Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue

Ethnicities and habitats

J27A. Thrown out kills father .44.45.47.

One of the babies is thrown out and lives in the river, in the forest, etc.; the other stays in the house; after the abandoned brother returns to the house, the brothers kill their father or his people. See motive J19, J25.

The Midwest. Nordic (? marsh?) Cree [husband tells a pregnant wife to hide their son under the cane on the floor in his absence; the cannibal Toosh comes, pulls out the woman's uterus, throws it into the bushes; the mouse raises the baby; the husband kills cannibal; the eldest boy loses his arrows, the Mouse takes them for his pupil; the boy persuades his brother to return home; their father goes to the lake; the brothers kill two lynxes in the lake, bring them to their father; he cries, lets many lynxes on them; they kill them and him; the youngest consistently marries and rejects Olenikha, Black Bear, Porcupine, Soyka; marries Bobrikha, lives with her in the river, returns; the older brother kills Bobrikha, gives her meat to his younger brother; after eating, he turns into a beaver]: Bell 1897:2-8.

Northeast. See motive J27. Mikmak: Parsons 1925, No. 1 [husband's father comes to his daughter-in-law, pierces her heart with a burning chip, rips her stomach open, throws her insides into the river, carries her body away, eats her body; her six-year-old son lures Found in his guts ashore; he returns to the river if he sees his father; the father catches him, gives him blue jay feathers; the older brother says that the father told his grandfather to kill their mother; they burn the father in the house; Found in his intestines pushes his bones, they turn into mosquitoes; brothers pour boiling fat on his grandfather, let his grandmother fry his heart, kill her with an ax]: 56-59; Speck 1915b [the woman has a 6-year-old son, she again pregnant; husband tells his father to kill her; the old man tells the woman to bend down, burns her heart with a stick, throws her insides into the water, takes her body to eat; the boy tries to catch her in the water little brother; finally brings him home; when his grandfather appears, he returns to the water every time; the old man catches him, gives him blue jay feathers; the older brother tells how their father told their grandfather to kill them mother; they burn the father in the house; the one found in the intestines (NC) pushes his bones, they turn into mosquitoes; brothers pour boiling fat on their grandfather, let the grandmother fry his heart, kill her with an ax; they go to kill her other giants]: 61-64; Whitehead 1988 [a woman marries her son Kukwes (an ogre giant); for her and her son, he hunts animals, for himself and her parents; does not tell you to touch a bear's stomach; son hits the stomach with an arrow, liquid drips, K.'s strength melts; he allows his father to eat his wife; the old man heats his iron staff, pierces his daughter-in-law, gutts, throws the baby from her womb into the river; The turtle brings him up, he goes out to play with his brother; he asks his father to make two bows, two arrows, etc.; the boys make a mess in the house, the family is forced to confess to his father; the father makes jewelry from bird tails; Domashny grabs in Rechnoy's house, keeps him, father comes running; first Rechnoy throws his tails into the fire, then smiles; the father fell asleep, the brothers burned him in the house; the bones collided, they turned into flies, mosquitoes, sand fleas; because they were pushed on the doorstep, insects enter the house through the entrance; The river beats the birch tree with a spruce paw, since then there are traces on the bark; brothers put their grandfather to sleep, looking for insects from him, stick to him fat, burn it, let his wife eat the liver, kill her with an ax; the bull frog hides all the water in his house in birch bark buckets, gives it in exchange for women; the River kills the Frog, breaks blood vessels, water fills rivers; brothers sail in a boat, River kills giants; Porcupine drowns so hot that Domashny dies; Riverboat wraps himself in a blanket, Porcupine dies herself, River revives her brother; house Kluskap is guarded by geese, River tells them to remain silent; K. causes frost, Domashny dies, revives him in the river morning; Domashny receives a growing beaver skin from K., becomes a merchant; Riverside marries his daughter Skunks; she takes him to collect bird eggs, leaves him on the island; seagulls bring him home; his mother-in-law tells him to sleep with her, tries to strangle him with her gases, he makes a hole in the blanket; she throws him into the hole , at the bottom, the Turtle devours his sons-in-law; the river gets out; meets a man walking with bent legs, kills him, makes a door out of him, brings the corpse to his relatives; snakes and frogs fall from their faces; both brothers return to the island, turn into two stones]: 140-154.

Southeast USA. The brothers let stinging insects on their father and his people, turn their father into a crow. Natchez [boy asks his father to make him more arrows; confesses that he is playing with another boy; together with his father they catch Wild; father warns of dangers; brothers are transported across the river an old woman; she attaches herself to their backs; they can hardly take her off after dousing her with boiling water; make a pipe out of her nose; bathe where the leeches are, they crush them; watch the father let the deer out of the hole in the mountain and kill him ; they release all the deer and other game; the father brings people to kill the brothers; they place a row of Ducks, then a row of Geese, Cranes, Quails for protection, fill the empty reeds with bumblebees, hornets, wasps; those they sting attackers to death; brothers turn father into a crow]: Swanton 1929, No. 6:227-230; screams [two sisters go to look for the Beaded Spitting (PB); Rabbit pretends to be him, pulls it out vultures have a few beads, puts them in her mouth; sleeps with one of the sisters; the sisters leave, get to the Gopher, who eats their provisions; the closer the house of the Killing Turkeys (i.e. PB), the more feathers lie on road; the owner tests the girls, telling them to bring water with a sieve; the one with whom the Rabbit combined pours out water, the other turns into beads; sends the first PB, takes the second as his wife; she is pregnant; he calls her from the other side of the river, asking her to fit a boat; from a distance she sees the figure of a woman in the house; she does not bring a boat, PB swims, hits her imaginary wife, she disappears; it was Kolowa, who ate a real wife; in his wife's torn womb, PB finds a live baby, throws him into the thickets; the son has grown up, asks him to make two bows; the father spies and sees how the second one comes out to play with him a boy who comes from the afterbirth; a father turns into an arrow, a ball of grass, a feather, Thrown away recognizes him every time; finally caught, tamed, his name is Fatcasigo (Not-doing-right); father warns not answer, if someone asks to transport him from the other side of the river, it will not be him, but Kolova, who ate them; the old woman calls, F. insists that they transport her; the old woman asks F. to take her on her back, shouts "Kolowai, Kolowai", refuses to get off; F. hits her, sticks her hands, legs and head; brother also hits and sticks; father soaks them with hot water, K. flies away; father does not tell me to get two eggs with trees, F. persuades his brother to pick up the eggs; the storm immediately takes their father away, he returns; lightning begins to strike around, the brothers get off the tree; the brothers spy on the father, see the corral in which he keeps bears, deer and all animals; releases them; their father sends them to a character named Long Nails for tobacco; a crocodile transports them across the lake, teaches them how to grab tobacco and run; transports them back Long Nails do not have time to catch up; F. suggests filling the house with stinging insects; brothers place watchmen who should warn them of their father's approach; these are the Blue Crane, the Wild Goose, the Pelican, Partridges; the closest ones when they screamed, the brothers release insects, they bit their father to death; the brothers turn him into a Crow; F. goes west, his brother goes east; when you can see him in the west a red cloud, this is F., when it's in the east, it's his brother]: Swanton 1929, No. 2:2-7; Seminoles [someone kills the newborn's mother; the discarded afterbirth turns into a second boy; he's wild, lives in the forest, comes to play with his brother; father turns into a log to catch him, but is recognized; throws feathers down the wind, Wild stays to play with them; father does not tell me to go to the lake; brothers approach catch small aquatic animals; water rises to the roofs of houses, then descends; brothers kill their uncle in a nearby village; father tells people to kill them; brothers release wasps and bumblebees, all people are killed; The brothers come to the old woman; she asks to collect firewood for the fire; the Toad warns that she is going to burn them; they themselves push the old woman into the fire; four horses jump out of the fire, the brothers take the white one; they find themselves among predatory animals; they shoot up, the arrow pierces the sky; which means that they will get to the sky, shoot themselves; in the sky, Thunder gives them their daughters as wives; they have many bad ones children, so people are afraid of thunderstorms; these two brothers are Thunder and Lightning]: Greenlee 1945:142-143; Alabama [a person has a son and an adoptive orphan; he only brings them the skins and liver of hunted animals; warns not to answer the call of strangers; an old woman comes, asks the boys to look in her head for her lice the size of corn kernels; next time someone asks the boys to transport him through the river; on the other side he asks him to carry; refuses to get down; the boys pour boiling water on it, stuck behind; the boys followed their father; saw him approach the pen where the deer were; killing one, takes off the skin and throws the meat into the pond to the female frog; when the father left, the boys called the frog with the same signal; she came out laughing, they shot her; when he found her corpse, the father cursed the boys; told others that they killed a man and deserved to die; the boys gathered stinging insects into a calebass; when people came to kill the boys, they released insects, hid themselves in a hole; those who came were bitten to death; when they found their father's corpse, the boys cut his ass, and a crow flew out]: Swanton 1929, No. 16:133-134; koasati [father brings only deer liver to his two sons; they watch him; he summons a woman from the pond, feeds her; brothers call her, kill her; it was the Frog; the father brings warriors to kill his sons; they fill the vessels with wasps, hornets, etc., release insects, enemies killed; father turned into a crow]: Swanton 1929, No. 16:181.