Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

J19A. Put food on your stomach .37.46.47.

When a woman is alone, a demonic character comes to her. He says that in order to do certain things, she must place a certain part of her body at his disposal, although this is contrary to logic and custom. After that, the character kills her (rips open her stomach; pulls out his tongue).

Wilta, (Nanai), Sarsi, Blackfoot, Grovantre, Assiniboine, Crowe, Hidatsa, Arapaho, Alabama.

Amur - Sakhalin. Wilta [the two younger women went for firewood, the eldest was at home; the old woman is coming: the belly is blacksmith's fur, her hands are forceps, the head is a hammer, her eyes are the size of a cup; the woman hid under the bunk; the old woman began to dance, dropping a lizard, a frog; farted; the woman laughed; old woman: come out, I'll look for lice from you; found one: where to crush? put it in my bag; old woman: does not fit; then the same thing: on my hand; on the hearth board; on the bed; on my back; on my head; into the fire; on the tongue; old woman: then stick out your tongue; the old woman pulled it out and left, woman fell dead; the sisters returned: the eldest died long ago; the middle sister stayed at home (all the same); when the youngest was left and the old woman farted, she attacked her with a dagger, cut off her arms and legs, drove her away, chopping; a lot of worms have come out of her, they cry; she caught up to the house in which the girl; says that the old woman killed her parents and raised her at home; there is a box in the house with the soul of an old woman in it; the woman found in a box of lizards and frogs, suppressed everyone, then the old woman died; she saw two tongues hanging, blood was dripping from them; she inserted her tongues into her sisters, they came to life; all four (three sisters and that girl) came to another old woman with a hammerhead; old woman: yesterday my sister was killed, one worm came to cry; she curses, and her husband pacifies her, tells the women to leave as soon as possible; they came to a house where shamanic idols or people (more the informant does not remember)]: Ikegami 2007, No. 15:54-62; (cf. Nanai [younger sister Pudin invites the eldest to take turns picking berries so that someone is always in the house; the eldest is walking, Taka (an arrow with a blunt head) falls next to her, tells her to leave, for she will come Inda Khochiani (from the waist down - a dog's leg with a tail); the eldest returns; the youngest comes the next day, does not listen to Taka, they tell him to allow him to look for lice from her; says that he found a gold, brick , stone, can not be crushed on a stone, the ground will not stand it, tells you to stick out your tongue, crush it on her tongue, pulls out her tongue, runs away; at home, the eldest puts the dog's younger tongue; an old woman girded live snakes, in a dream tells the youngest to go back her tongue, leaves three silver tōro rods, a white horse; the youngest takes tōro rods, a needle bed, a scallop, a knife, flies on horseback to the house of dog people, pretends to marry THEM, cleans the house, finds his tongue in a bunch of others, picks it up, leaves the dog's tongue, flies away on horseback; THEY tried to grab the horse's tail, Pudin cut it off ; the horse asks whether to fly home or to people, P. says that he marries people; the husband goes hunting on a horse, P. does not tell her to be tied to a tree, only to grass; gives birth to a son, her husband's parents they send a maid to him with news, THEY tell her to return, tell her daughter-in-law to be expelled, she supposedly is homeless; P. leaves, chases THEM, she throws a comb (thicket), a needle (thorny bush), twigs ( turn into three pillars); THEY gnaw at them, P. moves from one to another, calls the horse; when the third pillar is ready to fall, the horse comes, dragging the tree to which P.'s husband tied it; P. flies away on a horse; when she dies, she tells her to take off her skin, cover herself, P. wakes up in a warm house, two roe deer are tied at the entrance; THEM comes, the roe deer tear him to shreds; P. and his son burn the leftovers; P. (Mergen); roe deer fly to heaven; husband takes P. to his place, his parents have repented; sister P. is also married]: Hodger 2011:15-29).

Plains. Sarsi: Curtis 1976 (18) [The husband does not tell the pregnant wife to look out of the tipi if she hears something; the wife pierces the hole with an awl, peeks; the old man comes in; refuses to eat food, offered on a tray made of wood, a dried stomach, a bark; on a woman's blanket (that's better!) , on her moccasin (even better), greed (more!) , wearing her dress (very close! ); when she puts food on her bare stomach, the person eats the offer with her flesh, pulls two babies out of her womb, throws one into the stream, the other beyond the floor of the tipi; the corpse's face puts in a fire, it wrinkles as if laughing; he leaves the corpse facing the entrance; the husband first thinks the wife is laughing, then crying; notices the prints of small legs on the ash; leaves his blanket on the hill for disguises, he flies up in the form of a pen; hears one boy calling another to come out of the river to play; next time his father grabs Domashny, Rechnaya slips away; convinces Domashny to lure Rechny ashore , he also grabs; brothers shoot arrows up above the mother's body, she comes to life; the father does not tell you to go in certain directions; the brothers go, defeat monsters; 1) the bison; 2) the bear; 3) the old man who killed them mother (Domashny searches in his head, protecting his stomach with a flat stone; the old man cannot bite into him, Rechnoy kills him with an arrow); 4) a living hill draws in and swallows people; brothers find skeletons inside ; cut off Hill's heart, make a hole in his side; revive the swallowed, go out with them; 5) Domashny tries to grab the Eagle's feather, the Eagle takes him away; the old woman finds a baby lying on eagle feathers ; only her youngest son agrees that she bring the foundling into the house; he is called Zillunna ("lousy"). The chief promises to give his two daughters to the one who will get two silver foxes; C. the old woman is ashamed to offer the leader Ts as her son-in-law, for the third time she says that he got the fox; the older sister refuses to marry C., the youngest goes out; only C. turns bison cakes into bison, gets buffalo; creates beautiful clothes for herself and his wife; the older sister turns into a mole out of envy, digs a hole under the sleeping C., who falls, she defecates on him; the old Wolf calls animals , they tear off C.; The she-wolf adopts C., she is killed, C. returns to his wife; tells the Wolves to execute her older sister; The Wolves tore her apart, Wolverine took the vulva and climbed the tree]: 136-140; Dzana-gu 1921, No. 26 [When going hunting, the husband tells the pregnant wife not to look out when she hears the sound of the bell; she looks out, the man comes in, refuses to eat from the plate, from the moccasins, from the greaves, from the dress, eats from her belly, tears it apart, pulls out the twins, throws one into the river, the other behind the floor, leaves, leaving the corpse standing; the husband mourns his wife, notices small footprints, leaves a bow and arrow, goes to the hill, sees boy; next time he leaves his cape on the hill, he comes closer imperceptibly; the boy, thrown next to the tipi, shouts to the man thrown into the river that his father is far away on the hill, he goes out, the family is enough him, calls his father; all three live together; brothers shoot arrows, tell his mother to beware, she comes to life; the father does not tell them to go to the river where their mother is murdered; the brothers go, that man suggests looking for he has parasites, one brother ties a person's hair to willows, the other puts a stone on his stomach; a man jumps up, wants to dig into his stomach, breaks his teeth, stays tied to his hair; the father warns do not go where the bear, the bison, the brothers kill them; do not go to the cave, they go, they are drawn in by the wind, they see the heart, it is an absorber monster, skeletons inside; brothers tie knives to their heads , dance, bounce, cut the monster's heart, return to their father]: 32-34; blacklegs: Josselin de Jong 1914 [husband warns his wife not to look at the monster who asks Where to enter? ; she looks, enters - without legs, her insides can be seen through her body; the woman offers him food on various pieces of her clothes, he agrees to eat on her stomach; rips it open, throws one The baby in the ash is Chief Ash (Z.), the second to the outside, this is the Chief Stuck in the Back (S.); each time the hunter finds things scattered; both boys play his arrows; the father leaves while turning in a stick; grabs both boys, recognized by them; Z. tries to revive his mother by throwing arrows over her; S. revives, saying that the boiling pot will now tip over; the father does not tell the hoop to roll east; the brothers roll, the hoop rolls into the old woman's house; she tries to strangle the brothers with smoke, they scatter the smoke with a pen, return home; the father does not tell them to shoot west; their arrow hits the beavers; the brothers live beavers, they forget about home; the father sticks a row of arrows on the shore; the boys come out of the water to collect them, the father grabs them, is recognized by them; the father does not tell you to shoot at one bird; they shoot, the arrow gets stuck on tree; Z. climbs after her, disappears somewhere in the sky, his clothes and shoes fall down; S. turns into a crying baby, picked up by an old woman, she calls him Fat Tummy (J.); he regains his former appearance; the chief promises to give one of his three daughters for the one to shoot the partridge; J. shot, the arrow crow (V.) changed arrows, marries the elder, J. the younger sister; 2) who will trap the black fox; J. catches, V. puts in his own, gets his middle sister; J. gives himself, his wife, a gorgeous look; turns bison cakes into bison, kills them; snow on his leggings turns into cherries, snow V. just melts on his leggings]: 38-52; Wissler 1936 [the spirit enters the house, responding to a woman's thought Why doesn't he enter? She serves him meat on all kinds of trays, then undresses, serves it on her clothes; then puts the meat on her stomach; the spirit rips open her stomach, takes out the twins; throws one at the hearth (Boy -Because of ash), another behind the partition (Stuck Behind); the spirit promises to revive a woman, teaches songs and rituals, images of stars, mountains, etc. on the walls of a tipi; the father gives the boy out of ash raising the Rock and the Stuck Behind to Beaver; both grow up strong and wild; first the first, then the second recognize the father by licking his hand; father and sons revive their mother; brothers destroy monsters; people with The sky is kidnapped by a boy out of ash; Stuck Behind marries the leader's daughter; goes up to his brother; both turn into a Gemini constellation]: 20-29; Wissler, Duvall 1908, No. II1:40-53 [=Wissler 1936]; Grovanter: Cooper 1975, No. 10 [despite her husband's warning, a woman opens the door to a blind old man; serves him food in various vessels; then in her moccasin, in her knee pad, with her lower one off clothes; as she undresses, the old man says: This is closer; predicts a great future for her sons, rips her belly open; throws twins at poles on opposite sides of the door; father He scatters arrows, catches one, the other hides underground; father and son catch him together; sons revive his mother; the storm takes one to an old woman; he marries the leader's daughter; travels to kill monsters; returns to his wife]: 462-482; Kroeber 1907, No. 19 [despite her husband's warning, the wife will invite a stranger into the house; gives him meat on various dishes (as in Flannery); he leaves one boy (his name is his name Kaanen) at the door, the other (Niisan) outside the door; the father finds his arrows scattered; catches his youngest son K., with his help - the elder N.; the sons revive his mother in the steam room; the wind carries N. ; the old woman finds a baby (this is N.) by cutting off a bump of grass; the chief promises daughters to marry whoever catches the porcupine; the porcupine falls into the trap of N.; the raven steals it; marries the eldest, N., the younger sister; The raven cannot find buffalo, N. creates them from bison cakes; turns bison blood into his wife's red clothes; the older sister just got blood]: 77-82; assiniboine: Lowie 1909a, No. 16 [leaving when hunting, the husband tells the pregnant wife not to answer strangers or look at who calls; the guest asks where the door is; woman: You know it yourself; she serves food; guest: I'm not used to eating like this - put food down on his stomach; after eating, he rips her stomach open and takes out her two twins; then he runs around with the woman each of the tipi pillars and takes his wife underground; the returning husband called the wolves, gave them tipi and ordered to take care of the twins until he returns from the ground; he also runs around each of the tipi pillars and goes underground through the hearth; there is a camp by the lake; the old woman warns that the local evil people are wife they will not return him, but he will be killed with the help of his manitou; but they could not kill him; they handed him over through an old woman: there is a pole in the lake, we must dive and shake it; he did it; then again, coming up only in the evening; warned the old woman: when I am cooked and eaten, collect my bones, cover me with a blanket and lead me to stand up; the old woman has done everything, he has come to life; he lowers the sun into the underworld, the heat dies underground people; he comes back with his wife to the children], 20 [the lover wants to take the woman, but she is pregnant; he says he wants to eat from her belly; she asks how to sit; Lie on her back, put a bowl on his stomach; after eating, he rips open her stomach, leaves the child in a tipi; lovers go through the underground passage under the hearth, then return to the ground in the form of snakes, hide in a hollow; the husband climbs a tree after them; not recognizing them in snakes those he chased, the husband climbs into heaven, becomes a Morning Star]: 168-169, 176; Crowe: Lowie 1918:74-85 [every time her husband is hunting, a woman (her name later appears: Red Woman) comes to his wife; she forgets to tell her husband about it every time; serves the guest food on a plate; she says she does not eat on such plates; serves it on another; the same; her plate is a pregnant woman; the hostess lies on her back and exposes her stomach; the guest eats food, then rips open her stomach and pulls out the twins; burns the dead upper lip to make it seem like she is smiling; leaves the corpse standing outside the house; throws one baby behind the partition, the other into the river; when the husband comes, he pushes his wife, the corpse falls and he sees that his wife's stomach is ripped open; the husband buried his wife in a pine hollow; mice raise Domestic The boy (Curtain-boy); the father hears that he is somewhere nearby; offers to feed; finally he goes out and stays with his father; as soon as the father leaves, Domashny goes to play with the River Boy (Spring-boy); large sharp teeth; to go ashore, Rechnoy asks permission from his river father (a word that sometimes means a crocodile); as soon as Rechnoy senses the approach of his earthly father, he rushes into the water; Domashny tells his father about Rechny and how their mother was killed; Domashny distracts Rechny, the father, wearing leather mittens, grabs him; the water of the river rushes to the shore, but the father throws her the giblets of the bison and the water recedes; the River Boy's sharp teeth are sawed; (hereinafter a long story about the adventures of the brothers); brothers kill and burn the Red Woman; mother turns into the Moon, father into the Morning Star, Domestic Boy to Big Dipper, River to Evening Star], 85-94 [wife is about to give birth; when going hunting, her husband tells her not to answer a stranger; the guest is blind with a second person on the back of her head, asking where to enter; the baby from the mother's womb tells him that from the east; the woman gives the guest meat on a plate of leather, bark; each time he rejects what he has given, says that his plate is the belly of a pregnant woman; kills a woman putting a hot stone on her stomach; takes out the twins, throws one behind the partition, the other into the river; puts the woman's corpse as if she were smiling; the husband leaves his wife's corpse on the platform; Domestic son asks his father for meat, goes out from behind the partition; River secretly goes out from his father to play with his brother; the father notices the trail, Domashny tells him about the death of his mother; they wear gloves that River does not wear able to bite, they catch him; the River Boy has another "father" in the river; the boy gives him his sharp teeth; the brothers find his father's box with white powder in it; when they pour it on their penis, they get pleasure; they spend everything, fill the box with ash; the father's penis only hurts from ash; the brothers resurrect the mother so that the father has a wife; to do this, they shoot up, tell her to move away so that the arrow does not fall on her; ( more on the extermination of monsters by the twins)], 94-98 [a witch comes (as in pp.74-85); River Boy gives his teeth (as in pp. 85-94)]; hidatsa [Coyote's sister is pregnant; her brother does not tell me to open door; The Headless Monster asks where the door is, the sister opens; he says he eats by putting hot fat on the pregnant woman's belly; she only slightly heats the fat; he keeps the fat on fire with his bare hand, He puts one on her stomach; she dies, gives birth to twins; he throws one into the center of the house, the other into the stream; the brother puts his sister's corpse on the funeral platform; the Coyote makes a domestic boy; the river grows respectively; goes out to play with his brother, steals meat; they grab River, keep him in the steam room until his sharp fangs disappear; he regurgitates swallowed frogs, etc.; brothers revive his mother; throw a hot stone in the mouth of the Headless, he explodes; the woman kills with her basket; the brothers ask her to point the basket to the birds, they fall dead; they direct themselves at the woman, killing her; celestials they fear that the River will become too powerful; the Long Hand takes him to heaven, he is tied to a pole; his brother turns himself and him into spiders, they run away; the Long Hand closes a hole in the sky, the brothers cut the arm with an ax (the hand is Orion, the scar is the Orion Belt); hanging on a pole, Rechnoy has learned ritual songs, now he has taught people; sent his mother to heaven to return the hatchet taken from there]: Beckwith 1938:30 -43; arapaho [husband tells his wife not to look out of the tipi, not to respond to strangers; the third time she pierces a hole with an awl to see who calls her; the man enters the tipi; she offers him meat in a wooden jar, then on his outerwear; he says he doesn't eat out of it; she takes off her dress or moccasin, he says it's closer; she undresses, puts meat on her body; he eats meat, rips open her stomach, throws one boy at the door, the other into the stream; the father scatters arrows; the brothers play with them, he catches Domashny; with his help he catches and tames the boy from the stream; the brothers revive a mother in the steam room; they come to her killer, untangle his hair, you can see his brain under it; they put a hot stone in his head, he dies; they kill a monstrous bison; they kill the Thunderbird and its chicks, bring her feathers; the storm takes one to an old woman; he marries the chief's daughter; see motive K27]: Dorsey, Kroeber 1903, No. 139, 140:341-355.

Southeast USA. Alabama [while five brothers are hunting, the sixth is looking for a tuber that has fallen into the water, finds a baby girl tied to the board; she becomes the siblings; Sharp Butt comes to her in theirs absence, tells me to fry fish for him; girl: how do I fry? Sharp Butt: Put your finger in the fish and hold it over the fire; girl: how do you serve fish? Sharp Ass: lie on your stomach, your back will serve as a plate; this causes her to die; comes to life; so twice; the third time the brothers stay, grab the spirit, put fish on his sharp ass, fry, eat fish on his on his back, he dies, they drop the corpse down the river in a boat; the boat is spinning in one place, five brothers go one by one to find out why, they disappear; the sixth climbs the persimmon, the cannibal who comes up tells go down, fight her; he kills her with a baton, cuts off her head; she grows, but for the fourth time the cannibal dies; he throws her heart, it turns into a tree fungus; her intestines into vines; he cuts off her nose; comes to her daughters, says it's not her nose, but a smoking pipe; told her to lie down, promising to tickle, killed her with a club; throwing an arrow up, revived the dead from the bones; they looked around turned into a lynx, a crow, a hawk, etc.]: Swanton 1929, No. 13:129-131.