Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

J2. The man is a tree. .


husband or lover is a tree (temporarily turning into a person).

Melanesia. Vatut [the husband went to the forest, became a wild banana; the woman's two sons began to cut it, blood splashed; the mother said that they cut down their father, left milk in a leaf for the youngest, went across the river Vatut; the elder left the youngest in the sand by the river, went to steal bananas from their grandfather's property; he had no anus or penis; he waited for the thief; called both brothers to his village; there was a piece of wood in his house whom he considered his wife; the brothers found him, he became a real woman, they hid her in bamboos; he found her, he was happy; they gave him a drink of water in which they put leaves, worms, etc.; (apparently in As a result, he developed a penis and anus); his wife gave birth to two daughters with him, and his grandchildren married them]: Fischer 1963, No. 2:136-137.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Ao [everyone wants a beautiful girl, but she only likes someone who comes to her in the dark and leaves before dawn; parents advise her daughter to tie a new belt; in the morning she finds a belt tied around a tree trunk by a stream; the next night the girl puts an indigo-colored handkerchief over her lover; he finds himself on the branches of the same tree; the girl's father followed and saw how the man, when he left her, he did not go to the bachelors' house, but to the stream and became a tree; the father gathered the men to cut down the tree, telling her daughter to stay at home; she looked into the crack, a sliver that flew off pierced her eye and killed her; at the same time the moment the tree collapsed]: Beck et al. 1987, No. 2:7-9.

Burma - Indochina. Khmu [a woman fell in love with a tree; a man came out of the trunk and became her husband; his name was Ñaar; he did not know about women's anatomy, thought he had made a hole in his wife, ran away in fear; he was told that nothing happened; the father-in-law threw a stone into the water, the circles went apart and died down; so did the woman, he explained; they have three sons; then he understands everything literally; the wife orders to set fire to the vegetation on the site depending on the direction of the wind, he sets fire to his hair; etc.; a bear died in the fire; the wife brought the carcass, went swimming; the husband decided that the carcass was his wife's corpse, buried it; the wife returned, dug it up bear, came to N.; he decided that she had returned from the spirit world, was afraid to open the door for her; suggests dividing their three children so that each takes one and divides another in half; wife breaks in, fearing that the husband will actually cut the child; his wife let him cook a bear's head, he saw a toothy mouth, pierced the pot with a spear, the brew spilled; (many episodes later); he sends deer to his wife, believing that he would listen to him and come running himself; at home, his wife cooks red bark, he thinks it's venison; once lost in the fog, fell and died]: Lindell et al. 1978:29-42.

China - Korea. Koreans: Cho 2001, No. 79 [the cinnamon tree grew to the moon; the mooners decided to drag it towards them; they raised it in three years and three months; the remaining hole on the ground is a lake in the Paikdu Mountains; now the tree began to obscure the moonlight; the night was very dark; God sent a storm, it tore out the tree on the moon, killing all its inhabitants; moonspots were the trail where it grew; when the tree was back on earth, God sent an angel girl to protect him from the stars; she gave birth to a boy from the spirit of the tree; God told him to protect the tree himself now, his mother brought him back to heaven; the rain flooded the earth with a flood; the father tree told his son to climb on it , swim on it; asks the father if ants can be saved; mosquitoes; the father replies yes; categorically returns when the son wants to save a young man like him, but he saved; the tree sticks to the mountain; both young men come to the hut, where an old woman and her two daughters; when she dies, she must choose her husband; the rescued person lies that the son of a tree can quickly clean and collect millet scattered in the sand (ants perform); the old woman says that she will give her own daughter to the one who guesses what room she is in; the mosquito whispers to the son of the tree in the east; the son of a tree marries his own daughter, the rescued man to the foster room; these couples come from people]: 122-126 (everything but the beginning, from the episode of conception by a tree also in Ząng 1952, No. 8:16-18; the same is about two girls, in Cho there is only one; apparently these are two close but different options).

The Arctic. Bering Strait Inupiat (village. Shishmaref) [poplar falls into the river, taken to the sea to the dune; the bird says that he is human; teaches how to get food; two young men and a girl come, she marries a former poplar; he snores loudly , she gives him the name Ka-mo-e-Luk, "The One Who Snores"; he's glad he has at least some name]: Keithahn 1958:69-71.

Guiana. Warrau [two sisters live alone; someone cooks starch for them at night from the core of the Mauricium palm tree; they spy and see a nearby tree (Euterpe sp,) lean towards the palm tree trunk; they grab him, ask him to become a man; she marries him alone, gives birth to a son Haburi; her husband is killed by a Jaguar, comes to women in his form; they run away, old woman Wau-uta kills Jaguar; makes H. an adult, says she is his mother; Otters tell him the truth; he sails away in a boat with his mother and aunt; V. turns into a tree frog]: Wilbert 1970, No. 140:284.

Montagna - Jurua. Character: Gray 1996 [a man climbs an Aviruk tree (rubber), throws fruit to his wife; hears her laughter; she becomes pregnant from the spirit of a tree, goes to live in his village; her relatives they come there for the festival and she decides to return with them; they warn them not to follow them, because there is a Jaguar village on the way; the woman goes, the Jaguars eat her, throw her uterus into the river; the fish take care of baby; the brother of the murdered woman sees the uterus, but no one can catch it; the mother of the murdered woman succeeds; the boy Marinka requires only the fruits of the Aviruk tree, quickly turns into a young man; kills many different animals, thinking that they are to blame for the death of his mother; the grandmother agrees to say that the Jaguars are to blame; M. makes a club that can split stones; kills almost all Jaguars, but one escapes And there are a lot of jaguars again; people are afraid, wondering what to do; To turn into a tree? - They'll cut it down; Hide under the ground? - Will they trample; Hide in the rocks or the river? - They will find it; the boy offers to go to heaven; everyone is happy and in a hurry tramples on him, he turns into tobacco; the sky falls lower, M. and people climb there; M. throws an ax to his grandmother, but falls into her, she turns into curasso (Crax daubentoni), sings before the storm; M. - Thunder, wielding his club in the sky; those in the sky are kurudneri spirits descending to people during rituals]: 118-128; Helberg Chávez 1996 [the husband climbs a rubber tree, throws fruit to his wife, hears her laughter; she is seduced by the spirit of a nearby tree of the same species, she becomes pregnant; her husband leaves her in the forest; the Jaguar kills her; a woman's mother catches a uterus from the river, raises a boy, Amarinke; he steals peach palm seeds from Jaguar Pomburu, makes a weapon from its sturdy wood; kills an old Jaguarihu; a deer jumps out of her head, her soul from her anus; A. kills the rest of the Jaguars]: 102-118.

Bolivia - Guaporé. Yurakare [Sararuma, or Aima Sunye, burns the world; one person escapes by hiding in a hole; S. gives him all the seeds, which immediately grow into a forest; a man marries; his daughter falls in love with the Ole tree, it turns into a man; while hunting, W. tore up a jaguar; his wife collected parts of his body, W. came to life, he did not have enough cheek; W. sees his reflection, is ashamed, leaves, tells him to go home, does not looking around; the wife breaks the ban, goes to the Jaguars; they tell them to take out their poisonous ants and eat them; the mother of the Jaguars gives her pumpkin seeds to pretend to eat; chief Jaguar, having a second pair of eyes on the back of his head, notices a deception, kills a woman; the Jaguar mother finds the boy Tiree in the womb, hides her in a pot; he considers her his mother; hunts for a pack, she says the truth to him; T. kills all the Jaguars except the four-eyed one; he asks trees, the Sun, the Stars, the Moon to cover him; the moon covers, his silhouette is visible on the lunar disk; T. makes himself out of his thumb nail Brother Karu; a bird calls them to visit; K. overturns a pot of chicha, it floods the ground, K. sinks; T. revives him from his remains; both marry forest turkeys, each with a son and daughter; the girls' breasts were first under the eyes, T. gives them their current appearance; son K. dies; T. says that he will be resurrected, warns that K. should not eat it; peanuts grew on the grave, K. pulled out the bush, ate fruits; so he ate his son, since then people have been mortal; T. tells K. to eat the duck; this is his son again; K. regurgitates what he ate, parrots, toucans, and other birds fly out; T. and K. go to visit Jaguariha, her lips are covered in blood; she ate a man killed by a snake; they peel off her head, turn it into uruba, tell her to eat carrion; the snake makes a hole in the ground; T. tells the stork to kill her; people of different tribes come out of the hole (not yurakare); T. wishes, arrows fall from the sky, people start fighting; T. goes west, taking many people with him; old people become young again]: Orbigny 1844:210-214.

Chaco. The girl wants him to be the husband of a character embodied in the lignum vitae tree; he comes to her in human form and marries her. Nivakle [heavenly deity]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1987b, No. 54 [Fitzököjíč descends from the sky, takes the form of a lignum vitae tree (Caesalpinia paraguariensis); a girl who has the first period, falls in love with him, scrapes blood, the tree becomes a man; her grandmother thinks he is a demon; he asks his wife to get different seeds from his grandmother, clears the plot in one day, gets a crop; a fox woman violates the ban on cutting corn (she is too lazy to collect cobs), there is a forest in the field; F. returns to heaven, goes down only to give food to his wife and son; takes her son to heaven], 55 [the girl lives with her grandmother; when she goes for water, she is surprised at the beauty of the nasuk tree every time; she scratches it, blood drips from the trunk; the tree (it was Fitzököjič) is made by a man , comes to the girl for three nights, she becomes pregnant; F. tells her grandmother that the seeds of cultivated plants should not be stored; puts two seeds in the sink, which fills to the brim; this is how she multiplies the pumpkin seeds , melons, watermelon; magically clears the plot, throws seeds, she goes into the ground herself; does not tell his wife to look at the plot, corn and all other plants ripen in a day; tells her to cook a seed or several grains of corn, beans, each time the pot is full; three days later, F.'s son was born and grew up; when the son grew up, F. and his son left; his wife's pots continued to be full if one grain was cooked; the grandmother did not believe, did not trust; F. ordered not to look back, and the Fox woman looked back {apparently, as a result, the magic stopped}], 56 [starting as in (55); the Fox woman looked around and the plants disappeared; F. took his son and left, but the people remained poor], 57 [starting as in (55); F. tells me to put a seed in vessels filled with seeds; one woman told F.'s wife that she was not faithful to him; he took it son, went to heaven with him; when the son came to visit his mother, she had already died], 58 [], 59 [], 60 [], 61 [], 62 []: 149-155, 156-158, 159-160, 161-162, 163-167, 168-170, 171-173, 174-175, 175-176; chorote [Kíxwet fertilizes his clenched palm, a boy is born the next day, he walks three days later; K. leaves him on the platform from which he is fishing, he cries; four come successively girls trying to hold the boy in their arms; K. marries the one whose boy stops crying; gives people fish, catching it from a bottle tree, did not know fish before; K. takes the form of a tree Lignum vitae; every girl passing by dreams of this tree becoming her husband; at night she comes to one of them in human form, promises to create a river if she accepts it; takes her as a wife; Fox (Wó iki) imposes himself on companions, learns the secret of the fish tree; left alone, tries to catch fish, but forgets to close the lid; the stream rushes out, the Fox sinks; K. puts the water back with his rod; decides not to keep fish in the tree anymore; creates the Pilcomayo River, which follows him, after his rod; the river is filled with fish, the population increases]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1985, No. 42:77-78; poppies: Wilbert, Simoneau 1991, No. 88 [as in (89); husband leaves his wife after a Chulupi Indian raped her; goes to heaven; sends a vulture for his son, who brings him to his father in heaven], 89 [going to get water past the mighty lignum vitae tree, a woman scratches its bark every time (usually scratching her lover's body), wants to be a husband; the tree begins to bleed; the tree turns into a man, comes to the woman remains; although it is not the time for sowing, the husband tells his wife to ask her father for the seeds of all cultivated plants; according to him, the tools work themselves, the wind clears the area, the birds scatter the seeds; the husband tells his wife not to look at the field when corn, melons and other plants make noise when they rise from the ground; the plants grow quickly, ripen, the husband tells them to take them from everyone, bring home only one fruit; what was brought is enough to give all the guests a drink of chicha; the fox goes to the field, picks the cob, despite the ban, watches a new one grow in its place, plucks it again, the cobs stop quickly grow, corn stalks get shorter; wife pregnant; Lignum Vitae finds her with another man, leaves (probably to heaven); wife gives birth to his son; people go looking for edible plants during the hunger season caraguata (Bromelia serra); Lignum Vitae goes down, gives her son a corn tortilla, one corn grain; it fills the bag; the boy's mother should put only one grain in the pot; since then, the boy and his mother has a lot of corn], 90 [as in (89), briefly; ends with Lignum Vitae leaving his wife, giving an inexhaustible supply of pumpkin seeds so that the future son does not know hunger]: 196-200, 201-205, 206-207.