Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

J36. The antagonist is a turtle. 62.63.68.


turtle drags the hero's parents under water.

NW Amazon. Yukuna [the Karipulakena brothers sailed in a boat downstream of Apaporis, but a huge turtle blocked the way; K. asked the harpy eagle to carry it away; but the turtle made it so that the wet season came and its It was difficult to get off the ground; lechero's stingray and fish started shooting at the eagle; the eagle died; K. raised the eagle's son, who came to the turtle's house to compare his bones to his father's; when he realized that his bones were larger, First he sent little eagles to block the sun, then bees to bite the turtle, then picked it up and took it to Ipojló; the turtle's armor formed rocky islands]: Hammen 1992:94-95.

Central Amazon. Lower Rio Negro (manao?) : Barbosa Rodrigues 1890:170-171 [A turtle kills Eagle Harpy; his son finds feathers, his mother says it's his father's feathers; he hunts turtles; they say their father killed him; he trains strength, pulling trees; lifts the Turtle into the air; all the birds bite it, get dirty with blood, bile, etc., gaining colorful plumage], 271 [fisherman Uazu's hook gets stuck in the shell of Mother Turtles; she drags away him into the river, fish eat him; his son pulls the Turtle out of the water, turns into Grandfather Eagles; unable to reach W.'s bones and tendons, but they themselves turn into plants from which they make bows and arrows shoot fish]; lower Purus (mura?) : Barbosa Rodrigues 1890:267-269; maue [The Harpy Eagle wears the son of monkeys; he cries, wants fish; the Eagle suspects that his wife has a lover bringing fish; sends a fly to watch her, kills lover, Soko's bird, drives his son away; tells his wife to put her hand in the hollow to catch a rat; the hand gets stuck, the wife turns into the creaking of trees; the eagle asks Aram to eat the corpse, take the twins out the womb of the dead; eat Soko's son too, and give his son (Eagle) to his mother; she washes the baby in the river, he slips away, becoming a fish; the brothers of the killed invite Eagle to raise a log heated in the middle of the water; it breaks, the Eagle falls into the water, the Big Turtle kills him; the grandmother asks the sisters of the killed to catch his grandson; he asks his grandmother who killed his father; answer, Wind, then Hot Summer; he scratches aunts, who say that their father killed his father; he finds feathers, later his father's leg, on the ceremony site; trains to pick up logs and stones; pulls the Turtle out of the water; Toucan, then the Dove cannot penetrate her shell, Woodpecker pierces; these birds are stained with her blood; Jaguar and fish also dye]: Ugge 1991, No. 2:130-146: Ugge 1991, No. 2:133-143; Munduruku: Kruse 1946, No. 26:633- 634; Murphy 1958, No. 54 [The Harpy Eagle grabs the Turtle but it drags it under water; other eagles feed her son; he trains strength by lifting a log of the same weight as the Turtle; lifts the Turtle in air, brings it to the nest; birds hammer its shell; Toucan fails, the Woodpecker pierces; all birds are colored with blood, bile and fat; the rapina eagle gets its head to blow it like a horn, but the eagle- tivito asks to give his head to him; since then, T. has a low voice, and R. has a piercing voice].

Southern Amazon. Vaura [The turtle killed people from the Harpy Eagle family (dragged them into the water?) ; one young man trained for a long time, managed to raise the Turtle in his claws, threw it on a rock; the Jaguar and all the birds made their tongues and beaks out of blood, got votes; then they changed which one they liked best]: Schultz 1966:90-93; kamayura: Münzel 1973 [people came to the harpy eagle to ask for feathers; after attaching feathers, they managed to take off; the Harpy Eagle offered to kill Hauatsíu (the big turtle, Podocnemis cayennensis Schw.); everyone flew there with the Harpy Eagle; H. killed everyone; Araura's red bird lured the boy into the forest, became a man, says he is his father, tells him to paint the body is red uruku, promises to come in a year; the bird again leads the young man to the forest, to the village of Harpy Orlov; they say that his father has been killed, give him feathers to train lifting heavy stones; came to H., grabbed his throat, the Eagles carried H.'s children; he himself was thrown on a rock; all the birds gathered to drink his blood, found their current voices]: 180-184; Villas Boas, Villas Boas 1973 [the man quarreled with wife and left; consistently approaches three types of trees, wants to be like them; each replies that he can't; comes to the birds; he is given feathers, especially harpy eagle feathers, asked to shake up; with the second time, one feather falls; he misses trying to dive and grab a rock; the birds say that their enemy Avatsiú, who has already killed many birds, is likely to kill him; he will attack A., but himself killed; birds ask his son for help; not a single feather falls, he lifts A. into the air, throws him; all birds smear A.'s blood, finding their current voices]: 174-180.