Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

J41. Foxes make fun of what is left behind. 42.-.47.

The hero leaves for a long time When he returns, his relative or relative does not immediately believe that it is really him. All this time, someone mocked him or her, imitating the voice of the departed person, saying he was back and/or throwing ash in the face.

Kwakiutl, Puyallup, Upper Chehalis, Katlamet, Menominee, Western Ojibwa, Ojibwa Steppe, Northern Ojibwa, Western Swamp Cree, Steppe Cree, Northern Ojibwa, Seneca, penobscot, santi, natchez.

NW Coast. Quakiutl [the chief's daughter is blind; two slaves who take her in a boat decide to flee, come with her to another chief, who marries her son; her own sons grow up and sail to her father; all this time people mocked, said that his daughter was back; the chief does not immediately believe that this time they will not be deceived; arranges potlach]: Wallace, Whitaker 1981:194-199.

The coast is the Plateau. Puyallup [the girl just gave birth, left the baby in the thickets, went to the party; he was picked up by spouses who already had a daughter; the baby grew up immediately; the girl provokes him to shoot at her, he has to do it, she hurts, she screams, he leaves altogether; she gets to a cougar woman, who is going to make him her husband, gives berries, but they are lizards; a crane woman helps him run; he comes to the singing woman, she falls silent; he and the singing sister ask her to continue, she sings, this lights up the earth; the rock, the water, the road answer that they will not be able to hide from the fire; Spruce says that You can sit at the top of his head; from the top of his head he climbs into heaven with a bow and arrow {it is not said exactly how}; meets a dawn man, then a twilight man; each has five daughters, both inviting them to himself; at the fork, a young man mistakenly goes to the house of Twilight; his daughters grease him dead; tries to feed the dead with flesh; he marries four; the eldest lies in a coffin-like box; comes Split Foot, the eldest takes him away; Dawn sends her daughters to bring a young man from Twilight; daughters of Dawn and Twilight fight, Twilight's eldest daughter has the leg of Shattered Leg; daughters Dawn is more beautiful; the daughters of Twilight drive them away, but after 5 days the young man finds his way to Dawn; he is washed and fed; looking into the basket on the wall, the young man finds the youngest daughter of Dawn; in the morning he stays in bed; after finding out what is going on, Dawn marries him to his youngest; the young man accidentally makes a hole in the ground, sees his real mother below, who gave birth to a new boy; Dawn agrees to let his son-in-law and daughter go , The spider puts them in the basket; the young man's younger brother is blind, fat dog; the elder and his wife make him healthy and beautiful; so does the boy's mother (she was blind, only for the fifth time she believes that she came really her son); she and her younger brother were slaves to Blue Jay; he tells his younger brother to wipe him off; in the presence of her older brother, the younger brother puts hot smut in the ass, he flies away; the young man's wife gave birth twins fused together; Blue Jay cut them, they died; their mother killed everyone in the village out of revenge (the name of the village of Flytown); the Spider took the couple back to heaven; everything they brought from heaven remained]: Thompson, Egesdal 2008:83; upper chehalis [woman gave birth; at this time people were going to dance; a woman in labor is not supposed to dance; she stopped by to see; at this time Puma stole baby; brought lizards, began to squeeze juice, the child does not like it; with Puma Crane, he baked salmon, the child liked it; the child grew up in 5 days, the Crane made him a bow and arrows, advised him to shoot The cougar, coming from the front; hide in a tree; the Crane himself made wings for himself, finished off the Puma by shooting at her from above; a young man from a tree climbed into the sky; the gray man (dawn) offers him 5 of his daughters; but a black man (evening) persuaded him to go to his five daughters; something was hanging from their noses; the black man came back, bringing a dead deer and a dead man; Dawn sent his daughters to repel the young man, he went with with them, took the youngest; Dawn brings good meat, not human; the young man finds a beautiful woman in the basket, Dawn allows him to stay with her, not with his first wife; she gave birth to twins with their backs; pulling out a bunch of grass, the young man saw the ground in the hole, wants to return; Dawn tells the young man's wife to ask Grandma Spider to lower them to the ground; when they come down, the young man pulled the rope, the Spider picked up the basket back; a blind bald boy came to the spring, the young man called him brother, he: Blue Jay, don't mock me; the young man blew in the boy's eyes, he saw the light, clapped his head, his hair grew; sister the young man (she is the boy's mother) is also blind, the young man also regained her sight; Blue Jay tells the boy to wipe his ass; the young man tells him to stick a burning smut in his ass; Blue Jay tried to divide twins, both dead; Blue Jay: no more twins will be born united]: Adamson 1934, No. 44:83-87; catlamet [woman leaves her husband; he sings, people come to him, dance; the woman goes too, forgetting the baby; hears him crying, finds only a stick in the cradle; the child is kidnapped by Akas Shenas Shen; carries him everywhere; leaves him at home one day; her brother Crane talks gives a knife to the boy that A. is not his mother; he cuts off her head, kills a soul that has jumped out of her neck; climbs a pine tree, shoots into the sky, makes a chain of arrows; attaches it to the lower bow, climbs into the sky; meets the old woman, takes her burden, opens the cork, turns dark; plugs the vessel, becomes light; meets Lice, Fleas, Itch; walks along the left path; spends the night in the house of the cannibal Evening Star with his Daughter Moon; runs away, comes to the Morning Star, marries his daughter Sun; Sun to the Moon: You will shine when people relieve themselves, and I when leaders exchange gifts; The sun gives birth twins fused with their bellies; a man digs a hole, holes in the sky, sees his father's house, misses him; father-in-law lowers him and his family in a basket to the ground; there Blue Jay mocks his blind younger brother human; The sun restores the boy's vision, her husband puts a smut in Soyka's ass; Soyka separates the twins with a knife, their intestines fall out; the sun returns to heaven, her sons phantom suns]: Boas 1901a , NO. 1:9-19).

The Midwest. Menominee [the old man invites the young hunter into his boat, which rushes across the lake by herself, the hunter loses strength; on the shore, the ogre's wife pierces him with her digging stick; this is how all the brothers die; the youngest becomes a feather, flies to a tree on which the hearts of cannibals lie, pierces them with arrows, both die; their daughter is good, also tells them to kill their dog, burn their bodies; the young man marries her, revives her brothers, firing arrows over them; one brother remained lame, the girl accidentally changed her bones; at home, the young men's sister did not believe that they had returned; all this time the foxes mocked her, saying that, allegedly, brother came, urinated in her eyes, she went blind; the young man's wife heals her eyes; he himself kills all but one foxes that come in with a club; therefore, there are few silver foxes]: Bloomfield 1928, No. 101:395-409; Western ojibwa (chippewa) [the young man plays the flute, the turkeys go to her voice; the Hunchback sends the pipe to the sun, pulls him closer to the ground; the young man pushes the sun back; at night the Hunchback pokes hot iron in the throat of a young man, changes his appearance with him, marries the leader's daughter; children kill a transformed young man; two sisters revive him, restore him to his former appearance; he takes one as his wife; turns an impostor back to the Hunchback; beats, his partridge spirit flies out of his hump; animals relieve the young man's sister; he burns animals, marries his wife's brother; kills Gorbunov, runs north alone]: Barnouw 1977 , No. 14:93-97; Steppe Ojibwa [eight brothers find firewood cooked; take turns guarding; the woman comes to the youngest; breaks the trunks with her hand moving; the older brother out of jealousy kills her; she flies away; the youngest shoots arrows, follows them; meets four old women one by one; they give sharp claws, bones, horns to climb the pointed mountain, explain what to do; in the house there will be eight identical sisters, the wife will sit closer to the entrance; the young man sits next to her; the father-in-law sends all eight daughters with him, they fly to the brothers; the animals mock the brothers, saying, as if the youngest is back; this time he is; brothers get married]: Skinner 1919, No. 4:293-295; Northern Ojibwa (Sandy Lake) [Wai-Mishus has two wives; one scratches her body with raspberry stems, accuses another's son of attempted rape; the young man's name is Iyas; V. leaves him on the island, tells the seagulls to kill; The seagull carries I. on his back, defecates on V., returns to the island; The green-horned snake transports I. to the other side; asks him to know if a black cloud appears; I. is silent, the Thunderbird carries the snake, I. manages to jump ashore; revives the snake from pieces of its skin; The fox helps I.; an old man with a huge leg presses asleep travelers; The fox bites his leg, pus pours out, the leg becomes normal, the monster dies; ropes hang from the sky between the two rocks; I. throws them roots, runs by himself; a woman and her three daughters have teeth in their vaginas; I. sticks a stone, breaking her teeth, women are grateful; two blind old women with sharp elbows kill travelers; I. throws clothes between them, old women pierce each other; I. revives them, cuts off their tips, heals their eyes; comes to the mother; tells her to throw another wife's child into the fire, who mocks her; lights the ground, he and him with arrows mother unharmed, V. burns; I. turns mother into a robin, himself into a toad]: Ray, Stevens 1971:112-120; Western Swamp Cree (Stone Cree) [grandfather takes Ayās to the island to collect bird eggs, tells move away, sails away in a boat; the Horned Serpent says he is Grandma A., tells him to sit between the horns, drives him across the lake, asks me to say if a storm cloud appears; A. denies that the cloud is close, says that this is just the noise of water being cut; it jumps off the shore, lightning strikes the Horned Serpent; in the morning A. collects blood in a birch bark vessel, the Horned Serpent revives, sends A. Frog; she does not repair his moccasins well, the stitches are wide; the next grandmother Mouse repairs well, warns of two blind old women with sharp elbows; A. comes to their house, says he is going to go out, he gets out of the teepee in another place, the old women pierce each other; from another old woman A. feeds poisoned food to a fox hidden under her clothes, throws a fox at the old woman, the fox kills her; A. comes to a scabbed woman who cuts wood; a bird tells her that her son has returned, she does not believe it at first; says A. that those people burn her face and hands every night; A. tells her to ask for a baby, throw him into the fire, call him; A. says he will burn the earth, his grandfather and his people do not believe; he fires arrows, everything lights up; A. turns into a crow, his mother into a woodpecker; the woodpecker has a black back and a white apron on the chest]: Brightman 1989:105-112; Steppe Cree [Mujikivis is the eldest of ten brothers; someone cooks and cleans the house; M. finds a woman, her fifth brother marries her; M. tries her seduce, she refuses; he wounds her in the leg with an arrow; she goes to live separately; tells her husband not to come to her for four days; he comes before the deadline, she runs away, gives birth to a boy; he follows in her footsteps; four grandmothers (the last one is young) consistently give him advice and magic items to overcome obstacles; explain that his wife is the daughter of Thunder; he climbs a steep mountain to the nest, in who has Thunder eggs; crosses the river on a log that rises and falls; father-in-law tells men to take his grandson in his arms; whoever he pees will reimburse his mother for his wife; M. (here he is one of the Thunder) takes water in his mouth, splashes it on his chest; everyone laughs; the child pees on the man's hands from the ground; a person notices a rusty stain on the water, paints his face; Thunders ask show them the source, hit monsters (Great Pumas); a man kills a porcupine dangerous for the Thunder; the Thunders bring him back to earth; the brothers at first do not believe he is back , they think that jays and crows laugh at them; each brother marries one of the Thunder sisters]: Skinner 1916, No. 3:353-361.

Northeast. Seneca [uncle goes hunting and for wild tubers; hides his older nephew Two Fers for fear that he will be kidnapped by Sgano n hses Gowa's daughters; Oneqsas gives only bad ones to the youngest tubers; that night he spies on the uncle calling in the corner of the elder; in the morning he calls him himself; two women come by air in the boat, demanding Two Feathers; he hid, the women promise to come again; in the morning they find the young man, noticing his long hair, take him to the west; the uncle comes and cries; Q. catches up with the boat in a stream of smoke, turns back; agrees to let his brother and the women go when they allow them to be cut off they have pieces of flesh to make moccasins that give them strength and knowledge; Q. knows that women torment her brother, flies west again in a stream of smoke; stops in a clearing where an old woman, her grandson and two live granddaughters; grandson in everything like Q. becomes his brother; the old woman says that the leader's daughters brought a man, hung him on a pole, tourniquet to make him cry, his tears turn into beads; Q. gives one of moccasins to their named brother; when they stick them into the fire, the chief's daughters feel pain; Q. puts those in the house to sleep, carries their brother out, turns the house into a hot stone, everyone dies; Q. with the old woman and her He returns to his uncle with his grandchildren; foxes torment him, mocking and saying, We have come! (as if nephews had returned), throwing coals at the old man's face; Q. hangs the Fox in the chimney, the white one turns red, the nose and tip of his tail turn black; Q. lets go of the Fox, now the fox has the current coloring]: Curtin 2001:185-191; penobscot [while Gluscabe is away, the foxes imitate his voice, telling his grandmother that he is back, pee in her eyes; this makes her blind; G. comes back, heals the fox kills her, brings the last to her grandmother; she quilts her; the grandmother and G. let the fox go for promising not to harm the old woman anymore; since then, the foxes have been timid]: Speck 1935b, No. 10:44-45.

Plains. Santi: Riggs 1893 [the older brother's wife wants to sleep with her younger brother, he refuses; she asks him to shoot the partridge, scratches her thighs with a claw, accuses the young man of trying to rape her; The husband promises Unktomi to marry his sister, tells him to take his brother to the Unvisited Island to collect bird eggs, throw him there; the young man is attacked by the Big Mosquito, killed by a huge crane, the young man kills crane; turns into fish, the Bear swallows it, the young man cuts his heart, cuts his side, goes out; comes to two blind people (?) old women who have awls throw a blanket between them, they pierce each other; a man whose dogs are all wild animals does not harm a young man; two good old women Gopher and Badger teach him that do when he comes to two young women; they offer him a man, he asks old women to help, a mouth appears from the ground swallowing meat; women lie down with him covered with a heavy blanket; he he pierces a hole with Gopher's tooth, does not suffocate; women become good, he marries them, he has two sons with them; he wants to return home; wives ask his mother to call his father; this is a horned water monster Unktelia; they put hot stones in the monster's eyes, hang a basket with her husband on his horns, he takes them to the mainland; asks for warning if they notice a cloud; daughters do not warn; when the monster turns back, the Thunder kills him; the monster is immortal, reborn; the hero meets his sister; Unktomi tortured her by throwing hot ash in her face, killing all the people in the village; the hero's wives heal her; the hero tells Unktomi to eat his crap, smokes to death over the fire, powders his heart; with this powder, the hero's sons shower the village, reviving people]: 139-143; Wallis 1923, No. 17 [woman messes up his clothes, accuses her husband's younger brother of attempted rape; the husband marries Spider, tells him to take his younger brother to the island and leave it there; the young man gives the water an eagle feathers monster, he takes him ashore; asks for warning if a cloud appears in the sky; the young man does not warn; the thunder kills the monster, the young man manages to jump ashore; on the way home he marries two cannibal daughters; they give birth to him sons; a spider tortures his wife; a young man burns him alive; a young man's sons set fire to the ground, his older brother and his men burn]: 78-83.

Southeast USA. Natchez [the cannibal kills his six sons; the seventh runs away; hides in a tree above the river; the tree turns out to be the horn of a huge snake; strange people swim by in boats (bowlegged, blind to one eye, etc.), sing about their deformities; young women's boat comes up, they tell the young man to spit first when the spit hits the middle of the boat, tells him to jump; one becomes his wife, gives birth before the end of the journey; the brothers' mother lives on the same river; various animals like rats tease her, changing her appearance and saying that they are her drowned children; when the son really comes with his wife and child, the mother does not believe; finally looks, recognizes his son, dances; they all sail further to the chief's house; agree to leave if the leader's wives lie close, walk through their bodies, stomping heavily, wives blow the wind; chief takes out the eyes of all his wives; he also marries the young man's mother and blinds her, sends the young man to another place; he comes back, finds his eyes, makes the mother sighted again; so twice; the young man takes the tambourine Chief, they jump into the boat and sail away; the chief tells other wives to catch the fugitives, but they are blind, they can't catch]: Swanton 1929, No. 3:218-219.