Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

J19B. Burnt belly. 45.46.

An evil spirit kills a woman by burning through her body.

Mikmak, crowe, are hitting.

Northeast. Mikmak: Parsons 1925, No. 1 [husband's father comes to his daughter-in-law, pierces her heart with a burning chip, rips her stomach open, throws her insides into the river, carries her body away, eats her body; her six-year-old son Lures Found in his guts ashore; he returns to the river if he sees his father; the father catches him, gives him blue jay feathers; the older brother says that the father told his grandfather to kill their mother; they burn the father in at home; Found in his intestines pushes his bones, they turn into mosquitoes; brothers pour boiling fat on his grandfather, let his grandmother fry his heart, kill her with an ax; brothers kill the Bull Frog that swallowed it all water; water pours out of his belly; brothers go north, withstand the cold sent by Ice and the North; come back; turn into stones]: 56-59; Rand 1894 [(detailed version available)]; Speck 1915b [y the woman is a 6-year-old son, she is pregnant again; the husband tells his father to kill her; the old man tells the woman to bend down, burns her heart with a stick, throws her insides into the water, takes her body to eat; the boy tries to catch his little brother in the water; finally brings him home; when his grandfather appears, he returns to the water every time; the old man catches him, gives him blue jay feathers; the older brother tells how their father told their grandfather to kill their mother; they burn their father in the house; they found in the intestines (NC) pushes his bones, they turn into mosquitoes; brothers pour boiling fat on their grandfather, let his grandmother fry his heart, kill her with an ax; they go to kill other giants; Marten's grandmother says that the Ox Frog took all the water, gives it for the girl; NC sends Marten, he brings dirty water; NC goes by himself, kills the Frog with an ax, sends girls home, breaks blood vessels, rivers fill up again; brothers come to Porcupine makes a hot fire; brother dies, NC complains about the cold, Porcupine dies from the heat, NC revives his brother; interpreting rocks crush passers, NC breaks them with an oar; on the lake, geese are Gluscap's guards; NC tells them to remain silent; NK and G. both manage to smoke a pipe; NC can withstand cold and wind; G. gives an inexhaustible piece fur, NK's brother becomes a fur merchant; NK gets married; his mother-in-law takes him to the island to collect seagulls eggs, throws him there; seagulls bring him back; at night his mother-in-law lies down with him, tries to poison him with her gases; he made a hole in the blanket with a knife; threw it into the hole, at the bottom of her turtle always devours her sons-in-law; NK got out, killed him]: 61-64; Wallis, Wallis 1955, No. 18 [Djenu cannibals killed everyone, gave the prisoner to the leader; she gave birth to a boy; she was tired of her husband, who told his father that he could do what he wanted with her; the old man came to her teepee, pierced her with a hot iron bar, told her grandson to throw the child from her womb into the river; it was Kitpusiagana; he was raised by the Turtle; he went ashore to play with his brother; the fourth time his father caught him in a teepee; K. stopped crying after receiving bird feathers; the older brother talked about his mother ; they built a huge teepee, the entrance floor cannot be pushed back to an ordinary person; burned his father in it; K. bleed the bone, turned it into gadflies, mosquitoes, sand fleas; K. killed his grandfather with an arrow; his heart fed his grandmother , cut off her head]: 338-341; Whitehead 1988 [a woman marries her son Kukwes (an ogre giant); for her and her son, he hunts animals, for himself and her parents, for himself and her parents; does not tell her to touch the bear's stomach; the son enters the stomach with an arrow, the liquid drips, K.'s strength melts; he allows his father to eat his wife; the old man heats his iron staff, pierces his daughter-in-law, gutts, throws the baby from her womb into the river; The turtle brings him up, he goes out to play with his brother; he asks his father to make two bows, two arrows, etc.; they make a mess in the house, the family is forced to confess to his father; the father makes jewelry from bird tails; Domashny grabs in Rechnoy's house, keeps him, father comes running; first Rechnoy throws his tails into the fire, then smiles; the father fell asleep, the brothers burned him in the house; the bones collided, they turned into flies, mosquitoes, sand fleas; because they were pushed on the doorstep, insects enter the house through the entrance; The river beats the birch tree with a spruce paw, since then there are traces on the bark; brothers put their grandfather to sleep, looking for insects from him, stick to him fat, burn it, let his wife eat the liver, kill her with an ax; the bull frog hides all the water in his house in birch bark buckets, gives it in exchange for women; the River kills the Frog, breaks blood vessels, water fills rivers; brothers sail in a boat, River kills giants; Porcupine drowns so hot that Domashny dies; Riverboat wraps himself in a blanket, Porcupine dies herself, River revives her brother; house Kluskap is guarded by geese, River tells them to remain silent; K. causes frost, Domashny dies, revives him in the river morning; Domashny receives a growing beaver skin from K., becomes a merchant; River marries Skunsiha's daughter; she takes him to collect bird eggs, leaves him on the island; seagulls bring him home; his mother-in-law tells her to sleep with her, tries to strangle him with her gases, he makes a hole in the blanket; she throws into a hole, at the bottom, the Turtle devours his sons-in-law; the river gets out; meets a man walking on bent legs, kills him, makes a door out of him, brings the corpse to his relatives; snakes and frogs fall from their faces; both Brothers return to the island, turn into two stones]: 140-154.

Plains. Crowe [wife is giving birth; when she goes hunting, her husband tells her not to answer a stranger; the guest is blind with a second person on the back of her head, asking where to enter; a baby from the mother's womb tells him it's from the east; a woman gives the guest meat on a plate of leather, bark; each time he rejects what was served, says that his plate is the belly of a pregnant woman; kills a woman by placing a hot stone on her stomach; takes out twins, throws one behind the partition, the other into the river; puts the woman's corpse as if she were smiling; the husband leaves his wife's corpse on the platform; The domestic son asks his father for meat, goes out from behind the partition; The river secretly goes out from his father to play with his brother; the father notices the trail, Domashny tells him about the death of his mother; they wear gloves that Rechnaya is unable to bite through, catch him; at the River Boy there is another "father" in the river; the boy gives him his sharp teeth; the brothers find his father's box with white powder in it; when they pour it on their penis, they enjoy themselves; they spend everything, fill the box with ash; the father's penis only hurts from ash; the brothers resurrect the mother so that the father has a wife; to do this, they shoot up, tell her to move away so that the arrow does not fall on her; (more on the extermination of monsters by the twins)]: Lowie 1918:85-94; hidatsa [Coyote's sister is pregnant; her brother does not tell me to open the door; Headless Monster asks where the door is, the sister opens; he says he eats with hot fat on his stomach a pregnant woman; she only slightly heats the fat; he keeps the fat on fire with his bare hand, puts it on her stomach; she dies, gives birth to twins; he throws one into the center of the house, the other into the stream; the brother puts the corpse sisters on the funeral platform; the Coyote makes a domestic boy; the river grows accordingly; goes out to play with his brother, steals meat; they grab the River, keep him in the steam room until his sharp fangs disappear; he regurgitates swallowed frogs, etc.; brothers revive his mother; throw a hot stone into the mouth of the Headless, who explodes; the woman kills with her basket; the brothers ask her to point the basket at the birds, they fall dead; they point them at the woman themselves, killing her; the celestials fear that the River will become too powerful; the Long Hand takes him to heaven, he is tied to a pole; the brother turns himself and he's spiders, they run away; the Long Hand closes a hole in the sky, the brothers cut his arm with an ax (the hand is Orion, the scar is Orion's Belt); hanging on a pole, Rechnoy has learned ritual songs, now he has taught people; sent my mother to heaven to return the hatchet she had taken from there]: Beckwith 1938:30-43.