Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

J26. Infants from the river. .11.-.17.19.-.24.26.-.39.43.-.

The character or egg from which he is born is found in a river, lake, sea; little heroes emerge from the water. See J25 motif.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Hungwe [the leader's beloved wife gives birth to her friends, the unloved one gives birth to a son, a daughter, a son again, a daughter; each time the husband gives a knife, tells his wife to slaughter them; she does not cut the children, but throws them into the pond; Ndunsu educates; children secretly do all the work in the field and in the mother's house; she tells her husband that someone is working in her field; the slave sees that they are two boys and two girls; the chief tells all children and women Leave the village, leave the men; when children come to work at the mother's house, men close the exits; the father recognizes the children, gives the inheritance; these girls brought a lot of rain to the village]: Frobenius 1931: 358-359; batanga [the older sister marries the merchant's agent, the youngest marries the merchant himself; promises to give birth to children named Sea, Sun, Moon; in the absence of her husband, she gives birth three times; out of envy, both mother-in-law and the sister tells the carpenter to let the children down in the box into the sea, replace them with a cat, a pig, a dog; a merchant tells his wife to be placed in a cowshed; a man catches boxes, two brothers and their younger sister grow up handsome; a merchant wants to marry a girl without knowing that this is his daughter; a bird tells the children their story; in the merchant's house he asks to cook stones, they do not boil; asks for a rejected wife; all It turns out that the merchant's mother and wife's sister are drowning]: Nassau 1915, No. 17:48-51; kamba [childless wife, lowers her rival's newborn children in calebas into the river, smears blood on the mother's mouth, convinces her husband and people that she ate her children; the mother is expelled, is building a hut on the mountain; the children have been picked up and raised; they steal cattle; they meet the mother, come with her to their father's kraal; everything is explained , an infertile wife was driven away]: Klipple 1992:243; Nyoro: Roscoe 1923a [the sorcerer predicts to King Bukuku that if his only daughter marries and gives birth to a son, B. will die; B. places his daughter Nyinamweru and his maid Mugezi to a walled area; a Lumbumbi servant drains their milk every day; a few years later, a young man Simbu climbs to the girls, lives with N. for several months, leaves; she gives birth to a boy Ndaula; when the child is two years old, the maid is afraid that he will be noticed, the princess agrees to let his servant drown; a rope tied to the boy's umbilical cord caught on a branch, he did not drown ; Lumbumbi brings him to his wife, educates him; upon learning of this, the princess sends them milk; Ndaula herds cows where the king's cattle should herd; discovers himself; he is elected king]: 325-327; Scheub 2000 [ The sorcerer predicts to King Bukuku that his daughter Nyinamwiru's child will be dangerous to him; B. locks his daughter; with the help of a maid, a young man Isimbwa enters N., lives with her for three months, leaves; B. tells her to quit the baby into the river; he is entangled by the umbilical cord behind the bush, the Rubumbi potter picked him up, he knows that he is N.'s son, his name is Ndahura; he drives B.'s cattle away from the watering hole; he comes with his servants to punish him, young man pierces B. with a spear, sits on his throne, reigns, he is the first among the kings of Chwezi]: 170-171.

West Africa. Malinka [while the chief is away, the wife gives birth to a handsome boy; the other is jealous, she has a frail child; says that the husband ordered both children to be crushed in a mortar, to cook for him; herself she hides her child; a woman is unable to kill her own, her rival pushes him, cooks food; a good wife brings food to her husband, everything is opened, he kills the evil one; the old woman asks for good things to give her a grain of rice; tells you to throw the net into the river, the woman pulls her son out alive; everyone is happy]: Zhukov, Kotlyar 1976, No. 153:383-385; lobi [one of the two wives is dumb; she gave birth; the other threw the child into the river and said that the first to give birth to a stone; the boy lives in the river; the husband sent the groom to mow grass by the river; the boy came out of the river and asked for grass for his toy horse; if a woman can give birth to a stone, then the toy horse eats grass; the groom tells the owner that he came, understood everything, wanted to pick up his son, but he refused; therefore, people live in the river]: Paulme 1976:235; scrap [(told by the boy, never who saw Europeans); the man gave his ugly daughter to the chief; she became pregnant, the main wife did not like her; replaced her child with a kitten, let the boy down the river in a box; 12 years later, the same child they replaced them with a puppy; the fisherman caught the boys, the leader of the village by the river raised them as his sons; they visit their real father, they do not say anything to him for the first time; then they come with their adopted father, who says for the main wife to bring the boys' mother, who she constantly beats; the main wife was burned alive, the boys' mother took her place]: Schwab 1947:459-460; Vai [the chief's young wife has two children, the eldest is childless; the young gives birth to twin boys; the eldest lets them down the river in half a pumpkin, replaces them with puppies; the chief tells them to let the puppies down the other half of the pumpkin, expels the young wife; children and puppies are picked up by a fisherman, they grow up; the chief travels, sees young men like himself, the old man tells how children and puppies sailed in two halves of the same pumpkin; the chief expels the eldest wife, returns the youngest]: Creel 1966:78-81; glanders [The River Chief has a beautiful son and an ugly but good daughter Ti; of the Hill is childless; River Chief sent Ti to marry him; she is pregnant; the eldest infertile wife let the newborn in the box into the river, replaced it with a kitten; after that, the main wife began to push Ti like a slave; the same with the second boy, replaced by a puppy; both were picked up by the son River chief; after talking to his sister, he understood everything; sent his grown nephews to their father, told them not to open at first; then the River Chief gathered the people, told everything; the Mountain Chief brought Ti and his sons closer Burned his eldest wife alive]: Pinney 1973:263-267; Igbo [the childless leader has seven wives, he does not love the seventh; the sorcerer gives him a potion along with a bunch of palm oil; wives will eat the fruit, give birth, but only one of the fruits will cause the birth of an heir son; the small wormy fruit was thrown away by the beloved wives, the lizard brought it to the unloved one, it was she who gave birth to a son, the rest of the daughters; mother and son were thrown into the river; they were picked up by an old woman; the woman gained strength, returned to the chief, the boy stayed with the old woman; the chief's dog comes running to the boy every day, he tells how he, the chief's son, was thrown away; the juice collector for making palm wine heard, called the chief, who ordered him to call the boy to his place; all the wives prepared delicious food, whichever food he chose, that son, and the woman would then become his beloved wife; Griot sings that the boy's mother lives where food is sacrificed to spirits (this is a smelly place because of rotting meat); the boy walked past the cooked meals, found the hut where his mother was, ate simple food; the chief had to make his unloved wife in charge, after the leader's death, his son inherited the throne]: Ugochukwu 1992, No. 18:142-150; ijo (kalabari) [the king's 200 wives are childless; he is advised take a spider's daughter; her name is Adiaha, she is ugly, but no one knows she has two skins; her mother told her not to shoot the ugly one for a while; the older wife knows that, got GG, gave it to the king, he forgot about A .; but the spider got other GJs, the king remembered that A. was beautiful, and in the morning she put on ugly skin again; gave birth to a beautiful boy; the elder wife gave GJI for the king to throw the boy into the river; but other GJI saved him and grew up; the same with daughter A.; the king convenes fighters, his unrecognized son wins, the king brought him closer; the son asked to gather people to judge the matter; says everything; A. appeared in all its splendor, the king brought A., her son and daughter closer; the eldest wife was beaten 200 times with a scourge, burned, and ashes were thrown into rivers]: Dayrell 1910:11-19.

Sudan-East Africa. Sudanese Arabs: Al-Shahi, Moore 1920, No. 1 [Wad al-Nimayr (VN) has 7 wives, he took the eighth, she gave birth to a girl, the other wives threw her into the river, said that the wife gave birth to a broom; VN: who gave birth to a broom, will give birth to a son; the next time she gave birth to twins Hassan (al-Hassan) and Husain (al-Husain), the wives threw them into the river, said that the wife gave birth to stones; VN: whoever gave birth to stones will give birth to a son; but ordered the slave to take the eighth wife in the desert and kill; he did not kill, but left her in the desert; the fish swallowed the children, ran aground, the man cut her, the children went out, the man was frightened, but the children followed him {teenagers at once}; care about other children; my sister found a pot of gold; when the brothers grew up, she asked what they would do with wealth; they would cover it with gold; next time, they would make clay bracelets and cover you with gold { not entirely clear}; she showed them gold, they dressed it in gold; VN's wives persuaded her to ask her brothers to get VN chicken: she and the chickens were made of gold; the brothers stole it, the women told VN, brothers imprisoned; the VN wives stuck a pin in the brothers' sister's head, who turned into a turtle, sat on a tree in front of the prison; asked a guard named Khair where her brothers were; they were crying in prison; she also cried - it started raining, the gardens were blooming; next time, they were sleeping on silk, they would go out soon; she laughed, gold fell from her mouth, Khair began to pick it up; said VN; he replaced him, closed with a veil; the throat began to ask, he was silent; the gorlinka went down to him, VN grabbed her, noticed the pin, pulled it out, the throat became a girl; the brothers gave her VN to his wife, for this one of them let go; during the wedding, a gorlinka flew in and began singing: VN marries his own daughter; VN understood everything, cut off the heads of 7 wives, returned the eighth from the desert, stayed with her and with her children]: 61-63; Muhawi, Kanaana 1989 [like the Palestinians in Muhawi, Kanaana 1989, No. 10]: 337; darasa [the first wife was not fertile, the husband took the second, she gave birth to twins, the husband was on the field at that time; the first wife let the children go down the river in a basket, smeared blood on the mother's mouth, said that she ate her children; her husband ordered her to be sewn into donkey skin, leaving her head outside; the children were picked up, raised; they asked why they had nickname "Basket children"; when they find out what is going on, they go with the dog, everyone is told that their dog eats only ash; the people they meet are surprised, the brothers ask if they have seen the mother eat their children; one the man says there is such a woman; brothers come, release the mother, tell the father how it happened; he beat his first wife to death]: Jensen 1936, No. 32:522-523; amhara [the ship has sailed, a man from the ship took the other's wife; he went with his two children to another place; he carried one boy by the river, followed the second, the first was carried away by the river; both boys were picked up and raised by wealthy spouses; after the king's death, a pigeon was released twice, both times he sat on the head of the boys' father, he was made the new king; the boys grew up, the elder told the younger their story; they worked for a manager who their mother kidnapped them; he wanted to execute them, but their mother insisted on coming to the king; the family was reunited, the manager was executed]: Klingenheben 1920:198-200; saho [the king has many wives, but all are barren; his The vigilante hears the conversation of three maids, tells the king; one wants to be the wife of a farmer, the other wants to marry a farmer, the other wants to spend the night with the king and have a son; the king spent the night with her, she became pregnant; The sage promises that she will give birth to a son with a gold spot on his forehead; tells her not to leave her with the king's wife, but to give her an old woman a helper; but the wife bribed the old woman; the king was told that a boy and a girl were born; the old woman put them in a basket, threw them into the river, and told the king that the mother had eaten her children; the king ordered the woman to be dressed in leather, forced to clean the garbage; the children were picked up and raised by a hermit; after his death Lions and hyenas continued to come to brother and sister, as they came to a hermit; the caravan took brother and sister and brought them to their country; that old woman recognized them by the gold mark on her forehead, told the king's wife ; came to the girl disguised as a beggar, said that she would die if her brother did not get the demon king's wife's earring; the brother met that hermit's brother in the forest; he ordered the gate guard to be given to the blind man in one eye demons a means to cure his eye; the guard missed, the young man took an earring from the sleeping queen, brought it to his sister; then returned, the queen of demons fell in love with him, ordered the young man's sister to live with them; sent They met him on horseback in gold to where his father was, but the king did not know that the young man was his son; the queen of demons called the king to her place, told her everything; he ordered the mother of the twins to be washed and dressed in gold; The childless wife and old woman were buried waist-deep in the ground, the cattle were driven over them]: Reinisch 1889, No. 23:155-175; Zande [warriors by the river kill a pregnant woman, two children fall from their belly ripped open into water, grow up at the bottom, eating sand; when they grow up, they go ashore; this is Gburenze and his sister Nangume; Ture (spider) wants N., sends warriors to kill N., he kills them; finally he is killed himself, his body is brought, boiled, eaten; N. comes to pick up his bones, makes T. stick to the bench; at home he hides his bones under the pot, they turn into a baby, then into a young man, she becomes his wife; both come to T., N. tells him to stand up to greet her husband; T.'s wives laugh at him]: Arewa, Shrewe 1975, No. 32:239-245; arusha [one wife is childless, the other has two children; while she is not, childless throws children in a barrel into the river; the Masai takes them; the childless smears the children's mother's mouth with blood, says that she ate her children; the husband expels her, tells her to herd donkeys; the children grow up; the person tells them that The Masai are not their real father; they go to look for their father, find a mother who tells them what happened; they come to their father's kraal and want to kill another wife; they send her to herd donkeys, and their children and their mother reinstated]: Klipple 1992:242; Masai [when a wife with many children also gives birth to twins, the childless woman cuts off their fingers, lowers them in a drum down the river, smears the mother's mouth with blood, convinces her husband and people that she ate her children; a woman in labor is sent to herd donkeys; those who see a floating drum decide that one will take it, the other will take its contents; the old man raised twins; asking why they are called "sons of the drum" and after learning about their origin, the brothers go to look for their native kraal; they meet their mother, everything is explained; they tell the father not to kill his infertile wife, but to send her to herd donkeys to end of life]: Hollis 1905:177-178 (=Kipury 1983, No. 27:101-103); Malgashi [wanting to marry Andriambahuac, the older, middle sisters promise to weave silk clothes, younger Farah will give birth to triplets; A. takes sisters as wives, loves F.; leaves on business; F. gives birth, sends a maid to slowly bring fire; but the sisters learn about childbirth when they hear the baby cry; two boys and a girl are thrown into the river in a chest, they replaced the bull with a jaw, a broom stick, and a hammer; F. was expelled from the village; the sorcerer Ranakumbe caught the chest, guessed who was in it; the children grew up singing about their father; he returned, executed the evil sisters, returned F. children; near the village in the cave, a half woman with one arm and one leg tells the brothers' sister that she is missing 1) a crocodile tooth necklace, 2) a hippopotamus (brothers kill a crocodile with a gun; hiding behind a termite mound, hippopotamus fangs (?) they pierce him, they finish it off; bring necklaces); 3) Mamukur families; they have sharp tails; the brothers say they came from the west (the Mamukurs come from there), take their children away at night, give their sister their tails); 4) the Imasuampatan drum (the brothers say they came from the south, they take the drum at night); 5) God's son as husbands; the brothers went east to the well, where they took water for God Andriamanitra; they were killed; sister herself went; ordered her brothers to be revived, A. married her]: Zhukov, Kotlyar 1976, No. 154:385-392; malgashi: Zhukov, Kotlyar 1976, No. 154 [wanting to marry Andriambahuac, the elder, middle sisters promise to weave silk clothes, younger Farah to give birth to triplets; A. marries sisters, loves F.; leaves on business; F. gives birth, sends a maid slowly to bring fire; but sisters learn about childbirth when they hear the baby crying; two the boys and the girl were thrown into the river in a chest, replaced with a bull's jaw, a broom stick, and a hammer; F. was driven out of the village; the sorcerer Ranakumbe caught the chest, guessed who was in it; the children grew up singing about their father; he came back, executed the evil sisters, returned F. with her children; near the village in the cave, a half-woman with one hand, one leg, tells the brothers' sister that she is missing 1) a crocodile tooth necklace, 2) hippopotamus (brothers kill a crocodile with a gun; hide behind a termite mound, hippopotamus fangs (?) they pierce him, they finish it off; bring necklaces); 3) Mamukur families; they have sharp tails; the brothers say they came from the west (the Mamukurs come from there), take their children away at night, give their sister their tails); 4) the Imasuampatan drum (the brothers say they came from the south, they take the drum at night); 5) God's son as husbands; the brothers went east to the well, where they took water for God Andriamanitra; they were killed; sister herself went; ordered her brothers to be revived, A. married her]: 385-392; Korneev 1962 [Tsar Ravukhimena hears one sister promising to weave a hundred capes from one thread, the other to weave a thousand mats from one thread reeds, the youngest Refarana is to give birth to five sons; sisters let babies down the river in a basket, replace them with cow bones and rags, turn the mother into a lemur; the Forest Man picks up babies; the king meets them, finds out the truth; to spell his wife, he must go to Long-haired; she tells them to bring red bees to honey (bees sting, he throws honey), kill a huge boar (kills, but other wild boars chase the hunters away); tells her to choose rice from her hair, get the baby monster; while the monster eats rice, R. takes the cub; he talks about everything that happened, leads to a tree with a lemur, the lemur turns to Refarana; evil sisters turn into a lemur and a grasshopper]: 52-62.

North Africa. Algeria, Berbers (Algeria?) [like the Palestinians in Muhawi, Kanaana 1989, No. 10]: Muhawi, Kanaana 1989:337; Tunisia [The emir had a daughter and called a stargazer to predict her fate. He said that she would marry a poor man who was born with her on the same day, looked like her, and he lives near the palace. The Emir was upset, found it, bought it from his parents, put it in a chest and sent it to sail along the river. He was found by a farmer and his wife and raised as his own son. The Emir found it again and decided to get rid of it. He sent him to the palace and sent him a letter. When the young man stayed in the same house and fell asleep, the owner opened the letter and read: "Hang him as soon as he comes to you." The owner wrote: "It's nice to meet him." He was allowed into the palace, and the emir was already there. He decided to get rid of the young man for the third time. I sent him to get three hairs from Gulya's head, then he marries his daughter, otherwise he dies. He met a carrier across the river. Why did the boat sail slowly? Garden owner. Why did apples get bitter? A well. Why did the water disappear from it? The old woman ripped her hair out and found out the answers. The boat is a mermaid, you must sacrifice a bird on the river bank (!). Apples are tree roots. You should spray them with incense (frankincense). The well was filled with locusts. The young man did everything, he was rewarded, and he returned to the emir with three hair. He told him everything that had happened to him, and the emir decided to marry him to his daughter because this young man was the bravest and most worthy. "Bravery and high moral character are better than position and wealth!"] : Al-Aribi 2009, No. 3 in Korovkina MS; the Arabs of Egypt [at night, the king and vizier walk around the city, hear three girls talking; each says what she would do to become the king's wife; the first will bake a cake for the king and all his troops; the second sotket tent for the king and the army; the third will give birth to a son and daughter with golden and hyacinth hair; when they cry, thunderstorm and downpour will begin, when they laugh, the sun will appear and moon; the king married them; the first two failed to fulfill their promise, sent to the kitchen with the slaves; when the third wife gives birth, the other wife bribes the midwife, she replaced the children with blind puppies; king Orders his wife to be tied at the entrance, smeared with resin and that everyone spit on her; the midwife put the children in a box, threw them into the river; the fisherman found them and raised them; the fisherman caught two beautiful fish, a young man (his name is Mohammed Razumny) carried them to sell, the king bought them; ordered them to continue; the king's wife understood who this young man was, the midwife promised to lime him and his sister; she sailed in a jug, persuaded the girl to bring her singing Arab-Zandyq rose; M. came to the cannibal, venerated his chest; she explained the way to the rose; meat in front of the goat, clover in front of the dog must be shifted; take the rose, leave without looking back, otherwise you will petrify; M. brought a rose; she does not sing; midwife: you need a mirror (same episodes); the rose does not sing again; the midwife: her mistress Arab-Zandyk is needed; the young man got to her palace, looked out the window and began to call; after He was half petrified with two shouts, but grabbed AZ by the hair, let him go after she revived all the petrified ones; said that he was the son of the king; created a palace on the island where that fisherman lived; M. invited the king come to his wedding with his army; the vizier advised him to stock up on food, but the soldiers could not eat everything they were offered; and when M. and AZ paid a return visit, their soldiers did not fit into the city; M. threw a shawl over his mother in the palace; AZ told the whole story; the fisherman was made a vizier, and his angry wife and midwife were burned]: Spitta bey 1883, No. 11:137-151.

Southern Europe. Latins [Rhea Sylvia is the daughter of King Alba Longha Numitor; brother N. Amulus takes his throne, makes RS a Vestal; in captivity, she gives birth to twins Romulus and Remus (var: from A. in Mars) from Mars (var: they are the children of the daughter or slave of the Albanian king Tarkheti and the spirit Lara's home); RS was either killed by Amulius, or imprisoned by him, or rushed to the Tiber and became the wife of Tiberin, the god of this river; A. orders to throw the twins into the Tiber, carries them ashore under a fig tree dedicated to Rumina, the goddess of feeding newborns; the twins are fed by a woodpecker and a she-wolf, then found by shepherd Faustulus, raised by his wife Acca Larentia; becoming adults and learning about her Of origin, Romulus and Remus gathered a detachment of young men, killed Amulia, handed over power in Alba Long to Numitor, and founded a new city themselves; they began to guess by the flight of birds: 6 kites appeared to Remus, 12 Romulus; Romulus killed his brother in a quarrel, and named the city; of the 12 sons of AL, Romulus formed the priestly college of the Arval Brothers]: Steerman 1982b: 379; 1982c: 387; Basques [three sisters spin; eldest says she would like to marry a courtier, the middle one - what a royal son-in-law, the youngest - the king himself; the king hears this, marries the youngest; she gives birth twice in his absence; sisters write to the king that his wife gave birth to a kitten, a puppy, a bear cub; children (the eldest is a girl) are lowered down the river in a basket, picked up by a gardener; the king forgives his wife twice, on the third he orders them to be put in prison, kept starved; adoptive parents are dead; the old woman advises young men to get a singing tree, a truth-telling bird, rejuvenating water; the older brother leaves; the old man warns not to turn to the noise, he turns around, stones; the apple he leaves rots; the same goes with his younger brother; the sister goes, does not turn around, brings water, revives the brothers, takes the tree and the bird; they invite the king to their place; the bird She talks about everything; children sprinkle water on her mother, she is young again, her sisters are being burned in the square]: Webster 1879:176-182; Spaniards: Shishlova 1971 [a fisherman picked up a glass box in the river, in it newborn boy and girl; children grew up, learned the language of birds; from the story, swallows learn that their mother queen was slandered by the courtiers: she allegedly gave birth to a cat and a snake; the king ordered her to be walled up in the wall, but the maid made a hole and still feeds it; for the king to believe, the story must be told to him by the Truth Bird, who is kept in the castle "If you enter, you won't come back"; the brother left his sister in poor house, went to pick up the bird; the witch sends the dog to show the way, for which he must bring colorful water from the castle; the owl tells the witch to bring clean water; the witch pours water on the young man, hoping turn into a spider; instead, all snakes and cockroaches are disgraced, turn into humans, the witch flies away; the king listens to the bird, recognizes the children, frees the queen]: 125-141; Camarena, Chevalier 1995, No. 707 [three sisters sewed; elder: if the king were to marry me, I would make a dress that would fit in a walnut shell; medium: same (piñon shell); youngest: I would give birth to a boy and a girl with a star in his forehead; the king came up and asked what they were talking about; married the youngest; she gave birth to wonderful children, but the older sisters replaced them with puppies, let them go in a box along the river, and the king was at that time hunting; ordered his wife to be walled up; the miller picked up the box, his wife raised the children with her son; once the young men got into a fight and the miller's own son called the adopted man a foundling; he and his sister went to look for real parents; met a gentleman who could not ajustar una cuenta; the young man helped him, stayed with his sister to work for him; after earning a lot of money, they went on and saw palace; the king, the young man's father, lived there; the young man gathered the craftsmen and built the royal palace overnight; the evil sisters recognized those who arrived by the star on their forehead; sent the old woman to tell the girl that the palace was not las almenas repicando is enough, they go to the castle, you won't come back; the old man gives a pot, teaches: the castle will open at midnight, you have to put almenas in the pot and run; the young man brought them; old woman: not enough player green water; (same); third time: there is not enough singing green bird; the old man warned that the bird would be half dead, but we must grab it and run; the young man began to wonder whether to take one, the castle closed, the young man and his horse was petrified; now his sister had gone; the old man gave a pot, he would revive his brother and horse; we must grab a half-dead bird, run; when they returned home, the bird turned into many birds like this; angry the sisters decided to poison their brother and sister, invited them to a feast; they took the bird with them, it began to tell the whole story; the king ordered his wife to be released from prison; when she saw the children, she died full of feelings; evil sisters cooked in oil]: 709-713; Uffer 1973, No. 7 [=Decurtins, Brunold-Bigler 2002, No. 58:155-157; three coal burners spent the night in the inn; tell me what they dreamed; first: it's like I have 7 guilders under my head, and when I woke up, it turned out to be like this every morning; the second sees a gold chain and he has it in the morning; third: I will have a son with a gold star in his forehead; they came to the king, they gave him a chain; when he learned that the third coal burner had dreamed, the king married him to a daughter; she gave birth to a wonderful boy, but the Queen Mother lowered him in a box down the river, said that the prince's wife had given birth to a puppy; the king ordered the coal burners to be walled up, and his daughter died of grief; the baby was picked up and raised by a miller; his wife tied a handkerchief to prevent the star from being visible; chasing the chamois, the young man climbed the rocks and found himself in the middle of the blooming plain; there his mother met him, told him everything and disappeared; the young man came to the king, told him everything; the king gathered everyone for a feast; everyone saw a young man with a gold star, his mother too appeared; the king asked how to punish the person who committed the relevant acts; everyone offered various executions, and the Queen Mother offered to wear hot iron shoes on the perpetrator and let him dance until she dies; that's exactly what they did to her; the good miller and his wife were taken to the palace]: 17-19; Wildhaber, Uffer 1971, No. 52 [the miller found a chest of babies in the river, two boys and a girl, each with a gold star on his forehead; when they grew up, the miller admitted that they were not native children; said that only a talking bird knew about their parents; the elder brother, then the younger brother went to look for her, did not return; went sister Amalia; the old woman told her not to turn around if she heard something; A. climbed the mountain to the castle, someone was calling her, she did not turn around; slipped between the guard's legs; entered the hall where the birds were; alone began to shout that it was her talking; but A. took a little gray bird; they came out of the castle with it; the stones that A. touched turned into knights or girls; A. also revived brothers; the bird said that when the children's father went to war, his brother put the children in a box, and told the king that the queen had given birth to kittens; the uncle was torn by horses, the queen was returned from captivity, and A. became queen {in another realm?} , her brothers are kings]: 177-179; Italians (Piedmont, Veneto, Tuscany, Umbria, Rome, Lazio, Campania, Molise, Abruzzo [Three Sisters], Basilicata [Three Envious Sisters], Calabria), Sardinians ['Three Sisters', 'Children Thrown Into Water'], Sicilians ['Envious Sisters]: Cirese, Serafini 1975, No. 707:154-155; Italians (Florence, variants throughout Italy) [king walks eavesdrop on what my subjects are saying; older sister: if I married a royal baker, I would bake as much bread as the court needed in a day for a year; average: if I married a royal the winemaker would give all the courtiers one glass of wine; youngest: if I married the king, I would give him three gold-haired children - two boys and a girl with a star in her forehead; the king summoned the sisters to the palace and fulfilled their wishes; the elders are jealous of the youngest; in the absence of the king, the wife gives birth to a son, then a second, then a daughter; her sisters replaced them with a monkey, a puppy and a tiger cub, each time they tell the old woman get rid of the babies; she lowers everyone down the river in a basket, the ferryman picked them all up; selling golden hair, the ferryman became rich and built a palace for the adoptees; the king saw a young man and a girl invited her to the palace; the aunts ask the old woman to help; she tells the girl that she does not have enough dancing water; the older brother goes in search; the old man teaches the guards to avoid if their eyes are open, not closed; the young man brought water; the old woman: the musical tree is missing; the old man teaches again: there are scissors above the door, you have to go if they are open; old woman: the Green Bird (l'uccel bel-verde) is missing; old man: on the same mountain is a garden in which statues; these are those who petrified trying to get poultry; birds fly around the garden; you can't answer a bird's questions, you'll be petrified; the bird tells its older brother who comes for it that his mother walled up alive; "Walled up alive?" - and petrified; the same with the second brother; the sister is silent, pulled out the bird's feather, dipped it in the dancing water, revived the brothers and all the petrified ones; brothers, sister and bird come to the king's feast; bird: not one person is enough; the king ordered to remove the walled up, the daughter revived it with live water; at the feast, the bird ordered to eat only what she would try herself - the rest was poisoned; the bird tells them to coat the sisters with resin and burn it and throw the old woman out the window]: Calvino 1980, No. 87:315-322; Italians (Campania, Capri) [the king forbade lighting a fire at night, but three dressmakers always worked until midnight, hide it lamps in large pots; eldest: if the king married me, I would feed his entire army with a piece of bread; medium: I would prepare clothes for all troops from one piece of cloth; youngest: would give birth a son with a golden apple in his hand and a daughter with a gold star on her forehead; the spy told the king; he married the youngest; went to war; the Queen Mother told the midwife to replace the children born with puppies and throw them in the river; but the maid put them in a basket; the king ordered his wife to be imprisoned in a niche at the gate, giving only bread and water and that everyone should spit on her; the fisherman caught the children; when they grew up, the fisherman's own children they called them foundlings that their father had caught at sea; they left home and settled in the woods in an abandoned palace; the Queen Mother sent a midwife to persuade the girl to ask her brother to bring a dancer healing water from the Senavalli spring; hermit (this was St. Joseph) taught me what to do; when the young man is in the enchanted garden of the Alcina fairy, you cannot turn around, although there will be screams and roars around; the young man brought water; the midwife: now a singing apple; hermit (same); midwife: bring a talking bird; hermit: do not catch a bird, be gentle to it, it will come down from the tree on its own; gave you a wand, the young man revived those turned into stones; the king hunted, I heard singing, went into the palace; the bird: I will answer him myself; the king invited them to his feast; the bird told me to let the dogs taste the meat from the table; they fell in convulsions; the bird told me everything; The Queen Mother was forced to eat meat prepared for the freed queen and she died in agony; and the talking bird suddenly disappeared]: Zschalig 1925, No. 6:32-41.

Western Europe. The French (Dauphin) [western 1950; the king's servant hears one girl promising to grind flour if she is passed off as a royal miller, another to bake bread if presented as a baker, and a third to give birth to the king beautiful children; the king fulfills their wishes; in the absence of her husband, the wife gives birth to a son and a daughter with a cross on her forehead, with a golden crown on her head; mother-in-law replaces the letter, writes to her son that his wife gave birth to a puppy and a kitten; he tells them to be kept, her mother-in-law will hear the letter again, supposedly her son tells her son and daughter to throw them away, lets the children go down the river in a boat; the king returns, wraps his wife neck deep into the neck the wall, tells those passing by to beat it; children sail into the country of red people; grow up, they are allowed to return the ship; their mother's mother-in-law advises the girl to ask her brother to get 1) an apple tree; the old man tells the young man to go without turning, he brings an apple tree, his sister plants it; 2) a dancing bucket (the same), 3) a talking bird; the young man hears his sister's voice, he turns around, stones, the ring left for his sister turns black; the old man gives the girl a sword and oil, with their help she revives all the petrified ones, the living brother kills the lion watchman with a sword, brother and sister return with a bird; a hunter finds them in the forest, the king calls to him, they see a woman embedded in the wall, ask not to hit her; a talking bird warns that the king's mother put poison on their food; tells the whole story; the king returns his wife, burns his mother alive]: Joisten 1991, No. 27.1:184-188; Bretons [the widow baker has three daughters; the eldest says she loves the royal gardener, the middle loves the valet, the youngest the prince; she will have two sons with him a gold star on her forehead and a daughter with a silver one; the prince walked and heard three marriages had been concluded; jealous sisters agreed with the sorceress, who told the midwife to replace the newborn with a puppy, throw it in a basket in the Seine, picked it up by a gardener; the same with his second son and daughter; the prince imprisoned his wife in the tower; the gardener and his wife died, the children were taken to the palace, they grew up; the old woman persuaded the girl to ask the brothers get dancing water, the singing apple and the bird of truth; the brother goes in search, leaving the dagger: if the sister cannot pull it out of its scabbard, then the brother is dead; the dagger is stuck; the second brother has gone to look first, leaving a rosary; if one bead gets stuck on a string, then he is dead; as it happened, the sister saddles the horse and rides by herself; an old man with a long beard by a tree; calls the girl a princess, asks cut his beard; she does it, he has suffered for 500 years, no one has helped him before; teaches him to climb a steep mountain under hail and wind; around a heap of land are those who could not; at the top there is a meadow of flowers and an apple tree; you have to pretend to be asleep; the thrush will go into the cage, you have to close it, this is the bird of truth; break off a branch with an apple (it's singing), collect dancing water from the source; with drops of this water, revive the brothers and other knights; in the royal palace, the sister shows the bird, etc.; the brothers finally understand that their sister saved them and got the magic things; the bird of truth tells everything, the king orders not to let anyone go; returned the queen, her sisters and midwife were thrown into the oven]: Luzel 1887 (3), No. 7:277-295; the Germans (Hanover) [the miller picked up a box floating on the river, a boy in it; he and his wife raised him; at the age of 14, that said that he did not want to be a miller, but a hunter; learned from a hunter; once he chased a white deer; he brought him to the castle and disappeared; the table was laid inside, the bed was prepared; at midnight someone came in: the face is rough like a bear and cold as ice; in the morning the voice: come again; the young man went home and returned to the castle in the evening; this time his face is less rough and slightly warm; the next night smooth and warm; the princess and then her parents enter the room in the morning; the young man disgraced them; the king gave him a daughter; wedding]: Colshorn, Colshorn 1854, No. 21:69-72; Germans [the king drove through the village; to him they said that the son of a poor woman was born in a shirt and was predicted to marry a royal daughter; the king asked for the baby to be given to him; he put the child in a casket, threw it into the river; the miller caught the casket, raised a boy; 14 years later, the king visited the mill, found out that the boy was a foundling, understood who it was; asked the young man to be sent a letter to the Queen; in a letter, an order to kill the applicant before the king returned; the young man spent the night with the old woman in a den of robbers; the chieftain read the letter, ordered the giver to marry the royal daughter; wedding; when the king returned, he demanded that his son-in-law bring three from hell golden hair is a line from his head; on the way, the young man is asked to know why the wine fountain in the city square has dried up; why the apple tree no longer brings golden apples and even the leaves have fallen; on the river, the carrier asks when he is replaced; the grandmother turned the young man into an ant, hid it in his skirt; the devil falls asleep with his head on his grandmother's lap; she pulls out his golden hair three times, each time says that she I dreamed of this and that (about a fountain, an apple tree, a carrier), the devil answers; a toad under the fountain stone; the mouse gnaws on the roots of the apple tree; let the carrier give the pole to another; the young man gives the news to the carrier, only on the other side; receives gold from the owners of the fountain and apple tree; tells his father-in-law that he had collected gold on the river; the king went himself, the carrier gave him the pole, the king remained working as a carrier ]: Grimm, Grimm 2002, No. 29:100-107 (=Grimm, Grimm 1987:95-100); Germans (Austria) [in the evening, the king walks around town, hears three sisters talking; one wants to be a gardener's wife, the other is a baker, the third king; the king marries her, passing her sisters off as a gardener and baker; the queen gave birth to a son; the older sister replaced him with a puppy, put the boy in a barrel, threw him into the Danube; the boy a fisherman picked up; the same year later, the middle sister replaced her with a kitten; the third time the queen gave birth to a girl, the sisters put a log; the king ordered his wife to be chained to the wall, every passer-by had to I don't care about her; her brothers and sister have grown up, the fisherman has died; an old man came and told his sister about a talking bird, a singing tree, golden water; the older brother goes in search, the old man tells him to go for a rolling ball, do not look back if thunder hits; the young man looked around, petrified; the same second brother; the sister did not look back, jumped up the mountain, took the bird, which told me to collect water from the well, break off the branch, revive the brothers with it (and other people); at home, the bird tells you to plant a branch, pour gold water; invite the king, give him poisonous grass; the king is outraged; the bird: if you can't eat poison, how could a wife give birth to a puppy, a kitten and a log; the queen was freed, her sisters were executed]: Cerf 1992:167-174.

Western Asia. Old Testament [a woman leaves her three-month-old son in reeds by the river; Pharaoh's daughter finds him; this is Moses]: Exodus 2; Palestinians [the king tells the lights to be turned off for the night to test obedience to the subjects; three sisters spin; left in the dark, one wants to marry the king's baker, the other wants to marry the cook, and the third wants to marry the prince to give birth to sons Aladdin and Bahaddin and daughter Š amsizzha; the king finds out about this, fulfills his wishes, the older sisters, out of envy, put a puppy on the woman in labor, then a kitten, then a stone, the children are let in a box each time along the river, they are adopted by older spouses ; the prince leaves his wife; the children grow up, the aunts send the old woman to invite the girl to wish the Nightingale the Crier; Aladdin goes in search, leaves Bahaddin a ring; the hum sends him to her brother, who is to her sister, she shows the tree where the Nightingale flies; contrary to warning, A. says to Nightingale, "I'm here," who turns him into stone; then the ring clutches B.'s finger, he follows A. , also becomes stony; the sister is silent, catches the Nightingale in a cage, who orders the land to be thrown from the molehill to the stones, the brothers come to life; the Nightingale tells the king everything, who orders the midwife and two sisters to be decontaminated and burned]: Muhawi, Kanaana 1989, No. 10:102-111; Syrian Arabs [one sister says she would like to marry a royal chef and eat delicious food; the second is for the royal confectioner; the third is for the king and have an heir; on The next day the king sent for them and fulfilled their desire; the king went to war, the queen gave birth to a son and a daughter; the sisters lowered the babies in the basket down the river, wrote to the king that the wife had given birth to a dead child; the king took his wife to the cellar; the childless man picked up the basket, named the children Jamil and Jamil; became a sheikh, and before his death told the children the secret of their origin; one of the evil sister came to them in palace, told Jamila that she did not have enough silver water from the mountain of miracles; old man Jamil: on the mountain, the spring is guarded by the left, if his eyes are closed, then he looks, if open, he sleeps; Jamil passed by lion and brought water; evil aunt: let him bring a golden tree; the old man gave a mirror to tell Jamila: if it darkens, trouble with his brother; on the mountain there is a peacock, Jamil grabbed him, turned into stone; old man: let Jamila would grab the peacock while it was sleeping; the peacock told her to sprinkle silver water on the stones, all the petrified ones came to life; her brother and sister called the king to look at the curiosities: water, wood, and a peacock who speaks the truth; the king ordered the evil sisters to be beheaded; the queen forgave them, but they soon died of gluttony]: Kuhr 1993:102-107; Iraqis (north of Baghdad) [returning, Sheikh Hassan found a daughter pregnant; in his absence, she found a bundle of white powder and licked; he lowered his daughter and grandson in a box along the river; the fisherman caught him; once caught an unusual colorful fish; the boy ordered do not eat it, take it to the Vali Palace; the fisherman received a lot of money for it; when Wali's daughter saw the fish, she was shy and the fish laughed; Vali demanded that the fisherman explain it; the boy told the fisherman to explain it bring him to the palace; the boy warns that Wali will regret wanting to know the truth; first he told two parables; 1) the king and his favorite bird are in the desert; the bird knocks him out twice he has a cup of water, hardly aimed from a stream; he kills a bird, walks up the stream, sees a line trickling out of his mouth; 2) the king's favorite nightingale brought a seed, an apple tree has grown; courtiers they poisoned the apple, the king let the cat taste, he died, the king killed the nightingale; the gardener tasted the second apple, became younger; the king repented; yet the wali tells the boy to explain why the fish laughed; he tells open a hatch into Valya's daughter's underground - her black lover and four children are there]: Yaremenko 1990, No. 11:60-68.

Melanesia. Majprat [a man slept with his penis in a crevice of stone; 8 boys were born there; his wife said they were shooting his penis; he put them in a box, threw them into the sea; a man from the Tuwit group saw the box, heard laughter, took out the young men, left them with his 8 daughters; then the boys went to the village of Inanwatan, where they also met with 8 girls; their parents attacked them in anger, persecuted them, but the boys many were killed, Inanwatan people stopped chasing]: Elmberg 1968, No. 51:279-280; cotton wool [parents are dead, girl and little brother see smoke, come into the house; the owner has a daughter; at night the owner puts on the boy's belly is a hot stone, he dies; the owner's daughter hoped to take the boy as her husband when he grew up; both girls set fire to the house, the murderer burned down; the boy's corpse was brought to the water; he turned into tadpoles, frogs for boys and girls; they play on the shore, when girls approach, they throw themselves into the water; they leave shoelaces and bags for girls, bows and arrows for boys on the shore; they catch two, persuade them to go live somewhere else; they persuade others; boys and girls are married, two are husbands to those girls]: Fischer 1963, No. 12a: 145-147.

Micronesia-Polynesia. Tuvalu (Waitupu) [Tinilau loves only Tapilisanga out of ten wives; in her husband's absence, other wives poisoned pregnant Tapilisanga with rats, lizards, etc., buried her; Tinilau asked his Aunt Lemalama, who lived in a freshwater pond, summon all the spirits; they came, including Tapilisanga with the child; washed him differently than other perfumes; her aunt told me to grab Tapilisanga, Tinilau succeeded; she and the child survived; another boy on the shore tells Tinilau that he is his son; his crab mother became pregnant from the water Tinilau used to wash; T. decided to go down to the lower village, putting the boy on back; wives are outraged because the chief can't wear anything on his back; he burned them except Tapilisanga (she lives in the upper world) and Te Kaipea (in the lower world); went up to Tapilisanga]: Kenndedy 1931:197-199; Marshall Islands: Downing et al. 1992 (Islinglaplap) [Irooj is husband, Lerooj is wife; she left the baby to swim in a wooden trough and the trough was carried away by the waves; he was found by people on another island; when the boy grew up, wanted to take the fruit, his adoptive parents did not allow him - you are not native, this is only for his sister; he decided to look for parents, his sister is with him; he ordered to throw sand on the water, they passed through it across the sea; boys throw special darts, who's next; only the youngest gave his stranger; he asked Letao (divine trickster) for help, threw the farthest, the dart knocked out his real mother's eye; her husband Demands that everyone gather, guilty is the one whose finger is exactly the size of the wound; the young man's sister's finger is almost hit, and he is accurate; Irooj sharpens the knife out of the sink to cut off the culprit's head; birds call him son Irooj and Lerooj; it turns out that the young man is recognized as a son]: 121-127; Kelin 2003 (Maloelap) [9 months have passed and the wife is still pregnant; the husband is afraid that his wife has become an evil spirit, consults with knowledgeable, makes a raft out of coconuts, lets his wife go to sea; she sails to a naked island; plants coconuts and other fruits discarded by the sea, trees grow; she gives birth to 6 boys and 6 girls; does not tell sons swim south; they swim, see their father, sail away every time; finally he comes by himself; the wife asks who she is; - "Sister"; - "Mother"; finally: - "Wife"; holiday]: 73-80; Tobin 2002, No. 52 (Kuwajleen) [Jemerkinene warns his wife not to wash her hands in the pond; she washes, a woman comes out of the water, comes into the house with her, takes her form; J. does not know who is the demon and who is the wife; puts a pregnant wife with his two youngest sons in an empty log, lets her into the lagoon; the eldest two remain with their father; J. searches the head of an imaginary wife, finds a mouth on the back of her head; puts her to sleep, burns her in the house; the eldest sons they meet the youngest boat, talk, then the boat disappears somewhere; J. himself talks to the youngest born after the woman was launched; he replies that his father J.; father and older brothers welcome a woman launched]: 232-235.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Tibetans (Amdo; "Tanguts") [the king learns that the founder of a new dynasty must be born; orders the extermination of all newborns; one miracle he escapes, swims along the river, finds a cow, feeds with his milk]: Kychanov 1982:493; Tibet: Hyde-Chambers, Hyde-Chambers 1981 [King of vatsa had a son in India with emerald eyebrows, overhanging eyelashes, and with membranes on his fingers; the king ordered him to be lowered to the Ganges in a lead box; the peasant found and raised the boy; when he grew up, he told him about his origin; the young man was upset, went through the Himalayas to Tibet; there he was mistaken for a celestial and made the first king of Tibet]: 19-20; Ognev 1982b [in India, King Vaishali (Udayana) had a son with miraculous signs; deciding that these were bad signs, prince lowered down the river in a copper box; the peasant caught the child, spoke about his royal origin; in the mountains, the prince met 12 people, they elected him king]: 511; lepcha [from King Lyang- bar two witch maids; they invited her to swim in the sea, let two wooden dishes with flowers on the water; invited the queen to do the same with her gold dish; she drowned; the queen was afraid to come back to her husband, rode on horseback with the maids; they put her behind, come to the king of the country Sachak-lat; the silk-wrapped wand thrown by him falls on the true queen; the maids scratch him to blood, queen combs, heals bruises; pregnant, and the maids only pretend to have suffered; the king leaves; if the horse starts, the eldest gives birth, if the rooster screams, the younger maid, if the wife screams, let her play on the flute; the maids replaced the queen's three sons with puppies, buried the box with the children, then threw them into the river; the old fisherman caught them; they grew up, asked them to make a wooden horse, and rode it to the king like this how the witches and the queen arrived; they came to the sea, told the horse to drink it to get a dish; the witches asked if the wooden horse drinks; brothers: does a woman give birth to puppies; witches pretended to be sick, them will cure the meat of three children; the brothers asked the adoptive father to send the dog, the imaginary sick ate, recovered; the children went three roads; the elder returned, found the bones of his brother eaten by a crocodile, sister's bones (before that there were three brothers, now two and a sister}, eaten by a tiger; put them in the fire, fell there himself; a pine tree grew out of the ashes, three children were born on it; the king came, the children hid in the trunk; the tree does not cut, does not burn; the mother of the children came, they opened, told how it was; promised to go out if they were allowed to kill witches; the king pushed the witches into the hole with stakes, the children covered the hole with stones, Hot coals were poured down the witches' throats; the children flew to the country of Rum, the king and queen were happily on earth]: Stocks 1925, No. XXXIV: 447-452; Kachin [the sage predicts a peasant son to be king; the king throws the boy in a chest into the river, he is picked up; the king meets the young man, finds out, tells him to carry the letter; it is ordered to kill the giver; on the way, the robbers replace the letter, you must marry giver on the princess; the king tells his son-in-law 1) to bring three golden hairs of the naga; on the way, the young man is asked to know why the spring has dried up, the golden tree does not bear fruit, how the carrier across the river can get rid of of this work; the old woman (apparently nata's mother) pulls out golden hairs from the dormant nat, each time says that in her dream she saw that the spring had dried up, etc.; nat replies that it is necessary to drive away the frog that sat on a stone at the spring, drive the rat out from under the roots of the tree, the carrier must give the boat and paddle to another; the young man heard the answers when he becomes an ant; the greedy king goes for the hairs himself, receives a boat from the carrier and paddle]: Kasevich, Osipov 1976, No. 31:109-114; ranks [after the sun, moon, stars appeared, the earth gave birth to Khlineu; she laid and hatched a hundred eggs, of which one hundred founders of peoples came out land; then she got a painted egg; H. admired it, but did not incubate it; the water from the roof of the house washed the egg into the river, where it got stuck in the roots of the tree; the Ashui bird found it, sat; out of it brother and sister came out; they separated in different directions; brother married a dog, sister was carried away by a bear; a bee brought sister to brother; they asked H. for permission to marry; for this they were obliged to commit sacrifice to a dog; since then, ranks and kyengi have sacrificed dogs to spirits]: Chesnov 1982p: 593; best [Tui-chongi and her younger sister Nuengi were high on the hill; N. wanted to drink - is about to die; then T. turned into the Tui-chong River (a tributary of the Kurnaphuli, on which Chittagong stands); the king of Bengal was surprised to see the river near his palace and sent people to its origins; N. brought her gave birth to a son to the king; the eldest wife threw him into the river and told N. to remain silent, but T. continued to take care of her sister and kept the boy; the same with six other sons; they came to dance on the roof of the palace, told the king who they were; the eldest wife was beheaded, N. took her place]: Shakespear 1912:95-96.

Burma - Indochina. Palaung [son of the Sun Hsuriya (from Sanskrit. Surya, sun) fell in love with the naked daughter Princess Thusandi; the father asked his son to join him; Th. gave birth to three eggs; Ts. sent two parrots to bring her a letter and a Manicopa gem; parrots met others forgot about the errand; Taunghtu replaced the letter with bird droppings; when the parrots finally brought the letter to Th., she was offended, threw two of the three eggs in Ayeyarwady; one swam upstream and picked it up gardener, hatched boy, named Udibwa ("Born from an Egg"); he married the daughter of ruler Se-lan, the youngest of their two sons became Emperor of China; the eldest descended from Palaung chiefs; second the egg floated down to Bagan, picked it up by the laundress's husband and wife, put it in a gold box, the boy hatched; he became king of Pagan; the princess threw the third egg into the mountains, its fragments turned into rubies]: Scott 1918:276-277 (retelling in Obayashi 1966:54-55); palaung [(Milne 1924:379-383); princess naga I-ran-ti took the form of a girl, went to earth, met the Sun; 7 days later he returned to the sky, leaving her her chariot; I. laid three eggs; the Sun sent I. a bag with a letter and a wonderful gem, giving it to the golden crow; he stopped pecking carrion, the fisherman found the bag, changed the treasure with a pebble; the Raven brought I.'s bag, who found a simple stone inside, threw it at the Raven; the Sun, as punishment, painted the Raven black, ordered him to live on earth; I., in the guise of a naga, returned under the ground, throwing its hairpin and three eggs; the barrette and two eggs turned into placers of gold and precious stones; the third egg was stuck at the fork in a tree floating along the river; it was found by the elderly couple and raised a born boy Kok-ya; his Sun Father sent him a bow; his naga mother sent her daughter to earth from her marriage to a naga, K. married her, she gave birth to a daughter; K. killed an ogre bird; his naked wife forgot that she did not must be completely immersed in water, became a snake again while bathing; told her daughter to make clothes striped like snakeskin, gave the clothes the color of snakeskin scales by touching it; people became copy these patterns; K. became the ancestor and king of the Palauns]: Obayashi 1966:51-54; palaung [the childless king asks his wives to fast; the seventh becomes pregnant but gives birth to a shell with a snail; it is thrown into the river, the billy spouses (forest cannibals) catch it, it does not climb into any pot, the beaters forget about it, the snail turns into a young man; he cleans, cooks in the house; the beaters wait, catch the young man, ask be a son; one day a young man sees the bones of people eaten by beaters; finds clothes and shoes that look like a bilu while they are wearing him; arrives at a ceremony where the king's daughter chooses her husband; her garland falls for a young man; the king gives her for him, they live in a hut; the young man reveals his appearance to his wife; after the king's death he reigns]: Kasevich, Osipov 1976, No. 137:312-316; Burmese [Kin Saw U is the king's wife Thado Saw; a dragon jumped out of the thickening on the main pillar of the palace, met with the queen, bit to death the king; the TS brother married the KSU, died the same way; this is how all six brothers of the king died; this is how all six brothers of the king died; the KSU gave birth to a son Pauk Tyaing, he was abandoned in the woods, raised by foster parents; palace ministers are looking for a spouse for the KSU; PT offers himself; he does not sleep at night, kills the dragon; the dragon becomes natom (spirit), he is revered under the name Great Father; KSU asks PT a riddle, he guesses when he hears an answer from a crow; gives birth to him two sons; due to the mother's previous relationship with the dragon, they were born blind; they were lowered down the river; they saw the light, founded the city of Prome]: Brown 1921:93-94; the Khmers [the king has two wives; the youngest Tol-Ka has a son; when the eldest Tol-Méa also became pregnant, TC went to the healer and he promised that her son will reign; after the birth of the child, TM TC replaced him with a wax doll, and put the boy in a box and buried him in the sand by the river; the court found him, guessed what was going on, but lowered the box river; the king drove KM away; the learned monk picked up the boy, guessed everything, began to educate, giving the name Mono-Véan; when the young man grew up, he had no rivals in learning or beauty; before his death the monk told the young man about his origins; MB set off and went to the city, where the elderly king promised a daughter and a throne to whoever climbed a smooth soapy pole and pulled out the princess; MB is did, married a princess and became king; the courtier decided to get rid of him; led him to the shaky bridge across the abyss and pushed him down; MB caught on the rocky cornice; the tiger lowered his vine, believing that when a man rises, he will eat him, but MB drove the tiger away; MB got lost and came to another kingdom; there the king will give the throne to whoever pulls leaf number 1 out of the basket; MB pulled him out, received the throne, and princess; in the third kingdom, the king's young widow promised to marry whoever the chief monk would point her to; he knew everything and sent her to meet MV; after marrying the queen, MV went to his father's kingdom, found his own a poor mother and told how she was deceived; he was accused of adultery with the king's wife and put in an iron cage; one of his queens's courtiers recognized MB; he sent letters with him to three wives; each went with the army; some wrote a general letter to the Tsar Father MB, but neither he nor anyone could read it; the king promised to release the prisoner who would read; MB read - in a letter to the king they offered to speak with by army; the liberated MW met his wives and led the combined army of the three kingdoms; his father's army was defeated; the king sent a new army led by his son from TC; MV killed him in combat; demanded a king; when he appeared, he called himself a son; told everything; became king of the four kingdoms]: Leclère, Feer 1895, No. 5:144-159; Zyaray: Nikulin 1970 [the leader has an evil and lazy elder wife Fa, a kind younger Fu; the chief chased the doe, she turned into a girl, he brought her into the house; when she gave birth, Fa lowered three newborn boys in a jug into the river, replaced her with countersinks; advised send his doe wife to live in a pigsty; old woman Pom picked up a jug, raised boys; Fa saw them, gave poison; Pom buried the dead in the same jug outside the garden; a tree grew with three flowers, Fu I understood everything, lit a fire, the flowers became boys; grew up, defeated the robbers, took their treasures; freed their mother, left the leader's village with her]: 250-253; Dournes 1982 [the prince's youngest wife asks Sky send her children; Heaven sends 7 pills, she swallows them not separately, but all at once, gives birth to seven twins; the eldest is Reng, the youngest is H'Bia Rang Könyi' ("beautiful gilded"); by On the advice of his elder wife, the prince descends the twins in a pumpkin down the river; they are picked up by Rökai's cannibals; while HBK distracts the attention of the cannibals, others, under the pretext of clearing the site, make a boat in the forest; when they are about to be eaten, the brothers sail away; cannibals throw a rope with a hook, brothers cut it off, cannibals drown]: 158-159; sre [when checking the tops, a person sees seven coming out of the tree trunk children (6 boys), younger Dong and Rong; they follow the man; his wife wants to kill them (does not feed them; feeds them with a chatter for pigs); the man leaves the boys in the hole, those, thanks to D. and R., come back; leaves them at the top of the tree, they come back again; he descends in calebas along the river, they are picked up by tiger cannibals; boys find out that they are afraid of little crabs, throw crabs, cannibals run, fight on spears, they die; brothers get their property; the pumpkin vine reaches that man's house, he comes along it, the brothers throw him into the bulls' pen, he dies]: Dournes 1982:159-160.

South Asia. Krishna's cycle [Pradyumna, Krishna's son from Rukmini, kidnapped at the age of six, thrown into the sea by the demon Sambara, who found out that the boy would kill him; P. swallowed the fish, it was caught by S. Mayadevi found a boy in fish; raised her, said she was not his mother; he killed S., married M.]: Lessa 1961:208-209; Nepali [the hermit tells the king's two wives he cannot accept alms from childless; let the king endure art; the king has been fasting in the forest for 12 years, Vishnu gives him two apples, both wives ate and become pregnant; the second wife replaced her son with the first bar (chopping block), lowered it in the box along the river; the king told his first wife to retire to the forest; the boy was picked up by a fisherman who grew up to become a young man Chandra Mukhi; the son from his second wife is evil; the king promises to make the successor of the one who rides his horse on whom only a man who is fit to be king can sit down; only the World Cup succeeds; the king found out everything, expelled the midwife with his nose cut off, the first wife was returned, the second was sent to the forest; the king fell ill, he will be cured by medicine from hands of gold-haired princess Sunkeshari, let the World Cup marry her; when she steps, gold falls; her father's difficult errands must be fulfilled; the World Cup saved rats and snakes from the burning forest, sparrows from the net a birdsman; rats, snakes and sparrows promised to help; the World Cup meets, takes as companions 1) a person with an arm stretched out to grab any food; 2) a person who puts one ear under him with the other covers himself, disperses the clouds with his ears; 3) the companions stopped in the house, take turns cooking; every time a dwarf comes with a huge mustache, sweeps the cook with it, eats everything; when it's the turn of the World Cup, he grabs a dwarf by the mustache, throws it out the window; the rats made a move to the princess, she gave the World Cup grains of magic rice; Father S. tells 1) to sow the field, harvest tomorrow (the World Cup sows magic rice, it ripens immediately); 2) plant trees from all over the world (the long-armed one reaches them, brings them); 3) separate the chaff, rice and millet (the long-eared one sucks the chaff, sparrows sort the grain); the king gives S., who cures the father of the World Cup; his evil brother poisoned him, kidnapped S.; the snakes extracted the poison, the World Cup came to life; the king executed his son from his second wife, handed over the throne to the World Cup]: Sakya, Griffith 1980:70-79; India (translated from Hindi) [disguised, the king goes at night to the city; hears one sister saying that if the groom married her, she would eat peas, which are fed to horses; the second, if she married the king's cook, she would get something; the youngest, if she married the king's cook, the youngest, if if the king married her, she would become a real queen; the king marries the youngest, passing the elders off as a groom and cook; the queen gave birth to a son, his sisters threw him in a jug into the river, replaced him with a puppy; the second as a kitten; the daughter as a wooden doll; the king ordered the queen to be put on a donkey and driven away; the brahmana picked up the children, the boys Arun and Varun, the girl Kiranmala; the brahmana died; the king got lost and went to his house; When the king left, K. advised the brothers to build a palace, they are building; the hermit says that a golden bird, a silverwood and a pearl spring are missing, all on Mount Maya; A., then V. leave, turn into stone; at home, the saber rusted, the bowstring broke; K. came to the mountain, the bird ordered the brothers to be covered with water, they came to life; at home the bird ordered the king to visit; the king is given gold, he says that it should not be eaten; the bird asks how a woman can give birth to a puppy; the king returned his wife and children, the sisters were buried alive]: Zograf 1964:302-310; Sindhi: Kincaid 1922, No. 1 [astrologer predicts to a rich childless brahmana that he will have a daughter but she will marry a Muslim; the girl born is placed in a box, put her jewelry with them, and lowered to the Indus; the laundress Mohammed picks her up educates, gives the name Saswi; the Baloch prince fell in love with her, but his brother, not wanting the prince to embarrass himself by marrying a girl from the lower caste, gave him a potion and secretly took him away; when he woke up, the prince came back and found out that S. asked the earth to swallow it up; he asked for the same, saw S. in the crevice, jumped there, the earth closed], 2 [the soothsayer tells King Dyach's sister that she will give birth to a son, who will kill her brother; she puts the newborn in a box, lowers him to the Indus; he is picked up by spouses from the Rajput singers, they are in the service of King Anira; the boy is named Bijal; he herds donkeys to them horses, makes a violin, which animals and birds gather to listen to; A. has 60 daughters, no sons; when another daughter was born, she was lowered in a box down the river, the box was picked up by the potter Ratno, King A. the girl Surat grew up; one day R. was late on his trip, A. was going to execute him, but he promised to give him his daughter; the wedding ceremony had already been performed in absentia, but King D. took the girl as his wife; A. went to war, but he was defeated; promised jewelry to the one who would bring D.'s head; B. came to play the violin, King D. promised to give him any reward, B. asked the king's head; he cut off his head, B. to King A.; he was afraid that B. and he would be trapped, drove him into the desert; when he saw his mother and wife rush into the fire at D.'s funeral, B. also rushed, followed by his wife]: 1-11, 13-20; Marathi [the king sees a tree without leaves with 101 fruits; the vizier explains that if the king marries the gardener's daughter, she will give him 100 sons and a daughter; he marries, and the 12 older wives think so a shame for them; when leaving, the king leaves a bell to his new wife; she rings three times to see if the king really will return immediately; when 12 wounds attacked, she rang, but the king did not come; she gave birth to 101 the child, the wives replaced them with stones, the maid threw the babies on the pile of garbage, the returning king threw his wife into prison forever; the bandicoot hid them and began to raise them; the wives ordered them to dig up a pile of garbage, the bandicoot hid the children under the steps near the temple of the god of wisdom Gunputti; the laundress's daughter spoke about this, the steps were raised, the bandicoot was killed, the temple was burned, the boys became mango trees, the girl became pink with a bush; the laundress's daughter recognized them again, the trees were uprooted, they were going to burn them, but G. sent a storm, the trees fell into the river, swam out, became human again; the brothers met the Rakshasi, she turned them into crows; the king found a girl, married her, called Draupadí Bai, agreed to take crows; D. gave birth to a son Ramchundra; he grew up, found that rakshasi, became a servant; she showed water to revive the bewitched, a wand to create obstacles, and each of her hair will burn the forest; R. runs away with water, a stick and hairs, Rakshasi pursues, he creates a river with a stick (Rakshasi swims across), a mountain (climbs), throws hairs (rakshasi burns); restores the mother's brothers to their human appearance; Father D. and his 12 wives are invited to the festival; brothers and sister tell the father to bring their mother; everyone tells; 12 wives were burned alive, and The mean maid was forgotten to execute]: Frere 1868, No. 4:55-71; konkani (Goa) [a father asks his seven daughters if they were born to fulfill his or their own destiny; everyone answers that paternal and youngest her own; she is deprived of a share in the inheritance and is sent by the maid to the kitchen; the prince rides by, hears each of the sisters promise to do something for her husband (sew beautiful clothes, etc.) - not specifically mentioned)]; the youngest promises to give birth to 20 sons and a daughter; the prince takes her; leaves, leaving her pregnant; she says that if she gives birth to children, it will rain pearly, and if not, it will bloom prickly vine; the sisters lowered the children in the box into the river, replaced them with frogs; the pearl rain poured, but the prince was shown frogs and he believed; the priest picked up the children; they grew up; the maid came and gave them poisoned cakes; the girl refused to eat, the boys ate and died; the priest moistened his ring, sprayed his bodies, the brothers came to life; brought their wooden horses to the river, put their faces in the water, as if they drink; 6 sisters came to wash and asked: can wooden horses drink? Brothers: Can a woman give birth to frogs? the prince saw his children and suspected something was amiss; the priest advised him to call them to his place; if they were the children of his rejected wife, her milk splashes into their mouths; so it happened; the prince brought his wife and children to his father; her sisters punished (not said how)]: Rodrigues 2020:164-169; Assames [the woman replied to the cat that she would give her fish if she brought it first; the cat began to steal fish, bring it to the woman, that she ate everything, gave the cat only bones; the cat ordered the woman to give birth to kittens and she herself to human children; gave birth and raised two girls; said that if the flower wilted and the milk turned black, then hers dead; as it happened, the girls went on a journey; the youngest asked the eldest to bring water; the water in the river receded, demanded a ring for water; the girl gave it back; after drinking her sister, she went to return it the ring, but the river carried her away; the merchant saw the younger sister and married her; the two older wives are jealous; when the new one gave birth, they threw the child into the river, they put a flail on the woman in labor; the second time a pumpkin; older sister, who became the wife of the river god, raised the youngest children; the merchant lodged his youngest wife in a hut for a pile of manure; sailed in a boat, the river god stopped the boat, let him go for promising to gather people, throw a vessel into the river for betel and a wand; the brothers come to the meeting, bringing these items, bringing the mother, to whom they told everything; the merchant ordered the elder wives to be cut off, cutting off their noses and ears, and stayed with the youngest and sons]: Borooah 1955:1-6; oriya [The poor brahmana's 7 daughters ate the tortillas made by their mother; the parents decided to get rid of their daughters; the father took them, supposedly, to their uncle; walked away with bags of rice; the girls opened their own - there is only one husk; they climbed a tree; the king drove up, a tear fell on him; the older sisters promise to cook rice for the entire palace, bake cakes, etc.; the youngest promises to give birth to 7 sons and daughter; the king married her; when childbirth was near, he gave a flute, ordered him to blow to summon him; she strangled her to test; and when she actually began to give birth, the king thought that he was lying again, did not come; wife gave birth to 7 sons and a daughter, the sisters replaced them with wooden dolls; the king sent her to the stable; the sisters buried the children in the garden, they were dug up and swallowed by a dog, belched them into the pond, raised by the Goddess of Waters; children they play in shallow water with wooden horses, tell them to drink water; gardener: a wooden horse cannot drink; boys: can a woman give birth to dolls? then the Goddess of Water turned the boys' children into trees, the girl into a blooming tree; the gardener wanted to pick flowers, the brothers told her sister not to give them, the tree grew to the sky; the same minister, the king himself; only the mother brought from the stable was able to pick flowers; the king returned her and the children, the sisters were hanged]: Mohanti 1975:109-113; Oraons; baiga [three wives are childless, the Raja takes the fourth; when leaving, gives bell; she rings idle, he promises not to come again; she gives birth to a son and daughter, wives let them down in a box into the sea, tell the Raja that she gave birth to a stone, he sends her to chase crows from the field; their picks up a sadhu; leaving, leaves them with magical power; a young man creates a palace; one of the Raja's wives tries to poison the children with cottage cheese; then he advises them to get a lotus, he is guarded by rakshasa, snakes, tigers; the young man kills them; then the wife persuades her sister to advise her brother to marry the Stone Maiden; her voice turns into stone; the young man stones to the neck, but splits himself and others with a magic wand; marries; old Rakshas helps him; wives ask the raja to arrange a party, the food is poisoned; the rakshasa eats everything; the young man calls his father to his palace; the wives are buried alive, the expelled is returned]: Elwin 1944, No. 4:204-209; litter (Hill Saora) [Ramma and Bimma have three wives, only the youngest gave birth; the elders put a kitten in, left the baby to the cows; the cow ate him, he fell into the river with her manure, became Labosum; R. and B. drove him away youngest wife; L. recognized his mother, screamed, but did not want to go ashore; R. and B. found out what was going on, brought his wife back]: Elwin 1954, No. 17:482-483; ho [Raja Raban rinsed his mouth in the pond, the fish swallowed it spit out, gave birth to two boys; they played with others, they were teased without a father; the fish said who their father was; they went to look for him, they got to the enemies of the Raja, they killed them; bamboo grew in this place; The yogi made two flutes out of him, played so well that he was invited to the raja; the boys jumped out of the flutes, the Raja recognized his sons, awarded yoga]: Bompas 1909:472.

Malaysia-Indonesia. Malays (Jambi) [when he learns that his son will kill him, the king lowers the baby in a box down the river; he is caught, adopted by the King of Siam; he demands that his adoptive father disclose his origin; the real one refuses paternity, his son kills him, returns to Siam]: Anonymous 1845:34-43 in Lessa 196:179; Java [King Pajajaran is predicted that one of his wives will give birth to a son who will remove him from power; when the boy was born, the king ordered him to be lowered in a box along the river; he was picked up and raised by a blacksmith; the boy perfectly mastered the craft of a blacksmith, the king brought him closer to him {not knowing who it was}; at the festival, the young man put the king himself in a box and lowered him down the river, became ruler; (hereinafter about how P.'s other son founded the city and state of Majapahit)]: Backer 1874:71-72 (retelling in Bezemer 1903:173-188, in Lessa 196:178); mentawai [husband says children will be a burden; puts seven sons in a barrel, anchores at sea; cuts boa constrictor, throws pieces into the sea, those they wriggle, the waves imitate them, the sea worries, the barrel is anchored; Sikombut finds it, raises seven boys, the eighth comes out of a slaughtered pig at a party; the brothers are unbearable, they kill guests, the stepfather's brother is killed; the adoptive father asks them to climb a tree, causes the wind, the tree throws them to a distant village; they return, the father assures that he did not want to get rid of them; they secretly make a military boat, sail away; the father throws a harpoon at it to pull it back by the tench; the eighth brother sends the rat seven times to gnaw the tench; the eighth rat has worn off his teeth, but the brothers they send a scorpion against their father; they sail away; S. goes to the moon, he is the Month; three brothers have wives, they follow in an unfinished boat; the brothers throw the pig's jaw at it, the boat goes off course; everything in the sky: the brothers' boat (probably the Pleiades), the rat, the scorpion, the brothers' wives boat (the three stars of the Orion Belt), then the Morning Star rises]: Loeb 1929, No. 12:149-162; Simalur [the fisherman's net caught for a bunch of crocodile eggs; he brings one home as a toy for his son; the egg turns into a boy's twin; to find out which of the two is the son of a crocodile, parents test; the crocodile's son is stronger and hardier; a person who can dive well still lives somewhere]: Koehler 1964:55-57; bataki [the Raja dies, his uncle puts his son Radja Urang mandopa in a box, throws him into the river; the widow catches him, adopts; advises to hide the wings of heavenly maidens coming to swim; he marries this girl]: Pleyte 1894a: 128-130 in Lessa 196:146; tetum [the chief's wife gives birth to a son in his absence with a star on her forehead; it's dark, only the witch neighbor has light; she tells the maid to replace the boy with a pig, hide the baby in the hollow; a year later, the wife gives birth to a boy with a month on her navel, the witch replaces him a puppy; the chief tells his wife to be thrown into a pile of garbage; the witch takes the place of the chief's wife, throws a tree into the river, the poor man finds him, the brothers grow up; the elder Jose goes to travel; at the spring the princess a seven-headed snake guards; the princess promises to marry the one who will free her; J. falls into a well where other young men are already; his younger brother Antonio kills the snake, frees those who have fallen into the well; the brothers release the mother, the father recognizes them, the witch is killed (not specified how exactly)]: Araújo, Pereira Barros 1963.

China - Korea. Koreans: Kim Busik 2001 ("Historical Records of Three States (Samkuk Sagi") by Kim Busik, 1145) [Wang State Wang married the daughter of a female state ruler; after seven years of pregnancy, she gave birth to a large egg; Wang said it should be thrown away, but his wife did not dare to do so wrapped the egg in silk and put the treasure in a box and let it sail; when the box sailed to the mouth of Adolpo Harbour in Jinhan, an old woman opened it and saw a little one there child; she took him up; it was the future ruler of Silla Thalhae]: 79-80; Kontsevich, Riftin 1980 [Tsar Hambalpha marries a princess from Jeonnö, the kingdom of women; she gives birth to an egg, his they go on a boat into the sea, from which the founder of the new kingdom is born]: 47; Seong-nae 2004 (Jeju) [Halmang Paekchu arrived in Jeju, married Soro Socvhon'guk hunter, they started farming; giving his dinner to a passing monk, the SS starved to eat his 99 oxen, including those employed by neighbors; his wife divorced him, he married the daughter of the deities of Mount Halla; HP ate roots, gave birth to an eighth son named Song'guksong; children laugh that he is fatherless; SG finds his father, flutters his beard out of pampering, he tells him to put his son in an iron box, throw him into the sea; the daughters of the Sea King brought the box to his palace, SG married his youngest; SG is voracious, his father-in-law sends him and his wife to the ground; SG defeats enemies led by two- and three-headed leaders, returns with troops to Jeja, reigns there; his parents are fleeing from him, become deities of two local temples]: 62-63; fox (Burma) [the king's youngest wife is furious that the eldest became pregnant; she gave birth to two daughters and a son, the youngest let them down in a box in the river was replaced by three puppies; the king expelled his eldest wife; the old man found the box, the children grew up; when the old man's wife died, he regretted not going for the elixir of immortality; after the death of the teacher the brother goes in search; meets an old man who shows the way to the lake, where the water of immortality, golden and silver trees and birds; a demoness in the guise of a girl calls the young man to her place, eats; the same with the eldest sister; the youngest does not stay with the imaginary girl, drinks and brings water, birds and branches of gold and silver trees; the king (the girl does not know that he is her father) is ill, he is delivered water, he is recovering; the king and his daughter are always young, living somewhere in the Himavant mountains]: Zapadova 1977:159-166.

The Balkans. Ancient Greece [King Acrisius of Argos was told that his daughter Danae's son would kill him. He imprisoned his daughter in an underground copper chamber. Dana is pregnant with her brother and enemy Akrisius Proyt (or Zeus, who came to her in the form of a golden shower). Akrisius stabbed Danae and the born Perseus into a box and threw them into the sea. On Seriphos Island, the box was picked up by a fisherman Dictys and raised Perseus; when P. grew up, brother D. and king of Serif Polydectes fell in love with Danae; he fears P. and decides to send it for on a dangerous mission; P. himself brags that he will bring Gorgon's head; led by Hermes and Athena, P. comes to Graiai, the daughters of Fork (Phorcys); according to Apollodorus, they are Gorgon sisters; P. takes them only for three eyes and a tooth, gives them for a promise to show the way to the nymphs; from the nymphs, P. receives a Hades hat, which makes winged sandals and a bag invisible; with the help of these items cuts off the head of Medusa, the only mortal among the Gorgons; Perseus asks Polydex to gather the people, takes out and shows Gorgon's head, everyone turns to stone; seeks to see Akrisia; King Larissa, dropping the disc at a competition, accidentally kills him in the leg. Not wanting to rule in Argos, P. comes to Tiryth to visit his Uncle Proyt's son and changes with him: Tyrinth takes himself, Argos gives him]: Apol., II.4,1-4 (Apollodorus 1972:28-30); Croon 1955:9-10; Bulgarians : Daskalova-Perkovska et al. 1994, No. 707 [the tsar (who forbade lighting a fire at night) overhears the conversation of three poor sisters working at night (straight); the first two would like to marry the royal servants (blacksmith, coachman, etc.), the youngest is for the king, to give birth to him three wonderful children; gives birth to two boys and a girl (golden-nosed, with sun, month and star, etc.); envious sisters (mother-in-law) replace children, they are lowered in a chest into the sea or river; their mother, the king, orders them to be buried waist-deep in the ground; a miller (sailor, etc.) picks up the chest, saves the children; the king's mother, the old woman persuades his sister to ask her brothers get wonderful objects (a waving tree, a talking bird, a mirror, etc.); without following the old man's advice, the brothers turn into stone; the sister gets objects, revives the brothers (and all the petrified ones); a singing tree or a talking bird tells the king the truth; he returns his wife and children, punishes the guilty], 707C [the king (who did not light the fire at night) overhears the conversation of the three sisters; the first two they promise that if they marry the king, they will do a lot of work (dress an army, weave a huge tent, feed the army with one loaf, etc.); the third promises to give birth to wonderful children (golden braids, a star on his forehead, sun and month, etc.); the king marries all three, but the elders do not fulfill their promises; the youngest gives birth to children; envious sisters (stepmother, listen) replace them with a puppy (puppy and kitten), let them down a chest in the sea or river; the king orders their mother to be buried waist-deep in the ground (on the edge of a garbage dump, locked in a chicken coop, etc.); a miller (fisherman, shepherd, etc.) picks up children; sister is persuaded to ask for a brother get wonderful objects (a singing tree, a magic bird, etc.); with the help of a wonderful horse, the brother gets everything; their mistress, a beauty who turned people into stones, takes possession of them; this beauty (talking tree, bird) tells the whole story to the king or the children themselves tell; the king returns them and their mother, punishes the perpetrators], 707D [the king (who forbade lighting the fire at night) overhears the conversation of the three sisters; the first promises, if she marries the king, to dress his army from one spindle of wool; the second promises to feed the army with one loaf of bread; the third promises to give birth to wonderful children (a girl with golden braids, silver teeth, etc.); the king consistently marries all three; the first two do not fulfill their promises, the third gives birth to wonderful children; envious sisters replace them with a kitten and a puppy (kill them), they bury them in the garden; the king sends his wife to herd geese (ducks), remarries one of the older sisters; buried children turn into wonderful trees (with golden leaves, apples), caress the king's branches, they whip the queen; they cut them down, make a bed, she says that the father is not heavy, his wife is heavy; the bed is burned, the ash grows into a valislek, it is eaten by a sheep, gives birth to golden lambs, they are thrown into the river (well ), they become children again; they tell their story (at this time beads, pearls, money fall from their lips), the king recognizes their children and wife]: 240, 241-244, 244-245; Romanians [woman gave birth, put the child went into a box and let him go down the river; the miller picked him up and raised him; when he reached the age of 18, the young man went on a journey; met his mother and they recognized each other; came to the priest to confess; he refused and the young man killed him; so he killed 99 priests; the hundredth locked him in the church with the lamb that followed him, threw the key into the pond and said that the young man would be confessed when they found the key; once he caught a fish and there was a key in her stomach; unlocked the church; locked with hair to the toes, a lamb next to her; the priest confessed it and he crumbled with a pile of bones]: Bîrlea 1966:454; Romanians [the king banned light a fire in the evenings; the servants found three sisters sitting in the light; the eldest promises to strain his hair for his coachmen, the middle to sew horsemen, the youngest to give birth to two gold-haired sons; the king fulfilled their desires; the elders are envious that they only spin and weave; they replaced the children with puppies; the king ordered his wife to be buried in manure, putting the puppies to her nipples; the children are descended in the box downstream, found and raised by a shepherd ; their mother gave birth to a gold-haired girl a year later, who was also lowered down the river, replaced by a puppy, and was also found by a shepherd; the aunts found out about this, sent it as a sorceress; she told the girl that the horse's feather was Calman will make it even more beautiful; the brothers went in search; there is hay at the well in front of the dog, and the bones in front of the donkey, the brothers changed them; grabbed the feather from the horse's forehead, ran; the owner of the pen tells the dog, the donkey and the well detain the fugitives, but they refuse; the sister stuck the pen in her hair; the brothers and sister came to the king's ball; the sister talks about everything; the king executes the evil sisters, returns his wife and her children]: B₂ rlea 1966:455-456; Moldovans [boyar Marcu Rich tripled his feast; the poor old man was driven away; he slept in a poor house; the hostess hears someone asking him several times at night about his fate another newborn; the third one says that he will get all the MB's property; the woman reports this to the MB; he finds the house where the woman gave birth to her 13th child at this hour, urges him to give it to him a newborn, throws him into the thickets; a childless farmhand picked him up; when MB found out about this, he bought a baby, lowered him down the river in a barrel, he was picked up by workers in a cloth mill; MB asks who does this good cloth, he was told a story about a foundling; MB sends a young man with a letter to his home, ordering him to burn the giver; a bee asks to drive the bear away, in gratitude replaces the letter with an order to marry giver for daughter; when returning, MB sends his son-in-law to the next world for the ring of his deceased mother; on the way, a man sitting in the river and thirsty asks to know how long to suffer; wine from one barrel pours over the edge, the other is dissolved; in the ravine, pop asks for food, a snake comes out of his mouth; at the table, the hungry cannot carry food to their mouths, ask Beelzebub the Ancient how long they will suffer; the soldier the gates of hell asks him to know how long he should stand; the old woman hides the young man, asks Beelzebub; he promises to bring a ring; the thirsty was a cruel and greedy rich man, to suffer forever and ever; But pop Kalach is a cruel and greedy profanity; kegs: there are poor and rich; hungry at the table should feed each other; the guards of hell will soon replace MB; the young man is back, MB went to check the limelight, became Hellguard]: Moldavian Tales 1968:346-360; Albanians [when the young king took power, he forbade lighting the fire the next night; disguised himself, walked around town; overheard three talking sisters; eldest: if the king marries me, a hundred carpet on which all his warriors will fit; middle: I will make a tent; youngest: I will give birth to a son and a daughter with a star on their forehead and a month on their shoulders; the king married everyone three; all three fulfilled their promise, but when the youngest gave birth, the king left, and the sisters told him that his wife had given birth to a cat and a mouse; the king ordered his wife to be placed on the stairs so that no one would spit on her; The sisters put the newborn boy and girl in a box and told the maid to let him go along the river; the box sailed to the mill, the miller and his wife raised children; when dying, the miller tells the young man 14 days later, but not earlier , take the bridle hidden there in the grotto; the young man listened, took the bridle, ordered two horses to appear; they immediately transferred brother and sister to their father's kingdom; the brother started a coffee shop; the king came there and I saw a young man with a star on his forehead; the aunts understood everything, sent the old woman to persuade the girl to ask her brother to bring a flower from the Beauty of the Earth; the young man comes to the lamia, who does not know the way to the Beauty of the Earth, refers to her older sister, she to her oldest; eldest: when you get there, give the lion brains and the lamb grass; they missed the young man, he picked the flower and brought it to his sister; aunts: persuade her to bring a handkerchief The beauty of the Earth; the young man brought; to get the Beauty of the Earth itself; the elder lamia: all her strength is in her ring; he enters the sleeper and takes off the ring from his finger; the Beauty of the Earth went with the young man; the king ordered a feast in the young man's cafe ; the aunts told the servants to put poison in the dishes; but the Beauty of the Earth warned about this; the young man told me everything; the king returned his wife and ordered her sisters to be chopped to pieces]: Dozon 1881, No. 2:7-15; Gagauz people: Moshkov 1904, No. 42 [three sisters came to the spring to rinse their clothes; eldest: if the king's son took me, she would put his troops in a nutshell; middle: she would wrap her entire army with thread; youngest: would give birth to a son with the sun, a daughter with a moon on her head; the prince hears, married the youngest, went to war; the wife gave birth; the gypsy woman let the children into the chest into the river, replaced them with puppies; the husband ordered to bury his wife in the middle of the street to the waist, spit on her and throw stones at her; the miller picked up and raised the children; when they passed by their mother, she told them to take off their hat and handkerchief, everything was lit up; the prince pulled his wife out pits, a gypsy woman was tied to the tails of two horses]: 65-67; Syrf 2013 [the eldest of the shepherd's daughters: if the padishah's son marries me, a hundred carpet that will cover the entire army; medium: I'll bake bread for everything army; youngest: I face a boy with a month on his forehead, a girl with the sun; a padishah's son takes the youngest; leaves with his father; wife gives birth to a girl Gn ("sun"), a boy Ay ("month"); mother-in-law with a sorceress grandmother they write a letter that the wife gave birth to two puppies; the children are lowered into the river in a box, their mother is buried waist-deep in the ground, everyone should beat her and spit on her; the poor picked up the children; they grew up, left, found a home, became live there; the witch grandmother persuades her sister to ask her brother to bring 1) an apple from Dnna Gzeli ("beauty of the world"); the old woman tells her to try bitter apples, praise the taste; drink from a blood spring and pus, praise the water; if DG's eyes are open, then he is sleeping; the brother wraps DG's hair around his arm, makes him say where the apple tree brings apples; 2) the mirror from DG; 3) brought and married DG herself; the young man forgets that when his eyes are closed, DG does not sleep, she turns him into stone; his sister goes to look for him; old woman: grass in front of the wolf, the bone in front of the goat, must be swapped; bitter apples, a spring of blood and pus (like a brother); wrap 99 DG braids around his arm, make his brother revive; she revives 99 men, the girl's hundredth brother, all three come back, the young man meets his father, who has already become a padishah; DG frees the mother of the children, gives the dogs food that the mother-in-law and witch wanted to poison them with; the grandmother was tied to the tails of 40 horses, and 40 knives were stuck in the mother-in-law]: 174-181.

Central Europe. Belarusians [three sisters were picking mushrooms, it rained, they sat under a birch tree, the stream flowed from the rain to the tsar; the servant found the girls, overheard the conversation; one promises to dress, the other to feed the army, the third is to give birth to a son with a month in his forehead, dawns on the back of his head; the king married the last, left, she gave birth, sent a letter, the sisters were replaced (either a dog or a frog; let him go to sea in a barrel); boy got out of the barrel, made a bridge from island to ground, led his mother along it to the king's wedding with another sister; the king takes out the nuts, suggests guessing them; the boy, disguised as a violinist, tells his story; takes off his hat, under it a month, dawns; his mother's sister was torn apart by horses]: Potanin 1891:147-148; Russians (Arkhangelsk or northern Karelia) [a childless old man caught a box, a boy wearing it; named As a waterfin; the king hunted, stayed overnight in the same house; two women came: his grandmother and godmother; she says to V. that he will marry the princess and sit on the royal throne; the king bought V. from old men, raised; he wants to marry the king's daughter; king: go to Grandfather Vseved, bring three golden hairs; on the way, the carrier asks what should be done to stop being a carrier; gardener, why the garden has dried up; the man at the well, why there is no longer living and dead water in it; V. came to the godmother, she lives with Grandfather Vseved, and this Grandfather is the sun; she consistently pulls out a hair and asks questions; let the carrier jump out when someone gets into the boat; there is a frog under the roots in the garden; the well should be deepened; V. received an award from the owners of the well and garden; when he returned and told the tsar, he went himself; became a carrier, and V. married his daughter and became tsar]: Razumova, Senkina 1987:50-54; Russians (Tomsk Province) [the Tsarevich overhears the conversation of three girls, marries the youngest; his wife gave birth to three gold-handed boys; Yagishna replaces them each time with a kitten, a puppy, a son Korosta; the prince ordered them to be thrown into the sea in a barrel; K. comes out of the barrel, secretly comes with merchants, Y. overhears Y.'s story about three gold-armed boys imprisoned by a bear, frees them, brings them to their mother, gets a hog and a cat walking on a pole; the prince returns his wife and sons, Y. shot at the gate]: Potanin 1891:150-151; Russians [(according to Afanasiev 1861, five options); younger sister will give birth to 3, or 7 (3+3 +1), or 9 sons; previously born boys are replaced by kittens and puppies, the latter is a simple child; he falls into a barrel with his mother, frees his brothers, restores his mother to her former status; merchants or beggars find mother and son; a conversation between the king and the queen is transmitted through beggars or the hero himself in the form of a fly, mosquito, bee flies to the king; getting unusual items; getting brothers or meeting them]: Potanin 1891:152; Ukrainians (Transcarpathia) [the king sent his son to choose a wife; he met three girls; one promises to sew clothes from one hemp for a whole army; the other to bake bread for the whole army from one ear; the third to give birth to two gold-haired boys; the prince married a third; the prince left, komorna (maid?) buried the babies in the mud, replaced them with puppies; the prince orders his wife to be buried chest deep in the ground in the doorway; opening the doors passing by her beat; married the maid's daughter; two sycamores grew out of the baby; wife prince {hereinafter referred to as the tsar; presumably, the prince reigned after the death of his father} tells them to cut them down, make beds for himself and her husband; at night he hears the brothers' conversation: it's easy for one, his father, and the other's hard, there is a female girl on it; she tells me to burn the beds; the shepherd prepared salt for the sheep, the coals fell into salt; the sheep gave birth to two gold-fleece lambs; the queen tells them to be slaughtered, sent the maids to wash their guts, two bunks {what this?} went with the flow; the woman picked it up, they became gold-haired boys; they came to their father, began to tell a fairy tale, that is, their story; they put peas on the bed; as they told, peas bounced in front; the mother of the young men was released, the maid and her daughter were torn apart by horses; the tsar, queen and their sons are still alive if they did not die]: Day 1981:88-98; Ukrainians [seeing the prince, first the girl promises to feed everyone one cow of bread, the second - to sew clothes for the entire army from one arshin cloth, the third - to give birth to 12 golden-haired sons; the king married a third, went to war; the midwife replaced her golden-haired son with a dog and threw her into the well; the second time she replaced her with a toad, the third time with a dry and ill baby; the king ordered his wife and her offspring to be put in a barrel and thrown into the sea; when they got ashore, Pesinsky, Zhabinsky and Sukhinsky are building a house and a bridge to another kingdom; they are mining a golden apple tree with golden and silver apples, a wonderful wild boar that can grow bread; playing with an apple, three golden-haired boys are lured out of the well; after learning about miracles from salt merchants, the tsar executes the midwife and returns his wife]: Chubinsky 1878, No. 9:40-45.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Abkhazians [Bagdazhov sheltered three sisters whose relatives died; the eldest replied that she would make clothes for her husband's entire family from the wool of one ram; the middle one would feed her with a bottle of vodka and a loaf all her husband's guests; the youngest will give birth to golden and silver twins; B. joined the army, his wife gave birth to a boy and a girl, the sisters persuaded the old woman to replace them with puppies, the children were lowered in a jug along the river; B. ordered his wife to be left tied up at a crossroads; the old man noticed two children sucking goat milk, raised them; the sisters and the old woman found out that the old woman persuaded the young man to marry the prince's daughter, whose gaze turns it into stone; the prince ordered to fill the jug with tears, the jug is filled, the prince gave his daughter; the young man's sister is also married; his wife knows everything, told him to untie the woman, bring her to her; they all came to guests in B. said that they would eat what was cooked in words, not on fire; people began to speak, the water was cold; B.'s son told their story, the meat was cooked; the old woman and sisters of B.'s wife were thrown into the fire]: Shakryl 1975, No. 71:322-326; Abaza [stepmother tells her husband to drive out three stepdaughters; the old man dug a hole in the forest, led his daughters to pick pears, daughters fell into a hole; the youngest dreamed that it was necessary to dig a hole wall, they dug a way into the khan's cellar; the eldest says she can make clothes for hundreds of people, the middle one can feed them, the youngest can give birth to twins with gold and silver hair; the khan has left, his wife has given birth a gold-haired girl and a silver-haired boy; the sisters persuaded the slave to replace the twins with puppies, lower the children in a barrel along the river; the khan ordered his wife to be sewn into a bull's skin, leave her with the puppies at the fork roads; brother and sister got out of the barrel and began to live; the khan met his son in the mosque, the sisters guessed it, sent the slave to persuade the gold-haired woman to ask her brother to get 1) the gold-haired Dshahyaka scallop; The one who uttered her name three times turned into stone; the young man carried the scallop while D. was sleeping; 2) D. (same; sister sees a suffering mother in the mirror but does not know who she is); 3) D. (same, apple trees with golden fruits grew around the hut); 4) D. herself; her brother called out to her, petrified, her sister saw it in the mirror, said D. that she was more beautiful than her, she agreed, her brother came to life, married D. told the story of the twins; their mother was returned, her sisters and slave were tied to the tails of horses]: Tugov 1985, No. 67:201-205; Adygs: Aliyeva 1978, No. 29 [the eldest, middle daughters refuse to remove from their father legs, the youngest takes off; shares apples with the elders; the father digs a hole in the apple tree, masks it with a carpet, the daughters fall through; if they wish, the pit opens, food appears; the eldest promises to cook the khan clothes for one hundred riders, the middle one is to feed 50, the youngest to give birth to a son and daughter, half white gold, the other yellow; the khan leaves, the sisters replace the children with puppies, throw them into the river; the khan orders to put wife in bull skin, tied to the gate; hogouache dogs (PH, river mistress) took the children; attached mother sees her children come out of the water, sit on a stone; asks a passing woman to give her torment, does one cake with breast milk, the other on water, asks to leave it on stone; the boy gets a cake with milk, the girl gets a cake with water; when he learns that the children have eaten cakes, PH says that they cannot become her children, lets him go ashore; the poor man finds a home in the forest, the sisters of the khan's wife do not tell him; persuade his sister to ask his brother to get an unusual pigeon; PH teaches to call sour pears sweet, two take with you; call the muddy river transparent, praise the sands; the young man grabs the pigeon, the owner orders to keep the kidnapper, the sands, the river, the pear refuse; the sisters of the khan's wife persuade his sister to advise brother to marry Irish-Irish-Kahn; PH says that she turns those who come to her into stones; the young man is stony; her sister goes, A. looks around at her third shout, everyone comes to life; feast; the young man goes to Khan Father in guests on the condition that he untie the woman at the gate; angry dogs (these are the puppies thrown up) are friendly with him; the khan returns his wife, ties her sisters to horses; since then, princes and khans have not divorced wives]: 238-243; Karashev 1957 [three daughters are naughty, the father digs a hole in the forest, lures his daughters with apples, daughters fall into a hole; the prince's companions find them; the eldest promises to sew clothes for the retinue prince, middle - to feed everyone, the youngest to give birth to a son with the sun and moon on her forehead, a daughter with golden hair; Pshi marries the youngest, marries the elders to her bakols; in the absence of pshi, sisters are abandoned newborns in the river are replaced by puppies; millet tells his wife to be buried waist-deep in the ground at a crossroads, putting puppies to their breasts; the owner of the river raises children; when they grow up, sends them to the ground; millet finds them, brings them to her place; aunts persuade her sister to ask her brother to get 1) beautiful Su-Isuret's golden bird; 2) her own mirror; 3) herself; he steals objects; asks SI to marry him, she turns him into stone, he manages to call the mistress of the waters, she spells him, he takes SI away; SI sees a woman buried to the waist in the mirror; everyone goes to free her; dogs let only her children in; evil sisters are tied to the tails of seven horses]: 210-220; Balkarians [three daughters persuaded the widower to marry again; the eldest advised to take a red-haired and gray-eyed one; after learning about this, the obur (witch) changed her appearance, the man married her; she began to tyrant her stepdaughters, persuaded her husband to dig a hole in the forest under the apple tree; only the eldest daughter agreed to scratch her father's back and found an apple; his sisters they tasted and wanted more; their father brought them to the apple tree, they failed, he covered the hole with earth; the khan hunted and found sisters; the eldest promised to give birth to a son with golden teeth and hair, the middle one promised to sew overnight clothes for all servants, the youngest to make a golden saddle; the khan leaves; if you shake the silver bridle, his horse will hear and come running; the bur plugged the horse's ears, threw the born children into the river, changed puppies; the khan ordered his wife to be put on oxskin, no one cares about her and trample on her; the su-anasa fed a boy and a girl in the river; the mother found out that her children were coming out of the river, gave the woman her milk, asked them to bake the cakes and leave them on the shore; the children liked it; the sou-anasy said that the cakes were made with their mother's milk; explained everything; brother and sister came to the city; the khan ordered them to be brought to him, served them beer; a young man gave beer to a ram; Khan: does a ram drink beer? young man: can a woman give birth to puppies? told everything; showed golden teeth as proof; the khan ordered to cut off the head, returned his wife]: Baranov 1897, No. 6:28-34; Ossetians: Abayev et al. 1957 [young Batradz and his peer shepherd see how fire-eyed Soslan and Juandon's son Urag come out of the sea; they are invited to play with; the sons of the Month, Afsati (animal owner), Falwar (patron saint of goats and sheep), Uatsil; S. and W. they win the shooting, take away the hats of B. and other boys; Syrdon advises them to turn to Satan; she advises shaving Uryzmag on the shore with his left hand with the blunt side of the razor; S. comes out of the sea to teach how you have to shave; he is slightly wounded in the head with a razor, after which he can no longer return to sea; everyone in the village of sledges welcomes S.]: 189-194; Libedinsky 1978 [(a brief retelling of the main episode in Tuite 1998:329); Khamyts meets a hunter boy of incredible strength; he is from the Bycent family, relatives of the Donbettyrs, they live underground, the entrance is through an anthill; H. comes to Bycent with sledges for the promised the boy is the bride of Bytsenon; this is a frog; at X.'s house she turns into a girl at night; despite the prohibition of B., H. brings her in her pocket to a meeting of sledges; Syrdon laughs at him; B. cannot tolerate ridicule, returns to his world, blowing a conceived child into a tumor on H.'s back; when Satana cuts the tumor, the red-hot steel baby Batradz jumps out, jumps into the sea; he is raised by the Donbettyrs; when the Nart boys play in winter, B. comes out from under the ice, beats them, taking all the alchiki; S. teaches how to catch B.; Uryzmaga shaves on the seashore; B. spies, wants to be shaved too; after When his hair is thrown into the sea, he goes with sledges, settles with his father H.; easily defeats young men in archery; performs feats; only God kills him]: 294-303; Miller 1881, No. 10 [Rostom Khan had a mistress, he went to her on horse-wind; his wife quietly sat behind her husband, killed her rival; when she died, she asked to take the child out; R. took a child named Amiran out of her stomach, left into the water; R. fell ill with grief; he had sons Badri and Russia; they were fishing; a pretty boy jumped out of the water and began to play on the surface of the sea; R. taught his sons to catch him; let one sit on on the shore, and the other will shave him not along but across; you have to touch the boy's head with a razor when he approaches to teach him how to shave properly; when A. is caught, he was locked behind seven iron doors, so that he would not hear the noise of the enemies in charge of the house - Voyugov and Gumirov; he heard, cut down enemies; only Avtsaron Pascondi remained; A. cut down his 6 heads, but the seventh remained and the AP flew to heaven; together with with the brothers A. went to fight the snake Zariag-Kalm; let himself be swallowed, cut himself from the inside, came out all shabby; did not receive the field he wanted from the brothers, and left; Woyugi and Gumirs became rulers again; the brothers put on copper shoes, took iron staffs, went to look for A.; returned them, but on the way back, AP took the brothers to heaven; A. killed a sea bull, climbed into its skin; AP carried the skin with A. inside to heaven; persuaded the brothers to tell AP as if they had a dream: A. tore off his head; he rushed at them and A. killed him; the brothers went down to the ground by rope; A. again forced Voyugov and Gumirov to pay tribute]: 145-147; Karachai residents: Aliyeva 1994, No. 104 [the shepherd Yorebash swam across the river, met with the maid Kirs-Biyche; she gave birth to a boy, put it in a chest, threw him into the river; the fisherman Badinat picked him up, his wife pretended to give birth to Rachikau; R. grows up killing the seven-headed emegen that blocked the river], 106 [Sojuk became pregnant with a maid; she threw the child into the water to catch him fisherman Bödene; his wife was sister S.; the boy was named Racicau; one woman reproaches him for offending her son, says he was found in the water; R. asks his mother to fry corn, squeezes mother's hand, she admits that he was found in the water, that his father has a three-legged horse; R. comes to the sledges; Malicious Gilyastyrkhan calls sledges; Malevolent Gilyastyrkhani, she admits that he was found in the water that the father has a three-legged horse; R. his son is a maid, hides in the fortress; R. pretends to be dead, lies for three months, the servants say that the body is rotten; ZG comes up, R. comes to life, cuts off the top of his head; ZG makes a copper patch on his skull; R. decides to die because he does not have the power of lightning]: 506-507, 511-513; Ingush [stepmother disliked three stepdaughters, their father left them in the forest; they were found by the prince; they were found by the prince; one said that she would sew clothes for 60 warriors overnight, the second that she would feed them wheat from thimble, and the third that she would give birth to a boy with the sun in his forehead, a month between his shoulder blades; the prince passed off his older sisters as his close associates, married his youngest; the elders sent a witch to the younger one, she put the puppies, threw the boy to the sheep; then horses; he sucked milk, rode animals; the witch threw him in a chest in the river was picked up by a woman; the boy's mother was placed with the puppies in a chicken coop; the witch told the prince that one boy could bring a stallion like a tiger; he pacifies the horse, the horse teaches him to fall to his chest a deva woman, she does not eat him; the prince orders to bring the girl; the horse warns that those who approach her are stony; he begins to stone, but the girl goes with him; previously petrified ones come to life; the girl tells the prince the truth; the prince returns his wife, two sisters and a witch are tied to the tail of a tiger stallion]: Malsagov 1983, No. 4:44-47; Kumyks [father agrees to take a new wife only if required under the roof, the leather boot will rot; she finds out if her boot is rotting, getting married; tells me to get rid of three stepdaughters; the father digs a hole in the forest, they fall into it; they dig an underground passage to the khan's stables; the khan asks what a gift everyone has; the eldest promises to sew clothes for forty riders, the average to cook for forty guys from rice poured into the shell of eggs, the youngest to give birth to a son with a golden tuft, a daughter with with a moon-like forehead; the elders cannot fulfill their promises without the help of the youngest; the youngest gives birth, the sisters put their children in a chest, descend them down the river, replace her with puppies; the khan orders her to be wrapped in skin, put in doors; the fisherman picked up the chest, the girl Suvsar and her brother Tabulda ("foundling") grew up; the khan meets him; the sisters guess who he is, send the old woman to persuade S. to ask T. to bring a wonderful branch wood and wonderful water; T. comes to the palace, there is meat in front of the horse, hay in front of the dog, he changes it; praises thorns, lubricates the gate, takes away the branch and water, the gate, etc., refuses it hold; a watered, wonderful tree grows; the old woman says to ask T. to get the beautiful Karachach; T. calls K., begins to stone, after the third hail K. comes out, T. and previously petrified come to life; in the house of T. and S. K. burned an old woman who came in the stove; T. comes to the khan, offers a wooden pigeon to eat; says that a woman cannot give birth to a puppy either; Khan comes to K., she explains everything; Khan has figured out how to take K away . son; K. throws him off glass mast; mother T. and S. washed, her sisters wrapped in cow skins, T. was chosen khan]: Ganiyeva 2011b, No. 53:479-488; Dargins: Ganiyeva 2011b, No. 28 [eldest the sister promises to feed the village with one sakha flour, the middle one promises to sew half a meter of satin for everyone, the youngest promises to give birth to Talkhana a boy with a golden pigtail, the moon on one side, the sun on the other; talkhan takes her as a wife, leaves, his first wife orders him to give birth in the chimney, replaces the boy with two puppies, throws the boy in a chest into the sea; invites the returning Talkhan to sew his new wife in the skin of a cow, put it in doors to wipe his feet on her; he does so; the sea grandmother raised a boy; he hunts, comes to Talkhan, his stepmother recognizes him, pretending to be sick, asks her husband to get 1) rejuvenating honey-oil tree; a marine grandmother tells a tree to throw oatmeal and bagels at the tree; a young man brings a tree; 2) a cat playing the zurna; a marine grandmother says that the cat lives on rough rocks , you have to hit the rocks with a whip; the young man brings a cat, the rocks only cut off the hairs from the horse's tail; 3) the girl Artz-Izdag ("arts" is silver); sea grandmother: whoever calls her is stony; we must first mention a golden pigtail, then the moon and the sun; AI goes with him, 40 previously petrified sledges come to life, AI carries wealth with him; a young man makes wax dolls; tells his father that just as dolls can't eat, a woman cannot eat can give birth to puppies; the father ties his eldest wife to the tail of the mare, tells him to overcook, grind the bones, the boy's mother scattered them downwind, the young man marries AI]: 281-284; Osmanov 1963 [Shah goes to check, not Does anyone light the light at night; outside an orphan girl's house, she hears three times how she promises to give birth to the Shah a gold-haired boy and a silver-haired girl; the Shah marries, leaves, tells the nukers to hang a red flag if promised children will be born, and black, if ordinary; the first wife tells you to replace children with puppies, throw children in a box into the river; the shah tells you to sew the young wife in buffalo skin, throw it at the doorstep, wipe it on her legs, don't care about her; a childless miller caught a box; a grown-up girl tells him to buy calico at the bazaar, embroiders a handkerchief with silver and gold hair, sends his brother to sell it; the Persian gives huge money, brother and sister go to the edge of town, build a palace better than Shah's; the elder wife sends a sorceress 1) to persuade the girl to ask her brother to get a special tree; the horse says it's behind the wall, guarded by fire-breathing dragons; the dragon king gives a tree; 2) get his brother an overseas wife; a sea horse carries a young man, he hits the beautiful woman with a golden whip, she wakes up, leaves with him; the vizier tells the Shah the truth, he returns his wife and children, his eldest wife was rotted in prison]: 97-102 (=Kapiyeva 1991:120-125; =Mazaev, Kasumov 1997 (1): 349-354); Lezgins [stepmother tells her husband to get rid of three stepdaughters; the father digs a hole, covers it with a cape, puts beads on it, the girls fall through; they turn their hands into a spade, a pickaxe, a shovel, dig a way to the padishah's stable; he passes them off as three of his own sons; the eldest promises to weave a carpet, the average one to cook pilaf, the youngest to give birth to a girl with a golden tuft, a boy with mother-of-pearl teeth; the sisters offer her to give birth to a chimney above the hole, change children puppies, lowered into the river in a chest; the padishah orders to wrap the woman in dog skin, tie her at the door instead of a dog; the old woman caught the chest, the children grew up; came to the new wedding of the Shah's youngest son, they threw not bones, but meat to the dog; everything was clarified, the dog wife was washed and changed clothes, her sisters were put on an oath and set on fire]: Ganiyeva 2011b, No. 54:491-494; Udins [the poor man decided to kill his daughters, He sent the two eldest to the forest for apples, the youngest followed, they did not find apples, they got lost; the elders offered to urinate, whoever had frothy urine would be eaten; they threw their soil; the youngest asked to leave for a while, found a cave with horses, raisins, dried apricots; the young king asks the sisters what they can do; the eldest promises to weave a carpet, it will fit the whole army; the middle king asks the entire army with pilaf, eggs cooked in shell; the youngest is to give birth to a son and daughter, the son will fall off his head gold, the daughter will have silver; the sisters ask the midwife to replace the children with puppies; the king orders to bury his wife waist-deep, passers-by don't care about her; the children were thrown into the canal, picked them up, raised by a miller; the aunts sent the midwife to ask the girl to be a maid; she persuades her to ask her brother 1) to bring a talking salb tree; a young man pulls a thorn out of the leg of a seven-headed maiden, who helps to get a tree; 2) marry Shahsanam (dev helps again); the king calls brother and sister to him, young man reveals the truth to him, the king frees his wife, her sisters and old woman are tied to the tails of horses]: Dirr 1904:96-99; Swans [the king has three daughters, his wife is dead, he took another, she tells him to get rid of scoundrels; the king found an apple tree in the steppe, brought an apple to his daughters; they asked them to be brought to the apple tree; the king dug a hole there, covered it with a carpet, the daughters failed; the sisters ate apples, they ran out, but the youngest hid it; these were over; the eldest wanted to eat her, but the youngest turned her hands into a shovel and an iron-tipped stick; they dug a passage into the tin house; there the servants feed the royal horses boiled wheat; sisters eat everything, horses lose weight, the king executes servants; the witch doctor orders to guard; the sisters are caught, the king wants one of them to marry his son; the eldest: a hundred carpet so that the king and all subjects have a bed and veil; middle: I will drink wine to the king and the people; youngest: I will give birth to a son and a daughter {then we are talking only about a son}, so that their lower and upper halves are golden; this sister was given for the prince; the older sisters abandoned children born into the river were replaced by puppies; the king tied the bride to a stump at a fork in three roads; let everyone spit in her eyes; the children were picked up by a priest who owned the mill; the priest raised young man, he is the best hunter; his mother's sisters understood who he was; advised the priest to send the young man to Elbrus for a golden apple tree; divas on the way, petrified to the waist; says that everyone is so stony; we must remember his mother's nipples; the young man thought about them, brought an apple tree; the divas chased the young man, but that divas drove them away; the sisters advise asking the young man to bring a mirror from Elbrus; everyone was stony, and the young man remembered the nipples mother and brought a mirror; sisters: to kidnap the wife of the Western sovereign; the young man came to the tower, where the king's daughter; the king will give her if the fruits in the garden are ripe by morning; the princess orders them to put a stick in the ground and pour water over them, in the morning a tree with fruit; king: jump across the sea, build churches everywhere so that all the bells would ring; the princess gave a towel, she created everything; tame the horse; the horse: order an iron hammer and beat the horse with it; recognize the bride among her sisters (she will have a ring on her finger); the princess tells her to run, the king sent an army; the princess turned the young man into a monk, a horse into a church, herself into an icon; arrived to the tsar-father; the mother of the young man released, sisters executed]: Nizheradze 1890, No. 1:176-187; Megrelians [Tsar Jiki has three daughters; he spent all his fortune on their upbringing and training and died; they went on a journey, came to Prince Kucha; he asks what everyone was taught; the eldest: to weave fabrics from a bundle of silk threads into an entire army; middle: from a bundle of woolen threads; weave a dress for all the inhabitants of the kingdom; youngest: give birth to golden children; K. married his youngest, went to war; his wife gave birth to a golden boy; her sisters threw him into a well, replaced him with a puppy; K. forgave his wife; the next time his wife gave birth to a girl, her replaced with a kitten; K. ordered his wife to be buried up to the neck in the church yard, let everyone hit her on the head with sticks; the wife's sisters pulled the boy out of the well, put her in a box with the girl, let her into the river; a box carried to sea, washed ashore; childless old people picked up; the boy was named Alexey, the girl Magdana; A. realized that the old people were not their parents; brother and sister came to the kingdom of K.; M. had a handkerchief that created fortress, A. knows how to predict the future; K. sends to find out where the fortress came from, no one can enter; the old woman pretended to be a beggar, persuaded M. to tell her brother as if she had seen in a dream: Princess Changuri , the daughter of King Changi of the Changet State sits between the red and white seas in a golden cage on the sixth floor of the palace; whoever jumps over the fence and removes the cage will receive C. as his wife; when leaving, A. said that if he dies, his dress will fall off the hanger, and if the horse dies, the saddle will fall; A. reached C., but she ordered his horse to be petrified first and then to him; the dress and saddle fell, M. followed his brother's footsteps; the old man (this is Father C.): You must hug your petrified brother and shout so loudly that he will come to life and C. will come out of the cage; as it happened; Father C. gave him a box fulfilling requests; A. came to a feast with K. his aunts gave him poison, but he left it to the dog; the next day A. called the kings to his place, told the box to set the table; told the whole story; mother A. and M. were opened, her sisters tied to the tails of wild horses ]: Gachava et al. 1890:24-32; Armenians [three royal sons heard three sisters talking; one promises her future husband to bake bread like the king did not try, the other to weave a carpet on which the king did not even try sat, the third to give birth to a son with a golden little finger and a daughter with golden curls; the princes marry these girls; the older sisters did not keep their word, the youngest gave birth, the sisters, out of envy, replaced the children with puppies; Having received lime, the younger prince orders to wrap his wife in buffalo skin, put her in the square; anyone who passes by must spit on her and hit her on the head with a hammer; the children were thrown into the sea in a chest, the fisherman caught him; the children grew up, went to look for their parents; the brother met his father and entourage, who by that time had become king; the king calls to the palace, the sister advises not to go there; orders to let those caught by his brother go He released the little fish; for this, the king of fish, Genie, brought him to his palace, offered to reward him; the young man asked his daughter for his wife and a ring that made it possible to understand the language of the fish; D. ordered not to take his wife to sea, otherwise she will run away; the girl's sisters found out, persuaded the old woman to advise her brother to get guri peri as a maid; the old man advises to hide the clothes of one of the girls swimming in the sea, run immediately; if The stalker sprinkles water on him, he will become petrified; the young man looked around, sprayed, petrified; his sister went, did not look back, began to beat guri peri, made him revive his brother; the young man took his wife to sea, she sailed away; the fish said that she was in her father's castle in the Blue Mountains; the young man came to her with a ring, she agreed to return; when the king came, the daughter of King D. told her husband that it was his father; taught her to go to her mother, still standing in the square, she will put roses, say that even a mule cannot give birth to puppies, and the king believed that a woman gave birth to them; the sisters were executed, the queen was returned]: Nazinyan 2014:51-56; Azerbaijanis (Borchalinsky County, Tiflis Province) [the widow fisherman is married, the stepmother orders to take three stepdaughters to the forest; the sisters decide to eat the one who falls behind on the run, but the youngest digs a way to the royal stable, where horses are fed raisins; Shah Abbas is surprised why horses are losing weight; the courtier caught the girls; the eldest replies that he can weave a carpet on which the army can fit, the middle one can cook eggs in their shells scrambled eggs for all troops, the youngest will give birth to two children with gold and silver hair; SHA marries the youngest; the wife gives birth to a boy Ibrahim and a girl Gullizar; the witch advises older sisters to let them down children in a box along the river, replaced by puppies; SHA tells him to poke out his wife's eyes, throw it into a hole, give a piece of bread and a mug of water a day; the Bogomolets caught the box, saved the children; dying, ordered them to go up the river; the gardener takes the children to him; they knit bouquets, SHA is happy, calls the boy to him, talks to him; the aunts are in a panic; the witch persuades G. to ask his brother to get 1) talking, singing a tree (pulled out from root, brought); 2) a bird that translates the words of a tree (brings); 3) marry the daughter of King Guria; the king of demons gives a flying carpet, a stick (hit a stump that blocks the road), an invisible hat (they will be ordered to enter a hot bath, you have to become invisible, hide), a tablecloth (they will order to eat 40 pilaf boilers, the tablecloth will eat everything); SHA invites I., that: eat, my sleeves; SHA: how can sleeves eat? I.: Can a woman give birth to puppies? The Tsar executed his wife's sisters]: Bogoyavlensky 1899, No. 11:95-104; Turks: Borovkov 1938 [the padishah forbade burning the fire for three nights, three sisters worked, lit it, the courtiers advised to eavesdrop; the eldest wants to marry an economist, eat plenty, the average for a tailor, dress well, the youngest is a padishah to give birth to children whose tears turn into pearls, and if they laugh, roses fall; sisters ask to help the old woman, she puts two puppies on the woman in labor, throws her son and daughter in a box on the river bank; the padishah tells her to bury his wife waist-deep, does not care about her; the gardener finds children, gives the padishah roses; sisters they guess, they send their grandmother, she threatens the gardener with the anger of the Shah, who takes the children to the cave, feeds them with a doe; the boy sells pearls; the old woman persuades his sister to ask his brother 1) bring a bush Dilryukyush-khanim; 2) her own mirror; 3) her own; her brother is attached to the giantess's chest, she helps; those who come to D. turn into stones, the young man has almost turned, D. revived him and others, became his wife, she is Peri's daughter; D.'s servant is a giant Of, one lip drags along the ground, the other rises to heaven; D. cured her husband's mother, told everyone what happened, the Shah kissed his wife and children, forgave his wife's sisters]: 120- 135; Stebleva 1986, No. 72 [the padishah forbade lighting a fire; three orphan sisters violate the ban, they must work; if the padishah married her, the eldest would weave a carpet on which the army would sit and that's it residents; the average would cook a pilava cauldron, it would be enough for everyone; the youngest would give birth to a boy with a month and a girl with the sun in her forehead; the padishah hears this, tells them to bring sisters; the older two admit that only wanted to marry, were sent to a goose stable; the youngest became the wife of the padishah, gave birth to the promised children; the sisters tell the midwife to lower the babies in the chest down the river, the mother to put puppies; the padishah tells bury his wife at a fork in the road, no one cares about her face; the old dervish found children; when he died, he left them a ring (wearing a willing arap), a skin and a whip (if you sit on the skin, hit them with a whip, the arap will take you anywhere or destroy what is ordered); brother and sister are transported to a fork in the roads in the country of the padishah; their mother's sisters find out about this, send a midwife to persuade their sister, so that she asks her brother to bring 1) a poplar with playing leaves; the arap brings to the borders of that country, teaches her to politely treat the half-blind Balkis Khan, she sends to the Nailan, the young man grabs the poplar, N. does not manages to turn the person who came into stone, B. does not detain him, because he was kind to her; 2) a bird from that tree (the same; you have to drink it from a source of blood and a source of pus, praise her, they do not delay kidnapper); but the tree does not play, the bird does not sing; 3) the owner of the poplar; the young man picked up the Zumranka bird that had fallen from the nest; their mother spat in the water he had prepared for him to die of poison, but the chicks explained that he helped them; Z. poured water, gave 4 feathers; N. gradually turns the young man into stone, but he burns feathers one by one; after the fourth, he is alive again; N. returns with him by his wife; calls the padishah to visit, tells him to put a golden spoon in his pocket, accuses him of stealing; just as the padishah could not steal the spoon, the woman could not give birth to puppies; the padishah tells his wife to open and buy children return, execute wife's sisters and midwife at the top of the mountain]: 293-299; Kurds: Jalil et al. 1989, No. 5 [dervish tells the childless padishah to eat an apple in half with his wife, the wife will give birth to twins, one the dervish will take it for himself; at the age of seven, Hasan recognizes the dervish as the father, Hussein as the padishah; the dervish burns Hasan in tandoor; Hussein finds skulls, the last one Hasan; one of the skulls explains what to do; Huseyn pushes the dervish into a tandoor, people are reborn from skulls; Hussein marries the daughter of a padishah; she does not tell him to ride in a big mountain; the gazelle lures him into a cave, turns into a girl, kills him with iron with a rod; Hasan is indistinguishable from Huseyn, comes to his wife, but puts a sword between himself and his wife; hits the girl with a rod, brings her brother to life, the girl Gelafruz is disgraced, Hasan takes her as his wife; brothers their wives go to their father; on the way, Hussein kills enemies alone; Hasan is jealous (he is almost the son of a dervish), throws his brother into a hole, takes his wife; lions feed Hussein, caravans raise him out of the hole; daughter The padishah buys it; her father finds out, tells him to throw him in a barrel into the river; the miller finds him, adopts him; Hussein smashes his father's army, they do not recognize each other; the unrecognized Hussein comes to the wedding his wife with the son of the vizier, defeats the groom, kills Hasan, opens to his father]: 80-89; Rudenko 1970, No. 25 [the merchant asks the shepherd Ahmad to send his wife to him to wash; takes the woman; A. transports two young sons across the river; one was carried away by a wolf, the other went with the flow; the first was picked up by a shepherd, the second by a miller; after the death of the padishah, a bird was released, it sat on A.'s head, he was made a padishah; young men, a merchant and his wife, come to his palace, tell their stories; a merchant is executed]: 53-56; the Hittites [Queen of Canes gave birth to 30 sons in one year; filled the pots with sewage, put them there She let them go down the river; the river brought them to the Sea of Tsalps; the gods took the children from the sea and raised them; then the queen gave birth to 30 daughters, raised them herself; the sons came to Nesa, did not recognize their mother, she gave them daughters as wives; when everyone but the last one had already spent the night with the sisters, the latter recognized his sister and said that it was not legal to marry sisters]: Ivanov 1977:35-36.

Iran - Central Asia. Shahname [gozur (the one who washes clothes) picks up a box in the river containing jewelry and a baby; his wife has just died her son, they have begun raising an adopted child, they named Darob; he wants to be a warrior, not to work, feels that his parents are not relatives; they tell him the truth; he leaves, becomes a great warrior; his mother, Queen Humoy, received the throne from her deceased husband; scared that her son would grow up and remove her from power, so she lowered him down the river; now she identified him, repented him, enthroned him]: Ulug-zoda 1989:275-281; Persians (Kerman) [father asks for three daughters make a sorbet; girls cook, eat their share; at night, two older sisters eat their father's share, fill the bowl with mud and garbage; the father says nothing, leaves his daughters in the desert; when he leaves, he says that he will wash his hands, hangs his wineskin so that water slowly flows out of it; when everything has flowed out, the girls came up, the father is gone; the prince met them, brought them home, made the youngest wife, tells her the eldest serve; they are jealous; they replaced the golden-haired boy and the moon-faced girl born by their sister with puppies, the box with the children was thrown into the river; the prince orders to tie his wife at the crossroads to a stone pole, those who pass by do not care about her; the healer caught the box, raised the children, sent her to school to the mullah; when passing by the woman, the children throw pink petals at her; she cries for the first time: these are my children; prince Finds out, the midwife confirms her words; he asks the older sisters what to do with an angry woman; they think it's about their sister; sew an angry dog in her legs and tie a horse's tail; The prince did this to them, returned his wife and children]: Lorimer, Lorimer 1919, No. 10:58-62; Uzbeks [the padishah met three peri while hunting; the first replied that she could sew a robe from rose petals, the second remove the pattern from the heavenly bird, the third to give birth to a son with a golden pigtail; the padishah passed off the first two as viziers, married the third himself; the first asked the old woman to replace the boy with two puppies, the padishah ordered throw his wife and puppies into the zindan; the old woman threw the child in the desert, the steppe doe fed him; the boy wandered into the palace, the old woman put him in a chest, threw him into the river; the fisherman caught him, raised him; the padishah notices him hunting; the old woman tells him that the padishah will take him to the palace if he 1) gets a gulikakhkah flower; the man guarding the dream of the divas hides the young man, shows where the flowers grow; 2) 40 cauldrons who cook different dishes; the old man teaches to tell 40 divas to carry 40 boilers; 3) a mirror in which the whole world is visible; the dragon under the plane tree is ready to eat chicks, the old man teaches him to kill him by hitting him on the forehead with a stone; a grateful bird brings the young man to heaven, teaches him to take away the shepherd's staff, the mirror in it, leaves its feathers; the padishah enters the young man's house, everything opens; the wives answer that they do not want a knife, but 40 mares; them and the old woman was tied to the tails of horses, appointed the fisherman by the padishah as a vizier, gave the throne to his son, freed him by his mother; the young man sees the daughter of another padishah in the mirror, burns feathers, the bird appears, brings him to the top of the minaret to the girl, brings them back; wedding]: Afzalov et al. 1972 (2): 59-64; Shugnans [the vizier hears the older sister promises to feed the city with a mug of flour, the average one to dress everyone if will receive yarn for a piece of cloth, the youngest will give birth to the king a gold-haired son and a beautiful daughter; the king married all three; the elders did not fulfill their promises, the youngest fulfilled; the sisters suggest that she invite everyone to celebration, at which time puppies are put to bed, a box with children is thrown into the ditch; the king orders his wife to be sent to collect thorns; the gardener picks up the children; they grow up, the older wives guess who they are; they advise the girl to ask her brother 1) a dress made of fox claws; the brother comes to a bet, she gives a dress; 2) a magic mirror; a bet gives by asking his sister; 3) a talking parrot; the bet's husband followed him, turned into stone; the bet tells you to bathe in seven springs, ask for forgiveness of sins; the sister sees in the mirror that the brother sinks into the ground, comes, cries, sins are forgiven, the parrot flies in himself; the king sees a girl, sets a wedding day; a parrot tells brother and sister their story; older wives are tied to stallions, their remains are burned; the youngest is returned]: Grunberg, Steblin-Kamensky 1976, No. 5:91- 101; Yazgulyam people [a fisherman caught a fish with a gold ring in his belly; the next time he caught a chest in the river with a woman with a child; she was the favorite of the king's 7 wives, others were jealous; the king left, they sent to say that that wife had given birth to a puppy; the king ordered her to be killed, she and her child were lowered into the river in a chest; the boy grew up, his mother asked the king to take her as a maid, fell in love with the king, married her; others the wives persuaded the king to send his new wife's son to bring Stone Water; the wagers fell in love with him, brought him over Mount Kof; Almasti lies with this water under his head; if his eyes are open, then he is sleeping, young man brings water; the king asks for Colorful Water (the same is the water from Mount Kof); to get the Curly Tree (the same); the young man's mother opens to the king; he gives the throne to her son, becomes his servant himself; other wives and viziers tied to horse tails]: Grunberg, Steblin-Kamensky 1976, No. 37:342-345; kafirs (prasun) [Mundschem Malik has two unloved wives; he rides a horse, meets a woman marries, puts her on the golden throne, leaves her a bell; witch wives torment her, she rings the bell, MM comes back, tells her not to ring for no reason; she gives birth to a golden-haired boy and girl; witch wives spoil the bell, throw children into the bulls' stable, tell their mother that she did not give birth to anyone; in the morning, children sit on a bull's horn, witch wives throw them in a chest into the river; the river wants to carry them to to the mythical Lake Sujum Sur in the upper reaches, the boy tells them to carry them down to the meadows of Mary; Mara picks up the children, his witch wife pretends to be sick, asks for medicine from her mother, gives a letter; man Amawal-Ra replaces the letter, the grandmother does not kill the boy, accepts him honorably; he demands to scoop up water with a barley sieve, pour it into a millet sieve, bring it to him; at this time she takes his mother's nose (MM cut it off because his wife did not give birth) and the bird from the shelf (this is the receptacle of the soul of the old woman and her daughter); the boy is hereinafter called Munj Malik; goes up the river with Mara; sends Mara back, tells wait for him in autumn with six Prasun villages; comes to Kuschteki, asks his mother to bring a bucket of ploughing, throws there the ring his mother put on his finger when he was born; mother with He rushes to him with joy, he pushes her away, because she did not breastfeed him; attaches his nose to her; runs his finger over an empty bucket, it is filled with colostrum, tells his mother to drink it, drinks it herself; turns into a baby, sucks milk splashing from his mother's breasts; becoming a young man again, he goes to take revenge on his father; kills, paves a valley above him; earthquakes occur when he moves]: Snoy 1962:91-93 ( =Yettmar 1986:74).

Baltoscandia. Estonians (Tartu; mainly located in southern Estonia) [three sisters collect flax, the passing king draws attention to them; the eldest promises to dress the army with a piece of cloth, the other to feed him with a crumb of bread, the third to give birth to a son with a month on the back of his head, the sun on his forehead, a star above his heart; while the husband is at war, the wife gives birth to an ordinary boy, the mother-in-law sends a letter to her son as if the daughter-in-law gave birth to a son with wolf head, bear paws, fox tail; the king orders his wife and her offspring to be expelled; mother-in-law lowers them into the sea in a barrel; the bird brings them food, the son grows up; knocks out the bottom of the barrel at the shore; hears from people that the king remarries, provided that the nuts from the barrel jump out of the barrel in pairs; the son goes to the king, tells his story, the nuts pop up all the time; as the story is told on his body a month, a sun, a star appeared; the king called his wife, stayed with her]: Mälk et al. 1967, No. 104:341-343; seto [the father disappeared in the swamp; three sisters are crying, the king saw a stream of tears, went to the source, brought the sisters to him; the eldest promised to feed the army with rye grain, the middle one to dress him with wool, the youngest to give birth to a son with the sun on the back of his head, a month in his forehead, stars on his body; the king marries her, she gave birth to two twins with the promised signs, asked the birds to convey the message to the king, the raven flew; the older sister took the children to the swamp window, where the girls' father disappeared, replaced them with puppies; the same in the second once, a crow flew; the third time a son asked his mother to hide it under her arm, the king ordered his wife to be thrown into the sea in a barrel; the barrel was nailed to an empty island, the son knocked out the bottom; the old man gave them a willing a staff, a pen on which to fly; the royal nobleman visits the island three times; each time his wife's sister says there is a greater miracle; a young man on the feather overhears, tells the staff to endure this miracle to his palace; 1) a golden pig with silver pigs; 2) an oak on which the cat tells fairy tales; 3) a window in the swamp, from which there are five paths, each of which is walked by a boy with the sun on the back of his head, a month in forehead, stars on his body; the nobleman talks about six such boys on the island, the king goes to see for himself, brings his wife and sons; his wife's sister was thrown into the sea in a barrel]: Normann, Tampere 1989:73-81 ; Lithuanians: Kerbelite 2014, No. 96 [140 options; three sisters were washing, a boy was walking by; one says that if he married her, she would feed the family with a slice of bread; the other wore fabrics with arshin a family; a third would have a child with the sun in her forehead, the moon on the back of her head; the boy married her, became a soldier; the wife gave birth; the witch replaced her letter to her husband and his answer; allegedly the wife gave birth to a half-cat half-dog, The baby is ordered to be thrown into the barn; the mother threw it to geese, cows, pigs, sheep; everyone keeps it; puts it in a coffin, lowers it into the sea; the beggar picked him up and raised him; the king will give the estate to whoever counts two barrels of nuts; the adopter of the beggar is called to count and tells the whole story himself; the pan gives him the estate]: 217-220; Lebitte 1965:136-140 [the queen gives birth to a son, then a daughter; the king's mother lowers they are in boxes into the river, replaced by cats; a fisherman picks up children, the boy has three golden hairs, the girl has three stars behind her ear; other children tell them that they were caught in the river, they go to look parents, live in the garden; the king's mother, disguised as a beggar, advises them to get bells from an enchanted castle, goldfish, a bird thing; the young man brings a bell and a fish, turns into a glass in bird castle; an old woman teaches her sister to save her brother, she grabs a bird and glass, runs out of the castle, the glass becomes people; the bird thing tells the king the truth, the Queen Mother was thrown in a box into the river], 141-143 [three sisters rinse their clothes; the eldest promises to cover the palace with canvas if the king marries her, the middle one with cloth, the youngest to give birth to a son with the sun in his forehead, a month on the crown, stars around her ears; the king hears, marries the youngest; goes to war, the queen gives birth to a son, writes a letter, his sister replaces him as if she gave birth to a half-dog; the king orders the newborn to go to sea in a barrel, the queen tie him to millstones; when he returns, promises to hand over the kingdom to the one who counts the nuts in the barrel; the boy (picked him up, raised by the poor) begins to count, tells his story; the queen is untied from millstones, feast]; Karelians: Evseev 1981 [a merchant meets a priest who is going to baptize a child; he says that the child will become the merchant's son-in-law; the merchant buys the child from his parents, descends the river in a trough ; the miller picks him up; after 17 years, the merchant visits the miller; realizes that this is the same boy; buys him, sends him to his home with a letter to his wife to kill the giver; halfway through the old man asks the young man show the letter, replaces others with orders to marry the applicant with the merchant's daughter; the merchant decides to lime his son-in-law; sends him to a distant city to ask if he has a lot of money; on the way, the young man is asked to know why the oak dries; where did the keys to the barn go; when the carrier is free from his job; the woman hides the guy in a chest, asks her husband questions; he says that the merchant has only half of the money he has on the ground; the oak dries because the girl gave birth and buried a child under it, it is necessary to serve a prayer service, sketch out the land; the keys in the pocket are at the very line (which gives answers); let the carrier say "In the name of the father and the son and the holy spirit", will push the boat away, that man will become a carrier instead of him; the soul is a feature in the egg, in the bird, in the box, in the chest, in the stone; the guy gets an egg, the hell dies; the carrier says that the guy is the first to return, learns from him how to get rid of his duties; the guy gives the keys, tells how to revive an oak tree, returns rich; the merchant goes for his money, stays by carrier]: 287-291; Onegin 2010, No. 44 (Kalevalsky district) [the poor widow has three daughters in the hut; the Turkish sultan overhears; the eldest promises to give birth throughout the city if the Sultan takes her to wives; middle - to bake bread for the whole city; the youngest - to give birth to three golden children; the sultan married the youngest, sent the eldest to an obstetric school, secondary to a bakery school; the wife gave birth to a son: hands golden, silver legs, a month on her temples, along the Big Dipper on her shoulders; the midwife lowered the boy in the basket along the river, said that the Sultan gave birth to a shirt; the miller picked up the child; the same through year; the third time the miller picked up a girl in his hand; the Sultan enclosed his wife in a stone building with a small hole, through which to give bread and water, everyone who passes by does not care about the woman's eyes; he married himself on a midwife; the children have grown up; the old woman says they miss a beating spring, a ringing birch tree and a singing bird; the older brother went to search; the old man gave a ball, he rolled to where there was music, noise ; someone came up and turned the young man into stone; the same is the younger brother; the sister has gone; the old man advises her not to open her eyes before the ball stops rolling; then collect water, break off the branch, take a cage with a bird; the girl dipped a branch in the water and sprayed it on the stones, they turned into many people, including the girl's brothers; the old man said that the brothers and sister are the Sultan's children; the brothers met Sultan, invited to their place, told the mill to bake pies with iron beads inside; the sultan could not eat; brothers: so our mother cannot be where the Sultan placed her; the woman was returned, the midwife was shot]: 400-405; Stepanova 2000, No. 112 (northern, Tunguda district) [The Savior spends the night in the merchant's house; they knock at night, the woman gave birth to a child, they ask the Savior what share he will give; he tells the child live his share; next time - the share of the owner of the house; the merchant bought the child and threw it into the snowdrift, another person picked it up, the merchant bought it again for a lot of money; raised him; let him go to sea in a barrel; the young man sings, him nailed to the monastery shore, he began to sing in the monastery; the merchant found out, bought him, sent him home with a note to be killed at home; the Savior changed the note to marry the merchant's daughter; the merchant tells his son-in-law find out where his wealth is; on the way, the bridge asks him to know how long he still has to serve; the carrier - how much to work; the oak tree - how long to stand, he is already rotten; his son-in-law comes to the house without doors, the woman picks it up through the window, hides it; her damn husband comes; she seems to casually ask questions; the husband replies that when he hits the bridge with a rod, it will turn into ships, and the oak tree will become gold; Let the carrier leave the one in the boat when he was transporting him, he will remain in his place; the woman's husband promises to greet the merchant's son-in-law, gave him a staff; the son-in-law filled the ships with gold, gave advice to the carrier; the merchant at home tells the workers to kill their son-in-law when he goes to give the horses hay; the son-in-law lay down, the merchant went by himself, he was killed instead of his son-in-law, the son-in-law became the master]: 186-188; Danes [husband and wife are childless; the healer gives her husband three smelts to be eaten by his wife; but he eats one himself and becomes pregnant; in the forest he gives birth and leaves a girl; she is found by Lind (the dragon family), but the tiger kills him and raises the girl; after his death, she lives in alone in the forest; the prince found her, married her, she is constantly silent; every time her daughter-in-law gives birth and her husband is at war, the Queen Mother smears her lips with blood, lowers the child down the river in a basket; three millers they find and raise each boy; after the third time, the king agrees to drive the young woman away; she is speechless as soon as she is outside the gate; comes to the first miller, asks mystery: the fish was my father, the man was my mother, lind bore me, the tiger adopted me, the horse gave birth to a husband, I gave birth to three children, all alive, they all died, but they are all alive; the miller is unable to guess This gives a carriage with six horses and a coachman boy; so with all three millers, a woman gets all three sons, goes to the palace, where her riddle is also unguessed; it opens to the Queen Mother punished, the woman becomes queen again]: Holbek 1987:543-544.

Volga - Perm. Tatars [stepmother ordered his stepdaughter to be expelled; the rich man took her as his youngest wife; when he leaves, the eldest promises to sew a shirt, the youngest to give birth to a boy and a girl; the eldest agreed with an old woman to replace the children with puppies, let him down the river in a chest; the fishermen caught him; the husband returned, ordered his wife and puppies to be put in prison at the gate, who passed on her should knock; wolves chased him, an unrecognized grown son shot them; the old woman persuaded his sister to send his brother to bring his mermaid wife; the horse helps to do this; the old woman: you need a milk lake; "a self-playing record" (same; a plate in an egg, in a duck, in a chest, on an oak tree in the middle of the lake; the egg fell into the water, the old woman called fish, brought one); a fiery accordion; the young man took it out, only the horse burned down; the old man changed it to a baton, which she hits himself; the young man put a baton at him, took the accordion; he also received a reviving carpet, revived the horse; his mermaid wife told everything; the eldest wife and old woman were executed, the youngest was returned]: Zamaletdinov 2008b, No. 18 : 171-181; Bashkirs [when leaving, bai asks four wives what they will prepare for his return; 1) every day I will shoot a sparrow with 40 ribs, feed him meat to a hundred servants; 2) I will sew sandboots ; 3) I will sew mittens out of lice skin; 4) I will face two sons with golden heads, pearl teeth, silver hair; all fulfilled my promise; before returning, the bai replaced the babies with a black puppy, his a mother with 40 servants was sent to the forest, the children were thrown under the feet of mares; the youngest wife comes to breastfeed the puppy, finds a mare that feeds her babies; returned the children, lets the puppy go; babies they threw the cows - the same; geese - the same; threw them into the water; bai ordered his youngest wife to break her arm and leg, gouge out her eye, lock him in a deaf log house; the puppy got out, the man cut through a log house hole, the puppy brought the man to the bay, he talks about the log house; the elder wife: this is not a miracle, near the lake a mare is screwing at every step, drinking on the lake at a watering hole; a black puppy asks his mother to do halter, brings a mare, followed by a herd; everything repeats itself; second wife: diamonds and yakhonts at the top of the mountain; the puppy asks his mother for a tablecloth, brings gems; the third time the traveler cut through the door in the log house; third wife: two boys in the river, go out to play on the sand; mother's puppy: give me a nightmare, four horns of milk: goat, cow, mare, their own; the boys began to play the nightmare when they drank their mother's milk, fell asleep; the puppy brings them to their mother, the bay is invited to visit, he understood everything; the eldest wife was offered 9 mares or 9 arb firewood; she likes mares better, her hair was tied to them where she touched the ground back, there were mountain ranges, where the hair was marsh grass hummocks, where the back was lakes; the second wife chose firewood, it was burned; the third was tied to the tails of 9 mares]: Barag 1989, No. 70:336-343; Komi [the wanderer tells the poor spouses that their newborn Ivan will become king; the wife talks to her neighbors, the king buys the child, puts it in a bag, throws it into the river; the baby is caught, raised by a bachelor miller; The king asks him, understands everything, sends the young man with a letter to the queen, telling I. to kill him; in the forest, the robbers read the letter, replace him; after reading the letter, the queen gives her daughter to I.; the king tells her son-in-law bring three hairs from the ogre's beard; on the way, a digging well asks why there has been no water for ten years; bird cherry - why it dries, does not bloom; the carrier - why he still works as a carrier; in his wife hides I. in the cannibal's house; consistently pulls out the hairs of her sleeping husband; he tells a dream about a digging well (you need to remove the frog from the well), bird cherry (kill mice under the roots), carrier (you have to give the paddle and the whole one to another, jump ashore yourself); on the way back, I. sets up the merchant, who is done by the carrier; kills mice and a frog; these three were old woman's brothers; that grateful, gives a ring; the tsar orders I. to be executed, he tells the ring to send an ax to kill the culprit; the ax kills the tsar, I. reigns]: Doronin 2004:27-32; Udmurts [a soldier gave birth without her husband to two sons, threw them into the river; after 25 years, the soldier returned, they had a boy; he is very strong, tears off his peers; asks his father to order a club for blacksmiths; complains that he is light, blows her away half the village; the tsar puts him in an iron cellar; he raises the roof, leaves; meets Ivan Berezkin (drags a birch tree) and Ivan Dubovkin (drags an oak tree), these are his half-brothers thrown into the river; brothers they go together; they come successively to three mountains, where people mine copper, silver, gold; they turn them up, two blue, white and gray, two red pigeons fly out of the mountains; they are the mothers of copper and silver, gold; there is a hut in the meadow, there is a roast bull in the oven, the heroes ate it; three sisters come, put another bull to roast, go to the bathhouse; information security, then ID try to close the door from the outside, the sisters easily knock it out; when the soldier's son holds the door, the sisters cannot open; they marry the heroes; information security and ID leave with their wives, the soldier's son and his wife remain; the wife is kidnapped by the Wind Demon; the hero comes to rescue, in which old women - formerly abducted women; they say that the WB has a shower in a chest under twelve oak barks, in a hare, in a duck, in three eggs; the hero comes to his wife; she first decorates the door jamb, then the kid, the VS laughs both times, then says where the soul is really in three eggs; along the way, the hero spares foxes, hawks, crayfish; finds an oak tree, a hare runs out of the chest, a fox catches him; a duck is a hawk; dropped into the water cancer pulls eggs; a hero comes to the World Bank, presses eggs; lives with his wife in his palace]: Aldan 1936:35-44.

Turkestan. Karakalpaks [Khan Darapsha overhears the conversation between the three sisters; the eldest dreams of dressing the whole people if she becomes queen, the middle one dreams of feeding them, the youngest dreams of giving birth to a son and daughter; in the absence of the khan children are replaced by a puppy and a kitten, children, Sharyara and Anjim, thrown into the pond; they grow up under water; S. builds a city, gets married]: Severtsev 1971 in Tolstova 1984:214, 233; Kazakhs; Karakalpaks ; Dungans: Riftin et al. 1977, No. 25 [(summary); the Empress gave birth to a watermelon, throws it into the river, it is picked up by a fisherman, from there the boy Vonshchir comes out, becomes a strongman; from his voice, adopted parents are dead; he is getting married and has two children; the emperor dreams of selling himself to Vonshchira, who recognizes his father, they return to the palace], 26 [(summary); when the emperor is away, the Empress gives birth son; the courtiers replace him with a cat, the baby is lowered into the river in a box; the emperor orders his wife to be expelled, his friend picks her up, takes her sister; the baby is picked up by a fisherman; the emperor marries a friend's sister, i.e. . to his own wife, finds a son, everything is explained, villains are imprisoned]: 513, 513-514; Kyrgyz [the old man and the old woman have seven goats and three daughters; the old man is angry with his daughters: they drank all the milk from he and the old woman did not get goats; tells the old woman to get rid of her daughters; finds currant bushes, brings home a few twigs with berries; daughters eat, want more; the old man suggests going with him for berries, tells the old woman to make three leather buckets without a bottom; takes her daughters to the currant bushes, suggests filling the buckets with berries as long as the brushwood is chopped; adjusts the ratchet as if it sounds the ax leaves, migrates with the old woman and the goats; one of the girls discovers that the buckets have no bottom, patches it up with branches and grass, the buckets fill up; the girls sound of an ax, find a ratchet, they hurry home; in search of parents, they search the neighborhood, stumble upon a house in which an exhausted girl; he explains that the old cannibal woman ate everyone and keeps her to drink blood; the girls run to stand, they find their father's whetstone there, throw him, the whetstone becomes a rock; the cannibal chases, overcomes the rock for a long time; the girls find a comb at the station, which turns into a forest; then the mirror, turns into a lake; the cannibal asks how they ended up on the other side, girls; swam across, tying trousers on their ankles and filling them with sand; the cannibal follows the advice and drowns; finds girls a childless khan, who has 40 wives, asks what their skills are; the eldest: can feed many people with a handful of oatmeal; average: sew clothes from one sheepskin and dress many people; the youngest: give birth to a husband a boy and a girl with golden heads and silver tasks; Khan is the youngest, marries the youngest; when the wife is about to give birth, the khan goes hunting, demands that a messenger be sent to him with news; 40 wives are hired a witch, who throws the children in a box into the river, replaces them with puppies; two messengers arrive to the khan, the first talks about the birth of children, the second speaks of the birth of children, the second speaks of puppies; the khan orders his wife and puppies to be sealed in a bucket and hung them in a tree; the girls' parents live on the bank of this river; the old woman discovers that goats come with an empty udder, accuses the old man: he killed his daughters and now drinks all the milk; the old man watches over the goats queues fall to a drawer, children suck goats in the drawer; old people bring children, they slaughter one goat in joy; children grow up, the old man plants barley for them, life is getting better, they are setting up in the yard golden pillar; the old khan, hunting, stumbles upon old men with children, complains that even lonely old people have children, but he has not; he is sad at home; 40 wives suspect that this is not without reason, accuse the witch, demand that she deal with the children; a witch comes to the children, tells the young man that it would be good to tie a golden horse to a gold pole; the sister dissuades her brother, he will be stubborn, then the sister teaches how to master a horse; his brother gets it; the khan meets the children again; the witch also advises finding a Sapan-Tash stone that makes wishes come true; then you can get subjects, form a khanate and make the young man's old father a khan; the sister first dissuades, then teaches the brother; he takes possession of the stone and the girl she marries; with the help of the stone, the twins have subjects, creates a khanate, an old goat herd becomes khan, and a golden bridge is being built across the river to the Khan's estate with 40 wives; brother and sister visit Khan, bring him a cart of gold, and ask for a bucket hanging on a tree in exchange; Khan, who has already forgotten what is in him, gives it to his twins; the mother of the twins is half-dead in the bucket, she is brought to life; the khan comes to visit, intending to ask the young man for permission to adopt his sister, finds out wife, they tell him everything; the khan tied 40 wives to immense horses, and also executes a witch; a young man with a golden head and a silver ass becomes the khan of two khanates]: Ruslan Doutaliev, personal report. May 17 2020: retelling of the audio recording of the fairy tale "Zheti Echkilu Abyshka Jean Kempir" (An Old Man and an Old Woman with Seven Goats) performed by J. Alymbayeva, Department of Manuscripts and Publications of the Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz SSR, date of recording September 10, 1984, inventory No. 1a (2), recording time 31 minutes).

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Tuvans (Buren-Gol River): Potanin 1883, No. 84 [old man Tyumendey saw felt floating along the river; it turned into Jelbag, grabbed the old man by the beard; let him go when he promised their three daughters; the old man and the old woman gave their daughters bottomless buckets, sent them to pick berries, migrated; after filling holes in the buckets, the girls picked berries; they saw a stranger in the yurt, realized it was J.; went out to yard, ran away; threw a comb (turned into a forest), a bar (into a rock); J. cut the road with an ax; a beaver by the river asks the girls what his tail, ribs, teeth are; they praise him, he carries them; J. says that they are worms; Beaver tells him to pick up stones, drops him in the middle of the river, J. drowned; Beaver told his sisters to climb three spruce trees; three fellows passed by, married them; older sisters promise their husbands sew clothes and covers; the youngest is to give birth to a boy with a golden head and a silver neck; the elders throw the boy into the lake, replace him with a mole; he bites his returning husband; the husband breaks his wife's arms and legs, gouges out her eyes; she is left alone; she consistently maims three rats that treat their paws and eyes with grass; a woman is treated with the same grass, recovers; cannot lure her son out of the lake; catches for the third time, leaving a bow and arrow on the shore; gives his milk, tears into his eyes, he recognizes her as his mother; his name is Yer-Saru; seven geese are flying, and when they scream, his mother cuts off her ear and nose, lip; E. shoots, the arrow returns with a human finger; E. meets a khan's shepherd named Buzakai Tarakai, who refuses to marry E. his daughter; E. kills him, takes his form ; khan orders to catch a calf, E. cannot, the khan beats him; tells him to milk the cows, the cow is not given, E. says, "Milk", the milk is milked by itself; the khan orders him to lick the soles of his boots, went to bed; E. smeared them sour cream, dogs licked; gives seven daughters for Jety-tas (Seven Bald Men), but the youngest marries the imaginary B. (i.e. E.); she is more beautiful, only there is no index finger; E. 1) brings a mountain goat's father-in-law, whose outer meat is bitter, the inner meat is sweet (and the second time vice versa); 2) brings three horses Tengri Khan (follows them into the sky along the rainbow); 3) Khan orders to bring a foal, which Khan Garida steals from him every year; E. knocks off the tails of the foal with an arrow and Khan-Garide hides; The Jetytas tell the Khan that they have knocked off their tails; Khan Garide asks E. not to kill him, gives the entire herd of foals and carries his fluff as a sign that he has been killed; the Jetytas are digging a hole, E. falls into it; his horse brings Mengu-kyz, who makes a rope out of her braids, pulls E. out; he returns to Khan in his true heroic appearance, shows his hidden tails; whose An arrow fired into the sky will kill the shooter, falling, that liar; the Jetytas are killed with their arrows; E. and his wife visit their mother; the horse kicked and killed her; she was buried]: 341-348; South Altai Tuvans [khan childless with 12 wives; hears at the yurt how the older sister promises to marry someone from whose hearth the ash must be removed three times a day, the middle sister hears a mountain of game in front of the yurt, the youngest for the one who is for her wandered; marries the youngest; while the husband is hunting, the wife gives birth to twins; 12 wives throw them in a box in the water, put two puppies; the khan sends her into exile overseas; old men catch a box with babies, he does not run out of food; the khan swims across the sea on horseback; the old woman shows him his wife and sons, says that the rest are shulmusikhs; the khan must purify himself, the old woman tells him to fill him with stones a bag, he has been collecting stones for three years, the bag is not full; the old woman sends him to bring a needle from the border of earth and sky, where the sky rises and falls down; the khan shows the old woman's gold bracelet the sky rises, it slips; brings a needle, gets a wife and sons, expels 12 wives overseas]: Taube 1994, No. 21:202-205; Altaians [a boy the size of a goat named Yrystu (" Happy") lived on a mountainside, on the shore of a milk lake; answered Ak-Kaan who was passing by that his father was a mountain, his mother was a lake; A. promised to adopt him, made him a slave; the old man told him the words Pyp and Tap-tajlan; the first makes people and animals stick to the ground and to each other, the second to disperse, run away; T. makes the khan, his wife and children stick to each other, the shaman - to the ground; takes the Khan's throne, then returns to live on the mountain]: Garf, Kuchiyak 1978:89-96; Khakas: Koptelov 1956 [fishermen caught a keg, the old man asks for it, finds a boy in it; tsar takes it away; the sun and moon disappear, the king orders to bring it; a foal comes running, tells the young man to go to the hut by the lake; there the old woman (mother of the sun) has one ear under her head, the other is covered; she tells spread the red cloth (the foal warned me to take it with you), geese with golden feathers will sit on it, you have to pull it out and make a ring; when he returns, the young man throws the ring on the ground, sun and moon they return; the king orders to bring the beauty; the foal takes the young man to the former old woman (the same, a girl appears from the ring at home); the beauty tells me to bring her golden comb; the stallion tells me to take it with him blue and white threads; tied with them, the young man climbs to the sky on the larch; the white goose flies into the nest, says that they took his daughter, they would also take the comb; lets himself pull out the feather, promises good luck; at home from the pen rings appear a comb; the beauty orders to bring living and dead water; the water is guarded by 40 wolves; the stallion lets in frost, then the heat, the wolves fall asleep, he orders to take one bottle at a time; the beauty pours alive water for a young man dead on the tsar; he dies; wedding]: 155-160 (=Balter 1986:41-45, =Taxams 1988:210-214); Mindibayeva et al. 2016, No. 36 (Kachins) [Payan-khys girl lives alone, she has a herd; it was stolen; she got into the thieves, took the herd away, but the thieves chased her, wounded her; she fell down and was barely alive; saw a mouse and broke her leg; the mouse chewed its spine, recovered; P. did the same; fell asleep; the hunter came up Mirgen met her; when P. gave birth, she put the child in a birch bark cradle and lowered her to Bely Ius; she took the cradle to the Yenisei near Krasnoyarsk; there are two brothers; Tattar has 7 children, and Kubanov is married but childless ; the brothers saw the cradle; T. suggested that he take what was outside and K. what was inside; K. and his wife raised a boy; he had 7 wives, including the Kokov family (hooh sailed in a birch bark boat]: 257-163, 348-449 ( comment); Buryats (Khorin) [the wolf ate the orphan horse; he goes to look for him; old man: when you defeat Shono Khan ("shono" is the wolf), ask for the red dog and the blue chest; he did so; returns to yurt - the corner of the chest is burnt, one leg of the dog is broken; the next day - the second corner, the second leg; on the fourth - four; he hits the dog; wakes up in the palace in the morning (came from the chest), next to a beautiful woman (that dog); S. calls for a wedding; wife warns not to step on the carpet (there is a hole under it), not to sit on the bed, eat nothing; the orphan touched the food with his finger, died; the 25-headed Hongil Shara Shebshehei put it in a coffin, threw it into the sea; mangadhayu wife: if you catch the coffin, put it on the shore; the coffin is found by three daughters of the khan, inside the baby grows rapidly; every day the khan's mare is stabbed with a golden foal, he disappears; the khan asks his daughters to guard; they fall asleep, the foundling shoots into the cloud that has descended, the bird's feather falls to the ground; the foundling gives it to the grooms, for which he cuts off everyone's ear; the khan sends behind the bird; the foundling sees the nest, one chick laughs, the other sings the third cries; while Han Garaudy's father and mother are flying, the chicks are eaten by a fire serpent (the crying will be eaten today, singing tomorrow, laughing the day after tomorrow); they deliberately steal gold foals in the hope that the strongest of people will go looking for them; the foundling kills a snake with an arrow, Khan Garaudy gives them to 9 foals; the foundling gives them to the grooms, for this cuts the belts from their backs; they throw it into a hole; the horse digs it up, revives the foundling with his tear; he comes to the khan, shows the belts; the khan hangs the grooms alive on the branch to feed the crows; the foundling smashes Sh.'s army, crushed him himself, clamped him in a crevice for insect food; he fought with Hongil Shara Shebshehei for 4 months, the son of the foundling grew up, came to his father's aid, the body of the SHSH was burned]: Barannikova et al. 1993, No. 5:93-109; Buryats (Chita) [the old Sholmos woman wants to eat the rich man, he asks for his daughter to eat better; he will leave three goldmoney at the camp, the daughter will return for them; the seemingly bad horse is called take the girl; teaches: he will turn into a calf, rub against the yurt, we must ask for money, then the old woman will ask him to drive away the calf, he must jump on it; the goby becomes a horse again, takes the girl away; they they live by a sandalwood tree with 12 branches; the girl has a gold file, he gives food; the khan takes her third wife; leaves; the eldest promises to prepare a sable hat for his return, the middle one - a silk robe , the youngest is to give birth to a son with a golden breast, a silver ass; the older wives threw the newborn into the hole, then the dogs, under the feet of the herd, under the feet of the camels, he is unharmed; threw him into the sea; replaced with a puppy; khan tells her younger arm to be broken, thrown by the sea; she sees wounded birds eating grass, recovering; she also eats, her hands are intact; a boy comes out of the water to play; a woman grabs him, he says that his father a cliff, the mother is a seal; she gives him her milk; leads to that sandalwood; the son comes to his father, tells everything; the khan returns his youngest wife, makes the elders as garbage and dung cleaners]: Barannikova et al. 1993, No. 4:85-91; Mongols (Mongolian chronicle of the 17th century) "Altan Tobchi", written in a middle-period literary language) [Hagan Sarva, who was the son of the Indian Magada Hagan, was born with turquoise hair, his arms and legs were flat, and their eyes closed from the bottom up; those present began to say that he was not like his previous rebirth; the baby was placed in a copper box and thrown into the Ganges; between Tibet and Nepal, an old man - A Tibetan found this box on the shore, opened it and saw a handsome boy; when the boy was sixteen, he found four foreign areas near Mount Tsasutu-Sambu and said that we would live here; there he Tibetans met and asked where he came from; the boy pointed upstairs; the Tibetans, saying they did not have a hagan, put it on their necks and carried it; this was Tibet's first Hagan sandalitu]: Lubsan Danzan 1973:51; (cf. Dagurs [mother is dying, her adult daughter and son made a coffin; son went hunting; at this time, the 9-headed monster ate half of his sister; when he returned, the brother thought his sister looked terrible; asked try on her coffin - if it suits her, then her mother; boarded up the lid, threw it into the river; her mother died, her son buried her; the coffin swam, the woman gave birth to a son, he speaks from birth, he is strong; a year later he knocked out the lid, built a hut out of coffin boards; hunts bigger game; a woman's brother came to them by chance; she said that the owner of the lower world did not accept her; the brother said let his nephew find it monster and will return half of the mother's body; the monster had to regurgitate what was swallowed, the son restored his mother's body; now the uncle demands that the nephew 1) bring a huge wild boar (he brought); 2) planted 900,000 trees, inhabited them with 500,000 animals (the young man asks for help from the monster, he is the owner of the mountain, everything is done); when an uncle comes with his people, his nephew lowers the animals, they tear them apart]: Stuart et al. 1994:162-163).

Western Siberia. Nenets (Salekhard); Ents; Nganasans; Mansi; Southern and Northern Selkups; Yugi [stepdaughter married, gave birth to twins; stepmother replaced them with a puppy and chicken; told her husband to cut off her hands, put her mother and children in a barrel, throw it into the water; the river carried the barrel ashore, the hoops slept in the sun, the woman and the children came out {obvious contradiction: the woman's father believes that she gave birth to animals but put her daughter and her human children in a barrel}; an old man approached the woman, touched the stumps, her hands grew again; she came to her husband with her children, told her story told him to kill his stepmother but forgive her father; he did so]: Werner 1997, No. 7:248-250.

Eastern Siberia. Central (?) Yakuts [the merchant's wife gave birth to a boy; Baba Yaga tore him in two, threw half into the water; the maid found this half, went out, raised him; the boy Angaara Suokh ("Half") goes west, saves an ant, an eagle along the way; fights with Baba Yaga; she runs away, kills his parents; A. comes to her city, kills her and her sons; becomes a hawk, flies home; it turns out that his parents were saved by an eagle ; (hereinafter about marrying the princess and accession)]: Ergis 1967, No. 110:185; Western Evenks (Yerbogachen) [the peasant has three wives; one promises to sew a caftan for him by his return, the other boots, the third to give birth son; it happened, but another wife blindfolded the woman in labor, threw the child into the river, replaced it with a puppy; the husband killed the puppy, broke his wife's arm, migrated with two wives; in the spring, the left woman noticed on the shore trail; to lure the child out, she left an onion and a scraper; the child went out, took the onion, so the boy; the woman caught him; the boy screams that the burbot fed him his liver; the burbot jumped out of the water and returned five; the woman told her son everything, he went to look for his father; found it and began to tell his story; the father left those wives, returned to his son and his mother]: Vasilevich 1936, No. 100:131-132; Baikal Evenks: Voskoboynikov 1958 (Bount, i.e. Buryatia) [the older sister finds a face, marries the Raven; the middle sister is a feather, for an Owl; the youngest is a hunting knife, for a hunter, promises to give birth to a son with a golden back of the head; two sisters envy the youngest, throw her son into the river, put the puppy; the husband tells his wife to cut off his leg; the sisters' mother sees a boy coming out of the river with a golden back of his head, lures him, putting him ashore onions, catches; he grows up, meets his mother, she suffers from hard work; the father recognizes his son, drives away his older wives]: 104-107; 1973, No. 24 (Kachugsky District of the Irkutsk Region) [three sisters are married to three men; the first promises to sew mittens, the second boots, the third to give birth to a golden child; two replace the child with a puppy, the child is thrown into the river; the husband cuts off his wife's leg, arm, and one chest; throws one; woman sees a boy coming out of the river; lures him with breast milk, bread, small onions, leaving them farther from the shore; grabs him; fish scream that they fed him caviar and liver; mother first denies that her son had a father; then says he fell off the larch; the son tries, does not die; then tells the truth; the son comes to the mother's sisters, tells her story; men they want to listen, women ask him to be silent; the boy cleans off the dirt, shines like gold; the father maims evil sisters like his wife used to; returns to his wife, she recovers]: 111-114; Evenks Far Eastern (probably Uchursky) [three sisters are coming; one found a wing, the other a button, the third a knife; an eagle flew in, took the first one, the raven the second, the guy the third; she promises to give birth to a strong boy; his older sisters stole him, drowned him, replaced him with a puppy; the husband left his wife; that child was taken by burbot {apparently a female; there is no gender category in Altai languages}; the mother noticed traces of the child by the water; found and caught him; burbot (iha): I will take him away, I fed him with my liver; but the woman did not give it back; the boy's father came, his wife told him everything; the son became a hero, they migrated away]: Myreeva 2009:157-161.

Amur - Sakhalin. The Nanais [Baksu-Batur's wife is Symfuni beautiful; his wife turns bird feathers into birds, turns animal hair into animals; he goes hunting, she tries to detain him in vain, because she knows that her will be kidnapped; the underground old man Tundurhan hero defeated and took her away; she gave birth to three boys in a boat, T. throws each into the river; the last is a Larenchu hero, promises to return; the elder brother sucks catfish caviar, medium - pike, L. - Kaluga milk; invites brothers to live in dead Kaluga; the beauty saw them run out of Kaluga's mouth, brought them home, breastfed her; L. put her hands in hot buckwheat porridge; she admitted that they are S.-beautiful's children, went to her copper mountain, asked Gagdancha Molodets (=Tundurhan) to kill the boys because they burned her hand; G. and L. have been fighting for a long time; the bird threw silver a ball, a gold ball; inside a child; L. tore off his arms, legs, head - G.'s limbs and head came off; the brothers are going to look for parents; his mother was found; the bird says that the brother's father is fighting with Sankau- hero; on the hill, the sky covers the poplar, the sun covers the talnik with three processes, between them there is a snake, in it the spirit of life of the enemy L. is gray and white eggs; two girls killed the snake, gave the eggs to L.; he He threw gray in the forehead of the old man, he died, took white with him; returned home; father and mother cried when they met, his father's tears formed a large river, and his mother's tears made a small river happy; Salhan, Senke's daughter, asked to fold her father's body so that no wounds could be seen, revived him; three brothers - three at home, all married; father - one house; they lived richly]: Sunik 1958, No. 2:122-126 (=Medvedev 1992:286-296); Orochi [a girl walks on the water, sees seven merganser ducks on the river; when she returns, she finds a man in the house, he marries her; Pegelikt (Sheared) comes, insists that the woman allow Search in her hair; puts her to sleep, takes tin in her mouth, spits molten tin into her ear, throws the corpse into the forest, puts her clothes on; explains to her husband that her long hair is burned above the hearth; offers to move to the other side of the river; her husband's six younger brothers live there; they don't like their brother's wife, they tell the couple to live separately; they find the woman's corpse, extract tin; she comes to life, husband takes her back, makes P. a maid; the woman gives birth; P. invites her, taking the baby, to sail to the other side for bird cherry; swims away with the child, throws him into the river, tells her husband that the woman is negligent drowned the child; the husband beats his wife, leaves her alone across the river; six brothers leave; the mouse heals the woman, the Goat calls her sister, takes out utensils, lights a fire, catches fish; tells him to kill him, out of his skin and bones to make a house; he comes to life; says that all day long he plays with his little nephew coming out of the river; the woman leaves breast milk and food on the shore; the child goes ashore from cradles, his mother grabs him; he does not recognize her; the Whales explain that they are only his caregivers, not his parents; the goat leaves; the boy hunts, shoots across the river, an arrow hits his old father's house; the boy tells his story; at the woman's request, the husband kills P., brings her eyes, the woman pierces and burns them; six brothers return]: Aurora, Lebedeva 1966, No. 13:139-142; the Udege [hungry childless spouses ask for a child; the wife dreams that the poplar top is cracked, hears crying; the boy has grown up quickly, brings a lot of meat; the couple thinks he kills too much animals; the father makes a coffin, puts snakes and worms there, invites his son to lie down, clogs the lid, lowers it into the river; one girl, seeing the coffin that has arrived, pushes it back; the other takes off the lid, finds uneaten little finger, lurks, he turns into a man, marries her; visits parents, brings them meat, forgives them; says he is Enduli's son]: Nikolaeva 2003, No. 6:44-46; Manchus [ oral legend; a girl on Mount Changbaishan ate wild strawberries, became pregnant, let her baby go to the cradle on Sungari; in Sanxing, people of three generations fought for power; when they saw a child arrive , decided to make him their Khan Tankhanye; when T. grew up, Nikain-Wailan found out that T. was destined to found an empire; T. was ordered to execute, he fled, and later founded the Manchu Empire]: Kychanov 2010:294; nivhi: Pilsudski 2003, No. 19 [a woman came on a deer, got married, gave birth to two boys, her deer left; another came, took her to pick berries, put moss in the basket, sprinkled her with berries, said she would go home early; she let the woman's children down the river in a boat, burned the dog, told the woman's husband that she did not save the children, they burned down; he beat him, kicked his wife out, took that woman; the wife went down the river, recovered, found children, gave them breasts; her deer came, told him to make a cauldron out of his head in a dream, a house out of bones and skin; the house became good; the sons grew up, the elder killed his father and his new one wife]: 124-125; Pevnov 2010, No. 8 [the woman gave birth to twins, Ralkr-Umgu chewed dried eggs, threw her in the eye, blinded her, replaced the twins with piglets, put the twins in a dog trough, she lowered them into the river; they were picked up and raised by a bear; RU told the woman's husband that she gave birth to piglets and left shame; her husband did not believe it, found his wife and children; RU ran away, but drowned while crossing the river]: 131-133.

Japan. Japanese: Ikeda 1971, No. 302 (including Okinawa) [older spouses find a boy Momo-taroo swimming down the river in a peach; he defeats the ogre and retrieves his treasures], 707 (including Ryukyu, especially Okinawa) [the prince's pregnant wife blows the wind in public or other wives accuse her of it; the prince tells her to let her go in a boat along the river; she is helped to go far downstream ashore; her son is called faultless, his mother tells him their story; a young man comes to his father's castle, promises to sell gold-bearing flowers to a woman who has never let the wind go; the prince finds out that There is no such thing, his son reminds him of his expelled wife, the prince returns her]: 71-72, 165-166; Ainu (Hokkaido, east) [Mount Akan and the male killer whale exchanged younger sisters; the mountain's wife gave birth to two boys; the wind blew up her clothes, exposing her body; the babysitter laughed; the woman was offended and pushed her into the river with her children; they grabbed a log; they were caught by two sisters living on the mountain Osonai-yama; the one who grabbed the ancient first began to raise the eldest boy and the other the youngest; they grew up and married sisters; they sent the Ainu of the Kushiro Plains]: Sarasina 2014, No. 14:67.

SV Asia. Forest yukaghirs.

The coast is the Plateau. Chilkotin [the little boy does not sleep, cries; someone calls him from the street, promises to give him food; he goes out, there is an Owl, takes the boy in the basket; feeds him at home, gives a necklace of shells dentarium; parents found their son when Owl was not at home, set fire to his house, took the boy away; the owl chased, on the bridge the boy put goat's horns on his fingers, spread them out, the Owl was frightened, fell into the water, returned ; the boy gave people dentistry, since then these shells became known; the mother sent her son to swim, he went reluctantly, disappeared under water; in winter he began to break women's buckets when they took water into the ice-hole; two sisters went to get water with beautiful buckets; when the boy grabbed the first bucket, the second took it out by the hand; the sisters brought it into the house, put it by the fire; it was covered in mucus; in winter, people cannot find ski trees; the boy can hardly get up, brings an armful of material, tells one of the sisters to ruin it in the house, many skis appear; he asks everyone to hit him in an arrow; the raven gives an arrow with a leather one with a tip; in the forest, the boy removes a layer of dirt and mucus like a shirt, becomes a strong handsome man; kills a deer with each arrow, and a coyote with the Raven's arrow; when he enters the village, he puts on slimy skin again; The raven looks after the boy, finds the hidden skin, tears it up and throws it away; the boy repairs it; next time the Raven sees the young man in all his splendor; he retains this appearance, takes two sisters as his wife]: Farrand 1900 , No. 22:36-37; lower chinook [the chief's daughter agrees to marry the one who breaks the moose horn; Salmon breaks, its ulcers disappear, he becomes handsome; the Coyote kills him with an arrow, people eat it; one egg falls into the crack of the rock; the crow takes care of it; the egg turns into trout, then into a boy; the crow reports that the Coyote and Badger killed his father, and the mother took the Wolves; the young man kills them all picks up his father's bow]: Boas 1894a, No. 4:77-83; clackamas [5 wolves want to kill Coyote Salmon's grandson (Steelhead, a passing form of rainbow trout) and take his wife; Coyote agrees; he was eaten, but one egg fell into the water (probably the males had caviar at the time); the Coyote comes to the Skunk, pretends to be mourning; two Crows grow Salmon their eggs in larger vessels; from the fifth he comes out; {he's salmon by name, almost human}; Crows tell him that the Wolves killed his father and captured his mother; a young man comes to Coyote, shakes him out of his skin and turns the Coyote into a coyote, The skunk is into a skunk; he dried the spring from which the wolves drank, created another at their wife's feet; Wolves drown in it; he sails with his wife in a boat, sleeps, his wife is on oars, he tells him not to wake him up; she sees it larvae, wakes her up, he threw her on the rock, left her skin and bones; Crows argue who will eat her head and who's cheeks; Salmon asks the Vultures to lower it back, pours water, she comes to life]: Jacobs 1958, № 5:42-51; Vishram: Hines 1991, No. 7 [five Wolves and five Cold Winds brothers defeat Chief Salmon, killing all his men; one egg remains in the crevice of the rock; the Coyote first supports Wolves, then repents; salmon born from an egg sails to his grandmother, becomes a boy, trains strength; he is a warm Chinook Wind; comes to the Cold Winds; Grandma Salmon's sister is their slave, The crippled sister of the Cold Winds recovers on her hair in the morning; Salmon tells her aunt to beat the torturer with a rose hip branch; defeats and kills the Cold Winds, only their sister is saved; so winter does It happens, but not so harsh; Wolves go to the mountains], 36 [The leader invites you to play dice, cuts off the heads of the losers; the Eagle has wives Cricket and Gorlink, each with a son; the Eagle goes to play; the Chief sends Blue Jay, Whitefish, Crab, Rabbit find out who came; Eagle sees the first three maimed (almost blind, burnt mouth, etc.); Rabbit sends a message; Eagle loses to Rabbit, Chief cuts off Eagle's head; Coyote takes Eagle's wives; Cricket believes it's Eagle, Gorlinka doesn't; two old women tell Young Eagle how his father died; Young won, cut off the Chief's head; since then, no losers they are killing; the Young Eagle removed his father's head from the pole, put it to his body, painted it five times, he came to life; the resurrected Eagle told Coyote to climb the tree to the nest; the birds were not there; the tree with the Coyote turned into a rock]: 73-87, 135-140; Vasco: Hines 1996, No. 15A [five Wolf Brothers and five Cold Wind Brothers fight against the Salmon; Coyote Wolves; they fight on ice, all Salmon killed, cold; Coyote sees he has taken the wrong side; one egg remains in the crevice of the rock, washed into the water, little Salmon (=Wind Chinook) found his grandmother; she told how his father was killed; he trains strength by swimming in cold water; grandmother's sister is a slave to SV Winds, their limp sister relieves the slave's hair in the morning; with her breath, young Salmon melted the ice on the slave, hit the limp with a rose hip branch on the bare ass; in a duel he killed all the Winds, only the limp escaped, so winter happens; during the battle, the ex-slave pours oil under her feet; the Coyote led the people against the Wolves, drove them to the mountains]: 65-78.

The Midwest. Winnebago [twins enter an old woman's womb, born again; mother dies in childbirth; father puts dead baby in a stump; boys play together; father lures, catches Wild (domestication) by elk-bladders; {obviously ties a bubble to his head so he can't dive into the water}); warns brothers not to go to the lake in the south; they kill leeches, snakes, toad sucking bears; father runs away; brothers send their father to a village in the east, where he finds his wife; brothers visit their parents, bring them food; they have killed all evil creatures; their father is fire]: Radin 1954 in Lankford 2007:94-95.

Northeast. Oneida; mikmaq.

Plains. Sarsi; blacklegs; crowe; hidatsa; arapaho; arikara; skidi pawnee; kiova-apache; wichita; pawnee (skidi, kitkehahki ) [a woman gives birth to a puppy, her husband White Mocassins (BM) throws him into the stream, he is picked up by an Oyster; says that it was not his father BM who threw him away, but a witch; the puppy turns into a boy, finds a quiver, finds his men, stays in his father's house; differs in hunting buffalo, marries the chief's daughter, they have many children; chases a deer, who turns into a woman, says that his father wants to kill him; The young man invites his father and others to his home, calls him to a competition; makes his father poke his head at all objects; shouts, BM and his people fall dead]: Dorsey 1906, No. 53:192-194.

Southeast USA. Chirokee.

Big Pool. Northern shoshones.

The Great Southwest. Lipan; jicarilla; Isleta tiva.

Mesoamerica Nahuat (Puebla): Chinchilla Mazariegos 2010b [Pury-Toumi 1997:148; Segre 1990:173-174; the hummingbird pecked the tsitsimitl girl ("cannibal"), mixed her blood with his own, placed it at the source, grew a tree, its fruit is full of blood; an old man and an old woman, tsitsimitl, cut the fruit, threw it into the river, then found the boy Sintiopil wearing the embodiment of corn]: 52; Taggart 1983 [the baby does not grow, his mother throws him into the river; the mother of the dwarfs picks him up; he grows up, leaves, meets dwarfs; they say that the one who puts out the fire will jump into it and become the master of peace; the young man jumps down the hill, almost everything extinguished, became the sun; the young man's mother came, jumped after him, got the remains of the fire, became the moon; now the sun and moon are chasing each other]: 101-102; otomi [the woman kept her daughter in the drawer, not released; the young man made wooden spoons, bowls, came disguised as a salesman; the girl asked her mother to buy it; when she saw him, the girl felt itchy; when she went swimming and took off her dress, she found it in it a corn kernel; she rubbed it and threw it into the water, the shrimp took care of it, the fish raised it, and since then some have dark spots on their backs; the boy grew up asking girls washing clothes to transport him across the river; they refused; then he persuaded them to stand in a row to cross their backs; as he walked, the girls turned into frogs; he came to his mother, she made clay vessels, he smashed them with arrows; she scolded him, he explained that he was her son, whom she crushed and threw into the water; he began to play his grandfather's musical instrument; told him to stop: another, angry, the grandfather will hear him kill the player; he came, took the young man to the temazcal, closed the door, gave a couple; opened it, intending to cut and eat the cooked; the bathhouse was empty, the young man came up from the spring, all wet; then the grandfather offered to separate the black grains from the white ones; the young man overshadowed the vessel with a cross, the grains separated; but the grandfather could not separate; the young man offered to catch the thrown stone; the young man caught it; he threw the stone himself, and when he fell down, threw cornthorns (espigas) into his grandfather's eyes, hit him in the head and killed him; he asked his mother for tortillas, she replied that they only eat bones here, there was nothing else; he ordered him to take the pot, it boiled, it contained tortillas; ordered to cook the field, the first corn grew on it]: Oropeza Escobar 2007:185-191 (retelling the beginning in Chinchilla Mazariegos 2010a: 52); tepeua [ some characters don't like the musician's performance; they invite him to a party, feed him, offer more and more servings; he can't anymore; they call him to play ball, kill him with their iron balls; his a pregnant wife wants to have an abortion, a baby from her womb tells her to wait, give birth to him where she is swimming; she gives birth and buries a dead baby; corn grows on his grave; a woman cooks a cake, she is bitter, the woman throws it away; the turtle puts it on her back, the cake turns into a boy; the baby is dirty, since then you can see a picture on the turtle shell; the turtle makes arrows for him, but tells the poor fish not to shoot; the boy asks the scorpion to take him to his real mother; finds his father's musical instrument under the roof of the house; opponents hear the game again, call the player to their place to subject him to the same tests as his father; he is fed to slaughter, but he asks the shrew in advance to hole his food vessels; during the game, he hits balls, killing opponents; spares three for what they show where his father's bones are; revives his father, brings him home, forbiding him to open his eyes; a leaf falls on him, opens his eyes, turns into a deer; his son gives him a handkerchief - a tail; tells the crocodile open his mouth, pulls out his tongue; asks San Pedro to let him and his mother go (to heaven?) ; the mother turns into a holy rose; the snake moves, producing thunder, lightning, clouds, rain; the young man waves the crocodile's tongue, causing a stronger thunderstorm; Thunders lead the young man to San Pedro ; he admits that he missed him with his mother; tells him to share his weapon between the Thunders]: Williams García 1972:87-92; Totonaki (Chicotepec) [man played violin; Thunder sent to a messenger ordered to appear; let him tell him who allowed him to play, they don't like it; he was asked to sit in a chair and then compete in the run; at a distance he saw him lying upside down pajaro de primavera; not wanting to step on him, the man hesitated and lost the contest; he was killed and buried; his wife remained pregnant; the thunders caused her and, under threat of death, forced her to miscarry, the child was buried in the courtyard of the house from where they ran the town hall; eight days later, a corn shoot grew on this site, and the cob ripened on it; the thunders called a woman and told him to pick him up; she ground the grain , cooked a tamale; he turned out to be bitter and she threw it into the river; downstream the old woman heard crying and picked up the baby; brought it home, her husband is also happy; the boy grew up quickly, calls the couple parents; asks where the father goes; old woman: take care of animals {fish, but it is more often referred to as animals}; these animals lay motionless; kingfisher and other birds that eat fish, they came to eat them; the young man asked for permission to go with his father; started shooting at kingfishers and killing them; promised that now the fish ("animals") would multiply; the next time he went alone and started shooting fish in their heads, they have fins, a tail in their backs; tomorrow or the day after tomorrow God's children {i.e. people} will appear, they will need animals {i.e. there must be a lot of fish and it should not be concentrated in one place}; the fish started moving {i.e. blurred}; the next day the young man came back with his father; he: how to catch now; then the young man gave his father a net; people would appear - it will be for them necessary; the young man came to the crocodile, he wanted to eat it; the young man asked him to open his mouth to climb into it, cut off his tongue and said that he would now be called a crocodile; when the lightning flashes, they they will honor you {that is, lightning is made of the crocodile's tongue}; the young man told the old woman he knew that he had a real mother and his real father was killed; the young man came when his mother sadly sang and made clay pots; hiding in a tree, he broke the pot with arrows; she began to swear; he went out to her, told her not to swear and called herself a son; sat on her knees and spoiled her; told the whole story about his father's death and his appearance; he was the corncob; he assured him that he would not be killed; he opened his father's house and all the violins, guitars, drums and flutes were there; he started playing the violin, the Groms are messengers were heard and sent for him; he volunteered to go; when {people} come, you will be called rain/storm clouds, for tomorrow or the day after tomorrow God will increase the number of his children {i.e. people}; and they agreed to be under his control, be clouds, not who they were; they were given their horses - white clouds, and given their machetes; and they would produce lightning, scream {thunder} and pour water; in the morning clouds appeared in the east, it rained, and a thunderstorm began; while running, he did not look at the person lying down and ran first; the second test was to eat a lot of corn porridge; he agreed with Agouti to make her a hole in the bottom of the porridge jar gnawed; the porridge flowed out, and the Thunders believed that the young man had eaten everything; then he took his father out of the grave to revive him; but he should not be afraid; but when he heard the rustle of a fallen leaf, Father got scared and turned into a deer; now people will eat you, hunters will kill you; this young man is Wonder Man]: Aschmann 1977; mountain totonaki; mountain hunters; zapotecs [ old woman Läy and old Gisaj were the first in the world; G. lay at the entrance to the cave all day; S. brought him food 13 times a day, was very tired; once discovered how to cook corn, then how to weave and make clothes; on the seashore they found a box with a boy and a girl in it; they raised them, they carried food for G.; a man told them that G. was not their father, called them to him, let them throw eggs alone in that G. head, the rest into the body; he will die, we must take out the heart, fill G.'s body with wasps, let S. cook the heart as if it were a deer's heart; the frog from the river told L. that she was going to eat her husband's heart; L. came with her children to G.'s body, turned it over, the wasp bit her, the children ran away; L. complained to her brother {? ; he is her husband's compadre, but hereinafter referred to as her compadre}; he advised using a suction stone and sucking the babies back; L. is going to burn the children in the steam room; the boy drills in the floor beforehand exit; run away, leaving the leaves with magnesium; they burst in the heat, L. and his brother think their brains are bursting; L. does not find their needle, mirror, comb; children have filled the suction stone with pepper in advance, L. breathed in, almost died; her brother (compadre) is a serpent, chasing children; they throw a machete (lake), a needle (vine), a comb (also a vine), a mirror (fire, the snake is burned); the girl is thirsty; to get water, ready to sacrifice her eye; God comes up, tells her not to do this-she'll be the moon, her brother will be the sun]: Stubblefield, Stubblefield 1969:47-62; Veracruz Nahuatl: González Cruz 1984 : 211; Law 1957 (Mecayapan town) [the devil's daughter (tsitsimilama) became pregnant with a bird dancing around her; when she gave birth, the devil collided the baby, made a ball, gave it to red ants; three Tamakasti's baby was safe for the day, told the ants to fold his body again; he was thrown into the pond, the fish swallowed it, carried it to the black ants, he was reborn; the devil threw him into the lake, he was three days old swam there in the shape of an egg; his grandmother and mother could not catch him with a net for a long time; his mother cried, he felt sorry for her, he allowed himself to be caught; his grandmother put him in the deck; after 30 days the deck burst, out of it Many different animals came out; the boy's father came, the grandmother was spinning; he began to fly a bird around the nanchi tree; the grandmother could no longer weave; ate the ripe fruit; she liked it, she decided that her grandson threw off him for her; big lice began to bite her, she cut off her hair, became bald; the bird threw a ripe fruit on her head for trying to kill him after birth; the next time T. became a cat, stole one of the bananas she baked from her; shot many birds; the grandmother complained that he killed their chickens; he revived them; T.'s grandfather invited his grandmother to eat it; T. told the bat to kill his grandfather; c the attic dripped blood, the grandmother decided that it was her grandson's blood, started drinking; called her husband, found him dead; T. brought water, said that he did not kill his grandfather, because he went to get water; the grandmother wanted to cook T., he himself threw it into the cauldron; burned the bones along with his grandfather's corpse, told the Toad to throw ashes across the sea; the Toad reached the shore, threw a deck of ashes, it burst, mosquitoes, flies and mosquitoes appeared from the ashes ; The lizard also only said that she carried the deck with ashes; Skunk took it overseas; T. (or someone else?) split the lizard's tongue in half; T. told his mother that he would go to his father; on the way he sat on a stone, he swallowed it; he cut the heart of the stone with a sword; T. came to his father, brought Fox and the musicians; {hereinafter European a tale of matchmaking and marriage trials; T.'s rival - South Wind}]: 345-355; tricks; mixteks; kekchi, mopan; mountain camps [the egg in which the hero is located, old man and old woman find in the river]: Foster 1945a, No. 1:191; chontal [mother is unable to calm her little son, leaves her on an ant heap (he still cries, throws him into a ditch when it rains, finally killed, rubbed it on a grain grater, placed it in an eggshell, threw it into the lake, a childless old woman found the egg, her husband ordered it to be put so that the chicken would hatch, and the same night it was born boy; grew up, was mischievous, came to real parents, told them who he was, turned them into a pair of deer with a tail cloth; beat the drum at the holidays; people were tired of his mischief, wanted shoot at the party, but he went out of sight]: Keller, Gerónimo 2001:111-117; chorty (synopsis of several versions) [hero - Kumix Angel ("younger angel, little brother", hereinafter K.) lives with his four older brothers; he has a cut on his leg; when he bathes, the fish swim to eat his blood and flesh; his brothers rubbed him on a rock, threw him into the water, it foamed like a vine that poisons him fish; brothers disgust realize that the fish they eat is fed up with K.'s body; or K. turns into a fish himself; when the brothers leave, K. revives and cries on the shore; the old cannibal woman K'ech'uj takes him home; var: she takes the bloody foam on the water for her own miscarriage; K. hunts birds and deer, but K'ech'uj secretly gives the meat to her lover; after learning that K'ech'uj and her partner are not his parents. K. kills both; K. hides in a guitar that the hummingbird took to heaven, meets her mother there; all her possessions were taken away by the Bronze King; K. turns the few remaining beans and corn grains into abundant supplies, rebuilds the house built by his uncle San Lorenzo (SL) and where K.'s mother lives; arranges the ritual of feeding his father's brothers, i.e. four-way winds; causes SL with the power of a drum; deceives his father's weapons (sword, drum, flute, ring, cloth) owned by a monkey, battleship, crocodile; defeats and kills the Bronze King (sometimes with lightning); hitting the drum and inflicting sword blows (thunderstorm), creates a milpa; older brothers create a mountain to also climb into heaven and see their mother; eagles begin to descend from the sky, threatening human existence; K. destroys the mountain with lightning; the older brothers are told to hide their heads, but they stick them out and are blinded; their tears are a small November rain; K. turns them into frogs - "rain priests" at the four ends of the world; K. finds a grave father; when trying to revive him, a flock of partridges distracts him and revival fails; according to one version (Girard 1995:404), K. rises to heaven and becomes the sun]: Braakhuis, Hull 2014:452-454.

Honduras-Panama. Bribri [a fisherman on the river bank finds a baby; he is born in a shell or in a leather bag; a fisherman and his wife raise him, he feeds only on cocoa; he is God who destroys demons]: Bozzoli 1977:67 ; Eastern Panama.

Llanos. Sicuani [a pregnant woman goes to visit her grandfather; he warns her to beware of other "grandfathers"; on the river, Monkeys call her granddaughter, lick to death; her baby Shrimp hides under leaf; in the guise of a boy comes to his grandfather; shoots the bow of larger birds; buries a piece of skin from his big toe, a caimo tree grows with numerous fruits; Monkeys come to eat them, the young man shot with all guns]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1992, No. 147:489-490.

Southern Venezuela. Makiritare [Mahanama and his wife have a pregnant daughter; she went for fetuses; Jaguar's men shot and ate her; among them were the Anteater, the Lizard, the Oriole, they were all Stars; a baby from the belly fell into the river, swam away; Sardine, then Perch, Stingray swallowed it, it grew in their stomach; began to go ashore, steal peppers at site M., return to Stingray's stomach; M. leaves the Caracara bird as a watchman, catches a boy; he says he is his grandson Kuamachi; promises to avenge his mother's death; kills an Anteater; meets Jaguar's daughter; Jaguar invites his son-in-law to hunt Paku to attack at him as a jaguar; K. makes a trap, kills Jaguar, kills his father; Jaguar's son indicates which of the skulls belongs to K.'s mother; K. brings it to his grandfather]: Civrieux 1980:103-108; maquiritar [people eat raw food; Kawao Toad, wife of Jaguar Manuwa, spews fire from his mouth, then swallows it; tells her husband she cooked in the sun; finds two fish eggs, from which they are born brothers Iureke and Shikiemon; do not believe that an imaginary mother cooks in the sun; dive into the river, their real mother Uio (the Great Serpent killed by birds) tells them the truth; I. spies on K. making fire; brothers kill K., put fire in trees]: Civrieux 1960:120; 1980:55-61.

Western Amazon. Waorani: Gartelmann 1977 [during a flood, an old man and an old woman hide in a deck; after the flood, the Otters want to kill them; they throw a bunch of burning wood on the old man; all the animals in the forest jump out of the ashes; Otters wrap the ash in a leaf, sprinkle it with water, a boy appears; an old woman carries it to wash, Otters turn into mosquitoes, bite it, she drops the baby; Otters emerge carrying his arm and leg, the rest eaten; an old woman burns the remains, a new baby appears after the same procedure as the first time; Otters play with him, lure him into a hollow, close him, turn the tree into a mountain; when a locked person hits the walls of his prison, thunder rattles]: 166-168; Wavrin 1932 [a person opens locked waters, a flood occurs; after a flood, another kills, burns him; finds a hand and a toe among the ashes, appears a baby (like in Gartelmann); an old woman carries it to wash, drops it into the river, Otters eat it, bring a finger and toe, a new boy appears (like in Gartelmann); people come from him]: 145-146; sekoya [baby (this next Month is the main deity) swims down the river in a vessel; children find him]: Cipolletti 1988, No. 1b:31; canelo; shuar [Ivianch (Ivia) ate the family Hiwaro, the most beautiful girl, was married; then he killed her, her children Etza (sun) and Yanguami (star) were fed by the water goddess Tsungi (sometimes in the form of an anaconda); I climbed the vine into the sky, became a star; E. began to steal pepper from I.'s site, who caught it and adopted it; E. caught a lot of game for I.; he was going to kill the totora bird with a wind gun, who said that I. killed E.'s mother, made a flute out of his skull, He used his eyes to paint the vessels; E. killed I.'s current wife, the corpse became a deer; E. cut off and dismembered the head, cooked the meat, ate it with I.; seeing the head in E.'s hands, I. turned it into a plant tobacco; E. was released from it; E. gave I. a sarbakan, told the birds to pretend to be dead; I. picked them up, they came to life, raised him to heaven, promised marriage to a huge woman who turned out to be a rock; then I. submerged in the waters of the river, his right hand is bound by a vine, with his left hand he can catch some fish]: Pelizzaro 1993:44 (briefly 1961, No. 12:8, retelling in Forno 1970:42-44); Aguaruna: Akutz Nugkai et al. 1977 (1) [A predator (el Carnívoro) killed a pregnant woman, gutted it, washed the meat in the river, found an egg in her stomach, put it on a stone to bake it later, the goose carried it to its nest down the river; from the boy came out the eggs, the goose raised him; the boy began to come to the site of the murdered mother, ate hot pepper there; the boy was radiant, he was the sun; the Predator's wife noticed that on their property (they considered him their own) someone eats all the pepper; The predator waited for the boy, called him a son, brought him to him; made him a small sarbakan; wanted to shoot the flies that stuck to the Predator's body, and hit everyone, not wounding the Predator; the Predator offered to build a house, asked for a pole hole to go down to deepen it, lowered the pole from above and threw earth over the hole; the Sun got out through the hollow core of the pillar; both pretended that nothing had happened; the Sun became a young man, the Predator made him a big sarbakan on the condition that he would bring him all the game; the Sun brought birds, the Predator barely fried them, ate them raw ; made rattling pendants in his ears for the Sun to hear him approach; left alone, he played the flute from his mother's skull; the Sun killed all the birds, the dove remained; asked to shoot from sarbakan with bird feathers, the birds were reborn; the dove told everything; ordered the pendants to be fixed so as not to make noise, come quietly and see what the Predator was doing; he tried to hide the skull and skull rolled under the Sun's feet, tears are dripping from his eyes; the Sun has created a tree whose fruits are loved by deer; the predator ordered him to go hunting tomorrow; the Sun made him a spear out of bad wood, bewitched him not to fall into target, and the Predator made a good spear for the Sun; since the Sun hit the target, he was the one who went hunting; let the Predator send his wife to the site for cassava; the Sun turned her into a deer, killed her, but her head human; The sun told the digging stick to be responsible for it; brought home a deer without a head; The predator eats meat, the Sun pretends to call "its mother", answers the digger stick; the Sun sent the Predator to swim, brought his wife's head, cursed all objects to rot immediately; when he saw his head, the Predator wanted to kill the Sun, but everything he picked up fell to dust; the Sun pierced the Predator with a spear, nailing him to the ground; a vine grew and tied him; the Predator's back took root; a flower grew out of his penis, hummingbirds flocked to it, the Predator caught them and ate them; once he almost ate a man, the Sun decided to transfer it to the end of the world; the toucan and woodpecker cut off the roots, lifted the Predator into the air; the Sun created a fruit tree, many birds rushed to it; the Sun told the Predator about the tree, he did not resist, he sucked his guts the birds gathered; did not want to fly, but the birds carried him; they screamed "like a balsa" (i.e. light) and he shouted "like a rock"; at the edge of the world downstream, the Predator could only grab and eat fish, catch it all; then The sun left him with only one hand free; he turned into a tree, and the three women promised to him in red, cream and gray clothes (they are actually birds) turned into leaves; at certain times of the year, leaves they dry up, and the wind brings birds from the lower reaches of the river; these birds bring the souls of the dead to the Predator, but they themselves say they hunt monkeys; when birds arrive, many people die; when corpses are smoked, birds drive away]: 135-169; Chumap Lucía, García-Rendueles 1979 (1), No. 1 [Ajáim went to the station, met a pregnant woman, killed her, gutted it by the river, found an egg in his stomach, put it on a stone; duck ( sem. Phalacrocoracidae) took him away; Etsa (the sun) was born from him; one day he got out of the water, came to site A. and began to eat hot pepper, which was sweet to him; A. sent a snake to find out who was on the site; E. he ran away from the snake, but then A. caught him, brought him to his place; E. began to live with him; A. tied seed bells to him; when E. grew up, A. made him a small sarbakan; E. shot flies, then A. sent him to bird hunting; E. brought them, A. ate them; made a big sarbakan for E.; E. soon shot all the birds, the hummingbirds were the last; the dove tells me not to shoot, says that A. killed E.'s mother; from her head made a vessel (rather a wind instrument), blows into it; E. crept up and saw that it was; his mother's skull rolled to E.'s poga, tears were dripping from his eyes; E. calls A. into the forest: there is a fruit tree to which deer walk; E. throws his spears more accurately; tells A. to send his wife to the site; he killed her himself, turned her into a deer, only a human head; E. cut her off, and ordered his wife A.'s digging stick to be responsible for her; A. ate a deer, and when he returned from bathing, E. gave him his wife's head; A. grabbed his spear, but it turned out to be rotten, and E. pierced A. with his spear; a flower grew out of A.'s penis, and hummingbirds began to flock to him, A. them caught and ate; to take A. to take A. to where he could not eat, E. called for help from a pauhil, a toucan, a woodpecker and a peacock (Pipile cumanensis, sem. Cracidae); at first A. shouted: as heavy as a stone, the birds could not lift it; then he was promised two women and A. began to scream: light, light; he was placed on the island, but he ate all the fish; this place called Tunkín; left one hand on the ground - the same, he was fishing with one hand; you can still hear his screams when he is hungry; the Leistes militaris (Pexites militaris) bird fumigates sick people or the dead and brings A. to eat; A. sings, birds flock to him, sitting on trees]: 39-45.

NW Amazon. Baniva; guarikena; tariana [there were few first ancestors on the river island; then they became jaguars, spirits; one young man raped a girl; they decided to kill him; when everyone became with falcons to catch flying ants (saúva), everyone attacked him; he tried to escape by turning into different creatures and objects: a bird (like a swallow), a tree with large roots, a parrot Macaw, like a monkey; when he became a monkey, others became jaguars and ate him; an old man and an old woman lived on the other island; the old woman sent her husband to get a piece; the old man got little fingers, with three bones; the little finger fell into the river and became three fish P otamorrhaphis guianensis; others accused the old man of saving a piece, but the old man convinced them he was innocent; the old woman caught the fish peppered, but they became crickets; the old woman put them in a pot, put them on the fire, but they became boys; the old woman began to raise them; they threw pepper in the old man's eyes; he took them to the station to burn, but they jumped out of the fire unharmed; left a turtle on the path, the old man came across and fell; scolds the old woman - because of her these unbearable boys; the old woman took them to the station; there women tear them off unripe fruits, they turn into agouti; brothers climbed a tree, an old woman sent ants, brothers fell, died, came to life; the old woman died from a spider bite, they revived her; they turned into beautiful birds girls for birds, birds became boys again, got together with girls; the relationship continued, one said; jaguar people try to kill brothers, but they easily turn into anyone, elusive, do not drink poisoned kashiri; opossum killed inamba but ate inamba harpy eagle; relatives of the victim sent brothers to kill the harpy eagle: let them decorate them with feathers if they want to become shamans; they caught eagles in strong nets, became shamans; dabucuru needed fish; one brother became a woman, the Big Serpent came to meet her, the other two killed him; the brothers cut the body into pieces, and they appeared fish (p. 125-126); brothers went out and returned, increasing in number; answered the jaguars that their names were Bitter Jaguar, Broken Teeth, etc.; they tried to bite - bitterly, teeth were breaking, etc.; it is not clear , which of the audience were the real three brothers; the brothers went to heaven to steal Thunder's sword (lightning is its shine); Thunder gave a fake; while Thunder was sleeping, they replaced his real club with a fake; from Thunder's lightning brothers fell apart and came to life, and with their lightning they killed him; revived him; with this lightning they killed all the jaguars, but also the old woman; climbed to the uppermost tier of the sky]: Brüzzi 1994:114-134; bar; barasana; kabiyari; macuna; desana; maku; yagua: Flornoy in Girard 1958 [Jaguars visit people, copulate with women; people hide a girl, A jaguar finds her, kills her; her body is thrown into the river; water with some seeds enters her bosom; a boy is born, people raise him; he says he will return to his father; people are frightened, they think that to Jaguar, but his father is a Month; he rises into the sky from the fire, becomes the Sun]: 48; Powlison 1972a [at night A month comes to a sister who retired to a separate hut for her first period; sister wants to know who is her lover, stains his face with paint; The month rises to the sky in shame, the spots are still visible; the girl's mother and relatives turn into storks, fly away; the girl goes looking for them; she is bitten by a bee; After that, she loses her way, goes to the jaguars, the Jaguar eats her; the mother of the jaguars takes the baby out of the womb to the river to wash it before eating it, he rushes into the water and swims away; downstream a boy finds a baby, brings it to his mother, she raises them together; the son of a woman killed by jaguars agrees to the named brother's offer to be burned to turn into the Sun; he ascends to heaven by his father Month]: 71-72.

Central Amazon. Katawishi; maue.

Montagna - Jurua. Amuesha; Kashinahua; character: Barriales 1970 [enemies kill a woman; her son is thrown into the river, turns into a turtle; it turns out, kills his mother's killer with a club]: 59; Gray 1996 [ a man climbs an Aviruk tree (rubber), throws fruit to his wife; hears her laughter; she becomes pregnant from the spirit of a tree, goes to live in his village; her relatives come there for a party and she decides return with them; they warn them not to follow them, because the village of Jaguars is on the way; the woman goes, the Jaguars eat her, the uterus is thrown into the river; the fish take care of the baby; the brother of the victim sees the uterus, but no one can catch her; the mother of the killed succeeds; the boy Marinka demands only the fruits of the Aviruk tree, quickly turns into a young man; kills many different animals, thinking that they are to blame for his mother's death; the grandmother agrees to say that the Jaguars are to blame; M. makes a club that can split stones; kills almost all Jaguars, but one escapes and there are many jaguars again; people are afraid Wondering what to do; Turn into a tree? - They'll cut it down; Hide under the ground? - Will they trample; Hide in the rocks or the river? - They will find it; the boy offers to go to heaven; everyone is happy and in a hurry tramples on him, he turns into tobacco; the sky falls lower, M. and people climb there; M. throws an ax to his grandmother, but falls into her, she turns into curasso, sings before the storm; M. - Thunder, wielding his club in the sky]: 118-128; Helberg Chávez 1996 [husband climbs a rubber tree, throws fruit to his wife, hears her laughter; hers the spirit of a nearby tree of the same species seduces her, she becomes pregnant; her husband leaves her in the forest; the Jaguar kills her; the woman's mother catches a uterus from the river, raises a boy, Amarinka; he steals seeds a peach palm from a jaguar Pomburu, makes a weapon out of its solid wood; kills old Jaguariha; a deer jumps out of her head, her soul from her anus; A. kills the rest of the Jaguars]: 102-118.

Southern Amazon. Paresi; Iranshe [man was fishing; saw a blond boy and girl Neykyú come out of the water; the girl got her hair entangled in the trap, the boy disappeared into the water; the fisherman, his wife and N. lose weight because they eat only fish broth, and the meat disappears somewhere; at night, the fisherman saw that the thief was Wanali, he had a second mouth on his hand; he ate with his hand, throwing it to the fish through the wall of the house; the next at night, the man left the Owl to guard, she gave a signal that the man cut off his ugly hand; Marten promises to find V.'s house on a bloody trail, instead collects honey; V.'s house finds the Maned Wolf; Parrot, Toucan, Mutum and other birds kill V., dye them with his blood; Parrot and Arara make beaks for themselves from his axes]: Pereira 1985, No. 30:138-142.