Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

J40. An enemy from heaven. . (.52.)


powerful creature living in the sky takes a person or many people, or a person's head. The hero (usually a close relative of the deceased or dead) takes revenge on the murderer and/or returns the kidnapped (kidnapped; part of the body taken away).

Kalmyks, Ossetians, Sym Evenks, Western Evenks (Angarsk), Far Eastern Evenks (Uchursky?) , Nanai, Nivhi, Wilta, Koyukon, Upper Tanana, Tlingit, Hyda, Tsimshian, Bellacula, Quarry, Cowlitz, Tillamook, Cous, Alsea, Kutene, Menominee, Winnebago, Hidatsa, Crowe, Screams, (Hichiti), Karok, Hoopa, Pomo, mivok, havasupai, tiva (Picuris, Isleta).

Caucasus - Asia Minor. The Kalmyks [fearing the 15-headed Musa, people migrated, left the child in an iron cradle and a foal; the child became the hero Aman Tsagan, the foal became the horse Ashin Alag; the AC married the Khan daughters, his wife is missing; he comes to the well, where the servant of heaven Tögy Bus; says that he brought his wife from the lower world {i.e. from earth and, therefore, he himself is in heaven}; AC tells her to pour water into the hostess's hands along with the gold ring placed there; the wife recognizes the ring, finds her husband at the well; he makes a hole in the TB yurt, pushes him there; puts on his clothes, comes to him father, who does not notice the substitution, arranges a feast; at night, the AC kills TB's father, returns his wife]: Basangova 2002:42-45; Ossetians [Rostov Khan had a mistress, he went to her on horse-wind; his wife quietly sat behind her husband, killed her rival; when she died, she asked to take the child out; R. took a child named Amiran out of her stomach, threw it into the water; R. fell ill with grief; he had sons Badri and Rusi; they were fishing; a pretty boy jumped out of the water, began to play on the surface of the sea; R. taught his sons to catch him; let one sit on the shore, and the other shave him not along, but across; we must touch with a razor on the boy's head when he approached to teach him how to shave properly; when A. was caught, he was locked behind seven iron doors so that he would not hear the noise of the enemies in charge of the house - Voyugov and Gumirov; he heard, cut down his enemies; only Avtsaron Pascondi remained; A. cut down his six heads, but the seventh remained and AP flew to heaven; together with the brothers A. went to fight the snake Zariag Calm; let himself be swallowed, cut down from the inside, came out all shabby; did not receive the field he wanted from the brothers, and left; Woyugi and Gumirs became rulers again; the brothers put on copper shoes, took iron staffs, went to look for A.; returned , but on the way back, AP took the brothers to heaven; A. killed a sea bull, climbed into its skin; AP took the skin from A. inside to heaven; persuaded the brothers to tell AP as if they had a dream: A. tore off his head; he rushed at them, and A. killed him; the brothers descended to the ground by rope; A. again forced Voyugov and Gumirov to pay tribute]: Miller 1881, No. 10:145-147.

Eastern Siberia. The Sym Evenks (Chirombu) [Evenks dance all day; the old woman hears the noise of Korendo, they don't believe her, the children stuff dog droppings into her mouth; K. swallowed dancing Evenks, the old woman hid under the cauldron ; collected grouse droppings, rocked, it did not come to life; in the spring she collected goose droppings, he came to life, became Uniana's boy; she trades for a bird, hazel grouse, larger animals, every time she asks her grandmother, this and the beast ate his uncle; she explains that he ate K. from the sky; W. makes wings, flies to heaven from one wife K. to another, their names are Scraper, Myalka, Needle, Thimble Case; ripped K.'s belly with his wing, the Evenks came out, some are alive, some are dead; flies consistently, sings with three sons K., ripped off everyone's belly, freed the Evenks; flew to K.'s wife named Brusok, sang to her that your K. was killed]: Vasilevich 1938, No. 41:41-44; Western Evenks (Angarsk) [Karendo (from karä - the name of the crow in fairy tales) came, ate everyone, the old woman hid under the cauldron; put goose droppings in her cradle, Unyana's boy appeared; asked who killed his parents; made wings, flew to K., his wings were outside, he sawed them; invited K. to fly over the sea, who was taller; W. was taller, broke K.'s wing, he fell into the sea, got out for 8 days, became small (i.e. turned into a crow)]: Petrova 1936, No. 1:149-150, explanations on p. 147; (retelling the main content of both texts, Sym and Angarsk, in Vasilevich 1950:183-184 [The Evenks sang and they danced until night; the old woman heard the sound of Kerendo's wings, asked not to sing, they did not believe her; Kerendo flew in, swallowed all the singers, the old woman had time to cover herself with a cauldron, was left alone; found and brought litter grouse, put it in the cradle, began to pump, the droppings fell apart; in the spring she took goose droppings, began to pump again, the droppings squeaked, she began to pump harder, Unyana's man formed; he grew up, made himself iron wings, flew to Kerendo; they competed in flight over the Lama (Baikal); Unyany ripped Kerendo's belly with his wing, from which some living, partly dead Evenks, fell out; continued to compete with Kerendo's brother and sons, liberated many Evenks]; Far Eastern Evenks (probably Uchursky) [in the depths of bygone years at the mouth of five deep-water rivers with thundering valleys and a young man Tyvgunay appeared with blazing capes, under a sprawling tree; he does not know where he came from; he made a bow, saw two ducks, but did not shoot (maybe they belong to people, it would be bad if I kill); they fly away, sing: grateful that they did not kill; one says, left a thimble on the bump, tells them to take it - it will help; T. came to the camp, there is a rich leader; promises a daughter to the one who pulls him out of the ground pierced onions; no one can; T. did not try it, returned under his tree; there is a man sitting there, saying that he is his older brother (his name is Cholbon Chokuldai), looking for him for several years; T. says about the leader, his daughter and bow; HH: enter my horse's left ear, there's food; go into the right ear - there are clothes; T. gained strength, dressed in armor, both drove on a huge heroic horse; HC pulled out the bow, the shaft broke, the arrow flew to the sky; the brothers flew on horseback to the upper world to find out where the arrow had hit; there were people like mosquitoes, cattle like spiders; smoke from the ground, there was a half-charred old man with old woman; old man: liver disease, give me some liver; old woman: they gave it to me to make my skins, if I give it to you, I will be hit on the head with a gold poker; then the same about the brain (they will hit me with a poker on head); then the old woman to the old man: when you were young and you were defeated by heroes, they flew to the upper world, taking us with them, I left a two-year-old boy HCH on larch, and under a branched tree six-month-old T.; when they heard the brothers break into the plague, the parents were happy; mother: there are invincible heroes in this country; they are now lying because some kind of death came from the middle world tore half of their bodies off them; they fry us on fire and ask us who we left in our homeland; gathered shamans to find out if those who could not predict are being killed; the brothers fed their parents, came unnoticed in the plague of heroes; the shaman began to spin: the young men who released death are here; the heroes do not believe, they want to cut off the shaman's head; she asks the young men to show up so as not to be killed; two heroes Singkeltuken Eden (SE) and Begaltukan Eden (BE) ask the brothers to return their full bodies, because it is shameful to kill cripples; they did; during the battle, HC sees nothing, begins to weaken; his horse tells him to hit him with a silver hatchet, then he will see a raft with a smoke smoke attached to SE's horse; he was divorced by an old woman, she must be killed; HC did it; SE offers to take a break, leads to him, offers sit down; HF fails and flies down; SE turns to someone below: I let you down the strongest hero; in response: if he drives cattle in front, they would keep them alive for several days; HF throws lumps clays, they turn into cattle; HH leads to plague, where people are smoked and eaten; the old woman says to HC: if you smell this country, you won't return to the ground; HC and the local leader look at each other for 30 days without closing his eyes; then the leader closed his eye, three days later the second; HC saw a bell above him and a hole in the upper world far above; became a spider, then crawled, flew; jumped into the hole, I became human again, then the bell rang; the monster leaned out: continue to let the people of the middle world come to me with cattle, then sometimes they will be able to return; so shamans pay for cattle; HC led SE fight against a rock where heaven and earth come into contact; there the sky is like scissors; HF was the first to jump, the sky cut off the tip of the horse's tail; when SE jumped, he was cut in half; HC found T.; he is barely alive, his enemy BE - too; BE fired an arrow, telling him to hit a fish in the sea and bring it to him; the arrow did it, the fish is the soul of HH; T. sends an arrow to the larch for a little swallow; it is about to slip into the hole upper world; T. remembered the thimble, threw it, he plugged the hole, the arrow brought the swallow; BE: none of us can win, we will not fight anymore, we will exchange souls; T. and HC took our parents and came back to the ground; T. married a girl who gave a thimble, and HC married the daughter of a hero whose bow he pulled out]: Myreeva 2009:128-145.

Amur - Sakhalin. Nanais: Kile 1996, No. 19 [Boralda the old man takes Mergen's sister to heaven as his daughter's maid; M. broke his stick, waved halves, went up to heaven; the son of Mudur Khan (i.e. the dragon) gives him the sword, says that B.'s daughter should have been sister M.'s maid; the servant cuts the tree, M. threshes it into porridge with the butt of an ax, dumps out meat and bones, puts on his skin; the sister recognizes him, the servant's wife believes that it is her husband, although he sticks her around her, beats her; M. takes off the servant's skin, gives it to his wife; Sangia an old man descends from the second heaven, promises a daughter to be M.'s wife, who cuts off the heads of B., his wife, with a sword of Mudur Khan and daughters; in second heaven, M. marries daughter S.; fell into the water at night; finds himself in the sand; comes to an old man, marries his daughter; she says that there is a house from which they do not return; there Kalta, the youngest nine sisters, gives birth to nine girls and nine boys, her father (i.e. M.'s father-in-law) feeds on them; M. brings them to her father-in-law; S. returns first for his first wife, with her and many people descends to the ground; Mudur Khan's son marries M.'s sister, brings his people to live on earth]: 225-235; Hodger 2011 [the older brother goes out to find out what the noise is; the younger one hides under the can, sees the monster, it does not find the youngest, flies away; the youngest breaks the stick in half, flies to the sky on it, flies into the hole to look for his brother; a bumblebee flies into the house, on one side an old man and an old woman with silver ones sleep, on the other with copper with buttons; Mergen melts buttons in the hearth, pours old people into their ears, they die; M. hides in a dog kennel; he is found, brought to Enduri, who is glad that M. killed the northern and southern gods; says where His brother lives with two Pudins, daughters of the northern and southern gods; one elder brother marries his youngest, she calmed down the winds with a birch bark winnower, went down to the ground with her husband, he clapped his hands, villages appeared]: 63-67; nivhi [the baby left in the cradle grows up by himself; the fly says that his parents are the god of the Ninth Heaven and the goddess of the Eighth Sea World; the fly is caught by a spider, a boy kills him; a fly turns into a girl, combs his hair, flies away like a fly; the hero goes to look for parents; meets three brothers, lives in their village; a hook from the sky drags his brothers upstairs; the hero on The quinoa flies into a heavenly hole (in which swan packs disappear), kills heavenly milks (evil spirits); they fed their brothers to eat; the hero frees them, sends them to the ground on a hawk; meets his father; he sends him down to his mother; the hero swims to her on a dolphin; next to her is a beauty who flew to him with a fly; from his wife from the villages of three brothers and from a sea woman, the hero has a lot descendants]: Sanghi 1974:125-146; Wilta [Geuhatu lives on the outskirts of the city in an herbal house; mowing grass by a sacred tree, sees an iron bird the size of a house descend onto the tree; on his back the birds are a beautiful woman crying: golden tears are pouring from her left eye, silver tears from her right eye; G. climbed the tree to a hole in the sky, but remembered that there was no food with him, and went down; two chiefs came to pick him up and took him to the owner; G. first replied that he did not see anything, and then told him everything; G. received 70 soldiers and an iron flying steamer that went up to heavenly hole; G. tied a rope and ordered him to be lowered; there were three roads from the intersection: to the dead, to the sun and to hell; G. tied a rope to the hemp {so as not to get lost on the way back} and walked along way to hell; in the house that woman she hid G.; said that when the hell came, bringing a man in one armpit and a seal in the other, she would persuade him to let him look for lice; when he fell asleep, G . must cut his red hair on top of his head with a sword; the first time he smells something, but the woman says it's the smell of a bear that the devil recently brought; when the hell fell asleep again, G. cut his hair, hell died, his body was welded and burned; they reached the fork along the rope; the woman tells G. to get up first, he refused, she gave him her gold ring; he was picked up, and when they began to lift G., they cut him off rope; G. put his finger in the red water flowing nearby, his finger fell off; put it in white water - recovered; drank white water and recovered; found a barely alive person tied to a tree, gave him white water; he took him to his parents, ordered them to reward not gold and silver, but an idol; tied two rods to their feet, they crossed the water; having received an idol, G. met an old man; at the handkerchief in which city and soldiers with guns; changed with the old man, and then ordered the soldiers to take away the old man's idol; the same with another old man who has a staff with soldiers; G.'s wife is passed off as someone who named himself her savior; G. threw that golden ring into a glass of vodka; the woman recognized him and called G. the savior; the owner: that deceiver must be killed; now G. is rich and with two wives; {the end is unclear; where does the second wife? named Lord of the Sea}]: Ikegami 2007, No. 17:67-85.

Subarctic. Koyukon [contrary to the rule, a menstruating girl leaves her little sister in the cradle for the night; goes out to the potlach participants; a baby girl kills everyone by sucking her heart sleeping and lungs, chases her sister; she crosses a river on a log; the stalker asks how the sister crossed; she shows the log, pushes it when the pursuer steps on it; the cannibal girl swallows a pike, it turns into a pike's liver; a girl comes to an empty village, gropes into the house in the dark, stumbles upon an ogre who has eaten all the inhabitants, runs away; he comes to her fire, eats up a murdered child; she sticks an awl near his head so as not to fall asleep; in the morning she puts hot coals in his shoes, mittens and park; goes for firewood, ties the rope that the cannibal tied to her to the fir; runs away; a cannibal comes up, he is cold without clothes, she hits him from behind and from the front, a blackbird and a snipe fly out, people don't eat them; a man comes up to her, says that his first wife is angry (she is a she-wolf) and he It would be better to visit her here; builds her a house; kills an angry wife, brings the girl to him; they have a son; the husband finds his wife murdered, finds only someone's footprints on a log, which means that the murderer has descended from heaven; makes arrows by splitting fir, making a chain of arrows, it turns into fir to the sky; he climbs into the sky, gives three old women ear pendants, who tell us where the killers went; kills murderers, tears off old women's pendants along with their ears, goes down to the ground, cuts down fir; his son says that he became friends with his older brother, a son from his first wife, who went to live separately when his father brought new; wolf son leaves]: Attla 1983:173-211; upper tanana [before going to bed Marten pees on a star; for this the Stars kidnap him; his friend Lynx shoots at the sky, makes a chain of arrows, climbs to heaven, finds Marten, both go down, destroy the stairs; the Stars decide to make the Otter their friend; when the Marten is about to shoot the Otter, the Stars kill him]: McKennan 1959:211-212.

NW Coast. The Tlingits [something lifts one person into the air, others stick to him, are also raised; all the villagers are carried to the sky, two women remain; one drinks tree sap, gives birth to a boy; when it is pulled up, it grows roots; it pulls it]: Swanton 1909, No. 13 [every day people play ball on the beach; something lifts one into the air; when Root pulls, something breaks to pieces] , 49 [A porcupine needle comes down from the sky, the boy picks it up, it pulls it up; the root breaks off the needle; the owner comes for it; the root returns it in exchange for people; they go back from the sky at night] , (cf. also No. 53 [a young man kills an opponent, runs in a boat with a slave; he leaves him on an island; the young man swims ashore in the shoes of a sea lion; enters the land of Eagles, marries, receives eagle feathers; his the mother is expelled; he carries her fish and seals; the inhabitants offend her, one throws a stone in her face; the eagle son grabs the leader, lifts her into the air; another man grabs the chief by the legs, followed by the others; the eagle takes a chain of people, throws them into the sea]): 41-42, 192-194, (198-206); Haida: Bringhurst 2000 [the niece of the main woman in the village was in the ritual hut on the occasion of her first period; the children played ball; a pen came down from the sky; one grabbed it, stuck, the others dragged it into the sky; the girl came out of the hut, blew her nose, wiped her snot under her arm, became pregnant, gave birth to a son; then eight more boys and one girl (from different objects); the feather came down again, the ones grabbed turned into 1) snot, 2) chips, 3) bird down, 4) cedar bast, 5) silt, etc.; the last one in crabapple tree; when there was only one root left in the ground, the sister climbed to the feather, cut it with her fingernail; everyone fell in the guise of people, the bones of the previously carried away too; the younger spat - everyone came to life; the brothers went, killed a groundhog, entered the house, there was a woman, it was her son, she told the doors to close; the youngest jumped ash through the chimney, revived the groundhog, the woman opened the door; after meeting other creatures, they remained in four brothers alive; came to the edge of the sky, the gap closes and then opens; two cut, two slipped into the sky, saw the Open Beak of the Day]: 181-187; Swanton 1905:330-332 (Skidgate) [children play with a wooden ball; a pen comes down from the sky; one boy grabs it, rises into the air; the other tries to hold it, comes up after him; all the villagers stick to each other, disappear into the sky; a menstruating girl remains; puts feathers, a piece of wood, a piece of cedar bark, clay with the brothers' footprints under her clothes; gives birth to nine sons (one is a shaman) and a daughter; the children play, the pen again descends, the children begin to rise; the sister climbs on the brothers, cuts off the pen; the shaman revives the bones that have fallen from the sky; the brothers visit the sky], (cf. also Swanton 1905:271-273 [see motif K28; the uncle is jealous of his nephew for his wife; glues resin to a log, lets him into the sea; a log sails to the country of the Eagles; the young man marries the leader's daughter; he is given an eagle robe; he flies to his uncle's village, lifts one person into the air; the end is like the Tlingits in Swanton 1909, No. 53]); Hyda (Masset) [the brothers play, a ribbon comes down from the sky, then the pen that grabs him sticks, the others, the pen takes them into the air; the sister remains; conceives for some unknown reason, gives birth to a son; he asks why all the houses are empty, the mother tells; the ribbon goes down again, the boy grabs it, grows roots into the ground, the roots entangle the entire island, the ribbon breaks off; he is the son of the roots, the spirit of the tree]: Swanton 1908a, No. 65:640-644; tsimshian: Barbeau 1953 [monster swallows boats; good woman spirit calls monsters to holiday, they reduce the power of the swallowing; people stop being afraid, children play to disturb the heavenly leader; he sends a pen; children grab him, each other, the pen drags them into the sky; adults tie them they grab their children to different trees; trees are uprooted one by one; a girl who has just finished her period climbs through a chain of people and trees, cuts off her pen; everyone falls, come to life; next time the heavenly leader sends rain, the flood floods the earth; birds scatter their feathers on the water, the waters come down]: 179-184; Boas 1902:86-93 [addressing the star, the young man says that it must be cold; the star takes him away; the woman on the mountain tells his father that the Star took his son, hung him in the chimney above hot sparks; a man shoots at the sky, makes a chain of arrows, climbs her to heaven; the person she meets advises to replace her son with a wooden figure; the father pays for advice with tobacco, red paint, sling stones; tries different types of trees; a figure hung over a fire from yellow cedar screams the longest; the father replaces his son with a doll, takes him away; throws tobacco, paint, pebbles, the pursuer rushes to pick them up; the father lowers the son to the ground], 94-100 [like Hyde, p.330-332 ; feathers come down; one boy puts them on his head; a menstruating girl and her grandmother remain; a girl puts three wedges of different tree species, a grain grater, a knife on her stomach; four days later gives birth to sons and (from a knife) a daughter; when they begin to climb, the Grain-grater turns into a mountain; when he also begins to tremble, the sister cuts off the feathers with a knife; they remain forever on the older brother's head; now his name is Rotten Feathers; he revives the dead; see motif L9]; bellacula [the sons of the chiefs play on the lake shore; a pen descends from the sky on one of them's head; a young man rises into the air; the other grabs his legs, unable to let him go; young men stick to each other, disappear into the sky]: McIlwraith 1948 (1): 358-359.

The coast is the Plateau. Career: Jenness 1934, No. 5 [parents don't tell children to make loud noise while playing; they make noise; a white feather comes down from the sky; one boy sticks to him, others to each other's feet; a chain of children disappears into the sky; the girl remains in ritual isolation; her grandmother dies soon; the girl puts her snot, whetstone, crabb-apple fruit, feather on her chest; gives birth to three sons and a daughter every year; they play noisily; a pen with red paint on it comes down; the brothers stick but are heavy; the fruit grows roots into the ground; but the pen still prevails; then the sister climbs to the pen, cuts off the invisible thread; the night is raining, the bones of the dead fall from the sky; the girl revives them; she connects some bones incorrectly, so there are lame, blind; brothers and sister go to exterminate monsters], 26 (Hegwilgate) [two boys are orphaned; the chief killed their relatives with witchcraft; one dives into the lake, gets a pipe, one end of which kills, the other revives; orphans create (?) two eagles; one of them grabs the leader, picks up; people grab the leader's legs and each other's legs; a chain of people rises into the air; the orphan's grandmother also grabs; orphans want to save her, let the chains break; two eagles play with the chief's body, then throw it into the river; it is swallowed by fish], 33 (Fort Fraser) [Chief Ketlangai killed the boy's relatives with witchcraft; he becomes a shaman, creates (incarnates at?) a powerful hawk; hereinafter referred to as No. 26; all the inhabitants of the village are carried away, fall, turn into a hill]: 125-129, 175-177, 195; koulitz [The cloud takes Samtik's wife (Səmtic; fox?) ; he goes looking for her, Cloud cuts off his head; in the sky, two sisters Cloud nail their heads to their boat; son S. and brother S. A fishing marten (fisher) step on Lark's leg; he reports that there are grass steps to heaven in the prairie; an uncle and nephew kill the Clouds sisters, put on their clothes; and negotiate with the kidnapped, she tells her husband that she does not feel well, she will spend the night with the girls; they set fire to the house, the Cloud burns down, they bring widow S. back to the ground, bring his head; the widow gives birth to a girl; she bites her mother's chest , scratches the children's eye 5 times, returns to heaven; she is weaker than her father - only the shadow of a cloud]: Adamson 1934, No. 16:196-198; tillamook [the owner's dog runs home alone; wife finds her husband in the boat his severed genitals; a woman and a dog both give birth to sons; a woman tells them that an enemy from heaven killed their father; brothers go up to heaven with a chain of arrows; kill two enemy wives, pull them skin; heavenly people hit the father of young men in the head like a drum; brothers kill the enemy and his people, except for wise Ice; take the father's head; the spider lowers them to the ground; the dog's son revives the father]: Jacobs, Jacobs 1959, No. 8:25-28; Alsea: Frachtenberg 1920, No. 10 [When a man makes a boat, enemies from heaven cut off his head; his two sons, born to his dog, climb into heaven, making a chain of arrows; they ask the murderer's two wives about their customs, kill them, put on their skins; the husband is surprised that the youngest wife hits the water while jumping into the boat; the brothers hole the boats, carry them to the ground the head of the father and the head of his murderer (their "husband") cut off by them; they try to resurrect their father; his head falls four times, grows on the fifth; turn him into a woodpecker, themselves into dogs], 11 [=No. 10; one son from women, other from a dog]: 125-137; cous: Jacobs 1940, No. 8 [the heavenly leader decapitates the Hawk; the two sons of the murdered man make a chain of arrows, go up to heaven; on the way they ask the chief's two wives , put on their clothes, their wives promise to go to the ground with them; they come to the chief under their guise; have forgotten that food should not be given to two old men (Cranes?) ; they screamed, but did not hear them; jumping into the boat, one of the "wives" slipped and said that she had a heavy luggage; the chief's younger brother notices his daughter-in-law's testicles, they did not believe him; they took their father's head, the head of the "husband" was cut off; when blood is shed, the husband's brother says that the daughter-in-law wet herself; the brothers take their wives, go down to the ground; the father's head is dry, they put the head of the murdered leader on the body; therefore, hawk small head]: 235-238; Saint Clair 1909a, No. 6 [=Frachtenberg 1913, No. 24:149-157 (Zap. Saint Clair); the older brother was making a boat, his dog was next to him; a man appeared, cut off his head, disappeared; the youngest found the body, the dog barks, pointing up; the younger one shoots at the sky, makes a chain of arrows, comes to people dancing with his older brother's head; finds out where the murderer's wife is; asks her about her behavior, kills her, puts on her skin; stumbles while jumping into her husband's boat, he is surprised; gives edible rhizomes to the old man and his wife; they are surprised, they say that this woman is from the ground; fortunately, they have not been heard; she cries when she sees her brother's head under the roof, says that she has burned her hands on a hot pot and eats smoke in her eyes; the boy notices that the woman looks like a man; the younger brother holes all but one of the boats; cuts off her husband's head at night; his mother raises the alarm because she is bleeding; the youngest takes her head away the eldest, descends to the ground; the head grows on the fifth attempt, the eldest turns into a woodpecker, his head is red with blood]: 32-34; coutene: Boas 1918, No. 50 [Muskrat's brother's widow rejects him; he She kills her, lies that the unusual arrow that hit her was fired from the sky; the Coyote and others shoot, their arrows do not reach the sky; only the Hawk Brothers arrow pierced the sky; they make a chain of arrows; it is a little short, the Raven puts its beak instead of the lowest step; everyone goes up, does not wait for Wolverine; he breaks off the stairs; Muskrat builds a village in the sky, fires arrows as if there are many in the village enemies; the deception is revealed, the Muskrat is killed; those who come catch the Thunderbird in the snare and kill; those who then become birds get its feathers and descend; Bats and Flying Squirrels plan on blankets, Coyote on its tail; Sucker fish jumped, crashed, so it now has lots of small bones; Little Woodpecker and some of the other warriors are returning across the horizon; Little Woodpecker swallowed by a water monster; Great Woodpecker summons birds to the festival; the Chief of the Birds makes it clear that the Little Woodpecker has been swallowed; the Great Woodpecker with birds is chasing the monster along the rivers; asking Grandpa Coutene, who crawled to create rivers, to make a stagnant lake; the monster was driven there, the Fox killed him with an ax; the Little Woodpecker and the Duck flew out of his womb, but the woodpecker became small as it is now; parts of the monster's body were scattered (from which different tribes arose); oh kuten remembered when there was only a little blood left, so there were few]: 73-77 (Quail in Clark 1966:146-149).

The Midwest. Menominee: Bloomfield 1928, No. 108 [the boy's grandfather is always lying on the floor, overgrown with moss; the young man finds his brother, whose bottom is wooden; the brother says that his grandfather did it, that he wants to kill him too, warns of dangers; the grandfather sends a young man to bring his wives; he gives tobacco to the Cranes, Cougars, they let it pass; he goes in to two women, runs back, Cranes, Cougars do not detain him, women do not detain them for it they kill; he, after him, women run into the house, he takes them as his wife; the grandfather shoots him, he dodges; he shoots, kills his grandfather; turns into a feather, flies (to heaven?) , cuts off the bottom of his brother's body, the bottom falls, the brother becomes whole again; the young man goes to look for the Stupid Girl; on the way, the old man stops him, they smoke, the old man lengthens the day, the young man falls asleep, the old man changes from in his guise, takes his ear jewelry - live hummingbirds; the impostor throws a young man into the water; marries the Stupid Girl; her younger sister picks up the abandoned man, takes him in husbands; impostor says it's his dog; kills lynxes and young man turns decks into bears; spits, turkeys appear; impostor spits, bugs appear; Stupid Girl steals one a bear, he becomes a deck again; the young man climbs into an empty log, regains his appearance; gives the impostor his appearance, turns his head into a hawk; returns to two wives, gives a new one to his brother]: 469- 483; Skinner, Satterlee 1915, No. II2 [see motive F34; the wife takes the Bear as a lover; sprinkles her dandruff on her husband to deprive him of luck; the husband burns lovers in the hollow; the wife's corpse is buried under the floor; her relatives are looking for him; the husband tells his children to flee; the Bear's relatives take her husband to heaven and torture him; the son of the departed man marries, he has two sons; his wife's brother marries the young man's sister; they have a son with with two heads; he asks where his grandfather is; goes up to heaven with his cousins, kills bears, brings his grandfather back to the ground], II.5 [the boy's grandfather lies in a teepee like a deck in moss, wakes up every four years; the young man finds the upper body of his older brother attached to the stump; he explains that their evil grandfather will do the same to him, teaches him how to win; the grandfather tells him to kill the polar bear; the young man runs without looking back , at the entrance to the house, the bear falls dead; the grandfather takes the pot out of his side to cook meat; the young man gives a bear head to two old women, they disappear; these old women cut their older brother; now hostile creatures the lower half plays a ball in the sky, hangs it in the chimney; the young man rises to the sky, cuts off the rope, the lower half falls to the ground, connects to the upper one; cranes, horned snakes guard the house of two dangerous sisters; a young man scares off guards, takes sisters as wives; an old man breaks a sleeping boy's back, changes clothes with him, pushes him into the thickets, marries his eldest wife; the youngest finds a young man, takes care of him; he turns sticks into bear carcasses, grass into beavers and turkeys; when the deceiver steals carcasses, they turn back into sticks, dung beetles; the young man climbs into the deck, regains himself former appearance, turns a deceiver into a hawk; gives his elder wife to his brother]: 305-311, 317-327; winnebago [(zap. Louis L. Meeker); having created the earth, Ma-ona created a man in the sky Wah-reh-ksan-ke-ka ("man with one leg"; M.); he dried by the fire (it was the sun), his leg cracked, M. threw him to the ground; created another , Koo-noo-ha ("first young man"; K.); together with seven other people, they are ancestors of eight families (apparently they were lowered to earth); brothers take turns chasing the beast, disappear; seventh brother Nah-ghee-gho-no-neenk (N.) comes to a hollow tree; six pairs of skis nearby; M. descends from the sky, N. wounds him with an arrow, he hits him, takes him to heaven; K. hears his screams, comes to heaven to M.; he took off his skins from six brothers, prepared their meat for food, N. hung up to suffer, avenging the wound, and he is small for food; M. and K. compete in a ball game (the ball must be handed over with a club); each hits the other's head, the head takes off, returns to the neck; for the fourth time, Ma-ona agrees that N.'s head does not return; she turns into the Morning Star, the murdered brothers into the clouds; each brother married the sister of another but N. who was single]: Smith 1997:105-110.

Plains. Hidatsa [Coyote's sister is pregnant; her brother doesn't tell you to open the door; Headless Monster asks where the door is, sister opens; he says he eats by putting hot fat on the pregnant woman's belly women; she only slightly heats fat; he keeps fat on fire with his bare hand, puts it on her stomach; she dies, gives birth to twins; he throws one into the center of the house, the other into the stream; brother puts his sister's corpse on funeral platform; Coyote makes a domestic boy; The river also grows; goes out to play with his brother, steals meat; they grab the River, keep him in the steam room until his sharp fangs disappear; he regurgitates swallowed frogs, etc.; brothers revive the mother; throw a hot stone into the mouth of the Headless, he explodes; the woman kills with her basket; the brothers ask her to point the basket at the birds, those fall dead; point them at the woman themselves, killing her; celestials fear that the River will become too powerful; the Long Hand takes him to heaven, he is tied to a pole; the brother turns himself and he is spiders, they run away; the Long Hand closes a hole in the sky, the brothers cut his arm with an ax (the hand is Orion, the scar is Orion's Belt); hanging on a pole, Rechnoy has learned ritual songs, now he has taught people; sent a mother to heaven to return the hatchet taken from there]: Beckwith 1938:30-43; Crowe [the guest leaves the woman's corpse standing outside the house; throws one baby behind the partition, the other into the river; the father raises Domestic Boy; brothers play together, but River Boy returns to the water every time his father comes; father and brother catch him; he stops being wild after losing his sharp teeth; brothers kill dangerous creatures, mother revives]: Lowie 1918:74-85 [The Red Woman comes to the hunter's wife; she forgets to tell her husband about her every time; mice raise the Domestic Boy before his father finds him; River Boy's sharp teeth are filed; brothers kill and burn the Red Woman; the snake crawls through the anus into the River Boy's brain, who tells the sun to shine hot, his brains boil, he pulls out the snake, makes it less dangerous, but brainless; Homemade puts pebbles in his skull, now his name is Rattle Head; Long arm drags Domashny to heaven; Old Coyote gathers birds, but none know where did Domashny go; Rechnoy notices a hole in the sky; fires yellow, black, blue, green arrows, with the last one flies to the sky; the old woman replies that Domashny is going to eat; so she passes through the villages of Cranes, Orlov; he is told that such a poor man is unlikely to be given a piece; the Black Eagles have a Long Arm as the leader; the River kills him with an arrow, tells him to burn the corpse, tells all birds to go to live in earth; returns with brother; mother turns into Moon, father into Morning Star, Domestic Boy into Ursa Major, River Star], 94-98 [about the same].

Southeast USA. Screams [people see lying motionless; no one knows what is going on; the Toad lies face down for a day - nothing; the other - face up; says that the man's heart has carried the Twisted Horn to heaven; only the red-haired Mouse undertakes to return the stolen heart if someone makes a ladder; The Spider did; The Mouse climbed into the sky, there are human hearts in a locked box near the Twisted Horn; The Mouse gnawed through a hole , found a still alive heart, scolded Twisted Horn, went down to earth; the man came to life]: Gouge 2004, No. 18:77-79; (cf. hichiti [The turkey takes people to heaven; the first ancestors began to look for who could destroy it; the Black Snake and the Puppy agreed; as soon as the Turkey descended, the Black Snake and the Puppy attacked him, he fell, others finished off; people hadn't eaten turkeys before; and now, as soon as turkeys see a puppy, they immediately fly up to the tree; that's why dogs are hunted - turkey trees are easy to reach]: Swanton 1929 , NO. 7:90-91).

California. Karok [heavenly spirits kidnap Little Brother, hold him above the fire; animal people shoot up; only the Spider's arrow reaches the target; Big Brother rises to heaven, kills the spirit, accepts his look (wearing his skin?) ; swallows hot stones along with perfume; kidnaps brother, leaving a mouse instead; returns to earth with him]: Kroeber, Gifford 1980, No. B1:26-27; hoopa [Rough Nose (SHN) does not tell younger brother fry short ribs while he is hunting; he roasts, takes something away; SHN catches a bird, wants to kill, she says that his brother is being fried in the sky; SHN calls Coyote and Spider to make a rope, Mouse gnaw through the bowstrings (and hole the boats), the Louse tie his sleeping hair, the Caterpillar pave the way up; the Coyote fails to throw the rope into the sky (it is too thick and heavy); the Spider's arrow hits into the sky, the Caterpillar crawls along a rope tied to her, followed by the others; SHN kills an old woman keeping fire under a bag with her younger brother, puts on her clothes, pretends to be an old woman, in a bag above the fire puts a rat; when enemies fall asleep, attacks them, they panic (bowstrings are torn, etc.); brings his little brother home]: Goddard 1904, No. 3:154-156; Pomo: Barrett 1933, No. 7 [Puma is the leader, three Thunder takes him to heaven; the Spider ties a web to the sky, picks up the Coyote, putting it in his bag; the Coyote finds the Puma in the steam room, lowers him to the ground; the Puma tells the first ancestors to become different animals and disperse], 35/I [Falcon hunts deer; his wife is Quail; Kilak flies with his fiery cloak; takes Falcon to the upper world; Quail asks Vulture to smell where the smell of death will blow; Vulture points up; Falcon's grandfather Coyote asks the Spider to take him to heaven; places arrowheads in K.'s house, he attacks them, dies; Coyote brings Falcon to the earth, revives it], 84 [The partridge collects the clover, disappears; people notice a trail of blood in the sky; her two Lark sons fly to the sky inside the growing stone tower created by Coyote; see the ghost of the deceased mother; the cannibal Keelak arrives, the kidnapper of people; the brothers kill him with an arrow; they return home with their mother]: 81-83, 177-179, 315-318; southern mountain mivok [from Jealousy, the Eagle beat his chipmunk wife, kicked her out of the house; a week later someone brought her back, but she died; the stripes on the chipmunk's skin are signs of those beatings; the Eagle grieves, mourns for a year; Yelelkin descended from the sky, carried him through a hole in the zenith of the sky; his nephew, Coyote, ran to the southern, eastern, northern, western corners of the world in search of a way to heaven; returned, began to dance, jumping higher jumped to the zenith; in the sky, the Frog (Bullfrog), Y.'s wife and Eagle's aunt, advised not to kill the prisoner right away, gave Eagle a knife; Y. prisoners, inviting them to bend down for a drink from a basket of water; the Eagle offered Y . drink himself, cut off his head with a knife; Coyote plucked all the feathers from Y. planted all the feathers around the world, which grew trees and grass; the Frog lowered Coyote and Eagle from the sky on a rope; then Coyote said that there will be new people, turned himself, the Eagle and others into animals and birds]: Barrett 1918, No. 9:17-19; mivok [a huge bird lived on the back of the sky; flew there through a hole in the zenith of the sky; kidnapped a toad woman, made her wife, dragged her people to eat, but she refused human meat; the Eagle is the leader of the First Men, the Toad's nephew, the bird took him away; the Toad taught her how to kill the monster, gave a stone knife; the eagle pushed the bird into a vat of blood, cut off its head; the toad wove a rope out of the grass, they went down to the ground; the Coyote planted the bird's feathers, which grew into various trees and grasses]: Merriam 1993: 163-167.

Big Pool. Havasupai [a woman's son grows up without a father; wants to find a wife; mother says women's fathers kill suitors; these are Starlings (? Blackbirds), then they become Hopi Indians; the young man meets two sisters, they say they are single, in fact their husband is Starling; when he comes, the young man tells his sisters to give her husband those clothes which he gave them when he married them; the eldest gives him a piece of flesh from her body, he puts it on his beak, since then the starlings have red feathers on their beak and wings; on the way, the older sister because this dies; the young man and the youngest burned her, came to his mother; the mother went with her daughter-in-law to collect seeds, she disappeared; the husband planted feathers - it turned out that his wife was taken to heaven; the husband goes up there, the old woman says that the Wind keeps her in a kiva in the middle of the village; the wind offers competitions: whose hair is longer; others; who runs faster; when the Wind turned into a tornado, the young man knocked down his head with a stick; went down with his wife to earth; the mother built a house for them; in the morning came Thunder, then clouds of sky birds, Rain, but the young man fought back; so four days; the young man with his wife and mother flee south; the mother loses strength; the young man and his wife come to the horizon, from there to heaven, lower their mother's rope, lift her up to them]: Smithson, Euler 1994:44-49.

The Great Southwest. The sun cuts off a person's head, takes him to heaven; two sons of a murdered man come to the Sun, put him to sleep, take his head. Tiva (Picouris) [the deer warns the hunter that the Sun will fight him; he makes arrows, but the arrows run out, the Sun cut off his head, takes his wife; his two sons are running to their father's parents; the grandfather tells them who killed their father; tells them to cut willow twigs, makes his grandchildren ball sticks; a pair of Rats (Woodrat) gives the brothers sticks to put the Sun to sleep; four butterflies give white, black, yellow, blue paints; brothers paint a black bird to make it an Eagle; he brings it to heaven, teaches them how to play ball with the Morning Star; he plays with their father's head; brothers break all the Morning Star's sticks, he dies; the eagle brings the brothers and their mother down to the ground; the father's head is put in a dark closet, the father comes to life]: Harrington 1928:313-323; 1989:15-23; Tiva (Isleta) [mother tells sons the Sun killed them father; the Spider gives them tobacco to help them withstand the heat, put the Sun to sleep; at home they almost revive their father; despite the ban, the mother spies, the father dies again]: Parsons 1932c, No. 12:390-392.

(Wed. Mesoamerica Mountain Totonaks: Beck 2012 [Mount Colinque, evil creatures descend from the sky; they asked the Gromov to break it, they could not; then they asked Aktzini=Sea; he crashed, but the whole world shuddered; they deceive him, keep him at the bottom of the sea, hide the top of the mountain in the clouds]: 220-253; Ichon 1969 [snakes and cannibal jaguars descend from the sky on a stone pillar; Thunder cannot destroy a pillar; San Juan very strong when it screams, people stall or die; they promise San Juan vodka if he destroys a pole; CX destroys it from the take-off (the remains are Chicontepec volcano); covering this place with clouds, San Juan is told that the pole is intact; he runs away again, falls into the sea; his arms and legs are nailed to the bottom]: 112-113; tsotsil [during an eclipse of the sun, chohchohotso (eagles or huge hawks) and pecks people's eyes; people wax them so that birds take wax instead of their eyes]: Guiteras-Holmes 196:153, 194).