Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

J23A. Snot turns into a boy. .23.42.43.

A woman cries, the discharge from her nose (her tear) turns into a boy, he grows up, defeats strong opponents.

Maldives, Tlingit, Hyda, Heiltsuk, Bellacula, Nootka, Makah, Shuswap, Clallam

South Asia. Maldives [Māmeli Daita has 4 daughters and 3 sons; they brought their mother 7 breadfruit and asked them to cook for their return; she began to cook and slowly ate everything herself; told the children that the huge Māgola Mādūni bird sat on a grain grater and spoiled it so much that there was no way to peel it off, so she did not have time to cook the fruits and threw them away; the children asked their mother make them bows and go kill MM; along the way they meet people who bend a palm tree to get fresh coconuts; pick up an entire well to drink water like a jug; they pick up each one in a bundle of 42 palm leaves to cover the roof; they eat fish, throw seeds into the water, they turn back into fish and swim away; all these people ask where Mameli Dite's children are going; they answer every time that since they know they are MD children, they should know where they are going; people respond: if you can bend a palm tree (etc.), defeat the bird (but they can't); the old man at the fork in the road sends on the left road; a bird sits at a fork in the Ashoka indica tree; each of the MD children shoots and misses, the bird swallows everyone; when they learn about this, MD cries; wrapped one tear in a tarot sheet, put it in box, a rustle was heard, a tear turned into a boy, his name was Tear; he immediately grew up, asked for a bow and went to kill MM; along the way the same meetings, but each time the boy does what was suggested; killed the bird with seven arrows, brought its mother, cut it, inside the living brothers and sisters play lemons (or rather limes); everyone went swimming in the pool and the tear blurred in the water - it was just a tear]: Romero- Frias 2012, No. 61:230-238

NW Coast. The Tlingits [people disappear one by one, a woman remains; her snot turns into a little man; she swallows him, gives birth to a boy; the Force teaches him to temper in cold water, to tear trees; he easily kills Wolves; their leader brings people's lives back to him]: Swanton 1909, No. 50:194-196; Haida [the niece of the main woman in the village was in a ritual hut on the occasion of her first period; children they played ball; a pen came down from the sky; one grabbed it, stuck, the others dragged him into the sky; the girl came out of the hut, blew her nose, wiped her snot under her arm, became pregnant, gave birth son; then eight more boys and one girl (from different objects); the feather came down again, grabbing turned into 1) snot, 2) chips, 3) bird down, 4) cedar bast, 5) silt, etc.; the last one in a crabapple tree; when there was only one root left in the ground, the sister climbed to the feather, cut it with her fingernail; everyone fell in the guise of people, the bones of the previously carried away too; the younger one spat - everyone came to life; the brothers went killed a groundhog, entered the house, there was a woman, it was her son, she told the doors to close; the youngest jumped ash through the chimney, revived the groundhog, the woman opened the door; after meeting other creatures, they remained in four brothers alive; came to the edge of the sky, the gap closes and then opens; two cut, two slipped into the sky, saw the Open Beak of the Day]: Bringhurst 2000:181-187; Heiltzuk [True The Chief (Raven) tells his son not to touch the Thunderbird's hat; he touches him, the hat takes him away; the Raven makes a new son out of snot, he turns into a puddle on the floor; the Raven calls the Tar and Frost to fish; after The sunrise is both melting; the raven makes a whale, smears it with resin; the Thunderbird sends four of its sons after the whale; they die stuck in a whale]: Boas 1928b: 13-21; bellacula: Boas 1898 [Anutkoats plays with girls; chewing resin, Snanaik comes up; girls ask for resin, S. throws everyone into his basket; A. cuts a hole with a knife, everyone gets out except one girl; her mother cries, snot turns into a boy, he grows up quickly; hides in a tree above the river; S. takes his reflection for his own; then sees a young man, asks to make her just as beautiful; he says she will have to cut off her head to do this; kills S.; revives dried children in her house, brings them home; marries, he has a son; he tells his wife that his name is the Son of the Sun; on eagle down rises to the sky]: 83-86; McIlwraith 1948 (2) [children play; cannibal Snik puts them in her basket, carries them home; children cut a hole with a knife, run away; one girl can't get out; her mother cries, snot turns into a young man; he hides in a tree above the river; S. sees his reflection, dives behind him; then decides that this is her own reflection, admires him; having learned the truth, asks the young man to do her just as beautiful; he breaks her head between stones; burns the corpse, the ashes turn into mosquitoes; the young man finds the girl in S.'s house, brings her to her mother; returns to his father himself (unnamed)]: 441- 444; Nootka: Boas 1895, No. XIII.12 [The girl swims in the lake, she is breathless with her second face on the back of her head; one of them is always watching her; she gives birth to him a son; every time one of her ten The brothers come for her, the son tells the father that he kills the young man; the brothers' mother cries, her tears and snot turn into a boy; he kills the monster and his son with arrows; makes a chain of arrows, climbs into heaven; quietly takes food from two blind snail women; restores their sight; they help him overcome challenges and marry the daughter of a heavenly leader; 1) he smears snail mucus, rats and snakes do not cause him harm; 2) jumps off the door that slams shut and kills grooms; 3) extinguishes the fire by throwing shells at it, the leader cannot burn it; 4) puts a flat stone under him, sitting on spikes; 5) the chief throws a hammer into a pond full of biting fish, the young man pulls it out; 6) jumps out of a split log when the leader knocks out a wedge; the chief marries his daughter, lowers the young to the ground]: 116-119 (=2002:270-274); 1916 , No. 6 [see motive L39A; a young man who has arisen from snot visits his father in heaven; when he returns to earth, marries the chief's daughter; she helps him with advice; the chief asks to split a log; drops his hammer into the crack , asks to take it out, knocks out wedges; the young man turns into snot, sees the skulls and bones of the former suitors under the log; becomes human again; makes four dolphins out of wood; they rush at his father-in-law, kill him]: 909-910; Carmichael 2006 [the girls in the boat sailed to the shore where a cannibal (chehah) named e-Ish-so-Oolth lived; she covered their eyes with resin, threw them into her basket; two clung to the overhanging branches ran away; the rest in the village were mourned; one mother's tears formed a puddle, turned into a boy Eut-le-Ten; his mother told him about his sister's fate; he went to save her; climbed on a tree; the cannibal saw his reflection in the water; she told him to go down, promising to feed him and shelter him; he explained that he was handsome because his parents put his head on a stone and put the other stone on forehead; the cannibal asked her to do the same, the boy killed her; came to her husband; he split logs with a wedge; dropped a wedge, asked to pull it out; the boy climbed in, the cannibal pulled out another wedge; the boy again turned into a puddle of tears, went to the ground, got up as a boy; the cannibal wants to try it too, crushed by a log; in the cannibal house, the boy frees the girls from the cage, washes their eyes from the resin]: 27-35; poppies [like a chickpea; the cannibal herself reports that her heart is hanging at home; leads Snot there, he pierces her heart with an arrow; without a watchdog pot; Snot shoots at the sky, makes a rope of arrows; goes marry two daughters of the Month; meets two blind women, they help her father-in-law carry out his father-in-law's errands; 1) two cods hang in the doorway of the House of the Month, bite the incoming ones (The snot slips into snot, becomes human again); 2) A month eats lizards, snakes, frogs (Snot pretends to eat too, eats the root given by women himself); 3) A month makes a large fire (Snot throws the root into the fire, moderating flame; continues to sit still; The month allows him to marry); 4) A month asks his son-in-law to get a wedge from the split log; the log closes, the Snot turns into snot; then again into a person); Month doesn't try to kill him anymore]: Densmore 1939:211-213.

The coast is the Plateau. Shuswap [Grizzly kills four hunting brothers; their sister cries, her snot turns into Stone Boy out of snot; he kills Grizzly with arrows; uncle jumps quivers, uncles come to life] : Teit 1909a, No. 34:707-709; clallam: Gunther 1925 [six var.; for (2) - (6) only details other than (1); 1) the girl and her seven brothers go missing one by one; their mother is crying, her snot turns into a boy; he finds her kidnapped by Puma (?) sister; she has a daughter with a second person on the back of her head; she always informs her father that another uncle is coming; the cougar pulls out his wife's brother's heart, swallows it, throws her body away; Snot puts flat stones under her clothes The cougar breaks his claws; Snot kills him with an arrow, pulls out swallowed hearts, revives his brothers (the eldest with the greatest difficulty); Two-faced teases Snot Snot; he is angry, shoots at the sky, making a chain of arrows; goes to heaven; 2) in the forest, a young man promises to show the girl resin, turns out to be a Puma, glues her with resin to a stump; further as in (1); people throw Two-Face into the fire, but she jumps out; 3) the beast kidnaps one of the two sisters; the middle is like (1); The cougar offers to give Snot any thing; he takes his sister; the cougar turns into a cougar, cannot kill Snot, is shot by him; the woman throws Two-Face into the fire, but she does not burn; 4) ten brothers; their sister reaches maturity; mother does not tell her to swim; she goes to the river; a mind reader sits on her clothes; takes her home; a woman gives birth to a Two-Face and a son; they burn with the house, sparks turn into small animals; a two-faced mother leads to people; she kills another girl; people drown Two-Face in a boat; his younger sister Snot calls him Snot; he goes to the sky, its silhouette is visible on the moon; 5) the girl collects oysters, she is kidnapped by Queetsen, whose strength is in his nails; 6) as in (2); the Grizzly kidnapper; Snot makes a chain of arrows, rises to the moon]: 125- 131; Hill-Tout 1907:334-336; (Lekuñen) [In the woods, a girl asks a handsome man where he got the chewing gum; he leads her along the way, she throws the threads of her blanket, breaks off branches ; in the ogre's house falls on a slippery floor; replies that she has 10 brothers; brothers follow her footsteps one after another, each slides and falls, the ogre pulls out, swallows his heart; the mother of the dead raises a new son out of his snot, his name is SmúTuksen; he puts on hardwood armor, throws clay on a slippery floor, kills an ogre, pulls out swallowed hearts, revives brothers, breaks a self-propelled cannibal boat, kills the Guardian Crane, who warned the owner about coming; S. quarrels with his older brother, whose arrow hit the duck; brother calls him snot; S. goes into the house again turns into snoops; brothers follow her footsteps one by one, each slides and falls, the cannibal pulls out, swallows].