J22E. The man from the last, T541.12. .
The second character emerges from the last of the first.
Toda, Baiga, Bontok, Ojibwa, Arikara, Pawnee, Wichita, Natchez, Shouts, Seminoles, Makiritare, Yagua, Huaura.
South Asia. Toda: Rivers 1904 [goddess Teikirzi gave birth to a son on her way from one village to another; the child's name was Azo-Mazo; then swam along the river, entangled in plants, became a boy Korateu; the god of the river Teipakh was his mother's brother; K. grew up, lived in a cave, hit the woman on the head, she became pregnant, and gave birth to a beautiful girl that evening]: 172-173; 1906 [when Azo-Mazo was born, he later swam down river, turned into Korateu; the gods recognized him as one of their own only after he showed his unusual abilities]: 190-192; baiga [pregnant wife asks for mushrooms; husband goes to the forest, no mushrooms; the cobra gives mushrooms for promising to give him a child if a girl is born; parents pretend that a boy was born, but the cobra, becoming a fly, spied on everything; the girl grew up, goes with her father to the pond; there are lotuses, she wants to rip off alone, the water recedes, then covers her, the father broke his head against the edge of the reservoir in grief; the latter turned into a boy; the mother died soon, but the son grew up, came to his sister; brings a lot game, and the cobra eats everything it got; then he also ate what his wife's brother got; the young man cut the cobra into pieces, the blood flowed like a river; the sister is happy, stayed with her brother in the forest]: Elwin 1944, No. XXII.2:446-448.
Taiwan - Philippines. Bontok [star girls fly to swim in the lake; a young hunter hides the wings of one of them; takes her as a wife; she gives birth to a son, the placenta turns into a second boy endowed with more by force; playing, the brothers turn the stone, find wings, return their mother; the placenta boy feet on the edge of the spear, pushes off, flies to heaven, becomes the Evening Star; the brother cannot take off; the mother flies away, promising him that he will be the ancestor of Europeans]: Eugenio 1994, No. 7:15-16.
The Midwest. Ojibwa: Jones 1917, No. 61 [Nyanabushu (N.) asks his grandmother if there were any other people besides them; she replies that they are all missing, including his older brother, Nyanapatam, from the placenta of which N. himself arose; N. sharpens an ax to make arrows, the whetstone repeats, Your father, your mother; N. sails in a boat, asks the Great Sturgeon to swallow it; cuts his heart from the inside, he cannot regurgitate it; Sturgeon's people bury him at the bottom of the sea; N. causes a storm, Sturgeon nails to the shore; N. asks Chaaek to open the hole; for this makes them beautiful, white; makes sturgeon from Sturgeon], 63 [N. reminds his older brother what came from his placenta]: 467-483, 495-497.
Plains. Arikara [(Parks recorded 3 versions of the myth of River and Home, here are excerpts from one of the versions, Parks 1991:146-147; the other two on pp. 474-484, 793-800, one of which does not have an episode with the Long Arm); an old woman with fiery moccasins sets fire to the steppe, the inhabitants of the village burn down; the husband returns from hunting, finds his dead wife, pulls a live baby out of her belly, then throws her into the river; five years later he and his son Drinks Brains Soup (Homemade) discovers that Long Teeth (River), who has arisen from the last, lives nearby; they have a hard time luring him out, filing his teeth, he regurgitates what he ate in the river; brothers, contrary to their father's warning, they embark on adventures: they kill a fiery woman and her granddaughters, a dangerous bison, thunderbirds ("big red birds"); once they slept on a hill, the Long Hand grabbed the River, dragged him into the sky; Domashny noticed a hole in the sky, turned into an arrow, flew up into the sky; saw the village dancing around Rechnoy, who was being worn on the platform; Domashny cut the ropes, carried brother to the hole, they flew to the ground; Long Hand reached for them, but Domashny cut off his hand; since then there has been an image of a hand made of stars in the sky]: Lankford 2007:26-27, 233-234; throw off the pawnee [by returning, the hunter finds the village burned, the pregnant wife dead; pulls out her son from her womb, throws the afterbirth down the river; when the father is gone, the boy finally comes out of the water to play with his brother; carries arrows under water; the father tells his son to tie a bison bubble to his head; he cannot dive, the father catches him, knocks out his sharp teeth with a stone; the brothers kill the monstrous lizard, puff out its skin, drag it with themselves on a rope, scaring his father; they make a dangerous bear tame; a witch kills a domestic young man; the Last brother revives him, kills the witch; they frighten his father with her scarecrow; they flee from the buffalo, becoming birds; The last brother is the flint given by the Thunderbird; he kills the elk that killed their mother with it]: Dorsey 1904b, No. 25:88-94; wichita [the son of one leader marries the daughter of another; they are expelled, they live alone; the husband warns his wife not to look at who comes; every day, while her husband is away, a two-faced monster comes to eat meat; the wife watches, he kills her, takes the boy out of the womb, then throws her into the river; a man raises his son, makes arrows for him; a boy from the river comes when his father is gone, wins arrows from his brother; the father tells his son to tie the boy from the river by his hair; he agrees to stay on earth, brings back arrows from the water; brothers come to the Spider; she tries to cook them; the boy from the river sits in boiling water, scalds the Spider to death; climbs into the Thunderbird's nest, throws two chicks of four; a bird cuts off his limbs, they grow; the lungs of two-faced monsters hang on the wall in their cave; a boy from the river pierces them with an arrow, monsters die; Headless makes them play the ball kills the losers; the boy from the river breaks his ball, wins by playing with his ball, kills the Headless; the brothers go to the lake for the hoop, they are swallowed by a huge fish; the father thinks they are dead, rises to the sky, becomes a star; they kill fish with a string, go out through its ass; shoot at a star, blood drips; they take to the sky themselves, flying two arrows fired]: Dorsey 1904a, No. 12:88- 102.
Southeast USA. Natchez [every time her husband hunts, strange creatures dance outside the house; one day a woman goes out, they eat her; the husband finds a drop of blood, it grows into a boy; the second comes from afterbirth; he's wild, eats bugs, can fly; his father catches him, hangs him in the chimney, he belches bugs, doesn't run away from people anymore]: Swanton 1929, No. 5:222-223; screams [two sisters go looking Spitting Beaded (PB); The rabbit pretends to be him, pulls out a few beads from the vultures, puts them in his mouth; sleeps with one of the sisters; the sisters leave, get to the Gopher, who eats their provisions; than the closer the house of the Turkey Killer PB), the more feathers lie on the road; the owner tests the girls, telling them to bring water with a sieve; the one with which the Rabbit combined pours out water, the other turns into beads; PB sends the first, takes the second as his wife; she is pregnant; he calls her from the other side of the river, asking her to fit a boat; from a distance he sees the figure of a woman in the house; she does not bring a boat, PB swims, hits the imaginary wife, she disappears; it was Kolowa, who ate his real wife; in his wife's torn womb, PB finds a live baby, then throws him into the thickets; the son has grown up, asks to make him two bows; father spies on the second boy coming out to play with him; his father turns into an arrow, a ball of grass, a feather, Thrown away recognizes him every time; finally caught, tamed, his name is Fatcasigo (Not-doing-right); the father warns not to answer, if someone asks to transport him from the other side of the river, it will not be him, but Kolova's mother who ate them; the old woman calls, F. insists that they transport her; the old lady asks F. to take her on her back, shouts "Kolowai, Kolowai", refuses to get off; F. hits her, sticks her hands, legs and head; her brother also hits and sticks; the father soaks them with hot water, K. flies away; the father does not tell him to get two eggs off the tree, F. persuades his brother to pick up the eggs; the storm immediately takes their father away, he returns; lightning begins to sound around, the brothers get off the tree; brothers They spy on their father, see a corral in which he keeps bears, deer and all animals; they release them; their father sends them to a character named Long Nails for tobacco; a crocodile transports them across the lake , teaches how to grab tobacco and run; transports back, Long Nails do not have time to catch up; F. suggests filling the house with stinging insects; brothers place watchmen who should warn about when their father approaches; these are the Blue Crane, Wild Goose, Pelican, Partridges; those closest to them, when they screamed, the brothers release insects, they bit their father to death; the brothers turn him into a Crow; F. goes west, his brother goes east; when you see a red cloud in the west, it's F., when it's in the east it's his brother]: Swanton 1929, No. 2:2-7; Seminoles [someone kills the mother of a newborn; the discarded afterbirth turns into a second boy; he is wild, lives in the forest, comes to play with his brother; the father turns into a log to catch him, but is recognized; he blows feathers down the wind, the Wild stays with them play; father does not tell you to go to the lake; brothers come to catch small aquatic animals; water rises to the roofs of houses, then descends; brothers kill their uncle in a nearby village; father tells people kill them; brothers release wasps and bumblebees, all people are killed; brothers come to the old woman; she asks to collect firewood for the fire; the Toad warns that she is going to burn them; they themselves push the old woman into the fire; four horses jump out of the fire, the brothers take the white one; they find themselves among predatory animals; they shoot up, the arrow pierces the sky; which means that they will get to the sky, shoot themselves; in the sky, Thunder gives them into their daughters' wives; they have many bad children, so people are afraid of thunderstorms; these two brothers are Thunder and Lightning]: Greenlee 1945:142-143.
Southern Venezuela. Makiritar [the heavenly god Uan√°di sends his spirit to be born on earth; from the rotten afterbirth, Kahu, or Odosha, the lord of evil spirits, emerges; Vanadi returns to the sky, the inhabitants of the earth turn into animals; to prevent a new Odosha from being born, the afterbirth must be placed in an anthill]: Civrieux 1980:21-22.
NW Amazon. Yagua [enemies kill all the inhabitants of the village; an old woman who returns from the garden finds only ashes on the site of her pregnant daughter's house, in the pile of garbage - a crying baby; next time, finds a second boy emerging from the afterbirth; brothers take revenge on enemies]: Chaumeil, Chaumeil 1978:162; Payne 1992:199; Powlison 1972a: 75; 1993, No. 1:57.
The Central Andes. Huaura (dep. Lima) [At the beginning of the world, the son of the Sun, Pachacamac, created a man and a woman, the man starved; the woman complained to the Sun; he conceived a son with his ray, she gave birth four days later; P. I am outraged that the woman turned to the Sun, not to him, tore the child apart; sowed his teeth, from which corn grew, from the ribs and bones - cassava, pepino flesh, guava and other fruits; mother asked the Sun to punish the murderer; he created a new boy named Vichama, or William, from the umbilical cord; while W. was traveling, P. killed his mother, fed meat to vultures, bones and hid his hair on the seashore; created men and women, including nobles; V., who returned, raised his mother from her bones; P. left the Vegeta Valley, where these events took place, to the south, where the temple is now Pachacamac; V. asked the Sun to turn the people created by P. into stones; then repented and moved them to the seashore; these rocks and reefs are now honored and sacrificed; at the request of V. The sun sent three eggs; nobles came out of gold, from their silver wife, from a copper commoner]: Calancha 1638, vol.2, ch. 19:412-414.