Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

J28B. Hot cake.

.12.-. (.35.) .37.

When a woman (usually a hero's mother) is hiding the truth about his father, mother, brothers or bride, a young man (rarely a girl) hurts her, forcing her to tell the truth (usually clamps hot bread in her palm or sticks her fingers into hot food).

West Africa. Guro [the hunter takes the game out of the traps, and the ogre comes out of the tree and picks it up; the pregnant wife thinks that her husband is giving the game to his mistress; he watches him (which is forbidden), sees the ogre; he is going to kill a woman, the hunter asks to give him the child, if it is a boy; gives his son to raise his mother; he grows up quickly; pretending that his jaw hurts, provokes his grandmother to stick him fingers in his mouth and bites her: he will bite off if she does not tell him what happened to his father; she tells; the young man goes to the ogre; on the way he gets a horn from the old woman, which gives instructions, corn kernels and winged ants; when there is an obstacle on the way, the young man asks the horn, he tells him to throw the seed and ant, they pave the way; stays in the house with the cannibal, each asks the other who snores; cannibal falls asleep, the young man cuts off his head and goes out; but the cannibal puts his head back, turns into a girl, she comes to the young man to marry him; the horn warns of danger; for the first time, a young man turns into a loincloth at night, his cannibal wife does not find him; the second time she burns the bandage, but the young man is the threshold at that time; the third time she surrounds him with fire; he takes the horn, but drops it into the fire; turns into a hawk that always flies where they make a fire - looking for his fetiche]: Tououi Bi 2014:117-127.

Sudan - East Africa. Kordofan (ethnicity is not specified; F. attributed this text to those borrowed from the Berbers {which ones? in Kordofan?}) [The king refuses his daughter's suitors; when he died, Ghoul came and took her away; her younger brothers Ahmet and Hasan grew up; playing with the other boys, A. threw a piece of wood and broke the old woman's jug; she advised him it is better to return the sister kidnapped by the ghoul; A. asked his mother to boil water for washing; bent her head to the cauldron: if you do not tell us about his sister, she put her in boiling water; the mother admitted that her sister was kidnapped by Ghoul Ibrahim; when leaving, A. left Hasan a ring: if he starts to squeeze his finger, he is in trouble; A. drove up to the well; an old man next to the fig tree; he tells Ahmet to collect water himself; he is unable to lift his wineskin from the well; old man: so you can't win either; but if you still want to go, follow the ram, lead to a ghoul; your sister asks you to leave; the ghoul who came shook hands with A. - she hung powerlessly; invited her to the garden, ordered to go ahead, pushed them into a hole in which all the prisoners; as needed, the ghoul eats them; the ring on H.'s finger clenched; he went after A.; with H. everything was the same as A.; the mother realized that she had ridden a donkey thirsty, drank donkey urine, became pregnant; the baby says from her womb that Gulya will win; runs right after birth; his name is Wudan Dahasch ("Donkey Ear"; VD); they came to town; salesman oils and the honey seller tried to laugh at the baby, but he hit them so much that no one else laughed; asked his mother for a stick; consistently breaks two wooden, iron; satisfied with a huge iron club; VD beats people with it; the vizier advises the king to tell VD to herd goats and sheep in the garden where Gul Madina lives (in the local language, the steering wheel, not the ghoul); he will kill him; M. suggests dividing garden and live in peace; VD safely grazes the herd in the garden several times and bears fruit to the king; one day M. sleeps; VD covered him with brushwood and set him on fire; he died; VD cut off his head, hid it under a rock; everyone speaks that he defeated M., but only VD knows where the head is; the vizier offers another way to get rid of VD; two gulas live in the river, do not provide water, you have to take bad water from the well; two gulya have agreed turn into beautiful women; VD heard this; brought women to the city, ordered them to become ghouls; the people, the king, the vizier were horrified; VD burned the skin of the guli, they became girls forever; VD left them in his care mothers; when the king offers to shower VD with mercies, but he (as several times before) only asks for permission to continue to frighten people with his iron club; he does not kill or injure people, but only knocks down off the feet; the vizier proposes to send VD to the mighty neighboring king with a load of manure and a letter asking him to kill VD; VD broke his club and ordered the blacksmiths to forge an even heavier and stronger one; on the ship he was surprised why are the bags light, found manure, threw it into the Nile, burned a letter and wrote another asking to honor VD; VD was solemnly received to the sound of musical instruments; at night all residents together and the king went to the fortress; VD brought it down with his club, all the people died; brought pipes and so on to his king: allegedly, another king called valuable gifts manure, so he killed him and brought valuable tools; VD came to his mother and she finally told him about the fate of his sister and brothers; VD went to the king to ask for a horse; vizier: if anyone kills VD, only this ghoul; when he reached the old man at the well, VD easily raised his wineskin with water and bent over the fig tree to give the old man figs; tells his sister that he will free the brothers; he shook hands with the gulya so much that his fingers bleed; in the garden, VD forced the ghoul to bend over the hole, hit on the back with a club, cut it into pieces; the prisoners got out of the hole; in the city they were frightened to see the crowd approaching; then they realized that this VD was leading the released; the king gave VD his daughter and throne; VD's sister went beyond son of a king]: Frobenius 1923, No. 25:273-277.

North Africa. The Berbers of Morocco [two merchants agreed to marry children if a boy and a girl are born; Fadhel and Attoche are inseparable; Fadhel's father died in a foreign land, F. went to get the rest property; at this time, the Sultan saw A. and demanded his wife; the parents had to agree; dug a grave, buried a ram and celebrated a wake for his daughter; F., who returned, believed, but the old woman told him the truth; at home, F. threatened to put his mother's hand in hot soup, who had to tell the whole truth; F. got a job in the palace to replace the deceased gatekeeper; threw her ring into A.'s food; in response she threw her own; the Sultan found them and summoned F. to a duel; on the way, the sultal admires the red rose; F.: A.'s cheek is rosy; then white orange blossoms, black grapes, slender bamboo (skin, hair, Waist A.); F. was killed in a duel on spears; A. rushed to F.'s body and died; the Sultan ordered them to be buried side by side; myrtle grew on both graves, the trees bent towards each other; the sultan ordered them to be cut down; grew up basil, the sultan ordered to be cut off; then two palm trees grew, combining the leaves]: El Fasi, Dermenghem 1928:41-47; Moroccan Arabs: El Koudia 2003, No. 11 [beautiful Lunja sees pigeons, they seem to ask something, she feeds them grains first, then her mother's jewelry; she goes after the pigeons, who explain that their mother is a gulya; L. must ask God to make the needle's eye pass through it, venerate the long breasts of the guli cannibal; she says that she is now the sister of her children Aissa and Moussa; in another country, the Sultan's son and relative (cousin) L. hurts the rest of the children; the old woman teaches to quit the ball through her window, the Sultan's son will come in, she will shame him that he is not going to save L.; the young man puts his mother's hand in hot soup, frees him for promising to tell everything about L.; he comes to the country of the guli, an old woman talks about the cave where L.; arranges to meet them; the old woman says that it is too early to run, gulya will catch up; tells L. to paint everything in the guli cave with henna; she forgot about the mortar in which she crushed henna leaves; son The sultan was taken away by L., the mortar woke up the gulya, she rushed in pursuit; catching up, Gulya asks what the Sultan's son is eating so as not to lose strength; L. replies that grass and wood; gulya eats them in vain; what the horse eats - her knees; gulya eats her knees; when she dies, she tells him to drive along a red road rather than a white road, drink from a muddy stream; if she makes a mistake, he will meet a big bird, it will offer to eat you have to eat a handful (mouthful), throw another into the hem; the Sultan's son insists on driving along the white road; drinks from a clear stream, but L. from a muddy stream; eats everything, and L. drops into the hem; the bird tells show what was eaten; L. shows what was thrown into the hem, the young man cannot, the bird swallows it with the horse, flies away; L. kills the dog of the Sultan's son, puts on its skin, comes to his father in the form of a dog, he tells her servants to take care of her; every day a bird flies by, the Sultan's son curses her parents who hold L. by the dog; a beggar hears this, the sultan brings the imaginary dog to the palace, the son of the birds scream for the father to kill the bull, the birds fly, we must ask the white woman to regurgitate what she has eaten; she is so full that she cannot take off, belches the young man on horseback; for the night he asks for a dog and hot water; in the morning beautiful in his bed; wedding], 15 [three women go to get grass for cattle, but are afraid to enter the bachelor's field; one says that if he married her, she would bake a loaf of one grain, the other - would cook a pot of soup from one bean, the third would give birth to a son with a gold mark on his head; he married all three, although the first two did not fulfill their promise; the third gave birth, evil wives cut off the baby little finger, put in the mother's mouth, the child was given to the woman to bury her alive; the husband tells the wife who gave birth to wear dog skin, live in the kitchen and then in a hut, herd camels; that woman raised a boy; peers It is said that he is a foundling; he made a woman tell him the truth by putting her finger in boiling oil; he went to look for his father, taking a wolf, a sheep and a dog as companions; the people he met are amazed to see these animals together; he asks people they meet if they know about the mother who ate her baby; one person brings him to a woman who says she ate the baby; he explains everything by showing it to his mother and father a golden spot on their heads; evil wives were dressed in dog skin, told to eat with dogs, then ripped apart with horses]: 72-80, 96-99; Kabila: Taos Amrush 1974 [the king holds his son Mehend in in a secret room, tells me to feed boneless meat; M. finds a bone in the lamb, breaks through the wall, runs out to the market square; the witch Settuta asks if he has been married to Hamisha, daughter Hitin; he asks S. to cook soup for him, puts her hand in boiling water, S. shows that H. lives in the east; M. saves the fish caught by the fisherman by exchanging it for his horse; the fish turns into a young companion; after 7 years they arrive in a city where mourning: the princess is sick; the king promises to pass her off as someone who will cure her; companion M. is called to do so; in the princess's room tells stories; three brothers traveled, spent the night in the forest, took turns keeping the fire; the youngest saw a tree resembling a human figure, carved out the figure of a woman; the elder dressed her; the middle one turned to God and revived; brothers began to argue about who she should belong to and killed each other; she was an evil fairy; she loved only the one who revived her, and when she saw him dead, she began to take revenge on people; the prince's companion tells the fairy get out of Sumishi; S. belches a black snake; she swallowed it quietly when she drank water from a spring; general glee; a wedding is scheduled, but instead of expelling the snake, M. comes out to S.; his companion says he cannot be her husband because he is the spirit of water, who took the form of a fish and was saved by Mehand; disappears, M. marries S., returns with her to his mother, leaving her father their young son]: 99-110 (=Grim 1983:49-61); Frobenius 1922a, No. 6 [daughter asks her father to bring invisible pants from the market that dance themselves; he does not get it, his daughter is ill; he was advised to go to Wuarssen (devas); dev gives pants for his promise give daughter; father: come when snow, rain, thunder and lightning are together; he came in a storm, took the girl; her three brothers went to look for her; sheep shepherd: deva fights a ram every day, the strength is equal if defeat the ram, then win the deva; the ram picks up the brothers with horns, throws far; the same with the bull; the rooster refuses to fight such nonentities at all; black woman: the devil drinks a wineskin of water, eats melons floating in them; brothers can't; come to see his sister; dev offers them a lot to eat, sister throws food into the basement; offers to fight, they choose sabers; dev throws brothers into the dry a well; parents go to look for sons, father seeks water, mother drinks mule urine, conceives a son; they come back; M'hammed Asserdun is born, he has a mule head; incredibly strong; 99 broke under it horses; his father found him a horse born at the same time as him; the MA asks his mother for boiling water, tells him to get coal out of it, puts her hand in the boiling water; she has to tell me in which direction the brothers have left; tells forge an iron club (broke the first two); easily kills a ram, a bull, a rooster; drinks water, eats melons; swallows food in the deva's house; kills him, brings his sister and brothers home; MA leaves again, meets and companions a man with giant lips; a man with ears in which he wraps; with a beard in which a herd of sheep; they find a home in the forest, take turns cooking; every time Luash comes, eats everything; MA fights him, cuts off his head, hides him in the house under a pot of water; consistently sends satellites to take water, everyone is frightened, says they have stumbled; MA shows head, breaks up with his companions the next morning]: 52-66; Grim 1983 [the prince came to the well to drink his horse; the old woman asks to wait for her jug to be filled; they quarrel, the old woman tells the prince to bring him to house Sunny Maiden (SD); the prince lost his peace; called the old woman to make peace; put her hand in the hot soup: tell me how to find SD; she says that SD is the wife of the king of black in the high mountains (but SD herself white); on the way, the prince sees a man who is being executed; the local king explains that he is a murderer, this is not the first time he has been tried, but the prince buys him, giving four times more gold than his weight; Ali Demmu (that's his name) promises to be a loyal servant; in the city of blacks, he breaks into the king's bedroom; he sleeps tied to SD (legs, belt and neck); Hell stabbed the king, SD advised him to wear his clothes, they went out from the palace, they came to the prince; Hell ordered to hide the SD in a box and not open it on the way; while he was going to fetch water, the prince opened the box, the spirit stole SD; they met a shepherd driving sheep to the sea; Hell asked him , the shepherd replies that he serves the one who steals brides, has recently brought a new one; he lives overseas, you can get there on the back of a black sheep; AD has changed clothes with the shepherd; the shepherd further explains what to do enter the courtyard and call a woman to milk the sheep; this time a new wife of the spirit will come out; when SD came out, AD put the sheep head to her; SD is surprised, AD says who he is (pretending) accuses her of he ran away, SD objects; they agreed to wait until night; the spirit tells SD that he is going to sleep with her that night; SD: then tell me what your life is; on a rock in the sea a dove is sitting on an egg, in it the life of the spirit; Hell sailed on a sheep to the rock, took out a dove with an egg, came back, broke the egg; but there was a second egg inside the dove, so that the spirit did not die, although it lost its strength; Hell brought SD to the prince; sent the shepherd to the island let him take all the treasures of the spirit; Hell, SD and the prince spend the night under a tree; Hell hears the conversation of two birds: a snake will crawl, turn hell into stone; to revive it, the prince must strangle it over a stone his son; when his son was born, the prince brought him to the statue and strangled him; Hell came to life; birds: if you rub the child with droppings from our nest, he will come to life; Hell took out the droppings, revived the boy; everyone is happy; Hell remained with the prince and he married him]: 99-119.

Western Asia. Socotra [husband died; when the son grew up, he asked his mother what his father did; she lies: he traveled; planted palm trees; herded sheep; the son tries to do it, but to no avail; he sticks his hand mother for a hot meal, she cries out, May God burn you, son of a birdsman! the young man bought a cage, caught birds, gave half to the old woman; caught a dove, left gold and silver next to her in the morning; the vizier told the Sultan about this, who ordered him to bring the young man and give the dove; the next morning there is nothing around; vizier: you must tell the young man to bring the male; the young man went to that old woman, she pointed out the cave, you must shoot when you see the light, take out the cage, leave it to her, give the pigeon to the Sultan; but gold and there is still no silver; vizier: we also need a cage; the old woman gave a cage, the young man brought it, but there is no gold again; vizier: we must get the daughter of Voskhod; old woman: let the vizier's money build a ship out of gold and silver, and 14 girls as sailors; seeing a boat with girls, Voskhod's daughter wants to see the ship, he takes it away; the young man tells the Sultan that Voskhod's daughter will descend from the ship only if she is at every step killing a man and spreading the carpet is all at the expense of the vizier; when she sees the first person killed, the girl said that she would come anyway; tells the Sultan that she will marry him if he kills the birdsman's son, and not with a sword, not with flint, not poison; the young man is thrown into a hole, a fire is made, but he has an amulet, he is unharmed; the sultan decided that the fire is cold, jumped into it and burned; the young man married Voskhod's daughter]: Müller 1905, No. 2:50- 57.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Mustang: Kretschmar 1985, No. 4 [the king's son, the minister's son and the son of a beggar are friends; the king's son wants to marry Princess Dimi Bomo; brings gold, she does not look at him; the minister's son is the same ( silver); the son of a beggar comes to DM's mother, who gives him alms - toasted grain, he clamps a hot grain in her hand, tells her to explain the princess's behavior; her mother says that in her previous life the princess was a chicken, she laid eggs in the garden, and the prince filled it with water, drowning her and the rooster; in another life she was a doe, she and her husband had children, the prince shot them all; the son of a beggar came to the princess, told these stories as if he were the rooster and the male fallow deer who died with the chicken and the doe; the princess laughed; he put his nose rings on the ground: these are for the white one, it's for blue, it's for brown, it's for colorless Yakkuh; the princess laughed again; the king's and minister's sons agreed that the princess be married by the son of a beggar, but decided to take revenge; from the king's field animals and birds steal crops every year, and demons carry watchmen away; the sons of the king and minister ask the son of a beggar to guard him, promise to send him food; he goes to guard with his wife, but supplies they end, but they do not send new ones; the son of the beggar goes for food, promising his wife to return before dark; the sons of the king and minister gave him drink; when he returned at night, the DB had already been kidnapped by the demon king; he gives DB the keys tells me to guard the chest and keep the fire burning; she opened all the rooms with treasures and supplies, but not one key; she found it above the lintel of the door; there are thin, aged women; they were demon's wives, and now they're starving their knees; advise DB to put the figure in their clothes, take the chest and run; puts his skin on it; DB in the guise of an old woman walks past 9 demons, every time she says that the chest is guarded by a young woman - she is standing there; DB, disguised as an old woman, is hired to work for the king; one day the younger prince sees her taking off her skin and becoming a young beauty; refuses to marry the princess, the king drives him away and DB; she takes the palace out of the chest, they live in it; a demon comes, but DB dug a hole, he fell there, the prince finished it off; threw it into the fire old DB skin; prince invites parents, who see luxury and beauty; DB gave birth to an heir son and daughter], 16 [the king from the upper reaches and the king from the lower reaches met hunting, agreed to marry children, when wives give birth; the king is poor from the upper reaches, he has a son and the other has a daughter; the wild yak Gala Rinchen carried the king from the upper reaches; he managed to write on the saddle: if the son is worthy, let him take revenge, and if no, let him become a shepherd; the son read it, the mother and uncle deny it; a man came with a bag of wheat, the young man quietly made a hole, picked up wheat, fried it, called his mother, held her hand, she had to tell about the death of the young man's father; the same with his uncle (a bag of peas); uncle and mother tell me to find his father's horse first; no one can tame him, the prince tamed him; met King Yaks, suggested: break the right horn, the horse I will tear off my right ear, I will break my right thumb; the horse clenched his ear, the prince bent his finger, yak really broke his horn; then broke his left finger, the prince killed him with an arrow; sent three servants to dismember the carcass; those they found a gold necklace, a knife, a bow and an arrow of the king in the yak's stomach, they brought only meat to the prince; the prince beat them, they returned everything; the prince comes to marry the promised princess, the daughter of the king of the lower reaches of the valley; her three brothers are organizing a groom competition; 1) whose pair of birds will fly together (the prince met the princess at the well beforehand; at night she explained how to win: catch two native birds on the roof, they will fly together, and others have different sides); 2) cover the entire kingdom with cloth (the princess gives a piece of cloth, it grows); 3) gallop around the kingdom on horseback with three saddles (everyone fell, the prince galloped four times); 4) eat a whole ram, skin him, drink lots of beer; princess: just bite off, you'll win); the prince got a wife, took him home; the brothers decided to kill him; the youngest came at night, called his sister, asked which side of the bed she sleeps on; she lied; he shot, killed not the prince, but his sister; hundreds of people can't lift their bodies, only the prince succeeds; he took the body to the pass, came back, saw the smoke, thought that someone lit a funeral fire; came there - the princess was alive, said that the owner of the dead sent her back; they hugged each other and died, the birds sprinkled them with water, they came to life again; they smeared the heads of birds oil, since then there have been white feathers; the couple forgave their brothers, lived well]: 39-49, 105-110.

The Balkans. Moldovans: Botezat 1981:217-225 [brothers go to plow, ask their mother to send their sister to bring them lunch, make a furrow from house to field; the Serpent falls asleep, makes another one to his house ; locks the girl, tells her to work; the elder brother walks along the furrow, the Serpent cuts off his legs, throws him into the hole; the same with the younger one; the mother drinks from the well, sits on the flints, gives birth to Flint; lowering the hut on his mother, makes her confess that he has brothers; during battle, the falcon refreshes him with water, he kills the Serpent; revives his brothers with living water], 265-275 [in old age, the royal couple had a son; adviser: old people are getting younger after swimming in Saturday water; the king and queen came to Saturday water and are younger, but the serpent took the queen as a payment for their youth; the prince has grown up, is extremely strong, the advisers whisper that this one would take the queen away from the snake; the prince asks his father who his mother is; the king: a white flower; the prince does not believe, he is ill; promises to recover by drinking water from the base of the palace; raised the palace and lowered into the king's hands; he had to tell the truth; the king teaches him to ring a bridle by the sea; a thin horse came out with his side torn off; jumped so that the rider hit the ninth heaven; on the way to Saturday water he jumped over abyss; the prince found his mother, tells the snake to know where his strength is; the serpent: under the table; the prince: clean it up; on the doorstep; the prince: gild the threshold; the serpent: beyond 9 seas and kingdoms at the milk lake with blood a boar with steel teeth, two rams butting in it, sparks flying, a quail in sparks, a box in it, three crickets in the box; on the way in the forest, three eagle chicks ask for help: they will be eaten by Leia Palea; a witch flew in, the prince defeated and killed her; the chicks hid the prince in the youngest's pen so that his mother would not swallow him immediately when she arrived; the eagle brings him to the lake, leaves the pen to burn if necessary; the prince killed a wild boar, sheep, summoned an eagle, flew to the snake, he was ill; when the prince tore off the head of the second cricket, the serpent agreed to give him the whip of good luck; the prince tore off the third's head; the whip of good luck brought the prince and his mother home, his father gave him the kingdom] -*; the Romanians [one hundred of the widow's sons went to plow; the damn dragons first stole the older sister, then the rest 99, making a furrow (not to the field brothers, a) to their house; the brothers went in search; came to the cow shepherds; they warned that the brothers would defeat the dragon if they could eat 99 roasted oxen, 99 bread ovens and 99 barrels of wine; they failed; the horse shepherd said that they would defeat the dragons only if they tamed a stallion with 99 hearts - they could not; the dragon killed them all; their mother swallowed a pea, gave birth to Pea Veselice; playing with as children, he learned about the fate of his siblings; to make his mother confess, he put {something hot on her chest? Grundbalken; on the way he ate 99 roasted oxen, 99 bread ovens, drank 99 barrels of wine, drove to death a stallion with 99 hearts; his older sister recognized him when he saw his scarves and beads; before killing him the dragon, learned from him how to revive his siblings; on the way home, the brothers tied Pea to a tree; he escaped, got home and then went to see the world; saw a man at his bedside dying sisters; he indicated where to look for the Beauty of the World; Pea forced the owl to return the stolen hearts and killed him, returned his hearts; crossed the bloody river; saw the Beauty of the World swimming in a milk lake; he stole her clothes, but broke the advice not to look back and turned into a deer with 99 horns; with an old man hit him with a sword and he became human again; next time he did everything right, but did not give way to Titicot and he killed him]: Bîrlea 1966:404-406.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Abkhazians [Sataney-Guasha noticed a shepherd on the other side of the river and wanted him; she hid behind a rock; he let his seed across the river, it fell into the rock; she extracted an embryo from the rock, kept him under her clothes, pretended to give birth to Sasirkva; he was hardened in a furnace, given him molten metal, he grew up immediately; his older brothers go camping without him; he asks his mother cook a hot hominy, puts her hand in a pot of porridge, Sataney is forced to say that his father is a shepherd Nart; Sasrikva sends cold, goes to the giant for fire; he asks unrecognized S. how S. has fun; tries the fun offered (drinks boiling water, swallows hot iron); stays in the water for a long time, S. asks his mother to freeze the sea; the giant almost gets up, S. increases the frost, the giant cannot carry the ice; S. cuts off his head with his sword; first tries the removed intestines and veins on trees (they cut the trunks); the giant's brother is buried, S. raises the legs of the deceased, puts him on the wagon; brings fire to the sledges, they recognize S. as brother]: Inal-pa 1977, No. 1-2:14-20; Inal-ipa et al. 1988, No. 21 [the Sasarkva brothers do not take him on a hike; S. asks Sataney Guasha to cook a hot island, puts him there her fingers, forcing them to say who his father is; she admits that S. was born a rock; rain and hail extinguish the fire of the brothers S., they freeze; S. catches up with them, knocks a star down from the sky; her fire is cold; S. tries carry away the fire of a sleeping giant, but the giant wakes up; S. pretends to be a servant, talks about S.'s exploits; the giant repeats them; 1) gets under falling stones; 2) drinks hot iron; 3) freezes into the ice; cannot get up; asks him to cut his head with a sword, get a vein out of his neck; S. cuts down; throws a vein on a linden tree, it is cut; brings fire to his brothers]: 122-130; Salakaya 1978, No. 5 [Sasirkva asks mother give him a hot churek, clamps it in her hand; Satanay-Guasha is forced to say that his father is a sart shepherd; S. goes after the brothers who have gone camping; they do not have fire; S. comes to Adau the giant lying around the fire; tries to carry away the fire, the giant grabs it; not recognizing S., asks about his exploits; breaks stones with his head, drinks boiling broth; lets himself freeze into the ice, S. cuts off his head; belt He cuts a tree from the skin of the giant's back]: 176-177; Shakryl 1975, No. 20 [the father died during the raid; the boy smashed his neighbor's jug with an arrow; she tells him to know better where his father's brothers died; he tells him to know better where his father's brothers died; he tells the mother bake a churek, puts a hot chorek to her hands, forcing her to tell her where her father's brothers went; she says that after bringing his father's coffin, the brothers went somewhere; he went looking for them, found them sitting under with wood and covered with lice; they are ashamed, they decided to destroy him by sending him to the river for water; he defeated the monster, it turned into a girl, she said she was freeing the river, gave him a golden goblet; a young man with uncles returned home, the king found out about the goblet, demanded the same 12; the old woman says that the king sends guards to his son's grave, but they all die, it is her son's turn; the young man walks by himself, sees how from the cloud a girl descended, revived the prince with a whip, went with him into the forest; the young man stole the whip, publicly revived the prince, and then the other dead; people across the river are starving, there is drought and crop failure; when they send a ship with with food, a bull's head sticks out of the water, stops him by stabbing his teeth; the young man pulls them out, the ship sailed on; the young man comes to the castle, there are three beds, he hides under one; they enter three sisters, they are grateful to the one who freed them from evil, forcing them to kill those who came to the river, kill the prince and hold the ship; the young man takes his younger sister, the older two for his uncle; he gives gold cups to the king and receives the throne]: 87-93; Abkhazians [father died during the raid; the boy smashed his neighbor's jug with an arrow; she tells him to know better where his father's brothers died; he tells his mother bake a churek, puts a hot chorek to her hands, making her tell her where her father's brothers had gone; she says that after bringing her father's coffin, the brothers went somewhere; he went looking for them, found them sitting under a tree, and covered in lice; they are ashamed, they decided to destroy him by sending him to the river for water; he defeated the monster, it turned into a girl, she said she was freeing the river, gave him a golden goblet; the young man and his uncles returned home, the king found out about the goblet, demanded the same 12; the old woman says that the king sends guards to his son's grave, but they all die, her son's turn; the young man goes by himself, sees a girl come down from the cloud , revived the prince with a whip, went with him into the forest; the young man stole the whip, publicly revived the prince, and then the other dead; people across the river are starving, there is drought and crop failure; when they send a ship with food, a bull's head sticks out of the water, stops him with his teeth into it; the young man pulls them out, the ship sailed on; the young man comes to the castle, there are three beds, he hides under one; three sisters come in, they grateful to the one who freed them from evil, forcing them to kill those who came to the river, kill the prince and hold the ship; the young man takes his younger sister, the older two for his uncles; he gives the king gold cups and gets the throne]: Shakryl 1975, No. 20:87-93; Adygi (shapsugi) [Tlegutse-zhache kills Yashche, takes away his land; kills his six sons who have come to take revenge; their mother gives birth to Ashamez, hides from people; he goes out to play, gets into a fight with another boy, his mother advises him to take revenge for his father; A. asks his mother to cook hot porridge, puts her hand in the porridge, forcing him to talk about his father; she shows the cellar, where weapons, armor and horse Y. are hidden; A. steals T.'s herds along with sledges; A.'s arrows bounce off T.'s shell, T.'s arrows injure A.; he pretends to be dead; thrown overnight in the stable; T. cares for him, gives him T.'s sword, he kills him T.]: Huth 1987:33-40; Adygi (bzhedugi) [serf psha goes to look for gold for him, disappears; a grown son offends Psha's son, his mother says to he found out better where his father is; the boy asks his mother to cook corn broth, puts her hand in the hot, making her talk about his father; pshi gives a horse and a sword; the young man finds a golden castle, defeats seven seven-headed bastards; his mother brings him there; one bastard is alive, the young man's mother pulls him out of the hole when he promises to be her husband; gives birth to a son with him, the young man picks him up, not knowing that it is a damn son; in in martial arts, the young man defeats the bastard, and the son of the damn, being loyal to his brother, kills his father with a gun; the young man ties his mother to 12 horses; the younger brother's hearth goes out, he goes for fire to inizham; they let him go for promising to get them the daughter of the Nogai Khan; he promises to open a small gate for them, kills one at a time, cuts off their ears; gets the khan's daughter to marry his older brother]: Huth 1987:185 -200; Karachays: Aleinikov 1883, No. 1 [Achi's 6 adult sons died at the hands of Khubun; A. stole a herd of H., H. overtook him and killed him; Achi Nasyran's brother drove up to the Kuban, but could not cross; from his wife Achi was born a boy, and two years later he is already playing with others; they say that his father is not avenged; they teach him to make his mother tell me everything: ask for hot halva and hold her hand; the mother confesses; says that his father had left heavy weapons and three horses; Acimez tamed the horse, took up arms, crossed the Kuban; N. approached with fear, Achimez convinced him that he was Achi's son; stole the herd of H.; began to fight with H., pretended to lose consciousness; H. brought him to his home; at night, Achimez cut off his head, took his young wife, returned to his homeland, becoming ruler]: 139-144; Stamboliev 1896, No. 10 [ 10-year-old Yetsemei offends the other boys; the mother of one of them says that it is better for him to try his hand at Cuba, his father's killer; E. asks his mother to hand hot roasted corn, clamps his hand, forcing him to tell the truth; mother shows where a horse stands in the tower behind the iron doors; E. tames him; meets his father's sister, hijacks and hands her herds K.; K. arrives on a six-legged horse; four for days they shoot at each other, every night K.'s wife takes bullets out of him, heals him; K. brings the killed E.; his wife revives him, says that in the twentieth chest there is a knife that can kill K.; E. cuts him off head, takes his wife; on the way back, Sosruk demands a woman for himself; E. dies in battle]: 76-88; Ossetians: Abayev et al. 1957 [Tsyryng's son tells Batradz that he smashes enemies, but not a murderer father; B. kills his son Ts; since the murderer is unknown, B. demands that the sledges fill his father Khamyts's boots and helmet with ash from burnt silk; the wind scattered the ash; B. asks for rafters made of wood with uádtsym ( There is no such thing); B. puts a red-hot shovel to Satan's chest, who says that the murderer is Sainag Aldar; says where X.'s sword and his horse are hidden; old woman Kulbadag says that S. will only hit his sword; looking like a beggar to ask S. to let him look at his sword; S. explains that the sword has memorized against H.'s tooth; B. asks where the east is; S. turns around, B. cuts off his head; S.'s relatives are unable to pull him out of lands stuck in B.'s spear, refuse revenge]: 206-218; Libedinsky 1978 [Shatana hides from Batrazd that his father Khamyts was killed; Akhsartaggat is sent the wind to tell B. that H. has been killed; he asks Sh. fry grains for him and at hand; clamps his hand; S. calls murderers from the Borat family; he kills murderers]: 362-371; Dzagurov 1972, No. 33 [comrades reproach the young man: first find your father, and then find your father, and then quarrel with us; he tells his mother to fry corn and holds her hand; she has to say that her father was kidnapped by a giant, and his father's horse is head over heels in manure; she does not believe that the son will be able to raise his father's sword; the young man came out the horse, raised his sword lightly, leaves, the horse shows the way; the young man whipped the decayed corpse of the giant: come to life, but be blind; the lively one says that his wife was stolen by the same giant who took the boy's father away; at night he tries to throw trees and stones at the young man; the young man turns him back into a corpse; the young man finds a giant, cut off six heads, tells him where his father is, then cut off his seventh head; on the way, the horse slipped through, only cut off the half-tail; the young man's father is a shepherd, cleans his fur coat from lice; the young man brought the giant's ears to his wife; she tells the giant's mother to be afraid; the young man killed her, but she killed him cursed: he will not rest until he gets the daughter of the king of the genies; the horse teaches him to give millet to the birds, drink water from the spring and praise the water, throw a ram to iron-faced wolves; to lubricate the door hinges; the young man found a girl and lives with her for a month; then they loaded all their property on all the felt and galloped away; the young man destroyed the pursuing army, but one warrior killed him with a dagger; the fox began to lick blood, the woman killed him; the fox bought him at the spring, the fox came to life; then the woman revived her murdered husband; he says he was about to marry the daughter of Barastur, the lord of the afterlife; the young man revived with the whip of that giant and gave him his wife kidnapped by a seven-headed giant; the young man returned home to his wife, everything is fine]: 91-99; Libedinsky 1978 [Satana hides from Batrazd that his father Khamyts was killed; Ahsartaggat is sent by the wind to tell B. that H. is killed; he asks S. to fry grains for him and at hand; clamps his hand; S. names the murderers from the Borat family; he kills the murderers]: 362-371; Miller 1902, No. 3 ( Digortsy) [Bestaser-Sila died, left three sons; the youngest Zanbolat breaks the witch's tub three times with an arrow; she tells him to better look for the kidnapper of the horse left by his father; D. asks his mother to fry the corn grains, clamps them in her hand, she admits that there is a lodash that gives birth to a stallion every day; the brothers are frightened, D. takes the foal from a seven-headed giant who has come out of the ground; K. forges a sword for D. and mace; D. goes underground, kills the seven-headed man and his wife, two more giants, frees three girls; they tell black birds to throw millet (they are happy, they did not even give bran), two iron wolves two rams, oil the door hinges (they did not lubricate the door hinges before); they let D. pass; he kills an iron horse, a felt man, steals underground cattle; brothers put a sword in front of by lying, D. screams, he jumps up, is left without legs; brothers take cattle and girls; D. comes armless and blind, their brothers did the same to them; all three kidnap the girl, make them a sister; the witch sucks she has blood from her heels; D. and his companions found the witch, they and the girl climbed into her womb, got out healthy; killed the witch, let the girl go; D. hired a sinopas; came to his wake; alone He killed both brothers with a split arrow, tied their wives to horses; awarded a swineherd]: 78-98; Nogai: Nogai 1979, No. 19 [Bozakbay tells Kazynbay to shoot the hare, but he refuses: hare pregnant, like his wife; B.'s wife is also pregnant, gives birth to a son Boztokli, K.'s wife is Kiyvaseker's daughter, friends agree to marry them in the future; B. died, Kazynbay's family migrated; Boztokli left Alchik under the woman's feet, she fell, spilled milk, scolded Boztokli: she lost her father and lost his fiancée; Boztokli asks her mother to fry millet, pressed her hand with a hot spoon, the mother admits that her son has betrothed; on the way, Boztokli greets seven mounds, addressing each "Gray Head"; at the well she throws a ring into the jug of the maid Kiyvaseker; the bride recognizes Boztokli; they want to pass her off as a hero, who sleeps for seven days, she offers to run; near Boztokli's house, leaves the bride in a tree, goes to her mother; Kiyvaseker sees the reflection of the khan's maid who comes to fetch water, takes it for her own; then notices K., offers to go down to look in her head, pushes her into the well, sat down on a tree with her two children (i.e. the babies K. gave birth to); replies that her nose stretched out while she cried, her arms were stretched out while she cried hardened by getting off the tree and climbing back in anticipation, etc.; servant B. finds K., hears her talking about what happened in a song; the servant goes home twice to tell everything, but everyone forgets once; the third time he deliberately tears his hat so as not to forget; the soothsayer tells B. to dig a hole from the well, put the children in it, they will cry, K. will come out of the well; B. grabbed K.; asked a maid, whether she wants 40 legs or a killing knife; she chose legs, she was tied to the tails of 40 horses]: 102-109; Plaeva 2015 (Kuban only) [published in 1940 in the Kyzyl Cherkes newspaper; retelling on Kapayev 2004:474-476; Crimean Khan Kuba became Ashshy Batyr's guest; after feasting, he took his herd away in the morning; A. chased but was killed; after the death of her husband, his pregnant wife gave birth to Ashamay; from those he beat in Alchiki The children found out about their father's death; asked his mother for a handful of hot roasted corn, clenched her hand, and she had to talk about her father; in his father's armor and on his horse, Ashamay went to K.; after three days the duel pretended to be dead; K. dragged him on the arcana, left him in the yard; K.'s wife washed his body and Ashamay recovered; K. dreams that Ashamay took out his sword and cut off his head; his wife calms down, but when the couple fell asleep, Ashamay took out K.'s sword, cut off his head, poured blood into his wineskin, lay down with his wife; in the morning he told her to follow him; his wife did not immediately realize that it was not her husband; Ashamay gave his head to his mother at home, blood and jewelry K., married the widow of his enemy]: 39-41; tatas [merchants give an old woman, and that childless rich man three apples, the wife must eat, give the peel to the mare; three sons are born, three a horse; when he dies, the rich man hides horses and wealth under the ground; the younger brother hears people reproach his mother for disgracing the name of her deceased husband, living in poverty and doing menial work; asking him to bake lavash, presses the mother's hands to a hot tone, the mother gives the keys to the dungeons; the brothers dress up nicely, the older, then the middle, leave and disappear; the youngest comes to the padishah, whose daughter will die if not give chamois milk; a shepherd chamois lives beyond the mountains, which are guarded by one-, two- and three-headed ajdaha; a young man kills the first ajdah, kills a three-headed snake, frees brothers from its belly; kills second ajdah, three brothers kill the third together; a shepherd gives chamois milk and two daughters to marry older brothers; on the way back they become padishahs of two cities who suffered from Azhdah; they win Padishah Chimechin, to whom their wives were first promised; younger brother brings chamois milk, marries]: Kukulla 1974, No. 17:150-173; Swans: Dzidziguri 1973, No. 11 [Satana's three sons agree to guard Bagatvir's golden apple tree; the elders fall asleep, the youngest injures the three daughters of heavenly lord Chirkhaili, moistens their scarves with their blood; comes to him, treats the girls by mixing them with their milk same blood; receives medium blood, although C. warns that she is the bride of St. George; at night, the elder brother kills the younger, the middle elder, commits suicide; the bride of St. Giorgi asks to let her go to the water, turns into foam, back into a woman at the mill, gives birth to three sons; they offend the other boys; the old woman says that their grandmother is poor Satana; they ask an adoptive mother bake khachapuri, press hot khachapuri to her chest, who admits that their fathers killed each other; Kintiz cuts off all three heads, but one (Badrild) lost a tooth and became a woman , a woman with a stone; K. hit the stone with a sword, Soslan fell out of it, K. considers him a son; S. killed K. with his own sword, came to his grandmother; she orders to tie a bell to each fur; their ringing frightened Yerechhav's horse, S. killed J.; S. descends to the lower world to the devas; does not burn in the fire, is not crushed by a rock, does not cook in boiling water; S. killed the devas by hitting them with their foreheads]: 86-92; Dumezil 1996 [published on cargo in 1897; Amirani, Yusibi, Badri noticed that their father Iamani was blind in one eye; the mother replies that her father had smallpox; then the sons put hot corn bread on her chest; the mother said that when B. and Yu were born, Dev demanded that one of them be handed over; the father did not agree, then Dev took one eye from him; the brothers go to look for the deva, they see him on the rock, he spins (spruce is a spindle, a millstone - spindle); dev swallows A., who rips off his stomach, but loses his eye; threatens to kill the deva if he does not heal him; dev tells him to take a piece from his heart and liver, rub his eye socket, A. is recovering; dev now demands that his side be healed, but A. inserts a wooden wicker in it, otherwise the devil would swallow the whole world; now when dev swallows the sun or moon, the star soon comes out through braided line; A. demands to return I.'s eye; dev shows a pole in the house, there is a box on it, another eye in it; brothers return the eye to his father]: 85-86; Khakhanov, Essays, I, 30 in Potanin 1899 [Amiran puts a hot cheesecake on her mother's chest to find out why Yaman, his teacher, lost an eye]: 439; Nizheradze 1894 [a man came from the owner of Alagir and Koranzhet to call Rostom for help in the fight against devas and animals; R. tells his wife to send a pigeon if a boy is born and a crow if a girl; when the son comes, let him tie the amulet to his hat; Zurab was born, offends the water carrier; they advise him better find out what's wrong with the father; Z. puts a hot cake to his mother's chest, tells her to tell her who the father is; goes to look for R.; the devils replaced the pigeon with a crow, but R. realized that a son was born; in two places they met they laugh at the amulet Z., he does not pay attention; the third time he took it off his hat, attached it under his arm; Z. and R. began to fight, R. hit Z. with a knife; he showed the amulet; R. dug a hole, waited over the corpse of Z. until he came to life; he was lured to take revenge on his enemies, Z. did not revive]: 124-132.

Iran - Central Asia. Tajiks [seven brothers want a sister, go hunting; a mother gives birth to a girl Gulmokh, hangs a spinning wheel on the gate, an angry neighbor replaces her with a bow; friends tell G. that her brothers are gone, when she was born; she asks her mother to give her hot wheat with her hand, clamps her hand, makes her tell the truth; she comes to the brothers' house, they do not understand who is cleaning; only the younger brother does not fall asleep, the guard; the fire goes out, G. comes to Baba Yaga for him; she gives fire, tells him to throw wheat along the way, comes after a goat, tells herself to comb her hair, sucks G.'s blood; the brothers push Baba Yaga into a hole, fall asleep earth; dill grows there; after eating it, brothers and sister turn into pigeons, fly to their father's house; brothers turn into poplars, sister into an apple tree; they do not give apples to the prince, for he did not do good deeds; let the old man rip off, brothers and sister get out of their trunks, hug their parents]: Amonov, Ulug-zade 1960:98-105; Tajiks Sistan [the old man dreamed that the moon and two stars fell from the sky; he went to look for it; the pleshak shepherd Hasan bought this dream for a herd of sheep; only then did he remember that he had not asked about the content of the dream; fell asleep under the palace wall; that night the princess and the son of the vizier agreed to run; the princess asked to wait for her to go to the bathhouse; the vizier's son saw H. sleeping, woke him up, asked him to watch for the horses, and he himself went to hurry the princess; at this time, the princess threw H. a short bag, believing that her lover was next to the horses; she jumped off herself and they jumped; the vizier's son returned, found no one and stabbed himself; in the morning the princess decided that everything was God's will; The princess washed and clothed X, told him to buy a palace, bring a mullah and marry; the old woman saw H.'s wife and told the king; he told X. to bring the ivory throne; H. met an old diva woman gave her a drink, she made him her son, hid her 7 sons from the other, turning her into a needle and sticking him into her collar; the divas felt the human spirit; swore they would not harm the guest; the divas threw potions into the water that elephants drink; they fought and broke off tusks; the divas made a throne and brought them to the king's garden; the king awarded H.; now the king orders to bring a laughing flower and a weeping flower; H. came to old woman; during this time, one of the divas was captured by a two-headed divas; the divas lowered H. into the well; the heads of a diva on the knees of two pari girls; one laughed, the other cried; at the laughing mouth flowers fell down, roses fell out of her mouth; one laughs when she saw H., and the other cries, regretting that the diva would kill him; H. noticed a vessel in a niche and realized that the soul of a diva was in it; ordered the diva to take everyone to the ground prisoners and all the good; H. broke the vessel and the divas died; the wagers flew away with doves, told H. to come to their Green City and be their husband; in the city of Pari X. recognized by the traces that the girls had left on his shoulders; when two days were left before the king's deadline, the bet's father gave H. Suleiman's rug; H. and his wives wore it to the divas and then home; the king received laughing and crying flowers; he told him to visit him deceased parents; pari wives wrote a letter on behalf of the king's father inviting him to heaven, dressed H. in clothes as if he were lying in it in the grave; let the king make a fire, we, along with the old informer, and We will stand on it as a vizier and get to the royal ancestors; H. flew on a rug to the royal throne, and the tsar, vizier and old woman burned down]: Grunberg, Steblin-Kamensky 1981, No. 8:104-117; Uzbeks [Buyuk's recording Karimova, Zibog-Bibi Sarymsakova said; the padishah and the vizier are childless, they are going on a pilgrimage; the elder gave them an apple each, ordered them to name the children Tahir and Zukhra and betrothed them in the cradle; girl was born to a padishah; he wanted an heir, ordered the girl to be executed, to bring a handkerchief moistened with her blood; then regretted it; the nobles admitted that they had not obeyed the order; the vizier, having learned of the birth of his son, rode home, fell and crashed; the padishah refused to betray his daughter to an orphan; T. played and hurt the old woman; she told him to extort the name of his named bride from his mother; T. became ill, asked his mother fry wheat, clutched a handful of hot grains in her hands, her mother agreed to tell everything; T. found Z. and began to meet her; the padishah found out, ordered T. to be put in a chest, thrown into the river; Z. watched so that the chest was spacious; the daughters of the Rum king noticed it; by lot it went to the youngest; she fell in love with the young man inside; the padishah adopted T. and gave his daughter for him; she is even more beautiful than Z., but T. He does not talk to her and puts a dagger on the bed between them; after 40 years he took pity on his wife, spoke to her; her name is Khadicha; the padishah promises a reward to whoever makes T. laugh; father Z. wants to pass her off as Tsarevich Kara-batyr; Z. sends caravans to look for T.; he hears their song - he sang the same song himself as a child; T. goes with caravans, his wife H. follows; dies of fatigue; at the last moment T. puts her head on her lap; the caravan constantly returns to her grave; only after a farewell song does T. open a straight path; on the path of the mountain; according to T.'s song, one of the mountains is cut in half; the camel manages to slip through, "only the bottom of his tail has pinched off the mountain"; at the crossroads of three roads, T. chooses the shortest one, where the inscription "if you go, you won't come back"; in one city they are thrown into prison; a friend recognizes T. by a song, helps to go free; T. finds Z. in the garden; sister K. sees them; the padishah tells T. to be cut in half, to hang pieces on the gate; Z. 50 days in mourning; on the way to T.'s grave, she drops her pearls; while the girls accompanying her are picking them up, she comes to T.'s grave and kills herself; the grave opened and accepted it; after learning of the bride's death, K. also killed himself; his sister orders him to be buried between the graves of lovers; "the oppressors did not leave lovers even after death, put a black thorn between them"]: Zhirmunsky, Zarifov 1947:295-297; Shugnans [a person asks three brothers, not did they see his camel blind in his left eye; the brothers point out where the camel went but refused to find it; a man leads them to a judge: if they did not see the camel, how could they know where it was went? answer: someone ate grass on the right side of the road but not on the left; the brothers came to the king: rice in pilaf smells like dead, meat smells like dog, and the king is illegitimate; seller: I sowed rice where There was a cemetery; a butcher: a female fed the lamb; the king put hot barley in the palm of his mother's hand; she admitted that her husband had told him to congratulate him if a son was born, but to kill his wife and baby, if a daughter; people said that a rich man with only sons promised to kill his wife if she did not give birth to a daughter; both women exchanged babies; the brothers went in search of the beauty they had seen in a dream; the elder buys an all-seeing mirror, the middle one buys a camel moving at lightning speed, the youngest buys a bowl that revives the dead; they see a dying princess in the mirror, instantly get to her, revive her; a girl chooses the one who revived her as her husband]: Grunberg, Steblin-Kamensky 1976, No. 34:327-330; Bukhara Arabs [a Jewish lender demands Bobo Ravshan either a refund, or a daughter, or transfer to him faith; Aliy transfers BR to another country, orders him to sell for 1000 gold; the king buys, tells the slave 1) to defeat the hero (A. kills him), 2) kill the dragon and dam the river (man sees A. cutting through and carries the mountain), 3) bring A. in chains; A. tells slaves to shackle him, breaks his chains, kills the king's warriors; the king converts to Islam, gives A. a daughter; when he leaves, he orders the boy to be named Imam Mehdi; IM throws iron the ball, breaking the old woman's spinning wheel, she calls it faultless; he tells her mother to heat the oil, puts her hand in the oil, forcing her to say who his father is; not knowing who it is, defeats two eldest sons A. and fights him himself; when he finds out that he fought with his father, he hides inside the mountain; God answers A. that IM will come out and conquer the world, will rule for 40 years, after which the world will end]: Vinnikov 1969, No. 45:281-286; Pashtuns [the poor man has sons Hunkar (elder) and Muslim from his first wife; he found a white egg in the nest of an unknown bird, sold it to a rich man for a lot of money, began to bring him more and more eggs; he caught herself a bird; after his death, H. sells eggs to the rich man; the stepmother asks the rich man to come to her, who makes it a condition to slaughter the bird to eat his heart and head and become a padishah; the maid gives the heart and head to the sons poor man; furious rich man, maid tells H. and M. to flee; H. died, Muslim got a falcon on his head, he was chosen padishah; three birds admired the beauty of H., shook the tree whose leaves revive, one fell into H.'s mouth, he came to life; a falcon also sat on his head, H. became a padishah of another country; M. had 7 sons, X. had daughters, he kills them; his wife hides a seventh named Schmaila; she grows up beautiful; H. sees her, his wife has to explain everything; H. sets difficult tasks for Sh.'s suitors; 1) break an iron deck with a wooden ax; 2) milk Shmaila's red cow with diamond horns; 3) Run three times to the roof with a windowsill full of milk; 4) separate the millet from the sand, and the millet of that half the room; 5) bring the lion, fight with the padishah's lion; 7) find a way to Shmaila's chambers; 6 sons M. are executed; the seventh Jalat Khan plays with the old woman's son, beats him; the old woman tells her son to say - if D. is so good, then demand (from the mother) an answer how the brothers died; D. asks the mother to fry the grains, holds them in her hand, forcing them to talk about the fate of her older brothers; on the instructions of the fakir, receives the blessing of her mother and father; takes out a splinter from the lioness; lions promise to help; saves ants by buying the man's field so that he does not fill him with water; gives Mullah Miro a letter from the fakir, the mullah makes D. a disciple; he first enters S.'s chambers in a woman's outfit; S. suspects that he is a man, but M. does not betray himself; then makes a mechanical lion, hides in it, S. tells him how to complete his father's tasks; ants separate millet, lion defeats lion X.; D. gets Sh., Hunkar's eyes gouged out, led to brother; brothers recognized each other, H. repented that he killed his sons after Muslim]: Lebedev 1972, No. 6:27-44 (=2003 [brief retelling]: 395); Turkmens [seven hunting brothers tell a pregnant woman mother hang a doll at the gate if a daughter is born; evil neighbors replace her with a bow and arrows; brothers do not return; born Ak-Pamyk does not know that she has brothers; neighbors tell her to clench her hand to the mother when she takes hot grains of wheat; the mother talks about the brothers, gives a rolling cake that shows the way; AP cleans the brothers in the cave; the youngest does not fall asleep, the AP grabs, she tells me who she is ; eats the berry promised to the cat, he blows out the fire; AP comes to the diva for fire; he comes and kills his brothers; the old woman says that only the milk of the cannibal camel Ak-Maya; her camel will revive them AP helps, sucks, pours into the wineskin; AM chases AP, which splashes some of the milk, forms the Milky Way; AP revives the brothers, but the youngest does not have enough shoulder blades; brothers are married, wives hate AP, lead is poured into her ears, she is dumb and deaf; she is sent on a camel to look for a husband; she is married by a prince, and a vizier's son takes a camel; advises the prince to look for a second wife; son pushes AP, lead falls out of it; after learning that his wife has recovered, the prince sent a new one back; Uncle Bayram meets AP's son; she sends bags of scorpions to the brothers' wives, they die]: Sokali et al. 1955:69-81 (= Erberg 1953:92).

Baltoscandia. Sami [the old woman turned into a vazhenka, became pregnant with a wild deer; the son was born a deer; is about to leave, carries firewood to his mother; asks to put her leg in a split log, knocks out a wedge; mother admits that his father is a deer hirvas (producer); frees his mother, goes to look for his father]: Czarnoluski 1965:25-26 (=Shchekoldin 1890, No. 9:163).

Volga - Perm. Chuvash [7 sons of a pregnant mother: if you give birth to a boy, throw a nomad on the road, if the girl is a spindle; the woman gave birth to a girl Piguet, but the neighbors replaced the spindle with a nomad; the brothers went for far away; girlfriends tease P. with a murderer - because of her, the brothers are missing; the mother does not confess; the old woman advises to go to the window, ask her mother to breastfeed, pinch her chest with a window frame; mother confesses; P. went to the brothers, the mother gave her two drops of her milk; with P., the daughter of Baba Yaga Harham; they are sailing in a boat, swimming, H. took P.'s clothes, P. complains to the mother, she shouts for H. to return; this is one drop of milk; the third time there is no more drop, the mother does not hear; P. in the boat asks the daw, forty to take her earrings to her brothers; those: better die; the cuckoo carries it; the brothers jumped in search both girls were brought, but P. is held for H. and H. for P.; the imaginary H. is sent to water the horses, the younger brother hears her complaint song; the old woman ordered to invite both girls to jump over the fire; the real P. jumped over, H. burned down; brothers' wives are jealous of their husbands for their sister; tied P. to a birch tree by braids in the forest; brothers found her; ask wives if they want a greyhound dog or a stallion; wives: of course, a stallion; they were tied to the tails of four stallions and driven across the field; their head became a pomelo, their hands became a rake, their legs with a pitchfork; P. was passed off as a forest prince; the narrator feasted at the wedding]: Yukhma 1990:361-368; Kazan Tatars [seven brothers go to look for brides; if a girl is born, let the mother put a spinning wheel and spindle above the gate, and if the boy, a bow and arrows; a seven-year-old neighbor replaced the spinning wheel with a bow; brothers saw and did not return home; Multal grew up; a neighbor advises to put hot wheat grains on her mother's breast - she admits that she had sons; a neighbor, together with M., tells me to take an arba, a dog, a cat and rooster, go looking for brothers together; tells her to swim, makes them change clothes; without M. arba does not go; the neighbor takes M., but passes her off as a stranger and herself as a sister; at night M. grazes horses, sings about what happened ; one of the brothers hears; brothers ask the liar if she wants a basket or a ponytail; she wants both; she was put in a basket, tied to a ponytail]: Zamaletdinov 2008b, No. 19:182 -186; Bashkirs [Khan Bulkar has a son Yekhangiz; he grew up, went into peace; an old woman with eyes on her forehead sleeps by the golden tent; a girl next to him: one cheek is like the moon, the other is like the sun; girl: an old woman is a queen mountain spirits, her mother, sleeps for 6 days and 6 nights; the old woman will give her daughter if E. kills all her warriors; he kills them, and new ones come in the morning; E.'s mother gave birth to a second son; he clicked the boy on the forehead broke his skull; boy's mother: it would be better to look for his missing brother; the guy asked his mother to fry peas and held hot peas in her hand; she admitted that the eldest son had gone to know life; eget { hero} went in search; man met him: if you can pull out the gold pole, you will see your brother; under a pole at a depth of 80 fathoms, Accola's heroic horse; eget put his hand on his back, the horse does not endured; tells him to let him get caught and gain strength; enet comes to his brother, he notices a resemblance to his father, but he did not have a brother; eget: I grew up in 13 days; eget chased the old woman, cut off his tail her horse, she has disappeared underground; he tells the horse to wait for him for three years, three months and three days; 6 mountain spirits forge iron underground; every blow gives rise to a new spirit; eget asks the spirits to stand in a row, blows away everyone's heads, no more warriors appear; then the girl: rings a needle into the canvas - a new spirit arises; takes the huntsman for his brother; says that her mother is resting in a golden tower; we need to change in some places vessels with strong and weak water; the mother's soul is in the egg, the egg is in the chest, the chest is hidden somewhere; eget cuts down the old woman's head, a new one grows, he cuts down again; the old woman is tired, showed where the chest is, Eget crushed an egg; brought the bride to his older brother, they returned home]: Barag 1988, No. 17:126-130; the Bashkirs [the old man crushed seven beetles, thought he was strong, went to fight the devas, his mother of the devas swallowed it; his wife gave birth to sons Alsudar and Kirsudar; they asked for hot kurmas, held their mother's hand, she had to tell the truth about their father; the brothers follow their father's footsteps, easily eat sheep carcasses etc., they make their skins (the father could not cope with it); they kill the devas, their mother belches their father; A. marries, inherits the property of the devas; K. goes on, kills the shepherdess, puts on his clothes, takes from a veal tongue; a shepherdess must lick the heels of the king's three daughters; he rubs their heels with veal tongue; princesses send apples to his father: the eldest is dried up, the middle is half-dried, the youngest is rosy; the king understands that they should marry; older sisters choose princes, the youngest is a shepherdess; they are put in a barn; the king is sick, he needs wild goat meat; K. summons his heroic horse, kills a goat, makes it the meat is poisoned, the entrails are healing, gives to other sons-in-law for the right to put a seal on their buttocks; only the king is better from the soup of the youngest daughter; the same series of episodes again, K. cuts off the older son-in-law little fingers; only K. defeats enemies; everything is explained, K. gets the throne, makes brothers-in-law servants]: Barag 1988, No. 43:292-305; Bashkirs: Barag 1988, No. 54 [Akhan and Karakhan decided to marry children if wives give birth to babies of different sexes; A. has a son, K. has a daughter; A. died, K. forgot his promise; A.'s eldest daughter-in-law to his son: than to flirt with me, it would be better to go to the bride; the son asked his mother to fry wheat, held it in her hand, she had to confess; K.'s wife died, telling him to take a new wife more beautiful than her; K. found no one more beautiful than her daughter; she made a condition: sew a flea fur coat and a lice scarf skin; K. performed; she dug a hole in the bathhouse and covered it with a carpet; K. went, failed; the daughter left, began to live with the elderly; A.'s son found K., pulled it out of the hole; K. says that his daughter killed her mother and went to the maiden; son A. came to the house where daughter K. lived; began to pluck the wool from the sheep, put the meat on an inverted pot and poured water on top; the girl, seeing this, laughed and became more and more beautiful; they fell in love, he brought her to her mother, married her; poor K. came; at night he stabbed his daughter's son, put a knife on her; said that this witch killed her mother; the mother expelled his daughter-in-law; the young returned to those old people, taking the body child; son A. sees how the snake revived another by dragging her around the hummock; revived his son; the young man grew up, went to fight the devil; stopped at the old woman, she wants to burn him in a copper bath, he drags her there himself, tells you to show the way to the deva; she sends to her sister; she has a silver bath; the same goes to her older sister; a golden bath; the old woman tells you to oil the deva's gate, chop snakes and lions with a sword, gives a handkerchief heal the horse's leg if the lion hurts him; the young man drove the deva up to his throat into the ground, then put him in a cage, freed the beauties, the princess gave him a ring; he brought his mother to him; K. came, opened the cage with the devil, he advised him to send the young man for the bear's milk; K. called himself the young man's grandfather - his mother is unconscious, it must be cured; the young man pulled a sharp stone out of the bear's paw, she gave milk; K. released the deva, a young man he defeated him, he fell into the ground; the young man sprayed milk on K., he petrified, the millstone closed the place where the devil was; the young man threw a ring into the jug of the princess's maid; she recognized him; wedding]: 377-385; 1989 , No. 27 [Bagribaxa learns from a neighbor that she has brothers; asks her mother to fry peas, puts hot peas to her chest, her mother admits that the brothers have disappeared across seven seas; B. goes to look for them, with her friend Kyunhylu; they are swimming, K. offers to change clothes, mistaken for her sister, B. was sent to look after the horses; she sings a song about how the brothers' horses drink water, one of the brothers hears them recognize their sister; tell their wives not to let her leave the yard; they take Bagribax for berries, wrap her in horseskin, hide her under the bridge; the younger daughter-in-law did not want to, cries; the brothers come back, sing about gifts for their sister, hear her song - let the wives take the gifts; the brothers find their sister, bring it in the chest; only the youngest daughter-in-law was able to pick it up]: 143-145; Sagitov 1987 [Kuzykurpyas and Mayankhylu married before birth; seeing that K. was growing up as a hero, Father M. Kusyar Khan migrates to seven mountains, valleys and seas; an old woman, whose son was wounded by K., advises him to return his bride better; K. asks his mother to serve him hot roasted wheat in the palm of her hand, clamps her hand; mother tells everything; the old woman gives advice on how to ride Kuk-Tulpara; tulpar tells him to cut his back, get his father's weapons and clothes out; carries K. to the land of Kusyar Khan; on the way, the old man advises, passing between two lakes, pour water from one to another, otherwise the lakes will close; grateful lakes explain that they were separated, that now K. will connect with M.; the sheep comes to M. to tell about the appearance of K.; M. does not believes, beats a sheep, since then the sheep fat tail has been split; K. and M. live secretly together; tulpar takes them away from the wedding feast at which Kusyar Khan was going to kill his son-in-law; calling tulpara, K. burned only two, not three his hair; therefore, Karagul (the contender for M.'s hand) caught up with the fugitives, took M. away, wounded tulpara; waiting for the horse to recover, K. sends a sparrow with news to M. (the crow and the magpie refused); Karagul's wife catches and torments a sparrow, finds out where K. is; Karagul kills sleeping K.; M. kills Karagul, then herself; two apple trees have grown on the grave of K. and M., on the grave of Karagul burdock; he tormented apples, apple birds appeared from the bloody juice, swans came from them; crows appeared from burdock thorns; apple-birds pecked crows]: 247-264.

Turkestan. Kazakhs: Zhanuzakova 1977 (eastern Kazakhstan) [while hunting, Sarybay asks Karabakh not to shoot a female maral, because they also have pregnant wives at home; suggests marrying children if one will have a son, and the other has a daughter; K. has a son, Kozy-Korpesh, S. has a daughter, Bayan-Slu; S. died after falling on a rock; predictor: if newborns get married, they will be unhappy; only brother S. Apsebay insists on marriage; after the death of S.'s wife, power in the family passed into the hands of the adopted Kalmyk Kodar-Kul, he must marry BS; to avoid this, the BS requires Kodar-Kul to count the cattle he dug wells, dug an artificial lake, smeared the shores with salt; he did everything (now it is lake. Tansyk); Kozy-Korpesh maims peers; throws stones at his grandmother's yarn; she advises him to find his bride better; Kozy-Korpesh put his mother's hand in hot wheat, she had to confess; mother asks a sorceress to prevent her son from going to fight with Kodar-Kul; she creates obstacles (a ferocious camel, a river, a forest), but they disappear because Kozy-Korpesh is not afraid; the witch has become a golden fox, disappeared into a hole; that's it what to put in the hole turns gold; Kozy-Korpesh gilded his hair; met A.; showed him his golden hair - this is the sign of the BS groom; Kozy-Korpesh was hired as a shepherd, opened up to the bride; Kodar-Kula sent Kozy-Korpesh to bring a heavy hammer; he found it and picked it up, but threw it into the lake; Kodar-Kula told the shepherd to get out, he threw it to the ground; Kodar-Kula brought the Kalmyk army; it was defeated, Kodar -Kula is captivated but spared; most of his relatives are on his side; Kozy-Korpesh is hiding; the old woman tortured the starling, forcing him to tell him where Kozy-Korpesh is; he was killed; BS found the body, the old man revived him for three days, The BS promised revenge; lured Kodar-Kulu into the well, ordered him to be thrown with earth and stones; ordered him to erect a high monument over Koza-Korpesh's grave; caravanbashi fell in love with her, his people erected a monument; BS promises to marry whoever jumps down from it; all suitors, including caravanbashi, jumped and crashed to death; BS stabbed and buried with Kozy-Korpesh]: 177-197; Castagnier 1910 [The Legend of Bayan -Slu; the mother hides from her son that he has the promised bride (an unhappy marriage is predicted, another claims the girl); the grandmother tells the young man that he should not play, but look for a bride; he asks the mother fry him wheat in lamb fat, clamps it hot in her palm; she tells him about the bride]: 283 (full text p. 278-292); Radloff III, 275 in Potanin 1899 [Kozu-Kurpesh clamps his mother in a handful hot roasted barley, making me say where his betrothed is]: 439-440; Potanin 1916, No. 35 [bai went to water the horses, Aydahar (dragon) grabbed him by the gate, let him go for promising to give Janala's son; D. asks horses, two say that they can run for 30 years, the third says that as long as there are black hooves; D. rides him for 30 years, persecuted by Aydahar; the father married another, from that new boy is also Janala; another boy asks why he is not looking for his brother; D.-Jr. asks his mother to fry wheat, clamps in her hand, forcing her to talk about the fate of D.-Sr.; D.-Jr., with one arrow, the leg of D. Sr.'s horse, the other killed the dragon; made the elder horse whole; both brothers returned home]: 137; Kyrgyz (1959, Jumgal District, Naryn Province) [the elderly couple have sons Egizbek and Segizbek ("egiz" is twin, "segiz" is eight); they herd horses in a place called Taygylman's Slippery Stone; once two deyo (divas), Buktugul and Shuutugul, a slippery stone was uprooted and knocked down, and young men and horses were taken away; having lost their sons, the couple live in grief and poverty; in a dream, a white-bearded old man tells his father to arrange young men near the poplar on the mazar atoning sacrifice; at midnight a white apple will fall from the sky, a red apple before dawn; eat the white one yourself, let the wife eat the red one; then a child will be born; the wife has given birth to a boy; he offends others; one old woman: "If you're so lively, why don't you find your older brothers?!" ; after that, the boy told his mother to fry wheat; asks to bring him a handful urgently, clenched his mother's hand; she could not stand the pain, spoke about her older brothers; the boy is still without a name; the old man came and gave his name is Karach Baatyr; on the way, the KB saw a yellow foal stuck in a pit, which had never shed; pulled it out, threw a halter; a one-year-old foal turned into a two-year-old; threw a sweat, he became that third; when he saddled, he became a tulpar; the horse: "If you go along this road, you will reach the poplar. Scatter me, tie me to the poplar with my head up. Just below this there is a cemetery, among other graves there is a tomb, so go inside it. Sweat the bed under you, put the saddle under your head, lie down facing east. A person will appear in the morning and say, "No one from the human race has come here before" and starts waking you up - "Hey, horseman, get up!" , but don't get up. When it comes from the foot instead of from the headboard, then get up. Make friends with him." The KB did so; man: "And I was the only son of elderly parents. I woke up one morning shouting "The enemy is near!" , jumped out, immediately hit me with an axe. They were two people, Buktugul and Shuutugul. They had two guys sitting in the saddle behind them - your older brothers. If you kill them, cut off their heads saying, "Dedicated to my friend Nurperi." Two of them have 40 yellow and white tulpars, and kill them too with the words "Dedicate them to my friend Nurperi," kill the two girls watching these horses too. If they stay alive, they'll do a lot of evil." The KB said goodbye to Karach to this man, saddled the horse and set off; suddenly the horse stopped, urinating with blood; KB went on foot; after a while the horse caught up with him; the episode repeated; the KB did not sit down on the horse, went on foot; the horse quietly walked around him, went out to meet him, decided to test it; the horse turned into a tiger; KB pulled out his sword and drove it; the horse became a horse again; says that Buktugul, one of the two close, it was his horse that tied my tongue when I couldn't move, urinated with blood; but now he tied his tongue himself; now the KB horse will turn into a yellow-white horse, and let KB be a horse, let him goes to Buktugul and says he's looking for a lost horse; Buktugul: "They say that some Karach is coming here, do you know him?" - "When he is going to fight someone, he eats the meat of eighty oxen and plunges into the lake. He sits in the lake for seven days with his head out of the water and causes snow and cold. In seven days, the lake is covered with ice, and then after breaking this ice, so that the debris soars to the sky, Karach gets up from the lake and goes to fight the enemy"; Bugtugul decides to do the same; after 7 days starts to get up, the ice is cracking; KB: "Oh, I completely forgot, I have to lie down for another 7 days"; after 14 days Bugtugul could not move; KB: "I dedicate to my friend Nurperi", demolished the ice sticking out with a sword head; horse: Shuutugul has white cotton wool on his back; you have to hit the cotton wool with a spear, otherwise Shuutugul cannot be killed; KB hit, cut off Shuutugul's head; his horse rose into the sky, but the KB horse grabbed him with his teeth by the tail and pulled them down; KB killed Shuutugul's horse; 40 yellow-piebald tulpars were tied in the deyo palace, the KB slaughtered them, dedicating them to Nurperi, to the two girls who were with these tools, also cut off their heads; from two years, only a cauldron, only soft ash; KB began to look for older brothers; towards a camel, riding a camel, two old men are brothers; "If you are our younger brother, do you know what Will I take our sign?" KB: "You both have a birthmark on your shoulder blade"; it is there, the brothers hugged each other, returned to their parents; everyone lives in happiness and joy]: Kebekov, Tokombaev 2007:175-180; salary (Ujirem, Xunhua-Salarsky Autonomous County) [General Wusyn killed his sister's husband; she gave birth to a son; his children teased him: "You are a child who does not have a father!" ; the boy asked his mother about his father, who replied that the father was dead; the boy heated sand in the spoon and locked the door; the mother came and told him to open the door; the boy opened her slightly and asked for her hand; when the mother she put her hand through the door, put hot sand on her hand and asked where her father had gone; her mother admitted that V. had killed her father; the horse that the boy's father rode and the sword he fought said that they will help take revenge; the boy came to V.'s house, demanded that his father's soul be returned; V. went to the steppe with his army; the boy sat in the saddle, picked up his sword and closed his eyes; the horse and sword destroyed the army; the boy tied V.'s hair to his horse's tail; V. was torn to pieces; the boy returned home and killed his mother]: Tenishev 1964, No. 5:14-15.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Siberian Tatars: Radloff, Proven, IV, 443 in Potanin 1916 (Tyumen) [was bai Tokpay-bai, he has 9 sons; they drove herds, at which time the mother became pregnant; wanted a horse's sternum ( Tyustyuk); gave birth to a son Ir-Tyustyuk; playing with money, he offended a lousy guy; he: it would be better if you found your brothers; IT gave him all the money, including gold, asked his mother to cook wheat, pressed her hands against the cauldron, she had to tell; IT found brothers, the follower became unrecognized, living with everyone, eating everything; they got to know each other, the brothers agreed to return to their parents; IT tamed the foal and the mare began to ride them; his elder brother asked his father to marry him to 10 sisters; he stayed in a fisherman's yurt; when he saw 5 hats, he cried, the other 5 laughed (at first he thought there were only 5 brides in the house, and then realized that 10); the fisherman gave his daughters to bay; the youngest Kunjakei tells me to spend the night on a waterless hill; bai got angry, stopped by the water, his lung was swimming there; bai hit him, it became an old woman (kempir) with seven heads, began to strangle him; refused to take horses, 9 sons, demanded IT; Bai promised to leave her grandma and send IT for her; after the wedding, IT asked about her grandmother, IT was going to go after the wedding her; K. ordered Shal-Guiruk to sit on a white horse, take Ak-Polat's white saber, Ak-Syrmal's white chain mail; Sh. Sh. says IT that Kempir-jalmouse is sitting in place of the yurt; she replied that she could not get up; Sh. huge, then small, IT grabbed his grandmother, galloped; they started fighting the old woman, both fell into the ground; S. left IT one hair to call her; IT meets, takes 1) hitting one mountain on another, 2) drinking the lake, 3) a runner who catches animals easily, 4) hearing from any distance; they came to Ulmis Khan (his daughter sent those comrades to IT to marry her); they said that the fugitive allegedly fled to the village of UH, demanded the daughter UH; he tells 1) to overcome the strongman (the thief overcame the mountains), 2) overtake the old woman (the runner overtook); the khan put IT and his companions in an iron house, overlaid with firewood, set fire (water bread filled the fire); the listener said where the daughter UH was hidden (on the ground); IT went home with the girl he took; Choyun-gulak came out to him, invited him, joined the fight; IT defeated him, but the saber does not take him, CHG defeated him; S. ran to his comrades, who saved IT; IT asked ChG's wife to find out where his soul was; she made their child cry, explained to CHG that the child wanted to join his soul to my father's soul; CHG: at the top of the mountain at the bottom of the well there is an iron box with 4 quails in it; IT killed them; everything is fine]: 89-93; Prelovsky 2003 (Tobolsk District, Western 1971) [Alyp Mamshan (=Alpamysh Kazakhs) went on a journey, fell asleep in the forest, the hunters dug a hole, pushed him there; AM sent a swan with a letter to his wife to pull him out with her braids down; two girls became come to the pit, throw AM food; the wife came, saw the girls, left jealous; after AM left, his mother had a son Irnek; accidentally kills a neighbor's rooster, she wants him to disappear like a brother; he threatens to put his mother's hands on a hot cauldron, the mother is forced to talk about her brother; I. went to look for AM, fell asleep in the forest next to the hole where he was; people pulled out AM, let the mace kill I.; he from the blow woke up, the brothers got to know each other, killed people in that city, left only the good sisters who fed AM; the brothers are returning, the blind mother sees the light; the shepherd, who has become a padishah, passes off his son for his wife AM; AM pulls a sheep bubble over his face; plays kurai, breaks; he is given kurai AM, the wife learns her husband's play; breaks the bow, gets an AM bow, kills the groom out of it; the shepherd runs away to the sheep, the wife is guilty of AM, he drives her away; his adventures follow]: 193-203; Chulym Turks [White Khan and Black Khan met hunting; agreed that if wives give birth to children of different sexes, they should be married; wife BH gave birth to a daughter Beautiful Rich, his wife to a son Goat ("Beautiful"); BH's wife came to CH: there her son-in-law crawls, takes bread out of the garbage and eats; she decided not to give her daughter for such a thing, BH has migrated far; CH died; K. plays money with teenagers, he is told that his fiancée ran away; the old man advises telling his mother to cook porridge; K. put his mother's hand to the cauldron {or put it in porridge - unclear}, she had to confess; he caught a stallion, who says his name is Kuryan ("Brown") and together they are Kozuguryan; he ordered to take the saddle out of his left ear, clothes from his right ear; the horse is flying through the air; goes on reconnaissance, finds out that his mother is dead; they meet BH shepherds who herd horses, cows, sheep; K. met KB, they are fleeing, captured, the KB has a knife, they killed themselves, are buried on different banks of the river, on graves poplars grew up, united; BH K. burned poplar, the girl's poplar disappeared by itself; then two birch trees grew up; the girl's mother came, saw pike and crucian carp, which the lovers had turned into]: Lemskaya 2013:295-303; Chelkan people [Ak-Kaan believes that Kystyyak-Mergen has taken all the wealth of the taiga for himself, is going to fight him, he easily kills him; buries him with honor; AK's wife gives birth to a son; he plays with other children breaks their onions, they say that his father was killed by KM; he asks his mother to give him a handful of hot wheat, clamps her hand, she has to tell how his father died; AM meets a skinny horse, she turns into a good horse, heroic clothes are tied to him, a note that the name of the rider will be Alatay-Mergen; AM meets and kills Ai-Kaan's servant, several of his heroes, AK offers to shoot through a handkerchief hanging, where seven heavens converge, and his daughter will get into the eye of the clamp needle; others do not reach the arrows, the boy at Ai-Kaan's court pierced his handkerchief, but not the needle's eye, Alatay-Mergen shoots, gets a girl, a boy and he becomes twin brothers; in search of KM, AM descends underground; the horse warns not to pay attention to the monsters playing, not to touch the old woman who has one ear puts it under her head, takes refuge in others, colonizes the man on a big stone, crossing the river; turning the horse into manure, herself into a water rat, then runs to the old woman in the AM column, tickles her nose, she sneezes 7 rings, he breaks one, 6 turn into heroes; the one sitting on a stone comes to the rescue, the arrow sent by Kara-Nutkul {is this the boy?} pierces the hearts of AM opponents; sitting on a stone explains that KM is his nephew and cannot be killed, otherwise all evil spirits will rise; as soon as AM decides not to pursue, the red star on the sky (this is KM) goes out; N.'s sister, who sent his arrow to help, explains that two heroes (the owners of the Blue and White Seas) took his eyes away, they will kill him in 6 days; AM finds KM's eyes in the stomach of a pike, KN returns, they kill the owners of the Blue and White Seas together; AM got KN's sister, KN got his daughter Ai-Kaan; she was engaged to him before, so he sent his arrow to help AM]: Kandarakova 2005:132-158; South Altai Tuvans [Burgan Burush buried his only son; sees old woman Erlik and three mangys going to tear up a corpse; hiding from them for having just given birth daughter-in-law; mangys decide to chase BB first; daughter-in-law raises her son in a hole in the yurt floor; the boy wins the shooting, others say not to wonder if the mangys ate his father and are chasing his grandfather; the boy asks his mother to fry wheat, puts his mother's hands in a hot cauldron; she talks about his father and grandfather; becoming a falcon, the young man flies to the sky, learns from the Wind that the mangys have cut off BB's way to retreat; kills mangys and old woman Erlik with arrows; happy BB turned into smoke, flew to Gurmust Haan]: Taube 1994, No. 32:242-244; Mongors: Todayeva 1973, No. 10 [childless old woman prays for a child; God sends her a son; her black mare gives birth to a stomach, there is a boy in him; children tease him, he tells the old woman to fry wheat, clamps hot grains in her fist, she has to admit that she did not give birth him; he goes to look for parents, brothers, sisters; shoots at a stone, a young man comes out from under him Stone; from under the tree, a tree; three brothers hunt, someone cooks in their house; Stone, Wood fall asleep, the Mare's son grabs three doves who turned into girls; the most beautiful smears with soot, the Stone and the Tree choose others, the beauty goes to the Mare's son; the women forgot to leave food for the cat, he put it out fire with her tail; the wife of the Mare's son comes to the nine-headed old woman for fire; she gives fire and an armful of yellow flowers, tells her to throw it along the way; in the absence of husbands, she comes to suck women's blood; Stone, Wood remain on guard, numb with fear; the Mare's son cuts off the old woman's eight heads, comes to her dungeon; she tells the boy to lick her wounds; the Mare's son tells them to stroke them with cow's tongue, the old woman screams from pain; then when a dog, the old woman goes to bed, says that it will be warmer on the iron bed; the Mare's son and the boy put her in the cauldron, cover her with a lid, burn her; the brothers live well with their wives]: 289-295; Schröder 1959 [an old woman's black mare gave birth to a piece of meat, a boy was inside; he grew up; the children say he is the son of a mare; he asks his mother to hold hot wheat with her hand in her hand, the mother confesses that he is the son of a mare (SK); he goes on a journey, meets, takes Stone Brother, Wooden Brother as companions; they take turns cooking; KB and DB fall asleep, at which time the cooked food disappears; when UK's turn, he sees three doves, they threw off their feather clothes, he married them to himself and his companions; took the most beautiful one for himself, but smeared her faces with soot so that her companions would not choose her; wives left no food to the cat, she put out the fire; KB's wife came to the old woman Mangudze, who gave her a bag of holes with rapeseed, they sprouted, the rapeseed bloomed, and M. came to the house where KB's wives used these flowers. DB and SK; drank their blood, they are losing weight; husbands take turns guarding; KB says that a 9-headed old woman came, he was frightened; the same was DB; SK cut down 8 heads, M. ran away; SK followed, asks the shepherd, how he drives cattle; you have to hit the gong, then eat sugar, lick M.'s wounds; SK kills the shepherd, under the guise of a shepherd, drives cattle, strokes wounds with rough cow's tongue, that's rude; then canine, M. she falls asleep, the UK cuts off her head; brings cattle and treasures, brings her home; the corpse has been burned]: 102-115.

(Wed. Western Siberia. Southern Selkups (I.N. Gemuev, Upper Ket, 1978) [Iche asks his mother where his relatives are; she replies that they are not there; Icha threatens to burn her, his mother admits that his sister, brother and uncle took her away the devil; Icha went, came back, the missing for him; Icha pretended to be dead, then jumped up; holiday]: Tuchkova, Wagner-Nagy 2015, No. 53:221).

Amur - Sakhalin. Nanais: Medvedev 1992 [the girl has a son, the frog has a daughter; they went to the island for bird cherry; the frog took the boy and swam back, leaving its daughter and girlfriend on the island; the girl raises a frog's daughter, is starving on the island; the boy has grown up, crows shout to him that he took the frog as his mother; he asks the frog to boil water, puts its hands in the fire; the frog tries to avoid answering; says "someone else's child" aside, then says that she is talking about boots for her son to sew; her legs are crooked because she rode a lot on sledges when the boy's father took her for business; patterned belly - sewed by the fire, burned; her face was yellow - frostbitten against the Chinese metal earrings she was wearing; the young man came to the island, threw a piece of fat to a little frog, she brought it to the woman; she recognized her son; he kicked out the frog, but they left her daughter, she walks on the water; seeing the moon, she expresses a desire to be there; now she can be seen there with buckets and a rocker arm]: 145-149; Sunik 1958, No. 2 [Baksu's wife- batura is a beautiful Symfuni; his wife turns bird feathers into birds, turns animal hair into animals; B. goes hunting, his wife tries in vain to detain him, knows that she will be kidnapped; underground old man Tundurhan- the hero defeated and took her away; she gave birth to three boys in the boat, T. throws each into the river; the last is a Laranchu hero, promises to return; her elder brother sucks catfish caviar, the middle brother sucks pike caviar, L. sucks Kaluga milk; invites the brothers to live in dead Kaluga; the beauty saw them run out of Kaluga's mouth, brought them home, breastfed them; L. put her hands in hot buckwheat porridge; she admitted that they were children S.- beauties, went to her copper mountain, asks Gagdanchu Móloda (=Tundurhan) to kill the boys because they burned her hand; G. and L. are fighting for a long time; the bird threw a silver ball, a gold ball; inside child; L. tore off his arms, legs, head - G.'s limbs and head have come off; the brothers are going to look for parents; his mother has found; the bird says that the brothers' father is fighting with Sankau the hero; on the hill the sky covering the poplar, the sun covering the talnik with three processes, between them a snake, in it the spirit of life of the enemy L. - gray and white eggs; two girls killed the snake, gave the eggs to L.; he threw gray at the old man's forehead, he died, took the white one with him; they returned home; his father and mother cried when they met, his father's tears formed a large river, and his mother's tears made a small river happy; Selhan, Senke's daughter, asked folding her father's body so that no wounds could be seen revived him; three brothers - three at home, all married; father - one house; lived richly]: 122-126 (=Medvedev 1992:286-296).