Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

J41B. A returning son magically burns torturers.


The son returns, finds a mother who was humiliated and tortured in his absence, burns the torturer and his people, causing fire and heat with magic.

Eastern Cree, Western Marsh Cree, Northern Ojibwa (Sandy Lake), Kickapoo, Montagne, Hidatsa, Assiniboine, Santee.

The Midwest. Eastern Cree: Petitot 1886, No. 1 (Quebec, Lac Hameçon) [one of the two wives hates the other's son; asks for a live partridge, puts it under her clothes, scratched, accuses the young man (his name is Ayatz) in an attempt to rape her; his father takes him to the island to collect seagull eggs, throws him; A. puts on the skin of a seagull, flies over the water, falls on a rock; the water serpent Pisikiv plants him between the horns , orders to warn if thunderclouds appear, takes him to the shore; A. passes the Earth's mouth, throwing stones at it; flies as a bird to his mother, takes the form of a human being; fires an arrow, setting fire to the world; those who were kind to him are saved]: 451-459; Skinner 1911 (Ruperts House): 92-95 [Aioswé has two wives, he is jealous of one of them for his son from the other; seeing signs of touch (without details), he believes it is a sign of treason; he swims with the young man to the island to collect bird eggs, throws it; a walrus (i.e. a horned monster) transports the young man, asks him to speak if he hears thunder; the young man lies as if they heard a rumble Walrus himself produces; next time he throws the rider into the water, but the shore is near; Thunder kills the Walrus (var: he escapes; seagulls carry the young man ashore); the old woman explains what to do on his way to at home and when he returns, gives a skin of caress in a white winter outfit; comes to two old women (obviously blind - they do not see who has come), they have sharp elbows; the young man attaches a bundle to the stick, sticks between them , they pierce each other; human bones hang along the path; if touched, they will thunder, dogs will hear and tear; a young man digs an underground passage but touches his bones; dogs scream that it is the son of A.; a young man caresses sticks out his head, people think that the dogs were mistaken, they kill them; at home, the young man fires an arrow, setting fire to the ground, the second makes the water boil; A. asks how to escape, the son advises to sit in a vessel with bear fat, A. burns; son draws a line, son and mother are safe inside her; son offers to become birds; mother turns into robin, son turns into Canadian jay], 107-108 [Aiacciou is the enemy son; son outlined a safe area, A., his second wife and everyone else did not believe that they would be the only one to escape there; the young man fired arrows in four directions, the world caught fire; the young man, his mother and sister remained ; the young man told all the animals where to live and what to do; The rabbit wanted to be a Beaver, had already jumped into the water, but the young man pulled him out, saying that his legs were too long; the squirrel wanted to be a Bear; the young man said that she was too noisy; the squirrel cried, white marks under her eyes remained; someone wanted to be a Deer (the narrator does not remember); the mother made Malinovka, his sister a Woodpecker, himself a Raven (blackbird)]; northern Ojibwa (Sandy Lake) [Wai-Mishus has two wives; one scratches her body with raspberry stems, accuses the other's son of attempted rape; the young man's name is Iyas; V. leaves him on the island, tells the seagulls to kill; The seagull carries I. on his back, defecates on V., returns to the island; The green-horned serpent carries I. to the other side; asks to let me know if a black cloud appears; I. is silent, Thunder The bird takes the snake away, I. manages to jump ashore; revives the snake from pieces of its skin; the fox helps I.; an old man with a huge leg presses asleep travelers; The fox bites his leg, pus pours out, his leg becomes normal, the monster dies; ropes hang from the sky between two rocks; I. throws roots to them, runs through himself; a woman and her three daughters have teeth in their vaginas; I. sticks a stone, breaking their teeth, women grateful; two blind old women with sharp elbows kill travelers; I. throws clothes between them, old women pierce each other; I. revives them, cuts off their tips, heals their eyes; comes to his mother; tells her Throw another wife's child into the fire, who is bullying her; lights the ground with arrows, he and his mother are unharmed, V. burns; I. turns his mother into a robin, himself into a toad]: Ray, Stevens 1971:112-120; western marsh crees (stone crees) [grandfather takes Ayās to the island to collect bird eggs, tells him to move away, sails away in a boat; the Horned Serpent says he is Grandma A., tells him to sit between the horns, drives across the lake, asks me to say if a storm cloud appears; A. denies that the cloud is close, says that it is only the noise of water being cut; he jumps off the shore, lightning strikes the Horned Serpent; in the morning A. collects blood in a birch bark vessel, the Horned Serpent revives, sends it to Grandma A. Frog; she does not repair his moccasins well, the stitches are wide; the next grandmother Mouse repairs well, warns of two blind old women with sharp elbows; A. comes to their house, says he is going to go out, he gets out of the teepee in another place, the old women pierce each other; from another old woman A. feeds poisoned food to a fox hidden under her clothes, throws a fox at the old woman, the fox kills her; A. comes to a scabbed woman who cuts wood; a bird tells her that her son has returned, she does not believe it at first; says A. that those people burn her face and hands every night; A. tells her to ask for a baby, throw him into the fire, call him; A. says he will burn the earth, his grandfather and his people do not believe; he fires arrows, everything lights up; A. turns into a crow, his mother into a woodpecker; the woodpecker has a black back and a white apron on the chest]: Brightman 1989:105-112; kickapoo [the chief has two wives; one does not love the other's son; he shot a bird; a woman puts it between her legs to scratch it; complains to her husband that a young man wanted to rape her; her husband tells everyone to sail across the sea, leaving his son alone; a young man climbs a tree; an ogre comes up with his dogs; they are cougars; he climbs after the young man, he confronts him, shouts to the dogs, to grab the prey; cougars devour the owner instead of the young man; two blind old men sing: This is how I will hit the Abandoned; the young man ties the ropes they take to the water to another place; old people they fall, accuse each other, fight; the young man invites them to attack him from both sides; they kill each other; the garfish transports the young man across the sea; he meets his mother, tells her to burn her baby ; except her, burns everyone in her father's village; turns one person into a crow]: Jones 1915, No. 10:75-89.

Northeast. Montagnier [like Nascapi (motif J41A); Chief Ayasheu; Raven, two Loons unable to carry a young man, a Horned Creature transports; a fox digs an underground passage under the path lying across the path With his big leg; under his clavicles hanging on a rope; a hook crawls behind the young man, he throws his caribou leg at him; in the house of two blind old men with sharp elbows, he throws his jacket at the door; old men pierce each other a friend; a young man sends his mother to hit his father with her head; shoots, the ground lights up, the father and his younger wife die in the fire; the young man turns his mother into a robin, himself into a hawk]: Desbarats 1969:6-12.

Plains. Hidatsa: Beckwith 1938 [the chief's wife offers his younger brother a drink of water (a sign of amorous interest); he tears her hair, everyone laughs; she accuses the young man of attempted rape; the husband takes he goes on a campaign, leaves him on the other side of Missouri; his husband is the son of the Water Serpent, the young man is the son of the Thunderbird; the bird teaches him to lure the Snake with a shell (the son of the snake wants to get it), feed him cornbread, while he transports him across the river; the young man lies that there is not a cloud in the sky, jumps ashore, the Thunderbird kills the Serpent; birds from four corners of the world teach the young man to defeat his brother; he returns to his camp , tells the spirits to burn everyone but her brother's youngest wife]: 81-91; Bowers 1965 [same]: 299-300; assiniboine [woman asks her husband's stepson or younger brother to shoot a partridge; puts a wounded man on herself between his legs to be scratched]: Lowie 1909a, No. 7a [the husband takes his son to the island to collect seagull eggs, throws him there; the young man collects feathers, flies across the strait; on the way his two chasms, which close and they open; he runs by, throwing fish at them; meets a mother who is mistreated by her husband; tells her to throw his second wife's baby into the fire; lowers the sun from the sky beyond the rays; the father burns], 7c [( without details. about the episode of alleged rape); the older brother leaves the youngest on the island; he kills the enemy; gives a scalp to a horned water snake and an old woman, the snake's wife; swims on a snake; he advises him hide under a log; older brother sends a huge mosquito; mosquito sting gets stuck in a log; hero kills sister's husband, who mistreated her; produces heat, older brother dies; wife brother scratches her back with a badger's claw, makes her a slave to her parents]: 150-154; Santi [woman messes up her clothes, accuses her husband's younger brother of attempted rape; husband gives his sister as his wife to Spider, tells him to take his younger brother to the island and throw it there; the young man gives the water monster eagle feathers, who takes him ashore; asks for warning if a cloud appears in the sky; the young man does not warn; the thunder kills the monster, the young man manages to jump ashore; on the way home he marries two cannibal daughters; they give birth to him sons; the Spider tortures his wife; the young man burns him alive; The young man's sons set fire to the ground, the older brother and his men burn down]: Wallis 1923, No. 17:78-83.