J21. Birth from eggs.
Gods, human ancestors, and founders of dynasties are born from eggs.
Fang, ditammari, nyende, manden, kachari, mikir, bodo, dimasa, zeme, angami, chin, palaung, shana, karen, muongi, haria, santala, mundari, bataki, ngaju, fataluku, mandaya, Paywan, Sedek, Koreans, Miao, Lee, Eastern Sami, Mordovians, Mari, Komi, Bashkirs, Ancient Japan, Miyako Islands, Lower Chinook, Luiseno, Chemeuevi Mountain Totonaki, Nahua Puebla, Mountain Counties, Veracruz Nahuatl, Mazateki, Texitlateca, Chinanteca, Cuicatec, Mihe, Chontal, Maya Yucatana, Sicuani, Waiwai, Macushi, Trio, Oyana, Aparaí, Quiker, Kofan, Shuar, Achuar, Aguaruna, Huambisa, Carijona, Wheitoto, Andoque, Ufaina, macuna, Vila Bela, Peru coast (Lima depot), northern mountainous region of Peru (Huamachuco), characterbet, mbaya.
Bantu-speaking Africa. Fang [Mebege and the Diboia spider were between water and sky; D. advised to create earth; M. took the hair from under his arm, added something from his brain, dipped it, took out the pebbles, and made an egg, put it into the sea, told D. to bring the egg when it was hot; he brought it, M. added sperm, the god Zame ye Mebege, his sister Nying Mebege, his brother Nlona Mebege, responsible for evil, came out of the egg the beginning; ZM saw a raffia palm tree (leaf) in the sea, transformed it into a cross responsible for the four directions of the world; took hair from under his arm, his brain, made ants and termites, and formed from their bowel movements land; it grew up in the sea, hardened; ZM and his sister and brother came out of the egg, set foot on the ground; ZM erected a cross, it became a raffia palm; then created people]: Scheub 2000:147-148.
West Africa. Dithammari (somba) [God originally created the serpent. The serpent went to ask God to give him bigger eggs than his own. When he got three or four, he sat out, and the first people came out of them]: Huber 1973:381; nyende [the sun laid eggs from which people came out, but they all died and only the leper survived; then the sun laid new eggs that it gave to the moon; it sat them and healthy people came out of them; when the moon was about to swallow them, the sun swallowed the moon itself (eclipse)]: Huber 193:381; manden [appeared in the egg a pair of twins, Faro and Pemba; P. came out ahead of time, dragging along part of the placenta from which the earth originated; he copulated with it, because of this (intercourse was incestuous), the earth was unclean; F.'s body was dismembered, trees arose from parts; the god Mangala revived F., sent him to earth in an ark from the placenta, where he also placed the first ancestors of humans, animals and plants]: Scheub 2000:138.
Melanesia. Manus [the turtle has laid 10 eggs; 8 eggs hatched turtles, two are male and female; they are human descendants]: Meier 1907, No. 3:647; (cf. kiwai [Emobali boy and girl hatched from two eggs of a female cassowary; E. killed a cassowariha while hunting without knowing that she was his mother; became a spirit in the river in the form of a fish or crocodile; gives sleepers advice on how grow vegetables and hunt; his sister became a bird of paradise]: Landtman 1977, No. 41:148-150).
Tibet is the Northeast of India. Kachari [Arikina, Bangla Raji's wife, laid seven eggs; in her absence, six gods, led by Alow, hatched; went to look for parents, came back, met A.; became reproach God, who they thought was in the seventh egg, for hesitating to be born; they broke the egg, and the evil spirits that now inhabit the earth flew out]: Soppitt 1885:31; mikir [gods Hèmph& #363; and Mukráng placed four pillars on the edges of the future earth, tied them with their mother's hair; began to wonder where to get land; a hundred gods and their wives decided to send the god's wife Bamon beyond the land to another peace to the god Hajong, but he did not give it; on the way back, Bamonpi (i.e. B.'s wife) picked up the worm excrement; sent Helong Recho for the king of earthworms, who turned the particle into a mainland; she was soft and wet, the blacksmith Kaprang dried it; to get plants, they sent for Rekbepi, who is at the pillar at sunset; she came and sowed plants; Pithe and Pothe ("great mother" and great" father" helped H. and M. create animals; first an elephant, then a tiger; the first man created was Bamonpo, he created two wives, one mikir and the other assamka; they did not give birth for a long time; then the assamka sent husband to his brother, who gave his wives two oranges; on the way back, while B. was swimming, the crow took one orange; the Mikir wife was left without an orange, but ate the peel and gave birth to a son Ram; the assamka gave birth to a son Chaputi; R. was strong, C. was weak; R. found an egg, brought it, and a girl came out of it; demons tried to steal it, but R. returned it and married it, she gave birth to many children, their descendants were Indians; decided to build tower to heaven; gods and demons were afraid that these giants would take the sky away from them; they mixed languages, humans went in different directions]: Lyall 1909:70-72 in Mandal 2009:78-79; Dimasa: Mandal 2009:77 [ Danda 1978:83; at first the world is empty; Banglaraja and his wife Arikhidima lived in the sky; when A. conceived, B. sent the Golden Eagle to find land to live for his offspring; the eagle found land at the confluence of rivers Sangrima and Talaobra; A. laid seven eggs there; six hatched gods, including the creator of Shivrai, and the seventh hatched harmful spirits; hills and rivers were their abode], 77-78 [Goswami 1980:7-10; at first everywhere water, on the only island the creator of Banglaraja and his wife Arikidima; she gave birth to 7 eggs, 6 gods came out of 6, the eldest is Brai Sibrai, the youngest is Mongranraja, aka Hamaiyadao; to find out which one is older, brothers throw lumps of earth; BS tied to his beetle; throw darts, BS tied to his snake; he was recognized as the eldest; noise was heard from the seventh egg; H. smashed him, evil spirits came out, rushed at him, A. ordered not to touch it, but to live in deserted places and inflict various diseases on people; patients would sacrifice ducks and other poultry to them]; zeme [the text is called "The Birth of Spirits"; There was no land, a tarot leaf was floating on the water; Bangklawong fell from the sky, saying that if his foot did not touch the water, he would be king; one leg was on a leaf and the other fell into the water; he realized that he would pass long before he became king; he asked everyone who could make the earth, but only King Worm (CC) replied that he could do so, but on the condition that every day a thousand people died to him to be eaten; B.: but then there will be no people left; CC: but every day a thousand will be born; went down to the bottom, began to do worm casts (what the worm leaves on the sand or soil, like a cast of a worm) until until the land appeared; the raven (mr., crow, but possibly a crow) leveled it, but when he began to level the hills, he was tired, so there are rocky hills and there are plains; in a dream, Tingwong came to B. and said for B. to cut off two fingers, one would make a wife, the other would become a sister; the sister would do everything so quickly that she returned, bringing water before B. could retire with his wife; then B. scattered Katsing seeds on the grass and told her sister to collect everything, otherwise she would cut her machete (dao); she completed the task and entered when B. copulated with his wife; this sight excited her so much that she was going to tear down an egg; B. told her to go to the upper reaches of Barak to Tallaurok, taking a machete, a banana and a gibbon with her to lay her eggs there; she laid eight eggs at the waterfall, left a machete, planted a banana, and told the gibbon to guard; Katsingpeo hatched first, but got scared and climbed back; Tsiuperai was the second; then K. came out again, they began to argue who was first and in charge; 5 more eggs hatch, one remained intact; T. found a banana and machetes, cut a banana for them, served them a banana, but Gibbon quietly took them for himself; T. hit Gibbon with a machete, smeared blood on his and his brothers' eyes, now they had sight; the brothers decided that the latter the egg was spoiled, they threw it into the river; they decided to consider the main one who would throw the stone across the river; all the stones fell into the water, but T. accidentally threw the bumblebee and it flew to the other side; then they began to throw it grass stems; T. threw the snake and it crawled far; the brothers flew to her mother in the form of crows; when she saw that there were only 7 of them, she decided that they were not her children; but T. called her mother, spoke about eighth egg; the mother explained that whoever hatched from it would be wiser and stronger than the others; a boa constrictor was born from it; to determine who was in charge of the seven, the mother sprayed milk from her breasts; a stream I went to K., but turned and got into T.'s mouth, and from him back to K, and then to the others]: http://www.nagajournal.com/category/arts-literature/folktalesstories/ Nagajournal Oct 27, 2013; angami [ a man found an egg on a dry tree, put it in a basket, a boy hatched from the egg, became the ancestor of one of the genera]: Hutton, p.401-402 in Ho 1967, No. 78:254; ranks [All humanity comes from 101 eggs laid by the foremother of mankind named Hlinyu (or Hlineu), hatched ranks from the last deferred one. H. loves her youngest son, Chin, but he goes somewhere, and before she finds him, the whole world, with the exception of the rugged mountain ranges, is divided between her other children. Chin is the first to go to the mountains. As compensation, his mother gives him elephants, horses, cows, goats, pigs and poultry. She instructs her Burmese brother to raise the rank. But the Burman takes all the good from him with various tricks, and instead of the side of the plate with the inscriptions, he shows him the opposite clean side. So the rank didn't learn a single letter]: Yoe 1910:443.
Burma - Indochina. Palaung: Scott 1918 [Son of the Sun Hsuriya (from Sanskro. Surya, sun) fell in love with the naked daughter, Princess Thusandi, who lived in the lake; the father asked his son to join him; Th. gave birth to three eggs; Ts. sent two parrots to bring her a letter and a Manicopa gem; parrots met others, forgot about the errand; Taunghtu replaced the letter with bird droppings; when the parrots finally brought the letter to Th., she was offended, threw two of the three eggs in Ayeyarwady; one swam upstream, he was picked up by a gardener, hatched by a boy, named Udibwa ("Born from an Egg"); he married the daughter of the ruler Se-lan, the youngest of their two sons became Emperor of China; the eldest descended from chiefs Palaung; the second egg floated down to Bagan, picked up by the laundress's husband and wife, put it in a gold box, the boy hatched; he became king of Pagan; the princess threw the third egg into the mountains, its fragments turned into rubies]: 276-277 (retelling in Obayashi 1966:54-55); Obayashi 1966 [(Milne 1924:379-383); princess naga i-ran-ti took the form of a girl, went to earth, met the Sun; 7 days later that returned to heaven, leaving her his chariot; I. laid 3 eggs; the Sun sent I. a bag with a letter and a wonderful gem, giving it to the golden crow; he stopped pecking carrion, a bag a fisherman found the treasure, replaced the treasure with a pebble; the Raven brought I.'s bag, who found a simple stone inside, threw it at the Raven; the Sun, as punishment, painted the Raven black, ordered him to live on earth; I. in the guise of a naga returned underground, throwing her barrette and three eggs; the barrette and two eggs turned into placers of gold and precious stones; the third egg was stuck at the fork in a tree floating along the river; it was found by the elderly spouses raised a born boy Kok-ya; his Sun Father sent him an onion; his naga mother sent her daughter to earth from her marriage to a naga, K. married her, she gave birth to a daughter; K. killed an ogre bird; wife- The naga forgot that she should not be completely immersed in water, became a snake again while bathing; told her daughter to make clothes striped like snakeskin, gave the clothes the color of snakeskin by touching her; people began to copy these patterns; K. became the ancestor and king of the Palauns]: 51-54; Shans: Griggs 1902 [first one water; the spider weaved a web, laid eggs, the water swayed, the lump became a web dry, a man and a woman came out of the eggs, gave birth to people; once the world burned down, then it rained, steam reached the upper world of Möng Hpea, hsang perfume smelled nice; 5 male spirits and 4 women went to find out what was going on; ate land and could not go back to heaven; decided to stay on earth; 4 couples got married, and the strongest man, Hsin Kyan, abandoned his wife so that later take others' daughters; since then daughters have been given to the king; the supreme god Sa Kyah tried to kill HC, began to fight him, could not overcome him; then he promised to marry the one of the 7 daughters of HC who would bring he has the head of his father; 7 daughters, the days of the week are named after them; 6 daughters tried, but could not, HC is invulnerable to water, fire, iron, etc.; the bird teaches the youngest to sew 7 threads of the web, make a bow for them HC's head can be cut off; the daughter brought her father's head, but the UK refused to marry her, fearing that she would now kill him; the sisters are thinking about what to do with their father's head: bury it in the ground, the world will catch fire, throw it into the water, the ocean will boil; the UK ordered everyone to carry her father's head for a year, then give it to another; at this time she washes blood stains off clothes; all people come from this perfume]: 85-91; Scott 1918 [chronicle of one of the northern Shan kingdoms; the elderly couple have a son, Hkun Ai; when he was 16 years old and herded cattle, the daughter of a naga king came out of the lake; they fell in love, she brought him to her father; he ordered all the nagas to take the form of human beings; but during the festival, all the nagas were to take the form of dragons; the wife told HA to stay at home, but he spied; when the wife returned, he said she wanted to visit parents; wife allowed; promised to lay an egg on the ground from which their son would hatch; milk would trickle from HP's little finger to feed him; husband and son can always call her; and so happened; when Tüng Hkam is 16 years old, the ruler of Yunnan promised his daughter to whoever hit the gong in her golden palace on the island; Th called the naked mother, she laid down the bridge over the lake, he hit the gong, married the princess, himself became king; he was succeeded by his sons]: 272-274; Karen {apparently; before that we are talking about the Karen; the retelling of this text begins with the story of A king of the country of Karanaka} [two sons of the king decided to become hermits; found two naga eggs that came out of the sea; two boys were born, and hermits raised them; {more about their role in spreading the Buddha's teachings, rebirths}]: Scott 1918: 284-285; muongi [initially an undivided lump of earth and sky; after a terrible drought, clouds swirled, rain poured in, lightning struck, the sky separated from the ground, and water appeared between them; ficus (Câ y Si, Ficus benjamina) grew and then collapsed; large and small branches became Muong villages, crumbling leaves became birds, roots became fish, and a pair of first-ancestor birds Chim Ây and Cáy arose from the stump And; they laid thousands of eggs, from which various animals and people arose; in the latter (or the last two), two brothers and sister, they are the ancestors of the Muong; the younger brother became the first ruler of the Muong; he tried to marry the daughter of the lord of heaven; then to the daughter of the lord of the underwater world; then married his sister; because they broke heavenly law, all the children were freaks: without arms, legs, deaf, dumb; the old man advised his brother to go east and his wife to the west; when they meet, let them not recognize each other; let the woman eat in the chicken coop for the time being, and the man in the pigsty, because these are chickens and pigs not know the ban on incest; after that, you must perform the right marriage ceremony]: Grigoreva 2019:54-57.
South Asia. Haria [God created heaven and earth, then pava, she laid an egg, it burst, haria appeared from the shell, the purana (Hindu caste) from the squirrel, and Bhanja (the dominant genus in Mayurbhanj)]: Roy, Roy 1937:26 in Kapp 1977:13-14; Santals: Bodding 1942 [water first; Thakur Jiu created various aquatic creatures (crocodile, crab, shrimp, earthworm, etc.); from clay sculpted two human figures; when he was about to put his soul into them, the day-horse came down from above and trampled on them; then, taking the material from his chest, T. made two birds Has Hasil, revived them, they flew, but there was no land anywhere, so they returned to T.; he drank water, spat, foam appeared on the water; T. told the birds to sit on it, they swam on it on the waves, but complained that there was no food anywhere; Crocodile agreed to dive, get the ground from the bottom, but on the way back it was washed off it; Prawn is the same; Raghop Boar (Buar) fish is the same (it has no scales since then); Crab is the same; Earthworm asked for the Turtle to be ready; he took the ground from the bottom, placed it on the Turtle's back; T. harrowed it, mountains appeared; foam stuck to the ground; vegetation appeared, two birds laid eggs, of which were born boy and girl]: 3-5 in Osada 2010; Campbell, ii, p. 16 ff. in Elwin 1949 [Sole fish, Crab, Prince Earthworm, Prince Lendom lived in the water; Thakur Jiu told them to get the ground out of the water; Fish failed, The crab swallowed, it fell out, drowned again; Prince Turtle was found in the water, chained to his feet; Prince Earthworm brought land, placed it on the Turtle; after that, TJ grew a tree and grass on the ground]: 8; Culshow 1949 [water is everywhere; Thakur called on the kings of the sea, but they could not get the land from the bottom; the Crab agreed to dive, but on the way to the surface, the water makes sense of the pieces of land he seized; the same is the Turtle; Worm asked to put a golden dish on the Turtle's back, promised to swallow the earth at the bottom and empty his stomach on the dish; he did so, the ground was uneven, T. tried to level it, the sea flooded lowlands; T. created two geese, a female and a male, Hans and Hansil (Goose and Gander), from the seeds of the sirom herb; they laid two eggs in the grass, and humans came out of the eggs - pilcu Haram and Pilcu Budhi]: 65-66 in Osada 2010; Shrestha 2019 [first water, above it Thakur and his servant Jahereda; Malinburi lived under water; T. ordered her to make two human figures; she sculpted them out of clay, brought it to the bottom of the sea, laid them down to dry in the sun; Shinsadom's horse flew in, broke the figures with flapping its wings; M. made new figures, asked T. to revive them; T. sent her for souls, but M. brought not human, but bird souls; T. breathed life into them and they flew to heaven; these were the first swans, Hans and Hansini; they had no place to sit, there was water everywhere; they asked T. to give them a place to live; Solehako fish, Katcom cancer and a worm lived in the water Landen; S. and K. could not lift the ground; L. threw bits of land to the surface, but they sank back to the bottom; T. called Kachik the turtle, told it to lie motionless on the water; L. threw it away land on the turtle shell, an island was formed; T. grew a Kadam tree and Syrom grass there; Hansa and Hansini built a nest of grass; Hansiner laid two eggs, the beast Raghopabu ate them; T. sent his servant J. guard eggs; a boy and a girl hatched from them; the children grew up, T. created a cow and two calves for them; taught the young man to make a plow and plow the land, he started farming; Maranburu (the big mountain) was guardian of a young man and a girl; taught them how to make an intoxicating drink; they got drunk and got together; M. told them not to worry, let them be husband and wife; they have 7 sons and 7 daughters; they quarreled and began to live in different localities; the father took his sons with him and the mother of his daughters; girls and boys met, began to live in pairs; their parents also reconciled and came to live with them; 7 clans went from 7 brothers and sisters]: 567 -570; mundari [at the beginning there is water everywhere; the sun god Sing-bonga sent the Turtle, Crab, Leech to bring clay from the bottom; the Turtle and the Crab could not, the Leech brought it, S. created land from it; The Swan demolished an egg, a boy and a girl hatched from it, the ancestors of people; the SB taught them how to make beer; after drinking, they got together; they gave birth to three sons, who went around the country]: Roy 1912: v-vi.
Malaysia-Indonesia. Bataki (toba) [the supreme god Mula Dyadi lived on the upper of the 7 tiers of heaven; created three sons; created a tree on one of the lower tiers, its branches reaching the upper tier; created a chicken, she She sat three eggs on a tree, three of which were born, he married them to his sons; one had the face of a lizard, chameleon skin, the girl refused, began to spin, dropped the spinning wheel into the lower world; the unwound thread descended on the head of a snake swimming in the sea; put there a handful of land, brought at its request by the MD swallow; the snake was tired and turned over, the world that arose was flooded with water; MD created eight suns, they dried up excess water; the maiden plunged her sword into the snake, nailing it tightly to the ground so that it would not turn over again; taking new soil, created the earth anew; MD shot the virgin's fiancé from blowpipe; once on the ground, the young man shot in the throat, which grabbed the arrow, flew away; following her and taking on a new, magnificent appearance, he found a heavenly maiden, married her; they gave birth to people]: Warneck 1909:30 in Dixon 1916:160-161; in Stöhr, Zoetmulder 1965:51; a more brief retelling in Hatt 194:33; ngaju [(by Hupe 1846:138); first water, god created the Nagapusai snake; that unhappy that his body was too small for his head; Hatala sent his servant Praman to find out what the serpent was complaining about; gave him a huge body, covered him with earth to protect him from the sun; Hatala Batu-Djampa's son (more precisely Ratu Tjampa) saw two earth eggs on the ground, went down, broke them, a man and a woman appeared, gave birth to seven sons and seven daughters without signs of life; DB gave her husband a porcelain vessel, ordered go to the snake for children's souls; when leaving, the husband told his wife not to go out from under the mosquito net at that time; she looked out, a gust of wind revived their bodies; now people are mortal, for their lives are just the wind ( breathing); the husband got angry, drove the children in pairs; the water god Djata comes from those who fell into the water, from those who fell into the fields, into the forest - the corresponding categories of water spirits; the rest flew to heaven, settling on three rivers, gave rise to categories of immortals; the man left the last couple on the ground, people come from them; Hatala gave them everything but rice; his son stole rice, iron, fire, threw it to people; fire fell on the rocks, from which it is extracted]: Schärer 1966:71-73; fataluku [at first, the water was mixed with the quagmire, it hardened, formed the ground; the nahu worm appeared in it (rather a centipede; in a different way interpreted as "mold"), all people were born from it, and plants from another nahu, and other living beings from others; otherwise, the snake laid seven eggs seven times, and the eagle laid them seven times, and the eagle laid them She sat out; six brothers and sister were born from the first clutch eggs, various animals and plants from the others; six brothers separated in search of food; the sister found the elder Tchenu-Kukuru and stayed with him; I found a tuber, ate it with my brother, then got together with him, gave birth to seven sons, each living on their own mountain]: Azevedo Gomes 1972:47-48.
Taiwan - Philippines. Mandaya: Cole 1913 [limokon laid an egg in the upper reaches and lower reaches of the Mayo River, a Mag woman was born from an egg in the upper reaches, and a Begenday man at the mouth; var: both eggs at the source of the river, from one woman was born, the second snake was born; the snake crawled to the lower reaches, a man came out of it]: 173 (retelling in Ho 1967, No. 74:250); 1916 (another retelling) [limocon (the genus of Gorlinka, a prophetic bird in the Mandaya) put aside two eggs; a man came out of the one laid at the mouth of the Mayo River, and a woman came out of the one laid above the river; when the man crossed the river, something whipped him on his leg: it turned out to be long hair; he went upstream, met a woman and mandayas come from them]: 143-144; paywan: Ho 1967, No. 62 [bamboo split, four eggs fell out of it; they were separate during the day, combined in at night one; five or six days later, snake-like men and women came out of them; they did not know how to copulate; a woman saw a man pee, asked to write to her between her legs; their first child was a freak, the second is beautiful, normal, became the ancestor of humans], 72 [The sun descended on the mountain, laid two eggs, white and red; the Vorun snake sat them out, of which a man and a woman were born, who became the ancestors of the leaders villages; commoners descended from green snake eggs]: 243, 249-250; sedek [the fly laid eggs, from which came out a man and a woman, the ancestors of humans]: Ho 1967, No. 73:250.
China - Korea. Koreans: Kim Busik 2001 ("Historical Records of Three States (Samkuk Sagi") by Kim Busik, 1145): 71 [Wang State Wang Married the Daughter of a Female State Ruler; after seven years she gave birth to a large egg; Wang said that it should be thrown away, but his wife did not dare to do so, wrapped the egg in silk and put it in a box along with the treasures and let it sail; When the box sailed to the mouth of Adolpho Harbour in Jinhan, an old woman opened it and saw a young child there; she took him up; he was the future ruler of Silla Thalhae], 79-80 [ The village elder of Koho Sobolgon saw a horse kneeling and crying; when he went to it, it disappeared; all that remained was a large egg, which he smashed and found a small child; the elder took him and raised him; it was the Hyokkose slope], 293 [the Sillan Park and Sok families came from an egg]; Kontsevich, Riftin 1980:39-42 [the ruler of Kymwa finds a Lyuhwa woman in a lonely home ( Willow Blossom); she says that she joined a person, her parents kicked her out; L. conceives from the Sun's ray, gives birth to an egg; K. throws it away to dogs, pigs, bulls, horses, birds, those of him they protect; L. warns the egg, the boy Chumon (Sharpshooter) is born; L. warns his son that K.'s sons have decided to destroy him; C. and his three comrades are fleeing, approaching the Omcha River; C. says that he the grandson of the Heavenly Sovereign, and on the mother's side, the grandson of the River Deity; fish and turtles made up the bridge, C. crossed it; when the pursuers stepped on him, the bridge collapsed, those who set foot died; C. Gogurö Kingdom], 47 [King Hambalpha marries a princess from Jeonnö, the kingdom of women; she gives birth to an egg, it is lowered on a boat into the sea, from which the founder of the new kingdom is born]; miao: Bender et al. 2006 (Guangzhou) [the egg was first born; after 9,000 springs and autumn and 70,000 years, it broke into five parts, of which five gods arose; Fu Fang began to support heaven and earth , Bu Pa dug rivers and created mountains, Ye Xibg gave people the beginning, Niu Dliang measured the earth, Hu Li Do brought the first sparks of fire]: 6-7; Ho 1967, No. 76 [8 sons were born in Mother Sun's cave: Thunder, Dragon, Snake, Tiger, 9-headed monster, Boa, Wolf, Monkey; the latter said that the ninth refused to go out; the Sun decided that the ninth egg was spoiled, but the voice from the egg told him not to break it, promised to go out three days later; this son turned out to be the best, he is connected to humanity], 77 [the house turtle laid an egg, asked the wild to sit; three wise men hatched from him, went to heaven]: 253, 253-254; Schotter 1911 (Hë-miao) [When the first Mother's husband died, she sat on a rock facing the wind and spread her legs (mouth; but probably a vulva euphemism); conceived by the wind, she gave birth to 12 eggs; they became incubating a cormorant, then an eagle; tired, wanted to fly away; heard a voice from the egg: wait three more days and we'll hatch; eggs hatched characters from Miao mythology, including the dragon; Tschang-kou-lao was born from the first egg; after killing and eating the buffalo, he buried its tail and told his brother Louy-kong that he had drowned in the swamp; trying to pull out the buffalo, the brother smeared himself in the mud, went up to heaven and promised revenge]: 325; li (Hainan, wu. Qiongzhong) [Lee people were born by Mother Lee; there was a mountain in the upper reaches of the Sihe River in Hainan that was always hidden by clouds, so there was no way to see it; the god of thunder, who controls everything between heaven and earth, I passed by the mountain and decided that it was suitable for people to live in; he left a snake egg on this mountain; after 9999 nights, the egg split, and a girl appeared from it; she lived in a cave, the birds fed her fruits; when she was 18 years old, she picked berries herself and slept in trees at night; the god of thunder called her Mother Lee; a young man appeared on her mountain; he came from across the sea to pick aloe leaves; The mountain spirit imprisoned him in an iron cage to pickle him and eat him; Mother Lee saw him, brought him water, decided to help him, and went to the god of thunder for advice; he pulled out his tooth, gave it to her, and taught him what to do; split the cage with thunder and lightning; Mother Lee took the young man into a boat that turned into the tooth of the god of thunder; the flood began, and the mountain spirit, along with all the evil spirits, was washed into the sea, only a boat stayed swaying on the waves; after the flood, the god of thunder told Mother Lee and the aloe collector to marry; they made a knife out of stone, and then asked the god of thunder for sparks and began to grow dry rice By slash-and-burn method; they had many children from whom the people came;. When Mother Lee and the aloe collector died, their children and grandchildren buried them on the mountain, called it Mother Lee Mountain]: Zhou 2002, No. 4:5-6.
Baltoscandia. Oriental {only?} Sami: Eichenwald et al. 1982 [a duck lays five eggs on a blade of grass in the ocean that grows into the ground; eggs produce vegetation, fish and birds, a man and a woman; the first couple gives birth son and daughter, who go looking for spouses and, having gone around the earth, meet again; the human race came from them]: 168; Czarnoluski 1965 [a duck flew over the waters, found a blade of grass Siyin; villages, flew around, a blade of grass grew into the ground; the duck laid four eggs, trees appeared from the first, the second bird, apparently animals from the third, people from the fourth (the informant did not say this directly); people have multiplied]: 122.
Volga - Perm. Mordva: Mainof, 107 in Latin 1933 [Fim-paz, after creating the earth from sand brought by Shaitan from the bottom of the sea at his command, lay down to rest under a tree; under the influence of the grace of his breath the tree grew; he slept for 30 years, then for another 30 years (climbing a tree); saw an egg on the ground, broke it, and a girl came out of it; said that she was a daughter, he replied that no, a wife; she was the mother goddess of Mordovia pantheon]: 21; Harva 1952:141-142 (Erzya) [a tree with three branches and three roots grows in the center of the earth, its foliage obscures the sun; the bird has made a nest on it, and the mother of norov-ava cereals was born from three eggs, mother of the wind varma-ava and mother of the forest vir-ava] (also retelling in Devyatkina 1998:39; the name of the bird Ine narmun); marie [To the bosom of the primary ocean from her nest - "Ludo Pyzhash" (letters. "duck's nest" - Pleiades) a duck flew in. After laying two eggs, she sat them under her wings. Two drake brothers, Yumo and Yeun, were born from these eggs. Then they alternately dived under the water and pulled land from the ocean floor. The land that Yumo took out formed a flat surface. On the other hand, Eun choked and spit out his saliva along with the ground. This is how mountains, lakes and swamps appeared on earth]: Kaliev 2003:17-18 (quoted from Yuziev 2016:106; the same text cites Limerov 2016:22 with reference to Kaliev 2004:108); Komi (Western 1923 in the village. Prondor, P.G. Doronin's list) [the duck is swimming, does not know where to lay its eggs; four eggs are absorbed in the depths, kept the last two under its wing, from which the ducklings Yong and Omöl hatched ; the mother asked them to get the lost eggs from the bottom, break them on her body, flew up herself, killed herself against the water; E. dived, O. shouted, the water was covered with ice, O. broke the ice with thunder and lightning; E. hit what they had brought the egg on the mother's body, the body grew, turned into land, the sun appeared from the broken egg; brought a second egg, angel assistants came out of it; O. brought two eggs covered in mud; one threw up, the moon arose; from the second he made helpers - evil spirits; E. made useful birds and animals, O. - reptiles; E. sculpted Adam's man, blew, revived; O. sculpted a woman, could not revive her, E. revived her ; the wife gave birth to 12 daughters, killed them herself at the instigation of O.; E. cursed her, she turned into death, her daughters into illness; from A. E. created Eve; O. seduced her, so the offspring were bad; E. made the first heaven, O. higher than the second, E. the third, etc., seven in total; E. destroyed the lower six with thunder and lightning, over O. and his assistants into forests, swamps and rivers; E. asked the demon leader Anthus if he and his army could climb into three pots; threw pots into hell, one crashed, some of the demons remained on the ground]: Plesovsky 1972:39- 41 (=Sidorov 1924, No. 1-2:24; =Limerov 2005, No. 2:17-20); Bashkirs [written by the author from his mother, Burzyan family, in the Bashkir Trans-Urals; first, water, a duck descends, pulls silt from the bottom, made it out of fluff nest, laid two eggs, began to incubate; two drake brothers were born from eggs, they are cramped, one pushed the other out of this world, he went under water, became Azhdaha]: Aminev 2005:31.
(Wed. Eastern Siberia. The Yakuts [the eagle eats the sura of a child intended to be a shaman, then flies southeast, up; there, with the sun and a month without bright light, there is a convex field with frosty trees and grass; larch and birch in the middle of the field; on one of these trees, an eagle lays an egg, incubates, then pierces, lowers the hatched child into an iron cradle at the base of the tree; incubated on birch became the messenger of Ayia, acquired the patron spirit of Y ora on larch]: Ionov 1913:8-9).
Japan. Ancient Japan [1) a woman gives birth to a meat ball, it is left in a basket in the mountains; it hatches an ugly but wise girl; 2) the daughter of rich Sudachi gives birth to ten eggs; they turned into ten arhat husbands]: Nihon ryo:iki 1995:159-161; Miyako Islands [the maid collects roots, is caught in a thunderstorm, spends the night under a tree; in the morning a red bird flies next to her, The maid finds many roots; this happens for several days; she gives birth to twelve eggs under a tree, buries them on the edge of the field; one day twelve children run out to her; she does not return to her master, is building her house; material comes down to her from heaven; her children have become gods, they are honored in various Miyako temples; the elder has become in charge of life, his temple is on Ikima Island; a detour came down from heaven and took their mother to heaven] : Nevsky 1962:178-179.
The coast is the Plateau. Lower (?) chinook (and chehalis? ; Clark has a link to both sources at the same time according to two different traditions, but the specific text seems to refer to chinook) [South Wind kills a whale; an old giantess tells him to cut it from the back; he cuts cross the belly; the whale turns into a thunderbird; it lays eggs on the mountain; the giantess throws them out of the nest; they are the Chinook Indians]: Eells 1889 and Swan 1857 in Clark 1953:135-136.
California. Luiseño [two eggs appear in the primary darkness; Sky Man and Earth Woman hatch; Earth gives birth to humans, animals, objects]: DubOis 1908:128; cahuilla [in primary darkness Two eggs emerge; two boys hatch; one makes our world; the other fights with the first, sinks underground with his people who are immortal]: Hooper 1920:317.
(Wed. Big Pool. Chemewevi [Coyote marries Lice; lays her eggs in a basket, opens it until the deadline; each egg gives rise to a separate tribe]: Kroeber 1908:240).
Mesoamerica Mountain Totonaki [it was only the Month, the lover of all women; said he was the Sun; the boy was watching the Iguana, who was basking on a hot stone; all the birds were hammering a stone, the Hummingbird succeeds in it split; there is a yellow egg inside the rock; it is surrounded by girls; it burns their skirts, stays lying on an orphan's skirt; she is told to swallow an egg; she gives birth to a boy; he drinks broth, not milk, does not tell his mother Approach him; climbs a tree, branches light up (the origin of fire); says that his grandmother will be east at the edge of the sky, his grandfather in the west, his mother at the zenith; tells his dog to point out to the pursuer- The month is the wrong way; when the month returns to the crossroads, the dog kicks; dogs have not talked since then; the month is still chasing the Sun; their quarrels cause eclipses]: Ichon 1969, No. II: 55-57; nahua Puebla (more precisely Federal District, Milpa Alta) [God stopped at the great sea (at sea?) , threw an egg that looked like a goose, a man and a woman came out of it]: Horcasitas, Ford 1979:11, 13; mountain shelters: Elson 1947 [old Tsitsimat saw an egg in the lake and began to catch it with a net; I realized that this was a reflection, and the egg was on a tree; told my husband to get it, the boy Homsuk hatched from the egg; he shoots fish and lizards with a bow; realized that the old man wanted to eat it; hid under the roof, taking from a bat; the old man climbed upstairs, the bat cut off his head; the old woman drank the bleeding, thinking it was the blood of a young man; rushed after him; the man he met replied that H. He had been here for a long time; the old woman burned down, H. told the Toad to throw out the ashes; she opened the bag, the ashes turned into poisonous snakes and insects; when H. was young, he always cried; his mother ground him and threw it into the water; now he came to her, asked her where his father was; He went to the country of Thunder and died; the Turtle took H. across the sea; she was in pain, she returned; because the Rabbit cured her, H. gave his horns; the deer began to compete with him, the horns suited him more, he took them for himself; H. arrives at the Thunders, who put him in a cage with snakes, with jaguars; H. easily pacifies them, first sitting on a snake, then on a jaguar; remains unharmed in a house filled with arrows; sits in a hammock above the waterfall; when Thunders sit in the hammock, the rodent bites the rope, the Thunders fall, die; alone stays, asks not To kill him, revives Father H.; H. sends a lizard to tell his mother to laugh when the dead man returns; the lizard told her to cry and bite the ground; Father H. died again; H. tore the lizard's tongue in two]: 195-213; Foster 1945a, No. 1 [the old woman saw an egg in the river, began to catch it with a net; realized that it was a reflection and the egg was on a tree; told her husband to get it, the Homshuk boy hatched from the egg; he shoots from the bow of gudgeon; gudgeon say that he is only an egg caught by a net; the old woman tells him not to pay attention; the same applies to thrushes in the forest; the old woman tells him to return the gudgeon caught into the water, revive and release the dead thrushes; tells the old man that X. must be eaten; H. feels it; hid under the roof, telling the bat to cut off the old man's head; the old woman drank the bleeding, thinking it was X. rushed after him; H. warns the old woman that if she does not stop chasing, she will burn; the savannah is on fire, the old woman is burned; on the seashore, H. beats the drum; Hurricane sends to find out who is it; I am the one who sprouts in my knees, who blooms; the hurricane asks H. again to name himself, he calls him, says he is the one who is peeled and eaten; H. asks Tarantula to build a house for him, because the Hurricane is about to arrive; in the morning, Hurricane's men find the drum again on the shore of X.; the Turtle agrees to transport it across the sea, but returns, as its shell cracks under its weight belly; this type of turtle is pecho quebrado; the larger one transports Hurricane to the country, for which H. paints it brightly; the hurricane puts it in a cell with snakes; with jaguars; in the morning he sits on a snake; on a jaguar; with arrows; H. tells them to be man's servants, binds them; whoever throws a stone across the sea; H. asks the woodpecker to knock on wood when he throws a stone, as if a stone has fallen and jumps; and when the Hurricane has thrown, no fall was heard; the Hurricane proposes to transport H. across the ocean with a hammock; shakes, thinking that he fell and drowned; H. did not fall; when Hurricane and his men land in the hammock, H. asks agouti gnaw on the roots of trees to which the hammock is tied; everyone is drowning, the Hurricane itself escaped, but broke his leg when he fell from a height; recognizes the strength of H., promises to water it in June-July]: 191-194; Veracruz Nahuatl: González Cruz 1984:211; Law 1957 (Mecayapan town) [the devil's daughter (tsitsimilama) became pregnant by a bird dancing around her; when she gave birth, the devil collided the baby, blinded the balloon, gave it red ants; three days later, Tamakasti's baby was intact, told the ants to rebuild his body; he was thrown into the pond, the fish swallowed it, carried it to the black ants, he was reborn; the devil threw it him into the lake, he swam there in the shape of an egg for three days; his grandmother and mother could not catch him with a net for a long time; his mother cried, he felt sorry for her, he allowed himself to be caught; his grandmother put him in the deck; 30 days later the deck burst, many different animals came out of it; the boy's father came, the grandmother was spinning; he began to fly a bird around the nanchi tree; the grandmother could no longer weave; ate the ripe fruit; she liked it, she decided that her grandson threw it off for her; big lice began to bite her, she cut off her hair, became bald; the bird threw a ripe fruit on her head for trying to kill him after birth; the next since T. became a cat, stole one of the bananas she baked from her; shot many birds; the grandmother complained that he killed their chickens; he revived them; T.'s grandfather invited his grandmother to eat it; T. told the bat kill my grandfather; blood dripped from the attic, the grandmother decided that it was her grandson's blood, started drinking; called her husband, found him dead; T. brought water, said that he did not kill his grandfather because he went to get water; the grandmother wanted to cook T ., he threw it into the cauldron himself; burned the bones with his grandfather's corpse, told the Toad to throw the ashes on the other side of the sea; the Toad reached the shore, threw a deck with ashes, it burst, mosquitoes appeared from the ashes, flies and mosquitoes; the Lizard also only said that she carried the deck with ashes; Skunk took it overseas; T. (or someone else?) split the lizard's tongue in half; T. told his mother that he would go to his father; on the way he sat on a stone, he swallowed it; he cut the heart of the stone with a sword; T. came to his father, brought Fox and the musicians; {hereinafter European a tale of matchmaking and marriage trials; T.'s rival - South Wind}]: 345-355; Masateks: Inchaustegui 197:27; Johnson, Johnson 1939 [old woman goes to the river to wash corn; fish steal particles; the old woman watches a parcel of corn, finds two eggs there, puts them in cotton wool at home; they are born brothers Sun and Month; in the absence of the old woman, everything is scattered; she is angry, they turn into young men; not can throw the ball into the sky, the old woman throws, wins, locks her brothers to eat them; The sun runs away, the Month is eaten; the sun turns into a dog, asks him to throw the dice; there is no head, she hidden under the roof; he asks the birds to distract the attention of the old woman and her husband with singing; takes his head away, restores the Month; to revive it, one of the animals must become his heart; the deer and others pass by, do not respond to the Sun's request; The rabbit is the last, the Sun puts it in the Month, that comes to life]: 218-220; Portal 1986:49; chinantecs [people hear sounds inside the tree; Comet, Thunder can't cut down , Woodpecker cuts a tree; inside two eggs; an old woman takes them; carries food to her reindeer husband every day; when she returns, the house is a mess; The sun boy and the moon girl rush to hide inside the eggs, girl hesitates, an old woman catches them; a bird hunting: Why do you kill birds for someone who is not your mother? The sun revives dead birds, kills the Deer, the old woman's husband; fills the vessel with wasps, they buzz, he tells the old woman that this is her husband's voice; but Luna says he's gone fishing; the old woman is chasing children; they throw the comb, mountains appear several times on the way (the origin of the mountains); the twins cross the river; when the old woman is in the middle of the river, they throw bola de acuyo at her; she falls dead, turns into agouti; many animals emerge from her blood; twins shoot wind guns at interpreting rocks, they disperse; a seven- or double-headed eagle takes people to the rock; twins do the cage, the eagle carries them away; at noon he sleeps, one head is awake; the twins strangle it with a noose, at which time the earth shudders; the eagle's eyes fall out, the moon grabs the right bright, the Sun is dim on the left; The vulture is unable to lower the twins on its back, it will now eat carrion; the Bat is fed seeds, the excrement grows into a tree, twins and other people descend it to the ground; the Moon wants drink; agrees to change eyes with his brother if he creates a source (the origin of the springs); drinks without waiting for the brother to bring the Rabbit Priest to bless the water; he throws the rabbit to her in anger in the face, it sticks to her, is still visible; the Sun and Moon rise to the sky]: Bartolomé 1984:13-16; Weitlaner 1977:52; cuicateques [the old woman found two eggs, put them in a vessel, of which they were born Sun and moon; every day she went to feed the deer corn porridge, told the twins to stay at home; called the deer the father of twins; when she returned, the house was a mess; once sent them themselves feed your father - call him, Kundo, Kundo! ; they called, the deer came, they killed him, the Moon took her right eye, the Sun took his left eye; fire was needed to cook the meat; they sent a fox to the old woman; she set fire to her tail, ran away; so that the tail would not burn, the fox placed fire in the stone {obviously in the flint}, the twins cut fire out of it; brought the old woman roasted venison, and made a scarecrow out of the skin, filling it with wasps and other stinging insects; old woman she ate, and frogs by the river told her that she ate deer liver; the twins told the old woman to pour sand on the frog's ass, so it was rough; the black vulture also told the old woman that she ate deer; she accused the twins of killing their father; went to check it out for herself; the deer did not respond; she went to the scarecrow and hit him with a stick - why she did not answer; insects bit her; she returned home and promised the twins call their uncle; this is a jaguar; they dug a trap hole, the jaguar fell into it; then the old woman called the twins' aunt, an eagle with two heads; they made a cage, the eagle sat on top, they grabbed her by paws (and killed); the old woman called another uncle; this is an aquatic animal with a shell, but big; the twins ran, met Thunder, asked them to hide them behind her cheek; Thunder replied to the beast that his teeth hurt and his cheek swollen; the beast tried to get into Thunder's mouth, but the Sun asked to hit, Thunder smashed the beast to pieces; while Thunder was working, the twins opened three vessels in his house: water, wind and hail; The soaked Thunder came back, closed the vessels and drove the twins away: that's why your aunt kicked you out; they found honey, the Sun ate a little, and told the moon to eat more, she was thirsty; the Sun gave water only after how they changed their eyes; the Sun did not tell them to drink everything, but the Moon drank everything; the Sun told them to regurgitate some of the water, otherwise it would not be on earth; the moon regurgitated, but the dirty water stained her face, so she was wearing it stains; the woman has a chest; the Sun gave her ripe cherimoyi and said that there are many of them in the forest; she left, and he asked the rat to gnaw through the chest; the woman hears and asks, Sun: don't worry; the same with the woodpecker; agouti gnawed, a wheel with a rope in the chest, the Sun and the Moon rose to heaven, agouti followed; asks what to do; Sun: cut the rope above you; Aguti fell, buried in the ground; the woman managed spanking the moon; so when the moon looks like a sickle, women are menstruating; woman to the Sun: remember me when I cover your face with my underskirt]: Weitlaner 197:56-62 (=Bartolomé 1984:6-9); tequistlatecs [the Tequistlatecs were attacked by the Zapotecs, the old woman took refuge in a cave, found an egg there, brought it, hatched from it, the boy Fane Kantsini (Three Hummingbirds); made a bow, poisoned arrows, exterminated the Zapotecs; half of those killed were eaten by men, the rest were burned; FC founded villages on the mountains, disappeared]: Barabas, Bartolomé 1984:59; Mihe: Barabas, Bartolomé 1984:48-49 [old man and the old woman is childless; the old man went to the river to swim; he thought he saw the reflection of the moon in the water, but it was an egg floating on the water; at home he put an egg under the chicken; a boy hatched from the egg; grew up, went to play with the boys, brought money, said he won; grew up and began to measure mountains: which of the three is higher; then he left and never came back; this is Cong; he fought against the Mixteks and the Spaniards, always winning; one day they they set fire to everything around the mountain, but K. simply disappeared, although since then his name was Kondoy ("the burned king")], 60 [in var. Miller 1956:105-109 an old woman found two eggs, a young Condoy came out of one, and his alter ego snake from the other]; mihe (Oaxaca) [husband and wife see two eggs in a spring by the cave; trying to catch them; then understand that eggs lie on a rock; they are brought home; one is born from Conda, from the other a snake; K. wanders, fights Montezuma; the snake crawls into Mitla and dies there when blesses the palace with a bishop]: Paredes 1970, No. 3:7-11 (No. 2 quail in Miller 1956, No. 23); chontal [mother is unable to calm her little son, leaves her on an ant heap (he still cries, throws it into a ditch in the rain, finally killed, rubbed it on a grain grater, placed it mashed in an eggshell, threw it into the lake, the egg was found by a childless old woman, her husband ordered to put it to hatch chicken, a boy was born the same night; grew up, was mischievous, came to his real parents, told them who he was, turned them into a pair of deer, attached a tail cloth; beat the drum on on holidays; people were tired of his mischief, wanted to shoot at the party but he was out of sight]: Keller, Gerónimo 2001:111-117; Maya Yucatana: Stephens 1841 [Uxmal; local Indians they said that a childless woman lived in front of the Ruler's House; one day she found an egg, brought it into the house and covered it with a rag; a boy hatched; a year later he began to walk but did not grow up; she predicted that he would become king; sent the ruler to measure his strength; he offered to understand the stone weighing 75 pounds; the boy cried and returned to the woman, and she sent him to say to the ruler: let him pick it up first; the ruler picked it up, a dwarf, too; so are several tests; then the ruler ordered to build a palace above his own overnight; ready in the morning; the ruler ordered to bring heavy wood sticks: first he would beat the dwarf on the head, and then his dwarf; his mother put a tortilla on the dwarf's head; the ruler broke all the sticks he had brought against the dwarf's head, and he crushed his skull with the second blow; the dwarf was made new ruler; a woman sits in a cenote in a cave, a snake next to him; gives water only in exchange for a child eaten by a snake; this woman is the mother of a dwarf]: 423-425; Villar 1989 (Izamal) [the old Sun is tired of wearing the crown was too hot; the Iguana couple found two eggs by the sea, buried them in the sand to warm them; the sun caused a flood; the eggs survived, a boy and a girl came out of them; the girl slept at the bottom of the well ( cenote), a boy in a tree; saw how Iguana created valleys and mountains, trees, etc.; Iguana asked him to become the new Sun; the boy became the Sun, the girl the Moon; they dried the earth; while they shone together, it was too hot; we decided that the Sun would be during the day, the moon at night; when the moon was not visible, it sleeps at the bottom of the well]: 82.
Llanos. Sicuani [while Furnánibali was playing the flute, young Fara stole his wife, who contracted gonorrhea from him; F. carved his new wife out of sassafras wood, but she had vaginas and could not eat; F. called animals to help; The monkey only broke his penis, now it's short; only Fox managed to pierce the woman; F. tries to make people (without a woman, inserting his penis into the holes), but they work out only animals; then he created four eggs; from them came Kajúvali, Tsamani, Ivinai, Tsaparao Duva (apparently the first anthropomorphic characters; they stayed on earth; EV is a girl); his mother-in-law F. became pregnant behind his mind, Matsuldani was born; F. checks if it was his son; 1) throws him into the river three times, but he falls ashore each time; 2) shoots him, he catches an arrow; 3) shoots him in the eye from wind gun, arrow deviates; recognizes son; further on the spread of fish, about the emergence of European things]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1992, No. 39:178-181.
Guiana. Wayam-yenna (turtle people) were like people; his wife called his wife to the forest for fruit; climbed a tree, fell again; his wife stepped on his stomach with contempt, so male turtles the shell is concave from below; the wife climbed the tree herself, the husband went home; instead of fruits, there were various kakenau-kworokjam (spirits that used to live on earth, now on the second heavenly tier, they have names animals, birds, insects); wanted to copulate, the woman covered herself in twigs; The grasshopper split the tree, copulated (he has a sharp egg); the kakenau left, the woman ate the fruit, got down, went home, from the forks did not go to the wayam, but to kamara-yenna (jaguar people); their grandmother hides it under a vessel; there was a giant turtle in the house, she told the jaguars about the woman, put her head under the vessel, she spit on her, jaguars they broke the shell of a turtle woman, ate her; left the old woman two eggs; she found Mawari in one, Wåshi in the other; hid it from jaguars under a vessel for three years; on the advice of the old woman, the twins made the first bows and arrows (also the first axes, the stone knife, the top); the Jaguars showed M. a Brazilian walnut, he climbed onto it, they removed the stairs; M. tears turned into a squirrel; M. and V. had no penises, they grew into the forest; their brothers licked them, by morning their penises had grown; the old woman's excrement grew into cassava, the brothers did not like it; then she let herself be burned, a real cassava appeared from the burnt bones; they sent a bird the karau to the top, there was a catch; it was an otter, the brothers copulated with her in the eye; she told them to catch women in the river; by shooting at the water, M. and V. pulled out women's objects (bag, mat, basket, spindle, etc.). ); on the fifth time, M. pulled out a woman, the daughter of an anaconda with an anaconda child; the second one was pulled out for V., she had two dogs in her arms, when M. went to heaven, he bequeathed people to hold dogs; the descendants of V. - Neozilans, M. - Indians and Europeans (they are kind); almost all of M.'s children died; he fired arrows into the sky, took his wife to heaven along a chain of arrows]: Fock 1963:38-42; tops [from the top of the Sun fish goes missing; The sun grabs a thief, this is Cayman; tears off his tongue, his tongue turns into a mazie fish; Cayman promises a daughter for his life; he has no daughter, he makes a girl out of a tabatinga tree; sends for with water; when she enters the water, she pops up, falls; makes her daughter out of wax; she puts the vessel on her head, starts laughing; makes her daughter out of samaumeira wood, she is real; the Sun does not find her vulva, puts her banana peel between her legs; The sun goes away, tells his wife to follow him after a while, follow him from the fork along the narrow right path; the woman walks along the wide left, comes to the old toad; she asks to take it out she has lice, not the ones on the right side of her head; the woman bites through the louse and dies; the grandchildren of the Jaguara Toad find and eat the corpse; the Toad takes two eggs in the woman's womb; tries to cook, the water cools down; it cleans them of their shells, the eggs sing; it pours them into the basket; Anike and Inskira emerge from them, feed on deer giblets lying in the next basket; at night the toad hears a conversation, in the morning sees two boys; while hunting, a parikuara bird tells them about the death of his mother; the brothers try to cut off the Toad's head, but she has a strong neck; they lure her into the garden; they ask her to name everything cultivated plants (corn, bananas, sugar cane, papaya, sweet potato, jerimu, watermelon, melon, rice, cassava); set fire to the plot; old woman explodes, hot stones fly to the sides; brothers in advance hid in hiding, unharmed]: Soares Diniz 1971, No. 2:78-80; trio: Magaña 1987 [twins from her mother's womb ask her to go to their father's village; tell her to pick flowers and fruits for them; she bitten by wasps, angry at children, they stop showing the way; a woman comes to the jaguars; comadreja hides her under a vessel, Jaguar finds her, she turns into a turtle, he still eats it; from eggs two boys hatch, an old woman raises them; while hunting, a dove tells them about their mother's fate; they invite the Jaguars to a party, lightning strikes the house where they dance; turn the house into a rock, an old woman into a deer; a pair of jaguars are saved], No. 8:133; oyana: Magaña 1987, No. 53 [see motive J16; in exchange for life, a man promises his sister to be married to Jaguar; she does not want to go; he does a wooden girl, she falls out of a hammock, breaks; waxes, the basket sticks to her back; paints three other girls with black paint, but the Jaguar recognizes the substitution; the man's sister is pregnant with Jaguar , goes to his village; takes the wrong path, gets to the Possum; Jaguar's son advises not to refuse the Possum, but to put the leaves in the vagina; the woman forgets to take out the leaves, becomes pregnant with her second son ; the son asks for fruit, the woman is bitten by an ant, she scolds the ant; the son thinks he is silent; she comes to the village of the Jaguars; their aunt Toad hides her under a vessel; the Jaguar finds her, eats her; the son of the Possum also eaten; Jaguar's son turns into a turtle; it is eaten, but four eggs remain; two boys and two girls come out of them; a bird in the forest says that the Jaguars killed their mother; from the mother's nails children make flutes to attract the Jaguars; they bring down the roof of the house on them], 89, 97 [like the top of the head]: 44-45, 52, 53; oyana, aparai [a person does not want to marry Injoliveryo; does rattan girl, sends him; I. copulates with her, inserting a flute into her vagina; leaves, tells her to follow their son soon; she gets to the Jaguars; old Toad hides her under the pot; Jaguars they come and eat it; the Toad saves eggs, from which the boys Malakalev and Varanarya and the girls Lyatukoni and Molokalypyo appear; they learn about the death of their mother from the forest chicken; dancing Jaguars are lured into a community home; Var turns into a rock, crushing the audience; the flood begins; both brothers escape in a mortar that grows into a palm tree; V. turns the Toad into a duck; sisters turn into fish]: Rauschert 1967, No. 8:184-185.
Ecuador. Quiker [Luna placed (huh?) two eggs in a vessel; a boy and a girl were born from the heat of the sun]: Cabello Balboa at Ceron Solarte 1986:174.
Western Amazon. Kofan [man leaves his wife and sister in the woods; wife finds no way home, ends up with jaguars; Jaguarich's houses; Jaguars want to marry a woman, but she is only ready to marry herself small; others eat it in anger; Jaguariha finds an egg in the uterus; chicks hatch from it; asking how their mother died; how to kill Jaguariha; hit her ear; they kill her]: Calífano , Gonzalo 1995, No. 119:175-177; shuar: Barrueco 1988 [Cere (the monkey) climbs the vine into heaven, brings a woman from there, Atsuta; Ivia takes her as his wife; she always brings a lot of fish; I. watches her, discovers that Anaconda gives her fish; out of jealousy, I. kills his wife, gutts; his (second) wife finds two eggs inside; The duck takes them away, and brothers appear from them The Sun of Oetz and the Month of Nantes; they eat all the peppers from the Heron garden; she sends them to steal from I.; I. leaves two insects as guards, catches thieves; E. takes E. as a grandson (N. is no longer mentioned) ; E. invents a wind gun, kills birds; Pigeon advises killing his mother's murderer better; E. sees I. and his wife playing with his mother's skull and eye, his eye sheds tears; E. kills I.'s wife, cuts off the head and limbs, the body turns into a deer, feeds I.; kills it with a spear, burns it; tobacco grows in this place; I. comes to life, but cannot kill E.]: 36-41; Karsten 1919:338; 1935, No. 8:524; Rueda 1987, No. 19 [de los Yawá's mother (jaguars) found two eggs, of which Yánkuam and Yá hatched; she raised them in secret, they became strong young men; when the jaguars returned from hunting and stepped on the bridge, the brothers brought it down, went down into the ravine, began to kill the jaguars; but there were too many; so the brothers took to heaven, throwing Wáchi ("peach palm flower") flowers behind them; Yanquam became a Morning Star and Ya became another star]: 109; Aguaruna: Akutz Nugkai et al. 1977 (1) [A predator (el Carnívoro) killed a pregnant woman, gutted it, washed meat in the river, found it in her stomach put the egg on a stone to bake it later, the goose took it to his nest down the river; a boy came out of the egg, the goose raised it; the boy began to come to the site of the murdered mother, ate hot pepper there; from the boy was radiant, he was the sun; the Predator's wife noticed that on their property (they considered him their own) someone was eating all the pepper; the Predator lay in wait for the boy, called him a son, brought him to him; made him little sarbakan; wanted to shoot flies that stuck to the Predator's body, and hit each one without injuring the Predator; the Predator offered to build a house, asked to go down a pole hole to deepen it, lowered it a pole from above and threw earth at the hole; the Sun got out through the hollow core of the pillar; both pretended nothing had happened; the Sun became a young man, the Predator made him a big sarbakan on the condition that all the game he would bring him; the Sun brought birds, the Predator barely roasted them, ate them raw; made thundering pendants in the Sun's ears to hear him approach; left alone, he played the flute from the skull his mother; the Sun destroyed all the birds, the dove remained; asked to shoot bird feathers from the sarbakan, the birds were reborn; the dove told everything; ordered to fix the pendants so as not to make noise, quietly come and see what the Predator is doing; he tried to hide the skull, the skull rolled under the Sun's feet, tears are dripping from his eyes; the Sun has created a tree whose fruits are loved by deer; the Predator ordered to go hunting tomorrow ; The Sun made him a spear out of bad wood, bewitched him not to hit the target, and the Predator made a good spear for the Sun; since the Sun hit the target, he was the one who went hunting; let the Predator send a wife to the site for cassava; The sun turned her into a deer, killed her, but the head was human; The sun told the digging stick to be responsible for it; brought home a deer without a head; The predator eats meat, the Sun pretends to call" his mother," answers the digger stick; the Sun sent the Predator to swim, brought his wife's head, cursed all objects to rot immediately; when he saw the head, the Predator wanted to kill the Sun, but all he took into hands, crumbled to dust; the Sun pierced the Predator with a spear, nailing him to the ground; a vine grew and tied him; the Predator's back took root; a flower grew out of the penis, hummingbirds flocked to it, the Predator caught He ate them; once he almost ate a man, the Sun decided to move him to the end of the world; the toucan and woodpecker cut off the roots, raised the Predator into the air; the Sun created a fruit tree, and many birds rushed to it; The sun told the Predator about the tree, who did not resist, he sucked the guts of the gathered birds; he did not want to fly, but the birds carried it; they shouted "like a balsa" (i.e. light) and he "like a stone"; at the end of the world downstream The Predator could only grab and eat fish, catch it all; then the Sun left him only one hand free; he turned into a tree, and the three women promised to him in red, cream and gray clothes (they are actually birds) - leaves; at certain times of the year, the leaves dry out, and the wind brings birds from the lower reaches of the river; these birds bring the Predator the souls of the dead, but they themselves say that they hunt monkeys; when birds arrive, many people die; when corpses are smoked, birds are driven away]: 135-169; Chumap Lucía, García-Rendueles 1979 (1), No. 1 [Ajáim went to the site, met a pregnant woman killed a woman, gutted it by the river, found an egg in her stomach, put it on a stone; a duck (Phalacrocoracidae) took it away; Etsa (the sun) was born from it; one day he got out of the water, came to site A. and began to eat burning pepper, which was sweet to him; A. sent the snake to find out who was on the site; E. ran away from the snake, but then A. caught him, brought him to his place; E. began to live with him; A. tied seed bells to him; when E. grew up, A. made him a small sarbakan; E. shot flies, then A. sent him to hunt for birds; E. brought them, A. ate; made a big sarbakan for E. soon shot all the birds, the last hummingbird; the dove tells me not to shoot, says that A. killed E.'s mother; he made a vessel (rather a wind instrument) out of her head, blows at it; E. crept up and saw that it was; the mother's skull rolled to E.'s feet, tears fall from his eyes; E. calls A. into the forest: there is a fruit tree to which deer go; E. throws his spears more accurately; tells A. to send his wife to the site; he killed her himself, turned her into a deer, only her head human; E. cut it off, and told his wife A.'s digging stick to be responsible for her; A. ate the deer, and when he returned from the bath, E. gave him his wife's head; A. grabbed the spear, but it turned out to be rotten, and E. pierced A. with his spear; a flower grew out of A.'s penis, hummingbirds began to flock to him, A. caught and ate them; to take A. to take A. to where he could not eat, E. called for help from a pauhil, a toucan, a woodpecker and peacock (Pipile cumanensis, sem. Cracidae); at first A. shouted: as heavy as a stone, the birds could not lift it; then he was promised two women and A. began to scream: light, light; he was placed on the island, but he ate all the fish; this place called Tunkín; left one hand on the ground - same, fishing with one hand; you can still hear his screams when he is hungry; the Leistes militaris (Pexites militaris) bird fumigates sick people or the dead and brings A. to eat; A. sings, birds flock to him, sitting on trees]: 39-45; Guallart 1958:61; huambis [Ajaimpi caught people in traps like birds, devoured; once gutted by a ravine woman, found an egg the size of a turtle's egg in her stomach; A. put it on a stone and began to swim; the heron carried the egg to its nest; sat out, the Sun Boy was born; began to live in the forest, ate pepper on A.'s garden; he waited for him, brought him home, called himself a father; seeing the boy shoot flies accurately with a toy sarbakan, A. made him a real one; the Sun brought him all the birds shot by A.; dove told him about the murder of his mother; the Sun shot birds from the sarbakan and they came to life; tying their ear pendants so as not to make noise, the Sun watched A. play an instrument made of his head mother of the Sun; suddenly entered, the skull rolled at his feet; the Sun asked A. to make two spears; he fell into a palm tree, but A. did not fall; so it was better for the Sun to follow the deer; asked him to send his wife to the area behind cassava; turned it into a deer, but the head remained human; the Sun set his head on a stick and told her to answer if they called, and A. brought the deer carcass; he ate all the meat; while he was swimming, The sun brought his head; made all objects rotten; A. grabbed them to kill the Sun, but they crumbled; the Sun hit him with its spear; A. put his right hand behind his back, and left his left hand free ; put a flower on his penis so that hummingbirds could flock to it, A. ate them; the vines braided A. firmly; the birds released it, fell as if dead, and then everything immediately came to life and lifted A. into the air, left it above the Santiago River down Marañón; the body became a tree, the hand with which A. grabbed the fish with a branch]: Ortiz Rescaniere 1985:61-85; achuar: Seymour-Smith 1988:116-117; huambisa (?) [Kumpara's wife, Chingaso, gave birth to a son, Etsa (sun); K. took a piece of clay in his mouth, spit it out, turned Nantu (moon) into a daughter; she did not have to be his blood sister to marry E.; E. painted his face, to be more attractive; N. ran to heaven, painted her body black (night), her face with spots (spots on the moon's disk); Auhu (Nightjar) fell in love with N., climbed the vine into the sky, N. cut it off; E. tied it to his hands and at the feet of parrots, they took him to heaven, began to fight with N.; their struggle causes solar and lunar eclipses; N. took clay (dirt), blew, made Nuhi's son; A. was jealous, smashed him, he became earth; N. adopted E., a son Uñushi (sloth, first hivaro) was born; the moon is growing - pregnant, decreasing - giving birth when she is not in heaven - copulates with the Sun; the second son is Apopa (manatee, helps people); the third is Huangañi (bakers); the fourth is a daughter, cassava; Ch. gave two eggs, one broke (the heron tried to carry it away), the second was born Mika (a chichi vessel); Unyushi and Mika were the first by a married couple]: Stirling 1938:124-126.
NW Amazon. Carijona [a woman takes Jaguar as a lover, allows him to kill her husband; when she is two years old, her son Months asks his mother how his father died; Missing in the woods; boy wanders through the woods, Forest says he did not kill his father; Fell off a tree; boy jumped off a tree, fell slowly; Earth; Didn't kill; - Drowned fishing; boy swims in a hollow over rapids, Water: She did not kill; the boy took a hummingbird egg, from which his younger brother Tukučimobi (hummingbird egg-first) was born; he is the Sun, on the third day he is smarter than the Month; the Month brings a lot of meat, but the mother is still gives it to Jaguar; brothers kill birds to tell them about the death of their father; the woodpecker who hammered the tree in which the Jaguar and the Night Monkey lived told; brothers revive dead birds; spy on the mother in The girl brings food to the girl's outfit, calls the Jaguar, knocks on wood with a vine, copulates; when he leaves, the brothers call the Jaguar with the same signal, kill him with poisoned arrows; T. made a necklace out of his fangs, wears it for war; when the Month wears the necklace, the hunters have a lot of prey; the mother takes a palm larva as lovers, the brothers burn the palm tree, the larva dies; the mother causes T.'s eye disease (same after Jaguar murders); the forest chicken screams about it; T. tells all the birds to voice, finds a chicken by voice, brings it to its mother to fry; she witches to pour water from the bone broken while eating, flooded the earth with a flood; T., with the help of a magical calebass, stops the flood; tells her mother to drop her milk into a pot of ash, from which a fruit tree grows; animals come to the tree, including Night A monkey; she has a horn from Father T.'s skull around her neck; brothers kill the Monkey in an ambush, but her mother creates a snake that steals her father's skull; so he could not be resurrected; the mother tells T. and his month-old brother that she would die, tell her to cut off her hand, put it in a basket with cassava, hang it over the hearth; when her sons returned from hunting, the food would be prepared; she said that the garden was ruining Aguti, she went make a trap, turned into an agouti, died deliberately trapped; there was a trap on her paw where T. took a sand flea out of his mother's leg the day before; the brothers did as his mother ordered, but T. did not believed that Aguti's paw was preparing the food; told the kuckuck bird to shout if women appeared; but the brothers were far away, did not have time to run; the same with the woodpecker (the brothers noticed the traces of two women); the third time the cacambra bird warned in time, the brothers grabbed two women, both wanted a lighter and younger one; T. managed to grab the eldest before she put on her Vulture outfit, and the youngest wore and flew away; because the eldest's clothes were torn, she remained human, T. married her; had many children, but was dumb; then T. showed her huge larvae, she spoke in surprise]: Schindler 1979, No. 1:21-43; andoke [pauhil says that the Hummingbird Egg (JK) is crooked in one eye; he claims he was left without an eye when he fought the Talking Tree (see G7 motif), but this is not true; in fact, daughters The owners of visibility (Príncipe de la illusión) worked at the site; there they copulate with Gray, Yellow, Blue, Red Snakes, the children of the guacamayo parrot; after that, the daughter of the owner of the visibility gave birth eggs of appropriate colors were left on the site, from which hummingbirds appeared; the younger sister, who was still a girl, picked up a hummingbird egg, brought it home; poked it, got into the eyes, so the YAK remained crooked; set traps, birds are caught; YAK tells everyone to sing, then lets go; when he hears the song of a caught pauhil, killed him, took him to Nenefi, he fried it and ate it; (to be continued)]: Landaburu, Pineda 1981:63-66; 1984:67; uitoto: Rodríguez de Montes 1981, No. 23 [Hitoma (The Sun) got a wife from river people; climbed a tree for fruit, says the fruit is like your chest; at this time birds ( Vultures?) stolen his wife; her husband is responsible for her spit; H. killed the kidnappers; came to a single woman; she has a lover, a river man; a toucan chick screams that the Sun's wife is unfaithful; carries meat with cassava to the river, knocks on a vessel placed on the water; H. killed his lover, cut off his penis, let his wife eat; H. came to another woman, they had a daughter; his wife tells him to swim down the river; he goes higher, he was eaten by a jaguar Gaimo, this woman's other husband; she gave birth to a son by H.; tells him that he was born from her knee; he sees his father's heart hanging on a tree - a hummingbird egg; he warmed up at home, his brother came out of the egg; the mother lies that father was bitten by a snake; brothers found a snake - it does not want to bite; fell from a tree; burned in a fire; brothers do not break, do not burn; woodpecker is injured, he lives on the same tree as G.; for treating, woodpecker talks about G.; G. has an assistant; advised him to bring cassava to G.'s hollow so that he thinks a woman has come; said that pucuna (wind gun?) the father is under the roof; the assistant (ocelot?) will be the first to come out , do not kill him; the brothers called and killed G., H. the youngest took a tooth for the necklace; for the fact that his sister was silent, turned her into a tuayó bird, sings at night; when the mother pulled fleas out of their feet, they threw her into she has coal and achiote; she asks to put a rat trap in the garden; she got caught herself (the brothers identified it by paint); did not want to live after G.'s death]: 189-201; 1984:45; Preuss 1921, No. 9 [Kud Buneima brought After drinking tobacco juice, he went to play ball with Dyaroka's people, his head was torn off with a ball, cooked, eaten; his son Magyari Buneim was offered to eat his father's meat; he and his brother get a magic remedy, they kill opponents; they see that the mother mourns their death; the mother tells them that she planted cassava and is eaten by rodents; the brothers caught the rodent in a trap, they recognized the mother from the wound on her leg - she and was a rodent; they cremated her, cried; went up to heaven to get the magic remedy of the Diarok people; when they went down, they fell down to the tree, they were called for help by the Muinane tribe, because the tree was breaking people heads; an eagle sits on top, yelling, "We're eating MA!" ; the worms on the tree struck Brother MB with lightning; their urine poured in a stream; then MB rose to heaven, took the name Hítoma (Sun); he took an egg from the hummingbird's nest on a palm tree, containing his brother, his name now a hummingbird boy; at night his brother was eaten by beetles; H. became hard as stone, killed beetles, but one escaped; H. went underground]: 314-330; Urbina 1986 (murui) [Jitobene sent his son to marry Ticone; she refused, because the young man is ugly, not like the leader's son; the father sent his son down the river to the sorcerers; he is fasting in a hut, urinating in one place, where a fish was born; the sister secretly gave it from his father to his brother, who lost his shamanic power; a woman came, united with him, they came to her parents; the young man warned that if he died, it would rain in the sun, the rainbow would turn red; his wife's brothers tore it into parts, ate; the wife ordered not to eat the heart and genitals; the father saw a red rainbow, went to heaven in a trance (where his son was taken), took the skeleton, heart, genitals; the son orders them to be buried at the foot of Gorlyankovaya trees, another to sow on the grave; the Heart of Jitobeo tree grew; on it a huge worm with its tail to the ground; these are J.'s genitals; Chief Kanijone's daughters went down to the river, naming everything in the water; The worm hit both of them with its tail, cut them, so the women had breasts; the girls began to catch fish, it made a hole in their genitals; so J. took revenge on women; since then they have been open to men; Chief K. gathered people to cut down a tree; those who tried to cut died: the axes bounced, the worm bit fatally; called two Jitomas (one Jitoma, the other Fizido; the helper spirit told them to go to their aunt - to the mistress of sleep; she could not be woken up; from the impact she woke up, gave the bag, told her not to open it along the way; F. opened it, the brothers fell asleep; Hitoma fell on the rock, F. to the ground, the worms began to eat it; the steel that climbed inside with veins thrown into the water - fish; when the brothers woke up, returned to the mistress of sleep, gave the dead bird, caused a hurricane; the hostess asked him to stop, gave him the bag again, taught him to replace it with a fake soft wood (yarumo) Thunder club; the brothers also took the mirror (causes lightning); Thunder's daughter woke her father up, he grabbed a false club, broke it; he still had a female club; the brothers were allowed to try a club, a mirror; broke a tree; F. also died, H. revived it; the brothers put the worm to sleep on a tree, smashed it apart with thunder; the front became a tapir, the back became a manatee; threw the club and mirror into the water, they became electric eels and stingrays; F. died; H. found a hummingbird egg, F. was born from it again; the brothers came to Cricket's house; F. sat down on the ground, was eaten by crickets; avenging his brother, H. made a house made of cotton wool and wax; set fire at the consecration festival of the new house; the possum's tail was burnt, the squirrel had its whole body (now dark); the cricket hid in the hole; H. cursed him, telling him to eat excrement]: 47-65; Ufaina [eggs are brought by a deity; each is the ancestors of one of the tribes; the cultural hero keeps an egg from Ufain, the rest are distributed among animals]: Hildebrand 1975, No. XXVIII: 359; macuna [Adyawa {this is a group of brothers, everyone works, then one of them} had an egg, and all people, animals and objects came out of it; this era is called the time of "Pauhil bones"; people fought each other friend, A. destroyed them, brought new ones out of the new egg, this is "the time of Yurupari"; people did not listen, A. they were destroyed again, and from the third egg he brought people of the "water parrot" era (Idé kirkö, perico de agua); Idé kirkö owned a fruit tree, Adiyava decided to kill him; A. sailed in the form of a fish to the children of IK, who replied that their father was on a tree; A. picked up the fruits, made the fruit mass together, she petrified, threw it into AK, but did not hit the branches, the mass became termites; AK climbed to the Sun by sunlight, wrapped around it, it became dark; A. began to urinate, rain, flooded the ground; A. climbed on a tree, told him to grow; threw fruits into AK, hit him on his fingers, he released the sun, fell, the rain stopped, the waters came down, the earth was empty; A. created people from the new egg again, the first man was Reha; A. there is one more egg that can destroy humans again]: Trupp 1977:85-86.
Central Amazon. Vila-Bela [when leaving, the husband tells his wife that she will find arar feathers on the way to him; the children from the mother's womb show the way; they are hungry, they cry, she hits the stomach, they stop talking; she gets caught to the Jaguars, says that she followed the trail of urubu and the feathers of the arar; one day the Jaguars return without prey and eat it; their grandmother finds eggs in the uterus, of which 7 boys and a girl are born; avenging their mother, invite the Jaguars to swim where it is deeper; they drown; the Jaguar grandmother comes, they kill her; they go up to heaven, turn into Pleiades]: Barbosa Rodrigues 1890, No. 13:261-262.
The Central Andes. Huaura (dep. Lima) [three eggs are sent from heaven; in gold the ancestors of the nobles, in silver - their wives, in copper - commoners]: Calancha 1638, vol.2, ch. 19:413-414; Huacho, Vegeta (dep. Lima) [The sun went down to earth, laid two eggs; kashiki {chiefs} came out of gold, and the rest of the Indians came out of silver]: Arriaga 1910, ch. 17:40; Huamachuco (dep. La Libertad) [Ataguju creates together with Sugad-Gabra and Ucioz-Gabra created Guamansiri (Huamansuri, i.e. "Son of the Falcon"), sends them to land in Huamachuco, where Guachemines live; they force him to cultivate them fields; he seduces their sister Cautaguan; they burn him, push his bones into dust, she rises to the sky to A.; Cautaguan gives birth to two eggs, dies, throw eggs on a pile of manure; they are picked up by a woman, one of them Cepokatequil (or simply Catequil) and Piquerao are born; Catequil revives his mother, she gives him the two slings left by his father; with them he kills some of the guachemines, drives the rest away; asks A. to populate the land new people; he tells you to dig on Guacat Hill, aka Ipuna, on the site of Puerto de Santa between Trujillo and Lima; Catequil digs with a silver and gold shovel, people come out of the ground; with his sling Catequil produces thunder and lightning]: Relación 1918:19-21; see also Tello 1923:142-144 (full text); San Pedro 1992 in Topic 1998:112 (summary).
Montagna - Jurua. Character: Calífano 1995, No. 15 [at the end of the world, rain will turn into blood, tiers of the earth will change places; new people will emerge from an egg sent by the Sun], 21 [Vashik Purach lost one of the two eggs from which today's humans arose]: 185-186, 187;
(Cf. Southern Amazon. Rickbacz [the sister of the deceased person has eggs of various birds in the basket; the latter hatches a harpy eagle, kills an antagonist]: Pereira 1994, No. 6:76).
Bolivia - Guaporé. Chacobo [a girl gets pregnant; paints her belt with uruku red paint to see who it's from; in the morning she discovers paint on a piece of clay that resembles a penis; her children talk to her from the womb, they tell them to go in search of their father; the yellow feathers at the fork show the way to her husband, the red feathers to the jaguars; the woman is bitten by an ant, she claps her stomach; the children fall silent; she comes to the Jaguars; the Jaguar on she marries, she is pregnant; he tells her to take out his lice; the lice are large; she kills them but does not eat them; the Jaguar is offended, kills her; the old Jaguariha finds four eggs in her stomach, of which boys appear Kako and Kurachyo and girls Mashutsai and Nyanya; Kako climbs a tree, throws fruit to his father, Jaguar, kills him with a fruit; Grandfather Jaguar offers to put a sliver in the ass, take it out through his mouth; he dies; the children leave from the grandmother; Kako kills his sister M., makes rivers out of her blood; turns her second sister into a frog; climbs a tree, the mutum bird makes it grow; the brother lets the pole go down; Kako makes the birds colorful feathers]: Balzano 1984:29-31.
Chaco. Mbaya [the bird laid and planted eggs, and humans came out of them]: Sanchez Labrador 1770 in Niles 1981:133; in Wilbert, Simoneau 1990a:3.