Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

J23. The late son defeats the monster, ATU 312D. .11.-.16. (.17.) .19.-.21.23. (.26.) .27.-.33.35.-.37.39.40.-.48.

People in general or older brothers (siblings, older sister) disappear one after another. A woman raises a boy or twins from infancy. Sometimes, left alone, she conceives a son miraculously or finds a baby. He defeats antagonists, usually revives or frees the missing.

Shambhala, kiniramba, maragoli, isanzu, iramba, sukuma, kikuyu, chagga, kaguru, safwa, ronga, xhosa, bena lulua, (ovambo), bambara, kpelle, guro, wobe, sarah, anuak, acholi, Kordofan, Kabila, Berbers of Algeria (Ouargla), Arabs of Egypt, Portuguese, Germans, Scots, Irish, Arabs of Iraq, Komba, Vogeo, Santa Cruz (Reef Islands - Nukapu Island), Bargham, Vedau, Motu, Buka, Trobrians, Goudinaf, D'Entrecasteau, Gazelle Peninsula, Massim, Banks Islands, Tanna, Loyalty Islands, Reef Islands, Palau, Kusai, Ulithi, Tokelau, Marshall Islands, Tuvalu, Ontong Java, Pileni, (Socotra), Kachari, Baiga, Telugu, Chinese (Hunan) (?) , Bosnians, Hungarians, Moldovans, Romanians, Slovenes, Croats, Serbs, Gagauz people, Slovaks, Belarusians, Ukrainians (Chernigov, Poltava), Russians (Arkhangelsk, Moscow, Perm), Ossetians, Ingush, Dargins, Megrelians, Georgians, Armenians, Pashtuns, Pashayas, Norwegians, Danes, Lithuanians, Latvians, Lutsies, Finns, Komi, Udmurts, Mari, Chuvash, (Kazan Tatars), Kyrgyz, Nenets, Northern Khanty, Sym Evenks, Western Evenks (Angarsk), Baikal Evenks (northern Transbaikalia), Nanai, Chukchi, Bering Strait and Northern Alaska Inupiat, Koyukon, Atna, Tagish, Inner Tlingits, Tlingits, Haida, Tsimshian, Bellacula, Nootka, Quarry , clallam, shuswap, thompson, quinolt, ojibwa, delawari, teton, santi, crowe, arapaho, arikara, wichita, kaddo, maidu, konkov, yana, yokutz.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Shambhala [boys are surprised at the big pumpkin, she replies that she will "pick them if they pick it"; they don't believe them; sisters come to check, the pumpkin is silent; grows up, swallows everyone, hides in lake; one woman stays alive, her son grows up, calls a pumpkin, she rolls after him, he splits it with arrows, swallowed ones come out]: Seidel 1896:174 in Basset 1903:297-300 (retelling in Werner 1909:450, =1933:216-217); kiniramba [Kiali's husband kills her sister; K. goes to her mother; on the way, the porcupine cannibal throws her into a hole, takes her form, comes to her house; the real K. comes to life, the cannibal is exposed, thrown into the fire, buried under the hearth; in the morning a pumpkin grows there; repeats everything the people of the village say; they come to chop it with an ax, she swallows them, remains hidden in the cave a woman with her son Mlilua; he, starting with a grasshopper, hunts larger animals; kills the Kiali Pumpkin with arrows in the lake; when dying, K. tells him to cut it from the back so as not to injure the swallowed ones; swallowed go out; cutting K., M. injured one woman's ear, she gives him poisoned beer, he dies]: Johnson 1931:334 in Werner 1933:217-218; isanzu [the monster Msisirimbugwe devoured everyone humans and animals; a pregnant woman hid in a cave, gave birth to a son; he kills a giraffe, then an elephant, but the mother replies every time that it is not M.; M. takes the elephant, the young man chases, catches up with M. swimming in the river; M. invites him to a cave with many weapons; the old man feeds him there; for 4 days he grazes M.'s cattle; secretly carries arrows to his mother's cave; fires at M., on the 15th day M. chases him , the young man's mother throws a hot iron rod at M.; he swallows it and everything inside it lights up; swallowed people and animals come out; ripping open M.'s stomach, the young man touched his ear swallowed old woman; she poisoned him with beer]: Kohl-Larsen, Allensbach 1937, No. 32:40-42; iramba [pumpkin spoke, began to grow, when someone raised an ax to cut it, she swallowed it; the last a woman with a child hid in a cave; the boy Mlila has grown up, brings his mother bigger and bigger game, asking if it's an absorber; finds a giant, kills with arrows, who dies and tells him to slaughter him with backs so as not to cut the swallowed ones; swallowed people and animals come out of the abdomen; ripping open the giant's womb, M. cut the ear of one woman, who killed M. with witchcraft]: Millroth 1965:194; sukuma [1) a pumpkin grew, repeated the words spoken to it, became gigantic, the monstrous Shingwengwe came out of it, ate everyone, a woman with a small child escaped; he grew up to bring more and more big game, the mother replies every time that it's not Sh.; the real Sh. comes out, he and the boy build every seven walls around them; Sh. and the boy take turns firing seven arrows; the monster's arrows burn seven hedges, the young man's arrows do not reach; when Sh. fired all his arrows, the young man came closer and killed him with an arrow in the forehead; when he dies, he tells him to skin him, starting from behind, not from his stomach; when the young man cut his stomach, all swallowed people and animals came out; 2) the three-headed and multi-armed giant Simungala swallowed a piece of land with the people living on it, the boy and grandmother escaped; the boy grew up, won S., when he was dying, cut off his little finger on his left hand, and everyone swallowed came out; 3) like (2), the man hit the stone, the fragment that flew off hit S., who ordered his little finger to be cut off; S. had many hands, man cut off all; trees came out of the first, animals from the second, people swallowed from the last; S.'s body was buried]: Millroth 1965:192-193; kikuyu [(Rautledge 1910); giant Mukunga M'bura ("rain snake", rainbow) is swallowed by a shepherdess, his father, boys, women, bulls, goats, a house, barns; one little boy hid; grew up, came to kill MM, he asked to cut him middle finger, swallowed out alive, swallowed supplies fell out; then the boy killed MM with the young men, but one of his legs threw himself into the water; MM children took his remains and water, left; on the spot rivers left cattle, people took them]: Radin 1952, 80:296-297 (translated to Zhukov, Kotlyar 1976, No. 111:255-257); chagga [people were arrogant, oppressed the poor; Ruwa warned them in vain; the girl sees in the lake, a man's head says he will marry the strongest; the one in the lake replies that it is him, comes out, turns out to be a giant Rimu, swallows the girl and all the people who escaped in the forest, on the mountains Ruwa destroyed; only a woman with cattle, a young daughter and a newborn son escaped in the shelter; Ruwa's messenger told them to go out and rule the world; the woman's son Mkechuwa became a hunter, killing R. with poisoned arrows, swallowed people come back, M. married his sister; since then Ruwa has not sent Rimu to destroy people]: Dundas, S. 117 in Sicard 1952:65-66 and Millroth 1965:194-195; kaguru [a monster swallows all villages, a pregnant woman escapes to a cave, gives birth to a boy; he sees a monster, realizes that onions cannot kill him; asks his mother to make cakes, gives the monster that satisfied, every day asks for more; the young man throws hot stones into his mouth instead of cakes, the monster dies; the mother tells her son to rip open the monster's belly, the swallowed ones come out; the mother's brother accuses the young man that when he cut the monster's belly, he cut his (uncle)'s eye, made him pay for it {it's not said how}; the young man had a chain that he could swallow; his uncle asked for it, swallowed , could not belch; the young man demanded the chain back, his uncle's stomach was ripped open]: Beidelman 1967d, No. 2:8-11; safwa [the monster ate everyone, Uxyira and his mother remained in the forest hut; W. kills the monster with arrows, cuts, releases people, becomes chief]: Kootz-Kretschmer 2, S. 131 in Sicard 1952:66; ronga [the girls got lost, came to the old woman's house; she hid them; her son Ngumba came, everyone swallowed one, let go of one with his eyes out; people went to kill him, he defeated them, swallowed them; there was only one woman left, successively giving birth to three sons from the knee; they killed N. with arrows; their mother ripped him apart belly, swallowed out; each of the brothers received five wives; they began to argue who would be the chief; one was driven into the forest, he went crazy]: Junod s.a., No. 13:116-118; suto [the monster Kho-dumo-dumo dumo swallows people and animals; a pregnant woman, showered in ash, hides in a cattle pen; fat K. gets stuck in a gorge; a woman's son born becomes a man, cuts K.'s stomach, swallowed go out, make the woman's son chief; cutting K., he accidentally injures one of the swallowed ones; he persuades others to push the leader into a hole with hot coals; people mistakenly push their own; in the end, the leader himself agrees to be killed]: Zhukov, Kotlyar 1976, No. 114:269-271; braid [a woman quarrels with her husband, goes to her native village, and everyone was eaten there; she hides in a house under the roof; animals come, make a fire, eat, leave in the morning; a woman gives birth to twins; when animals come again, she throws a stone down; animals decide to go to live in water, forests, savanna {where they live now}; she trapped a buffalo but can't take off her skin; an absorber (anthropomorphic) comes, she asks him for help; he roasts meat; she goes out, blows into an empty calebass, the Absorber is afraid of sound, leaves; she pursues, blows, he throws a bag of meat; she lives on this meat with her sons; they grow up to kill the Absorber with arrows in the eyes; swallowed, go out, give the woman cattle]: McCall Theal 1882:161-164; bena lulua [the giant scorpion ate them all, the woman Mbuyu hid in a cave, gave birth to twins Katende and Tshaale; they smelted iron, made daggers and spears, killed a scorpion. they cut his belly, the swallowed ones came out; many had already died by then, others were weak, but many were in good health; they formed a village]: Frobenius 1983:158; (cf. ovambo [Simbaba and his sister saw a fruit tree in front of the kraal that did not exist before; the sister climbed it, the tree carried her away; S. rushed after him; the tree stopped at the chief, who was his sent to bring a wife; he killed Simbaba; all wives gave birth to eggs, the chief beat them thinking that chickens were rushing; the new wife hid the egg, the son hatched when the chief was away; S. revived; the young man fired all the arrows at once, having destroyed the chase; his mother's husband broke his knee, who became a one-legged spirit; from the fork, the woman walked along the road of honey, S. and her nephew on the manure; they came home, and the woman met a one-legged spirit, he swallowed it; her son began to beat the drum, perfume came, everyone said he did not eat a woman; the one-legged said he ate it, he was wearing iron pendants in the form of the sun, moon, stars; the young man cut off his head, went out mother and all swallowed]: Loeb 1951:300-302).

West Africa. Bambara [there is fire only in the sky; a monster comes out of the sea, swallowed all people except the pregnant woman in the cave; her unborn son tells him to give birth and collect firewood; instantly grew up, got fire, smelted the first iron, made a spear; the monster swallowed it; inside the young man found many living people; cut through the monster's belly with a spear, everyone went out, but no one wanted to greet savior out of fear of his power; he returned to his mother, made weapons for people; later he was defeated by Sundyata]: Mariko 1984:102-106; kpelle [the girl wants to marry only someone who has nothing on her body one scar; the forest devil appeared handsome; contrary to her mother's warning, the girl went with him; he took on his form: with one eye, one leg, a huge abscess on his body; from the fork in the 12 trails they went to his house; the girl was placed separately; her mother gave birth to a boy, he was born with a handbag and a horn in it; the boy went to save his sister; he threw a horn at the fork, who showed him which path to take; the sister hid the boy under the bed; the devil began to sniff, but the sister said that there was no one; her brother told her to cook rice, and on the fourth day he climbed onto the rock, called the devil; he threw spears at him, but he dodged; said he wanted to take his sister to see his family; hell: I'll go with you; brother: let's eat rice first; hell wanted to put his hand in a bowl, his hand went through the rock; brother ate rice, hit the empty a bowl of hell on his head, he stayed crying, and brother and sister returned to their parents]: Westermann 1924, No. 12:137-139; guro [the boy picked up a pumpkin seed; a seed: I picked up a boy; he planted it in the field, it sprouted; boy: the seed sprouted; pumpkin: the boy sprouted; etc.; when the boy said that the pumpkin was ripe, then in response: the boy was ripe; rolled after him, swallowing along the way all humans and animals; only one pregnant sheep hid in the crevices of the rock and it closed behind it; a lamb was born, went out, refused to return; the pumpkin answers him, rolled up, he smashed it with horns, that's it swallowed people and animals came out; the ram still has this God-given power]: Tououi Bi 2014:97-100; wobe [pumpkin swallowed everyone; one woman survived; gave birth to twins named Famous Warrior and Soldier of God; a woman told them that the pumpkin had swallowed their father, grandfather, grandmother, and all relatives; they came to the hillside, where the pumpkin rolled up and down and screamed that it had swallowed them all; one shot from below, the other hit with a spear from above; the pumpkin split, swallowed out; they lay in four layers (black below all, then red, yellow, white; so people of different races of different colors ]: Paulme 1976:293-295.

Sudan - East Africa. Sarah [mother and daughter want to isolate salt from the ash from burning the sorcerer's body; a pumpkin sprouts from salt, rolls around the village and swallows everyone; a pregnant woman saves; gives birth to twins; those trying to cut a calebass is unsuccessful at first; a thrush teaches you to sharpen knives by greasing them with the juice of a certain plant; people come out of a cut calebass, so there are many of them now]: Fortier 1967:176ff in Paulme 1976:303-304; anuak [a huge serpent eats people; when he saw a pregnant woman, he was going to swallow her; she said she was carrying something in her womb that would kill her, the serpent gave up its intention; everyone He ate the rest of the snakes; the woman gave birth to a son; one day he saw a fiery red mouth; the mother told me everything; the young man made platforms and on each one or two spears that belonged to the inhabitants eaten; threw the first spears into the snake and ran; took spears from the platforms and threw them at the pursuer; the snake pierced the latter's eyes with spears, he died; the young man cut his stomach, swallowed out; the last was the young man's father, he was all red, because he was in his guts and snakes would soon monster him; the young man refused the girls offered to him and went in search of a distant beauty; with him two dogs; took the form of a monkey; she was caught and the girl's father told her to carry firewood; when leaving the village, the young man regained his human form and fed his dogs; this was noticed by a girl, the leader's daughter's sister; she saw for herself, met with the young man and gave birth to a boy; when the child was 4 years old, the chief called the men together: let the boy hit his father with a wand; he hit the monkey; the chief wanted to kill the monkey, but she became a young man, and the dogs became lions, chewed on the people; the young man recalled the lions, they turned into dogs again; the young man brought cattle and married the chief's daughter]: Evans Pritchard, Beaton 1940, No. 17:72-74; Acholi [Lucoro ate all the people and animals, Min-kwet, a pregnant woman, remained; she hid in a cave, gave birth to 8 daughters and 20 sons; they immediately grew up asking where her father was; the mother replied that 5,000 copies should be made first and build a platform (stand); called L., who smokes tobacco, smoke spread across the sky; L. goes to M., her sons throw spears at him; when he reached the platform, L. fell dead; his brothers cut his little finger, everything swallowed came out]: Oryem, Wright 1960:121-122; Kordofan (ethnicity not specified; F. attributed this text to those borrowed from the Berbers {which ones? in Kordofan?}) [The king refuses his daughter's suitors; when he died, Ghoul came and took her away; her younger brothers Ahmet and Hasan grew up; playing with the other boys, A. threw a piece of wood and broke the old woman's jug; she advised him it is better to return the sister kidnapped by the ghoul; A. asked his mother to boil water for washing; bent her head to the cauldron: if you do not tell us about his sister, she put her in boiling water; the mother admitted that her sister was kidnapped by Ghoul Ibrahim; when leaving, A. left Hasan a ring: if he starts to squeeze his finger, he is in trouble; A. drove up to the well; an old man next to the fig tree; he tells Ahmet to collect water himself; he is unable to lift his wineskin from the well; old man: so you can't win either; but if you still want to go, follow the ram, lead to a ghoul; your sister asks you to leave; the ghoul who came shook hands with A. - she hung powerlessly; invited her to the garden, ordered to go ahead, pushed them into a hole in which all the prisoners; as needed, the ghoul eats them; the ring on H.'s finger clenched; he went after A.; with H. everything was the same as A.; the mother realized that she had ridden a donkey thirsty, drank donkey urine, became pregnant; the baby says from her womb that Gulya will win; runs right after birth; his name is Wudan Dahasch ("Donkey Ear"; VD); they came to town; salesman oils and the honey seller tried to laugh at the baby, but he hit them so much that no one else laughed; asked his mother for a stick; consistently breaks two wooden, iron; satisfied with a huge iron club; VD beats people with it; the vizier advises the king to tell VD to herd goats and sheep in the garden where Gul Madina lives (in the local language, the steering wheel, not the ghoul); he will kill him; M. suggests dividing garden and live in peace; VD safely grazes the herd in the garden several times and bears fruit to the king; one day M. sleeps; VD covered him with brushwood and set him on fire; he died; VD cut off his head, hid it under a rock; everyone speaks that he defeated M., but only VD knows where the head is; the vizier offers another way to get rid of VD; two gulas live in the river, do not provide water, you have to take bad water from the well; two gulya agreed turn into beautiful women; VD heard this; brought women to the city, ordered them to become ghouls; the people, the king, the vizier were horrified; VD burned the skin of the guli, they became girls forever; VD left them in his care mothers; when the king offers to shower VD with mercies, but he (as several times before) only asks for permission to continue to frighten people with his iron club; he does not kill or injure people, but only knocks people down off the feet; the vizier proposes to send VD to the mighty neighboring king with a load of manure and a letter asking him to kill VD; VD broke his club and ordered the blacksmiths to forge an even heavier and stronger one; on the ship he was surprised why are the bags light, found manure, threw it into the Nile, burned a letter and wrote another asking to honor VD; VD was solemnly received to the sound of musical instruments; at night all residents together and the king went to the fortress; VD brought it down with his club, all the people died; brought pipes and so on to his king: allegedly, another king called valuable gifts manure, so he killed him and brought valuable tools; VD came to his mother and she finally told him about the fate of his sister and brothers; VD went to the king to ask for a horse; vizier: if anyone kills VD, only this ghoul; when he reached the old man at the well, VD easily raised his wineskin with water and bent over the fig tree to give the old man figs; tells his sister that he will free the brothers; he shook hands with the gulya so much that his fingers bleed; in the garden, VD forced the ghoul to bend over the hole, hit on the back with a club, cut it into pieces; the prisoners got out of the hole; in the city they were frightened to see the crowd approaching; then they realized that this VD was leading the released; the king gave VD his daughter and throne; VD's sister went beyond son of a king]: Frobenius 1923, No. 25:273-277.

North Africa. Kabila: Frobenius 1922a, No. 6 [daughter asks her father to bring invisible pants from the market that dance themselves; he does not get it, his daughter is ill; he was advised to go to Wuarssen (devas); dev gives pants for promise to give daughter; father: come when snow, rain, thunder and lightning are together; he came in a storm, took the girl; her three brothers went to look for her; sheep shepherd: deva fights a ram every day, strength equal, if you defeat a ram, then the deva will win; the ram picks up the brothers with horns, throws far away; the same with the bull; the rooster refuses to fight such nonentities at all; black woman: the devil drinks a wineskin of water, eats melons floating in them; brothers can't; come to their sister; dev offers them a lot to eat, sister throws food into the basement; offers to fight, they choose sabers; dev leaves brothers to a dry well; parents go to look for sons, father seeks water, mother drinks mule urine, conceives a son; they come back; M'hammed Asserdun is born, he has a mule head; incredibly strong; broken under him 99 horses; his father found him a horse born at the same time as him; the MA asks his mother for boiling water, tells him to get coal out of it, puts her hand in the boiling water; she has to tell him in which direction the brothers left; orders to forge an iron club (broke the first two); easily kills a ram, a bull, a rooster; drinks water, eats melons; swallows food in the deva's house; kills him, brings his sister and brothers home; MA again leaves, meets, and companions a man with giant lips; a man with ears in which he wraps; with a beard with a herd of sheep; they find a home in the forest, they take turns cooking; every time Luash comes, eats everything; MA fights him, cuts off his head, hides him in the house under a pot of water; consistently sends satellites to take water, everyone is scared, says he has stumbled; MA shows his head, breaks up with his companions the next morning], 7 [Wuarssen takes the sister of three brothers; two older adults come for her, cannot eat the food offered, Voarssen throws them into a vessel in the barn; the youngest has grown up quickly, is strong, kills the kidnapper, sends his sister and brothers home; goes to wander, meets, companions a long-legged, long-bearded man who pulls trees; in the forest they take turns cook, the lion comes, eats everything; the younger brother stays, kills the lion, others are frightened when they see the lion's head; the younger brother leaves alone]: 52-66, 66-70; Dermenghem 1945 [pregnant woman climbed into the garden to rip off figs, the ogre owner caught her, let her go for promising to give him a child if a girl was born; took the girl when she was 10 years old; her six brothers tried to beat her off, the cannibal defeated them, put them under lock and key; their mother has no hope for new children, but the pea turns into a boy; he eats a lot; after learning about the fate of his brothers and sister, he goes to the ogre; the shepherd says that first defeat the ram, goat and bull, which are at the head of the ogre's herds (the boy defeats them) and eat a huge watermelon in his garden (eats); the cannibal offers to eat a huge portion of couscous, eat a bull; a boy eats everything, kills the ogre, frees his sister and brothers, takes wealth]: 79-80; the Berbers of Algeria (Ouargla) []: Basset 1907, No. 103:96-102; the Arabs of Egypt [Brother saves his sister and brothers from the dragon (ogre). Youngest brother helps (rescues) elder. One daughter, many sons]: El-Shamy 2004, No. 312D: 125-126.

Southern Europe. The Portuguese (Algarve) [the woman has three daughters; the eldest went to the river, saw a carnation in the water, reached for it and disappeared; the same was the middle one (rose), the youngest (jasmine); the woman cried, she had a son was born; he grew up asking why his mother cries every now and then; when he found out what was going on, he went in search; three guys fight over his father's inheritance: speed boots, an invisible hat that reveals everything the door is the key; the young man threw a stone, invited the three to race, the fastest would get the items; he put on his boots himself, took the key and hat, told the boots to be where his older sister was; she happy in the castle; her husband arrives in the form of a bird, then becomes a man; gives her brother a pen to call for help from the king of birds; the same with her middle sister (the king of fish, gives scales); but the youngest is in power an old monster, he starves her and keeps her in a dark cave, seeking consent to become his wife; her brother advised his sister to agree to the condition that the old man tell her what his life is; she is in an egg in a dove, and a dove in an iron chest at the bottom of the sea; the king of fish called them, the sardine was the last: it was crushed by an iron chest; the fish brought it, the young man opened it with his key; the dove flew out, the king of birds told the birds to find her; another dove said that a long-missing friend had flown to her; the young man got a dove, took an egg, told his boots to take it to the monster's cave, broke the egg on his head; In a moment, the husbands of the two older sisters fell, they became human; the younger one got the monster's treasures]: Braga 2002:117-121.

Western Europe. Germans (East Frisia), Scots, Irish: Uther 2004 (1), No 312D: 194.

Western Asia. Iraqi Arabs [Brother saves his sister and brothers from the dragon (ogre). Youngest brother helps (rescues) elder. One daughter, many sons]: El-Shamy 2004, No. 312D: 125-126.

Melanesia. Komba [the monster Jonah devoured everyone; one woman ran into the forest, cut her finger, two boys came out of blood; they bring bigger game; they burned down J.'s house, killed him after a long time battles; going to the coast, they turned into stones]: Wagner 1963, No. 1:121-122; Vogeo [the cannibal Kuakua killed and ate people; they dared to make fire only at night; made boats and left the island; Ma and Tinaobo did not have enough space for pregnant women; each gave birth to a boy; they grew up and made many copies; threw many copies at K., but he did not die; said that his life was in the penis and testicles; then they heated the stones, put them on his testicles and poured water; the testicles burst; the young men made a boat out of K.'s bones, put nuts, betel, etc. in it and sent it to the Novaya coast Guinea; people saw the boat, figured it all out and returned to Vogeo]: Anderson, Exter 2005:45-51; bargham [cannibal corshun takes everyone away; woman masturbates, gives birth to three children; they make bows, they hunt lizards; old Dilubay made a wooden vessel, the brothers split the vessel with arrows, D. could not catch up with them; the brothers grew up, began to carve large vessels themselves; made a trap pit; split the vessel D., he chased them, failed, they finished him off; convinced of their strength, they built a house with a small hole in the roof; the youngest brother, Wilwil, turned into a sugarglider, the kite brought it to nest; he overheard the kite explain to the chick that it could only be killed by hitting him in the groin and head; V. returned, told the brothers, ordered him to make a smoky fire; the kite flew in, put his paw into the hole in on the roof of the house, V. hit him with an arrow in the groin; the brothers finished him off with clubs on the head; the brothers' mother ordered him to be put down, turned into a slit gong, ordered him to be beaten to summon the hidden people; people gathered, burned the corpse of the kite, but one feather flew away, small kites appeared out of it; the Simiyangpain woman came, hid; when everyone fell asleep, V. found her, married her; the enemies took the gong- mother, but V. said their gongs would be bad and the bargues would be heard far away]: Hepner 2006:142-165; Vedau [a monstrous boar kills people; the rest sail to another place; the pregnant woman stays, digs a shelter, gives birth to a son, goes out at night to eat in abandoned areas; the boy grows up; builds shelters to the boar's lair, each has a supply of spears, leaves the two best spears mothers; consistently throws spears at the boar, moving from one shelter to another; kills with spears left by the mother; smokes meat, makes a raft out of stubble, tells them to stick where people are in mourning; raft not given to other people, allows one of the escapees to take it; people return, make the winner of the boar chief]: Ker 1910:121-127; motu [giant Tauni-kapi-kapi eats people; villagers they sail away in boats; the pregnant woman's husband did not have time to make a boat, T. swallowed it; there is no place for a woman in other boats, she hides in a cave; gives birth to a son; he grows up, is extremely strong; on a huge builds platforms one above the other with a supply of spears and stones; at the very top he prepares a fire; as the giant climbs the tree, the young man throws spears and stones at it from ever higher platforms; tells his mother to light a fire; pierces the giant's eye with a spear, throws a burning platform into his mouth; a burnt giant who swallows stones falls, breaks; so the young man avenged his father's death; took wife's daughter of a giant; becomes the chief of returning people, takes many wives]: Romilly 1889:120-127; Buka [Tubun left her baby Tione to his blind grandmother Péopéo, went to where everyone women gather for trade; Mouketek killed T.'s mother and father and everyone else; E. lets the baby suck pigs' milk; his maternal uncles, Tin and Toñ, come, pick up, raise, now the boy's name Enpen; he makes more and more powerful bows, he hunts; decides to go destroy enemies, Tin and Ton with him; kills an ogre dog with an ax, Tin swallows its liver, Tone - tongue (same after killing every new one enemy); when he comes to Bitobit, Tin and Ton tell him to quietly throw away the poisonous betel, which she suggests chewing her own; when B. lets a stream of fire from his ass into E., he kills her with an ax; Kirin shoots E., he dodges, kills him with a spear; meets Tubun (this is no longer his dead mother, but a young woman; this is the name of any heroine in the story); she was sent (either as a wife or to be eaten, because she was sent to eat). it's her turn) to Tui; the terrible Tui begins to get out of the cave, E. hits him with an arrow, Tin and Ton finish him off with arrows, Tin, as always, swallows his liver, Tone - his tongue; E. puts signs on Tubun's back, tells them to cover them with a headdress; Tubun returns to the village, says Tui rejected her, took only her jewelry; Matoune memorizes his axe against a stone, smears it in red juice, says it's him killed Tui; Tubun says he doesn't want this fat man; E. tells Tin and Ton to regurgitate their liver and tongue, everyone sees that M. is a liar and E. is a hero; he gets Tubun; he cuts down one tree on the site - everyone falls, He plants one plant - everyone grows; Tin and Ton call E. to return home, but he wants to stay in his wife's village; M. puts thorns on E.'s bed, they pierce his body, he dies; people send a servant twice for Tin and Ton, M. calls to go instead of him every time, waits nearby, says that Tin and Ton refused to come, tells E. to be buried faster; Tubun sends a servant for the third time, Tin and Ton come, magically remove thorns from E.'s body, revive it; E.'s people are going to fight with M.'s people; E. hits M. with an arrow and immediately all M.'s people die, wherever they are; Tin and Ton launch at the dead ants, they devour bodies completely]: Montauban, O'Reilly 1955, No. 13:79-82; Goodinaf [Manubutu (osprey) ate almost everyone who remained fled the island; for a young pregnant woman and for an old woman the boat ran out of space; they hid in a cave, the young one gave birth to twins; they are called Kewala and Wiwia (two species of parrots {hereinafter K. and V.}), "The one above the ground", and "The one who is underground"," Born First" and "Born Second"; the old woman takes care of them, they grow up incredibly fast; they ask why they should whisper; the mother explains, usually calling the osprey "The Seer"; the grandmother secretly teaches how to make various spears; taking their dog, the brothers go to look for the osprey, leave their spears in different places along the way; when they run into sleeping M., they wake him up by throwing stones; he first thinks that it is the wind; surprised that someone is alive; the brothers are hiding under an inverted boat; M. pierces the bottom of his claws, and his brothers stab him from below with spears; not sure that M. is dead, afraid to approach him, but they tell the dog to bring his heart; let it go through his mouth, penetrate to the ass, then turn back, and only then tear his heart off, going out again through his mouth; {the dog brings the heart}; returning to women, the brothers put M.'s heart on a raft and sail and let them go to sea; (in some cases, brothers and women eat M.'s body at this time); the twin father sees a raft that has sailed to Ferguson Island, realizes that M. dead, but decides to wait to return; the grandmother reports that M. has a wife Vinetauna ("The Woman Herself"), who is worse than him; the brothers leave their spears along the way again; climb a tree, throw nuts at V. puts on a "combat skirt", dances, takes off his skirt, puts on another, trying many, becoming more and more hot with anger; the brothers run, throwing their prepared spears, but they do no harm to V.; they have left the last double-tipped spear; brothers argue who will throw it; K. ("elder") strikes V. in both eyes, V. dies; the brothers again tell the dog to bring the heart, send it back on the raft; this time the people returned, the father saw his sons, they were made leaders]: Young 1993:384-385; Buca [similar texts in the Bismarck Archipelago (Trobrians, D'Entrecasteau, Gazelle, Massim, etc.) and Southeast New Guinea; giant Monohan kills people; all people sail to another island, no one takes a Toboan woman into his boat; left alone, T. copulates with two types of baked bananas, gives birth to boys Tchikenau and Bakiano; when the wild areca palm tree leaves a trail of the brothers' arrows (this palm tree has hardwood, the mark on the trunk has been visible since then), T. says they can kill M.; climbs a tree, teases M., a bird insults him, M. knocks down all the trees, cannot knock down the one on which T.; the brothers kill him with arrows; try to carry the carcass by hanging it from the tree trunk, all the trunks break, only fragile the fern can withstand weight; brothers make a slit gong, two girls come to its sound; T. denies that there are men here (women have no right to hit the gong); girls hide, find their brother, take them to husbands; holiday, people return, eat meat M.; brothers climb the fruit tree, throw fruits down, break the wives' vessels in which they keep lime; they answer their wives that they will not go down, turn into birds, T. into a white ant]: Blackwood 1932:67-72; Santa Cruz Islands (Reef Islands - Nukapu Island) [the cannibal Tepkakhola and the huge Ulaka boar ate them all; 10 brothers and sister remain; they made a boat to sail away; the sister tries to get into it, but the boat turns over every time; the brothers take shelter in the cave for their sister, sail away; two lizards jumped into the girl's mouth, she gave birth to boys- twins; taught him everything; T. noticed a fire, met a woman, told him to give him fish; instead of the last fish, she puts a leaf core in his mouth, which looks like a fish skeleton; T. suffocates, the young men finish him off; spears are placed along the path; when the boar chases them, they alternately pierce their spears into it and kill them]: Coombe 1911:111-113; Banks (Gaua) [the cannibal kills people one by one; a pregnant woman dug a cave, began to live in it, gave birth to a boy, fed him wild figs; he tells him to make a bow and arrow; grew up; finds out that a cannibal and her 4 sons live nearby; comes to a cannibal, makes him give him food and water, hangs him in the door; sons find her; one of the sons waits for a young man, but hides, frightened of her; the young man comes again and again, hangs the cannibal every time at the doorway; then kills her and her sons with a club; bleeding and swims along the river, the mother thinks that it is the corpse of her son, but he jumps up: he just wanted to play a prank on her]: https://pangloss.cnrs.fr/corpus/show?lang=en&mode=pro&oai_primary=cocoon-fa24b540-c9f4-3c0a-936b-5; Tanna: Bonnemaison 1987 [giant Semo-Semo ate everyone; the last old woman and her little one She lost her daughter in the grass; she sucked roots, grew up, caught fire by friction, found yams in abandoned gardens; became pregnant by inserting a vine into her vulva; gave birth to twins, taught everything; they lit a fire attract the SS, ran, throwing spears stuck in advance along the way, killed him; first the ants checked if the SS was dead, then one bird put the SS head in the anus, the other flew through and again from mouth to anus ; then various parrots and other birds of different colors climbed into the SS; brothers cut the body, swallowed people, chickens, rats, birds came out; they threw a piece of SS flesh to everyone, told who, how and where to live; mother and sons turned into stones at the entrance to the cave]: 98-105; Humphreys 1926 [one woman left her baby daughter to eat tree sap; she and all other people were eaten by the giant Semsem; Nepkalam girl ate a piece of edible stone, gave birth to twins Kasasaou and Kaniapnin; taught them how to make spears; they killed S. with spears; asked birds to check if he was dead; two flew into his wound, stained with blood; the third (now this parrot is all red) flew through; the brothers cut the ogre's body, the pieces turned into swallowed (retelling in Poignant 1967:95)]: 95-97; Loyalty Islands (Uvea) [demon Cainyo ("one tooth") ate everyone, the woman and her young son escaped on the rock; they went down and up there on a rope; when the demon asked the boy where his mother had gone, he always pointed out the wrong but one day she accidentally pointed the right direction; when she saw K., the woman hid in a bag carrying the caught crabs; he picked it up, but the woman began to broadcast from the bag, demanding to move on; K. was frightened left the bag, the woman returned home; the next time they prepared hot stones; the boy asked the demon to open his mouth, threw stones there, the demon died]: Hadfield 1920, No. 10:239-242; Reef Islands [The parents have 5 sons; they sailed to Duff Islands (where spirits live), saw an old man who died because a scolopendra began to live inside him; buried him, but the next day he lay back on land; so several times; then they put the body in a boat and let him go to sea; the boat was taken to Tahua; the old man became a spirit ("the one who eats raw meat") and began to live there; the elder brother sailed to Tahoua to fish -needle; the old woman at the cape asked him to help her grind the betel, then chew with her; the young man did not stop; the storm began, the boat was carried to where the old spirit lived; the young man hid under it by boat from the storm, but corpse liquid began to drip on him; as soon as he exclaimed, "What a stench!" , the old man became an ogre giant and ate him; put his bones, hair, nails in a corner; the same in sequence with three more brothers; the youngest swims up to the old woman, rubs the betel for her; she teaches: when he starts drip cadaveric fluid, pretend that nothing has happened; the spirit is happy; tells you to go wash yourself, and the house with everything you need for life is ready for him; let him cut off a long vine, swim in a boat and throw it anchor on the traverse of the door in the house of spirit; throw a vine into the sea; let him throw what he pulls out for the first time behind him; the young man did so; then pulled four girls to marry his brothers, then knives, axes and other things and valuables; the spirit collected bones, etc., revived the brothers; the younger one explained that he would like to return to parents who think that all sons were dead; when the brothers sailed there, the old people did not first understood who was calling them, thought someone was laughing at them; all is well]: Nss 2006:81-97.

Micronesia-Polynesia. Kusae [cannibal Kot (spirit, forest people category) kills everyone; the chief decides to move to another island; the woman Newa does not have a boat; she consistently asks those who sail to take her, everyone replies that he will take the next one behind (the names of the respondents used to mean social groups - from highest to lowest); the last person picks up, but the boat starts to sink, he throws the woman away; she gets to the cliff, then to the island, breaks papaya seed on his head, gets pregnant because of it, gives birth to a son; he has grown up, swims in a boat to increasingly distant islands, sails to where K. lives, steals a banana and a rooster from his house; K. sees the peel floating, runs home, chases the boy to his house; in the evening N. asks K. to bring firewood; he sticks out his hand, immediately pulls out firewood; how as soon as they burn out, they are going to eat N. and her son, but N. does not sleep, each time asks for firewood to be put in the fire; in the morning K. and the boy began to fight; K. lifted the boy to the banana stem, and he lifted him to rough stone; killed the Cat; his head was thrown into the sea, she sailed to the people who had left; various animals called to eat the body; people swam back; N. told her son to put half of the coconut north, the other to the south, The storm that arose from this sank all the boats except the chief and his wife, as they were the last to return; on the mother's instructions, they became fish of a species that they don't eat now]: Mitchell 1973, No. 80: 237-239; Palau [Meluadeangel settled on the island, ate people; they decided to sail away secretly in the morning; left a lonely old woman; she somehow became pregnant, gave birth to two boys; when she found out the whole story was from her, they collected a large pile of firewood and brought stones; they set fire to firewood, M. noticed the smoke and came; the young men began to throw hot stones into his mouth; feeling pain, M. ran, his belly burst, he died; his mother ordered M. to take out his stomach and bring him to one of the islands where people were; if they guessed what it was, their stomach would swell; they guessed it; they realized that M. was dead and had their stomach buried; people returned, but the brothers did not allow them to stick until the chief handed them over his powers]: Kesolei 1971:21-22 (similar text in Kesolei 1975:8-9); Uliti [the mother has 10 cannibal sons between 1 and 9 10 inches; the remaining people fled the island; the pregnant woman did not have time to get on the boat; hid in the hollow of a lying tree, gave birth to a one-legged boy; he grew up quickly, made himself a crutch, fishing; comes to the mother of cannibals while they are away, takes food, brings his mother; the eldest cannibal remains to guard; the young man cuts off his head with his fingernail, picks up food; so every day consistently with everyone; the latter killed a younger cannibal 10 inches tall; then a young man kills their mother; sails in a boat to tell people the good news, the refugees return to the island]: Lessa 1961, No. 13:57-59; Marshall Islands: Erdland 1914, No. 5 (Arno) [a woman gives birth to 10 sons; they sail to the island, they land; at night the spirit kills them and eats them; a woman gives birth to 11 more sons; 10 of them are crippled, The eleventh is normal, but the rest consider themselves normal and he is crippled; the brothers sail, saying they have taken the eleventh in vain; only he understands that the spirit is dangerous; the spirit directs their boat to the rocks, she breaks; the eleventh blows the sink, the spirit runs away in fear]: {without pagination}; Kelin 2003:92-99 (Maloelap) [the woman gave birth to 12 sons, each with 1 leg, 1 arm, 1 eye; she tells them not to catch fish on the south side of the island; they did not find fish on the west side, went to the south, where the demon sent them his fish, they picked it up, scratched themselves on the reef, went ashore to rest; the demon gave the leaf to heal scratches, led them, they went into the hole, the demon fish closed it, the boys died, the demon ate them; the mother gave birth to 12 of the same half boys again; they were also eaten by the demon; the mother gave birth to 12 again, but the last Lakkiñ was normal, not half; the brothers do not consider him a normal person, they don't take him with them; they finally took it; they still jumped into the hole, but L. didn't jump, killed the fish, took the brothers out; asked the leaf where to go - to the lagoon; hid the brothers under the ceiling of the house, heated the stones; the demon came - throw me fish; L. threw him hot stones, he swallowed them, died; brothers returned to their mother], 122-124 (Mili) [the youngest of 6 brothers is half; on the other island, a terrible dog guards the bread trees; the brothers swim there, return; next time they agree to take them with them the youngest; the dog does not see him, he collects the fruits in the basket; next time the dog eats the older brothers; the youngest steals a breadtree branch, plants it, you don't need to swim to the terrible island anymore]; Tobin 2002 (Aeloninae Atoll), No. 48 [a woman gives birth to 10 sons, each with one arm, one leg, one eye, one ear; they go to catch lobster; the witch screams, Give me my food; eats them, when they fall asleep; a woman gives birth to ten half sons again, everything is repeated; the third time she gives birth to nine halves, the youngest; others think he is abnormal, they do not want to take it with them; when they they fall asleep, he comes to the witch, they bake and fry lobster together; he puts pebbles (shells?) over his eyes with an eye pattern, the witch thinks he is awake; he calls her a cannibal, promises to burn her, she leaves; according to one version, he throws a hot stone into her mouth, she dies], 49 [a woman has ten half-sons, eleventh normal; brothers think he is crazy, they do not want to take him with them; he hides at the bottom of the boat, they swim to the breadtree in the sea, he is guarded by an animal; they quietly shoot alone the fruit, they swim back; the mother bake the fruit; when the beast appears, the youngest (full) throws hot stones into its mouth, the beast dies]: 207-209, 213-215; Tokelau [nine-eyed giant Atua-mata -iva came to the village, ate everyone, a pregnant woman hid in a tree hollow, gave birth to a son Nao; began to weave a mat, her son grew up with a mat, became a giant himself; went to another island, easy killed everyone there, lived in the chief's house, then returned to his mother; she said that he also killed his brother; spoke about giant A.; N. killed him, his mother got out of the hollow, he and her son began to live in chief's house]: David 1899:107-110; Tuvalu (Niutao Atoll) [Polapola has a son Taunga, her sister Fangongo has 12, F. herself weaves mats all the time; there were not enough reeds, she sent her eldest son to P. for reeds; she offered to take care of her son first, who was lying in a basket under the roof; the young man climbed there, T. killed him; so successively with 11 sons; the youngest with a finger the size of a knife, when T. caught himself, gouged out both eyes, he died; the boy ran to his mother, she mourned her sons]: Koch 1966:102; Ontong Java [{the second part of one text is mistakenly placed after the first part of the other and vice versa; therefore, the page numbers are broken down}; the cannibal dog destroys people; the chief tells everyone to sail to another island; the boats are overloaded; so as not to take a pregnant woman, her they sent to bring a forgotten scoop and sailed away; she gave birth to a son, raised her, they sleep during the day, awake at night so as not to attract the dog's attention; the mother told her son how it was; he began to make darts and learned to throw them; climbed a Kekoa tree, spread three packs of darts on the branches; called the dog; it approaches, the young man throws darts, going down the trunk; the dog ran and began to dig the ground { apparently trying to knock down a tree}; the young man killed her with the last dart; when he went down, he painted himself with the dog's blood; when the boat with people docked at the island, the young man's mother replied that she had killed the dog (the son ordered she did not tell her how it was right away); then admitted that her son killed her; the chief gathered all the girls and the young man chose his daughter as his wife]: Keopo 1981:93, 89; Pileni [cannibal pig and cannibal pacola devoured people on the island of Taumako; they fled the island, the Kahiva woman remained, hid, gave birth to twins Lauvaia and Hemaholuaki, they killed a pig and a cannibal; the brothers collected all the birds; attached to on the back of the bat, the bristles of a pig were sent to the Taumako men's home in Pileni; the bat was tired and returned halfway; then the cardinal was sent, smeared with pig blood; the same; more they send all the birds one by one, staining different parts of their bodies with pig blood (the origin of the birds' color); the last to be sent was a small parrot, which was smeared with black blood on its back; it flew and people returned to Taumako]: Richter-Gravier 2019:170-171; Futuna [the cannibal ate everyone; only Majihjiki and a few other children survived; climbed a tree, the cannibal climbed too, fell, crashed; children began to send insects and birds to find out if the cannibal was really dead; the ant bit - it did not move; the fly buzzed in the ears - the same; the last was black bird; the bird flew into the mouth, flew out of the anus, feathers on my head turned red, now it's a cardinal bird]: Richter-Gravier 2019:171-172.

(Wed. Western Asia. Socotra [Memero girl and Senkor boy love each other; girl's parents {and boys too?} Brother did not allow her and the lovers agreed to kill them; S. killed his own; M. asked her parents who would go with her to herd sheep; her brother went; she pushed him off a cliff, he crashed to death; at home said that her brother I met my maternal uncle and went hunting with him; the next day he did the same with my sister, but she caught on the rock cornice; ate geckos and insects; on the third day Father M. went; the daughter asked to get the fruit from the tamarind, turned to God: let the branch under it break; the branch broke, the father broke; now the mother has gone; M. put her to sleep, looking for insects in her hair, ripped open her stomach, there is a boy and a girl; she threw them both off the cliff; the girl on the ledge picked up the boy, fed him geckos, insects, and scraps of her own nails; the boy grew up; they went looking for water and food, but some people kidnapped the boy; the girl herself went back to her sister; she told her to herd her cattle; if cows or camels came to the water tank before the sheep, she would kill her; one day the cows and camels were brought by the missing brother; refused to let the sheep go ahead; girl: I recognized you by the scar on your head from hitting the stone when your older sister threw it into the abyss; my brother told Both sisters bring water and quietly hole M.'s wineskin; whoever does not bring it, he will kill; M. cannot collect water; the young man stabbed the buffalo, killed his beloved M., planted his body; fed the sisters with buffalo liver and sent her to see what was lying on the ground; whoever stayed, he would kill; M. saw the body, stopped, her brother hacked it; the younger brother and sister inherited all the cattle and began to live well]: Kogan et al., MS, No. 23).

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Kachari [the widow's six sons notice an unusual taste in rice; the mother says that the neighbor has given seasoning; this is the excrement of a huge snake; brothers find a snake in the forest; she suggests that they pick it off tree leaves without tearing them; they fail; they cannot hit the snake with arrows; swallowed; at home, a thorn pierces the mother's hand, she gives birth to a new son; he plucks the leaves without damaging them, kills them the snake, extracts living brothers out of it; they do not believe that the young man is their brother, they drive him away; he turns into Thunder, turns the brothers into various types of lizards; when they see them, he sends lightning every time; the mother tried follow her youngest son, hovered between heaven and earth; clouds are her tears]: Soppitt 1885:52-55.

South Asia. Baiga [11 brothers are married, work on the property; the youngest is single, brings them food prepared by an unmarried sister, drops a lot on the ground; brothers hit him; Mahadeo and Parvati make 12 axes clear 12 plots themselves; brothers protect crops from wild boars; The hawk and his wife consistently invite brothers, starting with the eldest, to stay with his daughter, hollow out the core of the arrows; in the morning The boar comes, the arrows break, the boar kills the young men; the younger brother pulls out strong arrows, kills the wild boar, revives the brothers; the Hawk's daughter stays with them; they do not tell them to fry fat; she roasts, fills the fat fire; she tells the poplar to bend down, pick it up, sees the fire of Rakshasa; his wife gives fire, tells him to pour rye along the path so that the fire does not go out; after the rain, rye sprouts; Rakshasa's daughter-in-law consistently takes 11 brothers are married, he leads them, they are killed there; the youngest kills the Rakshasa, revives the brothers; they beat him, they drive him away, he marries the Raja's daughter, takes the brothers to the palace]: Elwin 1944, No. 1:164-170 (translated in Zographer 1971, No. 20:67-73); Telugu [the woman's two sons are missing; the wandering sorcerer says they were swallowed by a boar; gives them six grains of pepper, tells them to put them in a jug, call "Pepperseed"; a tiny boy will jump out; his mother asks him to release his brothers; PZ finds a sleeping boar, pierces his belly with a spear, frees his brothers; the mother married all her sons, shared the inheritance, the PZ received only a hut and an old buffalo; PZ went to the villages with a drum, began singing, spent the night in the forest on a banyan; his drum fell, the robbers sitting below ran away in fear, the PZ ate, took the box; the robbers decided that the forest goddess Mohini was angry with them, because they did not give her anything, left; PZ brings the king a necklace in the box, talks about the robbers; the king made the PZ the manager of the capital; the eldest sons went bankrupt]: Zograf 1964:239-244 (=1976:181-185).

(Wed. China - Korea. Chinese {1 entry; Guangxi or Hunan may be Yao, not Han; what is actually not known in this text}: Ting 1978, No. 312D:).

The Balkans. Hungarians [after the father's death, there are 3 sons and 3 daughters left; the eldest goes to plow, making a furrow from house to field; mother cooked dinner, older sister carried it to his brother; the 6-headed dragon fell asleep furrow, led to his house, married the girl; the same with the middle, with younger sisters (12-24-headed dragons); the elder, then the middle brother went to look for sisters, killed by dragons, on each a poplar has grown in the grave; the mother saw a flower, swallowed it, gave birth to a son named Peter Lily of the valley; he is still a hero in diapers; she tells his mother to bake bread with her milk, brings it to his sisters; they smell their mother, they believe that the submarine is their brother; killed dragons; the 24-headed man demolished 23 heads; left the 24th because he revived the brothers and sisters; when the brothers and sisters returned, the submarine jumped into the ditch and went to the ground]: Ortutai 1957, No. 6: 150-158; Moldovans [brothers go to plow, ask their mother to send their sister to bring them lunch, make a furrow from house to field; the Serpent falls asleep, makes another one to his house; locks the girl, tells him to work; the elder brother walks along the furrow, the Serpent cuts off his legs, throws him into the hole; the same with the younger brother; the mother drinks from the well, sits on the flints, gives birth to Flint; lowering the hut on his mother, makes her confess that he has brothers; during battle, the falcon refreshes him with water, he kills the Snake; revives his brothers with living water]: Botezatu 1981:217-225 (=Moldavian tales 1968:313-323); Romanians [one hundred widow's sons went to plow; the damn dragons first stole the older sister, then the other 99, making a furrow (not to the brothers' field, but to their house; the brothers went in search; came to the cow shepherds; they warned that the brothers would defeat the dragon if they could eat 99 roasted oxen, 99 bread ovens and 99 barrels of wine; they could not; the horse shepherd said they would defeat the dragons only if they tamed the stallion with 99 with their hearts - they could not; the dragon killed them all; their mother swallowed a pea, gave birth to Pea Veselice; playing with the children, he learned about the fate of his siblings; to make his mother confess, he put her in breasts {something hot? Grundbalken; on the way he ate 99 roasted oxen, 99 bread ovens, drank 99 barrels of wine, drove to death a stallion with 99 hearts; his older sister recognized him when he saw his scarves and beads; before killing him the dragon, learned from him how to revive his siblings; on the way home, the brothers tied Pea to a tree; he escaped, got home and then went to see the world; saw a man at his bedside dying sisters; he indicated where to look for the Beauty of the World; Pea forced the owl to return the stolen hearts and killed him, returned his hearts; crossed the bloody river; saw the Beauty of the World swimming in a milk lake; he stole her clothes, but broke the advice not to look back and turned into a deer with 99 horns; with an old man hit him with a sword and he became human again; next time he did everything right, but did not give way to Titicot and he killed him]: Bîrlea 1966:404-406; Slovenes, Croats: Uther 2004 (1), No. 312D: 194; Serbs [king keeps three daughters locked up; when they grew up and went to party for the first time, they were carried away by a whirlwind; the king died of grief, the queen gave birth to a boy, Stoisha; when he was 18, he began to ask his mother; she had to tell her; S. ordered to tell me where his father's horse and weapon were; the horse was released from the stall, the weapon rusted; S. polished him to a shine, fed the horse, that winged dog; for the sisters to recognize S., his mother gave him three handkerchiefs embroidered with them; S. lay down to take a nap at the well, covered with a handkerchief; his sister came up and found out handkerchief; they were stolen by three dragon brothers; S. ate all the food prepared for the dragon; coming to the house, the dragon throws the club; S. caught it and threw it back a longer distance; S. defeated the dragon, but did not kill; feast; the dragon showed the way to the city of the second dragon; (still the same); the second to the third (same); in the courtyard of the third pit; the dragon king often comes to fight three dragon brothers, always wins, they hide in this hole; S. went to look for the dragon king; there is a hare on the roof; people explain that when the dragon king comes up, the hare refreshes itself, cuts and roasts itself; this time the hare fried himself for S.; the dragon king came, S. defeated him; he said his name was Mladen; S. replied that he was also the youngest son; they fraternized; they defeated the army of the dragon brothers, they hid in a hole, they they threw straw there and burned the hidden ones; S. returned to his mother with his sisters and wealth, and the dragon king took over the land of the dragon brothers]: Karadzic 1854, No. 5:40-54 (=Eschker 1992, No. 3:22-34 (= Dmitriev, Volkonsky 1956:51-60); Gagauz people [leaving their families, two brothers went to work and disappeared; the old woman became pregnant, ate three lentil grains, gave birth to a son named Merjimek ("lentils"); he grew up, found out that his brothers were missing; told the gypsies to howl a mace weighing 40 eyes; came to the dugout, where his brothers were chained, taking the pellets out of the walls with their teeth; M. killed the snake's mother, hung it by the breasts, threw back the snake's club, which he threw, when he returned, stabbed him, brought his brothers home]: Moshkov 1904, No. 47:89-82; the Bosnians [when dying, the father tells the three brothers to pass off three sisters as the first to He will come for them; strangers take their sisters away; brothers go look for them, find them in the giant, who tells them to make a fire before he returns, they cannot, he chained them to a pole; the mother sees a grain of pepper, asks God for a fourth son, even if he is just as small; Pepper is born, tells him to forge a huge iron club; the giant makes a fire with his flint, the giant becomes his slave; P. wins, takes giants with two and three heads as servants; each cooks in turn, the dwarf takes food; P. protected the dwarf's beard in a split beech tree; he tore off his beard, went underground; P. goes down, there are three girls with a golden loom, chickens, herd, hoop; they tell them to kill their dwarf brother with a wooden sword; servants pick up the girls, cut off the rope; P. comes to the spring where the dragon gives water in exchange for girls, it is the turn of the royal daughter; P. falls asleep, wakes up from the girl's tears, kills the dragon, cuts off his ears; the arap tells the king that he killed the dragon, P. shows his ears, the arapa is executed; the king advises to save the giant bird's chicks from the dragon; the chicks tell their mother that P. did not attack them, but killed the dragon; the mother bird tells them to collect meat, bread, water, and feed her on the way to the upper world; P. cuts off the last piece from the thigh, the bird belches it, puts it back; P. kills giants, marries and gives princesses to his brothers]: Golenishchev-Kutuzov 1991:52-63 (=Arkhipova 1962:30-42).

Central Europe. Slovaks [daughter is missing; two sons went in search, the dragon ate them; the mother went to the old woman for advice, who told her to look for a pea in her clothes and swallow them; the woman gave birth to a tiny one She breastfed her son Goroshin, 9 years old, he became incredibly strong, went to the world]: Dobšinský 1970:170; Russians (Arkhangelskaya, Pinega, 1927, d. Inkwell) [The beautiful sister of three brothers is kidnapped by the evil Wizard while she is walking in the garden. All three go looking for her. The shepherd of a hundred rams invites them to eat his entire herd and drink 40 barrels of wine - in which case they can defeat his powerful owner, the evil wizard, but they can't even eat one roasted one. They also meet a shepherd with a herd of 150 pigs, then a shepherd with a herd of 200 bulls, and they invite the brothers to eat the whole herd to win, but they can't. The brothers come to their sister, she hides them under the stove, her owner returns, invites her brothers to the table, eats the raw pig and the rug herself, they cannot eat anything. He calls them to fraternize in the field, cuts off their heads and puts them in the basement. The mother follows the brothers, eats a pea along the way, becomes pregnant, returns home, gives birth to a son Ivan, while "they went to get his ass, he grew up to 17 years." The mother talks about his older brothers, he asks the blacksmith to forge a cane of 50, 50, 200 pounds (Each time he tries a cane - he throws it into the sky, drinks kvass at home and then catches a cane, only on the third since his palm feels the weight of his cane). Ivan goes to pick up his siblings. On the way, he eats all the sheep, piglets and bulls unroasted (he drinks all the wine/vodka), says he could eat as much more. The shepherds thank him, because if the animal remains malnourished, there are twice as many in the herd. Ivan comes to his sister and refuses to hide under the stove. The snake eats the rug and the pig, Ivan eats "a couple at a time", the snake brings more food. In the field, Ivan throws a cane at the snake and cuts down 6 heads, the snake tells us where Ivan's brothers are, who kills the enemy, finds brothers, splashes on them from a barrel in the basement dead, then with live blood, and they come to life. Ivan finds gold, a chain, and puts it in a bag. On the way back, the brothers tie Ivan, who has fallen asleep, to an oak tree and leave. On the third day, he wakes up and, having uprooted the oak tree, comes home, gives his mother all the gold (asks her to bring a bigger purse and then allocate the whole hut). Ivan settles in the basement, but sees that his brothers don't love him and leaves. He meets Vernydub's grandfather, crying by the oak tree - his life is in the oak tree (if you cut down an oak tree, it will die) and his grandfather, whose life in grief (if you cut it down, it will die). The three of them live on the mountain, two clear the field, one cooks. While Vernydub is cooking, a little old man comes to him, beats Vernydub and pulls the food out of the oven, Vernydub says that lunch is dead. When it's Ivan's turn, the old man asks to let him in, Ivan refuses, tries to send the old man soup, and he runs away. The three of them track down the old man, come to a hole covered with a stone, Ivan goes down. She meets a girl at the palace, she suggests changing her master's 2 vats with amplifying and "weakening" water. When a little old man comes back and fights with Ivan, he drinks from the vat and weakens. Ivan wins and frees two more girls, wants to marry the last, youngest and most beautiful, and give the elders to his brothers. On their belts, they lift the girls upstairs, fight over each one, do not want to bother Ivan, but at the girls' insistence, they pull them out. Brothers diverge in different directions]: Karnaukhova 1934, No. 89:179-184; Russians (Moscow) [a snake stole a girl; three brothers came to fight him, he turned them into stone; their mother found a pea, Pokatigoroshka ate and gave birth to a son; he took an iron stick, went to the snake; the girl tells us to swap barrels of strong and weak water; the snake drank weak water, P. killed him, the brothers came to life; all returned home]: Vedernikova, Samodelova 1998, No. 25:65-66; Russians (Perm) [the tsar dies, orders to give her daughter for a hero; Raven Voronovich takes her; Vasily Tsarevich goes in search; sees herds, herds, shepherds answer that they belong to BB; BB offers cast iron nuts, V. cannot see them; throw a cast-iron club, V. barely throws up, BB throws high, it falls, kills V.; then but with Ivan Tsarevich; the mother gives birth to Larokopye Tsarevich's husband, conceived during his lifetime; he tells the shepherds to answer that the herds are L.; easily bites through cast iron nuts, throws a club, she falls, kills BV; brings living water from Baba Yaga, revives brothers; takes the property of the BV; the family makes L. big]: Zelenin 1991, No. 17 (27): 78-81; Belarusians: Afanasiev 1958 (1), No. 134 (Grodno Region) [two brothers go to plow in the forest, mark the road with straw, the sister must walk along it to bring them lunch; the seven-headed Serpent overheard, changed signs, the girl came to the Snake; one, then the second brothers come, The serpent shows its wealth, offers iron bread, hangs his brothers on a beam; their mother's pea turns into a boy Pokatypea (P.), he grows up, the blacksmith makes him a seven-pound mace, he throws it to the clouds, it falls, breaks; he orders stronger; comes to the Serpent, eats iron bread, breaks the deck without an ax, burns it without fire; P. and the Serpent drive each other into the ground, P. drives him whole, kills him with a mace; kills a horse, hides in a carcass, grabs the Crow that has descended, orders him to bring living and dead water; he brings, P. tears the Raven in two, glues, revives brought with water; revives the brothers; on the way back, the brothers tie him to the oak tree, not believing that he is their brother; he drags the oak tree to the house, leaves his parents, leaves; meets and takes Vyrvigora as a friend, Vyrvidub; P. kills a six-, seven-, nine-headed snake, brings tongues to the king; the wives of the Serpents turn into a bed, into an apple tree, P. cuts them, preventing their comrades from sitting down and eating apples; the third Snake falls from earth to heaven; P. throws three kani (stones?) into her mouth , three falcons, comrades; each time the Snake returns to drink; P. hides with blacksmiths; they tell the Snake to wipe the doors with their tongue, grab the tongue with ticks, P. kills her]: 254-263; Vasilenok et al. 1958 [y the merchant has two sons and a daughter; the ship sank, the merchant died; the serpent Shkurupey took her daughter; the sons went in search and disappeared; the merchant dropped a tear, she turned into a pea, the merchant swallowed her, conceived and gave birth to a son Katigoroshinka; he asks his mother to give him a needle, tells the blacksmith to forge it into a road, it has 25 pounds, only the third time the road is strong (thrown under the clouds, K. falls on his head, remains intact, his head is also intact); K. comes into the possession of Sh., rips off a stallion, a bull, a ram; kills a giant; makes S. revive his brothers with living and dead water; kills Sh.; when he fell asleep, the brothers tied him to an oak tree, brought his sister home, said that they killed Sh.; K. uprooted the oak tree, came and forgave his brothers]: 82-86; Eastern Ukrainians (Poltava, Romensky y.) [Two Kondrati brothers go out into the field without a cauldron, ask their sister to bring them to the field, to which they will leave a trail of the house - pinches, the snake shifts them and changes direction to their house, the girl enters the house, the snake locks it inside. The brothers go to free their sister, on the way they meet an old man grazing oxen, who advises killing and eating 30 oxen to free the girl, the brothers cannot kill, the old shepherd advises killing and eating sheep 200 sheep, they can't eat, baba herds ducklings and Peta advises killing and eating 200 ducklings, they can't eat them. They come to the snake, "Beat Chi Meritza?" The brothers are hit by a snake, nothing happens, it puts them on the bone, knees in the ground and kills them. Kondratyev's brother "Cinko-Klenko" grows up at a wonderful speed, forges a chain of 20 fathoms and cannot kill 40 bulls with it on the way, orders a chain of 40, then 50 fathoms, kills and eats bulls, 200 sheep and 200 ducklings (kills with a woman). The serpent hits Cinko-Clinco, who does not move, the snake hits the bone into the ground, then knee-deep, then dies. He finds gold with his sister in cellars, lives richly and happily with her]: Gnedich 1916, No. 1485:16-17; northern Ukrainians (Chernigov, Nezhinsky, etc.) [The widow has two sons and two daughters, they were kidnapped by a snake; a pea is rolling, she swallowed it, and Katigoroshka gave birth to them on the same day; three days later he goes to the blacksmith and tells them to tie a mace of 25 pounds; he threw it up, put his knee up, it broke; the same with a mace of 35 pounds; a mace of 50 pounds came up: it fell on his head, but did not break; on the way, shepherds of sheep, pigs, oxen offer to eat a ram in one sitting, pig, ox; if he can, let him go to the snake, but not, let him return; K. eats easily; iron house, on the porch the serpent's sister beats lice; K. ran out on the porch, the snake ran out with a 40-pound club; they began to drive each other in stone; K. drove a snake; K.: Where are the brothers? sister snake: hanging on poles; K. took them out alive; on the way back they cook food by a huge birch tree; K. fell asleep; the brothers chained him to a birch tree: the snake killed us and would kill us; K. woke up, pulled out a birch tree, caught up with the brothers, put the birch tree on the cart; brothers: throw it away; he threw it away; the same with the aspen; then the brothers wanted to kill him with a mace, but could not lift it]: Malinka 1902, No. 25:297-300.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Ossetians [the widow's seven sons go to face off the giant; on the way, the shepherds gave them a ladle of milk, they could not drink even half; they cannot separate two fighting bulls; catch horses in herd; the giant's wife sees that the brothers are not going straight, but are looking for a ford - an easy life for her husband; pears and apples cannot be knocked down in the giant's yard with arrows; Watzilla sends a swallow to ask the widow if he wants she has 7 new sons instead of the missing ones, or one, but by force like 7; the widow chose one; gave birth to a boy named Late; he breaks the jug of the old witch's daughter three times; the girl tells him better find the brothers' murderers; his mother gives him his father's weapon and horse's harness, and the horse is head over heels in manure; Z. took a weapon, washed his horse, galloped to the giant; on the way he drank a ladle of milk, separated bulls, caught horses, went straight across the river, apple trees and pears shake, arrows, swords and bows fall from them; eats meat, throws bones to the giant; drove the giant up to his shoulders into the ground and cut off his head; his wife admits to cutting his little finger husband, brothers come from there; on the way back they dug a hole, Z. fell into it, they threw earth and stones at him; the horse asks the fox, wolf, bear to dig Z., everyone promises their back leg, but they did not eat the horse; the eagle promises his eyes, for which he pulled Z. out of the pit, but did not bite the horse's eyes; at home, Z. threw an arrow up: let him hit the guilty; the arrow split into 7 parts and amazed the brothers; mother found a good bride for Z.]: Britaev, Kaloev 1959:118-131; Ingush [sister was carried away by a three-headed harbash; 14 brothers go in search one by one, disappear; born fifteenth; at the age of 14 he became a hero; the teenagers he beat advise him to find his brothers and sister better; the young man went in search, cured the lion's paw, the eagle's wing, they went with him; they killed the harbash, freed the sister and brothers; the brothers killed the younger and sister, returned, said they did not see either; the eagle brought living water, revived the dead; Pacci made the young man chief of the army; he married on his daughter, imprisoned his brothers, took his parents; his sister ordered the eagle to bring another harbash, let 14 brothers go to prison to torment them; after the pachchaha died, the young man inherited power]: Tankieva 2003:144-148; Dargin residents [the widow has 21 sons and daughters; 7 brothers are peasants, 7 are students, 7 are robbers; the daughter carried food to the peasant brothers through the forest, they left notches in the trees, disappeared ; brothers go in search, find other notches, walk along them, get to the witch, who throws them into the same hole as their sister; the same with students and robbers; the mother of the missing bit off the one who fell from the sky the golden apple, the rest was eaten by a mare; a hero and a horse were born; the hero drove the witch neck into the ground; she showed where the brothers were and she ate her sister; the young man cut off her head; the robber brothers threw the youngest into the hole, shared the wealth of the witch; the youngest dug a way into the old woman's house; killed Azhdah, who closed the water in that village; the poor came to the wedding of the robber brothers; no one can pull a bow, it's offer a beggar, he kills robber brothers; their brides married peasant brothers]: Khalilov 1965, No. 62:183-185; Megrelians: Mashurko et al. 1904, No. 1 [nine brothers buy a plot of land, they go there to work; the sister is told that they will throw garlic heads on the way; the old mdevi picks up garlic, scatters it on the way to her house; when hungry and unable to find her sister at home, the brothers they come to the mdevi, her sons defeat them, lock them in a barn to eat at the festival; God sends the Raven to find out why the mother of the missing is crying; the crow promises to tell God if the old woman gives her her eye; God tells God that she is crying for the killed child; the same is true for the second eye; God sends a Dove, who tells the truth; God curses the Raven, sends the old woman a handkerchief with the Dove to wipe her eyes and see the light, an apple to conceive a son; he becomes a giant, hears from his playmates that he had brothers and sister; comes to Mdevi, fights; the severed head of the younger monster grows back, the bird tells sprinkle ash on the wound; this is how the hero kills all the mdevis, frees his brothers and sister; the brothers offer to race, provoking the hero to step on the carpet that closes the hole; the hero falls at the well, next to him the daughter of an underground king cries, who is given to be eaten by a dragon that has closed the water; the hero falls asleep, wakes up from a tearful beauty, kills a dragon with an arrow; a grateful king puts the hero on an eagle along with a load of meat; there is not enough meat, the hero cuts him off from his own leg, on the ground an eagle heals him; the hero returns to his mother, does not take revenge on his brothers]: 1-6; Armenians [the epic David of Sasun, probably 7- 10th centuries (no later than the 13th century); first recorded in 1873; childless Mher the Elder agrees to the angel's condition: he will have a son, but after that both he and his wife will die immediately; David's boy is raised by Mher's brother Ohan and his wife; Tsar Msyra Mystramelik goes to war against Sasun; O. and all the people agree to go under his sword, D. refuses; the rest persuade M. to spare the boy; O.'s wife asks for D. a job; he orders to be a shepherd, D. wearing iron bast shoes and taking an iron staff, brings the cattle along with all the wild animals; the old woman tells her not to trample on her field, but rather to go to the mountain that belonged to Father D.; Ohan we have to talk about how M. took everything away; D. brings people, builds a monastery on the mountain; defeats the commanders M., frees the captured women; M. goes with the army himself; the old woman tells D. where the armor is his father; O. is forced to give D. Mher's armor, sword and horse; the giant Toros fights with D.; the warriors ask not to kill them, but to fight M. himself; M. has difficulty waking up when he is beaten with a hot iron ( thinks that mosquitoes are biting); M. digs a hole, covers a millstone, invites D. to the tent, D. fails; O. dreams about it; only a black horse instantly drove him to Sasun; hearing his uncle's voice, D. breaks the millstone comes out, cuts M. in half]: Shahnazaryan 1988:12-42.

Iran - Central Asia. Pashtuns [the poor man with his first wife has sons Hunkar (elder) and Muslim; he found a white egg in the nest of an unknown bird, sold it for a lot of money to a rich man, began to bring him more and more eggs; caught the bird itself; after his death, H. sells eggs to the rich man; the stepmother asks the rich man to come to her, who makes it a condition to slaughter the bird to eat his heart and head and become a padishah; the maid gives a heart and head the sons of the poor man; the rich man is furious, the maid tells H. and M. to flee; H. is dead, a falcon sat on Muslim's head, he was chosen as a padishah; three birds admired the beauty of H., shook a tree whose leaves revive , one fell into H.'s mouth, he came to life; a falcon also sat on his head, H. became a padishah of another country; M. had 7 sons, X. has daughters, he kills them; his wife hides a seventh named Schmaila; she grows up beautiful; H. sees her, his wife has to explain everything; H. sets difficult tasks for Sh.'s suitors; 1) break an iron deck with a wooden ax; 2) milk a red cow with diamond horns, which Shmaila has; 3) run three times to the roof with a windowsill full of milk; 4) separate the millet from the sand, and the millet of that half the room; 5) bring the lion, fight with the padishah's lion; 7) find a way to Shmaila's chambers; M.'s 6 sons are executed; the seventh Dzallat Khan plays with the old woman's son, beats him; the old woman tells her son to say - if D. is so good, then demand (from the mother) an answer how the brothers died; D. asks mother roast the grains, clamps them in her hand, forcing them to tell about the fate of her older brothers; on the instructions of the fakir, receives the blessing of her mother and father; takes out the splinter from the lioness; lions promise to help; saves ants, having bought a man's field so that he would not fill it with water; gives Mullah Miro a letter from the fakir, the mullah makes D. a disciple; he first enters S.'s chambers in a woman's outfit; S. suspects that this is a man, but M. does not betray himself; then makes a mechanical lion, hides in it, S. tells him how to complete his father's tasks; ants separate millet, the lion defeats lion X.; D. gets S., Hunkar gouged out their eyes, brought them to their brother; the brothers recognized each other, H. repented that he killed his sons after Muslim]: Lebedev 1972, No. 6:27-44 (=2003 [brief retelling]: 395); Pashayas [king Khūnkhār ("bloodthirsty"; all names are in Persian, not Pasha'i) promises daughter Shamāili ("northern") and her throne to whoever hits the drum and sees his daughter; the six sons of King Nāmazlū ; m ("harsh") consistently go to marry her, cannot see, hanged; the seventh son was a baby; the boy smashed an old woman's jug from a slingshot, she said that his six brothers were hanged; father assured that the boy had no brothers; when the boy Jallat Khān became a young man, he found out that the old woman was telling the truth; he came to King Hunhar's city, hired a sculptor; his wife was preparing flowers for Shamaili ; Jallat Khan made a wreath, S. asks who made it, the woman replies that her daughter is bald; J. orders him to be taken to Sh., covered with a blanket; returning, asks the sculptor to make a statue like him, J.; gets inside; the sculptor tells the statue to dance in front of the king, the statue with J. inside dances; S. asks for the statue; on the first night, J. quietly changed rings with S., capes on the second, and the third Sh. told him to open up, became his wife; gave her hair; her father would order him to break the cast-iron cauldron, this hair would help break; J. breaks the cauldron, brings the torturers to where S.'s palace is; the king is convinced that J. has completed the tasks, gives his daughter and the throne; J. blinds him as punishment for the death of his brothers]: Morgenstierne 1944, No. 2:6-17.

Baltoscandia. Norwegians [the king loves his seven sons so much that he always keeps one with him; six leave, marry six sisters, and on the way home a giant turns them into stones; the seventh brother leaves on a nag; feeds the crow, saves the salmon, gives the wolf his horse to eat; for this he carries him instead of a horse; in the giant's castle, a young man meets the kidnapped princess and hides; the princess asks where the giant's heart is; decorates the threshold, the closet with flowers; the third time the giant says that the soul is in the egg, in the duck, in the well, in the church on an island in the middle of the lake; the wolf brings there; the keys to churches hang high, the raven pulls them out, the young man grabs the duck, the egg falls into the water, the salmon pulls it out; the young man tells the giant to revive the petrified ones, then breaks the egg, the giant bursts; wedding]: Dasent 1970: 59-68; Finns, Danes, Lithuanians: Uther 2004 (1), No. 312D: 194; Latvians [older brothers are looking for a missing sister, but fall into the clutches of the line themselves; the younger brother is strong, born from eaten peas, goes looking for the disappeared, kills the devil, revives his sister and brothers]: Aris, Medne 1977, No. 312D: 274; Lutsi (Western 1893) [the family has two sons and a daughter; mustababa (must -" black", est.) took the girl; the brothers went in search; shepherds: you can kill all the sheep at once, free your sister; brothers: it takes a week to slaughter everyone; the same with shepherds cows; horses; they say that the sister was married to Big Yuda; they came to their sister, the BU hung them from a tree; the sister put a block under her feet; the mother cried, peas grew out of tears, the only pea in the pod; she ate it, after 9 gave birth for months; the boy is a strongman, grew up quickly; asks if there were siblings; ordered a five-pound iron club from the blacksmith, threw it up, the next day she fell, he put his finger up, the club split; 10- pound - bent; 15-pound - remained intact, suitable; killed all sheep at once; cows; horses; horse shepherds order to make an iron hand, heat it, put the BU in the face; Pea ate, drank more, than BU; drove BU into the ground three times, on copper, silver, gold fields; BU drove him to the waist, and he killed him up to the throat; put BU's palaces and treasures in a ball, put him in his pocket; released the captured girl, took as wives; they began to live again, they still live now]: Annom et al. 2018:101-105.

Volga - Perm. Komi, Udmurts: Uther 2004 (1), № 312D: 194; Marie [Buran Buranich kidnapped the princess; the elder prince goes in search; the sheep shepherd sends to the cow, that to the horse, herding the herd tells you to go to the silver palace on the mountain; BB treats him with nuts, no young man can gnaw; in the bathhouse he weakens from the heat, BB ate him and threw his bones under the shelves; the same with the middle brother; the younger one split and ate all the nuts, BB gushes an iron broom in the bathhouse until he promises to revive his brothers; to do this, he tells him to sprinkle the blood of the crow on the bones, the brothers came to life; on the way back with his brothers and sister, the younger one takes the shepherds ordered to make the belts go to the snake hole and tells the brothers to lower it down on their belts; there is a girl, she was kidnapped by a three-headed snake; the young man gives the girl a bowl of water: if foam appears, he defeated the snake, if there is blood, then his serpent; the young man cut off the snake's head, foam in the bowl; (getting to the ground) they approach another hole; in it there is a six-headed serpent; the same; in the third, a nine-headed serpent; that drives the young man up to his neck in the ground, but the young man still cut off all his heads; there was foam in the bowl and blood on the other; at home, the young man marries this last girl and gives the other two to his brothers]: Beke 1938, No. 35:298-310; Chuvash [a whirlwind takes the girl Kulina; older brother Etrigan goes to search, on the way shepherds ask if he can eat a cow, a horse; sister is married to Shaitan, he offers to eat a pig, a horse, a bull; E. cannot, Shaitan kills him; the same with his younger brother Utrigan; a drop of blood floated along the river, the brothers' mother swallowed it with water, gave birth to a boy Kachikrush; he works as a farmhand, eats 77 loaves, three bulls at a time; when he learns about the fate of his brothers, he follows his sister, eats what the shepherds offer along the way, then Shaitan; kills him, brings his sister home]: Eisin 1993: 266-261; (cf. Kazan Tatars [Akhmet is told that he is more cheerful and courageous than his brothers; his mother is forced to say that his 10 brothers are gone and gone; A. comes to his mother 10 genies and promises her sons get 11 padishah's daughters for them, which is prevented by 10 warriors; they turn out to be brothers A.; A. enters the girls' room, tells the genies to go up there one by one, cuts off everyone's head, takes off their sleeping girls keep their name rings, one keeps for themselves, gives 10 to their brothers; 5 batyrs claim that they defeated the genies; the padishah gives them daughters, but during the wedding, the warriors cannot raise the heads of genies , and A. does it easily; the daughters of the padishah recognize their rings, marry their brothers; the father of the genies wants to get the daughter of the Padishah of the Sun, who will give her only for Padishah Almazov's horse; the genie's father kidnapped A. , ordered to get that horse; the old man orders to take the horse away, but not touch the bridle; A. grabs it, the bells are ringing, he is captured, Padishah Almazov demands the nightingale of the Padishah of the Month; the old man tells not to take the cage, A. did not take it, gave the nightingale in exchange for the horse, but the nightingale returned to him; gave the horse in exchange for the daughter of the Sun, the horse also returned; the old man told me to go from the fork to the right, A. forgot and went to the left; A. fell asleep, woke up - there is no girl, no horse, no nightingale; the old man gives a handkerchief, a comb and a mirror; putting his handkerchief on the water, A. crosses the river, takes the girl, horse, nightingale out of the diva's palace; he chases, A. threw comb (forest), mirror (sea); diva swam, drowned; A. gives the girl to the padishah genies, remains a worker, tells you to know what the genie's soul is; genie: in a broom (girl decorates a broom); four eggs under a duck in a nest on an island under the protection of four wild boars; A. fights wild boars, the main boar wants to eat a reed sprout, A. a roast lamb; the shepherd gave him a lamb, he killed wild boars, brought eggs, two broke it, the genie agreed to take him home with his girlfriend, where A. broke the rest of the eggs; 11 brothers with wives, nightingale and horse return to their parents]: Yarmukhametov 1957:14-31).

Turkestan. Kirghiz (1959, Jumgal District, Naryn Region) [the elderly couple have sons Egizbek and Segizbek ("egiz" is twin, "segiz" is eight); they herd horses in a place called Taygylman's Slippery Stone; once two deyo (divas), Buktugul and Shuutugul, a slippery stone was uprooted and knocked down, and young men and horses were taken away; having lost their sons, the couple live in grief and poverty; in a dream, a white-bearded old man tells his father to arrange young men near the poplar on the mazar atoning sacrifice; at midnight a white apple will fall from the sky, a red apple before dawn; eat the white one yourself, let the wife eat the red one; then a child will be born; the wife has given birth to a boy; he offends others; one old woman: "If you're so lively, why don't you find your older brothers?!" ; after that, the boy told his mother to fry wheat; asks to bring him a handful urgently, clenched his mother's hand; she could not stand the pain, spoke about her older brothers; the boy is still without a name; the old man came and gave his name is Karach Baatyr; on the way, the KB saw a yellow foal stuck in a pit, which had never shed; pulled it out, threw a halter; a one-year-old foal turned into a two-year-old; threw a sweat, he became that third; when he saddled, he became a tulpar; the horse: "If you go along this road, you will reach the poplar. Scatter me, tie me to the poplar with my head up. Just below this there is a cemetery, among other graves there is a tomb, so go inside it. Sweat the bed under you, put the saddle under your head, lie down facing east. A person will appear in the morning and say, "No one from the human race has come here before" and starts waking you up - "Hey, horseman, get up!" , but don't get up. When it comes from the foot instead of from the headboard, then get up. Make friends with him." The KB did so; man: "And I was the only son of elderly parents. I woke up one morning shouting "The enemy is near!" , jumped out, immediately hit me with an axe. They were two people, Buktugul and Shuutugul. They had two guys sitting in the saddle behind them - your older brothers. If you kill them, cut off their heads saying, "Dedicated to my friend Nurperi." Two of them have 40 yellow and white tulpars, and kill them too with the words "Dedicate them to my friend Nurperi," kill the two girls watching these horses too. If they stay alive, they'll do a lot of evil." The KB said goodbye to Karach to this man, saddled the horse and set off; suddenly the horse stopped, urinating with blood; KB went on foot; after a while the horse caught up with him; the episode repeated; the KB did not sit down on the horse, went on foot; the horse quietly walked around him, went out to meet him, decided to test it; the horse turned into a tiger; KB pulled out his sword and drove it; the horse became a horse again; says that Buktugul, one of the two close, it was his horse that tied my tongue when I couldn't move, urinated with blood; but now he tied his tongue himself; now the KB horse will turn into a yellow-white horse, and let KB be a horse, let him goes to Buktugul and says he's looking for a lost horse; Buktugul: "They say that some Karach is coming here, do you know him?" - "When he is going to fight someone, he eats the meat of eighty oxen and plunges into the lake. He sits in the lake for seven days with his head out of the water and causes snow and cold. In seven days, the lake is covered with ice, and then after breaking this ice, so that the debris soars to the sky, Karach gets up from the lake and goes to fight the enemy"; Bugtugul decides to do the same; after 7 days starts to get up, the ice is cracking; KB: "Oh, I completely forgot, I have to lie down for another 7 days"; after 14 days Bugtugul could not move; KB: "I dedicate to my friend Nurperi", demolished the ice sticking out with a sword head; horse: Shuutugul has white cotton wool on his back; you have to hit the cotton wool with a spear, otherwise Shuutugul cannot be killed; KB hit, cut off Shuutugul's head; his horse rose into the sky, but the KB horse grabbed him with his teeth by the tail and pulled them down; KB killed Shuutugul's horse; 40 yellow-piebald tulpars were tied in the deyo palace, the KB slaughtered them, dedicating them to Nurperi, to the two girls who were with these tools, also cut off their heads; from two years, only a cauldron, only soft ash; KB began to look for older brothers; towards a camel, riding a camel, two old men are brothers; "If you are our younger brother, do you know what kind of Will I take our sign?" KB: "You both have a birthmark on your shoulder blade"; it is there, the brothers hugged each other, returned to their parents; everyone lives in happiness and joy]: Kebekov, Tokombaev 2007:175-180.

Western Siberia. The Nenets [seven brothers go hunting in the forest; the old man suggests tying him with grass to a tree, tears his fetters; he ties his brothers with a chain himself, cuts off their heads; the mother finds bloody chips, she turns into a child; Chips find an old man; the old man suggests cutting off the head of whoever eats meat more slowly; The chips hide part; the chain; the old man ties him with grass, he ties the old man with a chain, kills; the old man disappears, Chips follows the trail; sleeps with his daughter, changes places, the old man kills his daughter; Chips kill the old man's wife; offers to take a measure, the old man lies down on the board, Chips kill him]: Tonkov 1936:132-136; northern Khanty (Obdorsk, 1992) [all people are killed by demons, a little boy hid in the corner of the house, grew up; a squirrel sheds his bumps, he brings them home; the squirrel tells open bumps, sable skins, gold; a squirrel leads him to an unknown house, turns into a girl; they have a son; he grew up, came to an old house, there is an old man and an old woman {apparently alive father's parents; not entirely clear}; when an ogre hawk arrives, the boy kills him with an arrow, a lake appears at the site of the hawk's fall; everyone lives well]: Nikolaeva 1999, No. 5:143-147.

Eastern Siberia. Sym Evenks: Vasilevich 1936, No. 41 (Chirombu) [Evenks dance all day; the old woman hears Korendo's noise, they don't believe her, the children stuff dog droppings into her mouth; K. swallowed dancing Evenks, the old woman hid under the cauldron; collected grouse droppings, rocked, it did not come to life; in the spring she collected goose droppings, he came to life, became Unyana's boy; she trades for a bird, hazel grouse, larger animals, every time asks his grandmother if this beast ate his uncle; she explains that she ate K. from the sky; W. makes wings, flies to heaven from one wife K. to another, their names are Scraper, Myalka, Needle, Thimble Case; ripped K.'s belly with his wing, the Evenks came out, some alive, some dead; W. consistently flies, sings with three sons K., ripped off each's belly, freed the Evenks; flew to K.'s wife named Brusok, sang to her that your K. was killed]: 41-44 (retelling in 1959:183); Shatilov 1927 (Narym; the narrator chained to Narym Krai from Tym, and to Tym from Sym) [=Lukina 2004, No. 3:68-70; an old woman and an old man want a child; the old woman takes swan droppings, shakes it; a child appears, the old woman drops it, he breaks; then finds goose droppings, shakes it, a child appears; he grows up, they find a woman for him, they have children appear; they dance, sing songs; grandmother warns that after sunset they may be dragged away by their spirit; children do not believe, they play; the spirit comes and eats everyone; the old man and the old woman remain and the most the little child is Unyany; he grows up to want to catch that spirit; forges iron wings, flies away; catches up with Corendu's spirit in the middle of the sea; he sits full, with a big belly; Unyany rips it off with a knife; swallowed, some rotten, some alive fall out from there; Unyany washes the living into the sea and takes them with them on their wings; people are born from them]: 14-15; Western Evenks (Angarsk, river Kamenka) [Karendo (from karä - the name of the crow in fairy tales) came, ate everyone, the old woman hid under the cauldron; put goose droppings in the cradle, Unyana's boy appeared; asked who killed his parents; made wings , flew to K., his wings were outside, he sawed them; invited K. to fly over the sea, who was taller; W. was taller, broke K.'s wing, he fell into the sea, got out for 8 days, became small (i.e. turned into a crow )]: Petrova 1936, No. 1:149-150, explanations on p. 147; (retelling the main content of both texts, Sym and Angarsk, in Vasilevich 1950:183-184 [The Evenks sang and danced until night; the old woman heard a noise Kerendo's wings, asked her not to sing, they did not believe her; Kererendo flew in, swallowed all the singers, the old woman managed to cover herself with the cauldron, was left alone; found, brought black grouse droppings, put them in the cradle, became swing, the droppings fell apart; in the spring she took goose droppings, began to pump again, the droppings squeaked, she began to pump harder, Unyana's man formed; he grew up, made iron wings for himself, flew to Kerendo; they competed in flight over the Lama (Baikal); Unyany ripped Kerendo's belly with his wing, from which some alive, partly dead Evenks, fell out; continued to compete with Kerendo's brother and sons, released many Evenks]; Baikal Evenks (north of Transbaikalia, p. Chara, 1948) [the giant took the girl away; by old age, her parents wanted children; in 9 years the old man forged his son out of iron; the old woman tells him to insert the heart and insides of a woodpecker; the iron son found flesh and became hero; tried his father's bow, with whom he hunted in his youth - broke it; with which he is good in old age; came to the giant, killed the guards, broke the town; the lower part of the giant's body is like a snake; young man cut it in two; the young man took his sister; the woodpecker: the giant came to life and beats your father; the young man cut the giant into 10 pieces and hid it in the barn; they broke the barn and attacked the father; the woodpecker pulled it out from the giant heart, the young man cut the rest into pieces and burned it]: Pinegina 2019:86-87; (cf. Evens [the youngest of the four brothers is Oindya; the elder sends the eldest two for food, leaves the youngest; tells them to cook bacon; O. has an upset stomach, he goes to relieve himself, sees the light below; brother came to see, O. pushed him down; his brother was on the lower ground; he was not seen or heard; he touched a man, he screams, got sick; they called a shaman; he ordered to bring a deer skin, put him there Brother O., began to tell fairy tales, he fell asleep, found himself on the other side; entered the house, there was a terrible old woman by the fire; cut off her flesh from her peritoneum, cooked it, gave it to Brother O., it turned out to be delicious; told me at night if they call out, answer "I'm a mouse"; fell asleep again, was at home; O. now wants to go to the lower world himself; his brother pushed him; he takes meat - it tasteless as dust; touches the girl's chest, she is sick; he was also put on his skin; he feels like the devil is around; he called himself a squirrel; then a mouse, he found himself at home; the brothers go to the cannibals, tied O., who tore the ropes, follows; tied to a tree - tore out a tree; the brothers were placed in an iron house, only O. broke it, threw the cannibals into the fire; after that, the brothers' father and other people killed by cannibals came to life; O. turned handsome]: Robbeck 2005:221- 226).

Amur-Sakhalin. Nanai people: Sunik 1958, No. 1 [the boy's bed was stolen, he began to live in a bear den; three brothers found him, the eldest brought him to his wife; the boy calls these brothers not parents, but brothers , the eldest's wife is a daughter-in-law; they still have a sister; a giant enters, the boy defeated him, cut off his ears and nose; came to the village for a wake; threw the shaman into heaven and caught him falling; the shaman gave him his daughter, the funeral owner, also gave his daughter; the young man reached the sea, bit off the end of the knife, spit it out, spit, the sea froze, he crossed the ice; when he reached the other side, the ice disappeared; killed a hero who took his mother and father away; returned home, taking with him the hero's village and the village where he was given wives]: 114-116; Khodger 2011 [Pudin tells his son not to go up the river; he goes, enters the house, there is a big one a frog, he kills her, it was the mother of nine Nevens (evil spirits); P. tells her son to run to Bor Island; the Nevens tickle P. until she says "Bor"; sweeping the floor, swallowed a button a son, conceived, gave birth to a new boy; he grows up, sees toys, realizes that there was a brother; swims to the island, an older brother runs across the sky, after him, his brother is almost completely dry; the youngest pierced all the Nevens with one arrow; brought the elder home; his mother cured him; the brothers began to hunt together, did not kill frogs]: 35-39; the Udege [the tiger became an evil spirit (amba); instilled his own Savons as men, who became his assistants, forgot their relatives; eight-year-old Salamage stayed with his brother; to find courage, he climbed into the eagles' nest on the rock, never go back down; there are two eagles in the nest ; before the adult eagles returned, the kind tiger Kuta Mafa jumped over the abyss into the nest, took S., jumped back with them, not knowing that S. had taken one chick with him; the king of birds is ready to declare war to the king of tigers, he advises to punish only the guilty - S.; the eagle took Aka, S.'s younger brother; S. returns the eagle, takes A., falls off a cliff with him, the eagle picks them up; S. explains why he tried steal an eagle; eagles pick up an evil tiger, throw him into the sea; after him, leaving people's bodies, savons rush into the sea, become sea devils; men, including Father S., come back]: Podmaskin, Kireyeva 2010:195-200; (cf. The Udege [Huna Ziti's seven brothers disappear one by one; she comes to the cannibal; at night she tries to pour hot lead fat into her ear; H. does not sleep, does not give; the cannibal falls asleep, H. pours fat on her, finds her brothers' bodies, revives it by mixing the same potion with water; the next time the brothers disappear into the sea one by one; the tit tells her to throw crushed birch bark into the sea; for aquatic life these are clothes, H. hears children's voices, everyone asks for clothes; a whale with human hands pops up; a tit tells them to be cut off; swallowed people come out of their sleeves; H. rips open the whale's belly, the rest of the people come out from there, inhabit the earth; brothers H. also come out; the younger one kills the squirrel, the shamanic spirit; H. tells the brothers to hide in the sky, hides in the ash herself; each brother seven times it shoots into the sky, it goes down, they climb in, the sky rises; hordes of squirrels are looking for H., old torn boots give it away (so you can't store worn shoes); squirrels have scratched X., but the ash blinded them, they left; the brothers went down, made X. winged skis, she flew them, found seven girls, brought them to their brothers as wives; H. flies away, finds her husband, gives birth to a son, gives him what he received from her brothers gifts; the boy finds his mother's brothers, they recognize him by gifts; everything is fine]: Podmaskin, Kireeva 2010:138-141); nivhi [the baby left in the cradle grows up by himself; the fly says that his parents are the god of the Ninth Heaven and the goddess of the Eighth Sea World; a spider catches a fly, a boy kills him; a fly turns into a girl, combs his hair, flies away; the hero goes to look for parents; meets three brothers, lives in their village; a hook from the sky drags the brothers upstairs; a hero on a swan flies into a heavenly hole (where swan packs disappear), kills heavenly milks (evil spirits); those brothers were fattened to eat; the hero frees them, sends them to the ground on a hawk; meets his father; he sends him down to his mother; the hero swims to her on a dolphin; next to her is a beautiful woman who has arrived to him with a fly; from his wife from the villages of three brothers and from a sea woman, the hero has many descendants]: Sangi 1974:125-146.

SV Asia. Chukchi [ten brothers go missing; every two walk across the sea on ice, find freshly cooked meat, taste it, die (this is a human being); the fox promises their parents to send another son; an old woman Methino gives birth; he asks him to make a big bow; swims across the sea in a boat, kills a seal, waits for forbidden meat; Wolf comes, demands that M. give him his liver, kidneys, eyes, intestines, heart; M. gives nerpical giblets, pretends to be dying; The Wolf leaves, M. wounds him with a spear; steals clothes from the feathers of his neighbor Wolf Eagle, comes to the Wolf under the guise of an Eagle; does not heal him, but kills him with a knife, runs away; Eagle returns, finds his blood-stained outfit in Wolf's house, kills Wolf's children; M. returns to his parents, who die soon; M. lives with deer, wolves, foxes; finally, people catch him; they force moss, pieces of skin, and other food eaten while he was an animal to regurgitate; a year later, M. is speechless, telling us who he is]: Bogoras 1928, No. 8:330-332.

The Arctic. Bering Strait Inupiat (western in the village. Shishmarev, although the action takes place in the upper reaches of the river. Kobuk) [brothers disappear one by one; in old age, the couple has another son, Ogoonogoroseok; the father wants to kill him so that he does not leave them; digs traps on the path, puts a noose at the entrance into the house, shoots a bow; W. easily avoids dangers; swims away; before that he received a partridge feather and a weasel skin (amulets) from his father; swims down the river, kills a seal, takes his head with him; on the shore a house with a woman in it; a kayak like W.'s next to it, but old and fallen apart; W. throws a seal's head into the needle; a seal fights a woman, they kill each other; in the next needle, a young woman puts it inside, there is an old woman, a knife hangs above her; W. does not sleep; cuts off the head of a young woman, puts her head where she sleeps, puts her crown where the woman slept; the old woman gets up, lights a lamp, cuts her head like she thinks, to a young man; the way out of the needle has disappeared, but when W. gets out; the needle disappears, the black bear is chasing W., W. manages to sail away in a kayak; hears the bear calling him in that voice old woman; the next needle has several broken kayaks, these are the W. brothers' kayaks; he enters the first house, throws a harpoon at the person who comes in, he disappears; W. comes to the next one, there's an old woman, W. kills her, pulls her skin; they come after him (in the sense of an old woman), ask him to treat the wounded; this is the one W. threw a harpoon at; W. asks to turn off the lights, finishes off the wounded, sheds off the old woman's skin, runs away; after him wolves and wolverines run away, he manages to sail away in a kayak; sees an object hanging on a tree, touches it, is trapped; the catcher brings prey to his mind, believes that the game is dead, falls asleep; his two children they also fall asleep; W. kills a man with a stone, goes out, looks into the house, there is a dead bear and two bear cubs; W. swims on; when he reaches the sea, marries; father-in-law tells not to go to the mountain, W. goes, kills two ferocious dogs, father-in-law says they were his hunters, decides to kill his son-in-law; tells 1) to get a tree for the boat (the log rushes to O. when he starts cutting off branches, W. splits him); 2) walrus boat skin (the storm begins, O. calms the sea); 3) the father-in-law pours resin on the hearth in the dugout, O. caresses behind the turf; takes his wife and daughter to his home, the storm calms down only when he throws them into sea; O. finds them alive with his father-in-law, burns him in the dugout in the way his father-in-law wanted to burn him; brings the family home; along the banks of the river he sees dens instead of dugouts where hostile creatures lived]: Keithahn 1958:52-61; Northern Alaska Inupiate (Selawik) [Nunamiu and his wife Qimmiq have four sons, they go and go; N. conceives a fifth, making a fire so that sparks fall into his wife's vagina; A son Qayaq is born; his father magically educates him in strength and dexterity, gives amulets made from the bodies of insects and small nimble animals (weasels, minks, shrews); preparing a supply for parents groceries, K. goes up the Kobuk Valley in search of brothers; his father tells him to take his uncle with him, whom he meets on the way; an unfriendly man enters K.'s hut in the parking lot, he throws it away him, he turns into a woodpecker; a wolverine picks up a broken tooth at a beaver hut; a man sleeps with him, leaves in the morning, it was a wolverine; K. says to the person who came up that his thumb eats people like he; a man runs away in fear, turns out to be a trot; someone voracious behaves strangely, rushes at K. with a knife; K. offers him to die in the fire, he jumps into the fire and burns; in the village of K. he marries; In spring, the wife expects her father to cut her to take out the child; K. teaches her how to give birth in the usual way; goes on, meets a giant; he says that his two wives will come soon and fight; let K. cut both veins, first the one that comes from the sea side, because it is aggressive; after urinating, the giant flooded the whole valley; K. does this, the giantesses bandage their wounds, the husband sends them to clean the house; wives live with a giant only in spring; a giant kills a caribou with uprooted larch; K. leaves, prepares material to make a boat, wants help; spies, sees a fox girl roasting meat, Squirrel heats resin, female birds sew the boat's lining, the Beaver prepares the frame and oars, the Raven the dart for the birds, the Wolf and Wolverine scrape the edge, the Bear knocks down trees, cleans the branches; then everyone dances, Woodpecker hits a tambourine; K. jumps up, grabs Lisa, she remains human, the rest run away in the form of animals and birds; in summer K. swims down the Yukon, his wife becomes a fox again; K. meets, takes with her to their uncle; they see a man break off fir chips, they fall into the water, turn small ones into trout, large ones into salmon; thanks to this, there is fish; on the shore, his brothers' house, bones and skulls, naked woman; K. throws a lahtak's head into her vulva, her head tears the cannibal; K. buries her bones; there is a shiny ball on the tree, he attracts K., who hangs in a trap; the cannibal brings him home, his two children it is said that the game opened their eyes; the cannibals fell asleep, K. cut off their heads; K.'s boat slips between the crushing rocks, only the paddle is crushed; the giant in the boat and K. throw darts at each other, the dart K. cuts off the giant's head; enters the house, the giant's wife throws the ula, K. throws it at her, cuts off his head; the door is closed, he gets out as a mouse; turns into trout, bites off the tip of the fisherman's jail; comes to him, offers to repair the prison, pierces the fisherman; turns into salmon, climbs into the fishermen's net; the leader's son eats his head, the bone gets stuck in his throat, he dies; the bones are thrown into a hole, K. is reborn, he is shot, he runs away; they swim to the sea; his uncle has left, turning into a lynx; K. becomes a falcon; the leader of the people unalik catches him, eats him, he rises from bones, marries on the leader's stepdaughter; he wanted her for himself; sends a storm, K. steals the boat into the open sea; K. regurgitates the pebbles given by his father, the wind has subsided; K. burns the leader's face with this stone; he orders to split it into firewood log; this is how he killed many of his stepdaughter's suitors; with the help of a caress amulet, K. performs the task, the leader is surprised that K. is alive; the leader orders to shoot partridges, K. kills a huge cannibal bird there; go over the log abyss, K. falls, but returns unharmed; crawls away with a caterpillar from the community house where the leader wanted to burn it; K. dodges the arrows fired at him, kills the leader's soldiers himself; ties he is naked to a pole, leaves him in the cold; appoints a new leader, flies away with a falcon]: Ivanoff Brown 1981:40-114.

Subarctic. Koyukon [brothers disappear one by one; younger Betohoh (then his name is K'etaalkkaanee, "The one who rowed {on a boat} among humans and animals") goes in search; many people meet which turn out to be different animals; decides to make a boat, choosing black grouse (Dendragapus canadensis) as a nose sample; tries the bark of different trees for plating; fir, poplar sink, birch bark - no; chooses wood for the frame - birch is not suitable, larch is suitable; when she wakes up, the boat is sewn; next time she spies; the woman who becomes the Polar Owl makes large stitches, others reproach her for it; B. tells the most beautiful to lose the awl; she stays looking for her, he grabs her, she barks like a fox, he releases it; he will tar the boat; comes to the burrow house; the youngest comes out Fox woman's sister, a squirrel woman; offended that B. does not want her; two types of Caresses come out, B. tries to grab each, they rush back, promise to give him his wife; then the Mouse comes out; then half-blind Polar Owl; Long-eared Owl; there were also Mink, Marten; B. found a flaw in all, only those Lasky liked; the hole became big, he went in, sat next to the one he fell in love with; he took her away, swam with her in a boat; one day she felt hot in the sun and a fox smell came from her; he let her go ashore, she ran away barking]: Attla 1990:76-88; atna [people sail away to hunt seals, boats don't come back; a woman digs the roots of a fir tree to make a basket, finds a baby in the growth; in a few years he turns into a man; she tells him that these are his uncle's dwellings; he goes in search, tells him mother to dig a hole for prisoners; his name is Xay Dnaey (XD; "a man from the fir root"); sails in a boat on the river, sits on both banks on an old woman; one calls to go to her, says the other killed him relatives; the other tells me not to believe; he believes first, but sails to the second; she has a hook to pick up boats, her name is Necaan Koldaeł Tnaey ("eats human giblets"); she gives him human food a hand in a bear's skull, he throws it at her, the bear fights it for a long time, XD sails away, she chases her in a boat made of human ribs; he smashed her boat in half with an arrow, hooked her jaw, brought it into the hole his mother dug; she promises to revive the dead if he lets her go; he let her go, the boats came, people were dancing, and they died in the morning; they were just their souls]: Billum 1979:32-35 (=Ruppert, Bernet 2001:346-348); tagish [a man teaches his sister's sons to make a boat, offers to climb into a split trunk, knocks out a wedge, the boys die every time; their mother cries when she wakes up and sees Loon, she gives her a piece of quartz, tells her to heat up, swallow her at home; she gives birth to a boy Hot Stone; he grows up quickly; when her uncle knocks out the wedge, he inserts the spacer again; the uncle climbs in himself, he the wedge knocks out, the uncle dies; he comes to tickle his uncle's two wives, who keep their hands pressed to their bodies, it causes a tide, they raise their hands, birds fly out from under them, the young man tells the water to fall]: McClelland 2007, #73a: 356-359; inner tlingit [son-in-law asks where 1) get a birch tree to make a bow and arrow, father-in-law sends it to a certain place, he disappears; so with five out of six (or with seven out of eight) brothers; the last youngest is attentive, finds the remains of the dead, kills the beast that killed people; 2) the bowstring; the father-in-law sends to a huge bison lying on the ground; The mouse digs a hole to the bison, plucks the hair on his chest, replies that the hair from the tail is not suitable for making a nest for mice; the young man pierces the bison's heart through the place where the hair is gnawed, brings tendons; 3) flint for tips; a young man drops a stone on a giant frog, picks up flint; 4) arrow feathers; a young man climbs into the nest of bald-headed cannibal eagles; there are two chicks, he kills one, another replies that the father will arrive with a strong wind, the mother with darkness; replies to the eagle father that his sister fell out of the nest herself; that the traces on him are from a man brought by his father; the young man kills an eagle- male; then female (all episodes are the same); tells the eagle to eat fish]: McClelland 2007 (3), No. 147:653-661.

NW Coast. Tlingits: Veniaminov 1940 (3) [there was no light; a man hides his wife in a box, kills his sister's children out of jealousy; she, on the advice of her mother, swallows sea pebbles, gives birth to Elya, hides him from her brother ; E. kills a forty-like bird, puts on its skin, sticks his nose into the sky, puts a duck skin on his mother; E. opened the box with his uncle's wife, his uncle threw it into the sea, E. came back to the bottom; uncle caused a flood, Uh . stuck his nose into the sky, after the flood fell west on algae, these are Queen Charlotte Islands; picked up chips of gigantic pine in his nose, where he flew, threw it, where it grows]: 38-43; Kamensky 1906 [fir for Only one toyon built dumplings; he kept his wife in a drawer; she was guarded by 8 birds that flew out if someone came into contact with a woman; his sister Kikuhinshi (daughter of Kikuhinshi) had eight sons; out of jealousy, the uncle took everyone to sea, threw them overboard, or hammered them in hollows; K. ran away, took Heron as her husband; she brought her a pebble, she swallowed it (or gave a pebble Killer Whale, or Killer Whale advised me to swallow it); K. gave birth to a son, El (Raven); he opened the box with his uncle's wife; he closed E. in the deck, E. broke it; uncle caused a flood, E. put on the skin of a magpie, he clung to the sky with his beak, its tail and wings became wet; put a duck skin on his mother; after the flood, E. fell into the sea on seaweed, the sea otter transported it to land (or E. sank directly to land); picked up cones in his beak and fir chips, distributed fir trees around the world, taught people how to make dumplings]: 71-75 (translated in Kamenskii 1985:59-60); Golder 1907c [jealous keeps his wife in a box, kills his sister's sons; she swallows hot a stone, gives birth to a Raven; he opens the box, copulates with his uncle's wife; he causes a flood; the raven hangs under the sky, with its beak into it; hides spruce chips in its beak; after the flood, a forest grows out of them] : 290-292; De Laguna 1972:844-845 [kills her sister's newborn sons every time; she cries, a man advises her to heat and swallow a pebble; she gives birth to a Yale son (Raven) secretly from her brother; Raven put the mother in the skin of a duck; asks people where the Month keeps his wife, they say what she is hiding in the box; the raven pulls her hair out of her armpits, throws her into a smoke hole, they turn into woodpecker feathers; fly in the face for the Month, he causes a flood in anger; mother Raven swims like a duck, he himself clung to the sky with his beak; after the flood, he came out of the crow's skin, took his mother out of the duck's skin], 848-849 [jealous A month kills her sister's newborn sons, and daughters, just in case; a killer whale tells a woman to swallow a pebble; she heats a pebble, swallows, gives birth to a Raven (some informants: he is a son Killer whales); he takes the wife of the Month (she is a bird) out of the box, he plucks her (var.: her feathers are under her arms), throws feathers; the Month rises to heaven, causes a flood; The raven saves her mother, placing it in the skin of a duck, and yourself - climbing into the skin of a snipe, clinging to the sky with their beak]; the Tlingits [something lifts one person into the air, others stick to him, are also raised; all the villagers are carried to the sky, two women remain; one drinks tree sap, gives birth to a boy; when he is pulled up, he grows roots; he pulls]: Swanton 1909, No. 13 [people play every day on the beach into a ball; something lifts one into the air; when Root pulls, something breaks into pieces], 49 [a porcupine needle comes down from the sky, the boy picks it up, it pulls it up; the root breaks off the needle; the owner comes for it; Root returns it in exchange for people; at night they descend back from heaven], (cf. also No. 53 [a young man kills an opponent, runs in a boat with a slave; he leaves him on an island; a young man swims to the shore in the shoes of a sea lion; enters the land of Eagles, marries, gets eagle feathers; his mother is expelled; he carries her fish and seals; residents offend her, one throws a stone in her face; Eagle son grabs the chief, lifts him into the air; another person grabs the leader by the legs, followed by others; the eagle carries a chain of people, throws him into the sea]): 41-42, 192-194, (198-206); Haida: Bringhurst 2000 [ the niece of the main woman of the village was in the ritual hut on the occasion of her first period; the children were playing ball; a pen came down from the sky; one grabbed him, stuck, the rest dragged him, dragged everyone into sky; the girl came out of the hut, blew her nose, wiped her snot under her arm, became pregnant, gave birth to a son; then eight more boys and one girl (from various objects); the feather came down again, grabbing turned into 1) snot, 2) chips, 3), 3) bird down, 4) cedar bast, 5) silt, etc.; the last one in a crabapple tree; when only one root was left in the ground, my sister climbed to the feather and cut it with her fingernail ; everyone fell in the guise of people, the bones of those previously carried away too; the youngest spat - everyone came to life; the brothers went, killed the groundhog, entered the house, there was a woman, it was her son, she told the doors to close; the younger one jumped out ash through the chimney, the groundhog revived, the woman opened the door; after meeting other creatures, four brothers survived; came to the edge of the sky, the gap closes and opens; two cut, two slipped into the sky, saw the Open Beak of the Day]: 181-187; Swanton 1905:330-332 (Skidgate) [children play with a wooden ball; a pen comes down from the sky; one boy grabs it, rises into the air; another tries to hold him, follows him; all the inhabitants of the village stick to each other, disappear into the sky; a menstruating girl remains; puts feathers, a piece of wood, a piece of cedar bark under her clothes, clay with brothers' footprints; gives birth to nine sons (one is a shaman) and a daughter; children play, the pen comes down again, the children begin to rise; the sister climbs on the brothers, cuts off the pen; the shaman revives dead from bones that fell from the sky; brothers visit heaven], (cf. also Swanton 1905:271-273 [see motif K28; uncle is jealous of his nephew for his wife; sticks resin to a log, lets him into the sea; log sails to the country of Eagles; a young man marries the leader's daughter; he is given an eagle robe; he flies to his uncle's village, takes one person into the air; the end is like the Tlingit in Swanton 1909, No. 53]); haida (Masset) [the brothers play, a ribbon comes down from the sky, then the pen that grabs him sticks, the rest of him, the pen takes them into the air; the sister remains; conceives for some unknown reason, gives birth to a son; he asks why all the houses are empty, the mother says; the ribbon goes down again, the boy grabs it, grows roots in the ground, the roots entangle the entire island, the ribbon breaks off; he is the son of the roots, the spirit of the tree]: Swanton 1908a, No. 65:640-644; Tsimshian: Barbeau 1953 [monster swallows boats; good spirit woman calls monsters to party, they reduce swallowing power; people stop being afraid, children play, disturbing the heavenly leader; he sends a pen; children grab him, each other, the pen drags them into the sky; adults tie themselves to different trees, grab children; trees are torn out one by one from by root; a girl who has just finished her period climbs a chain of people and trees, cuts off her feather; everyone falls, comes to life; next time the heavenly leader sends rain, the flood floods the earth; birds throw their feathers on the water, the waters come down]: 179-184; Boas 1902 [The sky is annoyed by the noise of children playing; it lowers feathers; one boy puts them on his head, begins to rise into the air; others they grab him, stick, all the people of the village disappear into the sky; a menstruating girl and her grandmother remain; the girl puts three wedges of different tree species, a grain grater, a knife on her stomach; after four the day gives birth to sons and (from a knife) a daughter; when they begin to climb, the Grater turns into a mountain; when the mountain begins to tremble, the sister cuts off the feathers with a knife; they remain forever on the elder's head brother; now his name is Rotten Feathers; bones fall from the sky; GP runs feathers over them, reviving the dead; {here p. 100 ends the first part}; brothers go up the river; old woman Great Goose warns them of dangers; an old woman Knife-hand cuts off the heads of her daughter's grooms; GP crosses a fragile bridge with magic feathers on the way to her; at night she changes her hairstyle to his wife's and vice versa ; the old woman mistakenly cuts off her daughter's head; the GP leaves, changes her name to Labretka; marries Sna's daughter, runs with her; the night pot warns the owner, he does not react; then a wooden hammer Hits him, Sleep wakes up, catches up with the fugitives in his fast boat, creates a mountain in front of them, then throws a comb, which turns into a forest; Labretka makes a passage both times with his magic pen; Sleep stops chasing; his mask is used in rituals]: Boas 1902:94-100, 234-235; bellacula: Boas 1898 [Anutkoats plays with girls; chewing resin, Snanaik fits; girls ask for resin, S. throws everyone into her basket; A. cuts a hole with a knife, everyone gets out except one girl; her mother cries, the snot turns into a boy, he grows up quickly; hides in a tree above the river; S. takes his reflection for his own; then he sees a young man, asks her to be made just as beautiful; he says that to do this she will have to cut off her head; kills S.; in her house he revives dried children, brings them home; gets married, he has a son; he tells his wife that his name is the Son of the Sun; he rises to heaven on eagle fluff]: 83-86; McIlwraith 1948 (2) [children play; cannibal Sninik puts them in her basket, brings home; children make a hole with a knife, run away; one girl fails to get out; her mother cries, snot turns into a young man; he hides in a tree above the river; S. sees his reflection, dives behind him; then decides that this is her own reflection, admires it; when he learns the truth, asks the young man to make her just as beautiful; he breaks her head between stones; burns the corpse, the ashes turn into mosquitoes; the young man finds the girl in S.'s house, brings her mother; returns to his father himself (unnamed)]: 441-444; chickpea [the girl swims in the lake, she is breathless with a second person on the back of her head; one of them always looks after her; she gives birth to him a son; every time one of her ten brothers comes after her, the son tells her father that he kills the young man; the brothers' mother cries, her tears and snot turn into a boy; he kills a monster and his son with arrows; makes a chain of arrows, climbs into heaven; quietly takes food from two blind snail women; restores their eyesight; they help him overcome challenges and marry daughters of the heavenly leader; 1) he smears snails with mucus, rats and snakes do not harm him; 2) jumps off the door that slams shut and kills grooms; 3) extinguishes the fire by throwing shells at it, the leader cannot burn it; 4) puts a flat stone under him, sitting on thorns; 5) the chief throws a hammer into a pond full of biting fish, the young man pulls it out; 6) jumps out of the split log when the leader knocks out the wedge; the leader gives her daughter as a wife, brings the young to the ground]: Boas 1895, No. XIII.12:116-119 (=2002:270-274).

The coast is the Plateau. Career: Jenness 1934, No. 5 [parents don't tell children to make loud noise while playing; they make noise; a white feather comes down from the sky; one boy sticks to him, others to each other's feet; a chain of children disappears into the sky; the girl remains in ritual isolation; her grandmother dies soon; the girl puts her snot, whetstone, crabb-apple fruit, feather on her chest; gives birth to three sons and a daughter every year; they play noisily; a pen with red paint on it comes down; the brothers stick but are heavy; the fruit grows roots into the ground; but the pen still prevails; then the sister climbs to the pen, cuts off the invisible thread; the night is raining, the bones of the dead fall from the sky; the girl revives them; she connects some bones incorrectly, so there are lame, blind; brothers and sister go to exterminate monsters], 26 (Hegwilgate) [two boys are orphaned; the chief killed their relatives with witchcraft; one dives into the lake, gets a pipe, one end of which kills, the other revives; orphans create (?) two eagles; one of them grabs the leader, picks up; people grab the leader's legs and each other's legs; a chain of people rises into the air; the orphan's grandmother also grabs; orphans want to save her, let the chains break; two eagles play with the chief's body, then throw it into the river; it is swallowed by fish], 33 (Fort Fraser) [Chief Ketlangai killed the boy's relatives with witchcraft; he becomes a shaman, creates (incarnates at?) powerful hawk; hereinafter referred to as No. 26; all the villagers are carried away, fall, turn into a hill]: 125-129, 175-177, 195; shuswap [Grizzly kills four hunting brothers; their sister cries, her snot turn into Stone Boy out of snot; he kills Grizzly with arrows; uncle jumps over quivers, uncles come to life]: Teit 1909a, No. 34:707-709; Thompson [wolf boy (V.), the chief's son, is an ancestor of the Indians Thompson; enemies killed everyone, surrounded by fire, grandmother and V. hid in a hole; taught everything; first he killed small animals, then large ones; asked his grandmother where all the people were; she said that there were only their bones; she taught V. to hollow out a log, making it look like a boat; they sailed across a huge lake, the banks are not visible; grandmother seems to be blind, but a visionary; asked V. to raise her eyelashes so that she could see; pointed out the direction where to swim; so 4 times; becoming a wolf, V. climbed a hill above the village of enemies; they noticed a wolf, he ran away, but immediately a cloud (eagle fluff) appeared; it was burning and burned houses; everyone died, except the chief and his four daughters; he put them on a cloak, his valuables there, asked for mercy; the cloud turned into V.; he stayed with the chief, taking his daughters as his wife; Four children were born; the children want to see their grandmother; she sleeps in that boat; V. tells her to raise her eyelashes; V. returned to her father-in-law with his family; grandmother became a short-tailed mouse]: Teit 1917b, No. 22a: 35-37; clallam (Lekuñen) [in the forest, a girl asks a handsome man where he got the chewing gum; he leads her along the way, she throws the threads of her blanket, breaks off the branches; in the ogre's house falls on a slippery floor; replies that she has 10 brothers; brothers follow her footsteps one after another, each slides and falls, the cannibal pulls out, swallows his heart; the mother of the dead raises a new son out of his snot, his name is SmúTuksen; he puts on hardwood armor, throws clay on a slippery floor, kills an ogre, pulls out swallowed hearts, revives his brothers, breaks a self-propelled boat the cannibal, kills the Guardian Crane, who warned the owner about the coming; S. quarrels with his older brother, whose arrow hit the duck; brother calls him snot; S. goes into the house, again turns into snoops; brothers follow her footsteps one by one, each slips and falls, the cannibal pulls out, swallows]: Hill-Tout 1907:334-336; quinalt [the girl dreams of mighty Sepaka; she comes to his house; Mushrooms hang from the rafters; when S. speaks, the mushrooms echo; they are his wives; now he has a real wife and he throws them away; a woman gives birth to a two-headed boy, then a normal girl; her five brothers come to her one after another, S. kills them; a woman throws flint into the fire; a shrapnel falls into her little daughter, who immediately gives birth to a boy; the woman pretends to be herself gave birth; Flint finds the corpses cut in half by her uncle; kills S. and a two-headed boy; he, his little mother and grandmother return to people]: Farrand 1902, No. 14:124-125; (cf. colitz [five brothers live; the eldest goes hunting, kills a pheasant; the old man sings how many young men and women he has eaten; asks the young man to kill the beaver when he chases him; he himself is this beaver; gives a piece of delicious beaver meat, he cut it off his leg; gives a spear; the young man throws it at the beaver, it's like paper, the beaver gnawed his throat; the same with three other brothers; the youngest fifth accidentally broke his leg lark; fixed it, for which he teaches you what to do; not killing a pheasant is your soul; do not eat its meat; take your own spear; when you hit it, the beaver breaks to pieces, they turn into current beavers; young man stepped over the brothers' bones, the brothers came to life]: Adamson 1934, No. 22:214-215).

The Midwest. Ojibwa [people disappear one by one; the boy remains with his grandmother, she says that there is windigo (an ogre giant) in the forest; the boy goes there, the giant tells him to eat as much as he does; the boy quietly drops food into a suede bag tied to his chest; rips it open with a knife, saying he has ripped his stomach open; Windigo rips his stomach open and dies]: Coleman et al. 1971:14-16.

Northeast. Delaware [(summary in Bierhorst 1995, No. 71:45; west 1909 in Oklahoma; mother does not tell six sons to go west; the youngest ball is the head of a lynx, digs her teeth into a tree; the eldest goes, finds a wife; she warns that the one-eyed sorcerer Red Feather on her head wants to kidnap her; at home, the younger brother guards the elder's wife; when he is away, the sorcerer took her away; the brothers disappear one by one; each sorcerer lets his Naked Bear; his younger brother walks, picks up a toad, a snake (makes a pipe out of them for himself), an otter (makes a pouch out of her skin), a weasel; a weasel jumps into the Bear's mouth, gnaws out the heart; a pouch made of otter skin grabs the Bear by the legs, the toad (i.e. the pipe) is full of fire; the younger brother kills the sorcerer by throwing a lynx ball into his eye, burns; the head jumps out four times campfire, Laska brings her back; younger brother revives her elders by firing an arrow over them]: Hitakonanu'laxk 1994:88-93.

Plains. Teton: Walker 1983 (Oglala) [four brothers go missing; their sister swallows a stone, gives birth to a Young Stone, talks about his uncles]: 94-99 [old women give him feathers of various birds, a turtle; Bisons call him to play ball; birds (derived from feathers) serve him as a ball; when opponents drive the ball into the water, he chases the turtle ball; old Bisonicha asks to be shot at it, he kills it; places the bones Uncle goes to the steam room, they come to life; as a stone, he presses the buffalo girls; the old Bison sharpens his horns; replies that he wants to kill the Stone Boy; he kills him himself; so he kills four Bisons, then many others; Bisons admit defeat], 140-146 [the eldest of the four brothers pricked their toes; a girl, their sister, was born from an abscess; the Stone Boy receives speedboats and magic clothes as a gift; along the way finds a knife, an ax, an arrowhead, an uncle's hammer; breaks the Rolling Rock; a monstrous woman says that the Living Stone is her master; the young man replies that it is his father; the woman turns into an old man; it is he who crushed the young man's uncle; the young man revives his uncle, presses the old man; from which salt water flows (the origin of salt springs and lakes)]; Erdoes, Ortiz 1984 (Brule) [five brothers disappear one by one others; the sister swallows a pebble in despair, gives birth to a Stone Boy; he comes to an old woman asking her to stretch her back; she has a sharp ledge on her back, she killed people with it; the Stone Boy breaks her back , revives her uncle in the steam room]: 15-19; Santi [an orphan girl comes to four brothers and becomes their sister; a witch kills brothers one by one; a girl takes a white pebble, it turns into a stone young man; he kicks a witch, kills; revives his uncles in the steam room]: McLaughlin 1990:179-197; Crowe [seven brothers and younger sister live together; older brothers disappear one by one; the youngest comes to the young man, who says that his brothers are kept by an old woman, her strength is in her digging stick; the owner of the next house gives the young man yellow, black, blue, red arrows; the young man shoots them, rushes after them; a good old woman gives a pemmican, explains what to do; by the river, a young man feeds a pemmican to a dog, which transports it to the other side; he picks up the brothers, they feed the dog again, cross , they arrive home with the last arrow; the old stalker puts a digging stick across the river; when it reaches the middle, the brothers turn it over, she falls into the water; the brothers think about what turn so that the old woman does not catch up with them; each time her sister says that her mother uses this item; trees (for firewood), water (soak their skins), stones (make skin scrapers); they decide to become what the ends of the tubes point to; - But the stars are falling! - We'll join hands and not fall; they turn into Big Dipper; the asterisk at the handle of the bucket is a sister with a puppy]: McCleary 1997:69-71; arpaho [old woman asks men to step on her back to relieve pain in the spine; they step on a sharp ledge, die; this is how ten brothers disappear one by one; their sister swallows a pebble, gives birth to a son; he is a stone, presses the old woman when he steps at her; revives her uncle; his mother gives birth to a girl; his sister comes to him; he paints her shoulder; recognizes her sister in the morning; leaves shame, turns into a light stone]: Dorsey, Kroeber 1903, No. 85:181-186 ; arikara [four brothers disappear one by one, killed by an old woman; their sister swallows a pebble, gives birth to a boy; he finds an old woman, burns her heart, brings home the brothers' skin, revives her steam room; much later becomes a rock, his uncles and mother turn into stars (unidentified)]: Parks 1991:166-170 in Lankford 2007:28; wichita [ballplayer kills losers; four brothers and their father die one by one; the brothers' old mother bathes, becomes pregnant; her grown son goes to play, plays with his ball; while playing, kills an opponent by throwing hail from the sky; burns a corpse; victims rise from fire, turn into hawks]: Dorsey 1904a, No. 39:247-251.

Southeast USA. Caddo [six out of seven brothers go missing one by one; the youngest with six dogs chases a raccoon; climbs a tree after him; an old woman comes and asks to throw off the raccoon; kills him and one of dogs; this is how he kills six raccoons and six dogs; the seventh raccoon advises to throw him away; while the cannibal is looking for him, the young man goes down, runs home; his six brothers are missing one by one; the chief with made them his slaves with a sharp nose; the Coyote turns into a wooden mortar, goes with the flow; women catch a mortar, crush corn, the flour disappears; the chief realizes that it is a Coyote, puts a mortar on a log to pierce it with his nose; the Coyote rolls off the log, his nose gets stuck; the Coyote tells the slaves to finish off the chief; the brothers return home]: Dorsey 1905, No. 33:59-61.

California. Maidu [the old woman put a bead in the basket, told her husband not to make a fire in the house; he lit it, the ground shook, a boy was standing by the fire; grew up, he has a second pair of eyes under his shoulder blades on his back; hears the sounds of dancing in the distance, enters the house, poisonous insects stuck to him, he rolled them into a ball, threw them into the fire, some of them escaped, the current ones come from them; he killed dangerous woodpeckers, chased a deer, who the sky, he climbed the rainbow, killed a deer, threw it on the ground, came back; the Coyote takes the guise of different people, runs ahead, every time asks the young man to share berries with him; he hides wasps in a ball of berries The coyote screams, runs away; the raccoon lived with the young man's grandmother, the young man invited him to travel; while his grandson was climbing the rock, the grandfather thought he was gone, burned himself in the fire, only one leg was left, the young man revived him; they enter to the house of the North-Wind Old Man, the grandfather slides, breaks his head; SSV offers to play with his eyes and hearts; the young man loses his grandfather's eyes and heart; comes out supposedly out of need; asks dust why lost, the dust tells the Sun to ask, the Sun says that CERV has a hole from one armpit to the other, through which it passes the dice; the Sun, with its heat, brings the fog to a vitreous state, the hole is clogged, the young man plays everything back, the grandfather comes to life; both return home, leaving the CER with one eye; the old woman on the rock offers to straighten the young man's back; with his second eyes he sees that she is going to crush him with a stone, dodges; she confesses that she killed all his brothers; he makes her lie down, kills her with a stone, returns to her grandmother; she and his grandfather die, he leaves]: Dixon 1902, No. 4:59-65; horses [no fruits, no berries, no grasshoppers; Piu'chunnuh sends a boy to Hai'kutwotopeh ("the great") and Woan'nomih ("the killer"), which are far north in the land of ice; when the boy enters their teepee, both sleep on high platforms, their hair hangs to the ground; they say they know everything and will show up as soon as it gets dark; they never go out; people have gathered in a community home, both the old man spread the roof and descended among the audience; one has a shaman rattle in his hands, the current ones come from it; W. tells the boys to be initiated (first initiation); everything should be done for three days to walk in silence and in the dark; P.'s heart rejoiced; but on the third day, two boys decided to look at the visitors and came in with torches; only P. covered his face not to see; also one curious a woman looked in; W. says it's okay, they're leaving, now there will be fruits and grasshoppers, rituals should be performed in the community house; boys and a woman fell dead; in the afternoon, a fire came down from the sun and burned everyone except P., because only he did not see W. and Hai'kutwotopeh (H.); H. came to play sticks in one of the villages; inside it there was a cavity through which he could quietly throw sticks from one hand to the other; he won all the inhabitants and took them to his land of ice; only the old woman and her daughter Kiunaddissi remained; P. went to live with them; K. met a young man who was the Red Cloud at sunset; became pregnant and gave birth to a boy, he grew up immediately, his name is Oankoitupeh; the old woman asks people to lie on their stomach, fix their backs, drops a heavy stone; O. saw what was behind his back, dodged, killed the old woman herself with a stone; the eagle takes people away, O. made a trap, killed the eagle; both times the grandmother advised his grandson not to go where the monsters are; O. came to play with H.; at first he lost everything except his mother; the last the moment closed the hole in H.'s body, played back his people; after giving them law and order, O. went to heaven, last appearing in the form of a rainbow]: Powell 1877:294-305; Yana [grizzly bears destroy flint people; old mother Silkney and her grandson remain; grandson says that if he dies, his saliva left at his bedside will give birth to a boy; he is born on the fourth night, his grandmother tells him them history; he tastes all the bows, only his father's bow doesn't break; Grizzly women dig roots with their teeth on a tree; a flint boy gave them food with flint shards, all Grizzly women died; fed their husbands in the hearts of their wives under the guise of game, also put flint in the meat, the Grizzly men died; one ran away, from him the current ones]: Curtin 1898:297-309; yokutz [girl collects clover; mother tells her not go far; she goes, the Grizzly eats her; the mother finds blood on the leaves, brings her home, a boy emerges from the blood; she makes arrows for him; each time he brings bigger game; she shows he has a closet where his (father's) battle bows and arrows lie? i) relatives (killed by a grizzly?) ; he takes them, goes east; sends all the grizzlies one by one; when his mother's killer comes out, he kills him with an arrow; puts his skin on a stone, where the grandmother takes water into the stream; she gets scared, runs home, fills the basket with urine on the way; the grandson says that such water is not good, and the stream is just a scarecrow]: Kroeber 1907a, No. 34:225-227.