J35. The frog kills the stalker.
. (.72.)
A tree frog kills or neutralizes a demon or beast chasing heroes.
Guiana. Varrau [a jaguar, taking the guise of the husband of two sisters, pursues them; a female tree frog helps]: Wilbert 1970, No. 37, 139-141, 144:103-104, 279-293, 301-305; 1979:129-150; kalinya [ a huge jaguar chases a hunter, a frog saves him]: Goeje 1943, No. d. 38:127.
Central Amazon. Manao? (Rio Negro) [Rapariga ate fried Curupira while he was swimming; what was eaten from his belly answers K.'s call; R. asks the Toad to pick it up into her hollow; K. left; the same story with Rapagão; Marten suggests K. eats honey, not people; K. is gone, doesn't want honey, wants human]: Barbosa Rodrigues 1890:68-69; munduruku [the hunter climbs a tree, the monkey bites it, he falls; the monkeys eat it, bring it his leg to his wife and daughter; they are running; the Snake, the Spider, the Ant cannot help them; the Frog kills monkeys and other animal stalkers with arrows; tells the woman to swim in the river; the dirt from her body intoxicates fish; a woman looks around, a fish comes to life; if she hadn't looked back, it would be enough for women to swim to make the fish die]: Murphy 1958, No. 34:112-113; Kruse 1949, No. 10:618-619.
Eastern Amazon. Tupi (Lower Amazon) [Kurupira killed the hunter, put on his clothes, came to his wife, let his liver cook; lying down in a hammock, asked for a son; the wife understood the deception, gave him a log , taking the child, ran away; the frog cunauaru created a vine from the secretions of his body, lowered it out of the hollow, the woman and the child climbed it; when K. climbed, his hair stuck (or tangled), he fell; woman with child went home]: Barbosa Rodrigues 1890:63-64; spiking [guinea pig women came to a tree in the forest to eat fruits; Jaguar caught up with them, ate them all; escaped alone with her little son; ran to the tree in which Ari's toad lived; Ari agreed to help, offered to climb into her hollow through a vine; the Jaguar demanded his prey, Ari invited him to climb into the hollow himself; splashed a caustic one into his eyes with liquid, the Jaguar fell and crashed; Ari told the vultures that the Jaguar had fallen by accident; they ate it; while the Guinea Pig was living with Ari, she went to the lake, brought marshbirds, killing them, splashing his milk into his eyes; when Guinea Pig's son grew up, he and his mother left Ari]: Nimuendaju 1922:388-389.
Montagna - Jurua. Matses [otorongo is a category of demonic forest creatures; they devour prey starting from the stomach; otorongo invited a man to hunt bakers; killed him in the forest, brought his wife insides killed under the guise of a baker's entrails; a woman did not believe it, went to look for her husband; a cambo sits in a tree (cambo is a tree frog Phyllomedusa bicolor); a woman asks him if he saw her her husband, he tells me to move on; she went to the cambo hut, where there are two cambo women; otorongo looked for a woman, went to the cambo house; cambo sprayed his poisonous saliva into it and otorongo died]: Matusovsky 2019:254-255.
Bolivia - Guaporé. Surui [a hunter with his young son goes to the forest to hunt for a battleship; a jaguar kills him, takes his form, brings his wife his head disguised as a battleship; the son warns his mother that On the road, the father spoke in the voices of nocturnal animals; a woman and her son run, asking a tree frog for help; he lifts them up a tree in a basket; a jaguar asks how to climb; Legs forward; a jaguar she climbs forward, the frog kills him with a spear, takes the woman as his wife; she brings the frog to her mother's house, hides her husband in a bamboo flute during the day; the mother opens the lid, the frog returns to the forest]: Mindlin 1995, No. 8:28-31.
Southern Amazon. Nambiquara [the hunter took his wife and children with him; at rest, the wife noticed huge lice in her husband's hair, kept silent; the husband began to dig up the battleship's hole, disappeared into it; the wife told her son to dig then; he said that there was fire in the hole, the father turned into an evil spirit to Siuitiahlus (his knees did not bend, his beard was thick); the mother told her son to push his younger sister to cried; said loudly that the girl was crying and they went; the tree frog Kunaouara hid them in his hollow, blocked the entrance with a wooden sword; S. followed the trail with the battleship under his arm; The frog offered to come in to see; when S. put his head in the hollow, the Frog killed him with a sword with a blow to the neck; sent the woman and her children home, giving them his sword; they were told to kill Sister S., because she now has her period and she can turn into Siwila.Kuluse and kill them; the woman did so]: Pereira 1983, No. 37:54-56; Iranian [husband, wife and little daughter go for honey; expanding the hollow, the husband hurts himself with an ax, turns into the spirit of Azhna; the woman grabs her daughter, runs; 1) the sukuri snake lies on a bridge over the lake, the other snakes form a rope to hold on, the woman crosses; when A. crosses, sukuri dumps it into the water; snakes kill him, sukuri swallows it; 2) Kunahuaru's tree frog hides a woman in a hollow; A. climbs after her, K. kills him with an arrow]: Pereira 1985, No. 21:109-112; Rickback [a group of men went to war with Sintas Largas; one recently married, put his hand in all holes; put his hand in a hole in the Black Jaguar termite, could not pull it out; Jaguar came and called the Owl to fry the prey; the owl tied it up and began to fry; the fire was weak; the man wrote and pumped it, the Owl ate it, the fire went out, the man untied the vine, ran away; the Jaguar began to chase; The Spider, the Snake, the other Spider hid man; the man climbed into the hollow of the Toad; she sprayed poison into Jaguar's eyes, the Jaguar ran to wash them; the man returned home; went to the forest for fruits, climbed a palm tree, Jaguar came, the man asked him to close eyes, threw a bunch instead of fruit, killed; the corpse rotted, the finger remained; the man took it, killed animals with it; climbed a tree, gave a finger to his wife, she pointed a macaw at the parrot, pressed too hard, killed his finger both the parrot and the husband; told others that the husband fell off the tree; then confessed; the finger lost its strength, the widow was left alone]: Pereira 1973, No. 6:40-42 (=1994, No. 5:67-72).
(Wed. Chaco. Caduveo [Díeu-nái woman looks at the sky, wants the Pleiades as her husband; he goes down to her at night; her mother advises him to arrange a vegetable garden; they immediately appear in the garden ripe corn, beans, pumpkins; a small amount is enough to fill the cooking pot, its contents are renewed; people carried the plants home, the Pleiades saw the dropped cob, again turned the garden into a forest, returned to heaven; there was only one plant left, a jaguar under it; D. went to the garden, did not find a husband, the Jaguar called her to marry, she gave birth to a son, a frog man took him to raise him; the dove tells the young man should not shoot him, promises to take him to his mother; she warns her son that two Jaguars who pulled out one eye will now return; the young man kills the Jaguars with arrows; the son and D. come to her mother; she warns that there is a cannibal in the forest; D. tells his son to obey, otherwise his galaxy father will take him away]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990a, No. 26:46-48).