Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

J18. A woman falls from the sky .

A pregnant woman or woman with a baby falls from the sky. She or her daughter is dying or undergoing a metamorphosis. Her son or her daughter's son remains alive and grows up. Cf. motive K9.

Swans, Mansi, Chukchi, Klamath, Modoc, Western Ojibwa, Steppe Cree, Hurons, Seneca, Oneida, Onondaga, Mohawki, Tuscarora, Delaware, Grovantre, Crowe, Hidatsa, Mandan, Teton, Santi, Northern Sheyen, Arapahoe, Arikara, Pawnee, Kiowa, Zunyi, Cachinahua or Amahuaca.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Svani [blacksmith Darejiani from the top of Yalbuz (Elbrus) sees a crying beauty in the abyss on the golden ottoman, with piles of gold all around; she goes down to her, she says that she is the wife of God Himself, who overthrew her for a crime; D.'s wife spies on him, cuts off the beautiful woman's hair; when D. comes, she rips her stomach open, gives him their child, tells him to leave it at the crossroads, dies; Jesus Christ, St. George and one of the angels give the boy the name Amiran; if he breaks this word three times, he will fall under the power of the devil; the dying hero tells A. to raise his two sons; they have become strong, and . killed them, the devils began to chase him; the next time he beat his horse; after the third violation of the word, the devils chained him to an iron pole in the abyss near Elbrus; he is also tied to a pole nine-headed divas; both try to reach checker A.; A. will be able to reach if his nails grow; therefore, swans do not cut off their nails during the first four days of the week; at this time they also grow in A .; the devils bird reports every time that the devils cut their nails; one day A. will take possession of a sword, the diva will kill, golden times will come]: Lominadze 1903, No. 1:141-144.

Western Siberia. Mansi: Lukina 1990, No. 133 [the wife of the Upper Spirit says he should live in a house made from the bones of all animals and birds; he gathers animals and birds to kill them; the owl asks who more men or women; she herself replies that women, for a man living in a woman's mind is a woman himself; the Upper Spirit spreads animals, throws his wife from heaven to earth; sister of the Upper Spirit (Kaltas-ekva ) finds her inside the mountain where she gave birth to Ekva-Pyris; her aunt takes him to her bank of the Ob River, he grows up; the boy's mother remains in the mountain, she is Sakvtalyah-nör Ekva - Upper Rivers Lyapin Mountain Woman]: 342-346; Munkácsi 1995:117 [Numi Kwores (Upper Sky) descended three men and their sister into the space between the two heavens; the elder Numi Torem (Upper Sky), the middle Sa L-torem (Storm God), younger Tapel (Elder Tapel), sister Kaltes; NT is married to a Russian, she got along with Xul'-ater (Prince of Devils) from the lower world; NT threw her face on the ground, threw her from the sky, she fell to the bank of the Ob, broke two right ribs; Caltes hears a baby crying on the ground, descends, finds a boy born abandoned with golden arms and legs; raises him; he becomes For Peace Overseer Man; he is revered by both Russians and Ugrians], 18-19 [Numi-Torem raised his sword to hit his wife; his eldest son Polem held him; NT got angry, threw his wife to the ground; her son was born there with with golden arms and legs; when he began to walk, NT picked him up in his cradle; the son asks him to be brought down again; he falls to where his mother and his brother are man with eagle feathers; he grows, his brother and mother beat him; so his bones and flesh hardened; he cries, climbs into the cradle, his father picks him up again; he became very strong, asks to be lowered again; he falls to the roof with a thunderblow at home his brother, killed his brother and auntTorem]].

SV Asia. Chukchi [Tirkermin became pregnant without her husband; her father beat her, her daughter fell off the star; there was only water on our planet; T. foamed with her feet, stopped on the foam and gave birth to a crow, then a wolf, then the boy; began to think about what to feed him; the raven flew to see if there was land; flew away in one direction, a day passed, flew to the other, flew to four parts of the world, there was no land anywhere; during these days the boy grew up , found a sprout, gave it to the crow's beak, said to cut it, burn it, mix it with foam, put it; the continents began to do this; the next morning they got up, there was already land; the boy made continents, the raven brought seaweed, the woman asked the sun to light them, the father lit them; at night the mother cried out of the clouds; the raven made a crow, a she-wolf, a woman out of toy branches; they came to life; he flew away with the crow, the wolf left with the she-wolf , the boy stayed with his wife (Atyrau Maria, born in 1953, Chukotka Autonomous District, Chukotka District, p. Lorino, April 2001)]: Vukvukoi 2006.

The coast is the Plateau. Brothers and their wives go to heaven, running away from an incestuous sister; she sets fire to the house or the ground; people fall into flames; in the womb of the deceased daughter-in-law, the grandmother finds two babies; they grow up, avenge parents. Klamath [red-haired woman married; after going across the mountains, tells only his youngest brother to accompany her; sleeps with him; he leaves a branch instead of himself, runs away; redhead sets fire to the world; saves only a sibling mother; in the charred body of her daughter-in-law she finds a boy and a girl; knowing that the girl will repeat the crime of a redhead, she glues them together into one double-headed creature; he sees his double shadow, lets them go up an arrow, she falls, separates her sister from him; children make the Sun say who killed their parents; the redhead lives in the lake, the girl cuts off her head, brings her grandmother; brother and sister go down through hearth; brother's arrow gets stuck in a tree; sister agrees to get it after her brother calls her wife rather than sister, niece, etc.; becomes pregnant by her brother; grandmother finds the skin of the murdered grandson puts a bear on, turns into a Bear, catches up and kills her grandson; giving the Bear a drink, her sister-wife throws a hot stone in her ass; she dies; the sister-wife takes the child, rushes into the fire; Gmokamch snatches the boy, he grows up; then see the K1 motif (G. Sends a young man to an eagle's nest, tries to pick up his wives)]: Barker 1963, No. 4:25-37, 47; modoc: Curtin 1912:95-117 [(published in Lévi-Strauss 1971:48-51); the red-haired Tekewas has a husband and five brothers; the eldest is married, the youngest named Tutats hides his mother from her; T. finds out about him when he finds his hair; makes her accompany her to her house, arranges an overnight stay in the woods, lies down with him; he leaves instead of himself, a deck, runs to the brothers; the old spider raises the brothers to the sky in the basket, does not tell them to look down; the youngest looks, the basket falls into the house set on fire by T.; the mother pulls the hearts of her sons out of the fire, they turn into mountains (the heart of the youngest is in St. Shasta); the mother finds the corpse of her daughter-in-law, next to her two living babies; turns them into one boy; he notices that he has a double shadow, fires an arrow, chipping off his younger brother; secretly She brings him up, asking his grandmother for things and food as if for herself; she notices that now he has only one head; he confesses, brings his brother; the brothers want to kill the duck, which tells them about their fate parents; T. swims on the lake like a monstrous duck; brothers cut off her head, turn it into a duck whose meat is inedible; they ask for help from water, fire, trees, onions and arrows, all household utensils, but they forgot about the awl; they go through the hearth; the grandmother finds her daughter's head, the awl tells us where the brothers have gone, the grandmother follows them underground; they go west; the Duck is their other aunt, she has a bloating on her head; they press him down, since then birds and animals do not carry cubs on their heads; they kill Snake, Duck's husband, turn his remains into rocks and snakes; turn live pebbles into ordinary pebbles; younger brother would like serve the Month, the eldest to the Sun; the elder defeats the Bald Eagle, turns him into a bird, his servants Raven and Louse into a crow and a louse; they meet a one-legged giant, defeat him five times, kill him, he now wanders through the mountains, dreaming of shamans; brothers turn into two stars that appear in the sky before dawn in early spring], 268-271 [five Wild Cat brothers and their two sisters live together; the younger brother is extremely handsome, his parents hide him underground in a basket; the older sister is in love with him, lies down above the basket on the ground, talks to him; the older brother hides him on the island in the sea; when the older sister comes there, the youngest takes it back; the older sister sets fire to the ground furiously; some people flee in the air in the form of birds, others bury themselves in holes, most die; the older sister makes a necklace out of the brothers' hearts, swims on the lake, screaming birds and animals; the youngest puts her to sleep, cuts off her head, turns her into an inedible seabird (loon?) ; from hearts and bones it gives life to brothers and others].

The Midwest. Western Ojibwa (chippewa) [someone comes to the young man at night; he stains his mistress's thigh with something; in the morning his sister is sitting on the ground; he wants her dress to catch fire; the girl jumps up, he sees his mark; if he wishes, his sister falls through the ground; falls on a Turtle in the middle of the sea; gives birth to a daughter, the Turtle marries her; she gives birth to twins Flint and Venetian; Flint kills a mother at birth, V. kills Flint; in Jones 1917, 1919, pt. 1:431: Grandma V. is Mother Earth; often referred to as the Toad Woman]: Barnouw 1977, No. 5:73-74; Steppe Cree [like the peoples of the Plains; six girls they dig roots, lose her way alone; the Sunman brings her to his house, makes her wife; she gives birth to him a son; digging roots, comes to an old woman; she teaches her to find bison droppings that cover a hole in the sky, gives rope; a woman and her son go down; the sun kills her by throwing a stone; she falls to the ground, her son is alive; he ruins an old woman's garden, she invites him to live with her; he finds two bubbles of starlings and swallows; kills and roasts birds; an old woman says they were her children, kicks him out of the house; he comes to ten young snakes, kills them; they are also the old woman's children, she chases him; the sun causes heat , an old woman throws persecution; one day the son The sun does not sit on a stone, but on the ground; a snake crawls into him; her Sun also expels her with heat; takes her son to heaven]: Bloomfield 1930, No. 21:185-194.

Northeast. A man throws a pregnant woman from the sky into the primary ocean; birds pick her up; animals dive, bring land from the bottom, put it on a turtle, the land grows; a woman or her daughter gives birth to twins ; an angry brother comes into the world through her mother's side; a woman dies from childbirth. See B3A motif. Hurons [husband throws a pregnant wife from heaven; she gives birth to twins]; Iroquois [in heaven, the Great Leader uproots a tree on which all the flowers and fruits grow; through the formed a woman sends a hole down; she gives birth to twins]; seneca [flowers in the sky that give light grow on the tree in front of the chief's house; he suspects his wife of infidelity; pulls out a tree, throws the woman through hole down; she gives birth to a daughter, she gives birth to twins]; oneida [brother and sister live in heaven; sister gets pregnant, people believe it is from her brother; he tells me to uproot a tree with glowing flowers, push her sister into the hole; in the middle world she gives birth to a daughter, she gives birth to twins; onondaga, mohawki [like Seneca]; Tuscarora [a woman in the upper world is ready to give birth to twins; in this time falls down; sea monsters take some land from the bottom, put it on the turtle; when a woman lands on it, the land begins to grow; the good son Enigorio (E.) is born normally, evil Enigonhahethea (EH) - through the mother's side, killing her; E. turns his mother's head into the sun, her body into the moon; creates plants, animals, people, turns monkeys; E. lies that he can be killed with reeds; Oh replies that he can be killed with a deer horn; brothers fight, E. kills Oh, he falls into the ground, becomes an evil spirit]: Cusick 1827 in Leland 1968:24; in Beauchamp 1922:8-11; delaware : Bierhorst 1995, No. 10 [western 18th century; a woman is thrown from heaven by her husband; soon then gives birth to twins from which the current inhabitants come from], 11 [one of the sons of a woman who fell from the sky was called Tschimammus, i.e. the Hare; he created the land of the Indians and was their ancestor], 14 [about (10)], 15 [about (10)], 30 [there was a sun-like object in the sky called a cornstalk; there was a woman with as a child, she fell ill; thought to recover by pulling out the stem; everything fell into darkness; people threw her and her child into a hole where the stem grew; she was picked up by the Hawks, placed on Turtle's back; Loon dived, brought earth from the bottom], 44 [the husband in heaven is jealous of his wife for the Comet; throws her into a hole in the place of a uprooted celestial tree; falling, a woman grabs a blackberry bush, Comet gives her corn seeds, a pot, a beaver bone, a mortar and a pestle; the pike offers to support her, but the manita only laughs at him; the Turtle becomes the support; the woman gives birth to a daughter; she becomes pregnant by the wind, gives birth to twins, this is Flint and Moskom ("hare", "rabbit"); Flint comes out through the mother's navel, killing her; the grandmother buries her daughter with her head to the west, marking the path that the souls of the dead should follow]: 30, 30- 31, 31, 34-35, 38.

Plains. A girl goes to heaven, goes beyond the Sun, the Month, Thunder or the Star; is pregnant; she or her son violates the ban on digging roots or moving the bison bone; unless otherwise: into the hole that has formed sees the ground; mother and son descend on a rope made from the tendons of the bison; throwing a lightning or a stone, the husband kills the woman, the son remains alive; he ruins the old woman's garden; she takes him to live with her; he kills monsters; turns into a star. Grovantre [Sun and Month are brothers; the Sun prefers Frogs because they do not squint at him; the Month prefers girls; becoming a porcupine, it lures one of the two sisters into a tree, from there to sky; the mother of the Sun and the Month wants to know which daughter-in-law crunches and champs more while chewing meat; the wife of the Month wins with good teeth; The frog tries to nibble on the coals, black saliva flows, the Frog described; the offended Sun throws her in the face of the Month, she sticks to it; the Sun takes the wife of the Month and her son; a woman with a child descends from heaven on a rope; the rope is short, The sun throws a stone at his wife; a woman falls, breaks, her son remains alive; she ruins an old woman's garden; she catches a boy, he lives with her; kills women who turn into snakes; one crawls into his anus kills him; the month sends cold rain, banishing the snake; the young man and his mother come to life]: Kroeber 1907b, No. 21:90-94; hidatsa [The month says the best girls are frogs, the Sun is hidatsa; three sisters see a porcupine in a tree, ask the youngest to get it; chasing a porcupine, the girl finds herself in the sky, the Sun marries her; the Month marries a frog; wives compete to see who eats better; Frog She chews coals as if eating meat; a month throws her away, she jumps on his back and stays there; the Sun's wife gives birth to a boy; his father does not tell him to shoot larks, but his wife to dig up wild tubers; the boy shoots, the lark shouts to him that he is a slave; the woman digs up a tuber, the mother and son see the woman's native camp through the hole; the wife receives the tendons of the killed business from the Sun, lets the Spider weave rope; they go down, the rope only grabs to the tops of the trees; the Sun throws a stone, tells him to kill his wife, but not her son; the rope breaks; the boy lives near his mother's corpse, goes to ruin the old woman's garden; she leaves a bow and arrows and a ball stick; the bow disappears, the old woman realizes that the thief is a boy, not a girl; catches a boy, brings him to herself; forbids cooking red corn; the boy cooks grains turn into blackbirds, he shoots them, the old woman revives them; cooks food, leaving it behind the curtain; the boy finds two otters there, kills them; they were the husbands of an old woman, she is in mourning; tells them not walk in a certain direction, the young man goes; 1) the woman turns the vessel towards the prey, it attracts prey and cooks; the young man grabs the vessel, cooks this woman in it; 2) comes to two hunters; those they take the embryo out of the killed bison, the young man climbs a tree in horror, they hang the embryo on the trunk; they clean it up for promising to persuade his grandmother to surrender to them; she agrees; the Coyote Old Man comes with them; guesses that instead of an old woman, they copulated with a pumpkin; 3) a young man comes to snakes, sits on a stone, puts him to sleep, kills, escapes alone; climbs into his anus, into his skull; the Month asks the Sun for help, he heats up a skull, a snake comes out, a young man comes to life, wipes the snake's face to eye on a stone; turns into a Morning Star]: Lowie 1909a: 52-57; hidatsa [a girl leaves in Months; her son digs up a rhizome; kills deer and other animals; the old woman revives them because they are her servants who help grow crops; the young man turns into a Morning Star]: Beckwith 1938:117-130; Lowie 1942:2-7; Crowe [like grovantre; a girl climbs a tree for a porcupine, goes beyond the Sun; killed by a thrown stone; a snake crawls into a young man's head; the sun expels her with its heat; a young man makes snakes less dangerous]: Lowie 1909a: 52 -57, 57-69 [one of the two sisters climbs a tree for a porcupine; ends up in the sky, goes beyond the Sun (?) , gives birth to him a son; contrary to warning, moves a cake with his bison, sees the ground through a hole in the sky; becomes pregnant again; the husband allows her to go down the rope; the rope only reaches the tops of the trees; the husband tells the servant to throw a stone to kill a woman but not to hurt her son; the son ruins the Old Moon's garden; she lures him food, he lives in her house; she feeds her crocodile husband; the young man finds him in her house and kills; then like hidatsa; the young man revives his mother and younger brother who remained in her womb; they follow him to heaven, all together turning into Pleiades (?)] , 69-74 [like hidatsa]; mandan [like hidatsa; a woman digs up a root; tells her son to ask his father for tendons, weaves a rope out of them; the month kills his wife by throwing a stone; the son remains alive an old woman comes to the garden; she makes him her grandson; her snake husband lives in her bed; she feeds him corn porridge; a young man kills him with an arrow; kills or transforms dangerous animals; a snake crawls In his head; the sun expels her with its heat; a young man makes snakes less dangerous; marries two girls in his mother's village; returns to heaven, turns into a bright star]: Bowers 1950:200-205; teton (oglala): LaPointe 1976 [a man from heaven comes to a girl, she agrees to go with him; pregnant in heaven; digging roots, falls through the sky; she is found dead on earth, and the baby sucks her breasts; she was raised, he returned to heaven, became a star; his father froze motionless after his wife's death, became the North Star]: 31-34; Neuhardt 1997 [two girls look at the stars, one wants a bright husband, the other dim; two men appear, the girls agree to marry them; in the sky a bright star turns out to be an old leader; asks the pregnant wife not to press the digger hard, getting roots; she presses, falls through the sky, breaks, the child remains alive; the birds argue who will raise the Shooting Star (PZ), this honor goes to the Lark; the young man grows up, goes to a camp where Wasiya (a source of snow) takes all their prey from people; PZ cuts off his head, kills his relatives, one child hides; so there is winter; the White Raven scares away buffalo, people are starving; the PZ turns into a dead bison, the Raven goes down to peck at it, the PZ grabs it, smokes it in the chimney; the raven turns black, flies away, losing strength; the PZ turns into a boy, lives from the old woman; the Thunders took the leader's hand, he promises a daughter to the one who will return his hand; in the form of the PZ king, flies to the tipi, where his hand hangs; overturns the cauldron on Iktomi (Spider) and others, takes his hand returns to the chief, marries]: 496-513; Beckwith 1930, No. 12 [two girls look at the stars, one wants her husband bright, the other dim; two men appear, girls agree to marry them; husbands in heaven they tell them to dig only female, but not male roots; the eldest is pregnant, violates the ban, falls through a hole in the sky, crashes to the ground; her son is alive, he is raised by Badger; the Bear takes away from her meat, a young man (his name is Shooting Star) kills him with an arrow; all girls want to marry him, he marries one; Iktomi ties him to two poles, tells people to cut him apart; Falling A star asks her father for help; wind and thunder destroy I.]: 408-411; Santi: Riggs 1893 [see motif K19B; two girls sleep outside; one wants a big and bright, the other a weak star as her husband; both taken to heaven; the bright star is a big man, the weak is a young man; the first's wife is pregnant, her husband does not tell her to dig up the rhizomes of Psoralea esculenta; she digs up, falls through the sky, breaks to death, her baby remains alive; an old man picks him up, brings him to his wife; throws him over a tipi, the baby turns into a young man; goes to travel, destroys monsters]: 90-94; Wallis 1923, No. 19 [Thunder takes two girls to heaven, makes them her wives; tells not to pull the rhizome of wild carrots out of the soil; the youngest violates the ban, falls through a hole, breaks to the ground; the baby remains in her womb alive, raised by a bird; see motif K35]: 85; northern sheyens [two girls look at the stars; the first wants a bright star as her husband, the second is an ordinary star; the porcupine lures the first to a tree, from there to the sky, turns into a middle-aged man, takes a girl as his wife; tells her not to dig a white tuber; she digs it up, sees her house on the ground through a hole; she goes down a grass rope; she is short, girl falls, breaks; a lark woman finds a boy in her womb, raises him; he comes to his maternal grandmother; lets the water monster swallow himself, cuts him from the inside, releases swallowed people; in another village, the white Raven drives buffalo away from hunters, people are starving; Shooting Star pretends to be a dead bison, catches the Raven, smokes it to death in the chimney; marries]: Grinnell 1921:308-312 in Edmonds, Clark 1989:188-192; Arapahoe: Dorsey 1903 [A month wants to marry a woman, Sun wants to marry a frog because she doesn't blink when she looks at him; The month has become a porcupine, one of the two girls climbed for him into a tree, ended up in the sky; The sun brought a toad or a frog, saw that the girl was better; the girl works hard, crunches loudly for food, old people like her teeth; the frog is idle, she does not have teeth, crunches with coals; the frog jumped on the chest of the Month and stayed there; the wife of the Month gave birth to a boy; the Month does not tell her to dig up rhizomes with withered stems; she dug it, making a hole in the sky saw her camp, began to descend on a rope of tendons, holding the baby behind her back; a month killed her by throwing a stone, her son survived, sucking her chest; the old night woman picked him up, called him a Star; the boy notices that the old woman leaves someone food, kills a beast with sparkling eyes, lets his grandmother make spoons, she replies, This is your grandfather; the young man has grown up, left, kills snakes; alone crawled into his anus, then into his skull, leaving his skeleton; he caused the sun to heat, the snake crawled out, he grabbed it, she gave him her skin for his spear; he became the Morning Star]: 212-228; Dorsey, Kroeber 1903, No. 134 [A month hears one girl expressing a desire to marry him, and another wants a bright star as her husband; his brother Sun prefers the Frog because it does not wrinkle her eyes when looking at him; Month turns into a porcupine, a girl follows him, climbs a tree, goes to heaven, becomes the wife of the Month; the Sun brings the Frog; The frog is going to get water, takes a vessel; The month offers his wife and the Frog compete who chews a piece of gut better; the wife of the Month crunches pleasantly, the Frog can't gnaw the gut, crunches with coals, black drools; she's offended, jumps on her chest for a month, her since then seen there with a water vessel; the Month has two wives, a woman and Bisonich, each with a son; sons and wives quarrel; the Month warns the female wife not to dig a deep hole by digging roots; she digs, makes a hole in the sky, sees his native village; weaves a rope from his tendons, climbs down it; The month throws a stone, killing his wife, but the child falls and remains alive; sucks a dead mother's chest; grows up; a person notices traces, leaves a bow and arrows, the boy picks them up; the man hardly grabs it, brings him to the parents of the deceased woman; the Month reproaches the Bisonikha Wife for what happened; she and her son go away; the month follows them; every day the bison kills one of them (one of the brothers of the wife of the Month) to feed their son-in-law; each time they collect bones in their skin, the bison comes to life; the Month peeks by piercing a hole in the tipi, sees his father-in-law hitting a snag, a man jumps out of there, runs, Bisons kill him for food; A month secretly makes bows, goes to hit the snag himself; first a woman jumps out- provocateur, the Month beats her, now her nose is injured, does not let her go back; people go out, the Month gives them bows; tells them to hunt buffalo and the Bisons to become bison; father-in-law's hat will become the head and spine , bird claws with horns, hailstones - eyes, round elk teeth - teeth, eagle feather - tongue, deer hooves - hooves, moon-shell - voice, wampum - larynx, water turtles - buds, Navajo cape - intestines, bast - tendons, eagle feathers - shoulders, water plant root - penis, foam on water - lungs, vine pod - heart], 136 [=Dorsey 1903]: 321-329, 332-338; arikara [two girls sleep on on the street, young people are discussed; one wants a bright red star as her husband; in the morning, chasing a porcupine, she climbs a poplar by the river, a tree grows, the girl is in the sky; the porcupine turns into a handsome middle-aged man, he was a Star; she gives birth to a son with a star on his forehead; her husband tells me not to dig roots in the lowlands; she digs, sees the ground through the hole; the old woman advises to ask her husband for tendons, makes a rope out of them, a woman goes down with her little son, the rope is short, the woman hangs; the husband throws a stone, telling him to kill the woman, keep her son alive; the boy sucks the chest dead mother, steals corn and pumpkins from the old woman's garden; she leaves the ball and stick, bow and arrow; the bow and arrow disappear, the old woman knows that it is a boy, catches, educates; feeds rooks (blackbirds) with grain, a young man kills them, an old woman revives them (they guarded her field); he notices a snake behind a curtain to which the old woman gave porridge, kills him, he falls into a pond, turning it into a lake; the old woman mourns her husband; a young man brings a cougar, an old woman lets her go (these are all her animals); the same with the bear; a young man comes to four men, they kill a pregnant bison, let the embryo be taken to his grandmother; the young man is frightened, climbs on a tree; men remove the embryo for promising to make their grandmother their wife; she agrees, they agree with her; the grandmother gives him a flute, he plays, the men's dugout loses its way out, they die; the young man comes to snakes, sits on a stone, snakes cannot crawl into it; he puts snakes to sleep with a story, kills, one escapes, crawls into his anus, into his skull; the young man's father fills the skull with water, causes heat, the water boils, the snake crawls out, the young man comes to life, makes the snake short-headed; the young man died saving the country from monsters]: Dorsey 1904d, No. 14:45-55; arikara [two girls sleep outdoors on a platform; both are menstruating; one wants a red star as her husband; she finds herself in heaven; the husband does not tell you to dig roots in the lowlands; the wife digs up, sees the ground through the hole, cries; the Old Spider advises making a rope out of her tendons; lowers the woman, she has a baby behind her back; the rope (= web) was not enough, the woman hung; the husband throws a stone, tells him to kill his wife, save his son, cuts off the rope, the woman falls; the boy sucks the chest dead mother; steals corn from an old woman's garden; she leaves a ball with a stick and a bow and arrows; a bow and arrow disappear, which means that the boy is stealing; the old woman grabs him, educates him, he hunts; finds with a curtain, a snake kills him (the old woman fed him meat); it was the old woman's husband, she lowers him into the pond); tells the young man that the bear wants to tear him apart (hoping that it will be so); the young man brings a bear to work; the old woman lets him go; the young man sees a tipi, he has four dice players, one has snot, the young man shoots them; the players accept him; kill a moose, give the young man an unborn a calf; the young man is afraid of him, hides in a pine tree (when the females have not yet given birth, the constellation in which the boy's father is not yet in heaven; knowing that his father will not help him, the young man is afraid); they kill the embryo for a promise bring them an old woman; he brings them, they are happy, let them go both, giving them knowledge of the rituals of catching eagles; the young man is invited by snakes, he, sitting on a stone, puts them to sleep with a story, crawls away alone; he falls asleep on the ground, a snake climbs into his anus; he cuts his stomach, chest, throat, cutting off the snake's head, but his head creeps into his skull; his father fills his skull with water in the sky, the heat of the sun boils water, the snake comes out, the young man jumps up , makes a snake flat, crawling on its belly]: Dorsey 1904d, No. 16:56-60; Pawnee: Dorsey 1904b, No. 16 (skidy) [two girls sleep outside; one wished a bright star as her husband; wakes up in the sky with her a middle-aged man; he asks her to dig roots in the hills but not in the valley; she breaks the ban, sees her house on the ground through a hole; weaves a rope from her tendons, goes down with her young son; her husband strikes her with lightning; she falls dead, her son remains alive; since then he has a picture of a star on his forehead; he steals corn and pumpkins from the witch's garden; she is happy to be his teacher; her husband is a snake wants to eat it; a young man throws a bag of corn into his house, a snake bites a snake; he kills a snake, the corpse turns into a witch's husband; a young man kills cougars, bears, snakes or brings them to a witch alive; she lets them go; he comes to the village; returns to heaven becoming a star]: 60-65; 1906, No. 13 (kitkehahki) [two girls sleep outside, one wants a star for her husband; wakes up in the sky; gives birth to a son; the husband tells you to be careful when digging roots; she digs, holes in the sky, makes a rope out of her tendons; goes down with her son; hangs before reaching the ground; her husband kills her with a stone, she falls on ground; the son sucks the chest of a dead mother, then comes to an old woman who has a grandson of the same age; the grandmother does not tell them to walk in a certain direction, they go, lightning kills the monsters that threaten them; the bear; they they make a scarecrow, scare their grandmother with it; another monster (not described); they kill cougars and other dangerous animals themselves; they come to people; the Star Boy disappears (probably returned to heaven)]: 56-58; Grinnell 1894 [two girls spend the night outside, discuss stars, alone (the chief's daughter) points to a bright star she likes; wakes up in the tipi of a male star; gives birth to a son; husband warns not to dig deep, digging roots; she digs, sees the ground through the hole; asks her husband to give her tendons, weaves a rope (var.: it was woven by an old spider woman); the rope is short, the woman with the child hangs; the husband threw a stone, killing his wife, she fell to the ground, the son was not hurt; the little son of an earthly woman notices traces; the mother leaves a scraper and a hoe, they are untouched; then the bow and arrows; the fallen boy takes them; the earthly calls him to her mothers; both grow up; the old woman does not tell them to go to the forest of thick trees, where the grizzly kills everyone; they go, the upper boy brings a grizzly, scaring the old woman, then kills with an arrow; the same with the puma (panther), The upper one stuffs the scarecrow with grass, frightens the old woman; the brothers kill snakes; the upper marries the leader's daughter]: 197-200; Kiowa: Marriott, Rachlin 1968 [The sun sees a girl swimming in the river, draws sky, marries; does not tell you to dig roots if the stem is bitten by bison; she digs up, a hole forms in the sky, the woman sees her home; weaves a belt from her tendons, goes down with her son, the belt is short, it hangs in the air; the Month reports this to the Sun; he throws a willow disc to shoot at the target, telling him to kill the woman without hurting her son; the belt breaks off; the boy leaves dead mother, steals food from the Old Spider Woman's house; she leaves the ball and bow with arrows, the bow disappears, she realizes that it is a boy; catches him; does not tell him to throw the hoop at the sky; he throws, the hoop falls on his head, splits in two; The spider tells both boys to leave her to destroy monsters]: 78-89; Mooney 1898b [the girl climbs a tree for a porcupine; the tree grows to the sky; the porcupine is the son of the Sun, marries a girl; does not tell you to dig the roots of Psoralea esculenta if they were pinched by bison; she digs, sees the ground and people through the hole, weaves a rope from her tendons, goes down; the husband throws a stone at her or bison hoof, killing her; the baby in her womb is alive; he is raised by the Spider; he throws up the hoop to play, it falls on his head, splits in half, twins appear; they destroy monsters; one disappears into the lake, another turns into a witchcraft]: 238-239; Parsons 1929a [as in Mooney; the boy leaves his mother dead, eats the corn that the Spider cooks for himself; picks up what she left behind bow, she realizes it's not a girl; turns into stone, he senses her presence; into a tipi pole, he doesn't notice her, she catches it; the twins are not suffocated by smoke in the house they come to; they get reeds for arrows from under a falling cliff; they dodge the lightning of the Thunderbird, which gives them the feathers of its chicks for arrows; turn into moles, dig a passage under the lying monstrous bison, gnaw the wool off its skin, they pierce from below with a sharp pole, take his tendons for the bowstring; bring the arrowheads that guarded the snakes; the Spider gives food to his snake lover; the twins find him in the tipi and kill him; come to the blind people, make them sighted], No. 1, 2 [girl climbs a tree for a bird]: 1-8.

The Great Southwest. Zunyi [the eagle takes the Sun's wife to heaven; people knock her down with arrows, she falls; Badger's husband and wife are raising twins]: Cushing 1901:440-444; (cf. hopi [teenagers climbed the rock for pignon nuts; the last is a pregnant girl; B is a pregnant alu for pignon nuts; the herevka broke off, the girl fell, crashed; the dead had a boy, his raised by a man Rattlesnake; sent to his grandfather and grandmother]: Malotki, Gary 2001, No. 15:141-146).

Montagna - Jurua. Kashinahua [it rained, a thunderstorm began, the sky fell, changed places with the earth, everyone died; a woman was killed by lightning in the sky, she was thrown to the ground; the Crab opened her womb, found the boy alive Mana and a girl; they grew up, got married, had a son and a daughter; at first it was light all the time, M. let the night out of the vessel; his father asked him to kill; ate the toad he had brought by his son; said that he would go up to the sky, shout to change skin, we must answer; the next day, the father's soul rose, the son heard badly, others did not hear, but heard snakes, lizards, trees; now they change their skin, and people die]: d'Abreu in Koch-Grünberg 1921, No. 84:229-232; amahuaca [(same text as KG, though more detailed; not clear if cachinahua or amahuaca)]: Cordova-Rios, Lamb 1971:121