to lose her balance, fell with her vagina to escape, died; others ask for directions from the stork Jaburu (Jabiru mycteria Ciconidae), then the Tuiuiu stork (Mycteria americana Ciconidae), each copulates with one of the girls; the White Heron just pointed out that he did not want to copulate so as not to get his feathers dirty; then Martin the Fisherman threw his necklace on his back; the girl stained his back with sperm, wiping his hands, so his back is now speckled; the battleship ran after his penis, the girls left during this time, then he masturbated using the marks they had left; the older sister did not want the fourth went further with them; bewitched, she forgot her comb, came back for it; began to scream, call her sisters, turned into the forest spirit "queen of the forest"; Tapir copulated with his third sister, his penis huge, she died, his sisters hit him on the coccyx; climbed a tree above the lake near the jaguar village; they were playing ball (people learned this game from them); two women came to swim, saw the reflection, decided that they are so beautiful; the sisters sent horseflies, the women dropped the calebasses twice; they noticed the sisters; they rejected the first jaguar that came, went with the second, one sister says that the groom is not him, his ass is red; he does not have cassava in his house; in the morning, the Jaguar chief referred to a sore eye, did not go hunting, returned to the village, brought the girls to his place, he had good food; the first jaguar {ocelot?} and his sister gave his mother a drink with thorns, they hoarsened, turned into jaguars, ran into the forest; while Jaguar and his elder wife were on the site, the younger pregnant woman looked for lice from her mother-in-law, spit out her hair, she decided that her daughter-in-law disdained her with lice, killed her, went to the forest; the sister asked Ant to take the children out of the deceased's womb; he pulled her out behind her head, so people have two dents on their skulls; the mother was buried in the middle villages, premature babies were placed in calebasa, hung it; Jaguar and his wife see traces - children secretly go out; children do not take abandoned women's items, they take arrows, which means boys; Jaguar and his wife did The appearance that they are leaving, waiting for them, caught the boys, called them parents, called them Orphans; the brothers hunt, count the fingers of the killed Pakis, the kutias are 4, which means not our grandfather; the lizard is five fingers, so you can't eat; The battleship called himself a grandfather, gave the brothers the names Tapea Kana and Tapea Jaú (terms for turning the road); but Cicada gave the names Kwat and Jay ("sun" and "month"); brothers steal peanuts from the field Partridges (that's why people eat peanuts); she finds them, talks about their mother's fate; brothers turn her into a partridge, let her sing at the end of the rainy season (this time New Year); aunt showed where she buried her sister; the brothers opened it, began to call, the mother responded, but the voice was getting weaker, stopped; if earlier, they would revive it; but now we are dying forever; the brothers told the wasp to bury the corpse again; they found Jaguariha, that began to play with them, Quat hit her and killed her; the Jaguar father and the deer were moved to the Milky Way (α and β Centauri); they made arrows, turned them into people, they killed the inhabitants of the jaguar village; they became By Sun and Month]: 151-187; Villas Boas, Villas Boas 1973:62; Kuikuro: Villas Boas, Villas Boas 1973:80; Trumai [refuses to eat lice]: Monod Becquelin 1975:40