Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue

Ethnicities and habitats

J32A. At night at my father's grave, ATU 530. .

When a person dies, he tells him to spend the night at his grave or bring something to the grave.

Moroccan Berbers, Kabyles, Arabs of Egypt, Palestinians, Arabs of Iraq, Oman (Muscat), Spaniards, Ladins, Serbs, Bulgarians, Greeks, Russians (Arkhangelsk, Olonetskaya, Vologda, Pskov, Vladimir, Moscow, Ryazan, Voronezh, Kursk), all Ukrainians, Belarusians, Poles, Czechs (?) , Kalmyks, Abkhazians, Kabardian, Ossetians, Nogais, Ingush, Chechens, Avars, Gunzibs, Megrelians, Georgians (Kartli), Armenians, Azerbaijanis, Turks, Talysh, Lurs, Persians, Tajiks, Parya, Yagnobs, Munjan, Baluchis , Latvians, Livons, Lutsi, Estonians, Setus, Karelians, Veps, Western and Eastern Sami, Mordovians, Mari, Chuvash, Kazan Tatars, Komi, Kazakhs, Tuvans, South Altai Tuvans.

North Africa. The Berbers of Morocco, Kabilas: El-Shamy 2004, No. 530:291-292; the Arabs of Egypt [when he dies, the sultan gives his three sons three assignments; the elder must replace him on the throne; his three sisters brothers must give three dervishes; sons must guard his grave for three nights; only the younger prince guards the grave, kills the demon every night; gives horses and demon equipment to the wet nurse; The Sultan will give three daughters to the one who climbs on horseback to the mound; the younger prince takes horses and demon equipment, defeats Ingognito three times, takes the princesses to the same wet nurse; he and his brothers take them to wives; at the wedding, the eldest's wife is kidnapped by a demon; with the help of an old man, the young man returns her; the demon comes again, but his brothers kill him]: Nowak 1969, No. 122:136.

Southern Europe. The Spaniards (Granada) [when dying, the father tells each of his three sons to go water the flower garden at night after his death; the father was buried in the crypt; the elder went to water the flowers there, the roof of the crypt became beating against the floor, the walls against each other, the young man ran away; the middle brother did the same; the younger one watered until everything calmed down; a beast came out of the crypt and turned off the lantern; the young man saw a light in the distance and went there; I came across an old night woman, politely asked what she was doing; "I'm shortening nights and lengthening days"; he pushed the old woman, she fell down and the night continued; the young man went to the fire of 41 sleeping robbers; lit a lantern the robbers woke up and wanted to burn the visitor; but when they found out that he had been able to lift la cardera {cauldron?} , made him chieftain; vowing to return, the young man came again to his father's grave; there the beast crumbled into pieces; the father promised his son good luck; came to the old woman, picked her up from the ground, dawn came; brothers the young man did not say anything; he got on his horse and returned to the robbers; persuaded them not to steal wine from the poor, but to rob the palace; he climbed first and, as the robbers got up, cut off them heads; in one of the chambers, a young man saw three princesses sleeping; the youngest took off the ring from his finger and cut off a piece from her skirt; the king wants to know who killed the robbers; many noble imposters have come; the princess said that someone had visited her; decided to have a tavern where they drink and feed for free, but let the visitors tell stories; the brothers also came there, the younger one told everything; the elders are ashamed of not fulfilling their father's requests; the youngest showed his princess ring and became the royal son-in-law]: Camarena, Chevalier 1995, No. 304:43-47; ladins [two brothers are smart, the third fool; when he dies, the father tells him to guard his grave for three nights; the older brothers send the youngest instead of themselves; the father appears, bridles the horse, and a luxurious outfit will appear with the horse; the king will give his daughter to someone who rides high enough to kiss her and she will be on a hill (Brüstung); older brothers dress up and go to trials; a fool summons a horse, changes, along the way sprayed mud on his brothers, kissed the princess; so three times; the third time the princess bit off his earlobe; the king tells him to look for someone who will suit the bitten piece; those sent ask if there is more men; brothers say that the youngest is in the barn; but his earlobe is bitten off; he summons all three horses, changes; marries a princess]: Uffer 1973, No. 28:109-112 (=Decurtins, Brunold-Bigler 2002, no. 34:100-104; roughly the same in Brunold-Bigler, Widmer 2004, No. 86:380-383).

Western Asia. The Arabs of Iraq [when dying, the father orders three sons to guard the grave; the elder Omar and Zeid do not go, all three times younger Muhammad comes; defeats the white, black, red horsemen who came take revenge on his father, takes their horses; on these horses he overtakes the king's daughter, the daughter of the vizier, the daughter of the chief justice; he marries the princess himself, gives others to his brothers]: Lebedev 1990, No. 23:147-130; Iraqi Arabs [ dying, the sultan tells his three sons to give three sisters for three dervishes who will come to guard his grave; only the youngest guards, deyu descends from the black cloud, opens the grave, the young man cuts him off the head, cuts off, hides his lips, eyes, nose, takes the maiden mare to his nanny; the same for the next two nights (the devil descends from the red, from the white cloud); the neighboring sultan gives away three daughters, tells them to get it the young man pulls them out of a deep hole three times on horseback and dressed as devas at gallop, leaves them with a nanny; gives the eldest two to his brothers; during the wedding, the youngest deva takes the bride; the young man goes to look for her, consistently gets to sisters and their dervish husbands; the latter gives 7 pairs of iron shoes to reach the kidnapped; dev married the local king; the old woman promises to help the young man; disguised as a girl he enters the kidnapped person; pulls out a sea mare, flies away with his wife; wedding again, stalker dev killed]: Stevens 2006, No. 47:275-286; Palestinians, Oman (Muscat): El-Shamy 2004, No. 530:291-292

The Balkans. Serbs [the peasant has two clever sons, and the third is a casserole; when he dies, the father tells him to come to his grave in turn for the inheritance; the eldest sons were afraid, they send each time a casserole; he received 3 nuts, his father tells him to hide them in the cemetery wall; the king will give his daughter for someone who jumps across the glass bridge; the older brothers buy horses and go to try their luck; the casserole splits the first nut, the horse and armor in it; only the unrecognized casserole galloped across the bridge; so three times (the second horse is silver, the third is gold); the third time the queen put the casserole on forehead seal; found, made king]: Tesic 2018:26-28; Greeks: Legrand 1881 [father tells three sons to pray at his grave for three nights and pass off his three sisters as the first to marry them; after reprimanding the prayer, the elder returns to the house; at this time a strange-looking man comes, almost a freak; only the younger brother insists on giving him his sister; the same with the middle brother and middle sister; The youngest is a woman with two balls of thread, black and white; it depends on her whether it is night or day; the young man asks him to unwind the black thread more slowly so that he can finish reading the prayer before dawn; she refused; then he tied her to a tree, and he went where the light could be seen; there were 40 dragons around a huge boiling pot; the young man picked it up and put it back; they asked for help in stealing the princess; climbing the tower, the young man tells the dragons to go up one at a time and kills each; kissed the princess in his bedroom and exchanged rings with her; returned home, untying the mistress of night and day; to to identify the hero who killed dragons, the king tells everyone to come and talk about their lives; the princess recognized the young man and her ring; the wedding; the young man noticed a golden key in his wife's hair; opened the locked one for them the door, pulled the ring, a dark figure fell off it and took the princess away; the young man went in search; came to his older sister's castle; her husband called the birds, but only the lame eagle knew where the sorcerer's castle was, and carried the young man there; taking the princess, they flew back, but the sorcerer, to whom his flying horse tells everything, caught up with them, took the princess and cut the young man in half; the eagle brought halves, the sister's husband revived him alive with water; the young man came to his middle sister; her husband explains that it is necessary to get the same winged horse as the sorcerer's; the young man came to the mountain, tamed the horse, took his wife home; the sorcerer's horse could not catch up with them]: 145- 160; Megas 2012, No. 304 [father tells sons to guard his grave for three nights; or give three sisters first to marry them (cannibal, lion, eagle, or others); older brothers fall asleep, younger brothers kill many-headed monster; fights a doghead (many other episodes)]: 32-34; Bulgarians [at night a horse tramples on a peasant's field (vineyard, meadow); older sons fall asleep, younger (fool," Cinderella") catches a magic horse; he gives him hairs from his mane to summon him; or the father tells his three sons to guard his grave for three nights before death; only the youngest son fulfills the request, finds three magic horses; the king will give his daughter to someone who jumps on horseback to the balcony and takes off the princess's finger ring (or jumps a hole on horseback; wins the race); a young man unrecognized by his brothers performs task]: Daskalova-Perkovska 1994, No. 530:194-195

Central Europe. Poles (Mazury) [when dying, a father tells three sons to guard his grave; the elders do not want to, the youngest goes instead of them; receives three whips, a ball of thread from his father, instructions on what to do; who jumps on horseback to the fourth floor of the castle, he will get a princess; the brothers leave the younger one to watch the pigs and the hearth; he whips the oak tree, gets a golden horse and a luxurious outfit; twice a horse carried him to the fourth floor, the princess gave him a handkerchief and a ring; on the way home, the young man was wiped in the leg; looking for a lame man; he appeared in rags, then in all its splendor; wedding]: Cox 1893, No. 340:445; Czechs {probably there is a motive: Slovaks have several records}: Uther 2004 (1), No. 530:308-309; Russians (Arkhangelskaya, 1908, Lapin Volost, 18-year-old girl A.S. Filatova, lived an employee in different villages in Pomerania, composes ditties and songs | "folk poetess" |, illiterate) [Before her death, the father bequeaths his three sons to spend three nights at his grave. Two older brothers are afraid and ask for the younger Vanka, daughters-in-law offer "fat and oatmeal pancake" and he agrees. He talks to his father for two nights, and he falls into a coffin to the scream of roosters. The daughters-in-law hope that her father will eat Vanka, they do not feel sorry. On the third night, his father gives Vanka a golden ball and orders him to dissolve him and go wherever he points. The next day, the brothers go to fight for the princess "on the third floor", whoever jumps to her window and gets her ring stamped in the forehead will receive her as his wife. Roly takes the basket and goes to the forest, in fact he follows her brothers. He rolled out the ball, the horse jumped out towards him "there is a spark in his nostrils, there is a flame in his mouth", Vanya climbed into one ear - washed his face, dressed up in the other, came to the princess, did not jump only "two crowns". At home, the brothers tell Vanka about a young man who almost jumped to the princess. Vanka asks if it wasn't him, the brothers answer, definitely not him, "a slobber, a machine gun." The next day, everything repeats itself, Vanka did not jump only one crown to the princess. On the third day, Vanya jumped to the princess, and her ring remained in his forehead. Roly smears his face with clay and lies down on the stove. The next day, Vanya and his brothers, smeared with clay and soot, go to a feast with the princess. She cannot find her ring in the "rich and necessary" forehead, noticing Vanka, they decide to wash it and find the ring, the princess recognizes it, they get married. The brothers are jealous of Vanka]: Tseitlin 1911, No. 7:14-16; Russians (Olonetskaya, Zaonezhye, d. Shunga-Bor, 1926) [A man dies and punishes his sons: each of them should spend the night on the grave. The first night, the eldest son refuses, sends Vanka the Fool. Roly the fool spends the night at the grave, the priest comes and asks who he is. Vanka answers. They're going into the open field. The old man calls Sivko-Burko. Roly climbs into his right ear, crawls out through his left ear - he becomes young and beautiful. On the second night, the middle son does not want to go and sends Vanka. Vanka sleeps, his father gives him the best horse. On the third night, Vanka goes to spend the night himself. My father gives a horse even better than the first one. The princess built a nine-crown house. Condition: Marries someone who jumps and rips off the ring. The brothers went to get a ring. Ivan the Fool ran into the field, summoned the horse, climbed into his right ear and got out through his left ear and became young. I rode on the second horse and jumped 3 crowns. He summoned a third horse, and six crowns jumped over. He returned to the field, called Sivko-Burko, jumped over nine crowns, grabbed the ring. The princess hit him in the forehead. He returned to the field, became a fool, covered his forehead and finger with clay. At night, the house caught fire from a ring. The princess was looking for Ivan, had a feast, splashed her marriage on her hand, and saw a ring. I had to marry a fool. Tsar Trescites went to war against Ivan. The old king had two more son-in-law, they went to war against T., and Vanka went to war with them. Ivan was sworn in, he went to the field, called Sivko-Burko, did a great job, defeated the tsar. Son-in-law arrived and began to share the victory. Ivan wins for two belts from the back. The sons-in-law are bragging. T. attacks again, Ivan wins, gives his sons-in-law a victory for two buckles from his thigh. For the third time, T. wins and cuts off his head. He sells his head by the little fingers off his feet. Well done. The king gathers a feast and praises his sons-in-law. His wife brings Ivan. Ivan shows three times the ransom of his sons-in-law for the victory. This is the third time the sons-in-law repent. Ivan begins to live well until the Red Army Ruined]: Karnaukhova 2008, No. 8:67-69; Russians (from the collection of P.I. Kireevsky, Zap. Yakushkin) [before his death, the father tells his sons to sit in his grave for three nights; the first time the youngest fool comes; the other two times he is the same (the elders do not want, promise gifts to the fool); the father gets up from the grave, gives three horse hair; the fool burned them, the sivka-burka runs, the prophetic kaurka, the fool got into one ear - got drunk, ate, in the other - became handsome; the princess is sitting on the third floor; the king promises it to whoever he will kiss her on horseback; the fool rides to the first floor on the first day, on the second to the second, on the third day he kisses the princess, she hits him with a gold ring; the brothers tell the fool every time how well done; the fool comes to the feast blindfolded, the princess recognizes him, takes him as a husband; the king asks his sons-in-law to get golden feathers for the duck, gives the fool an old oath; he kills her, calls Sivka- burka, pulls out a duck, gives it to smart sons-in-law, for this he cuts off their little finger on the right hand; the same pig a golden bristle with 12 piglets (on the toe); a golden-maned mare with 12 foals; the horse tells beat her with copper, iron, tin rods; a fool cuts his sons-in-law out of his back with a belt; at a feast he shows what was cut off, everything grows, the fool calls a sivka-burka, since then he has been recognized, lives royally]: Afanasiev 1958 (2), No. 182:10-15; Russians (Vologda): Kuzmina 2008, No. 58 [], 59 [], 60 []: 138-145, 145-151, 151-153; Smirnov 1917, No. 38 [when he dies, his father tells him to come to his grave for three nights; two clever married older brothers do not go, the younger Ivanushka the fool goes, his father talks to him three times, teaches him how to summon an eternal kaurka sivka-burka; Nastasya the Beautiful will marry the one who jumps up to her to the window of the second floor of the house, she will make a note on his forehead; I. gets into his ear, eats and drinks there, becomes handsome, N. puts a mark on his forehead with a ring; finds, takes him as a husband; a three-headed snake declares war on the king; the king calls three sons-in-law, I. on a thin horse, then summoned a sivka, cut off the snake's heads, gives it to his older sons-in-law for allowing them to be cut off on the toe; the same is the six-headed serpent (hand to finger); nine-headed (cut out belts from the back); I. sends N. to the king to wait for the kingdom to be handed over to his older sons-in-law; orders to show his arms, legs, backs; the king wrote off the kingdom of V., the elders sons-in-law were shot at the gate]: 202-208; Sokolov, Sokolov 1981, No. 33 []: 128-130; Russians (Pskov) [two smart brothers, and Ivan is a fool; when he dies, his father tells him to guard his grave for three nights in turn; the older brothers entrust this to I.; the father gives the goat golden horns, the golden bristle pig and Sivka-Burka; when you get into one ear, get out of the other, you become a handsome young man; who is a princess to the third she will jump up on the floor and get her portrait, to whom she will put her ring on her finger; I. rode Sivka-Burka three times, jumped to the first, the next day to the second, finally to the third floor, received the ring; in his shack it shines with fire, I had to tie my finger; I. was found with the ring, but he was in the form of an old fool; war began, I. smashes enemies on a heroic horse; against him a wasp (hero), who was fattened for 12 days; he wounded I. in the arm and horse in the leg, the princess bandaged him; and I. immediately killed him; when I. fell asleep (not in heroic form), the princess saw her chain and scarf; leads to the king for treats; the king tells his sons-in-law to get goat-golden horns; I. gives his older sons-in-law a goat, for which he cuts off his little fingers from his hand; for a golden bristle pig, from foot to finger; now the king demands a mare and with her 12 sons; Sivka-Burka: this is our mother; we need to dig a hole, 12 skins on him and pour 12 barrels of resin; Sivki-Burka's mother will recognize his voice, come running, bite 12 skins, but not himself, and he will push her into a hole, even if I . will put a check; 12 stallions followed her; gave them to his sons-in-law, for this to tear off the skin belts from his back; when the king wanted to write off the kingdom to his sons-in-law, I. showed his little fingers and belts; his sons-in-law were torn on their ponytails, Vanya and his wife remained in the state]: Ploshchuk 2004, No. 39:112-124; Russians (Vladimirskaya, Pereslavl-Zalessky y.) [The sorcerer tells his sons to bury him in a boundary hole at the crossroads; they asked a soldier to do so; on the advice of Nicholas the Wonderworker, the soldier beat the sorcerer in the teeth with oak stakes and he did not eat him; the elders sons refuse to guard the coffin, Ivan the Fool comes all three nights; his father gives him a prophetic kaurka, a deer gives him golden horns, a pig a golden bristle; the king will give his daughter for someone who drives through the steep the crystal bridge and will break through three doors, receiving a gold seal on his forehead and a ring on his hand; I. overtook the brothers, and then climbed the sivke-burke into his left ear, took on a stupid look, brought his mother a bag with toadstool; so three times; I. marries a princess, but looks like a fool; sells sivka-burka to his brothers, then a deer, then a pig for the thumbs on the left hand, then for the belts from the back; attacked by enemies, I. them smashed, wounded in the leg, the tsar bandaged, I.'s wife recognized the handkerchief; everything became clear; the brothers were driven away, I. began to rule the kingdom]: Smirnov 2008, No. 8:71-73; Russians (Moscow) [dying, father commands three nights to be at his grave; the older brothers are afraid, Vanyushka goes all three times; on the third night, the father gave a golden-haired deer, a golden bristle to the pig and a mare about 77 foals; the princess on the porch will marry the one to whom will put his seal; V. climbed into one ear of the mare, got out of the other, did a good job, jumped up to the princess, she put a seal; V. was found in his miserable appearance, the princess wants another groom; the tsar promises her to the one who brings the golden-haired deer; V. gives a deer to another groom, for which he cut a belt out of his back; gold pig bristles (the same - cut off a toe); a mare (the same finger from his hand); V. The cut off presents to the tsar, receives the princess and the kingdom]: Vedernikova, Samodelova 1998, No. 49:107-110; Russians (Ryazan) [the old man had a son, a younger fool; dying, the father ordered at night at the grave to watch; the eldest does not want, the youngest went, the father: why didn't the big one come; the next night the middle son (the same); on the third night the fool went for himself; the father gives him a sivka-burka, a prophetic kaurka, runs - the earth trembles, flame from her mouth, smoke from her ears; the old man tells her to serve a fool; there is a rumor across the kingdom: whoever jumps on horseback and kisses the king's daughter on the balcony will marry her; the brothers went to watch; the fool goes into the forest for mushrooms; shouted a sivka-burka, climbed into one ear, got out of the other; became handsome; galloped, almost kissed; galloped back; climbed into one ear, got out of the other, became the same; let go of the sivka, brought home a purse of mushrooms; on the third day, a fool kissed the princess, became a royal son-in-law; the king has two more smart sons-in-law; the king orders to get the firebird; two son-in-law went hunting; the fool went hunting on the nag; went to the outskirts; killed the horse ripped off the skin; called the sivka; the sivka got him a firebird; the fool lies, the firebird walks near him; the sons-in-law drove up and asked to give it to them; he agrees in exchange for little fingers on the right hands; sons-in-law agreed because they eat with gloves; sons' wives are happy; the fool is hung with daws, crows, goes; his wife cries; the fool keeps quiet; the king asks his sons-in-law to bring a nightingale, no even better; (same; the fool lies, the nightingale is sitting next to him in a cage; the fool gives the nightingale in exchange for his toes; the sons-in-law agree, because they are wearing shoes); the king orders the deer to get golden horns (same: in exchange for belts from the back; the sons-in-law agreed, as they wear shirts); the fool shows the king his little fingers, toes and straps from the back; tells how it happened; the king gives him the kingdom, older sons-in-law with Out of sight; their wives cry, fool's wife rejoices]: Khudyakov 1964, No. 9:78-79; Russians (Voronezh) [Tsar puts his unmarried beautiful daughter in the tower, promises her hand to whoever jumps to hers windows and a kiss. Before he dies, the old man asks each of his three sons to guard his grave for one night. The elder Vanya the fool guards all 3 nights instead of his brothers. His father brings him a goat, golden horns, then a pig, a golden bristle, and on the last night a horse - "a golden mane and a golden bridle". The father orders the animals to be released into the field. On his father's advice, Vanya climbs his horse into one ear and crawls into the other, becoming handsome. The brothers go to fight for the princess's hand and refuse to take Ivan with them. Three times Vanya on a golden horse ("smoke is coming from his nostrils, fire is burning from under his hooves") jumps to the princess's windows, kisses her for the third time, and gets a stamp on her forehead. Mary the princess leaves the tower, waits for the groom, but he does not appear. The brothers realize that Vanya the Fool kissed the princess, and they force him to the king. The stigma is revealed and he is married to Mary. Vanya and the princes go hunting, catches magpies and crows on horseskin in the field, and brings them to the palace. The princes say that they saw the goat golden horns and the pig golden bristles, but could not catch it, Vanya boasts that he could. When they go hunting for the third time, Vanya calls a goat and a pig ("stand in front of me like a leaf in front of grass"), gives the animals to the princes, takes each finger and a belt from the back. At the royal feast, he proves that the princes did not catch animals and keeps them at home. With the help of a horse, he turns handsome and lives happily with his wife]: Baryshnikova 2007, No. 23:118-123; Russians (Kursk) [when dying, the father asks the children to come to his grave to read; the elders do not go by themselves , send Vanyusha; the late father sends a horse; V. entered one ear, left the other, became handsome; the tsar has a daughter Elena the Beautiful; ordered to build a temple with 12 pillars, 12 crowns; sits upstairs on the throne ; the groom must jump on horseback and kiss him on the lips; V. performed three times, K. recognized him among the audience]: Afanasiev 1958 (2), No. 180:6-7; Ukrainians (Eastern Slovakia, Transcarpathia, Galicia, Volyn , Chernihiv, Ivano-Frankivsk, Podolia, Pokutye, Poltava, Kharkiv): SUS 1979, No. 530:150-151; Western Ukrainians (Transcarpathia, Tyachiv district, p. Dulova) [The tsar has three sons and a daughter, the eldest sons study well, the youngest Ivan Farmudz is stupid, Pepelyanik. The brothers decide to find out why their father has one eye crying and the other laughing. The oldest one comes first. The king reads, there is a saber on the table, he swings at his son, he runs away, the king throws his sword after him, and she pierces the door. It's the same with the middle son. When the IF enters, the king swings, and the IF puts his head on the table: the king has the right to kill him. The king reports that he was sold to an unclean man in his mother's womb. When he dies, the devils will smash his bones across seven powers, so one eye cries. But he hopes his sons will protect him, so the second one laughs. He tells you to cook 7 fathoms of firewood, dig a grave in 7 fathoms deep, sons spend the night near the grave and burn a fire, sabers in their hands, three snakes will arrive at night: at 9 o'clock - three-headed, at 10 - 6- head, at midnight - chapter 12. If someone comes for a sister, give it back. The king is dead, the brothers spend the night at the grave. The elders fall asleep. IF kills a 3-headed snake, blood almost flooded the sleepers. The IF puts logs under the heads of sleepy brothers. Kills the 6-headed, the blood almost flooded the sleepers, the IF seats sleepy brothers. A 12-headed serpent arrives. Ivan cuts 6 goals, then 6 more, but one always returns to the place. The IF pierces the snake's neck and presses it to the ground, the blood cools down, the head cannot grow. Blood flows like a river, and IF puts the sleepy brothers standing still. The fire went out, the IF climbs the ash tree, the light is in the distance, the IF is walking, the forest is on the way, two women ask to judge who is older. It's Night and Day. The IF ties them to poles at a distance, tells them to remain silent until they return, otherwise they will cut off their heads. It comes to a fire of 300 fathoms of firewood, robbers (sprays) sleep around. The IF cuts off the stick, splits the end and pulls out the smut in a split, but the coal falls on the senior robber. The IF runs away with fire. The robbers wake up, the younger and middle do not see anything, the eldest gets up, his head rises above the trees, he sees the IF, steps several times, catches up with the IF, puts it in the palm of his hand, brings him to the fire, calls it an ant, promises to kill for stealing smut. IF calls himself the best thief in the world. The robber demands help to steal the king's daughter. The sun never shone on her, the wind never blew on her forehead, golden hair on her head, her beauty is indescribable. The robbers have not been able to steal it for three years: there is a golden rooster at the royal gate and as soon as they approach, he starts singing and the army shoots. The IF crawls up, kills a rooster, finds the room where the girl sleeps, calls the robbers one by one, cuts everyone's head, changes rings with the sleeping princess, leaves a note: IF hacked three snakes, Night and He tied the day to trees, shot a rooster, cut off the heads of the robbers, and exchanged rings with the princess. Night and Day are asked to let them go: it has been dark for 7 days. The IF judges this way: in summer it should be a long day (a lot of work, the harvest must ripen), and in winter it should be short. Night and day sign an eternal contract. The IF returns, cuts the frozen blood of snakes, the brothers who wake up fainting with fear. The Interfax rules the state. At midnight, musicians come and demand to give what their father ordered, otherwise they will leave no stone unturned. The IF throws their sister out the window. The musicians are playing, the wind is blowing - a train of 100 carriages flies across forests and seas. The neighboring king promised a daughter to whoever would kill the thieves. A gypsy servant finds the bodies and pretends to be their murderer. Preparing a wedding. The IF is late, the gypsy demands not to let him in, but the king lets him in. The Interfax ridicules the groom, expects execution for insulting the future royal son-in-law. At the gallows, she tells me what he did and where he put the letter, shows the princess's ring. The people rejoice, the army and servants disperse the gypsies. After the wedding, IF goes to his brothers, the king lets him go, but forbids him to take his wife with him, who was not shining in the sun or blowing the wind: she will be kidnapped by the wind. The IF does not listen, the whirlwind takes the princess away. The queen gives three years to find her daughter, otherwise she executes her. The IF wanders, there is a hole in the trunk of the oak tree: "This is where the wedding with Farmudz Mariika came in." The IF comes to a small hut like a box. There, his brother-in-law tells his wife to cook: her brother starves to death. He puts the IF to bed, asks the horse where the IF's wife is. Horse: In the seventieth country, the Filthy King stands for a cook. Pogany also has a horse, his older brother, he is stronger, he will catch up, the poganin king will cut Ivan to pieces. You have to put a bag on the horse so that the horse will then bring the chopped one. The brother-in-law equips the IF on the road, the horse brings him to the realm of Poganin. Ivanova's wife is just on her way to the well with the buckets, singing plaintively. The IF puts her on a horse. At the same moment, Filthy's horse laughs. Poganin grabs an iron pitchfork, rushes into the staff, finds out that the IF stole his cook, but he has time. He snaps his teeth and eats two wagons of nuts, smokes two wagons of tobacco, sleeps for two hours, takes a sword, sits on a horse and starts after him. IF Horse: It burns the fire because the Filthy King is catching up. Let the IF ask Poganin to cut him with a sword, throw him in a bag and put him on his horse. This is what happens. Poganin picks up the cook. The brother-in-law tells his wife to bring a trough from the attic in advance, folds the pieces of the IF body, pours it with healing water, and everything grows together. The brother-in-law has two souls, he blows on his body, releases one of them, the soul enters the IF, and he comes to life. His brother-in-law explains that he won't be able to revive him again. His mother, who is the oldest over half the world, could help, knows a lot, but she can eat it when she sees it. The IF has been going to her for six months. Baba feels it from a distance, roars: she has been living in this place for 10,000 years, but has not seen an earthly person, she has not eaten fresh human beings for 3000 years. The IF calls her a sweet mother, a dear matchmaker, and says that her son sent him. Baba wants to see it but promises to eat it. He takes two iron poles, 10 m each, supports his eyelids, otherwise they cannot hold on. The IF talks about everything, the woman feels sorry for him. He sends him to his husband, but there is little hope that he will regret it, he is even angrier, he is 6 months away. He feeds him with tin dumplings, he does not feel hungry during the journey. My grandfather senses it from an even greater distance, 15,000 years, has not seen a person, he has not eaten human beings for 5,000 years. The Interfax calls him a sweet father, a dear matchmaker, says that he has been pardoned and sent by his wife as the oldest in the world. Grandfather: I ate millions of people, but I have never met such an affectionate and kind person. She wants to watch and then eat it. It supports the eyelids with iron poles 20 m long. He regretted, feeds the IF with steel dumplings. It gives two twigs that grow out of the ground. There is a basement under the house, there are two horses, one must be hit with one twig and the other with another, he gives these horses because he is old, the horses must be obeyed, they will do everything. The IF goes down into the dungeon, sees wooden tremblers on four legs, hits them with a twig - the tremblers turn into a stallion and a mare. The horse is happy, asks you to take him out of the basement, take a wooden ax, cut three thousand fathoms of firewood, and light a fire. A wooden ax cuts trees into ready-made logs. Horses eat fire, eat ashes 100 meters deep, drink all the water, drink the lake three times: now they are invincible. The horse tells you to take diamond clothes out of his left ear, and a saddle with a bridle for a woman from his right ear. The horse asks how to carry it, IF: so that neither he nor the horse is harmed. The horse is happy to have waited for a good king. Pogany's horse is his son. They arrive at the well, the IF dresses his wife in diamond clothes, puts him on a mare, and rises above the sky. The horse in the filthy king's stine laughs. They're flying in pursuit, there's no time to wait. Pogany's horse calls his father and mother, asks him to wait for him, otherwise he will be tortured. They advise you to fly into the sky, throw off the pollution. Poganin is still falling, and if he fell, it would rumble with all the thunder and the earth would crumble. The horse rushes after his parents, flies with them. The light is all over the sky, people think the whole world is on fire. The old tsar cries with joy, IF invites brothers to a feast]: Lintour, Chandey 1965:9-29; Eastern Ukrainians (Poltava, ca. 1878, p. M. Borispol, Pereyaslavsky Street) [Sons chew bread for their old father; he wants to thank them by giving each of them a horse. Before he dies, he asks everyone to spend one night at his grave. Older brothers send a younger one instead of themselves, a fool. His father tells him to pull the hair out of the right ear of a beautiful roaming horse, which will then appear whenever a fool whistles at him. The son repeats the action two nights in a row and then in turn. The brothers are going to cross the glass bridge to the princess's palace: she promises to marry whoever succeeds, the youngest is left to herd pigs. The fool summons the horse, overtakes the brothers, hits them with a whip, reaches the middle of the bridge and returns to the field. At home, the brothers complain about the rider who hit them, the fool laughs, says they should stay at home. The next day, everything repeats itself, the fool almost reaches the princess's palace, saying that he will not go himself. On the third day, the fool jumps to the palace, leaves a stamp on his forehead and arm, at home he ties his forehead and arm, says as if he had fallen. The princess promises to marry someone who catches a wild boar and a goat. The fool summons a horse, hunts animals, changes clothes, gives it to his brother, for which he cuts off their fingers. The princess arranges a big dinner to find the one who crossed the glass bridge, finds a fool among the guests, dresses him up, and he proves with his fingers who caught the wild boar and the goat. The king marries young people. He gives his son-in-law a horse, who takes him out into the field, removes his skin, calls dogs, wolves, crows, they eat it, and the fool comes back. The king gives another horse, he repeats the actions. The king goes to visit and takes all the horses with him so that his son-in-law does not kill them, the princess asks them to be left, but the father does not leave them. Her husband promises her he'll get horses. After the tsar's departure, the fool whips out a beautiful three horses, the young ones catch up with the tsar, he does not recognize them]: Chubinsky 1878, No. 70:269-274; northern Ukrainians (Chernigov, Nezhinsky y.) [dying, the father tells three sons to guard his grave for three days; the eldest came and returned to the house; the same middle one; the youngest fool hit the cross, the father praises him; after the second blow he gave three hairs; the princess on the fifth floor of the house on the porch; whoever rides a horse, the king will give her to him as his wife; the fool also rides, harnessed the horse in his stupa; then he set fire to his hair, the horse appeared; on him the guy overtook the brothers, hit him, jumped up to half the height of the tower; the same for the second time; the third time he galloped, the princess put a star on his forehead and put a ring on his finger; the king tells him to look for who it is; found, the younger brother became the royal son-in-law]: Malinka 1902, No. 26:300-302; Ukrainians [(no place of recording); before death, the father tells his sons to sit in his grave for three nights; the eldest sons feast, each time the youngest fool goes; the father gets up their graves, gives a bridle for black, bay, blue horses; the king promises a daughter to whoever jumps to her on horseback; a fool calls one of the horses every time, enters one ear, comes out of the other handsome , jumps to the princess, takes her handkerchief for the third time, she puts a stamp on his forehead with a gold ring; the king sends him to look for a stamped man, finds a fool, crowns the princess, settles him in a separate hut; the king asks to get a goat with golden hair; the fool tells his wife to beg his father-in-law for a nag, kills her, calls a black horse, becomes handsome, gets a goat, gives another seeker for the joint of his finger with right hand; the same is a wild boar in gold and silver (a bay horse, another joint is cut off from the opponent); a mare in gold and silver (blue horse; third joint); presents the cut off at the feast, calls horses, receives the kingdom, makes brothers lords, marries, builds a church over his father's grave]: Afanasiev 1958 (2), No. 184:29-34; Belarusians [two smart sons, a third fool, poured ash behind the stove; dying, father tells his sons to take turns guarding his grave; the eldest sons fell asleep; the fool does not sleep; at midnight a horse appeared: gold and silver wool, a diamond bridle; the boy caught him, the horse promised to help; the queen will marry the one who jumps to her third floor on horseback; the fool, unrecognized, galloped past her brothers, warmed her with a whip; on the first day he jumped to the first, then to the second, on the third day to the third floor, took a ring; the king called all the men; the fool appeared in luxurious clothes on a magic horse, received a queen]: Afanasiev 1958 (2), No. 181:8-9.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. The Kalmyks [only the youngest of three brothers, Nusah Mu ("bad jerk") sleeps at the grave of their deceased father, gets three hairs; if they are burned, they turn into the end; the khan gives away daughters, the unrecognized NM wins competitions three times; the eldest daughters choose beautiful knights; the youngest recognizes the NM, chooses him; the khan sends them to live in a house made of grass; an unrecognized NM smashes attacking enemies, khan bandages his wound with his silk cape; the wounded khan will be cured by saiga meat; look, an unrecognized NM catches saiga, gives his older sons-in-law a poisonous upper layer of meat in exchange for an earlobe and little finger; the meat of his elder sons-in-law makes the khan worse, from the cooked inner meat served by his youngest daughter, he recovered; a black cloud carries away the foals of the mare; NM shoots, picks up a fallen gold ring; on a herd drives a winged horse from the sky, killing the sleeping kidnapper; older sons-in-law push him into a hole; he sees an ant heal its leg, heals its broken bones with the same grass; he rises up the wolf's tail to the surface; Khan understands who his younger son-in-law is; executes older sons-in-law]: Basangova 2002:106-114; Abkhazians [father tells sons Mac, Mazhv, Hyanchkut to guard his grave for three nights; all three times H. comes; catches a black, bay, white horse, they promise help; the king will give his youngest daughter to someone who jumps to the top of the tower, takes the princess's diamond ring; H. participates in competitions three times incognito, on a white horse he achieved his goal; took on his former form; the king orders to gather all the men, H. presents the ring, he and his wife are accommodated in a hut; the king is sick; reluctantly also gives X. an oath to go to look for a cure; with a crow horse, H. cuts fish into the sea, in which a roe deer, a hare, a casket, a sparrow in the casket, his brain is a cure for the head; H. gives it to his older sons-in-law for their severed index fingers; the same is a medicine for his back (bay horse; bear bones; cut off little fingers); from the abdomen (white horse, deer milk, horse puts his sons-in-law with a hoof below his back); H. defeats enemies, is wounded, the wife recognizes the sling; everything turns out, H. gets the kingdom]: Shakryl 1975, No. 42:213-229 (=Bgabzha 2002:201-213); Kabardian people: Aliyeva, Kardangushev 1977 [when he dies, the prince orders his three sons to guard his grave for three nights; each time the youngest goes brother; defeats the rider, takes the weapon and three horses: bay, white, black; the prince will give his daughter to the one who knocks down a needle hung on a pole, wins the race, defeats the bull; each time on three different the younger brother who arrived incognito wins the horses; gets the princess]: 82-86; Kardanov 1961 []: 20-39; Chechens [when he dies, his father orders him to put a piece of rock salt on his grave, guard him; older brothers they fall asleep, the youngest Ali shoots at a black, white, red cloud, each time a horse (black, white, red) appears, promises to serve; the prince gives three daughters as winners in equestrian competitions; unrecognized Ali wins three times, marries his youngest daughter, his brothers marry older and middle]: Kibiev, Malsagov 1981:100-112; Ingush [dying, the old man tells his sons to guard the grave: he I dreamed of a wonder and it would come to disturb him; the elder brother asks the younger brother named Ovdilg ("fool") to go instead of him; a red horse like a leopard comes running, begins to tear the grave with his hooves, O. him tamed; the same with his middle brother (white horse); on the third night, a black horse; each gives O. his hairs to summon him; the prince gives him three daughters, the youngest is Harsen Nars with a golden head and silver hands ; O. jumps to three towers on three horses, takes and hides three girls; gives the elders to his brothers, XN takes for himself; Biydolg Biare kidnaps her; O. comes consistently to the son of the Sun, the son of the Month, the son of the Month, the son of the Month Stars; BB has a three-legged guling horse; BB asks him twice if we will catch up before lunch; he replies that we will catch up with everything; BB breaks O. with his wolf club, takes XN; the son of the Sun, the son of the Month, resurrects O.; Star's son tells you to go to the mountain where the guling mother is screwing; tear the muscle off her arm, feed the wolf, otherwise he will wean the guling's leg; now O. has four-legged guling, and BB has a three-legged; BB can't catch up with O. guling goes to the ground, BB dies; wives drive O.'s brothers out to look for him; O. kills three Enjal monsters; brothers put a sword in the doorway, O. cuts off his legs on it, brothers take the guling; blind and armless come to live with O.; while three cripples hunt, XN's fire goes out; she comes to the yeshapyats; they give a sieve of ash on top of the coals; on the ash trail, the mother finds a home, drinks XN blood; for promising not to kill her, yeshapikha gives O. a bar, he cures cripples; O. kills yeshapikha; O. kills and revives brothers, drives them away]: Malsagov 1983, No. 8:55-71 (= Tankieva 2003:31-48); Ossetians: Liberdinsky 1978 [on the sledge tree ripened one golden apple a day; it healed people from diseases and healed wounds, although it did not save them from death; at night someone stole an apple; sledges took turns guarding, but to no avail; it was Warhag's turn; he sent the sons Ahsar and Ahsartag to guard; if the apple is stolen, one of them will be beheaded by sledges, the other hand will be put on stakes; Ahsartag he guarded until midnight, but then told Akhsar that he could continue to sleep; at dawn a dove flew in; Ahsartag cut off half of her wing with an arrow, the apple fell to the ground; the brothers followed the bloody trail to the sea; Akhsartag descends into the sea; if the bloody foam immediately rises, he dies; if white, let Ahsar wait for him for a year; in the house at the bottom of 7 brothers say that they have 3 sisters; one of them Zerassa is in the habit of stealing sledge apples in the guise of a dove; if you put on a severed wing and letting her eat an apple, she will recover; whoever cures her, she will marry; Ahsartag healed Dz.; through a year remembered that I had to return to my brother; Z. turned herself and her husband into fish and they surfaced; they came to Ahsar's tent, but he was just hunting; Ahsarsag went looking for him, they missed each other; Dz. mistook Ahsar for her husband, they were so similar; Ahsar put his sword in bed for the night; Z. got up, was offended; Ahsarsag returned, thought that his wife had changed; Ahsar fired an arrow into the sky: let him hit me at that the place where Dz. touched; the arrow hit Ahsarsag in the little finger and he died; Ahsartag stabbed with a sword; Uastyrzhi descended from the sky with a three-legged horse, promised to bury his brothers if Z. went for him; when he I did it, Z. said that she must wash herself first, went to the sea, went to her father; Uastyrji promised to find Z. in the world of the dead; her mother sent Z. to give birth to sledges on the ground, otherwise they would not recognize children with her own; Dz. gave birth in the lower tier of the Warhaga ancestral tower; the twins Uryzmag and Hamyts were born; they grew up quickly; H. broke the girl's jug out of mischief; she advised him to find his grandfather Warhag better, who herds the cattle of the sledges; W. recognized them, brought them upstairs to the ancestral tower; married Z.; died a year later, Dz died a year later; before her death she ordered her sons to guard her crypt for three nights; H. went to guard, but he heard the music and went to the wedding; at that time Uastyrdzhi came in, revived Dz., got along with her, she gave birth to a girl, died again; Uryzmag heard crying, took out the girl, she was named Shatana; the same to Kaloev 1980:375; addition: On the third night, Uastyrji came to D.'s crypt, then let his horse and dog go. A year later, dead D. gave birth to Satan, the foal of Arfan, "the eldest of horses," and the puppy Silam, "the oldest of dogs." D. left offspring that formed the powerful Nart family Akhsartagkat)]: 50-64; Miller 1881, No. 10 (Digortsy) [Borayev's mother was Sasana; Uastyrji wanted to make her his mistress; she refused; he promised to take her dead; when he dies, S. asks Khamyts, Uryzmag and Sozryko (he is not her son, but also lives in her house) to watch her grave for three nights; when it was Kh's turn, Uastyrji made it shine at midnight the sun, but H. said that he could not be deceived; the same Uryzmag; but Sozryko believed, went to the wedding; Uastyrji met with Sasana, then let the stallion and the dog come to her; from the Borayev crypt they heard the girl cry, the foal's laughing and the puppy's barking; this is how Satan was born]: 49-50); the Nogais [dying, the father tells his three sons to bring three bags of salt to his grave; they brought, watched, the eldest two overslept, the youngest sees a richly decorated horse; he gives a hair, will appear when necessary; the khan will give three daughters for the winners of the competition; the youngest calls the horse, pulls the brothers out of the swamp unrecognized, knocks down needles stuck on the mound, gets three wives, gives the eldest two to his brothers, takes the younger silver-haired one for himself; the brothers tie a sword at the door out of envy, shout that the wolf is strangling sheep, a sword cuts off the youngest's legs; five years later, a bear and a blind man come; a blind man sticks his head into the bear's mouth, sees the light; the legless puts stumps, his legs grow back; at home he meets a boy with a star in his forehead, this is his son; wife is happy; they put poison on brothers and their wives, they die]: Bagriy 1930 (2): 62-64; Avars [=Ganiyeva 2011b, No. 7:114-121; when he dies, the father tells three sons to guard his grave, give three daughters for those who ask; the eldest, middle brothers are afraid, the youngest grabs a gray horse, he carries it to seventh heaven and to the seventh lower world, tamed, gives his hair; the same with the nest, the black horses; sisters are given for a wolf, hawk, falcon; the king consistently promises three daughters to whoever jumps on horseback over the tower; each time the younger brother calls a horse, takes the girl away, the brothers are jealous; all three go down into the dungeon, feast there, the older ones are drunk, the youngest kills the 9-headed snake, cuts him off, hides his ears; the old man comes out from under the bush, thanks the snake for the murder, gives it to his younger brother daughter; Black Nart (CHN) will demand her; the old man warns not to stop on the way home; the young man falls asleep, CHN takes his wife; he finds sisters, they were also taken away under the guise of a wolf, a hawk, a falcon Sledges; they do not know where ChN lives, but the Bat shows the way; while ChN sleeps, the young man takes his wife, ChN catches up on a three-legged horse, kills the young man; the horse brings bones to his younger sister, her husband gives the boy his second life; the young man asks his wife to ask ChN where he took the three-legged horse; under the stone there is a plain, where the horse, his brother and their mother graze; the horse lost his leg when wolves and ants rushed at him; young man throws wheat and meat to them, takes the horse away; the horse kills the pursuer - CHN; the young man gives his wife to his brothers, takes two for himself]: Saidov, Dalgat 1965:215-230; Gunzibs [father tells sons after his death three nights to guard the grave; the eldest, the middle go to bed; the youngest kills a rider on a black horse who has come to ruin the grave of his enemy, takes the horse and jewelry; the next two nights the same ( to a blue rider, on a blue horse); he hides horses; the king will give three daughters to those who jump across the river on horseback; the young man wins three times, takes the girls, the brothers do not recognize him; he gives them a princess, to a horse, gives treasures, leaves on a white horse with the youngest princess]: Berg 1995:234-243; Megrelians: Stepanov 1898, No. 15 [when dying, the father tells his three sons to watch his grave; the eldest two did not dare go to the cemetery; the younger Gedlachi the fool cut off the head of the beast, which rushed to dig up the grave; the father went out and gave him a horse; the horse ordered to take out of his ear what was there; there were horse ammunition, clothes, weapons; the king will give his daughter to whoever flies on horseback to her 2nd floor; unrecognized G. completes the task, receives the princess, forgives his brothers past ridicule]: 47-50; Wardrobe 1894, No. 2 [dying, the king orders three guard his grave at night and pass off his three sisters as those who ask; the elder hears a rumble and sees someone dig up the grave, grabbed the corpse, weep over it, and then bury it and disappear; the same with the middle brother; while they were away, the youngest gave the three sisters to pick them up; the youngest cut the monster in two, but his blood filled the candle; the young man noticed the light, went to him, telling the rooster not to scream so as not to shout morning came; after crossing the river, the young man saw demi (=devi) sitting by the fire; grabbed a smut and ran; when crossing, the smut went out; he returned, but captured; the demi are told to get three princess from the castle; the young man climbed the wall and killed all the demis one by one as they rose; went to the princesses, gave each a ring (his youngest), came back, took fire, plunged his sword into the stone, allowed the rooster to sing, returned to his father's grave; the king promises daughters to the one who would pull the sword out of the stone; only a young man could, married his youngest, gave his older brothers; the king gave the younger a flying carpet, young the servants flew it, but the flying monster took the princess away; the young man went in search; came to three demi married to his sisters; they said they saw Kazha-Ndii-Kerkun ("fast flint-like demi") carried a gold-haired beauty and they only managed to pull out the curl of her hair; the young man recognized his wife's curl; the demi-sons-in-law gave him a horse and a dog; he came to K.'s house; when he took his wife, the gate called K.; he easily caught up with the young man, chopped them to pieces; the dog collected them, loaded them on his horse, he came to his demy-sons-ons; the youngest revived him, gave him a three-legged horse; when K.'s horse caught up, the three-legged horse also lit K. slowed down his run; the young man cut K. in half and returned his wife], 8 [when dying, the priest tells him to read the psalter for three nights; the elder and middle sons refused, the youngest read three nights, received three horses from the father and a blessing; the king will give his daughter to the one who flies on horseback to the top of the castle and kisses the princess; the young man consistently tries three horses, the last one reaches his goal; wedding; the Queen Mother is ill, asked her son-in-law to bring milk from a deer living between the Black and White Seas; he brought it and she recovered]: 112-118, 140-141; Georgians (Kartli) [when dying, the king tells three sons to protect him three knives grave; the elders refuse, each time the youngest goes; at midnight a man on a white horse in white clothes rode, promises to kill the dead; the young man cut him, hid his horse and armor; the next night - the same (red rider); then black; the king has three daughters in the tower; whoever rides there on horseback and gets a beautiful woman marries her; the younger brother reaches the princess unrecognized every time, takes everyone three; he took one for himself, gave the others to his brothers; when he dies, the father tells him not to spend the night away from home if possible; once the youngest spent the night, and his wife was stolen by a bald jongurist; the brothers have three sisters behind a deva, an eagle and gveleshapi; the maid came for water, the prince quietly threw his ring into the jug, the sister found out; the devil is powerless, sends to the eagle; still sends him to the gveleshapi; he says that the kidnapper jumps on three-legged sea horse; we must get a four-legged one; once a year a mare comes out of the sea, gives birth to a foal; it is eaten by wolves, they must have time to abandon the sheep; the chongurist did not have time, so one leg was gnawed off; The prince got a four-legged man, took his wife away, the Chongurist is catching up, but the prince's horse kicked and killed him; the prince put his wife on his three-legged; everything is fine; three red pomegranates fell, three juicy apples fell]: Kurdovanidze 1988 (1), No. 70:317-328; Armenians (recorded in Baku in Arabic alphabet; all names are Turkic, but the author of the record is Armenian) [when he dies, the king orders his three sons to guard his grave for three nights and hand over his three sisters for those who marry first; the elders do not go to guard, the youngest kills horsemen on red, black, white horses; gives sisters for a heron (Leilek Padishah), a dove (Gogerchin Padishah) and an eagle (Karakush- padishah); according to the father's covenant, the brothers built a mosque; pigeons: it is deficient - the seven-fin nightingale (Eddi-Tukli), belonging to Köse, does not sing; the younger prince goes from one son-in-law to another, everyone teaches that do; we must go to the princess, tie her with her own hair, make her swear to follow her with the bird; Kösa pursues, kills the prince, takes the girl and the bird; Karakush revived, this time the girl sat on a plain foal, K. could not catch up; the brothers left daggers at the door, the youngest fell on them, the brothers brought the bird themselves, were preparing a wedding with the princess; the youngest recovered, hired to the tailor, takes out the magical flying dresses that the princess asks for from three nuts; arrives unrecognized and hits his brothers, then disappears; opens; wedding; brothers tied to horse tails]: Bogoyavlensky 1892b, No. 10:116-126; Azerbaijanis [when dying, the king orders his three sons to guard his grave for three nights; Melik-Ahmed and Melik-Jamshid did not go, Melik-Jamil went; black is approaching rider, promises to punish the king; MD killed him, hid the horse; the next two nights, the horse and the rider are white; red; the king also warned that in 40 days three dervishes would come, they must be passed off as them his three daughters; his older brothers did not pay attention, MD gave away the sisters; the neighboring king would give three daughters to jump over a wide ditch on a horse; the Melik-Jamila brothers and other suitors could not, the unrecognized MD jumped three times on black, white, red horses, clothes removed from those riders, each time he takes one of the princesses, hides it in a secret place; then he gave the older princesses to his brothers, took it for himself youngest; one day they were all visiting the king; someone's hand lifted MA's wife into the air, carried him away; voice: I am keosa ("beardless") with three hair; MD came to him when he fell asleep for seven days; wife said that his soul was in a glass vessel; a swallow flew out of him, MD killed her, Keosa died, MD and his wife returned to his brothers]: Bagriy, Zeynally 1935:222-226; Turks [dying, padishah tells three nights to guard his grave; whoever can do this will receive the throne; three sisters must be passed off as the first to come to marry; the eldest son hears rumbling and noise at night, runs in fear; the middle one is the same; the younger Mehmed kills a dragon; he asks to hit him with a sword a second time, M. says that his mother gave birth to him once; saw an old man with white (day) and black (night) balls; tied his hands so that he would not let go of the day, came to 40 the robbers, offered to help them steal the treasures, killed one by one as they went up the wall; cut the snake; saw three princesses sleeping, fell in love with the youngest; returned, cutting off the dragon's ears and ears; untied the old man; the elder brother has already become the padishah; at the insistence of the younger, the sisters were given to the lion, the tiger, the bird Anka (he is the padishah peri); the king of the castle, in which M. killed 40 robbers and a snake, negotiates with the vizier to identify the hero by arranging a bathhouse for all men; M. is identified: he does not have a sword; he asks the younger princess; the king: but the demon whirlwind wants her, so she sits in a steel room; M. received the princess, and him her siblings; as soon as M. went to the forest, a whirlwind carried his wife away; M. goes in search, visits three sisters, each husband shows the way; M. takes his wife, downloads away; whirlwind on the fourth day woke up, slowly packed up, caught up easily, tore them to shreds; allowed his wife to collect the bones; she loaded them on her horse, told them to go where they should go; he came to Anka's wife; Anka gathered all the birds; the old owl was the last to appear, she was alone in the Garden of Eden; from there she brought living water, Anka revived M.; he returned to his wife: let her know what the whirlwind's life is; he admits: at the seventh sea level, there is an island, there a bull, a box in it, a dove in the box; there is a spring on the mountain, once a year 40 sea horses come to him, we must tame one, he will deliver it to the right place; M. took out the box, took his wife, killed a pigeon, the whirlwind died, M. became padishah]: Kúnos 1901:112-133; talyshi [dying, a father tells three sons to come to his grave for three nights; only the youngest goes three times, sees a rider in white on a white horse, with a white sword, he wants to dig up his father's body, the young man kills him, hides his clothes, throws the body into the well; the same with the black, with the red horsemen; the padishah announces that whoever jumps over the pool and takes his daughter can marry her; he has three daughters; his younger brother, wearing clothes and sitting on a white rider's horse, grabs a girl, brings an old man; the same with her two sisters (on a black horse, on a red horse); brothers (not knowing that the rider is their younger brother) manage to injure the young man in the arm with an arrow; he explains everything to the brothers, three brothers married the padishah's three daughters]: Asatryan 2005:33-40.

Iran - Central Asia. Lura [when dying, the merchant asks his three sons to guard his grave at night; the eldest son saw the rider, who turned into a gazelle; the merchant's son chased her, she disappeared into the castle; the young man ordered to open door; door opened, he went inside, captured, thrown into prison; same with his middle brother; the youngest does not enter the door that opens; he moves over the wall, sees a sleeping girl and ties her to a bed her braids; she says she killed the young man's brothers, becomes his wife; the dervish sees her, promises the prince, gives the inhabitants of the castle poisoned food, the prince's people take the woman away, she says she has 40 days mourning; the merchant's son met her and agreed to take her away; at night, the dervish came to the same place; the merchant's son fell asleep, she, unknowingly, allowed the dervish to take herself away; gave him money to bring the merchant's son, and herself ran away; a shepherd wanted her, she asked him to bring food, ran away; another man wanted her by the seashore, but she also ran away from him; she was taken away by the captain, she rushed off the ship into the water; she met her on the shore three men (golliwogs); said she would marry the first to bring her food; ran away; climbed onto the plane tree; the king saw her, he already has 40 wives; she said that she has 40 days of mourning; sent king, invited 40 wives to wear men's clothes and go on a journey; 41 robbers met them; they found out that women were in front of them; the wife of the merchant's son prepared poisoned bread and the robbers lost consciousness; the wife and son of the merchant, again in men's clothes, rode to the city; there they chose a king, a hawk sat on her head, she was made king; she ordered her portrait to be hung at the city gate; all with her those who met recognized her, detained them, the imaginary king asked everyone; then the wife opened up to her husband; the captain, both dervishes and the man living by the sea, ordered to be executed, and the others were released]: Amanolahi, Thackston 1986, No. 2:10-17; Persians (Farce, Khorasan) [only the youngest of three princes does not sleep guarding his father's grave; every night he kills a rider who is to ruin the grave; each of three horses give their hair to summon it; horses help you complete difficult errands and get three princesses - for yourself and your brothers; options: horses are sorceress maidens; jump over across the pool; remove the oranges from the top of the glass pole; brothers throw the youngest into the well, save him, the brothers are burned]: Marzolph 1984, No. 530:111-112; Tajiks: Amonov 1980 [dying, father tells him to guard his grave for three nights; the eldest son sees the flame in the sky, runs away; the middle one; the youngest remains; a voice from the flame says that the deceased lent him three horses, gives him three hairs for them summon; the daughter of the padishah will marry the one who jumps over the wall; the youngest son makes three attempts, each time on a new horse, jumped over the third time; the same in the goat, the third time threw the goat on wall; receives the daughter and throne of the padishah; brothers ask him to help find his younger brother; the young padishah admits that it is him, making them viziers]: 95-98; Amonov, Ulug-zade 1957 [when the father dies, The eldest and middle sons ask for wealth, and the youngest for their father's instruction; the father tells him to spend three nights at his grave; a crow, a bay, a white horse appear, each giving his own hair, to summon him; the younger brother herds the elders, and on holiday the unrecognized one wins the competition: ride a horse up the palace stairs; made chief of the army, gets the royal daughter]: 134-137; parya [when dying, the padishah tells three sons to guard his grave for three nights; the older brothers refused to go; the youngest, who is from another wife, went with a blessing and a father's blessing from his mother a sword; a man brought three horses, this is a debt to the padishah, he regrets that there is no one to repay; the young man comes out of hiding, gets horses; immediately gives the man to save, and when horses are needed, he will give a sign {text ends}]: Vinnikov 1977, No. 16:167-169; Yagnobtsy: Andreev, Peschereva 1957, No. 15 [father orders to watch his grave three evenings; elder, middle brothers refuse, younger three in the evening guards, receives a black, red, white horse; the king promises a daughter to the one whose horse will climb a hundred steps; the young man burns the hairs of those horses, wins three times, receives a princess not the third time; another king sends an old woman, she gives a sleepy potion, the husband falls asleep, the wife is kidnapped; together with her brothers on three magic horses, the husband comes to the kidnapper, kills him, returns his wife, takes the kidnapper's daughters as his wife brothers], 29 [starting as in (15); younger brother three times incognito at a feast; gets the princess; cuts off the head of the diva, she rolls; the youngest, along with his brothers on magic horses, come to the mother's diva; the youngest kills the diva, frees prisoners, marries his brothers]: 94-96, 145-149; Munjans [the king has two sons from his beloved wife, one from an unloved one; before his death, he orders him to guard him for three days grave; the eldest, middle sons see a cloud and fire at midnight, run away in horror; the youngest is ready to shoot, the divas asks not to do so: he owes his father three horses, gives hairs to summon them; from another king no children, a malang gives him an apple, three daughters will be born, one must be given to him; his daughters have grown up, the king will give them for someone who picks off a goat at gallop attached to the top of the wall; the younger prince on the magic the horse fulfills the condition, takes all three princesses, gives the elders to the brothers, takes the youngest for himself; the Malang stole her; the prince goes to look for her; his sister, who has married a diva, advises not to go; on the Horse Cloud The prince takes his wife away, but the Malang catches up and takes it away again; Saint Khyzr: there is a foal in his cell, give him nuts, raisins and cheese, dragon guards - tail fat; chase again; prince's horse advises a Malang horse throw it off - the prince will feed them raisins and cheese; the prince and his wife return to their brothers and bring their sister stolen by the diva]: Grunberg, Steblin-Kamensky 1976, No. 23:243-249; Baluchi: Zarubin 1932, No. 16 [a dying father tells his three sons to guard his grave for three nights; the elders refuse, the youngest kills a wonder every night, whose upper lip is to heaven, the lower lip to the ground; the king promises daughters to someone who jumps 40 wells on a horse; a young man fulfills the condition three times, gets all three]: 198-201; 1949, No. 4 [a noble man has two sons with one wife, the youngest from another; when he dies, he tells them to guard his grave for three nights; the older brothers refused to go, the youngest went three times; asks his mother to give him his father's sword; each time he kills a horseman who comes in a black (mouse, Kaur) to the horse, began to tear up the grave; hides horses, clothes, etc., does not say anything to the brothers; the king will give his daughter to a house whose horse will jump over the ditch; the young man jumped over the ditch three times, each time on horses of a new suit, received three princesses for his brothers and for himself; he shows them horses and girls; all three got married and achieved their wishes come true]: 40-52.

Baltoscandia. Latvians [younger brother guards his father's grave (field) for three nights, receives a whistle to summon a horse and get a rich robe; the king promises to marry his daughter to someone on horseback climbs to her on a glass mountain; both clever brothers go; the youngest calls a silver horse; he is allowed to ride to the middle of the mountain; when he returns home, he whips his brothers with a whip; listening to their story, says that he saw everything sitting on the roof of the bathhouse (barn, cage); the brothers rip off the roof; the second time the fool rides a golden horse; the third time he reaches the top of the mountain on a diamond; the princess gives him a ring ( also: leaves a sign on his forehead); the fool returns home and sleeps on ash again; the princess finds a hero]: Aris, Medne 1977, No. 530.I: 297; the Livons [after the death of their father, two brothers share the inheritance , the youngest fool is sent to herd pigs; the king puts his daughter in a glass tower, promises to give whoever gallops the tower to the top half the kingdom to boot; every brother must spend the night at the grave father; the elders are afraid, they send the youngest instead of themselves; every time the father gets up from the grave, whistles into the pipe, the horse (gold, then silver, diamond) comes running, the father gives the pipe to the youngest son; he is all He hides from his brothers; on a golden horse he rises to half; at home, older brothers tell their wives that they are afraid of tickling; younger: it was you who were injured when you fell from a glass slope, saw it from the roof of the house; brothers burn down the house, live in a barn; the same with a silver horse (they burn the barn, live in a bathhouse); on a diamond horse, the youngest climbed to the top, received a ring, a handkerchief and a princess's kiss; the brothers burned the bathhouse, live in pigsty; men are summoned, a fool's ring, the king settles the young in a separate city; the king's son is fighting, an imaginary fool with him is not recognized; wounded, the king bandaged the wound with a handkerchief, recognized the handkerchief, returns his daughter with husband to himself, admits to be the smartest]: Setälä in Kippar 2002:61-65; Lutsie (c. 1893) [when he dies, the father tells each of his three sons to guard his grave for three nights so that no one on it is grass ate; the stems of grass were copper, silver and gold; the elder fell asleep before dawn; a horse with golden harness and a golden saddle rode, ate everything; the next night the grass grew again, the same on the second night (a horse with silver harness and a saddle); on the third (with copper ones); the same with the middle brother; the youngest is a loafer, sitting on ash, nicknamed Cinderella, woke up before dawn, brought the golden horse to his place stall; then silver; copper; wedding in the village, the elder brother rode on a goat, the middle brother on a hog; the younger golden horse tells him to enter his left ear, leave the right ear, Cinderella became handsome; galloped past the brothers: the goat into the ditch, the hog into the puddle, the way to the master; the bride brings beer, he grabbed it and carried it, left it in the stable with the golden horse, sits in the house again on ash; a week later, the wedding in in another village; all the same (silver horse); next time on a copper horse; in his stable, he told his older brother to go through the ears of a copper horse, the middle brother a silver horse, gave them two brides, took it himself first]: Annom et al. 2018:247-254; Lutsie (West 1893) [when he dies, the father tells each of his three sons to guard his grave for three nights so that no one eats the grass on it; the grass stalks are copper, silver and gold; the eldest fell asleep before dawn; a horse with golden harness and a golden saddle rode, ate everything; the next night the grass grew again, the same on the second night (a horse with silver harness and saddle); on the third (with copper ones); the same with the middle brother; the youngest is a loafer, sitting on ash, nicknamed Cinderella, woke up before dawn, brought the golden horse to his stall; then a silver one; copper; in the village there is a wedding, the elder brother rode a goat, the middle brother on a hog; the youngest is told by the golden horse to enter the left ear, to leave the right ear, Cinderella became handsome; galloped past the brothers: the goat - in ditch, hog into a puddle, way to the master; the bride brings beer, he grabbed it and carried it, left it in the stable with a golden horse, sits in the house again on ash; a week later, a wedding in another village; all the same (silver horse); next time on a copper horse; in his stable, he told his older brother to go through the ears of a copper horse, the middle brother a silver horse, gave them two brides, took the first one for himself]: Annom et al. 2018:247-254; Estonians (Palamuse; the story is not common, but all over Estonia) [when he dies, a rich man tells his three sons to take turns guarding his grave for 3 nights; the eldest not though, all three times The younger Cinderella (Tuhkapuss) is coming; the first night a wagon drawn with silver horses arrived, the second night with gold horses, the third night with diamond horses; the king marked his daughter on the top of the glass mountain; who is her from there he gets it, he marries her; the younger brother in silver, gold, diamond clothes drives the mountain three times and takes the princess's golden egg for the third time; the king gathered the men, the egg was found from Cinderella, princess cries; king: whoever of the son-in-law brings the best gift will be more expensive to me; Cinderella easily caught the moose, gave it to his older sons-in-law, taking it on the finger from his right hand; next time a pig (on the finger with legs); for the third time a golden spruce cone (belt from the back); everyone gathered, Cinderella showed his fingers, belts; received the throne]: Mälk et al. 1967, No. 75:227-231; setu (the plot is very popular) [ The youngest of three sons is a lazy man and a fool, nicknamed Viruskundras; the father tells him to guard the grave for three nights after his death; a flower grows on it every night; the eldest son does not guard, in the morning comes, the flower has already been eaten; the middle one is also asleep, there is no flower; the youngest smokes a pipe, grabs a copper horse, gets a bridle to summon the horse when necessary; then two more nights, Z. got a bridle from the silver and golden horses; tells the brothers that every time he slept, knows nothing; the king will give his daughter whoever gets to her on horseback; she is in a glass tower on a glass mountain; unrecognized Z. tries three times; copper the horse has reached half, the silver horse is almost to the end, the gold horse has reached the princess, she gave her ring; the king tells all men to be summoned; Z. comes with a tied finger; the princess tells me to untie, sees his ring, Z. shows horses; wedding; a daughter was born; after the death of the old king, Z. inherited the kingdom; put his wife on a golden horse, his daughter on a copper horse, sat on a silver horse himself, they flew to heaven]: Sandra 2004:252-256; Karelians (Finnish Karelia) [the youngest son is Cinderella, an irresponsible muddy; when he dies, the father tells his sons to take turns guarding his grave; the eldest sends Z. the father speaks from the grave, tells him to wash himself in the spring, Z. turns into a handsome man, a mighty black horse appears; then Z. takes his former form, the horse disappears at the spring; the same when it is the turn middle son (horse the color of water); on the third night a white horse; the father asks what to give his son, he chooses wisdom; in winter he catches pike in the ice-hole, lets him go, which gives him the ability, saying, "By a pike By command, in my opinion, "to fulfill any wish; Z. tells the buckets to go home themselves; the next day he tells the axe to cut down trees, the sleigh to carry firewood from the forest themselves; the king told me to find out the secret, to do this, give Z. a drink, but he told himself not to get drunk; comes to the king on the stove; tells the princess to fall in love with him; the king will give her for someone who rides a horse to the top floor of the castle; Z. appears in the image of a handsome man; does not jump on the first two horses, jumps on white, the princess puts her seal on his forehead; the king marries him to his daughter, but throws both into the sea in a large iron barrel, she sails to the island; Z., by pike's command, tells the barrel to fall apart, creates a palace and a bridge across the sea; the king invites Z. and his wife without recognizing them; Z. says that he does not have a goblet; the king commands everyone search, promises to execute the one who stole the gold goblet; before that he put the cup Z., but the goblet, by pike's command, ends up in his own bag; Z. tells the king who he is; and his wife returns to his island, abandoning the proposed half of the kingdom]: Schreck 1887, No. 8:50-63 (=Goldberg 1953:72-90); Veps: Vlasyev 1941, No. 1 (told in Russian) [out of three brothers, only Ivanushko comes to her father's grave, receives a magic horse; with its help she transforms, jumps three times to the princess in the tower, she gives him a ring, recognizes him by her ring among the poor; only I. gets a ram with gold horns, a pig with golden bristles, a golden-maned mare; sells to older sons-in-law for little fingers, for belts from the back; everything opens, the tsar gives I. the kingdom]: 7-14; Onegin, Zaitseva 1996, No. 204 [father, dying, orders his sons to guard his grave for three nights; two older brothers refuse, and the youngest goes to the cemetery, does not sleep, eats bread and counts the stars; on the third night, the crosses on the graves began to move, his father's the grave opened: "Vanyusha, are you?" - "ME". The father gives a filly sea lion. Only Ivan the Fool reached the third floor and became the owner of a wedding ring. He soon becomes the king's son-in-law]: 217; Western Sami [the youngest of three brothers is always in ash, so his name is Gudnavirusch; when he dies, his father tells him to guard his grave for three nights; older brothers they think it's a fad and don't go, G. goes; his father gives him a rod first, then two wagons, on the third night another one, all gold (with silver); tells him not to show him; you can call a red horse with a rod; the king put his daughter in the tower; whoever goes there on a wagon and gives the princess a ring will reign; G. does this three times, summoning red, black, white horses {crows and white horses have not been said before}; gives the princess a ring, she gives him her golden cap; the king tells him to shoot whoever did it to find him; calls men, G. limps; wedding]: Kohl-Larsen 1982, No. 6:57-66; oriental Sami (Skolts, Neiden) [the old man has three sons, the youngest is a booby; when he dies, the father tells his sons to guard his grave for three nights; each time only the youngest son comes, consistently receives horses from his father with copper, silver, gold hooves, copper, silver, gold clothes; the king will give his daughter to whoever jumps on horseback to the third floor, where she will stand; on the first day, the younger brother put on copper clothes on horseback with copper hooves, jumped to the first floor, on the second floor in silver to the second, on the third day in gold to the princess, she tied him a silk shawl with her ring in it; the king gathered people, his younger brother was the last to be brought in, who showed his handkerchief and ring; the king ordered him to be washed, he opened the door in the rock, where his horses were]: Lagercrantz 1961, No. 297:150-156.

Volga - Perm. Mordva: Evseviev 1964, No. 42 []: 293-295; Samorodov 1978 [when he dies, the father tells his three sons to take turns spending the night at his grave; each time only the youngest son sleeps, receives two horses from his father and a pig with piglets; the king gives the youngest daughter to the one who will remove the ring from her hand when she is sitting in a high tower; the youngest changes a thin mare for a gray, black horse, jumps above everyone else; in for the third time on a pig, takes off his ring; the young are placed in a bathhouse; the king tells his sons-in-law to get that black horse; the youngest sleeps, then says that the horse is already in the stable; becomes handsome, gets half the kingdom ]: 53-60; Marie [two smart brothers, the youngest Ivan is a fool; when he dies, his father tells him to put his coffin in the grave, but not to fall asleep and guard at night for three days; the older brothers pay I. to guard him instead of them; on the first two nights, the father tells I. that he will say something (important) to him the last night; the brothers I. says that he did not see anything special; on the third night, the father told I. that night was Ivanovo must go to the forest, meet him there, he will help I. marry the daughter of the priest; on Ivanov night, two devils in the forest can't share an invisible hat, a towel that wipes clean himself; I. tells the hell run to the fir tree and back, give things to the fastest; he puts on an invisible hat himself, takes a tablecloth and a handkerchief, goes home; hides what he has obtained in the chest; the pop promises I. 100 rubles if he manages to steal it stallion; I. in an invisible hat comes to the ass, puts on his clothes, solders the drunk guards, takes the horse away; the pop pays money; promises his daughter if I. steals the blanket, feather bed and pillow from the bed; I. does an effigy of a dead man, puts his wife by the window; the pop runs away to another room, I. takes what he needs; now the pop tells him to steal his wife; when the pop goes to visit, I. throws up one boot is expensive, then the other; seeing the second boot, the pop leaves his wife to guard the horse, returns to pick up the first one; I. sits in the place of the priest, brings him home; the pop thinks that the horse suffered and his wife may have died; tells her to look for her; she is from I.; the pop allows I. to steal his daughter; wearing an invisible hat, I. entered the popovna's bedroom, put sleeping pills, brought him home; covered a magic tablecloth, wiped himself clean with a magic towel; popovna fell in love with him; I. also stole the horse's wagon - the dowry; the pop blessed them; I. decided to steal the stallion, and the hell in the same house - the baby; hell asked I. to replace them the baby with a birch chock, brought the stallion out of the stable himself; the real baby sneezed, I. said, "Health!" , the devil immediately disappeared; the owners woke up; I. ordered to beat the imaginary baby, he became a chock again, she was thrown into the fire]: Beke 1938, No. 48:457-476 (S. 476-484 about I.'s adventures in Moscow); Chuvash [father tells three sons to come to his grave; only the youngest Kuksha ("bald") comes, receives copper, silver, gold rings; they can summon a black, gray, bay horse; jumps three times to princess's tower, gets a wife]: Eizin 1993:138-141; Kazan Tatars: Zamaletdinov 2008a, No. 61 [when he dies, the father tells three sons to come to his grave for three days; only the youngest goes, gets a pen black, white (swan), red bird; if you take it in your mouth and hang down, a black horse and black clothes will appear; white; red; the padishah will give three daughters for the one whose arrow flies through the ring at the top high pole; an unrecognized younger brother on a black, white, red horse wins every time, gets all three princesses; each lives in a separate palace, they think that each has its own husband; he brings impoverished brothers, gives them black and white clothes; they come to the older princesses instead of him, he stays with the youngest; the older brothers are jealous, leave a diamond sword in front of the door, he cuts off the youngest legs, they take his wives and wealth; the handless and blind came to the legless; they kidnap the padishah's daughter to wash and cook; Zhalmavyz began to come to suck the girl's blood; legless grabbed; she swallowed and belched, made everyone healthy; she did not regurgitate the legless; he was found in her thumb; he takes the girl with him, exposes the brothers (tells them to shoot in the ring, their arrows are not fall), lives with four wives]: 287-298; 2008b, No. 7 []: 71-76; Yarmukhametov 1970:296-301 [when dying, the father tells three sons to guard the grave; the mother who comes will give the keys to three chests; the youngest is coming bald, the dog bit his finger, he told his brothers that Satan bit them, they were afraid to go, the younger one gets all three keys, the mare and wheat behind the forest; the three daughters of the padishah in the tower, the padishah will give them to him , who will ride to them on horseback; in the first chest, instructions to take the horse to the field behind the forest, only he jumps so that the girl can be kissed on the lips, the bald one gets the eldest daughter; the second groom received middle (touched his hand), the third the youngest (touched his finger); the padishah will cure milk from a cow about 6 nipples; such a cow is in the bald field, he sells her milk to other sons-in-law for the right to cut off one half a finger on the right hand, the other to tear off a piece of skin from his back; the padishah and his wife overheard two sons-in-law moan and a bald man playing the violin; the sons-in-law confess that the bald man was appointed heir]; (cf. 201- 209 [the old man tells three sons to come to his grave one at a time; the eldest received an invisible robe, the middle one a horn (if sounded, an army will appear), the youngest has an inexhaustible bag of money; the youngest has it turns out that there is more money than the padishah, he gives his daughter for him; the wife found out the secret, changed the bag, ordered her husband to be driven away; he takes his brother's horn, blows, the wife pretends to have nothing to do with it; the same as with bag; the same with a robe, the wife tells her husband to be sent to the island; he hears a conversation between a bird and a chick: there are trees with four varieties of fruit: they make them handsome, dress up in gorgeous clothes, grow from the fruits horns disappear from others; if you tie leaves to your feet, you will sail by sea as if by land; under the guise of a merchant, the hero sold the fruits to the maid, the princess grew horns; under the guise of a doctor's hero, came to her, began to beat her with a club, forcing him to give away wonderful items; then removed the horns, the princess became an exemplary wife]; Komi [dying, the father tells his three sons to come to his grave three nights in turn; the eldest Vasily and Fedor sends a younger one named Sedun (always on the stove); he receives a horse three times: bay, gray, golden-maned; hides them; the king has daughter Mary, Vasilisa, Marpid, they have blue, yellow, red scarves; who he will take a handkerchief from the roof, marry the princess; S. enters the horse's ear, becomes handsome, jumps incognito three times on horseback, but takes only M.'s handkerchief; the king summons all the men, tells his daughters to take husbands of those with their headscarves; the elders find the overseas queen and prince, M. Seduna; the king puts them in a stable; the king orders them to catch a doe; S. catches, gives them to his older sons-in-law, for this he cuts off the big toe; the same is the golden bristle of the pig, removes the skin from the back with a belt; the mare with 30 foals; the horse tells S. to cover it with skins, pour resin, shower it with needles; the mare hits the horse, but wounds himself against the needles, S. tames her; leads her; calls the king to the bathhouse, shows the leather belts and severed fingers; S. appears handsome; the tsar drives away his older sons-in-law with his wives]: Plesovsky 1975:77-91.

Turkestan. Kazakhs [=Tursunov 1983:206-209; when he dies, the old man tells his three sons to guard his grave for three nights; each time the youngest son guards; a red, black horse comes running (the father gives their hairs), in the third since the father gives a magic tablecloth; the khan puts seven houses on top of each other, puts his daughter in the upper one, passes him off as someone on horseback to remove the ring from her finger; the younger brother in expensive clothes rides the red one, on as a crow, takes off the ring; in its former form he shows it, marries, they put a poor yurt at a distance; the sick khan needs chicken meat; the younger one gets it, the brothers do not recognize him, he gives them what he has obtained in exchange for their little fingers; get two red geese with golden feathers; the same thing takes on the index finger; a mare with forty foals with golden manes, silver tails; the same applies a brand to the brothers; appears in a noble form, denounces brothers, after the death of his father-in-law becomes khan]: Sidelnikov 1952:199-203.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Tuvans [the old man asks his three sons to guard his body for three nights and then bury him; the body was taken to the pass; both times the older brothers ask the youngest named Heverick to go; old man: by the river Chinge-Kara-Khem is the Saryg-Khaya rock; it will open, there is a yellow horse, clothes and shoes; the same is Khuren-Khaya (bay horse and clothes); Kara-Khaya (black); Kurbustu Khan arranges a competition, will give his daughter to the winner The Golden Princess; H. unrecognized on three horses climbs to the third, fifth, seventh steps of the sky, the ZC gives him his ring; H. in an unpretentious form comes for the ZC, K. settles them away; tells them to get golden deer; golden deer; H. hunts, gives it to his brothers in an unpretentious form for cutting off their thumbs; H. brings the golden deer himself; they do not believe him, he tells his brothers to show fingers; appears in true form; gives brown and black horses to brothers]: Hadahane 1984:42-52; South Altai Tuvans [dying, 99-year-old Jagir Mergen tells three sons three nights alternately come to his grave; each time only the younger Otgek Juman comes; his father gave him three horses of different suits, equipment, and a bow; OD flew to the khan on a white horse and easily overtook the participants in the races; the youngest Khan's daughter quietly marked OD; when OD returned, blew on his horse and property, they disappeared, they came to the brothers dressed in beggar clothes; the next day they were on a bay horse, the third on a raven; then OD won belt archery; the khan's youngest daughter gave him a ring, the khan secretly marked it; when all the men pass by, the khan's youngest daughter chooses OD; the khan did not recognize him in his miserable appearance, sent the young away; older brothers who marry older daughters send Khan the best meat, but it tastes like sewage and urine; the giblets brought by his wife OD are the most tender taste; Khan is ashamed when his younger son-in-law comes to him in his true form; he died and OD took his place]: Taube 1978, No. 29:126-137 (=Taube 1994, No. 19:187-202).