Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

J39. Who killed the rabbit? .42.46.49.

An antagonist makes a woman his slave. Other characters secretly come to her, killing a small animal or bird for her. The antagonist suspects that the woman could not catch the game herself, and she claims that she did.

NW Coast. Bellacula [the girl picks berries, steps into bear droppings, swears; the Bear takes her away; she turns into a monstrous Bear, kills everyone in the village except her younger sister and brother; the brother brings the partridge, the Bear demands to show how he got it, otherwise promises to kill it; the brother shoots, hits the target; the younger sister finds out that the Bear's palm is vulnerable; the brother puts it in the palm of her hand arrow, kills Bear; brother and younger sister got married, they are the ancestors of the Atapaskan quarry]: McIlwraith 1948 (1): 680-682.

The coast is the Plateau. Shuswap [the girl is over, she is kidnapped by the Grizzly; her five brothers find her; she points the youngest's arrows, he kills the Grizzly; she asks for her skin and claws; does fangs made of flint arrows, turns into a Grizzly, kills everyone in the village, makes his younger sister a slave; brothers return from hunting, give their sister a partridge; Grizzly is surprised because her sister did not use it before brought game; sister says she killed the partridge herself; brothers shoot at the soles of Grizzly's paws, dismember it, save her heart; marry their younger sister; Grizzly comes to life, kills her sister, accepts her appearance; brothers understand deception, put the Grizzly's heart between hot stones; she dies]: Teit 1909a, No. 41:715-718.

Plains. Sarsi [husband notices that when he returns from the forest with brushwood, his wife is covered in mud; she watches her, sees her copulating with the Bear, kills him, lets her skin off him; she keeps her; tells her the younger sister keeps the angriest dog with her; wearing the skin, becomes the Bear, kills everyone; only the dog protects the sister; six siblings return from the war; at the spring, the younger sister tells them what happened; they learn from her that the Bear's feet are vulnerable; they dig up pegs near the house; the bear steps on them, they try to burn her, she chases them; the younger brothers sister rises into the sky, becomes the seven stars of the Ursa Major; the star next to her is the sister's dog; the bear turns into stone]: Simms 1904:181-182; blacklegs [girl's father and brothers they kill her lover; she asks her younger sister to bring part of the bear's paw, invites her to play, tells her not to touch her kidneys; the ban is broken, she turns into a bear; the brothers give the youngest the rabbit's sister, who struggles to convince the Bear that she killed him herself; they all run, spray water (lake) behind, throw a comb (thicket); the bird tells the Bear to shoot in the head; she is killed by an arrow; six brothers and younger sister turn into Pleiades, younger brother into (Polyarnaya?) Star]: Wissler, Duvall 1908, No. 7:68-70; grovantre [girls play; the eldest asks them to bring bison ribs; makes claws out of them, turns them into a Bear, kills everyone but her youngest sisters; their six brothers come back; ask my sister to find out where the Bear's vulnerable place is; the little finger is on my left hand; give my rabbit sister to throw hot fat at the Bear; they run, The bear chases them, the youngest kills her by hitting her little finger with a tendon arrow (the only thing that can be killed with it); the body is burned, one spark flies to the side, the Bear revives from it, continues persecution; if they wish, the brothers create a swamp, forest, gorge, river, fire, cacti behind them; the sister hits the brothers with her ball, raising them to the sky; they turn into the Ursa Major or the Pleiades; The bear stays on the ground]: Kroeber 1907b, No. 27:105-108; assiniboine [the girl warns children playing not to touch her anus; the ban is broken, she turns into a Bear, kills everyone; youngest The sister becomes her maid; meets her four brothers; receives a rabbit from them, tells the Bear that she killed him herself; the younger brother kills the Bear with an arrow, hitting her vulnerable toes; pushes her bones, puts powder in the hearths, people revive; var.: The bear chases her brothers; they play ball, turn into the Big Dipper]: Lowie 1909a, No. 23b: 179-180; crowe [playing, younger the sister asks the eldest to become a bear; she replies that she will become real, the youngest insists; the eldest turns, devours people; tells the youngest to get the rabbit; her six brothers give it to her; show how to convince the Bear that she killed him herself; the bear chases her younger sister; she sticks awls everywhere, they pierce the Bear, she takes time to get them out; the brothers tell her sister Throwing porcupine behind the needles, Bear spends time picking them up; giving buffalo manifold {buffalo droppings?} , then a piece of bison stomach; sister throws it behind her, manifolds turn into flat rocks, stomach into holes; older sister climbs over rocks, gets stuck in the last hole; brothers ask that they should all turn into; the sister offers what the smoking pipe points to - Big Dipper; they are now seven stars of the Big Dipper, the sister is accompanied by a dog]: Lowie 1918:205-211; arpaho: Dorsey, Kroeber 1903, No. 80 [The bear kills everyone, turns the girl into a slave; her seven brothers return, give her a rabbit, explain how to show the Bear that she killed the animal herself; she tells her brothers that the Bear's vulnerable spot is his little finger; the Bear chases them; the sister kicks the ball, throws herself and her brothers into the sky with it; they turn into stars (Pleiades?) , sister can be seen far from the brothers]: 152-153; Omaha, ponka [the girl has a grizzly lover; hunters kill him; she asks her father to bring her skin; pulls it on, turns into a Grizzly; kills people except their younger sister; their four brothers return from hunting, fleeing with their younger sister; creating thickets, forests, awls, crevices behind them; the Grizzly falls into it, the ground behind it closes]: Dorsey 1890:292-293; iowa [Grizzly rapes a girl, she becomes his mistress; her younger sister sees them, her father kills the Grizzly; the mistress herself turns into a Grizzly, kills people, keeps her the sister is a prisoner; their four brothers return after visiting the thunder; they give their younger sister a rabbit; the Grizzly pursues them; they hide on a rock that becomes tall; they kill the Grizzly with arrows, burn them; ash is scattered throughout the village; ash first turns into ants, then the village is filled with people again]: Skinner 1925, No. 9:465-468; arikara [the older girl reluctantly agrees to play bear; tells her younger sister to hide; turns into a Bear, kills everyone; the sister secretly meets their four brothers returning from the war; reports that the Bear has vulnerable little fingers on her legs; The brothers let her scatter thorns in front of the house, they lure the Bear, screaming that enemies are coming; the bear dies, the brothers burn her; a drop of blood falls to the ground, the Bear revives, pursues her sister and brothers; the older brother throws an awl, it turns into a thorny forest; the second is a knife, he cuts through gorges; the third brother throws a comb, turns into thickets of cacti; the fourth is a whetstone, turns into a high rock (The Devil's Tower in Wyoming), raising fugitives to the sky; they turn into the Pleiades, the Bear Goes West]: Park, No. 7:146-152; Kiowa [every day the husband paints his wife's face red; her The bear lover licks the paint; the husband watches his wife, kills the Bear; sees the wife crying, scraping her skin; the wife plays bear, turns into a Bear, kills all the people in the village, turns her the girl's younger sister is a slave; tells her to get the rabbit, otherwise she will kill; the girl's six brothers come back, give her a rabbit, teach her how to show that she got it herself; run away with her, climb a rock; The sister tells the brothers that the Bear has vulnerabilities between her toes; the brothers shoot there to kill the Bear; they and her sister go up to heaven and become stars]: Parsons 1929a, No. 3:9-11; wichita [a girl comes to the eldest of seven brothers at night; he smears her back with white clay; in the morning asks women to play ball, identifies his older sister; hits her with an arrow; she becomes angry Grizzly bear; brothers go camping, Grizzly kills people; their younger sister comes to the brothers, they give her dead rabbits; to kill the Grizzly, you have to shoot her four legs; the brothers do it but she is unharmed; the Grizzly chases the brothers; they throw the turtle's shell, which turns into many turtles, the Grizzly eats them; they throw a red stone, the Grizzly loses time painting himself with paint; they dust off the arrows, it turns into a dense bush; they dig through the gorge with a string, the Grizzly crosses it; they rise to the sky, turn into the Big Dipper; the Grizzly goes north]: Dorsey 1904a, NO. 9:69-74.

Big Pool. Northern payut [people in the house are playing; a woman weaves a basket outside the house, hears that whoever is walking asks the players to be silent, they do not pay attention; she hides under the basket; the monster comes in, those who look at him die; there is a little boy left; the woman takes the boy, leaves; hides from the giant, digging a hole; leaning on a stick, jumps in the mountains; comes to the Gopher woman, she the maid of the cannibal giants; the one who comes gives Gopher a dead partridge; the giants do not believe that she killed her herself, ask her to show her; Gopher hits a planted partridge with a stick, they believe it; Gopher tells the woman do not touch her head lying on the path; a woman kicks her head, she jumps after her; Woodrat hides a woman under prickly cacti, her head jumps, gouges out her eyes; a woman finds a hunter; their children become the progenitors of Saíi and paviotso (= northern payutes), are at odds with each other]: Curtis 1976 (15): 134-135; Chemeuevi [The Lizard (Gila Monster) and the Turtle prepare food supplies; the Coyote finds them and eats; the owners organize a raid, many of the Coyote's people are killed; the old woman escapes the baby's grandson, the Pigeon; he breaks the bird's leg, she shows him a pile of father's bones, says that the Lizard took him to captive by her mother; orders his grandmother to hit him on the top of his head with a wooden knife, split him in half; so one young man turns into two; Coyote prepares younger chiefs (various animal people) for the campaign; young men in They come to their mother in the form of pigeons; they kill a rabbit for her; she lies to the Lizard as if she killed him herself; the lizard puts hot coal on the pigeons' beaks, but they do not blink, he believes they are just birds; pigeons bring water to warriors dying of thirst; the Rattlesnake overturned the vessel, a stream flowed from it; a woman hides the stone clothes of a sleeping Lizard; the Lizard, the Turtle and all their men are killed]: Laird 1976:168- 182; southern paiute (kaibab) [Coyote only pretends to hunt; eats berries, hits mocassins with a stone, brings his wife to repair as if he had been chasing antelopes for a long time; finds and ravages Iron's meat -Clothes; he sends his two daughters, they exterminate people; leave the old woman and her grandson, whom she disguised as a girl; the boy's mother Jo married; the boy digs up the roots, someone steals them, he catches the kidnapper, who talks about the fate of his mother; the boy tells his grandmother to hit him on the head with a stick, cover him with a basket; two young men are under it; they tell Coyote to lead people (animals) ) on JO; only the Rattlesnake, crawling underground, bites the Antelope Watchman; together with others, the Coyote turns into sparrows; twin boys kill a rabbit for their mother (JO's wife), who demands from his wife to show that she killed the rabbit herself; she hits the same place as the arrow with a stick, Jo does not fully believe; young men and others turn into rats, gnaw through bow bowstrings; Rattlesnake bites JO, he dies; only The Red Ant manages to shoot JO's two daughters; boys bring their mother home]: Sapir 1930, No. 8:395-409.